August 22 2016

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Live Bhava Samadhi, the Embodied State of Consciousness


Morning satsang by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 22 August 2016: Live Bhava Samadhi, the embodied state of Consciousness.

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Kenopanishad - Live Bhava Samadhi The Embodied State Of Consciousness


nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsanghis, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, SriMahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, everyone sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, and two-way video conferencing, having Nayana Deeksha all over the world, I welcome all of you with My love and respects.

I’ll enter into the next verse, in Kenopanishad. Recite along with me.

nāhaṁ manye suvedeti no na vedeti veda ca |

yo nastadveda tadveda no na vedeti veda ca || 2 ||

nāhaṁ manye suvedeti no na vedeti veda ca |

yo nastadveda tadveda no na vedeti veda ca || 2 ||

nāhaṁ manye suvedeti no na vedeti veda ca |

yo nastadveda tadveda no na vedeti veda ca || 2 ||

Listen, the English translation:

The disciple said:

I do not think that I know IT well and not that I do not know IT—‘I know and I do not know as well.’ One, who amongst us, subjectively cognizes and knows THAT to be as —‘not that I do not know It’ and also ‘I know It not’—truly knows IT.

Listen, definition of a disciple is: it’s not that he completely does not know. It’s not that he completely knows, and he knows, he knows something, and he does not know something.

Understand, knowing what you know is knowledge. Knowing what you don’t know is also knowledge. Not knowing what you don’t know is ignorance. Not knowing is not ignorance. Not knowing what you don’t know is ignorance. Knowing what you know is knowledge, knowing what you don’t know is also knowledge. Not knowing what you don’t know is only ignorance.

Beautifully disciple says: I do not think, I know it well. Means, I don’t think, he is very clear, he is not completely enlightened, and, he also knows, it’s not that I don’t know at all, and not that I do not know it.

nāhaṁ manye suvedeti no na vedeti veda ca |

I do not think I know it well, and that does not mean I do not know. I know and I do not know as well. Means, there are some parts of the truth, I do get into that embodied states, but there are some parts of the truth, still not revealing itself to me or I am not occurring to it.


Listen, carefully. I use the word ‘embodied.’ Just today morning, I was having conversation with some of the ashramites. The concept I was explaining, if you understand you will be able to understand this verse, clearly.

Upanishads are basically, helping you to embody the Consciousness they are describing. The last verse, Kenopanishad described about the pure questioning.

yadi manyase suvedeti dabhramevāpi

  nūnaṁ tvaṁ vettha brahmaṇo rūpam |

yadasya tvaṁ yadasya deveṣvatha nu mīmāṁsyameva te manye viditam || 1||

Guru says: If you think, 'I know IT very well', then you certainly have known only very little expression of Brahman's true nature and form. What you know is conditioned by your limited perception of Brahman’s expression in yourself and Its expression among the Gods too. Therefore, Brahman, the Absolute Truth is still to be sincerely enquired into, contemplated and intranalyzed by you.

See, this whole verse, if you start thinking, contemplating, intra-analyzing. I gave you a very precise technique. Whenever you find time, even while cooking, while lifting stones, while making calls, while serving, between few minutes, whenever you find time, surely, you will be having enough time when you go for 1, 2, 3, all that. Surely you are not going to be doing anything else at that time, and your mind is not going be active, unless you have a constipation. All those moments you get, turn towards you, ask –

“what is it in me which is making me breathe?

What is it in me, which is making me hear? Listen.

What is it in me, which is making me see?

What is it in me, that is making me breathe? At that time don’t breathe too much.


Understand, even this question, suddenly turn your attention to something, that will make you experience what I call Embodied States of Consciousness. In Sanskrit we have a beautiful word, Bhāva Samādhi. Whatever becomes your Bhāva Samādhi is known to you. Whatever has not become your Bhāva Samādhi is not known to you. Whatever has become your Bhāva Samādhi, is known to you. Whatever has not become your Bhāva Samādhi, is not known to you. Make your life, the lifestyle of Bhāva Samādhi.

I was talking today morning about Rudrabishekam. What for it is? Early morning, 4:30 when you get up, and pour cold water on you, and finish the pancha kriya, go and sit in front of that Shiva Linga. 1008 Shiva Lingas, energized personally by Sadāshiva. Sit and connect with Sadāshiva. Wherever you may be, whoever you may be, whatever form you may be, something I may know, something I may not know –

“Oh Sadāshiva I know you are the Source of everything. You are everything and you are in this Linga. You are in this body. You are the source for both. Let me connect with you. Let you reveal yourself to me. Let me be in the Bhāva Samādhi of You, Shivoham.”

Sit, when you sit in that Bhāva, and do action of Rudrabishekam, the Embodied States of Consciousness becomes your reality. Bhāva Samādhi becomes possibility. I tell you, it is this Bhāva Samādhis, which are the juiciest moments of life. Until you experience this Bhāva Samādhis, only sex will be the juiciest point in life, juiciest experience in your life, you will running only after that.


Understand, only Bhāva Samādhis can give you the higher taste in life. Higher joy in life. Higher Consciousness in life. Then after that, whether you want to have a physical joys or don’t want to have is up to you, but without having the Bhāva Samādhi if you're enjoying only the physical pleasures it will be so suffocating, because so many things need to be maintained. Even with all that maintenance, it is many times disappointing you. So everything related to your physical pleasure and physical pleasure life, you will start developing incompletions with it, and you’ll start hating it.

