August 30 2017

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Experience Aushada


Today, Experience Aushada Program was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. In Today's Live Satsang, He reveals deeper truths about the Spiritual Alchemy science called 'Aushada'. Aushada is one of the 3 methods through which Sadāshiva opens up the possibilities of manifesting all the powers, manifesting all the states of Consciousness and exploring dimensions of the Universe. Aushada can be herbal combinations; combination of herbs Prana, cosmic force energies, ultimately the Shaktipada of Sadashiva.

Video - Science Of Aushada Revealed

In this discourse delivered on 30 August 2017, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals deeper truths about the Spiritual Alchemy science called 'Aushada'.

Audio - Science of Aushada Revealed



nithyānandeśvara Sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari Adi Shakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samaji’s, Satsangi’s, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live and YouTube Live, Twitter Live and through 2-way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


I will expand on aushada. Understand, for example, understand this example: A light, for example: Sun reflecting on the mirror. If the mirror is pure, mirror will reflect the sun as it is. The reflection inside the mirror feels it is sun itself. I will not say it is a crime. It is ok because there is no other damage done to the reflection because of the mirror. It is literally the pure reflection. But if the mirror is broken, the reflection cannot feel it is a pure reflection of the sun. It is a distorted reflection of the sun.


Listen, sun is there and the mirror is there. Sun is Sadashiva, the pure super consciousness. The mirror is the system you are carrying – physical, physiological, psychological all put together. The system you are carrying is the mirror. Sun is the pure consciousness, Sadashiva. If your system is not broken, the reflection feeling it is Sadashiva Himself is not wrong because there is no other component involved. You exist as sun exists. You don’t exist when the sun does not exist. If the sun moves, you move. The sun stays you stay. So, reflection in the pure mirror feeling it is Sadashiva Himself is neither wrong nor completely reality. Surely it is not reality. Only when the reflection goes back to the source it is one and the same. But reflection in the unbroken mirror feeling it is sun is not wrong. The reflection in the broken mirror cannot feel it is sun because the other components are involved. The other components are involved.


Understand, the moment the mirror is broken, reflection is distorted. Sun may be round but the reflection will be – you don’t know. It is dependent on the distortion in the mirror. Understand, most of our body, physical, physiological psychological has become distorted. That is why the integrity seems to be so difficult. And cheating seems to be so easy. The reflection in the distorted mirror; if that reflection starts behaving it is Sadashiva, no, that is not going to work. But the reflection in the pure mirror can behave as Sadashiva; can manifest Sadashivatva; can play the sayujya mukti of Sadashiva; Oneness with Sadashiva because there is no other component involved other than the sun in that. But the moment distortions happen in the mirror, now it’s no more possible. It’s no more possible. Listen, you can see these photographs and try to understand the pure reflection and distorted reflection.


Understand, our body, physical, physiological, psychological. Please listen, not only your blood, flesh, bone are all matter, even your thoughts are matter. Your thoughts do have a weight, maybe micro milligram. But they have weight. They have mass. They are matter. Your body - physical, physiological, psychological. When the mirror you carry, see, your physical, physiological, psychological, all the three put together only I call as the mirror you are carrying. The mirror you carry, when it is broken, distorted, disturbed, the reflection will not be pure. You need to heal that. Aushada is the herbal combination, combination of herbs, prana, cosmic force energies, ultimately the Shaktipada of Sadashiva, combination of all these is aushada. When it is used as prescribed by the Agama’s, shastra pramana and apta pramana and atma pramana, they heal the mirror you are carrying. The more the mirror is healed, the more the reflection becomes pure. More the reflection becomes pure, more Sadashivatva manifests. Understand, it all boils down finally to the integrity to the source. If the mirror is not distorted, it is integrated to the source. More distortion more lack of integrity.


