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[[Category: Definitions]]

Latest revision as of 21:13, 2 April 2019

The word Brahman used in the Upanishads, the word Bhagavān used in Puranas, or the word Sadāshiva used in Agamas, cannot be translated as G-O-D used in western theologies.

God does not equate to Brahman, Bhagavan, or Sadashiva, because the concept of God only includes three actions: Generation, Operation and Destruction (GOD).

In the Vedic Tradition, the concept of Brahman, Bhagavan or Sadashiva also includes the actions of Delusion and Liberation (DL).

Paramahamsa Nithyananda provides a new word: GODDL - in order to incorporate all five actions performed by Brahman, Sadashiva.


Unfortunately, the major two aspects of life (Delusion and Liberation) were never grasped anywhere else other than the Saraswati Ganges civilization. Only the Saraswati Ganges civilization understood the world beyond the SEEN. If you don’t understand delusion, you cannot understand beyond the 4 dimensions, you cannot understand reality in its completion. Whenever science or technology grows, the experts in that field contribute the right words. They support the language in order to explain the concepts. The English language is learning spirituality from Sanatana Hindu Dharma for the first time. So, Paramahamsa Nithyananda insists that GODDL should be the word, not God. These 5 aspects of Sadāshiva (Generation, Operation, Destruction, Delusion and Liberation) in the manifest form is called Ishvara. There is also the Avyakta, unmanifest component.

Understanding Jeeva-Ishvara-Jagat

(Insert Chart) The 25 states of consciousness an individual (Jeeva) goes through, the 11 dimensions of the Universe (Jagat), and the 5 aspects of Supreme (Ishvara - GODDL), all these three, when they are not understood, forms the Maya Matrix in which you are caught. If you understand, you will have the knowledge and the power to play with them. Knowledge brings power to play with them. Understanding this Maya Matrix experientially and realizing the State of Sadāshiva – that you are source of this Maya Matrix, experiencing the state of Sadāshiva, expressing the expressions, state and manifesting the powers of Sadāshiva is the purpose of Sadashivoham.

“The knowledge and understanding of these 11 dimensions, even if it is only intellectual and not experiential, makes redundant much of the suffering caused to you by others, and also the suffering you cause to others. Only a person who understands the 11 dimensions of the Universe can live a life of ahimsa, true non-violence.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam

The Concept of GODDL in our Life

We manifest all these five powers of Sadashiva everyday - Creation, sustenance, destruction, delusion, and liberation. The manifest and unmanifest components of Sadashiva is part of all of us.

Bring Integrity to Your Creation

When you feel like doing something active, it belongs to creation, and you being in the creation mode. It can be as simple as cooking to as complicated as manifesting wealth. It can be as lower as you think; sexual desires, or it can be as high as higher, as creating your Enlightenment.

Any creation, including manifesting powers, add Integrity to it. Only from Satya, anything can be born, Jāta means born. The creation face of Sadashiva is Sadyojata in all your creativity. Anything born out of Satya( Integrity) will stay forever and do good to you. Anything which is born out of Integrity, only will stand forever.

You all have that creation mood in you, that is Aham. When you add Integrity to it you will become Sadāshivoham, in your creativity. - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

When you are in the mode of creation, if you add Integrity, you will manifest Sadāshiva’s creation. Your creativity plus integrity is Sadāshiva’s creation energy, is Sadyojata.

Bring Authenticity to your Sustenance

Bring Authenticity to your maintenance and sustenance. Anything which loses Authenticity, starts collapsing, and it needs to collapse. The earlier it collapses, it is good for the humanity. Anything which loses its Authenticity—it is time for it to vacate the planet earth, and the Existence.

Anything which retains its Authenticity continuous to exist forever. If you want anything to be alive, just retain its Authenticity; everything else will be taken care.

“When I was attacked, the only thing I decided, “I will keep the Authenticity of Me and my Sangha, that's it, that’s it.” The moment I decided I will keep the Authenticity of Me and my Sangha alive. I know, it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be destroyed. Authenticity, in all your sustenance, bring Authenticity, in all your sustenance, bring Authenticity.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam

Bring Responsibility to Your Destruction

Whenever you are in a destructive mood, bring Responsibility.

f you feel responsible and destroy, you will never destroy what should not be destroyed. You will always destroy what need to be destroyed immediately. With Responsibility, destruction will be equal to rejuvenation, not just destruction.

