May 09 2013

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Break the Pattern of "Not Possible"


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on the famous phrase from Chapter 2, Verse 47 of Bhagavad Gita, Yogahah Karmasu Kaushalam. It has been rendered from Sanskrit by many sages. Today Nithyananda reveals a new translation: Yoga is Authenticity in Action. To achieve authenticity we must break our root patterns. The fundamental collective root pattern we all carry is the belief that many things are impossible. Nithyananda tells us emphatically that nothing is impossible. For the next year He enjoins us to push against any action or thought of impossibility, to understand that everything is possible! This is Yoga – authenticity in action.

Video Audio




Please understand, first I wanted you to understand this one word:

“Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam”

“Yoga is Authenticity in action”

“Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam”, I am translating as “Yoga is Authenticity in action”. Not just “perfection in action”; “Authenticity in action”.

Listen! Authenticity in your thinking - means, raising you to the peak. Raising you, again and again, higher and higher, expanding you more and more.

Listen, the moment I say ‘expanding you more and more, continuously’, how many of you feel, ‘Oh, God! Then it is unending process! It can never end at all! I will never be able to rest at all! It is unending process!’ How many of you feel? Raise your hand! You are all death-oriented! Understand! First thing you need to do is break that pattern. See, how many of you desire you should live forever? You desire you should live forever, but when I give the process, you don’t want to do! See, the contradiction! If you feel ‘Oh, God, Authenticity is a unending process! I have to expand, expand, expand! I am not going to retire at all! I will never be allowed to retire at all’, if you have that feeling, then commit suicide! Now! You are retired NOW! You can rest now once for all! But that is not solution. Committing suicide is not solution. If that is solution, then all of us could have committed suicide. No!

Life is expansion. Life is expansion. Life is expansion. Listen! Come to the space of listening! Life is expansion. Whoever cherishes that idea, ‘Continuous expansion? Then I will never have rest! It will never end!’ you are entertaining death in your heart! So, don’t blame if you get the diseases, killer diseases in your life, because you invited! The idea you entertain in your life invites different happenings of life. When you feel ‘Wow, I am going to expand, expand, expand! Authenticity is the best principle!’, then understand, you are entering into Akshardham, eternal life!


Break the pattern, “I am never going to rest or what”. Why do you need rest? Increasing the speed of running is rest! Increase the speed of running. Make it into flying! It is rest! Reduce the friction. You see, in the road when you drive, when you run, there is friction; because two things are contacting each other. If you want bliss, joy, peace, don’t reduce the speed. Reduce the friction. Just take off! Your body, mind, inner space, consciousness, whatever you feel about you, go on expanding, expanding, expanding! That is the only way life can continue to ooze in you, overflow in you.

If you say, ‘No, I can expand; See, now I do two hours of work. I will make it into four hours; not more than that. Then I will rest.’ No! No! Make it into twenty-four hours and few minutes extra! And penetrate into time! Whenever you need more time, whenever you need to do more work, stop the time, complete the work, and allow time to move! You can do!

An ordinary Indian housewife, Savithri, did it! She is not a Rishi, Saint, Sadhu, Mahatma, Siddha, Yogi. No! Ordinary housewife in India! She did it! She told the Sun, ‘Don’t rise till I get my husband back!’ Power of Authenticity! God! Listen, Sun listened! Sun listened! It is possible! Don’t think only it is possible for Savithri. Because she made it possible, she became Savithri! If you make it possible, you will become Savithri! There is no such thing as ‘It is possible only for Savithri!’ Because she made it possible, she is Savithri!

Listen,You always say, ‘No! No! That is only for Savithri!’ I have seen! I have seen many, many, many times, ordinary people making it happen. Making it happen! And I have seen many times even great sadhus missing it!