Now. The aushada which I was preparing yesterday; yesterday we had a session, I initiated the process of making aushada. We will be making at least 25. The yesterday’s aushada, it is to infuse nirvikalpa samadhi in you. The three major points of your body, both the side, this (Swamiji pointing to the sides of the forehead), the temple, it is rightly called as temple, because it is temple of your consciousness. Both the temple and the third eye, that region, if this aushada is applied, it straight away puts you in nirvikalpa samadhi, unclutched space, just by will, nothing else is required. Understand, you only need initiation and your decision, that’s it. Suddenly the broken mirror is healed, I should say, it’s almost like a replaced with a new mirror. And the reflection is pure. No, if you use it only then you will even feel like clapping. Not now. I know it’s too big promise. Looks too good to be true. First of all, you can’t even understand it. You will clap because others are clapping. That’s all. You can’t understand it. You can understand only if it is used, if you apply. It’s almost like a enlightenment cream, enlightenment cream. Mahadeva explains at least a few hundred aushada’s and the apta pramana’s exists for at least a thousand types of aushada’s. I am going to do the most safe, no side effect, I should say no bad side effect. Enlightenment is the only side effect. Going to do at least 25 for Maha Sadashivoham. This aushada is specifically getting ready to give you the experience of state of Sadashiva like nirvikalpa samadhi, complete Completion, inner healing, healing all the in-completions. Then, I am making aushada for experiencing the space of Sadashiva where the Ishwaratva, the operational component of Sadashiva comes into existence. We call it prakruti, Adi Shakti, Ishwaratva, all that. Then, I will be making aushada for awakening your ability to have access to all 25 states of consciousness and different dimensions of the universe. I tell you, really I want to tell you, if you experienced the initial push into nirvikalpa samadhi, your integrity, the chastity, your very body will feel chastity is the ultimate pleasure, integrity is the ultimate pleasure.


I tell you, the other day I was defining chastity. The achalatva, immovable component of consciousness. Consciousness has one quality of immovable, achalatva. That quality manifesting through your bio-memory as naturally. Understand, there are some qualities, very comfortably naturally you express. There are some cunning fellows, even after years, years, cannot learn integrity because they feel all the best things of their life is given because of their cunningness. The fools have not seen the best things life can give. See, it is like, a baby steals 2-3 cars, small-small toy cars from his elder brother, from his cousin sister and keeps all that and he thinks because of my stealing capacity see what all I have. And the father, because of this fellows stealing capacity, does not write any of his property in his will to that child. This fool will not know what he lost. He thinks ‘Oh these few things I collected is because of my cleverness of stealing. That’s the best strategy. You see, because of this strategy I have these cars. I secretly play around when nobody is there. See-see what I have.’ Fool, out of your cunningness what you got is not what was reserved for you by cosmos; what you deserved because of your cunningness.


Understand, if your cognition, if your cognition is comfortably flowing with the space of achalatva, I call that as chastity. Achalatva dimension of consciousness manifesting through body and mind is chastity. It is not just for women. Understand, for women chastity is different. For man, the chastity is different. But both have chastity. Listen. The physiology of the male, the physiology of the female works in a different way. It’s completely different. Physiology of the male releases life and male component if there is sex. Physiology of the female releases the female component if there is no sex. See the difference. See the difference. The male component is released if there is sex. Female component is pushed out if there is no sex. So, both the system is different. So, the definition, means the experience and expression of chastity is different for both. Maybe I will have few satsang’s specifically on what is chastity for women and what is chastity for men. Now understand the fundamental definition of chastity. Your consciousness has many glorious dimensions – eternal, pure, whether you are complete mirror or distorted mirror sun cannot be touched by you. Sun cannot be touched by you. You can play with the reflection but not with the sun.


Your consciousness, pure consciousness has many good qualities – eternity, it’s eternal, achalatva stability, pure, self-effulgent, always alive. So all these dimensions are a living cognitions, guna’s of your pure consciousness. In bhakti traditions, the devotion traditions, we call it ananta kalyana guna of Bhagawan, of Lord. Ananta kalyana guna of Lord. This one kalyana guna, one auspicious guna, character of your consciousness, achalatva, that manifesting through your bio memory, muscle memory, consciousness is chastity. In the female physiology, it expresses in a different way. In male physiology, it expresses in a different way. But the fundamental definition of chastity is this – the achalatva dimension of your consciousness manifesting itself through your body and mind is chastity. I will explain, maybe we will have few satsang’s why it is different in female system and male system. The life-giving male component is released from the system if there is sex. The life-giving female component is released from the system if there is no sex. It’s completely different. So, chastity expresses through both in a different way.