Irresponsibility leads to tantrum throwing rioting destruction. But with responsibility, it may look like Kalabhairava and Kali running riot on the Cosmos; but they know precisely where to put the leg, and where to put the hand, where to put the sword. It is too precise. The precision is not even one cell; this side, or that side. It’s more precise than any laser surgery. Kalabhairava’s Trishul maybe as huge as Merudanda, the Meru Hill, but it is as precise as non-invasive surgeries. Kalabhairava’s Trishul is that precise because it feels responsible. Whenever you are in the destruction mood—anger, violence, frustration - bring Responsibility to you. Look in, “Are I behaving responsibly?” Whether you started the war or somebody else started the war on you—bring Responsibility during the moments of destruction. You will see, right things will be protected, wrong things will be destroyed. The whole destruction will happen properly.

The moment you bring Responsibility to your destructive mood, your tantrum throwing mood, your rioting mood, you will become Aghora, Sadashiva’s destruction face. You are no more Aham destroying. You are Sadashivoham destroying.

Bring Enriching to Delusion and Confusion

Whenever you are in delusion, you are confused, you don’t know what to do, what kind of decisions you should make, what will be right at this moment, for your life. Whenever you are in that delusion, Tirobhava —just throw yourself away. And decide, your life is for others.

Once there is something rotten, whether it is Kashmir apple, or California orange, it is useless. Once it is rotten you can’t say, “Oh Kashmir apple, California orange.” Depression, delusion means, 99% of your part has become gotten rotten. Now, the only way to get rid of it; start living for others, Enriching. You are already rotten. If you build your mind, your life on you, it will be stinking. Forget about you, start living for others. Enriching is the only solution.

When you are in the mood of the delusion, decide, “Life is for others,” make all the decisions based on Enriching, life is for others. Change the place you are living. Change the people with whom you are living, change the profession you are in. If you don’t, you will be stuck and wasting the life forever.

Bring Causing to Your Liberating Mood

When you are in the mood of liberating love. Liberation means, love, care, compassion. Everyday you go through this mood of liberation. Love, compassion, bliss, whenever you go through that, bring Causing to your life. Causing means, making every being experience Shaktipada with Sadashiva is Causing. That is the biggest liberation you can give for human beings. Make people experience Shaktipada with Sadashiva.

The sixth dimension of Sadashiva is unmanifest. You also have the unmanifest power, means the powers of Sadashiva.

To manifests Sadashiva’s creativity, bring Integrity. To manifest Sadashiva’s sustenance energy bring Authenticity. To manifest Sadashiva’s destruction energy bring Responsibility, to manifest Sadashiva’s delusion energy and handle it, bring Enriching in your life. To manifest Sadashiva’s liberation energy, liberating energy, bring Causing in your life. Then what will make you manifest the unmanifest, Avyakta of Sadashiva, that is Shaktinipata. As much as possible, be in Shaktipata with Sadashiva, the Guru, who is embodiment of Sadashiva. Be in Shaktipata with Him. Being part of the Sangha, is nothing but being constantly being in Shaktipata with Guru, Sadashiva Himself.

Bring all these six in your life, add more and more, you will be adding more and more of Sadāshivoham in you. Let Avyakta become Vyakta, unmanifest, become manifest. It is direct message from Sadashiva, from the space of Sadashiva, from the place of Sadashiva to everyone of you, who are literally Sadāshivas. - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam


23 September 2016 Satsang Transcript - Naturally Super, not supernatural - http://www.nithyananda.org/#gsc.tab=0&gsc.sort=&gsc.q=goddl 26 October 2016 Satsang Transcript - Lose Nothing, Gain Everything at Sadashivoham 2016 http://www.nithyananda.org/node?page=2?#gsc.tab=0 http://nithyananda.org/video/third-eye-science-neither-mysticism-nor-occultism#gsc.tab=0 http://nithyananda.org/video/understand-integrity-authenticity-responsibility-and-enriching-through-five-faces-sadashiva#gsc.tab=0