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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Katopanishad, experience, mind, body, authenticity, knowledge, dual, masculine, feminine, logic  
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Katopanishad, experience, mind, body, authenticity, knowledge, dual, masculine, feminine, logic  
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Is Your Life Egoing Or Easygoing


Video Audio


Understanding Jealousy


Video Audio


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) continues His examination of Katopanishad. Any knowledge you imbibe, you become that. When mind becomes subtle and subtle, knowledge itself becomes experience. When your body becomes subtle and subtle, sensitive and evolved, you become dual, meaning that the masculine strength and the feminine grace just merges into one. The integrity and the authenticity of the masculine being, responsibility and enriching of the feminine grace becomes one in the body. Inauthentic ones imagine themselves as authentic just because they have knowledge which has not yet become experience and go around and round in crooked way, like the blind led by the blind. Even one wrong idea inside your system by the wrong book or a wrong logic sometimes takes years to clean and get out of it.


“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and blessings! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 352 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 43 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 192 cities, in 29 countries around the world! I welcome you all with my love and blessings!

Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 11th day. Tomorrow you will be breaking the fast – the samyama will be ending. Cities sitting with us – San jose madurai, oklahama somanatham, vancouver puri, Washington DC Sripuram – washington DC, did you read the article that last year after our Baalananda’s meditation process the crime rate in USA has drastically dropped. Last year to reduce the crime rate all our devotees gathered in wash dc and did a special meditation process for 21 days. All of you may be aware. After that the crime rate has drastically reduced. They are saying the scale has reduced, significantly reduced. The highest rating has been given on that scale. I will read out the whole report in tomorrow’s morning satsang. So our effort to reduce the crime through meditation is a big success in America especially in Washington DC.

Today we have one important centre added – our Kumba mela branch is on 2 way today. Maha Kumbapuri from Allahabad. I can see atma maneesha, Tuiry, Puja and other naga sadhus. I welcome all of you – Maha Kumbapuri branch from Allahabad is joining today..our Utsava murthy Nithyanandeshwara is gracing there sitting with Nithyanandeshwari. You can see pratyaksha murthi also sitting the Dhyanapeeta Maha samsthana Simhasanam. Every day thousands of people are having food there….just show the whole place….now you guys can have Darshan! Can they show the Anna Nakshatra…thanks to pujananda, turiyananda and atma maneeshananda. Just these 3, 4 voluntteers have set up the whole branch and I got report thousands are gathering and having food. Of course today is not the snaan day so less number of people. On snaan days thousands are being served…It is the world’s largest city. The wall street journal gives the report it is Shangai, New York, London, Paris – put together. The Mega pop up city happens just in 3 weeks and dismantled in 10 days. Because the Kumba mela gets over by March 10th and by March 15th flood comes. So whole thing has to be dismantled. Please understand the whole city is built in 3 weeks and gets dismantled in 10 days. Now you can see the board of the entrance Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta clearly! I welcome the devotees from all over the world as the Maha Mandeleshwar of the Maha Nirvaani Akhaada. Please come and enjoy the world’s largest gathering of humanity…the authorities are expecting 250 - 1/5th of Indian population. In this month, 25, 000 tonne food grains are used every day. and you should know first day 10 million took snaan and all the 10 million were given free food. That is the spontaneous evolution of the religious sentiment. This county runs by the religious sentiment. Thank you for just three of our sanyaasis. Only 3 and handful of volunteers are sitting there and feeding thousands of sadhus everyday. Yes now you can see the whole camp from a long shot. Hope you are able to see the hoardings. Just near the bridge. Thanks to U.P. Government for giving a very prominent place on the main road on the Kumbapuri itself. Thanks to Maha Nirvaani Akhada for helping and supporting us and standing by us. Great! My special blessings to Pujannada – single handedly managing and Turiyananda, Atma Maneeshananda – few volunteers in that cold staying there and doing the Kalpavaas puja. I am so happy. I always wanted to do Kalpavaas – means staying there for 55 days. I am so happy at least few of my sanyaasis are doing kalpavaasa. My blessings to you guys and continue to feed the sadhus. Great! Beautiful. I told to put the Meenakshi gopuram what happened? <It is getting ready in two days> I told them to put Meenakshi Gopuram in Kumba Mela. Beautiful.