Chastity is one of the health of consciousness. Understand the word – chastity demonstrates your consciousness is healthy. Like, only mentally healthy person will be courageous. Understand, sometimes the stupid decisions you take out of cowardness also may be appreciated by others as a bold step. No. That is not courage. Courageousness is health of consciousness. Same way, chastity comes when your consciousness is healthy. Integrity comes when your consciousness is healthy. Understand, the cunning, cunning strategies - you may steal few toy cars and toy houses and keep it secretly, but you will miss what Sadashiva reserved for you. With integrity you will get what He reserved for you. Understand, you deserve what He reserved. But if you think your strategy is more brilliant – then have that few stolen cars and houses you have. Believing non-integrity can pay better things in your life is the worst stupidity can enter into your system. Cognizing integrity pays the best, integrity brings everything Sadashiva reserved for you, as cognition leads you to enjoy the best of life. Understand, healing your inner space, physical, physiological and psychological space is done by this aushada so you become pure mirror to experience the pure reflection. Pure mirror experiencing pure reflection is what I call unclutched space, the space of nirvikalpa samadhi, the space of complete Completion. So, get ready to experience aushada. So today you can see live the next process of aushada. It’s called pudangaatal. There are many things. Pudan means purifying, pudangaatal, pudamodal, pudangaatal means, it’s a Tamil word from Siddha tradition, above the ground the item which is supposed to be purified will be kept and heated up and exposed to the smoke. Pudamodal will be buried underground and heated up and exposed only to the heat temperature, but not to the smoke like brick making process. Brick making is pudamodal. Above the ground if the same thing is done it is pudangaatal. I will explain this Siddha processes. Mahadeva, Sadashiva, Mahasiddha, Adi Siddha, the ultimate, original spiritual alchemist who delivered this science. We are completely adhering with all our integrity to that science of the spiritual alchemy, the aushada making process and I am sure we will be successful. So, essence of today’s satsang – Experience aushada.


So, with this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living Shuddhaadvaita Shaivam Sadashivoham, the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank You. Be Blissful.

Day's Event

"Sun reflecting on the mirror, if the mirror is pure, mirror will reflect the sun as it is. The reflection inside the mirror feels it is sun itself. it is literally the pure reflection but if the mirror is broken, the reflection cannot feel it is pire reflection of the sun, it is the distorted reflection of the sun.

Sun is #Sadashiva - pure superconsciousness. Mirror is the system you are carrying - physical, physiological and psychological all put together.

The moment mirror is broken other distortions are added. The mirror you carry, when it is broken, distorted, disturbed the reflection will not be pure. You need to heal that.

Aushada is the herbal combination; combination of herbs Prana, cosmic force energies, ultimately the #Shaktipada of Sadashiva.

They heal the mirror you are carrying. The more the mirror is healed the more the reflection becomes pure. More reflection becomes pure, more Sadashivatva manifests."

~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Essence of the Satsang: #ExperienceAushada

Video - The Secret to Creating Wealth and Abundance Q & A

In this Q&A session from a 2015 wealth workshop Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers all sorts of questions related to money and wealth. For example, If a person dies unexpectedly before paying off a loan, will he carry the karma and has to come back to pay off the loan? I don't have the money to come for Inner Awakening, what to do? What is the best thing to do to create wealth? What is the right context of money and wealth that we should teach our children? How to attract money in our life? And more....

Transcript - The Secret to Creating Wealth and Abundance Q & A

I know everyone thinks let me have jackpot, let me have lottery. One person even had a bargaining application to me. You tell me the number of this lottery, I’ll give you half of it. Arrey, fool. If I need half of it, then I’ll get the whole. Why should I tell you the number and get half of it? Lotteries do not make people rich, I tell you. Lotteries do not make people rich. It only brings harassing people around you. It only makes harassing people around you. So, first, bring completion and ability to handle, then money will be boon, blessing, joy, celebration.

Now, this is one of the important thing. We always keep it as a blind spot. We think money will solve all the problems. Yes, it can if you are complete enough. Otherwise, you know, just even if you get a lottery or mega lottery or mega jackpot or anything, people can talk to you for half an hour and convince you they will triple that money and give you and take away whole thing. Because when you fall for greed, when you have greed, you can be easily made to fall for it. You can very easily be made to fall for it. Please be very clear. If you have greed, you have a big board on your forehead telling, please come and cheat me. Anybody can sit and talk to you for ten minutes and dangle the carrot and take away what you have.

How many of you had this kind of a bad experience in your life? Raise your hand. I tell you, it is possible. That is the way things happen. So, bring completion. That’s the best way. That’s the first way and best way to attract and retain wealth. To attract and retain wealth.


The next question we have is from Melbourne Centre, Sujana. Sujana is asking, I would like to master the manifestation of my desires. What would be a single factor that I have to be good at?