I tell you, many times I have seen people getting into this. They will go to Hawaii, they will go to Kashmir, they will go to Goa. Instead of enjoying their vacation they’ll start planning, “Oh, if I have a vacation home here, how sweet it will be.” They’ll buy a vacation home and maintenance and all that will become such headache and so much of incompletions they will develop they’ll never again even hear the word Goa. Even the word Goa will be so heavy for them. I have seen people doing this.

Understand, Bhāva Samādhi, Embodying States of, Embodied States of Consciousness, will awaken such amazing doors about life to you. That is why Rudrābhishekam, in that half an hour you will just enter into that Bhāva Samādhi of Shivoham. Kirtan is a technique for Bhāva Samādhi. When your stomach gets churned again and again. It will release all the pitta. All the toxins will be cleansed, suddenly you will see the stomach feels so much of joy. It’s as if you have swallowed a joy pillow and it is sitting there. Now it feels like acid pillow. If you just do the Kirtan fully with all that rotating the body and steps, you will suddenly feel the whole stomach has become like a joy pillow. You have swallowed a joy pillow and it is sitting inside. It will be so sweet and light.

The embodying different states of consciousness, or Embodied State of Consciousness is the purpose of all the spiritual practice, whether it is pure questioning or Unclutching, Complete Completion, morning Yoga, Rudrabhishekam, or Guru Puja, or Kirtan, or the Satsang. By the time you come to the Satsang, you should be ready, to embody what I am sharing, what I am entangling, or what I am vibrating.

Whatever becomes your Bhāva Samādhi is known to you, whatever has not become your Bhāva Samādhi is unknown to you. That is all Upanishad is express, expressing in this second verse.


Second verse:

nāhaṁ manye suvedeti no na vedeti veda ca |

yo nastadveda tadveda no na vedeti veda ca || 2 ||

One, amongst us, subjectively cognizes and knows that to be as, not that I do not know it, the not-known reality and also, I know it not, the unknown reality, truly knows it.

See, if you know what has become your Bhāva Samādhi and what is yet to become your Bhāva Samādhi— you have a complete knowledge about you. Constantly working all your intellectual understandings to become Bhāva Samādhi, Embodied States of Consciousness. I tell you, the wealth you can acquire while you are in the human body, the highest wealth you can acquire, while you are in the human body is Embodied States of Consciousness, Bhāva Samādhi. Sometimes bhakti, love. Sometimes that Shivoham. Sometimes the Shuddhadvaita Anubhuti. How you embody, the Consciousness.

Embodying Consciousness means, your length, breadth, depth, is filled by that one Bhāva. Your length, breadth, depth radiates, vibrates with that one Consciousness.


When you embody Consciousness that becomes reality. See when I embody Sadāshiva, simply whomever I initiate they manifests the powers. If you’re a Balasant, without much toxins, you directly manifest. If you are an adult with some toxins, at the least toxins starts coming down. If I put twenty initiations the first initiation starts opening up. There are some people in the ashram, if you tell one hundred joke, for the first joke they’ll start laughing, during the ninety eighth jokes. That is the way. If I give one hundred initiation, by ninety eighth initiation the first initiation will start working. That is okay. I am ready to do that hard work also no problem. If you are going to manifest I am ready to do anything.

Embodying Consciousness. Embodying Consciousness becoming Shiva Gana, Chit Gana. Consciousness means Chit. Embodying means Gana. Chit Gana anubhava.

For example, in the morning yoga, the experience, which is expected, is, you feeling the whole body is nectar. In the yoga, yoga is all about experiencing tremendous ecstasy, orgasm in the very body, without any other body, just in the air. The whole body vibrating the joy, amrita sharira that is the Conscious Embodiment, chit gana anubhava supposed to happen during the yoga. The purpose of yoga is that only. Do malakhumba or hang on the rope and do, or roll on the ground and do, do upside down. Use all the accessories required. Use even weights required, whatever you want, you have full freedom. The goal, the context is embodying amrita sharira embodying the ecstatic, body, without external touch, just by the air.

Next pancha kriya. Pancha Kriya is such embodying purification. Once you complete pancha kriya you should feel your whole body is pure. Then Puja, embodying Bhakti, Consciousness. Chit Gana Anubhava Samādhi of Bhakti, surrender, devotion, dropping all the crap from the head.

In the pancha kriya, below the chest you clean, whatever is unnecessary you drop. During Puja, above the head you clean, whatever is unnecessary accumulated you drop. During the satsang, you sit in Nirvikalpa Samadhi, just to reverberate, vibrate, entangle Sadashivoham, Shuddhadvaita Satya.


The whole morning routine I have designed as a complete, embody, embodying the state of Consciousness, Chit gana Anubhava, Chit Gana Anubhava. It is all about Bhāva Samādhi. It is all about Bhāva Samādhi. Whatever has become your Bhāva Samādhi, Chit gana anubhava you know it. Whatever has not become your Chit Gana Anubhava you don’t know it.

I will continue to expand, the deeper secrets, in further Satsangs.

I bless you all. Let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing Living Shuddha Advaita Shaivam, the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Photos From The Day:



Embodying Amrita Sharira, Embodied states of consciousness, Sadashiva, Rudrabhisheka, Puja, Kirtan, Embodying Bhakti, Consciousess, Chit Gana Anubhava, Surrender, Devotion, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Sadashiovham, Shuddha Advaita Satya, Morning Routine, Bhava Samadhi, Embodying Consciousness Defined