October 23 2016

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The following elements will be discussed in this webinar: Understand the components of the Maya Matrix How to “test” your own reality to confirm that you are indeed under the Maya Matrix. How to tell whether you are in control, or the Maya Matrix is in control of you. What is 'Sadashivoham', and what does it have to do with the Maya Matrix? How to break open the Matrix, and become The ONE. Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe. Website and Social Media: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda


Out of matrix, inside the matrix, maya matrix, life, Sad shiva,ā bondage, liberation, dreaming state, artificial ignorance, artificial intelligence, struggle, war, will persistence, Kailasa, compassion, nithyananda executive office - NEO, nithyananda enlightened offices, enlightened pill, initiation, Turiyatita, listening, saffron pill, kaavi, seeking, waking state, THE ONE, Yogananda Puri, Vibhudananada Puri, concept of currency, existential reality, creation, maintenance, destruction, spaceship, Sad shivohamā 2016, banyan tree, enriching, authenticity, responsibility, integrity, spiritual alchemy products, 25 state of consciousness, 11 dimensions, 5 aspects of Sadashiva, Chidambara Chakra, consciousness, Arunagiri Yogeshwara, yantras, prophet, prophecies, concepts of ownership, concepts of currency, length, breadth, depth, time, space.



(Ma Jnanatma’s speech)


Nithyānandeśvara samārambhām Nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
Asmadāchārya paryantām Vande guru paramparām || 

I welcome you all to be OUT OF THE MATRIX. My love to you all, of you who have decided to come out of the Matrix. My respects to all, who are struggling to come out of the Matrix. I welcome everyone of you sitting with us all over the world, through 2 way Video Conferencing, all over the Universe through 3-way Video Conferencing. I welcome all the Beings here. You have already decided, you just need to understand WHY you have decided? You have already decided, you just need to understand WHY you have decided. Understand. If you think you have decided. Listen very carefully. If you think you have decided and do not know WHY you have decided, then you are inside the Matrix.


Listen. If you perceive you are in bondage, you have decided to be in bondage. You just need to know WHY you decided. If you perceive your struggling, to get out of the bondage, you decided to perceive that way. You need to know, WHY you decided to perceive that way. If you perceive you are liberated, you have decided to be liberated. You need to know, WHY you have decided to be liberated. Understand. Whatever is your perception now, is your decision earlier. You have decided. Knowing the decision as your perception, not knowing WHY you decided is MAYA MATRIX. Understand. Liberation has nothing to do with whether you perceive bound, whether you perceive liberated, perceive struggling, it is all about knowing WHY you have decided what you decided.


Listen. Even if you perceive liberation and you do not why you decided liberation, you are under Matrix, so it is one more method of controlling you. Understand. Even if you perceive bondage, if you know why you decided bondage, you are liberated. You are out of the Matrix. Even if you perceive liberation, even if you don’t know why you decided liberation, you are under the Matrix. You all perceive life, but you don’t WHY you decided to live, means you are under the Matrix. You all perceive life, means you decided life. But if you don’t why you decided life, you are under the Matrix. LIFE is a struggle between Sadāshiva and your forgetfulness. I have a good news for you, it is not war. It is not war as Matrix movie presents.

In Maya Matrix, understand, when I use the Maya Matrix, I am saying - what is happening in the Cosmos. When I use the word Matrix, I am comparing with the movie, ‘Matrix.’ Maya Matrix. In Maya Matrix, it is only a struggle not war. In the Matrix movie, they try to portray it as a war but actually in Maya Matrix it is not war, it is only a struggle. The difference between the war and struggle is, in war both the parties who are fighting are alive, in the struggle only one party is alive, the other party has no independent life or existence.


Listen. Early morning you remember you and you are struggling to get out of the dream state and wake up, that is struggle not war. So the good news is, everything you go through is a struggle not war— because the enemy, the other side, is not alive. He is….he only has a negative existence, like the absence of light becomes darkness, darkness itself does not have independent existence. Same way, absence of your remembrance is the Artificial Ignorance. I don’t want call Artificial Intelligence, maybe I want to call Artificial Ignorance. The Artificial Ignorance is existing because of your forgetfulness. It does not have independent, intelligence or existence or life on its own. That is why I say….the good news I have for you, it is not war, it is a struggle and the great news I have for you – you can make it. You can make it. At some point prophecies may look like failing, but Prophets never fail. Understand. At some point prophecies may look like failing, but Prophets never fail. The point where you feel prophecies are failing, that is the moment you need to stand with the Prophet. Prophet checks your commitment, by letting some of His prophecies fail. Prophets check your interest, your decision to wake up. They test your Will Persistence, by making some of the prophecies fail, or at least look like failing.