Swami Nithyananda:

Mate, Sujana, first thing I want to tell you, the only thing you need to be good at is perpetual completion, constantly being in the space of completion. That one is enough. That one is enough. You will be able to manifest anything you want. Yesterday, I taught you the completion process. Practice that for next 21 days every night. Sit with yourself. Any pattern, incompletion, incidents you remember, pen down. Go on completing, completing, completing for next 21 days every night. By one month, you will learn the taste of completion. You will start being in the space of completion perpetually. That is the master key to manifest anything you want. I tell you, there are some things for which you need money to buy. There are many other things, you just need MasterCard. MasterCard is perpetual completion. Perpetual completion. So, if you ask me, I would like to master the manifestation of my desires, what would be a single factor that I have to be good at, perpetual completion.


The next question we have is from Penang Malaysia Centre, Ren Ka Tan [0:04:52]. What can I do after this two-day session to guide myself into achieving the peak wealth state? Where do I go from here?

Swami Nithyananda:

Ren Ka Tan, Penang Malaysia. Yes, the one thing I’ll recommend, next 21 days, every night, completion before going to sleep about all the wealth incompletion patterns you have. All the incompletion patterns you have, self-doubt you have about creating wealth, self-hatred you have about creating wealth, self-denial you have about creating wealth, all that please relive and complete. Next 21 days, I guarantee you will achieve the peak wealth state and you will start manifesting it. My blessings.


Nithyanandam Swamiji. Swamiji, I don't have the money to come for the Inner Awakening program. That is my [inaudible 0:06:02].

Swami Nithyananda:

Okay. Now, do the completion that I don't have, with that pattern. You will see you will attract wealth. Please understand. Never money stands as obstacle for your spiritual seeking. Maybe if you have the anger, why should I pay for spirituality, then you will not get it.


And I chose December because I was not confident that I’ll be able to [inaudible] by October.

Swami Nithyananda:

Please understand, whenever you say, I want to attend, Swamiji, bless me, it should come, so I should attend, always it happens. But there are some people, why should I pay for spirituality? If you have the anger towards paying for spirituality, then you will never be able to attract. Please understand, you have now gone into the mental setup, knowingly and unknowingly, the whole civilization, unless you give, you don't even receive it full-heartedly. I've seen. Whenever – see, I have done tons of free programs. Still doing tons of free programs. But in the free programs, I always see people, Swamiji, this program is nice, but can you teach it in my city. If I come there, Swamiji, so nice, why don’t you come to my house itself and teach?

I'm telling you, I won’t keep money as obstacle for your spiritual seeking. Complete with this pattern, I don’t have, you will see you will attract. Complete – bring completion, you will see money, time, everything will align and you will be there. And without money, even if you come there, you will never receive the benefit. I have seen. People just waste their time and my time. In the end of the day, “Okay, I'm here.” That’s all. But when money is involved, people completely get involved and get the whole benefit. My purpose and their purpose both gets fulfilled.

Yes, next question. Go ahead.


The next question is from Melbourne Centre, Sinn is asking, Nithyanandam Swamiji, can you suggest what I should do so that I can remove the obstacles preventing me from going to Kumbh Mela in Nasik?

Swami Nithyananda:

Can I suggest something, what should I do, so I can remove the obstacle preventing from me going to Kumbh Mela?

First thing, you need to know what is Kumbh Mela. Second, sit and complete with that pattern that I don't have enough to live my life. The moment you complete that pattern, suddenly, you will see, you really attract and manifest what you want to have. And maybe you need to have a small introduction about Kumbh Mela. There are many questions about Kumbh Mela. I can see. Many questions. First, let me introduce Kumbh Mela. And I was also thinking that I should introduce Kumbh Mela. You asked a question already. Come on, let's have a short video. Once you understand, then you will understand how it can add to you. If you want wealth, Kumbh chalo because then you become a priority. That’s all. There’s nobody who can't make it to Kumbh. Maybe there are many people who can't make Kumbh as their priority. That’s all. Understand. So, if it becomes your priority, you will be there. Maybe first you have to remove the obstacles to understand Kumbh can add something to you. It can add so much of intensity into you, I can tell you.

See, first of all, seeing so many millions of people doing one action, dipping in the sacred river for one purpose, to raise the consciousness, that itself will add intensity to you. That will simply – see, the moment intensity is added, you will simply manifest health, wealth, whatever you want. Whatever you want is all about intensity. That's it. So, I can guarantee Kumbh will manifest your wealth. Kumbh will make you manifest whatever you want.


The next question we have is from London Aadheenam Centre. Katherine Parson is asking, how do you see the world, if everyone has their third eye awakened?