I know! One organization, religious organization, whole organization strongly believes no one can achieve the space of their founder. They feel, ‘No! That is all over! Now nobody else can become Paramahamsa!’ Authenticity of the organization is lost! I tell you, I give this as command; Nithyananda Sangha should go on producing Paramahamsas and incarnations! You will continue to believe and work and succeed in producing millions of Nithyanandas! Nithyanandas more qualified than the original Nithyananda! Nithyanandas more expanded, radiating than the original mould! The product which comes out of the mould can be polished more! You will not die along with me. Understand?

There are some religions organizations – not “some”, many; they believe their master’s caliber person can never happen again! Ramakrishna Mission believes never again the caliber of Ramakrishna’s personality can happen! ISKCON believes never again the caliber of Prabhupada can happen! Chinmanaya Mission believes never again the caliber of personality level of Chinmayananda can happen! Swaminarayan organization believes never ever again the caliber of personality like Swaminarayan can happen!

I command and declare; Nithyananda Sangha not only should believe, should work and be successful creating millions of people more qualified than Nithyananda!

A Sangha needs to be alive with the collective Authenticity. The moment you believe you cannot create more Nithyanandas, your collective Authenticity is dead! Sangha has to be alive, and a Master lives in the form of Sangha after he leaves the body! After I leave the body, I continue to be available to the world in the form of this Sangha! So the Sangha has to keep itself alive through the collective Authenticity.



When you lose your individual Authenticity, you become “atheist”.

When you lose collective Authenticity, you become “bunch of atheists”, which is dangerous!

Don’t die with my dead body! First of all, my body itself is not going to die!

Understand, ‘unending expansion’! The word ‘ending’ is also negative. Continuous expansion! Continuous expansive expansion is life! That is life! That is life! O, the Sons of Immortality! Disciples of Nithyananda! Listen! You are all Sons of Immortality! Amrutasya Putraaha! Break all the root-patterns which makes you feel continuous expansion is not possible or not necessary. Continuous expansion is life! Authenticity is life!



Life is a continuous expansion. All the listeners listen! If your body is ready to live now just with liquid diet, don’t think you achieved something big! Move to the next level. Make the body more Authentic to live on pure air! Move to the next level. Make the body more Authentic to breathe through the leg! It is possible! It is possible! It is possible!


Authenticity only begins; never ends! Incompletion has only ending; it has no beginning! Authenticity has only beginning; no ending! All incompletions has only ending; no beginning! You don’t know when it started. May be it would have started before the Time started! Authenticity has only beginning and no end!

Understand! In every action, bring Authenticity. If you are breathing up to your chest, if your inhaling and exhaling is happening up to the chest level, bring Authenticity. Make it up to the Muladhara! Then bring more Authenticity, make it up to knee level! If you can do six Suryanamaskars, bring Authenticity, make it into twelve! If you are able to handle 5 kg dumbbells, bring Authenticity, make it into 8. You are not going to die, by making 5 into 8! Anybody thinks you are going to die? If you think, because you think you may die; not because of the dumbbell! Because of your thinking you may die, not because of the dumbbell itself!

Expand! Expand! Expand!


People ask, ‘What is the safe way of expanding, Swamiji?’

Do it WILDLY! That is the safe way of expanding! I am talking with the responsibility that I am talking in the national television. I am talking to you as a responsible teacher! I am teaching you the science! I am teaching you the Science of Life, not some superstition! I am not a atheist to teach superstition to you! When you seal the possibility, you are “atheist”. Atheists also have “Dial-a-Prayer” service. You can call up that number, and it rings, rings, rings……nobody answers! If you know the other side of the phone somebody is going to attend, you will see somebody WILL be attending! If you think there is nobody to attend the other side, it will NOT be attended!

Atheists try to call, and say, ‘Nobody picked up! God is not there!’

Indians try to dial, and say, ‘Yes, it is a STD (“Subscriber Trunk Dialling” – national long-distance call) call, but he attends!

Keralites dial and say, ‘Oh It’s a local call, but he attends!’

Bidadi people dial and say, ‘He attends! It’s intercom!’

He attends! Understand! He is continuously attending!

It is the possibility! Space of Possibility! Continuously living in the space of Possibility!