Listen. In the Maya Matrix, in the playfulness of Sadāshiva, the calculations of the LENGTH, mathematics logic intellect, artistic beauty of the BREADTH, poetry, emotion, art, music, dance, cognizing DEPTH of the Being, when they play overlap with each other. The play of the length logic mathematics intellect, BREADTH - beauty, emotion, sentiment, poetry, dance, drama, and the cognizing DEPTH; in this drama of Length, Breadth, Depth, you forgetting the remaining multi-dimensional Being of you, is MAYA MATRIX.

In the glory and nuances of dream and waking state and deep sleep you forgetting the awakened and alive state is MAYA MATRIX. In this creation, maintenance and destruction, you forgetting the delusion and liberation component is Maya Matrix. Maya Matrix is not enemy, because it does not have independent intelligence and life, which you have. Understand. I am defining LIFE. You decided but you can know why you have decided, means you are alive. You decided but you can’t know why you have decided means – you are machine. You decided and you can know why you decided means – you are living, alive. You decided but you are not knowing why you have decided, means you are programmed, you have not decided and you are not alive, you are a machine, under the Matrix. You decided if you can know, why you decided, you are alive. Understand, everything you perceive as life is what you decided. If you perceive at this moment, your life is struggle. You decided to be in struggle. If you perceive at this moment, you are in delusion, you decided to be in delusion. If you perceive at this moment, you are liberated, you have decided to be liberated.


If you can know why you decided, you are alive. If you can’t know why you have decided, what you have decided, you are a machine. You have not decided you are programmed. Whether you are programmed or decided, is defined by whether you can know, WHY you have decided, or you can’t know WHY you have decided. The whole struggle of life is to KNOW WHY YOU HAVE DECIDED. People who know WHY they have decided, want you also to know, why you have decided. People who can’t know, why they have decided, does not want you to know, why you have decided. Listen. People who woke up to the reality why they decided, want you to know why you have decided. Who can’t know why they have decided, because they are programmed, does not want you to know, why you have decided, they want you to be in the space of being programmed. You are a possibility to be a Sadashiva Sena or Matrix Machine. If you decide to know why you have decided, you can be part of the Sadāshiva Sena. If you decide not to know why you have decided, you can continue to be part of the machines. Who can never decide, who are only programmed but fortunately you can never rest completely there because you have a possibility to know – WHY you have decided.


Morpheus, unique character - Yogananda Puri. Listen. They themselves are enlightened but they cannot achieve getting mass out of the Matrix. So they wait for THE ONE and support THE ONE to happen and get mass out of the Matrix. These unique characters, they themselves are enlightened but they cannot get mass out of the Matrix. They themselves are out of the Matrix, but they themselves cannot get mass out of Matrix. So they wait for THE ONE and get THE ONE out of the Matrix and support THE ONE to get mass out of the Matrix. Prepare the body of THE ONE, support it, awaken it. Why Trinity is required? Vibhudananda Puri. Because certain characters and qualities need to be evoked, awakened in THE ONE, can be done only by female force, the feminine energy. Of course it can only be rough understanding because the movie uses only few concepts from the Vedic tradition, from the original Maya Matrix. Maybe if time permits I will do this service of getting a movie out called Maya Matrix. Presenting...presenting all the characters...with all the characters actually as they are in Maya Matrix. As they function, in the Cosmos. As an insider, I can describe and depict the characters more precise and clear. Let’s hope for it to come out. Artificial Intelligence….I want to call it as Artificial Ignorance is commonly accepted relevant realities, but irrelevant to Existence. A vast network, concept of ownership. Planet earth is existential reality. Owning certain part of the land or the earth, by an individual or a group. When a individual declares possession, it is ownership. When a group declares possession, it is called country. Whether individual declare ownership or group declare ownership, ownership concept is Artificial Ignorance. It’s relevant reality but irrelevant to Existence. For Existence it has no relevance. Listen. Listen. Concept of currency. Concept of currency. Concept of ownership, all this are relevant reality. It has...it is real only in the field of comparative and relevancy to each other. In Existence, they are irreverent, they are irrelevant.


Decision and knowledge to know WHY you decided, is called LIFE. Only decision, but not capable of knowing why you decided, is called programming. The only difference between programmed machine and the decision-making life, human being is capacity to know WHY you decided. The capacity to know why you decided, gives you the freedom to change your decisions.