Swami Nithyananda:

You’re asking, how do you see the world if everyone had third eye awakened? It will be just world of gods, Kailasa, Nithyananda Loka where just eternal bliss overflows. And you’re asking what happens if a person has third eye opened and still lot of incompletions. No, no, no. When your third eye is awakened and when you start practicing, keeping your third eye awakened continuously, all your incompletions will melt down because you will simply know incompletions are only happening when you look at with two eyes. Small vision. When your vision becomes big, all incompletions disappears. Incompletions will simply disappear when you have your third eye awakened, when you work on your third eye.


The next question is from New York's Queens Centre, Meg is asking, I feel such a deep-rooted pattern inside of me, deep feelings of discomfort which I envision when I envision me having money in my future. Why is there so much shame and such strong karma around the idea of making money, saving money and requesting money in the world?

Swami Nithyananda:

Yes. I understand. The why you have this problem, there is no answer for it. How to get rid of this problem, I have answer for it. Why you created this pattern, you only have to ask you. Because in the young age, accidentally, you create all these patterns. For accidents, there is no why. That is why it is called accident. If there is a why, it will be called as incident. So, most of your identity and pattern is accident. So, there's no answer for this question why I feel so much of shame, karma around making money. I can tell you how you can get out of this. Pen down all these patterns and relive. With so much of karma patterns around money, you know how life is suffocating, complete and throw it, you will really become a real New Yorker. New Yorker should be comfortable with money. Come on! It's a city of money. You will become a real New Yorker once you break from this karma pattern and once you break free from this karma pattern related to money. Come on.

See, if you hate spirituality, you can’t live in Varanasi because in Varanasi everything is related to spirituality. Same way, if you hate money and you have karma pattern about money, you can't live in New York because in New York everything is related to money. In Paris, everything is related to beauty. In Italy, everything is related to food. If you go to Calcutta, everywhere you will see sugar. Even in the rasam and rice – cooked rice, they will add sugar. If you hate sugar, you can't live in Calcutta. So, if you hate food, you can’t live in Italy. If you hate money, you can't live in New York. If you hate spirituality, you can’t live in Varanasi. Come on, complete with it.


The next question we have is from Dallas Texas Center, Ravi Kusuma (0:14:41) is asking, Swamiji, being in the sales profession, I face a lot of stress due to things not in my control, such as dependencies on client decisions. How should I get rid of this stress?

Swami Nithyananda:

Ravi, Ravi, Ravi, please understand, there is no situation in your life where things are not in your control. Please understand, especially a person like you, who is sales profession, if you think if you have this pattern, “Oh, client's decision, I'm dependent on that,” even before starting the game you lost the game. Understand, you being clear, I can make him decide the way I want is the soft power you have, that is the plan for success.

First thing you need to complete with this deep belief you have built that you are dependent on his decision. No, he is dependent on the way you explain and convince him. Please understand, you are not dependent on his decision. He is dependent to make decision on your convincing ability, your ability to convince him. See, a client, I tell you, the client always believes, if the sales representative, if he convinces me, I’ll take a decision. He is dependent – you see in your life, whenever you are a client – see, you may be sales representative for some products. But for many products, you will be a client. Look with what psychology you are approaching. You think when you go whether to decide yes or no, you think, “Okay, let him convince me; based on that, I will decide.” So, you are dependent on his ability to convince you. Same way, he is dependent. Please understand, when you go for sales, remember this one thing. If I am in his place, I am going to be dependent on the sales profession's ability to convince me.

So, change the internal conversation you have about it. Don't ever say, I am dependent on his decisions. He is dependent on my ability to convince him, I’ll convince him. I'll make him take decision. That is soft power. Always go with the clarity. He is actually waiting. He is dependent on my ability to convince him. So, I should be authentic to convince him. Not that I'll be dependent on his decision.

The moment you see you are dependent on the decision of a client, you will be irritated about client. That – your subtle irritation and anger will start expressing with the client. The moment client even asks you doubts, you will start feeling that he already decided against you and you will dump him. How many times you think you have done this, Ravi? You understand? Because you're going with a plan to fail. Getting it? Ravi? Go with a plan for success. Go with a plan for miracles. That will solve the whole problem.


The next question we have is from Penang, Malaysia Center. Sally Hone (0:18:52) is asking, if a person dies unexpectedly before paying off a loan, will he carry the karma and has to come back to pay off the loan?

