March 10 2013

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Transforming Your Negativity is Shiva-Power


On this day , the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam along with the Kailasa Nation celebrated the Maha Parashivaratri day in all it’s glory. SPH explained that the Shivarathiri is the day were timelessness, formlessness and Namelessness, assumed, appeared, into the space of the time, name and form as Arunachaleshwara, for conflict resolution and for giving Enlightenment, to Brahma and Vishnu. SPH explained that conflict happens only when there is an EGO and that always its both of the sides that are responsible for the conflict, because even if one of the two sides does not have an ego, then the conflict will not happen. When Brahma fell from integrity and Vishnu fell from authenticity, the conflict happened, then Mahadeva the embodiment of responsibility appeared to enrich, to take responsibility for the lack of integrity and the lack of authenticity of Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma and to remind them and put them back in the space of integrity and authenticity.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 10 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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Transforming Your Negativity is Shiva-Power by Nithyananda 10th March 2013

Discourse delivered by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 10 March 2013 in Bidadi Adheenam,Bengaluru, India

Prayers by swamiji, I welcome you all with my love and respects, I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, visitors, viewers and yet to be devotes sitting with us around the world, at this moment in 559 places through Nithyananda TV,40 places 2way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in 520,554 cities, sorry 559 places through Nithyananda TV and 40 places 2way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha,in 254 cites and 32 countries around the world as per the statistics

TIME 2.00

Cities sitting with us in 2way video conferring having Nayana Deeksha, Nithyananda Nagar, Tiruvannamalai, Malaysia palani,phoenix Kanchipuram,Oklahoma Somanatham,Los angles Arunachalam,Nithyanandam Nagar Hyderabad, New York Varanasi, Seattle Chidambaram, Washington DC sripuram,San jose Madurai, Ohio prayag, Sharja, Toronto Kailasham, Guadeloupe Rameshvaram, croatia kureshia, Dubhai Tirukoviloor, Bridge town Barbados,Hongkong srigali,Mantangala Ingalya,Hyderabad sri,Katmandu Nepal,and delta Canada,east …..

Time 4.00

Aaj shivarathari mahautsav,Today Shivarathiri the day timelessness, formlessness, Namelessness, Assumed, Appeared, into the space of the time, name and form as Arunachaleshwara, for conflict resolution, and giving Enlightenment, to Brahma and Vishnu, so the appearance itself happened for the conflict resolution, there was conflict between Brahma and Vishnu, conflict happens only when there is a EGO, both side responsible for the conflict, even if one side doses not have ego, conflict it will not happen, for the conflict 2 egos are required, which is not ready to resolve, which is not ready to take the responsibilities, which is not ready to be authenticity, or responsibility for others in authenticity

TIME 6.20

For the conflict to happened, lack of Integrity, lack of Authenticity and lack of responsibility, and lack of responsibility to take lack of responsibility to take responsibility for others e-responsibility, and selfishness, lack of tattva of Enriching, only when there is lack of all the 4, conflict is possible, between Brahma and Vishnu, conflict happened who is great, so in that conflict, both of them were exposing, others to them, but in authenticity they are not ready to realize others in authenticity or take responsibility for others in authenticity


In a way it’s a fight between a father and son, generation gap, son is trying to teach a lesson to father, you may be elderly but I know much more about computer than you know, I can use, I can use this gadget much better than you know, the conflict started between Brahma and Vishnu, anybody in the space, time, and form, if they forget to take responsibility for others e-responsibilities, there will be conflict


Listen, people who don’t feel responsible even for their own action are living in poverty, when I say poverty, I don’t mean physical wealth alone, the low level existence, the existence of animal level, people who take responsibility even for their actions are Human Beings, people who take responsibility even for others e-responsibility, others actions are leaders, even though your action or you are not responsible taking responsibility of others in aunt city and others e-responsibility, makes you leader, makes you divine, here unfortunately nether Vishnu nor brahma is ready to realize there inauthenticity and take responsibility for others in inauthenticity.