Understand. Now I am introducing THE ONE, with no struggle, entering into the Matrix consciously, playing the role of a Being within the Matrix, even consuming Enlightenment Pill, initiation, and waking up, just to know how to help others to wake up. Studying the science of sleep and waking experientially and once awakened, waking up millions — not only waking up millions from the state of being alive, Turiyatita, manifesting all the powers and helping, supporting, empowering every Being who has woken up to awaken others. Awakening the Beings and empowering them with powers, to awaken further the whole humanity - THE ONE happens. NITHYANANDA EXECUTIVE OFFICER - NEO or NITHYANANDA ENLIGHTENED OFFICES. Understand, now the whole struggle is all about, waking up to your reality. One of the important revelation I need to give is – in the Kailasa, the space ship, there is no fear, there is no struggle. The Artificial Intelligence machines cannot attack there.


As the movie shows, there is no fear there, there is no question of survival, it is all about operating from compassion. The whole Kailasa is filled by compassion, we are awakened, alive. Let everyone be awakened and alive. That’s the main difference. Spaceships do arrive from Kailasa. They do land on the planet earth. Listen. Till the last moment your being was driven by Artificial Ignorance, concepts of ownership, currency. Till the last moment have you been driven constantly by the Artificial Intelligence or not not, decides whether you have been in the Matrix or not. And listen, listen carefully. You need to understand. Till yesterday whether you have been in the Matrix or not, is measured by certain scale, but that same scale does not help you or support you, cannot be used to measure, whether you are going to continue to be in the Matrix or not.

Listen. Listen carefully. Listening is Enlightenment Pill. Forgetfulness is the Agent Smith’s hand. Forgetfulness is Agent Smith’s hand. Listening is KAAVI, Saffron Pill. Listen. Listen carefully. What was driving you, whether the concepts of ownership and currency or the seeking, the Existential Reality, what was driving you till yesterday, based on that we can diagnose whether you are under the Matrix or not. But whether you are going to get out of Matrix or not, can be decided only by whether - YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU DECIDED, WHAT YOU DECIDED. Whether you want to know why you are perceiving what you are perceiving. Understand. Only if you know why you are perceiving what you are perceiving, you will know why you should pursue what you need to pursue. If you just know why you are perceiving, what you are perceiving, you will know why you should pursue what you need to pursue. You will just start pursuing, what you need to pursue. If you do not know why you are perceiving, what you are perceiving, you are programmed. You will never understand, what you need to pursue.


Getting you to the spaceship, empowering you with awakened and alive state, means - awakening you from just this 3 state to the 25 state. You just know only deep sleep state, dream and waking. From this making you know, experientially all the 25 states and you only know creation, maintenance and destruction, awakening you to the creation, maintenance, destruction, delusion and liberation. You only know the length and breadth and depth. Awakening you to the length, breadth, depth, time, space and the whole 11 dimension, empowering you, sending you back to wake up more people is Sadāshivoham 2016. I am serious because that is My purpose. I am serious because that is the way it has to be. I will do it. I will do it. All the ups and down perceived by you feeling, “whether the prophecy is true or not, no it almost looks like prophecy is wrong.” Sometimes even THE ONE almost confirms to you, prophecy is wrong. Just to ensure your Will Persistence. Will Persistence need to be tested but never denied. Will Persistence need to be strengthened and after strengthened, need to be tested. Understand. a sapling of the Banyan Tree need to become a Banyan Tree. THE ONE protects the sapling at that time, but after it becomes tree, THE ONE, itself tries to shake and test the strength of the tree, whether it can be trusted or not. THE ONE who protects when it was sapling, only tries to shake and test, when it has grown into full-fledged tree.


THE ONE has a purpose to test your Will Persistence, but He is not interested in denying you. Understand. Till the last moment you are into Sadāshivoham, you will be tested. THE ONE will be supporting when your Will Persistence is growing. The same THE ONE, will be testing your Will Persistence, when it is grown. The THE ONE’s job is growing and testing - both. Don’t think THE ONE is cruel, when He is testing. He is as compassionate as He was protecting. Protection and testing - both are His responsibility.

Growing your Will Persistence is His enriching quality.

Protecting your Will Persistence is His authenticity.

Testing your Will Persistence is His responsibility.

Giving you without denying is His integrity.

Understand. Yes, you will all be supported whenever your Will Persistence is weak. You will all be tested when your Will Persistence is strong. If you are tested, understand, the good news is you are already in the category….category of Will Persistence strong. The great news is, anybody who is tested, even if you qualify for getting tested, you are not denied, Even if you get qualified for getting tested, you are not denied, because you are not in the system of trial-error. You are in the system of trial and success. Understand. The system of Sadāshiva is not trial and error, it is trial and success. The method with which we function is not trial and error, it is trial and success.