Blessings to all the volunteers devotees and especially our sadhus for doing such wonderful work, amazing work! Do you know we can accommodate 250 people that big place they have constructed. And hygienically we can feed 10,000 people a day. the whole thing just a few of our sanyaasis have established and I am so happy they are able to come on 2 way today. From Feb 8th to 16th – 10 days I will be available. So we will have morning satsang live from there. Great!

Yesterday KB chose the property in which the Houston temple will be established. Kaala Bhairava chose the property. Kaala Bhairava read out clearly in his Aakashik Readings. He has also assured no more air related problems to Houston. No more hurricanes to Houston. Houston is protected. You need to know just now we found out – The original deity size is 12 feet tall. And we are making 12 feet tall and we are coming there. So you guys is going to have the Texas size Shiva Linga. See Texas is the largest city, so everything will be big whether coco cola can or pizza everything will be tall. So you guys will be hosting the largest Shivalinga of US. So Kalahasteeshwara is coming. He is getting ready. He is coming. Hope you will receive before April 14th. Even before April 14th, he may reach Hosuton kalahasti because our guys are working. I am also trying to make the jewels. Just like Kalahasti..this is the way your deity is going to be. 12 feet tall. Seattle Nataraja is 13 feet, he will be little small when Prabhavali comes he will be taller.

Today 2nd batch Brahmanyam bahu putrataam happening successfully! What a program! This should be the branding word for this program – what a program! It is so nice. Let us enter into today’s satsang – authenticity with Katha Upanishad. Yesterday we were working on Katha Upanishad 2nd chapter 3rd and 4th verse –

सत्वंप्रियान्प्रियरूपान्चकामान् | अभिध्यायन्नचिकेतःअत्यस्राक्षीः।

नएतांसृङ्कांवित्तमयींअवाप्तः | यस्यांमज्जन्तिबहवोमनुष्याः॥

दूरंएतेविपरीतेविषूची || 2.4

अविद्यायांअन्तरेवर्तमानाः | स्वयंधीराःमण्डितंमन्यमानाः।

दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाः | अन्धेनएवनीयमानाःयथाअन्धाः॥ 2.5

“Wide apart are these two - authenticity and inauthenticity leading in opposite directions. I believe Nachiketas to be one who longs for authenticity, since many tempting objects have not turned thee aside.

The knowledge of atma vidya. Please understand Brahma vit brahmaiva bhavathi. Any knowledge when you imbibe you become that! Listen. Any knowledge when you imbibe that you become that. When mind becomes subtle and subtle knowledge itself becomes experience. When your body becomes subtle and subtle, sensitive, evolved you become dual. In all evolved beings dual is the core – whether it is Buddha, Shiva, Krishna when body evolves, you become dual. When mind evolves, becomes subtle, any knowledge becomes experience. Knowledge is masculine, experience is feminine. When your body evolves both becomes one and you become dual. When your mind evolves, both become one and knowledge itself becomes experience. Whether it is Mahadeva, Buddha, Mahavira, the more you evolve, the more the body evolves you become dual. This is a very subtle truth.

Dual becomes non-dual means the masculine strength and the feminine grace just merges into one. The integrity and the authenticity of the masculine being, responsibility and enriching of the feminine grace becomes one in the body the real yogic body will be dual – Meenakshi’s body was dual, Sundareshwara’s body was dual, Arunachala’s body was dual, Buddha’s body was dual , Krishna’s body was dual. When body evolves, it becomes dual. Manu very clearly says by 45 your body should become dual. If you have lived with your body, by 45 it should become dual! The delayed physical maturity and earlier it becoming dual is the scale based on which the longevity is decided and whether it is yogic body or not is decided. Knowledge itself becoming experience is see knowledge itself becomes experience when your body also becomes dual. It is a very subtle phenomenon. Listen. Knowledge is always masculine. Experience is always feminine. If your body is centred on one gender and rejected, the other component of gender in your system, you will continue to struggle with experience or with knowledge. Only experience not having knowledge - you will not be complete or having only knowledge and not the experience – you will not be complete. The denied other part, incomplete other part continues to harass you! when the body evolves, gets matured it becomes dual. When the mind evolves, gets matured, it become dual!