Realize one truth, the moment you have conflict, you have lost the space of ultimate in you, in the space of ultimate there is no conflict, if there is conflict, the space of ultimate is lost, so the Brahma and Vishnu both lost the space of ultimate in them, now the universes is on stake, one guy who is responsible for everything, who has to come and rescue everybody, or has to take responsibility of everybody e-responsibility and inauthenticity, enters into time of space and time, name as arunachaleswara, its ajothi sthamba,mahadeva appears, to teach the truth, anybody who is bound by the space, time and name and form has to take responsibility of there existences,


Koi bi zo gagha,samya akayar,mei bandha rathehai,una apane asthivath ke zindamedari uthane padega,dhyaan sa sunia,koyi be zo zagha,samya,nama our akar mei bandhai,bandhai rathehai,unhei apanei asthivatha ke zimmadhari uthana padega

Anybody is bound by space, time, name and form has to take responsibility for their existence, mahadeva appears to do the conflict resolution, remind Vishnu and Brahma to take responsibility for their way of existences


Srishti and sthiti thinks they are ultimate till destruction enters there life. Only when destruction enters in their life, they realize that they are not ultimate, that is why mahadeva has to happened in form of rudra. Realize all rudra happened in your life is to remind you to your in authenticity, all form of rudra happening to you in your life, is reminding you to take up the responsibility for your in authenticity and e-responsibility,

Koi bi zo zhga,samya,nama aur akar me bandhne,bandhya rathei,une apne asthiva ke zimdari uthene padhga

You have to take the responsibility when you are bound by the space, time and name and form, mahadeva appears to brahma and Vishnu to expose there in authenticity to themselves, and make them responsible for their in authenticity and others in authenticity also, today is the day mahadeva appeared to resolve the conflict, Brahma and Vishnu remind there in authenticity to them and ultimately enrich them into enlightenment


Mahashivarathi is the day, to celebrate timelessness entering into time, I can say in a way today the Hindu calendar starts, the time, the calculation of time starts from today, so naturally shivarathri is the oldest celebration, because the time starts today, calendar starts today, calculation of time starts today, mahadeva has to again and again appear, in your life, to remind you to take the in authenticity, remind you that you are in state of in authenticity and making you to take the responsibility


Mahadev rudra banker apake jevan mei praghat hothe hai,zab appa asharadha mei rakhar zimadadri nahi uthate hai. Whenever you look at any destruction, as reminder of your inuthenticity and irresponsibility, it is no more a destruction in your life. You learnt how to make anything negative into positive to strengthen your life. If you are able to make anything negative into positive the moment it enters into your life, you are SHIVA - causeless auspiciousness, I am grateful and thank and congratulate my sangha for been and becoming continually be shiva. It is so beautiful, they are full filling my vision of 100 sanyanasi today, so refreshing, feeling so alive, so joyful………………feel like just born today, to live forever.

There are some things which has birth and death such as your body; there are some things which has no birth but death - illocution and dilution - maya - it has no beginning, but it has death but it has end; there are some things which has only beginning no end. That is sangha of the master…………….it has only birth and no death. Ganga has only birth no death. It never dies it becomes ocean, but never dies. In the olden map even the bay of Bengal is called ganga sagar and Arabian sea was called sindhu sagar. So understand it may become ocean but it is alive. It has no death. Arabian sea was called as sindhu sagar, Bay of Bengal is called as ganga sagar. So listen, any destruction come in front of our face, we will know rudra is coming to remind us to take more responsibility and to become more authenticity, we are doing it so in this way we will convert everything into the space of positivity and possibility


Listen intense integrity bring you in space of positive because if you are integrated constantly you will be looking at the words you utter to you and to others. You will weed out all the negative processes, negative commitments you are giving to you and to others. This will leave you in prasad of positively positive space, real positive space and authenticity gives you the Prasad of space of possibility, just a space of possibility. When rudra comes face him with possibility, authenticity he becomes Shiva, rudra becomes Shiva, causeless auspiciousness. He becomes the space of rejuvenation, not just destructions. When he becomes a space of rejuvenation then he is no more in space of destruction. The word does not suit him. The space of positive mantras means space of possibility makes Shiva happen in you. Shiva happen in you. Shiva happens in you. Whenever you see any destruction happening in your life with the view of it is happening only to expand you, you are in state of Shiva, rudra, rudra becomes Shiva


Dhyaan se suneya,krayapa dhyaan se suneya,zabi appke jeevan mei hone wali koie bi vinakash ko,eis dhitasti cone se dekthai ki vo kaval appko vaistri uvi hai,tab appa shiva rudra ke sthi mei ratha hei

Releasing the space of shiva, brahma should have been established in state of integrity because the word because Vishnu would have been established in authenticity, sarva vapi, when Brahma fell from integrity,Vishnu fell from authenticity, the conflict happened, then responsibility has to appear, taking responsibility for lack of integrity and lack of authenticity and remind them and put them back in space of integrity and authenticity. This action is enriching, mahadeva embodiment of responsibility appears to enrich, Vishnu and brahma, remind them about their in-authencity and lack of integrity. Fortunately brahma and vishnu completed and restored there integrity and authenticity. That is the reason the universal is still functioning, available to all of us. I tell you: whenever there is lack of integrity and lack of authenticity among the human beings, mahadeva due to his ultimate responsible feeling appears into the space of time, form and name to remind people and bring them back to integrity and authenticity. Today is the day we celebrate mahadeva happenings, all happenings not just one, all happenings. It is so beautiful to see sangha restoring their integrity and their authenticity and taking up responsibility and enriching themselves and the world. I can feel what joy mahadeva could have felt when brahma and Vishnu restored their integrity and authenticity. I can feel the same joy when rudra comes in your life with destructions. Face him with integrity and authenticity. He is not your enemy he is your own being reminding you to get centered to authenticity and responsibility, he is shiva who is your very life because he loves you because he is very you, he is causeless auspiciousness.


Zabi rudra appa ke jeevan me prakash ake rupa me praghat hotha hei,tab unaka samana sampruthi aur avayam,sharadha se kigia,tab appk shiva h akaram mangalvatha ke sthi ko anubhava kar sathaa hai,dhyaan se suneye zabi rudra appke jeevan me vikash ke rupa me praghat vinasha ke rupa mei praghat hota hei,zab unka samna sampruthi or sharadha se ki ziya,thb appk shiva ya akaran mangalvathva ki sthuti ko anubhava ho kar sakathe hei

Listen Listen! This makarthandava is to remind you to listen, this is a traditional jewelry worn by mahadeva and Meenakshi. It is called makarakundala. Makara is vehicle of ganga. It’s a form of crocodile family but not crocodile, another form of crocrodile mahaka, ganga is called makara vahini as in ganga makra lives, which goes on purifying ganga. So listening purifies your Jnana ganga, listening purifies your inner ganga, that is the makara vahini the makara is used as the kundala at the ears.

Listen today is the day for everyone to restore their integrity, authenticity, take responsibility and enrich yourself and others, because did all the four today, he appeared for conflict resolutions and he decided to enrich, gave enlightenment. Let us celebrate mahadeva happening into the space of time, name and form by restoring ourselves by integrity, authenticity, and enriching. From today morning extraordinary strength and the power and authenticity I am feeling. I know something extraordinary is going to happen from today. Today is the day for you to re-establish in integrity, authenticity, take responsibility, and enriching yourself and others


Aja ka din me appak samputathi,shardha, zimeidhari mei mansthaptik gia,aur appke anun logo eke labban kiziya,dhyaan se sunyea,aja ka din appa apane apko sampurathi,shardha,zimedhari, mei punasthapik kijia,aur apane appako avam anya logon ko labban kiziya

Today is the great possibility opening, the door is opening, for all of us to restore integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. This is the message of mahadeva happening today as mahakala, who is beyond time. I can see that happening,100 people sanyanas. Sangha is taking up, restoring with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. It is like a huge door is opening, like what Jnanasambandar did, on his marriage day, he opened the whole door of Kailasha. Whoever wants he took responsibility of their inauthenticity and took them along with him, to the space of enlightenment.