Swami Nithyananda:

Sally Hone, yes, actually, the person who dies without paying off the loan, he himself doesn’t have the karma, but this guy who gave money, if he suffers, he has to come back to heal that suffering. See, the money itself is not carried, but the suffering – see, this guy who gave money, if he's complete and says, “okay, it's okay, let go,” then the guy who died does not need to come back to heal him. If this guy suffers, the guy who died without paying, he has to come back to complete him. He may not need to pay the money, even if he does some service, something he gifts and this fellow becomes complete, then okay. Till he becomes complete, he has to come back. That is the only thing. Loan itself is not carried, but the incompletion is carried.


The next question we have is from London Aadheenam Centre. Rashida is asking, will we be cleared, healed from all accidental ideas about money, wealth during the session or do we need more constant clearing?

Swami Nithyananda:

Rashida, I may recommend at least for next 21 days you practice completion every night. Even though I'm doing my job, the problem is you will not even be convinced about your own clarity, your own completion for you to feel convinced that you’re complete. You need to struggle little bit. Otherwise, you don't convince yourself that you are complete. So, maybe for 21 days, do completion. Then you will see you’re complete and you settle down.


The next question we have is from Chicago Centre. Kavita is asking, humble pranams from Chicago Sanga, Swamiji. What is the correct context of money and wealth that we should introduce and teach our children as they become older?

Swami Nithyananda:

Kavita, first thing, there is no such thing as a right context for money. Just teach them completion. See, having or not having is not at all going to affect them. Tell them, be complete and make as much as you can, celebrate as much as you can. That’s all. Be complete about it. Take responsibility. And whenever you make, you will always see there will be few people who will be grabbing, who will be cheating, and be complete and powerful even when that happens in your life. The completion should be the context and the correct attitude and not falling into powerlessness should be the right attitude about money, right context about the money you should teach for your kids. Kavita, you got it? Okay.


The next question we have is from Penang Malaysia Centre. Lakshmi Prabha is asking, how to attract money in our life?

Swami Nithyananda:

Lakshmi Prabha, Penang, yes, first thing, all the incompletions, like a fear, greed, guilt you carry about money, if you complete, that's enough. Your whole magnetic force will change. The magnetic life force will change. You will attract wealth.


The next question we have is from New York Varanasi, Morris Plains Center. Rashmin Dave (0:22:56), he is asking, dear, Swamiji, I'm sincerely looking for a job in a pharmaceutical sales operation where I was laid off in June 2014. Each time I'm close to getting a job, but some obstacle takes place and I do not get the opportunity.

Swami Nithyananda:

Rashmin Dave, can you wave your hands? Okay. I understand. This, actually you can't deal it. I commit with you, the pattern will be broken. Within next 21 days, you will have the job. I'm responsible for this. You will have it. Once you got it, send me email. Send me the message.


The next question we have is from Hong Kong Center. Ravi is asking, Pranam, Swamiji, if my client does not pay me money, whose fault is it? Should I check if something is wrong inside of me? I was authentic while selling the goods, but now client is not authentic in paying me. What should I do?

Swami Nithyananda:

Ravi, I'm not going to say only it is your mistake. I'm also not going to say there's no mistake from your side. So, many time – many time, you may not be authentic in judging the client’s ability to pay because for your greed to sell, your greed to sell, you should not force the jump. You should not miss seeing. You should not have the blind spot of your client’s ability to pay. So, I'm not going to say it’s completely your mistake or their mistake. Both together create this situation. You have to take the responsibility for it because you are going to suffer, not he.


The next question is also from Hong Kong Sirkazhi Center, Chook (0:24:55) is asking, how to complete the completion with wealth completely? The poverty is always happening inside me. Even, I have done many completions.

Swami Nithyananda:

Chook, your word that I've done many completions is wrong. You may be sitting and brooding over, not cleaning over. Remembering is not completion. Reliving is completion. With this context, relive and complete. Your problem will be solved. Many time, brooding over and remembering you think as completion, which is not.


The next question we have is from Rastatt, Germany Centre, Karen is asking, what is Shivoham?

Swami Nithyananda:

Shivoham means – I can give you a simple translation. Experiencing that you are the cosmos, you are the centre of the cosmos, you are the source of the cosmos is Shivoham. As on now, you think you are the source of all the problems. Instead, realizing you are the source of all the solutions is Shivoham. Usually, when you remember you, you feel you are the source of all problems. Instead, realizing you are the source of all solutions is Shivoham. Aham is source of all problems. Shiva is source of all solutions. So, realizing you are the Aham, I, is the source of all solutions, not source of all problems, is Shivoham.