The power of authenticity and the grace to enrich! Power of authenticity and the grace to enrich! No religion is able to touch this depth of the duality in the body. Vedic tradition was able to reach that heights. That is why the description of Ardha Nareeshwara. It is not half, half. If you think the right side of Shiva does not have feminine you are wrong and vice versa. It is a pictorial depiction. Otherwise it is both, both. Right hand masculine strength and left has masculine strength both describe both. This is the conceptual presentation of this. this picture is not what depicts that…what you saw some time before what you saw showed that Somehow it is unfortunate humanity did not recognize. You can never visualize Krishna without the feminine grace, you can never visualize buddha without the feminine grace, you can never visualize Meenakshi without masculine strength. You can never visualize Sundareshwara without feminine grace .

Knowledge directly becoming experience happens in dual body just like that because in dual body you have not suppressed and denied the possibility of the other. You came out of both energies, how can you be just one energy? When the ingredient is mango and banana how will you expect the juice will be only mango or only banana. But you go on imagining. Unfortunately, not only imagining but denying the other component. The love and the lust of the humanity is nothing but the denial of the other component. That is why eternally it ends in denial. Because it starts in denial, it ends in denial. Any human being’s love and lust can be given this title – a long denial between birth to death, bed to tomb, cradle to tomb – a long denial.

How many of you cognize that the knowledge is not becoming the experience in you or the experience is not strengthening the knowledge in you? raise your hand. You all have denial of one part in you. do completion with the other part. Sit do the swapoornatva. See your reflection, your chaaya, your shadow is your incomplete part. Do the completion, I tell you – your experience will strengthen the knowledge and knowledge will strengthen the experience.

A man who lives in slum will never know the joy of the palace. How much ever king describes the palace. Even if you put him in palace, he will re-build his slum. His bedroom will be made again as slum.

There are only 2 bodies on planet earth - denied or dual. Denied is slum, dual is palace. Which one you develop is based on the way you live. I am 100% sure Jnaana Sambandar was dual body. You cannot visualize Jnaana Sambandar without the grace of feminine quality. Knowledge becoming experience is authenticity. Listen. Knowledge becoming experience is authenticity. Knowledge becoming experience is authenticity.

Knowledge becoming experience is authenticity. When you are authentic with your body, automatically, it becomes dual. When you complete with all the incompletions of your body, it becomes dual! In all the male body Kundalini is the denied female component. In all female body the kundalini is the denied male component. When kundalini is awakened, simply your system becomes dual. Dual is not gay or lesbian or transgender, it is transcendental gender. It is not impotent it is omnipotent.

Knowledge becoming directly experience happens when there is no incompletion in you. I tell you whether it is love or lust in your life, when it happens out of completion, it becomes something extraordinary, totally different. When it happens out of incompletion, it brings suffering to you and to others. So I request every one of you sit with the mirror and complete with the denied part of you. I tell you just with this one process, we can stop divorces on the planet earth. Divorce is nothing but you feel he is not completing your denied part. How can he become healthy if you take medicine? How can he die if you take poison? You denied it and you are expecting he or she has to fulfill it. No. you have to fulfill it. The denied part has to be incorporated, imbibed as part of you. Each one of you have the denied kid inside you. if I open your heart and see 10 kids are sitting inside – one in anxiety, fear, anger and 2, 3 men and women are rolling and fighting with each other. All of them put together is you.

One mad guy was sitting on the well and screaming – 16. Other guy went near and asked what 16? This guy pushed him also inside and said 17, 17, 17! When I see your well, I can see some 16, 17 are there. The 5 year old version of you, the 6 year old version of you, the 8 year old version of you, the 18 year old version of you - one is sitting with teddy bear, another one with motor car, another one with rose flower, some wells I saw even one or two ghosts are sitting. Understand those all multiple personalities put together is you. that is why I say most dangerous species on planet earth are human beings. Just don’t live with them. I tell you from my experience. Just don’t live with them. Once they become authentic and integrated they become divine being. Live with them. That is why I am very clear. Either I lived with divine beings or rishis or bootas or ghosts. I have never lived with human beings…who Dhyanapeetam are rishis, bhota, pretas people who have become authentic – rishis, people who are struggling with inauthenticity are bhootas pretas. By and by I mastered how to handle them. Maha Kaala Yama is so sure the knowledge will become just experience in Nachiketa. He saw the authenticity. RK says beautifully – during the Svaati nakshatra when the rain showers and the mother pearl comes up in the ocean, when that rain drop the mother pearl makes pearl. The svaati rain waits for the right mother pearl to come and open so that it can shower and the mother pearl is waiting for the rain to happen. Here ran found the right mother pearl. Rain now knows if I now drop this water into this mother pearl it will surely make one pearl. It will not be wasted.