Today I am opening that door for all of you, so today who ever declares, I give you the freedom of declaration and I take the responsibility of your declaration. I take the responsibility to make you responsible and authentic, integrated to your declaration. I take responsibility even if your declaration is inauthentic and I take responsibility to make it authentic, make it responsible, make it integrated, make it enriching.

Morning we will start the sanyanas initiation ceremonies, with the panda shraddha and athama shardha, and evening viraja homa. Morning there will be shraddha, athama sharadha, panda sharadha ceremonies in the vaidya Sawrovar. After the satsang, 45 min break, in 45 min the ceremony will start and then everyone will take the maha snan, in vaidya sarovar. Who are getting initiated into krama bramhacharya, naishtika brahmacharya, sannyasa, and all of them will come out and declare. Of course rishi also will be taking bath and declaring their rishi hood.

After the declaration they will put new clothes, because after today evening initiation, viraja homa… evening viraja homa will happen, after the viraja homa each one will be given the title as per their declaration. Krama bramachyara will have just the title baramachari, naishtika brahmacharya will be brahmachari and chaitanya at the end. Swami will have the title Sri in beginning and swami at the end. Swamini will have ma at the beginning and Swamini at the end, and peetatheeshwar will have the title - if they are male - peetatheeshwar, and if they are female they will have peetatheeshwari and Pravrajaka and in the end Swamini and prana. So each one have their title and the day after tomorrow on the day of Ramakrishna birthday the consolidated Nithyananda order will be declared to the world. These 4 sampradhaya, krama brahmachya, naishtika bramacharies, sanyanis and rishis. These 4 of them will consist Nithyananda order and committed devotee, volunteer, organizer, whoever has declared their commitment to been a volunteer organizer, or been part of the sangha in any form, coordinator, acharya, yoga acharya, head of temple, head of ashram, monastery, whoever has declared there commitment clearly, they will all form Nithyananda samprayadya. So on Ramakrishna birthday, we will be declaring to the world officially Nithyananda order, or Nithyananda samprayadya, the order will form the core group, and sampradaya will form the sampradaya. This will be my spiritual army, armed to take the responsibility of the world, to take the responsibility of the world.

You must have heard the viraja homa mantras, I will read out the mantras and meaning so that you will know what commitment you are giving to yourself, master, and dhamma sangha and I also request anybody who is ready in declaring for sannyasi, who is going to declare for sannyasa to make the decision and of the mantra I will be asking raise your hand now itself, after listening to the mantras, (0:46:31)

Thilaanjuhomi sarasagum sapishtaan gandhaara mama chitthey ramanthu swaahaa ||

Mantra means, O! the smell of the presence, Ananda Gandha, I offer the sesame seeds which represent the strength of integrity, along with the nectar called “feeling connection”, along with integrated inner space, let the strengths of integrity dwell delightfully in my inner space. Let there be blessings. Hail, I offer the oblation! (0:47:11)

The second mantra:

Gaavo hiranyam dhanam annapaanagum sarveshagum shriyai swaahaa || (0:47:23)


I offer to the Cosmic Auspiciousness, the earth, cows, gold, wealth, food, and beverages that originally belong to the Cosmos. Let there be blessings! (0:47:40)

Means, with this offering, you surrender everything – personal wealth, I and mine.