This is the most easiest, simplest definition I’ve ever given.


The next question we have is from San Jose Aadheenam Center. Luan is asking, many incompletions are coming from the ideas that parents have said over and over and not from one event. How do I complete with that?

Swami Nithyananda:

So, even that incident parents have told you is an incident, relive them, it will be complete. That’s all. I know most of the incompletions are from parents. It’s not that they did it purposely. They were also unconscious. And they got it from their parents. They got it from their parents. So, at least, you break the cycle. Don't give it to your kids, break it and don't pass it on to your kids. The person who breaks the karma cycle of the next, next generation's passing, he becomes liberated and liberates the next generation. Yes.


We also have received a lot of questions about the 21-day Inner Awakening program. So, before we move on to the next question, we would like to play a short introduction Swamiji has spoken about the Inner Awakening program, so all of us understand the answers from the right context.

The next question we have is from Amersfoort Netherlands Center. Lizzy is asking, I don't have very specific incidents to relive. It is more that the whole atmosphere from youth came to me like clouds of blur.

Swami Nithyananda:

Lizzy Nuvens (0:28:38), can you wave your hands? Netherlands. Yes, okay. First thing, please understand that that very feeling which came to you from the whole atmosphere from the youth, relive that. That is enough. Relive that feeling. You will break that pattern. You are getting it? Great.



The next question is from Queens, New York Centre. Hema is asking. Pranam, Swamiji, please bless my family. Bless me with more salary. I'm underpaid for experience and quality. Please do completion in all aspects of my life. My kids are having problem getting money for selling their property – getting to money.

Swami Nithyananda:

Hema, I understand the whole problem. I’ll free you from this karma pattern. Actually, you can't do anything in this situation. Only I can do it. I'll do it. My blessings. Tathaastu.


The next question we have is from Los Angeles Aadhenam Centre. Jennifer Lowe. Jennifer Lowe is asking, my old zen master put a slight curse on investing in stock market. I'm retired. The money is not for gambling, but for growing new companies. Please take away the curse.

Swami Nithyananda:

My blessings. I’ll remove the curse. Don’t worry. You'll be free from the curse from today. Don’t worry.


The next question we have is from Selayang Malaysia Centre. Lim Yeung Keong (0:30:13). Buddhism believes a person’s wealth is the result of giving away money or wealth to others in past lives. In other words, wealth is faithed and not created. What is Swamiji's view on this?

Swami Nithyananda:

Selayang, Malaysia, Lim Yeung Keong, I do strongly support this theory ma. I do strongly support this theory. Please understand, I am not saying, you should not work for wealth at all. No. But I do strongly support this theory of when you share, it comes back. You don't even have to wait for next jenma. Even in this birth, the more and more you share, more and more it comes back. So, I do support and approve the belief Buddhism is promoting. It is true, not just belief. It is a truth. And I just want to add one more thing. You taking personal responsibility also will add to your wealth. That’s all. That’s all.

After all, Buddhism is the branch of Mahanirvani Peeta. And Buddha took sanyaas from Mahanirvani Peeta. That is why he used the word nirvana for enlightenment and his guru is – Kapila is Sankhya Muni. That is why he is called Sakhya Muni. He assumed the title Sakhya Muni because of his guru. Kapila is called Sankhya Muni. Mahanirvani Peeta guru was – the founder was called Sankhya Muni.

And last two Kumbh Mela, Dalai Lama comes to attend Kumb Mela as part of Mahanirvani Akhada. Even this Kumbh Mela, first Shahi Snan, he attended. And the whole Buddhists accept that they are part of Mahanirvani Peeta. That’s the good news. Come on.


The next question we have is from Manhattan Centre. Bella Shtern is asking, dear Swamiji, can the incident of missing mother as a baby and crying for her be a root pattern for feeling lack of abundance and wealth? The symptom is the need to cry like a baby.

Swami Nithyananda:

Bella Shtern, can you wave your hands? Yes. What you are stating can be the root pattern and please complete it. You will really attract wealth. It is root pattern.


The next question is from Delhi Centre, Vikram. Money comes when I need it, but never in abundance and also never remains with me. Why?

Swami Nithyananda:

Please understand, it's a strong belief you built it. You just need to break that pattern by completing it. Then this problem will be solved.


The next question we have is from Vancouver Centre. Spencer is asking, dear Swamiji, what to do with the negative patterns which I'm aware of, but I'm not able to find the earliest root incident? How to complete that pattern? Thank you, Swamiji.