Now Yama knows Naachiketa will make this knowledge into exp. Next see what yama says in next verse – 2nd chapter, 5th verse.


दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाःअन्धेनएवनीयमानाःयथाअन्धाः॥ 2.5

So beautiful - Yama, Maha Kaala declares to Nachiketa -

“Fools dwelling in ignorance, yet imagining themselves wise and learned, go round and round in crooked ways, like the blind led by the blind.”

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they have knowledge which has not yet become experience go around and round in croocked way, like the blind led by the blind.

If the blind is led by blind where will they be led to? You all know…

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they have knowledge which has not yet become experience….


दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाःअन्धेनएवनीयमानाःयथाअन्धाः॥ 2.5

Yama must have been a great poet. Unfortunately, in Indian movies he has always been shown as a comedian. But he is such an intelligent being….he is shown as the one who is dark, big, black sitting on buffalo and chitragupta is assistant comedian. No he is Guru, God who can give you boon.


दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाःअन्धेनएवनीयमानाःयथाअन्धाः॥ 2.5

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they have knowledge which has not yet become experience, understand the knowledge which has not yet become experience means you ate and it did not get digested. Only dogs eat that way. if you eat something and do not digest it, what will happen. It will come out through the same hole from which it went in. if you see dogs, it vomits and eats only that. Even in dogs case they don’t eat if another dog vomits. In your case it is so unfortunate you eat another’s vomit. All ideas, words by unenlightened one is “vomit” how many are going to eat it. This one word internalize very sincerely. Even one wrong idea inside your system by the wrong book or a wrong logic sometimes takes years to clean and get out of it. As if you don’t have enough confusion. Why do you want more? No. we will call tea as Bodhi Dharma Teertha

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because just they have knowledge which has not yet become experience go around and round in crooked way, like the blind led by the blind.

Listen never do this mistake of being led by blind. <Pic shown> you will end up like this only. You may be well dressed and be given even free shoes. But where you are going is dangerous! Maha Kaala is clearly warning Nachiketa about the people who don’t have authenticity and yet try to lead others. He is using a very beautiful word –

दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाः – means going round and round and round in crooked ways conspired ways. That is why Osho very beautifully puts it – an enlightened being posing as enlightened being is the conspiracy against the cosmos! Don’t waste your time in going round and round in crooked ways being led by the blind and when you know you are blind, never everything or plan leading another blind. If you are blind only you travel. At least it is suicide. If you are guiding another blind, it is murder also! Maha Kaala is so clear. He says inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they have knowledge which has not yet become experience go around and round in crooked way, like the blind led by the blind.


दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाःअन्धेनएवनीयमानाःयथाअन्धाः॥ 2.5

Because many enlightened beings gave up on people, unenlightened ones have started guiding the people. So the only solution for this problem is don’t give up on people! What is the solution come on, Gurukul kids – Don’t give up on people. The mudra is very important especially for Gurukul kids because that if you observe it becomes your body language. If you observe me, you will see whenever I say alright I will move these fingers..understand when it goes with the mudra body language, it stays with you forever. I wanted to share an incident with you guys. How I discovered one of my strong patterns and completed and healed with Ram by his grace and compassion. There was a certain pattern that I was trying to come out of and I could see I was not able to get out of it. Of course I did not go to him to tell about that, but he found out. So some visitor came to him, that visitor was talking exactly same thing. When he was describing the whole thing, I was simply able to cognize the whole thing for myself….the visitor was talking he listened, listened looking into my eyes. End of the conversation, both our eyes locked with each other. I was just nodding whatever visitor was saying, visitor is also nodding whatever I was saying…end of conversation he looked deeply into y eyes and said alright and started doing his japa. I saw the pattern in me broken and I am also doing the same mudra and started doing ajapa japa. With mudra when it gets inside it becomes bio memory. if he has given up on me, what I would have done? I would have been leading some blind fellow because the seeking itself cannot be kept under the carpet. I don’t give up on people who give up on me just because I don’t want them to go to some blind person and go round and round they will waste janmas (lives). Because once someone is touched by me, their seeking is always kept alive and they will be just burning, burning…….that is why I continue to not to give up on them, even when they give up on me. When you give up on you, you give up on others…


दंद्रम्यमाणाःपरियन्तिमूढाःअन्धेनएवनीयमानाःयथाअन्धाः॥ 2.5

What is the solution for this problem? Don’t give up on people! Blind led by the blind you know where both end. What Yama has to say further in further sutras we will see in next satsangs. Now we will move to next part of the morning satsang - dial the avatar.