Shriyam cha Lakshmeem cha pushtim cha keerthim chaan nrinyathaam |
Brahmanyam bahuputhrathaam | Shraddha medhey prajaa sandhadhaathu swaahaa || (0:48:05)

Means, kindly bless me with power, prosperity, wealth, completion, glory, the ability to enrich, the state of being the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos, authenticity, intelligence and people. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation(0:48:28)

In this, you declare to the Cosmos, “I am the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos!” So, everything is in my disposal. You offer all the things you possess and declare everything is in my….in your disposal. (0:48:50)

Sannyas means, renouncing the possession, keeping everything in your disposal. Understand, Sannyas means, renouncing the possessions and keeping everything in your disposal. You don’t possess anything. You don’t own anything, but everything is in your disposal. Strength, Energy, the Power you radiate, everything is in your disposal. (0:49:38)

Thila krishna thila shwetha thila soumya vasaanugaaha |
Thila punanthu may paapam yath kinchidh duritham mayi swaahaa || (0:49:57)

May the sesame seeds which represent the strength of integrity, which are black, white and fit to be offered in sacrifice, the strength of integrity that follows one’s will and commitment, complete whatever karmas, sins, negativity and incompletion that is in me. Let there be blessings! (0:50:23)

Understand, this offering is to represent the strength of integrity which are black and…, white and fit to be offered in sacrifice. The strength of integrity that follows one’s will and commitment complete whatever karmas, sins, negativity and incompletion that is in me. (0:50:51)

Please listen! Even if there are some incompletions and inauthenticities, you declare out of your authenticity of Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam.

Listen! Even one single moment, one percent of your inner space feels you are the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos, even if you have one reason to feel you are the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos, holding that you can declare even your incompletion to become completion, your inauthenticity to become authenticity! (0:51:32)

How many of you cognize this? (0:51:37)

Here, the Rishi is declaring, ‘With the strength of my…..even if it is one ray of authenticity or integrity, with that strength I am declaring, even my inauthenticies be burned! Even my lack of integrity be burned! (0:52:00)

Even if it is a small fire, it will burn the whole! There is a huge cotton godown. And the whole world. The cotton godown is like inauthenticity and lack of integrity. The world is irresponsibility. And whatever, whatever…you visualize – selfishness and everything. Even if there is a small fire on the cotton, it will burn all the lack of integrity and inauthenticity, and then it will take the responsibility and enrich the whole world! (0:52:51)

So you don’t need to have fear. ‘I have fifty percent integrity, fifty percent authenticity, fifty percent I don’t have. What can I do?’ I tell you! Nobody! Nobody! Nobody ever declared Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam after having hundred percent authenticity! It is always, including me, it is always the strength of one ray of authenticity, one ray of integrity that makes you declare your…..the state of Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam! With the strength of declaration, now burns all the lack of integrity and inauthenticity! (0:53:48)

Jnanatma, you are clear? (0:53:50)

No! I wanted to now honestly open to the world, one hour before taking….receiving sannyas from Hamsanandapuri, I was in confusion! One hour before! The ritual happened early morning around 4:30. I got up, and I was taking bath in Ganga. Maybe it was 3:30 or 3 o’clock. I was in confusion! Being an incarnation, decided to take up the sannyas life at the age of five, body was prepared by two great yogis, body was prepared by Raghupathi Yogi, and mind was prepared by Kuppammal, the psychological mutation has happened at the age of twelve, death has happened at the age of twenty-one, in twenty-two, before the initiation, before taking up the….doing the Viraja Homa and taking up the kaavi, confusion!! (0:55:10)

Don’t worry if you are in confusion. You are exactly in the state of your Guru! There is nothing new! There is nothing to worry! But I declared! That made Nithyananda into NITHYANANDA! (0:55:47)

Confusion is not wrong if you declare it! It is wrong if you missed it! (0:56:01)

Very clearly this mantra shows the Rishi who declared is in confusion! Don’t you see? After declaring Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam, he says, ‘Let my lack of integrity be burned by the will of my integrity, by the power of my integrity!’ If he is in completion, he would not even have remembered! Anybody in completion, do you remember even the negativity you left behind? If you are remembering, there is still incompletion and fear. With that he is declaring! He is declaring, strength of the Rishi! He is teaching us the lesson! (0:57:04)

Black sesame seed represents Integrity. White sesame seed represents Authenticity. Offering it into the fire represents Responsibility. And the confidence you radiate in your body language is Enriching. (0:57:31)