I tell you, only till you break the patterns, it is impossible. You are not that demonish that you are living with millions of pattern! Even Ravana had only two pattern! So, you are not worse than Ravana! Don’t worry! You may be having only few patterns! Till you break that patterns only it is a little difficult. Not after that! Not after that!

I tell you, whenever, wherever your mind or body tells you, ‘Oh, that’s all! I cannot expand!’ break that pattern. Break that pattern. For one year, tell yourself very clearly, ‘I am not going to show any pseudo-sympathy to me. I am only going to show the real sympathy to me.’ Means, practicing Integrity! Take this as a one-year exercise. ‘One year I will not listen to any of the boundaries I am told of!’ ‘I can’t!’ Break that ‘I can’t’ for the next one year; physically, mentally, in Responsibility.

I have some of the ashramites who are working with me. He can’t think. Yesterday, I gave him some work. Seven hours he sat and comes back with me! And when I asked him, he stands like a frightened kid! One of my Rishi, I gave him few work. Evening he comes back. When I ask him, he says, he stares at me! No! It is such a strong pattern living in him: ‘Nothing is possible!’ Just exact anti of me! Just one year, go on breaking the pattern of ‘NO!’ Break the pattern of ‘Not Possible!’ Decide, six months Completion; one year Authenticity! Just for practicing Authenticity one year, six months you have to spend in Completion; completing with every person in your life. One year practice Authenticity. I tell you, after that, the word “Impossible” would have disappeared from you!


There is nothing ‘Impossible’! Listen! The border you create! Actually what separates you from the Cosmos? The skin and the identity you are only up to your skin! What separates your mind from the Cosmic Mind? Just the borders you made: ‘I can do only this much!’ ‘Impossible’ is the border you built inside the cosmic mind to separate your mind! Like boat jetties! In the ocean where they keep all the small boats, they will have a huge stone wall built, so that there will be less waves; the boats are protected. Just like that wall separates the ocean from the boat jetty, your ‘Impossible’ separates your individual mind from the Cosmic Mind! Break that wall! After that anything happens in your individual mind, the Cosmic Mind will say ‘Tathaasthu’ – ‘So be it’! Because of that wall ‘Impossible’, you do not allow the vibration happening in the individual mind to pass it to the Cosmic Mind. If there is a wall, anything happens in that boat jetty will never reach the ocean.

‘Impossible’ is not reality. It is a pattern! Please listen! Please understand! All the miracles I continue to perform is not to show off or demonstrate or my pride. It is just to tell you one statement: ‘Impossible’ is only pattern; not reality! If you think something is impossible by you, it is only a pattern; it is not truth!


I am going to learn first and do it. Then I am going to tell all the ashramites to do it! Sannyas initiation only after they complete Pole Yoga! No! It is possible! It is possible!

Somebody sent me a YouTube video. Eighty-three-year-old lady is doing gymnastics! I was shocked! Oh, God! She is not a yogi. She has not learned Authenticity from an incarnation! When she can do, why not you; claiming the children of an Incarnation?


Listen! Our whole Sangha woke up when I declared we will be enriching thousand lives on May Inner Awakening! Whole Sangha woke up! We will do in August! It is not that we have given up on ourselves and others. No. We will enrich thousand lives in August! But the benefit happened in the May is we woke up! And this is the largest program we are conducting after the persecution. Yesterday I made a statement this is the largest program in the land. I was thinking the cruise was the larger. No! Just yesterday I was told this is the largest program after the religious persecution! Three years of slumber, tiredness, laziness, given up on ourselves and others! The whole Sangha woke up just by the one declaration! Now we will start flying! Now we will start flying! First I made the whole Sangha believe they can stand up again. Now only I can see, people feel, ‘Yes, we can stand up again!’ Man who can give this push when people fall is a Leader! I can see the confidence in the eyes of my Swamis, my volunteers, my organizers, my devotees, my disciples, even in the eyes of the participants! What is the number of lives enriched in the last Inner Awakening? It is only two digit. That much I can be sure. Two digit. And only fifty-three days gap! Ma tell me the number and the gap; number of days. The whole Sangha woke up! And, I tell you, August we will be enriching more than thousand lives, because we already broke the pattern of ‘Impossible’!