Swami Nithyananda:

Spencer, Vancouver, can you wave your hands? Even if you remember the situation, the last you experienced that pattern, even if you remember that situation, start reliving, you will go deeper and deeper and complete with it. When last that pattern made you powerless, remember that and start reliving. You will be free from it. Blessings.


The next question we have is from Selayang Centre, Pan Su Gween (0:34:10) I work hard to pay debt. Can I solve the problem as soon as possible and have extra pocket money?

Pan Su Gween, can you wave your hand? Selayang, Malaysia. Working hard is the most stupid way you will work, ma. Work smart. You understand? The moment you say working hard, you believe you're working hard, you have a deep pain pattern about work. Pain pattern about work. Pain pattern about life. Pain pattern about money. Please complete with it. You will not just find pocket money. Your pocket will be full of money.

Understand, once you complete, you don't have to think of pocket money, you will get money pocket. Not just pocket money.


The next question we have is from St. Louis Aadheenam Centre. Ehan Kamat is asking, Swamiji, I need your blessings for an offer that I go to – that I got to go to California to work on a business. But, right now, there are a lot of obstacles in my way. What do I need to do to make this a reality? Ehan Kamat, please wave your hand.

Swami Nithyananda:

Ehan Kamat, I’ll take care. Don’t worry. I’ll remove the obstacles. You don’t need to do anything. I’ll do it. Don’t worry. Just go with my mala, I'll make it as successful after you go there also. The whole business and the whole offer will be successful for you. I’ll do it for you. Don’t worry.


The next question we have is from Mexico City. Geronimo del Rio, she's asking, what I have to do to achieve economic stability in my life with a real plan of life?

Swami Nithyananda:

First thing, bring yourself to completion with all the pain patterns you have about money. Your whole life will become economically stable. Don’t worry.


The next question is from Mill Valley Centre. Brian is asking: Namaste, Swamiji, my daughter, Reese, and I, in our deepest desire, wish to be with you at Inner Awakening this October. Please bless our lives and connect the bridge from us to you and allow the money to come that will allow us to attend. We want nothing more than to be of service to others and to be with you in India? Namaste and thank you.

Swami Nithyananda:

Brian, Mill Valley, yes. Tathaastu. It will happen. I will make it happen. Don’t worry, all the obstacles will be removed. I’ll make it happen. Don’t worry. Done.


The next question we have is from Wellington, New Zealand Centre. Indar Dev is asking: Pranam, Swamiji, me and my wife want to be a part of October Inner Awakening workshop, but we don't have the money. We would like to sell my house, currently on rent, at a big profit and also other sources to help with Inner Awakening and to bring prosperity.

Swami Nithyananda:

Wellington, New Zealand, Indar Dev, I'll make it happen. Tathaastu. Don’t worry. It will be done within next 20 days. Blessings to Deva Vedanta, Gautama, both.


The next question we have is from Bandra, Mumbai Centre from Chaya Bharadwaj. Chaya is asking, Nithyanandam, Swamiji, I come from a pretty well-off family. Only later in life, I had certain financial challenges, which I even overcame. As a businesswoman, I am pretty successful. But I have realized that I have not achieved what I should have. Bigger businesses elude me. Also, I used to not desire big houses and luxuries and thought I was being very noble. But somewhere, I had a nagging feeling I was not right. Yesterday, within five minutes of your introduction to the session, I had a wealth awakening. Indeed, to me, rich guys are bad guys and guys who are going to face a life full of problems, people trying to kidnap a son or fleece the wealth. In my completion session yesterday, which was unexpectedly intense, I saw all the old Hindi movie scenes. Actors like wicked Manorama, fat one from Hindi movies – not the Tamil one – all came up. I was terrified and so upset as I relived those moments where Hema Malini was being beaten with a whip by Manorama. Thank you, Swamiji, for helping me realize. Bless me with my completion. I'm sharing this because I feel, more than parents, these movies are very highly responsible and maybe others are affected as I have been. Thank you and I love you very much, Swamiji.

Swami Nithyananda:

Chaya Bharadwaj, you really had a powerful completion. My blessings to you. Hope – I really hope everyone gets into this much of completion and be liberated from this powerful money negative patterns. Whenever you believe the rich man, the rich person is cruel, negative, you develop the deep hatred, guilt to have wealth, hatred towards having wealth, anger towards having wealth. Chaya, it's good you found your pattern.



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