O my sons, today we are all liberated with this sannyas initiation! Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam! Because I don’t need anything, everything is in my disposal. (0:58:03)

Next verse:

Chorasyaannam navashraaddham brahmaha guruthalpagaha |
Gostheyagam suraapaanam bhroonahathya thila shaanthigam shamayanthu swaahaa ||

Let the same sesame seeds that are representation…..that are the representation of the strength of integrity, restore completion and the complete…..and complete the incompletion. (0:58:56)

Listen! Let the sesame seeds that are the representation of the strength of integrity and authenticity, restore completion and complete the incompletion, and the sin born out of eating the food of a thief, eating the food offered in the specific rituals during the funeral rites. (0:59:17)

Aathma may shudhyanthaam jyothiraham virajaavipaapma bhooyaasagum swaahaa || (0:59:30)

Let the sacred fire and the energy invoked in it purify my body, the Self, and the identity that I project towards others, and I feel as me, and others’ anyakaara, others perceive about me. May I become the Supreme Cosmic Light which is fure…..pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation! (0:59:56)

Aathma means, all three put together: what I feel as me, what I project as me, what others perceive as me. All three put together. (1:00:08)

Antharaathma may shudhyanthaam jyothiraham virajaavipaapma bhooyaasagum swaahaa || (1:00:22)

Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation!

Let the sacred fire and the energy invoked in it purify my inner space and identity that I project towards myself. May I become Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation! (1:00:58)

Next verse:

Paramaathmaa may shudhyanthaam jyothiraham virajaavipaapma bhooyaasagum swaahaa ||

Let the sacri…..sacred fire, and the energies invoked in it, purify the Supreme Self within me which is covered by my ignorance. May I become Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation!

Today, the day, when the Supreme Cosmic Light has expressed itself, you are all…..we are all becoming Supreme Cosmic Light. (1:01:47)

Kshudhey swaahaa |

Let this oblation be unto the energy of hunger. Let there be blessings! Hail!

Means, even your hunger is purified. The possibility of you becoming Nirahaari. (1:02:12)

Kshuthpipaasaaya swaaha |

Let this oblation be to…..unto the combined energy of hunger and thirst. Let there be blessings! Hail!

Vivittyai swaahaa |

Let this oblation be unto the all-pervasive cosmic energy. Let there be blessings! Hail!

This few verses are chanted as Paata Vedhaa. Means, in few sampradhaayaas, these few verses are part of Viraja Homa Mantra. In few sampradhaayaas this is part of the next set of mantras. But in our sampradhaaya, these verses will be part of the Viraja Homa Mantra. (1:02:56)

Rigvidhaanaaya swaahaa |

Let this oblation be to…..unto the One who ordains the Rig Veda and Rig chants. Let there be blessings! Hail!

Kashotkaaya swaahaa |

Let this oblation be unto the Lord who is excited in the process of creation, and let there be blessings! Hail! (1:03:26)

Kshuthpipaasaamalam jyeshtaa malakshmeernaashayamyaham |
Abhoothim Asamruddhim cha sarvaan nirnudha may paapmaanagum swaahaa ||

I bring authenticity, I am bringing authenticity and removing all the inauthenticities arising in the form of hunger, thirst, misfortune, inauspiciousness, powerlessness, lack of expansion, and growth, and this…..lack of expansion and growth, and the space of impossibility. May this oblation eliminate all my inauthenticities. Let there be blessings! Hail! (1:04:14)

Annamaya praanamaya manomaya vijnaanamayam anandamayam aathmaa may shuddhyanthaam jyothiraham virajaavipaapma bhooyaasagum swaahaa ||

Let the sacred fire and the energy invoked in it purify the five-fold Self comprised by the sheaths of food, life-energy - breath, mind, intelligence and bliss. May I become the Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail! I offer the oblation ! (1:05:00)

Agnaye swaahaa | Vishvebhyo devebhyo swaahaa | Dhruvaaya swaahaa |  Bhoomaaya swaaha |  Dhruvakshithaye swaahaa |

Let this oblation be to…..unto the energy of fire of Agni, to the God Vishwadeva, Dhruva, Bhooma, and Dhruvakshithi. Let there be blessings! Hail!