Any weight crushes you, if you stand up that itself becomes strength for you, because you lifted that weight! If you allow it to crush, you are crushed! If you lift it, it becomes your strength! The pattern ‘Impossible’ can either crush you or it can become strength for you! It can strengthen you! For example, 10 kg dumbbells is kept in the hand. Now it is literally crushing your hand. If you lift it, that same 10 kg now adds strength to your muscle! If you allow it to crush you, over!

This persecution was the collective ‘Impossibility’ put on us. The Haalahaala poison put on us! Collective negativity put on us! Mahadeva just by keeping, swallowing the whole thing and finishing off in the throat, he declared victory! Understand the meaning of “Haalahaala swallowed in the throat and declared victory”; means, just by the declaration of a word, Mahadeva crossed the Haalahaala poison! Just when I declared we will be enriching thousand lives through May Inner Awakening, I already swallowed the whole Haalahaala poison of ‘Impossible’ and finished it off, destroyed it! The Poison has lost its quality of killing anymore! It doesn’t have the quality of killing anymore! When poison becomes part of the Mahadeva’s body, naturally it becomes nectar!


March, forty-two lives were attending, getting enriched. Only thirty-three days gap! Sixty days before, we declared 1,000 lives we will be enriching for May. In sixty days, the whole Sangha woke up! Now we know how to break the pattern of ‘Impossible’! We will continue to break the pattern of ‘Impossible’! We stood up! We will now start flying!

Yoga is Authenticity in action!

||Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam||

Earlier we had the translation as “Yoga is perfection in action”. I request all the devotees to update. Many of you would have put this statement in your office, house, based on my request. Now update. “Yoga is Authenticity in action”.

||Yogasya Prathamam Dwaaram Vaang Nirodhaha||

First step in Yoga is reduction in the words you utter. Means, first step of Yoga is reduction in words due to practice of Integrity.

And ||Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam|| Yoga is Authenticity in action. When Authenticity is in action, it is Yoga. ||Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam||



Bring Authenticity in every level. The way you do business, the way you maintain relationships, the way you take responsibility, The way you think, The way you cognize the world, The way you respond to the world, The way you act, The way you feel, The way you behave with you, And the way you behave with others, The way you behave with your body, The way you behave with your mind; With everything, bring Authenticity. The way you behave with your boss; if you are irritated just by seeing the boss, extend it. You will not get irritated at least for five minutes. If you are agitated the moment you go to the office, extend it. For two hours you will be in peace without getting agitation.

What is agitation? Not taking the responsibility for what you mean to others is agitation. When you don’t take responsibility for your commitments to others, you get agitated. You get irritated. If you take the responsibility for your commitments, you will not be agitated. You will not be irritated. First thing you need to do, any root pattern in you which does not allow the cognition of constant expansion, break that first. Complete with that pattern first, Complete with that pattern first. Get out of that pattern first.


Don’t show pseudo-sympathy towards you. Because, if you show the pseudo-sympathy, you are not showing sympathy to you, you are showing sympathy to your root-patterns which will flourish and grow and destroy you more. I have seen people even forgot moving their hands while walking!


One priest, temple priest, came to see my pooja once. I myself was doing arathi. He was shocked and he said, ‘Only after seeing your arathi, I realized we all forgot even to raise the hand fully when we do arathi! We just do (shows without raising the hand fully). The whole hand should move. Arathi should fly in the air. Fire should fly in the air.

Authenticity is Life! Authenticity is life! Authenticity is life! Break all the patterns of inauthenticity. First break the root-pattern of ‘Impossible’ in your life.


Today’s satsangs essence is



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Pada Pooja

IA Session

Pancha Kriya

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Inner Awakening

Pancha Kriya Demo Session to

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IA Day Session and

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05- Darshan