Today is Taipoosam a very auspicious day for Subramyana – Skanda. All over the world the Kaumaris the followers of skanda sampradaaya celebrate today. In Malaysia, in TN and in Toronto and in all Nithyananda Vedic temples all over the world we will be celebrating…see all Telugu people establish Venkateshwara, all north Indian temples establish Krishna and radha….even all subramanya temples outside India are established by nagarattas , chettiyars.

Vallalaar from Tamil Nadu attained Videha Mukti on this day. All traditions of the Madurai Aadheenam he followed so sincerely….one of the important tradition of sharing food he followed. Vallalaar - a saint left the body today…

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 576 places through Nithyananda TV, 47 in places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 264 cities, 37 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

(Please note: This is a Rough Transcript of the discourse. Catch the re-telecast of the message at 6:30 pm and 11:30 pm IST on nithyananda.tv Satsang message is telecast after the Pada Puja)


Essence of Responsibility and Jealously || Part 1 || NDY || 27 January 2013


Name of Convention: Nithya Dhyana Yoga
Session on: Essence of Responsibility and Jealously Part 1
Date: 27 January 2013
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about how life enriches an individual, fulfils individuals with their self & others and why one should not give up on others. HDH also explains how whenever there is inauthenticity in 'anyakara' individuals end up with comparing self with others and end up with hurt, anger, suffering and that jealousy is the outcome of deep innate violence the individual carry within themselves.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Essence of Responsibility and Jealously || Part 2 || NDY 27 Jan 2013


Name of Convention: Nithya Dhyana Yoga
Session on: Essence of Responsibility and Jealously Part 2
Date: 27 January 2013
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about how life enriches an individual, fulfils individuals with their self & others and why one should not give up on others. HDH also explains how whenever there is inauthenticity in 'anyakara' individuals end up with comparing self with others and end up with hurt, anger, suffering and that jealousy is the outcome of deep innate violence the individual carry within themselves.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Essence of Responsibility and Jealously || Part 3 || NDY || 27 Jan 2013


Name of Convention: Nithya Dhyana Yoga
Session on: Essence of Responsibility and Jealously Part 3
Date: 27 January 2013
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about how life enriches an individual, fulfils individuals with their self & others and why one should not give up on others. HDH also explains how whenever there is inauthenticity in 'anyakara' individuals end up with comparing self with others and end up with hurt, anger, suffering and that jealousy is the outcome of deep innate violence the individual carry within themselves.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Morning Yoga http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0860.JPG Dakshinamurthy Under The Banyan Tree Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Meru and Ambal http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1254.JPG Divine Lotus Feet of Swamiji When mind evolves, becomes subtle, any knowledge becomes experience http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1325.JPG Knowledge is masculine, experience is feminine When your body evolves both becomes one and you become dual If your body is centred on one gender and rejected, the other component of gender in your system, you will continue to struggle with experience or with knowledge In all the male body Kundalini is the denied female component. In all female body the kundalini is the denied male component. I request every one of you sit with the mirror and complete with the denied part of you Maha Kaala Yama is so sure the knowledge will become just experience in Nachiketa Morning Yoga Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they have knowledge which has not yet become experience go around and round in croocked way, like the blind led by the blind. If the blind is led by blind where will they be led to? You all know…do not even read the material done by un-enlightened ones Even one wrong idea inside your system by the wrong book or a wrong logic sometimes takes years to clean and get out of it. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1425.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1450.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1463.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1471_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1476.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1481.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1488.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1496.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1500.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1510.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1528_0.JPG Nithya Satsang - IMG_0934.jpg





Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Katopanishad, experience, mind, body, authenticity, knowledge, dual, masculine, feminine, logic

Photos Of The Day:


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