This is the Viraja Homa Mantras. (1:05:42)


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 178 (Upanishad Under Bidadi Banyan Tree 10 Mar 2013)

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Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule - 231 (Shivaratri MoolavarAbhishekam, 10MAR2013)

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Photos From The Day:


Dwajastabam - awaits the start of MahaShivaratri along with the rest - devotees, disciples, ashramites. Dwajahoram welcomed the dawn of the day every Shiva devotee is waiting for - Maha Shivaratri. The Nithyostav flag - that will make way for the Shivaratri flag. Flowers grace the Trishul - Shiva's ayudha. Gurukul also waiting early for Swamiji to arrive and start the celebration.

Swamiji arrives at the temple

The most early awaited moment arrives when Swamiji arrives at the temple. Swamiji inside the temple. Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyananeshwari in beautiful, alankar. Swamiji moving towards the most sacred area.

Swamiji paying His respects

Swamiji paying his respects to ........ Dakshinamurthi, who stands majestically in royal splendor. Swamiji paying respects to the Banyan Tree. The MahaShivaratri flag makes its way up the dwaja stamba/flag post. The flag unfurls signalling to all worlds that Maha Shivaratri is celebrated here and people from all worlds are welcome!

Paada Puja

Padha Puja

Swamiji at the morning satsang

Swamiji at the morning satsang. Swamiji greets all devotees, disciples, samajis, yet to be devotees viewing from around the world on the auspicious occassion.

Swamiji spoke on the significance of Shiva and Shivaratri

Swamiji spoke on the significance of Shiva and Shivaratri.

Shivaratri is the day Shiva revealed Himself as a Column of Light

Shivaratri is the day Shiva revealed Himself as a Column of Light. Devotees all gathered for the auspicious occassion. Mahashivaratri is the day of Arunachaleshwara. Swamiji reveals the tattvas of Nithyanandeshwara demonstates and stands for.

Damaru stands for Integrity.

The Fire in hand stands for Authenticity. Abhaya hasta (lower right hand) symbolizes Responsibility. and by his lower right gracing Mother Nithyanandeshwari symbolizes Enriching. Swamiji also spoke on Sanyas And the various categories of Sanyas.

Swamiji at Vaidya Sarovar during sanyas initiation

Swamiji at Vaidya Sarovar during sanyas initiation.

The fortunate ones who took Sanyas initiation on the auspicious day

The fortunate ones who took Sanyas initiation on the auspicious day at the Viraja Homa listening to Swamiji.

Swamiji conducts Viraja homa

Swamiji conducts Viraja homa, which is part of the Sanyas initition. Swamiji blesses the newly iniated As they step into the next level of this time-honored path of Sanyas. Swamiji conducts the Viraja homa Swamiji during the homa.

Swamiji with purna ahooti

Swamiji with purna ahooti. Presiding deities Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari also present.

The satsang on this most holy evening

Swamiji starts the most awaited part of the celebrations - the satsang on this most holy evening. Swamiji greets all devotees, those who are there physically and virtually. Swamiji delivers his message on this occassion.

Swamiji does arathi to the Syavambu linga

Swamiji does arathi to the Syavambu linga.

Rudrabishekam at the temple

Rudrabishekam at the temple was done immediately after the evening satsang.

vibhooti abishekam

Swamiji does vibhooti abishekam.

Beautiful view of the Ananda linga

A most beautiful sight - Swamiji doing Lingabhishekam. To the Ananda linga at the Vaidya Sarovar. Beautiful view of the Ananda linga in full alankar receiving the holy abhishekam from Swamiji on this holy day.

Devotional songs at the evening musicals

Singers singing devotional songs at the evening musicals.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, initiation, powerful, ceremony, blessing, world.

Photos Of The Day:

Mahashivarathri Celebrations, 2013

Photos Of The Day:

Photos Of The Day:













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