Yes, all the forces with which you are struggling, the forces which wants to keep you inside the Matrix, without getting into the spaceship, without entering into the awakening possibility of awakening to 25 states of Consciousness, instead of 3. Awakening to 11 dimensions instead of 3, awakening to 5 aspects instead of 3. The forces with which you are struggling, which are trying to keep you in lower possibilities, they will test you, they will try to drag you. They are also sometimes empowered just to test your Will Persistence. The beauty is, the moment you touch the Saffron Pill by listening, you can never go back to the Matrix to sleep. No, No, No. You will be tested but not denied. Everything is worthy of giving up, because all that is within the Matrix. Everything is worthy of giving up to be in the space of Sadāshivoham, because all that is within the Matrix. It is all the small pebbles and the stone, you collected in the beach. All these are worthy of giving up, for the real diamond, spiritual alchemy products.

The machines, equipments used in the spaceship, is what I am going to compare with the spiritual alchemy products. People ask me, “I can give you everything within the Matrix, but after the Sadāshivoham, I have to go back to the Matrix. What to do?” You will not be going back into the same Matrix and Matrix will not be same for you. A common….a man under the Matrix and the man who came through the spaceship into the Matrix, are they same? You are going to go back with the space ship and spiritual alchemy products and powers and process. It is My purpose and I am capable of doing it. If you asks how? The answer is still I AM ALIVE.


The words of the Morpheus is the answer, even after all this attacks, still I am alive, is the proof I will do it and I am doing it. After all this, still I AM ALIVE. That is the proof I will do it. Opening you for 25 states of Consciousness instead of 3, opening you to the 11 dimensions instead of 3, making you alive for all the 5 aspects of Sadāshiva, instead of 3, is the purpose of Sadāshivoham 2016 and purpose of MY Existence. If I am still alive, I will do it. I am still alive means, I am capable and I will do it. Neither the Cypher nor Agent Smith is able to do anything. I am still alive– is the proof I will do for what I exist. I will do for what I have happened. Matrix maybe old, older than you know. You may not even know, it’s beginning— but the good news is you can know its the end. You are going to see the end of Matrix in your lifetime. Oh the Sangha, Kailasa’s spaceship, be rest assured you can never be destroyed. You can neither go back to Matrix nor you will be destroyed. We will only be getting more and more people out of Matrix, out of the Maya Matrix. The call for Sadāshivoham, is the landline call which is coming to everyone of you. Pick up the phone, put it in your ears and declare I am IN. And wake up in the spaceship to be in Kailasa, back home. I am not done yet. I will continue next week again. I have more deeper insights to share. I have something more to decode the Maya Matrix, but the Oracle’s time gets up. Its time up. You need to digest and you need to be given the information, only as per the requirement, otherwise you get overwhelmed and tend to forget. Digest this informations and execute. Come back for the next dosage, next Sunday. Let gather for next Sunday, Matrix to the concluded. Maya Matrix to be concluded.


I bless you all, lets all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.


( Ma Jnanatma’s speech)


Listen. Some things can be given only after you touch the Saffron Pill. So now I am here to give that to you. A very powerful, special, spiritual alchemy product called Chidambara Chakra, means a Cons…..’citta’ means consciousness, ‘ambara’ means space. Chakra means geometrical energy power center. Chidambara Chakra means a geometrical power center product, which holds Conscious space in it. It was specifically given to me by Vibhudananda Puri; blessed, energized, approved by Sadāshiva Himself - Arunagiri Yogeshwara.

Fortunately very recently I landed up on the same yantra, now it’s ready. Now it’s ready for everyone who came and listened. This is to help you not to postpone. Not to allow the Cypher to work in you, not to postpone. Now the yantras are ready. I’ll be energizing it. Get the yantras. I have already given yes, to the 2016 quotas, for this Sadāshivoham 2016. The moment you say, “I AM IN,” you are inside that quota. The earlier you say, “I AM IN,” the obstacles will be removed, you are in—but only 2016, for this 2016 Sadāshivoham. I have declared, created the Satya Sankalpa for 2016 people, all the obstacles will be removed and they will be let in for Sadāshivoham 2016. Now it is up to you to declare with Will Persistence. Your Will Persistence is going to decide whether you are going to be in the 2016. 2016 people will not have any struggle, all their struggles will be removed. They will straight be here in the spaceship for Sadāshivoham 2016. Whether you are going to be inside that 2016, decide by your Will Persistence and the strong declaration of, “ I AM IN.” Done! Today’s status, Facebook status for all of you, “I AM IN for Sadāshivoham 2016.” “I AM IN - then that telephone image and Sadāshivoham 2016” is the Facebook status for all of you.


So I bless you all, once again, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.

Photos From The Day:

Decoding the Maya Matrix Webinar Decoding the Maya Matrix Webinar Decoding the Maya Matrix Webinar Decoding the Maya Matrix Webinar Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan