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Today’s (31st January, 2015) Morning [[Satsang]] continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Verse I, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares how his goal is to lead us to higher reality. Life is all about evolving our cognition from perception to fact, fact to truth and truth to reality. That’s all. Nothing to do with so-called bliss, love, [[renunciation]] and [[yoga]]; all these are side effects. Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeBlis... https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaN... https://plus.google.com/1040865652862...
Today’s (31st January, 2015) Morning [[Satsang]] continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Verse I, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares how his goal is to lead us to higher reality. Life is all about evolving our cognition from perception to fact, fact to truth and truth to reality. That’s all. Nothing to do with so-called bliss, love, [[renunciation]] and [[yoga]]; all these are side effects. Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeBlis... https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaN... https://plus.google.com/1040865652862...
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=== Purpose Of Life Is To Evolve  ===
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Introducing You, to You! || Part 1 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015
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(Curtain open, music playing welcoming Swamiji)
Now I am going to introduce you to you. Please listen. One of the greatest gift you have is YOU. One of the biggest curse you have is YOU. You are your friend, you are your enemy. There is some part of you, your friend; some part of you, your enemy. Gita says beautifully
uddhared ātmanātmānaḿ nātmānam avasādayet
Raise yourself by yourself. If you can raise yourself by yourself, you are your greatest friend. If not, you are your greatest enemy.
I am going to introduce just four words. Please listen to these four words. (Swamiji drawing on the white board) It’s a cartoon of aam aadmi :) All of us. Listen, whatever ideas you have about you, inside you - not how you tell about you to others, no. What you believe as you inside you; secretly inside four walls, if you sit, and analyze who you are, and ideas you have about you - is inner image.
I am going to introduce four words to you. Inner image - the ideas you have about you, inside you, inner image.
Next, how you show you to others - Like your son, daughter, father, mother, in-laws, spouse, boss - to all of them, how you show you to all of them. For each one you show yourself in different, different way. All that put together is outer image.
See, you may show yourself in one way to your son, one way to your spouse, one way to your boss. But there are something underlying, it will be always more than what you are. Am I right? How many of you understand what I am saying? So that underlying pattern, the way you project yourself to everyone - That is outer image.
Third, how others perceive you - never ever believe the way you show people same way they perceive you. No. You may show very humble way, they will say, “See see, how he is acting, we know about him, see see.” You may show in some way, but  others may perceive you in a different way. How you show you, how you show you to them, will not be the same way they perceive you. How you show to, how you show you to them - is outer image. How they all perceive you - is other’s image.
And you have an idea about others and life, “life is always cheating,” “everyone is there around me to exploit me.” You have some ideas about others and life. That is life image. You have some ideas in your head, about others and life. That is life image. Please understand, your whole life is just this four word, that’s all. Conflict between this four word is suffering. If all these four are in sync, it is joy, fulfillment. That’s all.
I am introducing you to you. Your whole life is just this four words. And whatever Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Brahma Sutra, all the Hindu scriptures, Purana’s, Ramayama, Mahabharata, Agama, Shastra, whatever spiritual books are teaching, essence of all that is just aligning these four. Aligning these four. I am not saying how you believe you, same way you should talk about you to others, no. How you believe itself is not true, it is not stable, even that should be changed.
First, let us study how our Inner image is, how our outer image is, how others image is, how others perceive me, whoever is in my life. Don’t tell, why should I bother about what others think? No, they are part of your life. You need to bother about what your wife thinks about you. Otherwise she will make you bother. You need to bother about what your family thinks about you. Whoever is part of your life. You have to bother, what they think about you.
Understand, because you are having the benefits of them. So naturally you need to be responsible for what they think about you, in your life. And what is actual inner image, outer image, others image, life image we have. And what we really want to have, what type of inner image we should have - You may have a idea, you may have a desire. What type of outer image you want to have - You may have an idea, you may have a desire. What type of others image you want to have - You may have an  idea, desire.
So what you have, what you want to have... We will sit and analyze step by step, and make what you want to have, drop what you have now. What will make what you want to have. That is completion. If you can make the inner image the way you want, outer image the way you want, others image the way you want, life image the way you want- that is completion.
I will give you an example from My own  life. Listen, the inner image I have, when I look inside to see the inner image I have… Once I tried to look into the mirror and see what I have inside Me. It is just a vast empty space. You call that as Nirvana, Atmajnana, Bramajnana, enlightenment, consciousness, atma, Paramatma, God, whatever word you want you can use. I saw only pure emptiness.
So the inner image I carry about Me is a pure emptiness.
And the outer image, how I project Me to all of you, My declared outer image is - person who is working to transmit this experience to everyone. Who is here to transmit this experience to everyone. That is my outer image, I am projecting.
Others image, how you perceive Me, it can be any way. You can look at Me as a healer who will heal your headache, or healer who will heal your knee pain. Or a Swami if he blesses, you may have lottery, you may have wealth or you may have a peaceful life. Or you may even look at even Me as a fraud, how the media projects. So many in, out, your image, others image is there. So many images. Somebody looks at me as a teacher, who teaches this knowledge. Somebody looks at me as a Master, who gives the spiritual experience. Understand, but whatever image you create, end of the day I am responsible.
I may declare I am here to give that enlightenment to you, but if you ask Me, “No, no, no, first I want my headache to be healed. Bless me for that. Bless me I should have, become wealthy. First bless me for that.” Even if you ask the things which I have not declared. I am responsible, because they are within the purview of My declaration. Listen, I’ll tell you, to give you enlightenment, I have to, I may have to transmit thousand volt spiritual energy. But to remove your headache, I may need to give only one volt spiritual energy. Because it is within the purview of My declaration, I am responsible.
Anything which can be done by the spiritual power, like healing, giving you peace, mental health, or making your life peaceful and happy relationships, making you fulfilled, contented, all that if you ask, even though I have not declared, I am responsible if you are expect that from Me. If you expect I should become like a Sachin Tendulkar and get hundred century, in the cricket, I am not responsible for that. Because that is out of My purview of declaration. If you expect I should become a politician, become CM or PM in some government, I am not responsible for that. Because that is not My declaration. My declaration is I am here to give enlightenment. Anything which falls inside that is My declaration.
Do you understand what is under My purview of My declaration and what is outside? Look in your life. Whenever you declare yourself as a husband or wife of somebody, whatever that person’s expectation which is under the purview of the wife and husband’s expectation, you are responsible for it. So you are responsible for others image, as per your declaration. How you project you to them - outer image - based on that, you are responsible for their expectation. So whatever your expectation is, I am responsible and I have to fulfill it. Either I have to give you the boon of what you are asking, if you are not capable of receiving, I have to prepare you and make it happen; that is My responsibility. Understand, this seat is not that easy. Everyone’s expectation I should see to it, that becomes reality. That becomes reality.
Next, the life image I have, as far as My experience is concerned, I feel the whole life is here to celebrate with Me, celebrate the existence, life, with Me.
So now, look into your life and pen down what is your inner image - How you feel about you inside you. What is your outer image - How you project you to others. And what is your others image - How, what kind of image they carry about you? And what is the image you have  about life and others - life image.
Few minutes, look in and pen down.
And dig deep and really see, exactly what’s the inner image you are carrying, and outer image you are having, Life image you have, and others image you carry. All the four,  answer in a detailed way, so that you can analyze, whatever is you.
Introducing You, to You! || Part 2 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015
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If you have any doubt in what I explained - inner image, outer image, life image, other's image - in these concepts, you are welcome, please come to the mic; I’ll clarify your questions. I’ll answer your doubts. Mm, Go ahead.
Participant: Swamiji, only if I like to do the work I will do it and I’ll take my own time to do it. So, which category does this come to?
HDH: No, no, no, is this idea  you're talking about you to others or you’re talking about you to you.
Participant: Myself
HDH: It’s inner image. Any other question you have? Please come to the mic. Go ahead.
Participant: Good morning, Swamiji, my problem is, in my eyes my problem is The people see, uh, tell me things about myself that is exactly the opposite of what I am. It's like I am a mirror of my environment and they see something about my mother, about my friend, about my brother telling me this, oh, you are this, you are that, but I'm not say this or that.  I’m like a mirror. It’s my problem.
HDH: So, how, how it can be solved? We will see in the next process so I am happy that you understood the problem.
Participant: Thank you
HDH:  Anybody else? Shall we get into the solution? Come on.
Participant: My humble pranams at your lotus feet. [Kannada w/translation] Swamiji I feel we don't need to bother about what certificate the world we live in gives us.  You said we are part of this society so we have to care…
HDH:  No, what I am saying. Tell Me. Do you take advantage of your family, means, they cook for your food. They give you protection. They give you a kind of a moral support, safety?  When they give all that so naturally what they think about you, you are responsible for it.  I am not saying you should be, you should feel responsible for the fellow who is walking in the street. You are not responsible for them, their opinion about you, but whoever is involved in your life, part of your life with whom you committed, who has committed with you, about their opinion you are responsible. Is it not? How can you say? You will have all advantage of them. You are here means, morning, they have given you food, they gave you this clothes and they gave you the vehicle to come here. So your family is supporting you in whatever you want to do. When you take advantage of them so naturally you are responsible for what they think about you. See, you may not be responsible for what somebody who is in the street thinks about you. You don't need to be responsible; but whoever is part of your life.
Participant: Whether my life should depend on their comments, like that.
HDH: No, no, no. Comments.. listen, comments are different, feeling responsible for their understanding about you is different. There are some people who will be creating comments just to give you pain. But there are very sincere perceptions about you by many people about which you need to be responsible. Understand what I am saying?
Participant: Then I get. I needed to be corrected or correct them.
HDH: You have to be responsible. I am not saying you need to correct you or  correct them. Sometimes they need correction. Sometimes you need correction, but there is correction required. If you understand that much that’s enough. Clear.
Participant: Thank you swamiji
Participant: Swamiji, I have got a lot of doubts, means, actually I am also working as a project head, maybe around five hundred people they are working with me. Whenever I have that project requirement is there,  thousands of ideas. Actually when I enter there, all the five hundred people I can give the job - that is my idea, i have got all these things. It’s all there, everybody happy which is coming out of the present everything. only one person put one negative, he made something nuisance or something that  entire project it’s, whatever comes, If whatever everyday I am getting hundreds ideas, if 500 people they are working means, I have, each and everybody is to be target the project and everything is my part of work. That time if they say one person only one person will be complaint. The, because of one person see he made a …. shouting maybe is he say simply say like that he used to talk loose talk and all that, he will put it to the higher authority. They may take a negative action and then my entire all the positive thinking, everything, will be totally negative. It’s become my mind will be blocked. How to solve that moment I am not able to get anything.
HDH: This whole thing, one person if he is able to collapse. Then there is some pain point exactly where he put his hand. Understand?
Participant: I didn’t get the point.
HDH: So, no. If one person can collapse 500 people's work. Then there is actually some pain point where he put his hand; so do not blame that person and keep him out. Next time when you plan, have him in your inner Space and plan even he should not be able to break it. Plan it in such way. That is what is reinventing yourself. That's what is  reinventing yourself.
Participant: Also because of only one small these things. We know very well  what is going on. We’re getting the good result everything, weekly report and daily report, everything we are sending. They may feel someone maybe that these things they get something negative, then my total my body, my mind everything will be collapsed. Like I cannot not able to go and fresh.
HDH: See What I am saying. You should not be collapsing yourself that quickly and how not to be collapsed, we will see in this session now. See the such… just one idea from your boss if it collapses you. You yourself may be entertaining something called  self-doubt. Now I’ll explain.
Please listen. The inner image you have - like a what you feel about you and outer image you have - how you project you to others. Listen. The inner image you have and outer image you have - How you feel about you inside you and how you project about you outside. If there is a gap between these two, for example you go to your boss and you tell him,  I can do this, I can do that, these, these, that. Finally you convince him. You come back to your house and in your home you are sitting and thinking.  You  have convinced about you to him, but you are not convinced you can do that. How many of you experienced this? Raise your hand. That is where the doubt about you starts. Not only with boss with anybody, anywhere - customer, client, spouse. You have convinced others about you. But you are not convinced about you. This Gap Where self-doubt starts.
Next, The gap between outer Image - how you project you to others and others image - how others perceive you. For example, you project yourself as very humble person and the others feel see, see, see, how he's acting. Your question, ma. This gap you will feel you are not enough, you are not sufficient. This gap makes you feel, start feeling the self hatred. Third, others image - how others feel about you and life image - how you feel about others. This Gap. See it's like a - how others feel, every one feels, you should change and listen to them. But you feel everyone should change and listen to me, everyone is wrong; others feel you are wrong, you feel everyone is wrong. This gap is what I call self-denial - constantly denying yourself and saying denying your possibility and saying you are right, others should change. But others are saying you should change. Self-denial. It's like a self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. SDHD like ADHD, SDHD.
Listen. This conflicts between inner image-outer image, outer image-others image others image-life image - this conflict is SDHD, self-doubt, hatred, denial. How it starts, how we can complete with it, we will see now. Let's spend few minutes and see, when you project yourself in some way when you think you are somebody, you project yourself in some way, others are convinced, but you are not convinced; then starts self-doubt. I will give you this assignment sheet, spend few minutes intra-analyzing, on how the self-doubts happen in you; self-hatred happens in you; self-denial happens in you. We will work on it.
Introducing You, to You! || Part 3 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015
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If you have any questions about this: Self-doubt, Self-hatred, Self-denial – Please come! We will now move to the next sessions - How to complete this, how to get rid of it.
See, first half of the day I wanted to spend on right diagnosis of your difficulties and problems, then we will get into cure.
Participant: Swamiji, from Tiruvannamalai. I’m a filmmaker. My first short film, ah, was screened in many colleges, in Bangalore Film Society and it has been selected in U.K. Film Festival also. The self-doubt, the question is about the self-doubt. Lot of people started praising me for the quality of, ah, filmmaking which has been brought in. Then I pitched an idea to my fellow friends, those who were in the film-circle, that I want to make a film on you and, ah, I just give an idea. Ah, I don't know the reason behind their expressions. They were suddenly thought that I am not thinking properly. So they were saying that, you must be running out of ideas, that's why you want to make a film on him. No, I said, No it's not like that. Now I want to know, my first, ah, film which has been screened recently in Christ University for  psychological xxx (01:53), the praise was very high. Now... and now the whole, ah, friend-circle, to some extent family members also suddenly think that, ah, I lost film-making skills though I am just one film old. So is it the outer image is too much impacting me or the self doubt?
HDH: No, no, no listen, listen! The inner image is not able to handle… Actually your inner image is very weak. You convinced others, but you are not convinced about you. So you are waiting for somebody to throw a doubt on you. Because you were waiting for somebody to throw a doubt, they threw and you got it. If your inner image is strong enough, you will not have a problem even if others are throwing doubts on you. Understand, it is you were waiting for others to throw doubts about you on you. The moment they threw, you thought, Yes, what...what they are saying is right, maybe right.
Participant: No that…self-denial is happening. I am not able to believe them. But only thing is, if whatever they say…
HDH: No, if you are not able to believe them, you will not have suffering. The moment, the way you say, I am seeing very clearly, you are already started developing self-doubt. It means you believed them.
Participant: You can say that some partly.
HDH: Not partly! Let’s be clear, actually. Understand, now all you need to do is strengthening your inner image. How to? We will see further. Just know the problem, that's enough. We will know the solution now. Anybody else?
Participant: I don't doubt you Swamiji, but I really love myself. So I don't know what to put in the ‘hate’ you see …
HDH: No problem. If you don't have a self-doubt, no problem. It is not that everyone has to have all the problem, no. I am diagnose...I am helping you to diagnose, but it is not that you have to have these problems. You may, may not have one or two, that is great. And if you don't have all three, great! Yes. Anybody else? Please come. Don't create a problem that you don't have a problem.
Participant: Ah, in my office Swamiji, all come to me with a problem. They get the solutions and finally they feel I am out of control or I have to talk less. And I talk because they feel the insecurities about the job. I had it, I got it from you and ah, I believe, that I have a job, I have a job. How I should, be in control or should not solve, solve the problem or not listen to them or …?
HDH: No, no, no, no. I think you should take the responsibility for what they think, what they feel. It is more like a their feedback about you is actually is you feeling about you. Look in. They are just verbalizing what you did not verbalize about you. Pick it up and learn. Getting it?
Participant: Swamiji, I have a doubt means doubt actually while handling the projects. See, I am not a communicator. See, some people they have a very good communications. They do something else and then tell. I am always a work-orientated res...result person. If I will give the result, I know what is the timings, how long it will take, what is the cost of the project, then that time [..]
HDH: And you should not say, now I heard you uttering so many statement. You should not say, you are not a communicator! You are a communicator!
Participant: The...there is actually then sometime now I am not able to come out of that [..]
HDH: No, no, when you have a problem: You use this shield, “I am not a communicator, that is why I have this problem.” But you are a communicator!
Participant: Then maybe that is my doubt. I have self-doubt.
HDH: That's all. Mmh.
Participant: This is, actually in this I have… I have a lot of sometime, I will be break my job, if continuation will be there. It’s a totally, the related to each and everything. Sometime it will break. That time I cannot able to get what is the, ah, next decision. That time I will be very too much doubts. If I go ahead, otherwise I will quit the job, otherwise I will go to some other subjects. These are all doubts will be created immediately, so many negatives. Then how to come out of that problem?
HDH: Again, I can say this is self-doubt. In the next session I'll be teaching you exactly how to come out of it. At least you diagnosed now, that's enough. See, here  now I am going to... in this session I am teaching you only how to diagnose; solution is Completion. We will get into that in the next sessions. Mmh. Go ahead!
Participant: Namaste Swamiji!
HDH: Yes. Please use the mic!
Participant: Actually, ah, recently I used to talk to people from within. I feel what I talk is authentic, but people, what they say is,  what I get the feedback is – ‘You are too frank’ – and, ah, that is one and another one is …
HDH: See that when people say you are too frank, maybe you think that is heroism. That aggressiveness of uttering words without bothering about others sensitivity; understand, it is not heroism. You need to know that. Mmh. And if you are waiting for others acceptance, it is again Self-doubt.
See, I am telling you, not any pride, arrogance or anything, straight from My experience, I am telling you: The people who attacked Me… I went through a big attack. People who attacked Me are loaded with money and Asia’s one of the biggest media-house, they attacked Me. They were able to convince everyone I am a bad person, but they were not able to convince Me, I am a bad person. That is why I won the game. I won the game, because they were able to convince everyone, but they were not able to convince Me. I am telling you: Others opinion, if it convinces you, you lost the game.
Participant: I am not convinced. But this one – second question I asked, they are telling me …..8:48…, but I am getting, I have some fear, because I am not..
HDH: Even that, even that.
Participant: But they are convinced I am not …
HDH: You are...you are already shaking.
Participant: Shaking! I am not convinced that, ah, what I have to do.
HDH: So that again is a self-doubt. We will work on it.
Participant: Thank you!
HDH: Now, please listen. This self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, this is the source of all complications in our life. This is the source of all complication, confusion, even contradiction. Understand, see when your friends told, when you wanted to make a movie on Me and they said...they told you, you ran out of idea – you are shaking about it. That is why you are repeating it. It means, your doubt only they are reflecting. Everyone will see, to see whether you are having a self-doubt or not.
In anything, if you are shaking, please understand, only if you are ready to get shaken, anybody can shake you. And I tell you, anything can be shaken, will be shaken. It's ‘Law of Nithyananda’, pen down. Anything which can be shaken, will be shaken. It is your strength, your clarity. You not having self-doubt – that only will lead you to excel.
Same way the self-denial also – when others and you exactly face each other from the same point; you think you are a generous person. Everyone thinks you are a utter
miser, and you will go on be denying to look into the reality, is self-denial. You may be thinking you are generous person, others know you are miser, worst miser, and you will be denying to look into that: That is self-denial.
Now, next few minutes, next homework, next assignment… Not homework…  assignment: What is the best inner image you want to have? Means, how you really want to feel about you. If suddenly God appears and tells you: “My son, what's the best inner image you want to have? Outer Image you want to have, Others’ Image you want to have, Life Image you want to have, you tell me. I’ll just wave my hand – it'll happen.” What will be your request? Pen down. He may make it happen, who knows? So pen down. Pen down the assignment. Best 4 Image: The best Inner Image you want to have, the best Outer Image you want to have, the best Others Image you want to have and best Life Image you want to have. Please pen down.
Project this Ma.
Meditation music is playing.
HDH: Yes.
Participant: >>inaudible>>
HDH: No, no, no! What you want to have inner image and as Outer Image. It’ll be sometimes, you may want to have both. Why do you want to have conflict?
Participant: >>inaudible>>
HDH: No, first pen down Inner Image. Then pen down what is the Outer Image you want to have. Then what is the best Others’ Image you want to have. What you want to have write.
It’s projected, please pen down.
Instructions Projected
Meditation music is playing.
Introducing You, to You! || Part 4 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015
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From morning we understood about Inner image, outer image, other’s image, life  image, what we have, what we want to have. The gap between the image you have and the image you want to have, that gap is what I call Incompletion. For example your actual inner image: “I am lazy, I can’t do anything, I will become tired, I will feel bored, I can’t get up early morning and do Yoga.” The outer image: “I am very active, I don’t become tired” How you project: “I am brisk”. What is it? The gap, the inner image and outer Image. And the inner image you have is “I am tired, I have become  bored, I can’t be physically active” and the real inner image you want to have. What you have is “I am lazy”, what you want to have, naturally everyone wants to be active, alive, get up early morning four o’clock, do Yoga. Then what is stopping you, you not becoming what you want to be? Some of the patterns, I am giving you one example.
Actually your inner image you want to be active, but you are very lazy; the pattern is that lazy pattern, feeling bored pattern. Now, If you get this pattern and complete it, if you find that pattern - when you started becoming lazy, when you started becoming non active in the life, why you started becoming feeling bored in the life; and find that pattern and complete, I tell you, you don’t need to practice getting  up in the morning, 4 o’clock for years, no. The day you complete with the pattern, next day morning 4 o‘clock you will not have sleep. You will be fresh flower.
Transformation does not happen by discipline. Order in your life does not happen by discipline. It happens by completion. Please understand, discipline never brings  order, only completion brings order. How much ever you struggle and try to wake up early morning 4 o’clock, after three days you will lose control over you, respect for you. You can keep 25 alarms and 3.30 you will get up and switch off all the alarms and lie down at 4 o’clock. How many experienced this? Tell me.
Discipline will not bring order in your life. It is Completion which will bring order in your life. I am giving you one small example of waking up in the morning. I can give you tons of examples: Smoking, drinking or any other patterns with which you are struggling; addiction or getting confused. This getting confused is a biggest pattern. The moment you see your mother in law or your boss, you are thrown off balance. This getting confused is again a pattern. How many of you are able to understand what I mean by the word Incompletion and Patterns? Please raise your hand. What you are and what you want to be, the gap between these two is Incompletions. And Incompletions repeating itself is Pattern.
How many of you are not able to understand, please raise your hand. If you are not able to understand, any question you have I will answer.  See, here either you should understand, you should not understand. If you don’t understand, I'll try to explain. Because even one word, if you don’t understand, you will not be able to experientially practice this technique. So the technique I am going to give you is depending on these understandings. You need to live all these understandings. Transform yourself with all these understandings. mh, Go ahead.
Participant: Pranams Guruji, Swamiji, discipline is required, not required, how  it?
HDH: No, no, no. I am not saying discipline is not required. I am saying the order in your life will happen only with Completion. Never by discipline. Discipline how much ever you try, you will see you are only failing again and again. Because it is fight, you fighting with you.
Anybody else has a doubt? Please come come to the mic.
Participant: Actually you say in the morning while we put even the alarm also, we’ll switch off. Because of that sometime, you know,  we have to continue also without alarm we can wake up. Actually that time what happen in the physically strain[6:42] or something that we cannot able to wake up. That with continuation also, . The body will get too much straight  ... 
HDH: See, I am just giving you one example of this waking up on alarm  , you look into your list. Actual inner image you have and the image you want to build. The gap between.
Participant: Right.
HDH: You understand, the actual outer image you have and the outer image you want to build. The gap between. Just look. If you see there will be few habits, few incompletions, few patterns stopping you becoming what you want to become. 
Participant: Ok. So one more question.
HDH: Mhm.
Participant: Actually sometimes I have some positive thinking. I have to explain to others, they will give some negatively they will speak, at that time I’ll get immediately headache and then I will totally, my mind will be blocked.
HDH: Mhm. What I am saying. Such a simple words should not derange you. You should be more stronger. Such simple words can not, should not derange you. That’s again coming to the …, it comes to the Inner pattern you have getting deranged. You don’t even need the other’s words, if you just see some wrong signboard… it means you are waiting to collapse. Just a small cat is enough, rat crossing, cat crossing is enough. How many of you have this “black cat bad omen”? You will not tell, I know.
Participant: I won't believe all those
HDH: Anyhow it may not be black cat but you will develop your own omens.
Participant: And maybe I will think always the  positive and negative. And the respective … If it comes negative for what. It is maybe something wrong my side maybe something wrong opposite. That I will take.
HDH: See basically anything anywhere, whether it is a victory or a failure, if you have the pattern of collapsing internally, that is going to be constantly collapsing; even in victory many people collapse.
Participant: How to come out of that?
HDH: That only now I am going to do. That is what I am explaining. Why, why the pattern of collapsing has started developing in you. There must be some incident from the young age developed. Just sit and look within, when you started collapsing? Maybe as early as , when you were studying in the fourth class, fifth class, you gave some wrong answer and whole class laughed at you. There you will decide “I will never jump out and speak”. So it can be as simple as that. And that again starts getting built, built, built like a pattern. The moment you discover the pattern and decide to complete, immediately the pattern loses power over you. You will be free. Next time, the same situation you face you won’t collapse. You will stand up. You will be alive. You will be bright. You will be active. You will be functioning. How many of you understand what I am saying? That’s all. Mhm.
Participant: Last question.
HDH: Go ahead, go ahead. You can have any number of questions. I have no problem.
Participant: No no, actually I have sometime in the dream at midnight, actually I have some positive thoughts, maybe designing concepts comes. That time automatically waken up, like without any this thing also, no need of any alarm, it says to mind like that. I will start keep on drawing or some designing the next two days, maybe that planning will be there, it comes automatically i have to wake up. Actually without knowing anything, actually i never get any strain that time.
HDH: No, that is the internal inspiration. That is possible. That is possible, no doubt. It is good. It is good. Means, those few minutes you were out of these incompletions so that you are able to think out of the box. That’s something out of the box.
Participant: Will that be, in future also I can develop …
HDH: When the incompletions melt down you will have that space more and more.
So now, few minutes I want you to sit and look in. What all the incompletions haunting you. It can be as simple as tea habit or as complicated as multiple affairs. It can be as simple as you trying to have a fight, pick a fight constantly with people or you trying to constantly do something violent. So please understand. Dig out the patterns. Dig out the patterns which is not allowing you to create authentic inner image, outer image, life image, other’s image you want to have.
See, the inner image, outer image, other’s image, life image you are having presently is inauthentic. That is why each one of them contradict with each other. And the best Inner Image, outer Image, other’s Image, life image you want to have is authentic. If you see the best you want to have, all the four will be completely aligned. How many of you discovered that? What you want to have and you pen all four of them are aligned authentically. Because authentically when you develop you, it will be aligned. This gap between authentic identity, inauthentic identity is Incompletions. Sit and pen down thoughts, emotions, patterns, Incompletions which is stopping you becoming authentic.
The Inner Image, Outer Image, Other’s Image, Life Image you have is inauthentic identity.
Inner Image, Outer Image, Other’s Image, Life image you want to have is your authentic identity.
Identify and pen down all the incompletions that are stopping you from expressing your authentic identity. Each of the incompletion, find out and pen down the incident when the Incompletion started in you. If you look you will be able to easily find out the incident when the incompletion started in you. For example the incompletion is fear of going to the beach. The incident is the murder in the beach which you saw. Morning example I gave, like that. So look in, each of your incompletion you will have an incident. Find that and pen down. Please start.
At least pen down 10 Incompletion and the corresponding incidents when that Incompletions started.
(music and instructions projected) 
Introducing You, to You! || Part 5 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015
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Listen, now we are going to enter into the ‘Completion Process’. From morning we were only digging out the problem; looking from a various angle, understanding the source of the problem. Only now we are coming to completion. This technique you are going to do now – the meditation technique – Completion Process is directly initiated by Mahadeva - Shiva to Parvati in Shiva Sutras 22nd verse.
I'll explain the technique to you and then how to do it. You will see, in My Spiritual Research – at the age of three I have been adopted by My Guru and he started teaching Me Yoga. And the amount of Spiritual Literatures I have read, heard, did research, experienced. Finally with My experience consciously analyzed: This is the one best technique – Solution for all problems. It can solve your problems as simple as migraine and make you reach Enlightenment, the Ultimate Consciousness itself.
This technique can bring you Wealth, can bring you Health and can bring you anything you want. Because anything you want, you are not achieving just because of your ‘Incompletions’. When the incompletions melt down, become complete, whatever you want – you will start manifesting in your life.
So listen, I'll read out the exact Sutra – its translation. Look at your past, dis-identified. Let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening and even your form having lost its present characteristics is transformed.
Let Me explain, listen! For example, you were supposed to complete with the fear  pattern. Forget your present, completely forget who you are now. Go back to that incident which started ‘Fear’ in you. Same incident, same situation, same time, same space, same you. Try to ‘relive’ the whole thing.
Understand, “Reliving” is “Relieving”. I am not asking you to remember. ‘Remembering’ means you will be who you are. Now you are 57, you will be this person. Just remembering what happened at the age of 7. Thinking what happened at the age of 7 is ‘remembering’, But forgetting who you are now, becoming that 7 year old child and relieving, allowing the same fear again to pop up. Same shivering, same anger, same confusion, same sadness, allow everything to … Relive – melt down in your nervous system. Once you finish reliving, suddenly you will see, like a snow melted down, when this emotions melt down, when this sadness melts down, when this incompletion melts down – suddenly you will see that incompletion will not have power over your thinking anymore. The places you always thought you will be afraid suddenly that fear you won't even remember. The pattern will not even be there. The confusion will not even be there.
So please understand, go through the Completion Process with each incompletion you pen down now. I told you to pen down at least 10. Pick up one by one. First incompletion and when it started developing in you –  those incidents. Relive! It may take hardly 5 minutes. ‘Relive’ means just see the whole thing happening as it happened. See how you were shivering. Don't try to justify: “Oh that time I was a small kid, that time I should not have developed this fear.” Don't justify! Don't look at that incident from now; with this modern intelligence you have, with this present intelligence, present understanding, present body-mind. No! Go back to that incident. Live, relive as it is.
For example: I am giving you one example. At the age of seven you were playing in the rain. Your Mother sees and slaps you and brings you down; brings you into the room and pushes you into the house and locks the house. Now if you remember that incident you will think: “Oh my mother is so caring, she took care of my Health”; now if you remember. But if you go back to that situation and that time the intelligence you had, with that if you relive – Did you have sympathy for your mother? Did you think your mother was taking care of you? No! You felt suffocated, pushed, locked, restricted.
So I am telling you to go back to the same space. Don't try to remember, try to ‘Relive’. How many of you understand what am I saying? Shall we start?
So pick up each incident and “Relive.” Don't bother about that sadness coming out, suffering coming out, fear leaving you or the worries leaving you. Everything will leave your system. You will be cleaned. You will be complete. You have any question related to this technique, please come do the mic... Go ahead, please go ahead.
Participant: [Tamil] [Translation scroll] “Swamiji Vanakam! What if I have some incidents that happened at age of 5 and some at age 10 and some others at 15. What should I do?”
Swamiji: “First you should start with the 5 year old incident, then next 10, then 15. Like that.”
Participant: “Thank you Swamiji.”
Swamiji: “Any other doubt? Questions? Shall we start then? Please come, come, come to the mic, please come! Any question, doubt you have please come to the mic so that, when you enter into the process you will be a really doing it.”
Participant: “Namaste Swamiji, same incident will you have different emotions will have effects?”
Swamiji: “So you can relive. All the incompletions will break – collapse.”
Participant: “So so many root patterns at once also can come.”
Swamiji: “See 2-3 root patterns can come from one incident”
Participant: “But if we don't remember that means it can be below 5 years which I may not remember then…”
Swamiji: “But I tell you, whenever the patterns develop, those incidents you never forget. If you forget that incident it means the pattern has not developed from that incident.
Participant: “Thank you.”
Shall we start? I am asking all of you. Please tie the ribbon. Sit straight. It will be nice if you sit on the floor, always on the floor you will be more stable. Only if you can’t sit on the floor, you can sit on the chair. Just sit on the floor. Tie the ribbon. Yes please go ahead!
Participant: “Namaste Swamiji, one thing I find always allergic to cockroach. I don't know when... Actually I am a science student, to by PC I used to cut also…”
Swamiji: “You are not able to remember any incident.”
Participant: “Incident when it was there I don't know. I think…”
Swamiji: “At least can you remember some incident when you were allergic and not able to handle... You can relieve that, you will catch the original incident.”
Participant: “And how to come out of that allergy.”
Swamiji: “Now remember the incident may not be the first, but after the first also there will be 2-3 times when you saw and felt allergetic .”
Participant: “When you see - get allergy.”
Swamiji: “See even this incident if you relive, it'll melt down. The incompletion will meltdown.”
Participant: “Thank you!”
Please tie the ribbon. The earliest memories of your incompletion, relive them. First forget your present. Go back to the same age when that incompletion started. Look in. Relive – relive each incompletion. At least relive 5 times... Relive, relive and ‘relieve’. Complete all the incompletions without getting tired. Relive and Relieve. Complete! Sincerely, all the incompletions and relieve.
Relax. Slowly, very slowly, you can open your eyes.
The Purpose Of Your Life || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015
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Listening, please understand. Listening to what is happening inside you. That's a first step we are going to do. Listen, you constantly talking to you, confusing you, leads to more and more incompletions. Actually you yourself will not be able to control what you are talking to you because of incompletions. Listen, listen attentively now. Many time you will be very seriously thinking about a problem, suddenly you will come to a solution. You will be peaceful, you will be relaxed. After two days, you will forget the solution which you found. Again about the same problem you will be brooding over, brooding over, brooding over. After two days again you will discover the same solution. After two days  again, you will forget the same solution and brood over about the same problem. How many of you suffered this? Raise your hand. This is what I call pattern. This is what I call pattern. Same pattern - discovering solution… Monday you will find the solution and Wednesday again you'll forget the solution, same problem Wednesday morning, Thursday, Friday, thinking, thinking, thinking, brooding over, Saturday morning you'll discover the solution. Saturday, Sunday you will have that solution, again Monday morning you'll forget the solution, same problem.
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=== Nithya Satsang and Kalpataru Darshan ===
Listen, this pattern is because of incompletions. This pattern is because of incompletions. Basically, biggest  problem human beings have is we don't listen to ourselves. We talk, we listen to others. We talk to ourself, we talk to others. We listen to others, but we never listen to ourselves. Some of the basic questions about life we need to listen to us. Where are we heading? What is it that really makes me happy? What is it that really makes me blissful? What is it that really makes me energetic? Some of… some people will be running behind money, but actually name and fame only will make them feel energetic. I am not saying money is right or name and fame is right, which is right, wrong. No, I am nobody to judge you here. I am only here to support you to achieve what you want. Listen, many time actually the name and fame gives you more power and energy, but you will be thinking money only is your purpose and you will be running behind and once you have the money you will feel suddenly empty. Vice versa also, sometimes you will feel it is money gives you fulfillment, but you will be running behind name and fame. Once you have it you will feel empty. “What is there? Yes everyone praises me. But what is there, tomorrow itself they will change their words.” Manytime what you want, what is the Artha-meaning of your life… In Sanskrit the word Artha means two meaning - ‘meaning’ and ‘wealth’.
What is the Artha of your life? And what is the kama? Means what you think as pleasure, desirable. There is so much of incompletion about your Artha-meaning and Kama-desirable. That is why you don't know what Dharma-path you need to practice. Dharma means path, Artha means meaning, Kama means desirable. Now first, let us listen to ourselves, spend little time in listening to ourselves. Ask you what is, what do you think as purpose of your life. You are not going to show to anybody so don't write some big “I wanted the whole world to be happy having whatever everyone wants”. Leave that to Me. You write exactly in the secret corner of your heart what you think as purpose of your life. What you think you can do to make it happen, what you aspire in life? What is that keeps you driving everyday? What is that keeps you alive? Are you alive just because death has not yet happened. No, there are some people. What is it that motivates you? How do you plan to achieve? Provide few minutes of listening to you. Be true to you, authentic to you and answer these few questions. Dig deep, contemplate and meditate and write this exercise, answers by listening to you. Few minutes …
Instructions shown in video:
Dig deep, contemplate and meditate and write the exercise by listening to you.
1) What is the purpose of your life? What do you aspire to? What is it that keeps you alive? What motivates you to wake up every day? What do you value most in life?
2) How do you plan to achieve what you aspire to? Are all your actions in life aligned to this?
Sit with yourself, contemplate
Let’s enter into the next game. Pick up a paper and pen. The leader please stand up, leaders should stand up. Paper and pen, write any statement from My teachings. It should be only seven words. Not 6 or 8, only seven words, write a statement. Now listen, first statement you will utter in the ears of the person who is sitting next to you. You will clearly utter, not loudly, third person should not hear, only he should be able to hear. Clearly utter in his ears. If he did not listen and ask ‘ah ah?’ Ah ah only that’s all, nothing can be done. No repeating. Utter only once clearly in his ears. Whatever he heard, let him tell the next person, then next person, next person, let it just go round and come back to you. What comes back note down against that statement. What you sent and what came back. Next send the second statement. What comes back, note down. Send the third one. What comes back, note down. Please start. It's a very simple game. But very interesting.
[After the game/process]
Team leaders all the 4 team leaders please come to the mic. Yes, team leaders. Please first read out the statement you sent and the statement which came back.
Leader: Nithyanandam, the statement I sent was “You are worthy of what you have” the statement I received is “you are what you are, you are.”
Swamiji: Second
Leader: The second one: you are responsible for whatever happening inside and outside you. The statement I received is: you are responsible for what you are.
Swamiji: Third one.
Leader: Always live in the gratitude of... in the attitude of gratitude.  The statement I received is : All is to me in gratitude.
Swamiji: Not even one came back as it is. Zero. Come on. Here.
Leader: My first statement was: get rid of your incompletions, complete them. What I received is: Hatreds are incompletions, complete them.
Swamiji: 😃 Okay. Second one.
Leader: From perceptions to truth and from truth to reality. What I received is perceptions is a truth and truth is a reality.
Swamiji: 😃 How can perceptions be truth?
Leader: The science of completion can be learned and practiced. What came back is the science of completion can be learned and then practiced.
Swamiji: Okay, only small mistake, last statement. We will give twenty mark, no problem. Come on. 😃
Leader: My statement was: perception to cognizance to truth to reality. What came back was: Perception, fact, truth, reality. So the conjunctions have been missed and cognizance has been replaced by truth.
Second one was: listening not hearing is important in life. What came back was: listening not hearing is important in life. Exact statement came back.
Swamiji:  Wow, then thirty three mark. Which team? Great!
Leader: The last one was: Incompletions come in the way of listening. What came back was: Incompletions come in way of listening. So only “the” was missed .
Swamiji: Ok great. That team has done a good job. Come on. Please.
Leader: I just sent out only the words. Like the first word was “incompetence.”
Swamiji: No, you can’t send one word, you have to send seven...  I think the leader failed 😃
Leader: After that I sent other words like a...
Swamiji: No full seven word statement you should send it. So I think you did not listen what I said. What to do, the leader himself failed, so now I can't even tell anything about the group. Okay, you can go.
Leader: Thank you.
==Photos Of The Day:==
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Nithya Kirtans |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2666_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-nithya%20kirtan.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|133.333333333333|Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2678_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133.333333333333|Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2678_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Kalpataru Darshan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2759_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Swamiji starting the Nithya Dhayana Yoga Session|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2808_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|A sharing session during the NDY program|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2824_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Swamiji illustrating the concept of &quot;Inner Image&quot; and &quot;Outer Image&quot; to the NDY participants on a white board|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2918_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|NDY participants going through a self introspection exercise|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2962_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3015_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133.333333333333| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3024_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|The NDY participants are being served satvic food in traditional way on plantain leaf|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3061_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-lunch.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133.333333333333| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3115_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_3114_bidadi-NDY%20session%20-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|300| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG-20150131_hyd-%20vadha%20prithi-vadha.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|266.666666666667|&quot;Vadha prathi vadha&quot; The Upanishad Debates in Hyderabad Ashram|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG-20150133_hyd_peacock%20visit%20ashram%20temple.jpg}}
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1WRKEalqMhEJusQfucP6L2siup_S6zDTQ" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 04--IMG_2777_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1yEs0Nh94FkMAVfdZK7-TY8qYODZ5PV7z" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 02--IMG_2798_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1UXDmd0Or0TqScpZWSrbTbO6gkDdF-HbL" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 03--IMG_2790_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1yWh4NGsw-KJlomZ8op8w26Dv4-Id6NMq" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 01--IMG_2799_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1JztEnkGwk0C3mqF5yVsDcfERb30kDWOf" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 05--IMG_2759_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
=== Nithya Dhyan Yoga Lunch and Completion Session ===
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=19oKYIFB7MGvu8vf1t7-sdClDIKyPIbND" alt="Ndyday1 Lunch Yoga - 01--IMG_3115_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1j8JAndAwBKEQxl_OZMCXBnTbJo3uZxfE" alt="Ndyday1 Lunch Yoga - 03--IMG_3109_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1P-YGRL4Q5T1nfYACu5IPdI7LygBXykCI" alt="Ndyday1 Lunch Yoga - 04--IMG_3101_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1zlNqXwty3M7BoH2j7vUqCKe2GZ23W_Ck" alt="Ndyday1 Lunch Yoga - 02--IMG_3112_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1_Jn7FhzPcUGCxEAh3HI18sOh3hPB5w3M" alt="Ndyday1 Lunch Yoga - 05--IMG_3072_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1BklF_50_FEsQSdV8hvv_EIksLFV_v6Zu" alt="Ndyday1 Lunch Yoga - 06--IMG_3042_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1P7P1QrncKwJOYSeoiM8Ipn-G3DoSmh23" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 01--IMG_3163_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1zcnwntue5AtJFjjHAvvwkiTbIlZeHzTX" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 04--IMG_3155_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1mP5Ys6LS7UqkqdAmt9VgAP_94nyUB0e_" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 05--IMG_3149_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1pIg1-1JvE8VYZVisF8YcGJ6c0UGjcLCj" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 02--IMG_3160_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ZGYI_9KambNTZifX7DSpzFhsTcPemYtR" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 03--IMG_3158_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1nGrmRq1F7t9Dv3Fka9W4uv8si8oC4KLo" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 06--IMG_3140_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Rk7KTPm9s9dgjwD2e21IyP4ikj6uhj67" alt="Ndyday1 Mirrorcompletion - 07--IMG_3130_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=11ODMKZxNvyf22QWo56NOtU8GDriU15U4" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 01--IMG_3030_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T4EiC3ZRC2wumEMh23MxRuwyOaKOWByF" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 02--IMG_3029_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ekavzBY1uM6PKo1J9n4p26wkLCq8SRW1" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 03--IMG_3027_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1zb_35h_ghYTvxk6JR-rSV8hPci19-6q8" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 04--IMG_3026_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1DZnuAy9DA5BkwI07Bfy5yjI_uruufQ75" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 05--IMG_3025_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1wBHH0NZXxDSzNtpKsn8dig2ngmorhRlV" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 06--IMG_3024_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1cJ8_PdBnJwiA0UKA4gGAp_V24VmL1XNs" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 07--IMG_3023_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1vCBpDF5Xk9g44LxoxEavrVOMIxvDxgwL" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 08--IMG_3015_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1063Y6u-ourKw8jnSfEdMZhTKf4Ld9KSO" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 09--IMG_3012_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10x_A3hivQDj1sv1btZ624-j1Mx0KksDo" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 10--IMG_3011_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Nz_788fGEuMAJni_7qRfaFKPiovAOBQf" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 11--IMG_3009_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1d5MxI05ZGoZUSG4m8Ak0j-arwXMRJ6P1" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 12--IMG_3006_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1KICrRoc8Ioo6v9dbmaP8jYMzD73gu5Ts" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 13--IMG_3004_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1gh11iHGrfett4c8fUjNrknP5q5_L8l4Q" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 17--IMG_2981_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=18en9nRZRYbcspFMmhQ3evt3AT2quWXqm" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 19--IMG_2926_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ifJVze_sCMcu2qfONS_Td-lJx6kPRdD8" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 20--IMG_2920_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1YNozPdhIi9JNALOe0Bv902X5Y62Cu2RT" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 21--IMG_2919_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Z-xo5evQuAOvAnWPFSi0e6cmgZtmMgfZ" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 22--IMG_2915_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10Utp-dDS_cOegcMPu8g61uIqm5GwNNqE" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 23--IMG_2909_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1-KoboBR_bhPfAgp1SuRIMPtc5nc-jM_L" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 25--IMG_2878_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1emDCSaXlt2Y7_iRuw5kBVm9B39TkoZ2H" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 26--IMG_2877_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Yty4MJM8YpAR-luONtCPNQkemCcELu4F" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 27--IMG_2871_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1snnpWgxezG91-dHz5eSPL75tIFdfbJx7" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 28--IMG_2870_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1uH_IFZgGVH13QgCH7zvx2-p9uEraRjB7" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 29--IMG_2869_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1gCDIJNhZQa_QitFUNSi0DtSWqTHuHeUS" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 30--IMG_2862_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1aYPuSE_Uo5YeijghNwll98L5vYDQDJBr" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 31--IMG_2847_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1NqdyCrZempxa45ZEkusmXm3fdXmYncCr" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 32--IMG_2843_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Fss2RzYzlNeZtgFkE9It2FlU31k-LXqk" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 33--IMG_2841_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1cKuhUGOe3LqAhzgjkODU6QFptYzwM6Gj" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 34--IMG_2827_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1VbUMEXpmH1Sy5BjWJ8F2uwoWa1alJgVj" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 35--IMG_2824_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1TZjXySp5rXwyKv2OBJtsmJgLsXEE-Cb9" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 37--IMG_2808_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kg7QWhdZvuohMDSsf80CY-ngPsYbEiYZ" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 38--IMG_2805_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1f-2RHw4EV_Fp49kaE00Uod70HAkTT7ZH" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 39--IMG_2804_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1quxB2lnYu6miGd1x6zaaM5TVSx9n2SBJ" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 40--IMG_2803_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1hBCdWvoDEkE-znAFo3U5QEnSnHksNwEx" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 41--IMG_2802_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kVBDIE4C3hgYosg-wmZ7Ejm8kQuBRhry" alt="Ndyday1 Session1&2 Listening&Genesisofidentity - 36--IMG_2809_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=18yEFUmNDV-GiDUu9KXfjLMH_h5XvGRqS" alt="Nithyapuja - 01--IMG_2656_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1OrQUPgbOgo5Nv-RoIxVi8JM4yeysUOW_" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 01--IMG_2751_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1OrQUPgbOgo5Nv-RoIxVi8JM4yeysUOW_" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 01--IMG_2751_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kFOi-X3VGrlx4rcdKxB068KvSaYvQyDl" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 02--IMG_2749_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kFOi-X3VGrlx4rcdKxB068KvSaYvQyDl" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 02--IMG_2749_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=14mzZCJPoqgot6qebf8jlfi9BqLtibtDL" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 26--IMG_2682_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=14mzZCJPoqgot6qebf8jlfi9BqLtibtDL" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 26--IMG_2682_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kLx939dIPkatlCcF4I8YCzBPHI8-A4Pb" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 27--IMG_2681_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kLx939dIPkatlCcF4I8YCzBPHI8-A4Pb" alt="Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 27--IMG_2681_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<gallery mode=packed-hover heights=300px widths=200px>
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Kalpataru Darshan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2759_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2762_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2766_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2770_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2788_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2797_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133.333333333333| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2798_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG}}
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1WRKEalqMhEJusQfucP6L2siup_S6zDTQ" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 04--IMG_2777_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1yEs0Nh94FkMAVfdZK7-TY8qYODZ5PV7z" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 02--IMG_2798_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1yWh4NGsw-KJlomZ8op8w26Dv4-Id6NMq" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 01--IMG_2799_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1JztEnkGwk0C3mqF5yVsDcfERb30kDWOf" alt="Kalpatarudarshan - 05--IMG_2759_watermarked.JPG" height = "400">
===<center>Nithya Dhyan Yoga-day1-lunch-yoga</center>===
<gallery mode=packed-hover heights=300px widths=200px>
===<center>Nithya Dhyan Yoga - day1-mirror-completion</center>===
<gallery mode=packed-hover heights=300px widths=200px>
===<center>Nithya Dhyan Yoga - day1-session1and2-listening-and-genesis-of-identity</center>===
<gallery mode=packed-hover heights=300px widths=200px>
== Tags: ==
== Tags: ==
Upanishads,Advaita,Vedic,Isha Upanishad,consciousness,logic ,emotion, Paramahamsa Nithyananda,cognition , emotion, heart, reality, nithyananda video
==Photos Of The Day:==
Upanishads,Advaita,Vedic,Isha Upanishad,consciousness,logic ,emotion, Paramahamsa Nithyananda,cognition , emotion, heart, reality, nithyananda video
[[Category: 2015 | 20150131]] [[Category: Satsang]] [[Category: Completion]] [[Category: Program]] [[Category: Nithya Dhyan Yoga]] [[Category: Kalpataru]] [[Category: Darshan]][[Category: Upanishads]] [[Category: Isa Upanishad]]
<gallery mode=packed-hover heights=300px widths=200px>
[[Category: 2015 | 20150131]] [[Category: Satsang]] [[Category: Completion]] [[Category: Program]] [[Category: Nithya Dhyan Yoga]] [[Category: Kalpataru]] [[Category: Darshan]][[Category: Upanishads]] [[Category: Isa Upanishad]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]]

Latest revision as of 22:37, 29 December 2021


Purpose of Life is to Evolve


Today’s (31st January, 2015) Morning Satsang continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Verse I, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares how his goal is to lead us to higher reality. Life is all about evolving our cognition from perception to fact, fact to truth and truth to reality. That’s all. Nothing to do with so-called bliss, love, renunciation and yoga; all these are side effects. Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeBlis... https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaN... https://plus.google.com/1040865652862...

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore, Hyderabad, Dakota Dunes, Winston-Salem, Romania, Tallahassee-Florida, Dubai, Charlotte, Varanasi, Los Angeles, Bogota-Colombia, Guadeloupe, Seattle, Enriching Temple, Indrani-New Jersey, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Phoenix, London-Kashi.....and some more cities are joining.......

I welcome every one of you with my love and respects.

A lot more cities have joined in two-way: St. Louis-Tirumala, Ohio, Pujananda, Chennai, LA-Downtown, Toronto-Kailasam, Oman-Sivagangai, Hosur, Winston, Houston-Texas, Vancouver, Nithyananda Nagaram-Hyderabad, and Chennai.......

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I have to answer a few questions before entering into Upanishads.

Some people are expressing, ‘Swamiji has entered only the first Upanishad sutra. It is mind blowing!’

Some are expressing, ‘It is just going beyond our head or understanding!’

So, if you feel it is going beyond your head, you are not able to understand, the solution is: watching the satsangh again two-three times; not telling me to reduce or dilute the strength of what I am delivering.

Understand, I am not an Anacin-Metacin guru, giving a few kriyas, techniques, some goody-goody messages – ‘Love everyone. Your problems will be solved.’ As if nobody knows or what? How to love is the problem! No, I am not the guru who gives some kind of a nice-to-hear advice, feel-good-feel techniques. I do give some of the life solutions, but I am not just that alone, please understand! If I am not revealing the Akashic Records during the Upanishads, then when am I going to express? When am I going to reveal all these truths?

So, I am very clear, no way the satsanghs, Upanishad Series, is going to get diluted! It is only going to get more and more stronger!

And, as I said, I am not interpreting; I am just intercepting the conversations which happened originally when these Upanishads were revealed. The pre-text, context, and afterword, foreword, content, afterword, all that, which is related to Upanishads, I am downloading and reading it out, sharing it with all of you. You cannot ask me to dilute it. If you want it to be diluted, ask the Upanishadic rishis; it is not in my hands! So, understand, it is something not in my hands.

Please understand, I am neither a “feel-good-feeling” teacher, nor revolutionist. No! I am a spiritual being expressing and actively establishing the Dharma, the Cosmic understandings about life, helping everyone to live Advaitha. So, if you feel you are not able to understand, you are not able to internalize, please watch the satsangh again and again, two-three times; then you will understand.

Let me enter into the mantra.

ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ॥

Eeshaavaasyamidham Sarvam Yathkincha Jagathyaam Jagath | Thena Thyakthena Bhunjeethaa Ma Gridhah Kasyasviddhanam ||

The translation is:

“By the Consciousness filled must this all be,

Whatever moving thing there is in the ever-moving world.

With this renounced, you may enjoy.

Covet not the wealth of anyone at all.

Listen! Yesterday I was expanding these four words. I will expand those four words a little more deep, and then move to the next. Listen!

· PERCEPTION: Whatever your senses can perceive in a limited Time and Space.

· Second, FACT: Your senses perceiving with more Time and Space.

· TRUTH: With a lot more Time and Space, even your perception evolves. Truth!

· REALITY is: Existence as it is, beyond your perception and Time and Space.

Yesterday I was giving an example:

· PERCEPTION: Earth is flat. Sun is going around the Earth.

· FACT: No! Earth is round, and Earth only is going around the Sun.

· TRUTH: Earth is not exactly round; it is more like an Orange fruit – a little pressed above and below. And Sun goes around the Earth.

Please listen! In the Perception also, you felt that Sun goes around the Earth. In Truth also, Sun goes around the Earth. But, both are not one and the same. Here you know it with a clear understanding that the Sun goes around the Earth in a few billion years because this whole Sun family is not stagnant, the whole Sun family is moving around, the whole Solar System is moving around centred on something. So, in that way, Sun will go around the Earth at least once in billions of years.

· The REALITY is: The shape of the Earth should be seen with the Google Earth map. You cannot describe it as round, or a little Orange fruit type. No! No description is possible. See it as it is. And, both Sun and the Earth are going around each other. Earth goes around within one year period; Sun goes around within a few billion years.

Listen! Life is all about evolving your cognition from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality, that’s all! It has nothing to do with so-called Bliss, Love, Renunciation, Devotion, Yoga, nothing. All these are side-effects.

When your Perception evolves to Fact, you may suddenly become meditative, you may suddenly become yogic, you may suddenly become loving, you may suddenly become blissful; but, life itself, the purpose of life itself is to evolve from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality.

When you are moving from Fact to Truth, you may suddenly become active, you may suddenly become more loving, you may suddenly become blissful, you may suddenly lose your cunningness. I am seeing that happening, after I started the Upanishads, in so many people! People are losing their hypocrisy; people are losing their anger, violence.

The highest form of violence is, you deciding you will not be useful or productive to anybody. That is the highest form of violence. You deciding, ‘I will not be useful!’ See, when you are angry towards your boss – ‘I will not be useful to his aim, his goal.’ Same way, only when you are angry with yourself and Sangha, Guru, whatever you see.... See, when you are angry with yourself, you will be angry with everything, everybody, every one. Only then you will decide, ‘I will not be useful’, or, ‘I will not make any of their declarations into reality.’

“Love” means, making yourself as a catalyst for everyone’s reality. “Nothing more can be done!” – to THAT extent! Not only you should perceive “whatever you can you have done”, but everyone also should feel “whatever you can, you have done it for making everyone’s reality”. That is what is “Love”.

I am seeing more and more people dropping hypocrisy, becoming loving, because, many of your Perceptions are moving towards Fact, Facts are moving towards Truth, Truths are moving towards Reality. That is all is life! That is all is life! Cognition! Cognition! Moving from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality. Reality is “Eesha”.

Listen! Upanishads declare very clearly, Upanishads declare very clearly: “Consciousness fills all these”.

ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् ।

Eeshaavaasyamidham Sarvam Yathkincha Jagathyaam Jagath |

This one verse answers so many doubts created by materialists, the so-called rationalists, or the so-called irrational rationalists. “Pagutharivu” (பகுத்தறிவு) – in Tamil we use that word. Tamilian “Pagutharivu” (பகுத்தறிவு) people are, the Tamilian atheists are not even rationalists; they are “irrational rationalists”!

Listen! My pronounciation “EeshaavaaSHyam” (ईशावाश्यम्) is also “paatta bhedha”. How I heard from my masters, I am repeating. But, actually, it is “EeshaavaaSyam” (ईशावास्यम्) – “S” (स), not “vaaSHya” (वाश्य). My masters, they used the same “SH” (श) for “vaaSya” (वास्य) also. I am retaining the “paatta bhedha” as it is, as a respect and reverence to my masters’ way of pronouncing it. In Vedic Tradition it is allowed; the “paatta bhedha” which you heard exactly from your master is supposed to be retained as it is. So, even though the letter here “EeSHa” (ईशा), the “SH” (श) is different, “vaaSyam” (वास्यम्), the “S” (स) is not the “SH” (श), but because I heard from my masters – “EeshaavaaSHyamidham Sarvam” (ईशावाश्यमिदं सर्वं), I am retaining it. So, all my disciples are requested to retain the same “paatta bhedha” of my masters. It is a way of giving respect to the teacher. The highest place given for the masters and teachers in our Vedic Tradition: even if there is pronounciation difference, it is accepted and revered as “paatta bhedha” of that Master. And I do want to keep that tradition!

Listen! Nothing purifies you like Truth. Just simply sitting and giving advice to human-beings is useless. After doing that for a decade, I realized it. Sitting and giving advice to human-beings is useless, understand? Telling them, ‘Be more loving, be more blissful, be more caring, be non-violent’, all this is just useless, utter useless, not even one percent useful! If at all you are really sincere in helping yourself and people, others, don’t do this stupid thing of empty advices. I tell you, whenever I moved people from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality, all the best things that need to happen to people have started happening! They became automatically more loving, more caring, more intelligent, more non-violent, more enriching. I tell you, throughout this Upanishad Series I am going to do only this: moving you step by step to the higher levels of existence. Automatically, all the good things will happen to you, and by you.

I am not “Moral” teacher, please understand. My teaching may lead you to become more moral. My aim is leading you to higher and higher reality – असतो मा सद्गमय (“Asatho Maa Sadhgamaya”). My purpose is to lead you to “असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । मृत्योर्माअमृतं गमय । (“Asatho Maa Sadhgamaya, Thamaso Maa Jyothirgamaya, Mrithyor Maa Amrithamgamaya”). The side-effect may be bliss; you may become more blissful. Side-effect may be intelligence; you may become more intelligent. Side-effect may be thousands and thousands of auspicious qualities – you may become a good, moral person. But, my aim is to lead you from Unreality to Reality – असतो मा सद्गमय ।तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय । (“Asatho Maa Sadhgamaya, Thamaso Maa Jyothirgamaya, Mrithyor Maa Amrithamgamaya”) – understand? Experientially moving you from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality, helping you to live Advaitha.

[Meaning of this verse “Asatho Maa Sadhgamaya” from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is: “Lead us from Unreality (of Transitory Existence) to the Reality (of the Eternal Self), Lead us from the Darkness (of Ignorance) to the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge), Lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality”].

The best way to listen to Upanishads should be: Morning you wake up, just wash yourself, come and drop your body in the presence of the Master, listen, listen listen! After that, whole day, just digest, digest, digest, not doing any work related to mind other than this digestion. And, if at all needed, doing a little physical work like gardening, or agriculture. Body can work – some cleaning of the deity, or doing a little agriculture, or gardening; but mind should not work; mind should only be working on these great truths, digesting it, and falling into that space in the night as sleep. This is the best way to listen to Upanishads! Anyone who listens to Upanishads in this way, even for three months, will experience Living Advaitha!

Mind should not be engaged in any other mental activities which require you to move away from contemplating on these truths. Body can be engaged: you can just be doing some gardening; you can be doing some agricultural work. Body can be engaged; but mind not getting engaged in anything moving out of this contemplation on Upanishads. And, enriching is never moving out of Upanishads, don’t worry! If you are working on enriching, it is PERFECT! It only strengthens your understanding about Upanishads. Other than that, not doing any other mental actions, activities, and digesting, nothing like it! Nothing like it! Not doing mental activities, but doing only physical activities. Not doing mental activity means, even the unnecessary wandering should not be there. Mind should be engaged in thinking, contemplating on these great truths you heard. It should be engaged. That is why I am encouraging “vaadha-prathivaadha”, debates, contemplating.

Anybody can devote just three months..... Especially these first three months I am going to be exploring Ishavasya Upanishad. After Isha, Kena (Kena Upanishad). After Kena Upanishad, Katha (Kathopanishad). Just the best and greatest truths revealed! But I don’t think in three months we will be finishing Kena, Katha, all those Upanishads. May be, we may finish Ishavasya Upanishad. Because, I am looking at, at least next two years I will be expanding on Upanishads! Ishavasya Upanishads alone is eighteen verses.

And, I welcome and invite everyone. All the ashrams all over the world are now open for everyone to come and listen to Upanishads, contemplate whole day without doing any mental work, doing just some physical activities like gardening, or agriculture, or just cooking. And I take the responsibility of providing for your needs during this period.

As per the Vedic Tradition, Master is supposed to beg and take care of the disciples’ needs like food, shelter, clothes, medical care – the basic needs. So, I commit with all of you, as per the Vedic Tradition, anyone can come and be in our campuses wherever we have place to accommodate. Of course, this campus (Bidadi) is enough to accommodate even a few thousand people! You can come. Study minimum three months. If you want to stay further and listen to further Upanishads, I welcome you. You will not be put to do any mental activity which is not supposed to be done when you are digesting these great truths other than contemplating on it.

This is what is the ideal life I propose, especially when you are internalizing Upanishads:

Listen to morning satsangh. And spend a little time on contemplating on it. Just to keep yourself awake, do some physical activity; otherwise you will fall asleep, or you will just drift away into your worrying, incompletions. To keep you away from it, you can do some simply physical activities like gardening, or agriculture, or cooking – physical activities where mind is not required to be engaged in certain actions, or mind is not required to be engaged in any activity away from contemplating on Upanishads. Then have debates on Upanishads. And you can watch the satsangh retelecast. And, again, once the suns sets, having an active, powerful debate, non-violent, active, powerful debate. See, why I say “non-violent” is, you should not be taking a stand just because you took that stand. You should move to the different stand only if you are sincerely convinced. See, without being sincerely convinced, you should not move to the other stand. If you are sincerely convinced, you should not have the blockage of ego – ‘No, I already took this stand! How can I change?’ No! Without having the ego – ‘I took this stand. How can I change?’ – you should be able to change. And you should change only if you are sincerely convinced, not otherwise. That is what I call “active non-violent debate”.

I visualize, every evening, after sunset, in front of Vaidya Sarovar, hundreds and hundreds of seekers sitting as two batches – Vyasa and Shankara – and debating on Upanishads. Listening to these debates sincerely, even birds and flies and bees getting enlightened! And, because of their feet touching the lotus in the Manasarovar, even the honey in the lotus becomes nectar! Because that nectar falls into the Manasarovar water, anybody who takes bath in that water or gives shraaddha to their elders in that water, even they getting liberated! All those liberated beings deciding to visit this Kailaasa, and taking birth, coming to our Gurukul as incarnations, and studying! And those incarnations again continuing the debate on the banks of Vaidya Sarovar and liberating more and more beings! May be a little poetic, but this is the way I wanted this place to be. And I know IT WILL BE!

Active non-violent debate, understand! Not being active is useless, dead. I have seen, when debates happen, there will always be twenty people – ‘What is there for me? Let them debate! Finally whatever is the conclusion, I will understand that.’ No! You will never understand the conclusion unless you are actively into that thinking process. Unless you are actively into that thinking process, no, you cannot catch the truths in the end. No! You can’t just see the climax of the movie and understand the whole movie and enjoy the movie. No! You need to watch from the beginning to catch the climax.

And I also request all the Mahants in all the ashrams, please lead the “vaadha-prathivaadha” every day. Have some time dedicated for it. Whoever comes, let them come and participate. It should be such a non-violent active participation! Everyone should be participating. And non-violent!

So, from today, in the Gurukul we will have debate for Balasants, Bala Kotharis, Bala Mahants. They will have their own debate. And, in front of Vaidya Sarovar, the seekers, disciples, devotees, who are residing in this campus, and who are internalizing Upanishads, can have every day debate. Non-violent active debate! “Vaadha-Prathivaadha”! “Shaasthra Vichaara”! “Shaasthra ‘Chai Pe Charcha’!” (शास्त्र “चाय पेचर्चा”) (“Debating the Scriptures over Tea”)!

And I invite anyone who wants to internalize the Upanishads in this way to Bidadi, or any of our campuses where we have accommodation facility, to come and stay and internalize. The program is absolutely free. And, as per the Vedic Tradition, the Guru is supposed to beg, collect all the needs, and support the disciple. I am capable of that, and I WILL DO IT!

When Upanishads are taught, this is the way, this is the tradition which was practised. So, we will do that, and have “Vaakyaartha Sadhas”. That is the technical term for debating on the great spiritual scriptures. “Vaakyaartha Sadhas”! We will have “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” every evening on the banks of Vaidya Sarovar. Whoever wants to participate, please come and participate.

Today, again, the subject for “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” is: Perception, Fact, Truth, Reality. Debate on it. Have “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” on it. And I am encouraging “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” everywhere. All the Mahants should lead “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” everywhere, in all our ashrams, temples, gurukuls, schools, vidhyalayas, and in all the campuses. Through “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” you will internalize and intranalyze these great truths again and again and again. We will have the “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” as per the tradition – with betel leaf, betel nut, lime paste. That is the traditional way of having the debate. We will have the “Vaakyaartha Sadhas” as per the tradition every day.

With this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaitha, eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Introducing You, to You! || Part 1 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015

Link to Video:



(Curtain open, music playing welcoming Swamiji)


Now I am going to introduce you to you. Please listen. One of the greatest gift you have is YOU. One of the biggest curse you have is YOU. You are your friend, you are your enemy. There is some part of you, your friend; some part of you, your enemy. Gita says beautifully uddhared ātmanātmānaḿ nātmānam avasādayet Raise yourself by yourself. If you can raise yourself by yourself, you are your greatest friend. If not, you are your greatest enemy.


I am going to introduce just four words. Please listen to these four words. (Swamiji drawing on the white board) It’s a cartoon of aam aadmi :) All of us. Listen, whatever ideas you have about you, inside you - not how you tell about you to others, no. What you believe as you inside you; secretly inside four walls, if you sit, and analyze who you are, and ideas you have about you - is inner image.


I am going to introduce four words to you. Inner image - the ideas you have about you, inside you, inner image. Next, how you show you to others - Like your son, daughter, father, mother, in-laws, spouse, boss - to all of them, how you show you to all of them. For each one you show yourself in different, different way. All that put together is outer image. See, you may show yourself in one way to your son, one way to your spouse, one way to your boss. But there are something underlying, it will be always more than what you are. Am I right? How many of you understand what I am saying? So that underlying pattern, the way you project yourself to everyone - That is outer image.


Third, how others perceive you - never ever believe the way you show people same way they perceive you. No. You may show very humble way, they will say, “See see, how he is acting, we know about him, see see.” You may show in some way, but others may perceive you in a different way. How you show you, how you show you to them, will not be the same way they perceive you. How you show to, how you show you to them - is outer image. How they all perceive you - is other’s image.


And you have an idea about others and life, “life is always cheating,” “everyone is there around me to exploit me.” You have some ideas about others and life. That is life image. You have some ideas in your head, about others and life. That is life image. Please understand, your whole life is just this four word, that’s all. Conflict between this four word is suffering. If all these four are in sync, it is joy, fulfillment. That’s all.


I am introducing you to you. Your whole life is just this four words. And whatever Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Brahma Sutra, all the Hindu scriptures, Purana’s, Ramayama, Mahabharata, Agama, Shastra, whatever spiritual books are teaching, essence of all that is just aligning these four. Aligning these four. I am not saying how you believe you, same way you should talk about you to others, no. How you believe itself is not true, it is not stable, even that should be changed.


First, let us study how our Inner image is, how our outer image is, how others image is, how others perceive me, whoever is in my life. Don’t tell, why should I bother about what others think? No, they are part of your life. You need to bother about what your wife thinks about you. Otherwise she will make you bother. You need to bother about what your family thinks about you. Whoever is part of your life. You have to bother, what they think about you.


Understand, because you are having the benefits of them. So naturally you need to be responsible for what they think about you, in your life. And what is actual inner image, outer image, others image, life image we have. And what we really want to have, what type of inner image we should have - You may have a idea, you may have a desire. What type of outer image you want to have - You may have an idea, you may have a desire. What type of others image you want to have - You may have an idea, desire.


So what you have, what you want to have... We will sit and analyze step by step, and make what you want to have, drop what you have now. What will make what you want to have. That is completion. If you can make the inner image the way you want, outer image the way you want, others image the way you want, life image the way you want- that is completion. I will give you an example from My own life. Listen, the inner image I have, when I look inside to see the inner image I have… Once I tried to look into the mirror and see what I have inside Me. It is just a vast empty space. You call that as Nirvana, Atmajnana, Bramajnana, enlightenment, consciousness, atma, Paramatma, God, whatever word you want you can use. I saw only pure emptiness. So the inner image I carry about Me is a pure emptiness. And the outer image, how I project Me to all of you, My declared outer image is - person who is working to transmit this experience to everyone. Who is here to transmit this experience to everyone. That is my outer image, I am projecting. Others image, how you perceive Me, it can be any way. You can look at Me as a healer who will heal your headache, or healer who will heal your knee pain. Or a Swami if he blesses, you may have lottery, you may have wealth or you may have a peaceful life. Or you may even look at even Me as a fraud, how the media projects. So many in, out, your image, others image is there. So many images. Somebody looks at me as a teacher, who teaches this knowledge. Somebody looks at me as a Master, who gives the spiritual experience. Understand, but whatever image you create, end of the day I am responsible.


I may declare I am here to give that enlightenment to you, but if you ask Me, “No, no, no, first I want my headache to be healed. Bless me for that. Bless me I should have, become wealthy. First bless me for that.” Even if you ask the things which I have not declared. I am responsible, because they are within the purview of My declaration. Listen, I’ll tell you, to give you enlightenment, I have to, I may have to transmit thousand volt spiritual energy. But to remove your headache, I may need to give only one volt spiritual energy. Because it is within the purview of My declaration, I am responsible.


Anything which can be done by the spiritual power, like healing, giving you peace, mental health, or making your life peaceful and happy relationships, making you fulfilled, contented, all that if you ask, even though I have not declared, I am responsible if you are expect that from Me. If you expect I should become like a Sachin Tendulkar and get hundred century, in the cricket, I am not responsible for that. Because that is out of My purview of declaration. If you expect I should become a politician, become CM or PM in some government, I am not responsible for that. Because that is not My declaration. My declaration is I am here to give enlightenment. Anything which falls inside that is My declaration.


Do you understand what is under My purview of My declaration and what is outside? Look in your life. Whenever you declare yourself as a husband or wife of somebody, whatever that person’s expectation which is under the purview of the wife and husband’s expectation, you are responsible for it. So you are responsible for others image, as per your declaration. How you project you to them - outer image - based on that, you are responsible for their expectation. So whatever your expectation is, I am responsible and I have to fulfill it. Either I have to give you the boon of what you are asking, if you are not capable of receiving, I have to prepare you and make it happen; that is My responsibility. Understand, this seat is not that easy. Everyone’s expectation I should see to it, that becomes reality. That becomes reality. Next, the life image I have, as far as My experience is concerned, I feel the whole life is here to celebrate with Me, celebrate the existence, life, with Me.


So now, look into your life and pen down what is your inner image - How you feel about you inside you. What is your outer image - How you project you to others. And what is your others image - How, what kind of image they carry about you? And what is the image you have about life and others - life image. Few minutes, look in and pen down. And dig deep and really see, exactly what’s the inner image you are carrying, and outer image you are having, Life image you have, and others image you carry. All the four, answer in a detailed way, so that you can analyze, whatever is you.



Introducing You, to You! || Part 2 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015

Link to Video:



If you have any doubt in what I explained - inner image, outer image, life image, other's image - in these concepts, you are welcome, please come to the mic; I’ll clarify your questions. I’ll answer your doubts. Mm, Go ahead. Participant: Swamiji, only if I like to do the work I will do it and I’ll take my own time to do it. So, which category does this come to? HDH: No, no, no, is this idea you're talking about you to others or you’re talking about you to you. Participant: Myself HDH: It’s inner image. Any other question you have? Please come to the mic. Go ahead.


Participant: Good morning, Swamiji, my problem is, in my eyes my problem is The people see, uh, tell me things about myself that is exactly the opposite of what I am. It's like I am a mirror of my environment and they see something about my mother, about my friend, about my brother telling me this, oh, you are this, you are that, but I'm not say this or that. I’m like a mirror. It’s my problem. HDH: So, how, how it can be solved? We will see in the next process so I am happy that you understood the problem. Participant: Thank you HDH: Anybody else? Shall we get into the solution? Come on.


Participant: My humble pranams at your lotus feet. [Kannada w/translation] Swamiji I feel we don't need to bother about what certificate the world we live in gives us. You said we are part of this society so we have to care… HDH: No, what I am saying. Tell Me. Do you take advantage of your family, means, they cook for your food. They give you protection. They give you a kind of a moral support, safety? When they give all that so naturally what they think about you, you are responsible for it. I am not saying you should be, you should feel responsible for the fellow who is walking in the street. You are not responsible for them, their opinion about you, but whoever is involved in your life, part of your life with whom you committed, who has committed with you, about their opinion you are responsible. Is it not? How can you say? You will have all advantage of them. You are here means, morning, they have given you food, they gave you this clothes and they gave you the vehicle to come here. So your family is supporting you in whatever you want to do. When you take advantage of them so naturally you are responsible for what they think about you. See, you may not be responsible for what somebody who is in the street thinks about you. You don't need to be responsible; but whoever is part of your life. Participant: Whether my life should depend on their comments, like that. HDH: No, no, no. Comments.. listen, comments are different, feeling responsible for their understanding about you is different. There are some people who will be creating comments just to give you pain. But there are very sincere perceptions about you by many people about which you need to be responsible. Understand what I am saying? Participant: Then I get. I needed to be corrected or correct them. HDH: You have to be responsible. I am not saying you need to correct you or correct them. Sometimes they need correction. Sometimes you need correction, but there is correction required. If you understand that much that’s enough. Clear. Participant: Thank you swamiji


Participant: Swamiji, I have got a lot of doubts, means, actually I am also working as a project head, maybe around five hundred people they are working with me. Whenever I have that project requirement is there, thousands of ideas. Actually when I enter there, all the five hundred people I can give the job - that is my idea, i have got all these things. It’s all there, everybody happy which is coming out of the present everything. only one person put one negative, he made something nuisance or something that entire project it’s, whatever comes, If whatever everyday I am getting hundreds ideas, if 500 people they are working means, I have, each and everybody is to be target the project and everything is my part of work. That time if they say one person only one person will be complaint. The, because of one person see he made a …. shouting maybe is he say simply say like that he used to talk loose talk and all that, he will put it to the higher authority. They may take a negative action and then my entire all the positive thinking, everything, will be totally negative. It’s become my mind will be blocked. How to solve that moment I am not able to get anything. HDH: This whole thing, one person if he is able to collapse. Then there is some pain point exactly where he put his hand. Understand? Participant: I didn’t get the point. HDH: So, no. If one person can collapse 500 people's work. Then there is actually some pain point where he put his hand; so do not blame that person and keep him out. Next time when you plan, have him in your inner Space and plan even he should not be able to break it. Plan it in such way. That is what is reinventing yourself. That's what is reinventing yourself.


Participant: Also because of only one small these things. We know very well what is going on. We’re getting the good result everything, weekly report and daily report, everything we are sending. They may feel someone maybe that these things they get something negative, then my total my body, my mind everything will be collapsed. Like I cannot not able to go and fresh. HDH: See What I am saying. You should not be collapsing yourself that quickly and how not to be collapsed, we will see in this session now. See the such… just one idea from your boss if it collapses you. You yourself may be entertaining something called self-doubt. Now I’ll explain.


Please listen. The inner image you have - like a what you feel about you and outer image you have - how you project you to others. Listen. The inner image you have and outer image you have - How you feel about you inside you and how you project about you outside. If there is a gap between these two, for example you go to your boss and you tell him, I can do this, I can do that, these, these, that. Finally you convince him. You come back to your house and in your home you are sitting and thinking. You have convinced about you to him, but you are not convinced you can do that. How many of you experienced this? Raise your hand. That is where the doubt about you starts. Not only with boss with anybody, anywhere - customer, client, spouse. You have convinced others about you. But you are not convinced about you. This Gap Where self-doubt starts.


Next, The gap between outer Image - how you project you to others and others image - how others perceive you. For example, you project yourself as very humble person and the others feel see, see, see, how he's acting. Your question, ma. This gap you will feel you are not enough, you are not sufficient. This gap makes you feel, start feeling the self hatred. Third, others image - how others feel about you and life image - how you feel about others. This Gap. See it's like a - how others feel, every one feels, you should change and listen to them. But you feel everyone should change and listen to me, everyone is wrong; others feel you are wrong, you feel everyone is wrong. This gap is what I call self-denial - constantly denying yourself and saying denying your possibility and saying you are right, others should change. But others are saying you should change. Self-denial. It's like a self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. SDHD like ADHD, SDHD.


Listen. This conflicts between inner image-outer image, outer image-others image others image-life image - this conflict is SDHD, self-doubt, hatred, denial. How it starts, how we can complete with it, we will see now. Let's spend few minutes and see, when you project yourself in some way when you think you are somebody, you project yourself in some way, others are convinced, but you are not convinced; then starts self-doubt. I will give you this assignment sheet, spend few minutes intra-analyzing, on how the self-doubts happen in you; self-hatred happens in you; self-denial happens in you. We will work on it.



Introducing You, to You! || Part 3 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015

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If you have any questions about this: Self-doubt, Self-hatred, Self-denial – Please come! We will now move to the next sessions - How to complete this, how to get rid of it. See, first half of the day I wanted to spend on right diagnosis of your difficulties and problems, then we will get into cure.


Participant: Swamiji, from Tiruvannamalai. I’m a filmmaker. My first short film, ah, was screened in many colleges, in Bangalore Film Society and it has been selected in U.K. Film Festival also. The self-doubt, the question is about the self-doubt. Lot of people started praising me for the quality of, ah, filmmaking which has been brought in. Then I pitched an idea to my fellow friends, those who were in the film-circle, that I want to make a film on you and, ah, I just give an idea. Ah, I don't know the reason behind their expressions. They were suddenly thought that I am not thinking properly. So they were saying that, you must be running out of ideas, that's why you want to make a film on him. No, I said, No it's not like that. Now I want to know, my first, ah, film which has been screened recently in Christ University for psychological xxx (01:53), the praise was very high. Now... and now the whole, ah, friend-circle, to some extent family members also suddenly think that, ah, I lost film-making skills though I am just one film old. So is it the outer image is too much impacting me or the self doubt?


HDH: No, no, no listen, listen! The inner image is not able to handle… Actually your inner image is very weak. You convinced others, but you are not convinced about you. So you are waiting for somebody to throw a doubt on you. Because you were waiting for somebody to throw a doubt, they threw and you got it. If your inner image is strong enough, you will not have a problem even if others are throwing doubts on you. Understand, it is you were waiting for others to throw doubts about you on you. The moment they threw, you thought, Yes, what...what they are saying is right, maybe right. Participant: No that…self-denial is happening. I am not able to believe them. But only thing is, if whatever they say… HDH: No, if you are not able to believe them, you will not have suffering. The moment, the way you say, I am seeing very clearly, you are already started developing self-doubt. It means you believed them. Participant: You can say that some partly. HDH: Not partly! Let’s be clear, actually. Understand, now all you need to do is strengthening your inner image. How to? We will see further. Just know the problem, that's enough. We will know the solution now. Anybody else?


Participant: I don't doubt you Swamiji, but I really love myself. So I don't know what to put in the ‘hate’ you see … HDH: No problem. If you don't have a self-doubt, no problem. It is not that everyone has to have all the problem, no. I am diagnose...I am helping you to diagnose, but it is not that you have to have these problems. You may, may not have one or two, that is great. And if you don't have all three, great! Yes. Anybody else? Please come. Don't create a problem that you don't have a problem.


Participant: Ah, in my office Swamiji, all come to me with a problem. They get the solutions and finally they feel I am out of control or I have to talk less. And I talk because they feel the insecurities about the job. I had it, I got it from you and ah, I believe, that I have a job, I have a job. How I should, be in control or should not solve, solve the problem or not listen to them or …?


HDH: No, no, no, no. I think you should take the responsibility for what they think, what they feel. It is more like a their feedback about you is actually is you feeling about you. Look in. They are just verbalizing what you did not verbalize about you. Pick it up and learn. Getting it?


Participant: Swamiji, I have a doubt means doubt actually while handling the projects. See, I am not a communicator. See, some people they have a very good communications. They do something else and then tell. I am always a work-orientated res...result person. If I will give the result, I know what is the timings, how long it will take, what is the cost of the project, then that time [..] HDH: And you should not say, now I heard you uttering so many statement. You should not say, you are not a communicator! You are a communicator! Participant: The...there is actually then sometime now I am not able to come out of that [..] HDH: No, no, when you have a problem: You use this shield, “I am not a communicator, that is why I have this problem.” But you are a communicator! Participant: Then maybe that is my doubt. I have self-doubt. HDH: That's all. Mmh. Participant: This is, actually in this I have… I have a lot of sometime, I will be break my job, if continuation will be there. It’s a totally, the related to each and everything. Sometime it will break. That time I cannot able to get what is the, ah, next decision. That time I will be very too much doubts. If I go ahead, otherwise I will quit the job, otherwise I will go to some other subjects. These are all doubts will be created immediately, so many negatives. Then how to come out of that problem?


HDH: Again, I can say this is self-doubt. In the next session I'll be teaching you exactly how to come out of it. At least you diagnosed now, that's enough. See, here now I am going to... in this session I am teaching you only how to diagnose; solution is Completion. We will get into that in the next sessions. Mmh. Go ahead!


Participant: Namaste Swamiji! HDH: Yes. Please use the mic! Participant: Actually, ah, recently I used to talk to people from within. I feel what I talk is authentic, but people, what they say is, what I get the feedback is – ‘You are too frank’ – and, ah, that is one and another one is … HDH: See that when people say you are too frank, maybe you think that is heroism. That aggressiveness of uttering words without bothering about others sensitivity; understand, it is not heroism. You need to know that. Mmh. And if you are waiting for others acceptance, it is again Self-doubt. See, I am telling you, not any pride, arrogance or anything, straight from My experience, I am telling you: The people who attacked Me… I went through a big attack. People who attacked Me are loaded with money and Asia’s one of the biggest media-house, they attacked Me. They were able to convince everyone I am a bad person, but they were not able to convince Me, I am a bad person. That is why I won the game. I won the game, because they were able to convince everyone, but they were not able to convince Me. I am telling you: Others opinion, if it convinces you, you lost the game. Participant: I am not convinced. But this one – second question I asked, they are telling me …..8:48…, but I am getting, I have some fear, because I am not.. HDH: Even that, even that. Participant: But they are convinced I am not … HDH: You are...you are already shaking. Participant: Shaking! I am not convinced that, ah, what I have to do. HDH: So that again is a self-doubt. We will work on it. Participant: Thank you!


HDH: Now, please listen. This self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, this is the source of all complications in our life. This is the source of all complication, confusion, even contradiction. Understand, see when your friends told, when you wanted to make a movie on Me and they said...they told you, you ran out of idea – you are shaking about it. That is why you are repeating it. It means, your doubt only they are reflecting. Everyone will see, to see whether you are having a self-doubt or not. In anything, if you are shaking, please understand, only if you are ready to get shaken, anybody can shake you. And I tell you, anything can be shaken, will be shaken. It's ‘Law of Nithyananda’, pen down. Anything which can be shaken, will be shaken. It is your strength, your clarity. You not having self-doubt – that only will lead you to excel.

[00:10:47] Same way the self-denial also – when others and you exactly face each other from the same point; you think you are a generous person. Everyone thinks you are a utter miser, and you will go on be denying to look into the reality, is self-denial. You may be thinking you are generous person, others know you are miser, worst miser, and you will be denying to look into that: That is self-denial.


Now, next few minutes, next homework, next assignment… Not homework… assignment: What is the best inner image you want to have? Means, how you really want to feel about you. If suddenly God appears and tells you: “My son, what's the best inner image you want to have? Outer Image you want to have, Others’ Image you want to have, Life Image you want to have, you tell me. I’ll just wave my hand – it'll happen.” What will be your request? Pen down. He may make it happen, who knows? So pen down. Pen down the assignment. Best 4 Image: The best Inner Image you want to have, the best Outer Image you want to have, the best Others Image you want to have and best Life Image you want to have. Please pen down. Project this Ma.


Meditation music is playing.


HDH: Yes. Participant: >>inaudible>>


HDH: No, no, no! What you want to have inner image and as Outer Image. It’ll be sometimes, you may want to have both. Why do you want to have conflict? Participant: >>inaudible>> HDH: No, first pen down Inner Image. Then pen down what is the Outer Image you want to have. Then what is the best Others’ Image you want to have. What you want to have write.


It’s projected, please pen down. Instructions Projected


Meditation music is playing.



Introducing You, to You! || Part 4 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015

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From morning we understood about Inner image, outer image, other’s image, life image, what we have, what we want to have. The gap between the image you have and the image you want to have, that gap is what I call Incompletion. For example your actual inner image: “I am lazy, I can’t do anything, I will become tired, I will feel bored, I can’t get up early morning and do Yoga.” The outer image: “I am very active, I don’t become tired” How you project: “I am brisk”. What is it? The gap, the inner image and outer Image. And the inner image you have is “I am tired, I have become bored, I can’t be physically active” and the real inner image you want to have. What you have is “I am lazy”, what you want to have, naturally everyone wants to be active, alive, get up early morning four o’clock, do Yoga. Then what is stopping you, you not becoming what you want to be? Some of the patterns, I am giving you one example.


Actually your inner image you want to be active, but you are very lazy; the pattern is that lazy pattern, feeling bored pattern. Now, If you get this pattern and complete it, if you find that pattern - when you started becoming lazy, when you started becoming non active in the life, why you started becoming feeling bored in the life; and find that pattern and complete, I tell you, you don’t need to practice getting up in the morning, 4 o’clock for years, no. The day you complete with the pattern, next day morning 4 o‘clock you will not have sleep. You will be fresh flower. Transformation does not happen by discipline. Order in your life does not happen by discipline. It happens by completion. Please understand, discipline never brings order, only completion brings order. How much ever you struggle and try to wake up early morning 4 o’clock, after three days you will lose control over you, respect for you. You can keep 25 alarms and 3.30 you will get up and switch off all the alarms and lie down at 4 o’clock. How many experienced this? Tell me.


Discipline will not bring order in your life. It is Completion which will bring order in your life. I am giving you one small example of waking up in the morning. I can give you tons of examples: Smoking, drinking or any other patterns with which you are struggling; addiction or getting confused. This getting confused is a biggest pattern. The moment you see your mother in law or your boss, you are thrown off balance. This getting confused is again a pattern. How many of you are able to understand what I mean by the word Incompletion and Patterns? Please raise your hand. What you are and what you want to be, the gap between these two is Incompletions. And Incompletions repeating itself is Pattern.


How many of you are not able to understand, please raise your hand. If you are not able to understand, any question you have I will answer. See, here either you should understand, you should not understand. If you don’t understand, I'll try to explain. Because even one word, if you don’t understand, you will not be able to experientially practice this technique. So the technique I am going to give you is depending on these understandings. You need to live all these understandings. Transform yourself with all these understandings. mh, Go ahead.


Participant: Pranams Guruji, Swamiji, discipline is required, not required, how it? HDH: No, no, no. I am not saying discipline is not required. I am saying the order in your life will happen only with Completion. Never by discipline. Discipline how much ever you try, you will see you are only failing again and again. Because it is fight, you fighting with you. Anybody else has a doubt? Please come come to the mic.


Participant: Actually you say in the morning while we put even the alarm also, we’ll switch off. Because of that sometime, you know, we have to continue also without alarm we can wake up. Actually that time what happen in the physically strain[6:42] or something that we cannot able to wake up. That with continuation also, . The body will get too much straight ... HDH: See, I am just giving you one example of this waking up on alarm , you look into your list. Actual inner image you have and the image you want to build. The gap between. Participant: Right. HDH: You understand, the actual outer image you have and the outer image you want to build. The gap between. Just look. If you see there will be few habits, few incompletions, few patterns stopping you becoming what you want to become. Participant: Ok. So one more question. HDH: Mhm. Participant: Actually sometimes I have some positive thinking. I have to explain to others, they will give some negatively they will speak, at that time I’ll get immediately headache and then I will totally, my mind will be blocked. HDH: Mhm. What I am saying. Such a simple words should not derange you. You should be more stronger. Such simple words can not, should not derange you. That’s again coming to the …, it comes to the Inner pattern you have getting deranged. You don’t even need the other’s words, if you just see some wrong signboard… it means you are waiting to collapse. Just a small cat is enough, rat crossing, cat crossing is enough. How many of you have this “black cat bad omen”? You will not tell, I know. Participant: I won't believe all those HDH: Anyhow it may not be black cat but you will develop your own omens. Participant: And maybe I will think always the positive and negative. And the respective … If it comes negative for what. It is maybe something wrong my side maybe something wrong opposite. That I will take.


HDH: See basically anything anywhere, whether it is a victory or a failure, if you have the pattern of collapsing internally, that is going to be constantly collapsing; even in victory many people collapse. Participant: How to come out of that? HDH: That only now I am going to do. That is what I am explaining. Why, why the pattern of collapsing has started developing in you. There must be some incident from the young age developed. Just sit and look within, when you started collapsing? Maybe as early as , when you were studying in the fourth class, fifth class, you gave some wrong answer and whole class laughed at you. There you will decide “I will never jump out and speak”. So it can be as simple as that. And that again starts getting built, built, built like a pattern. The moment you discover the pattern and decide to complete, immediately the pattern loses power over you. You will be free. Next time, the same situation you face you won’t collapse. You will stand up. You will be alive. You will be bright. You will be active. You will be functioning. How many of you understand what I am saying? That’s all. Mhm.


Participant: Last question. HDH: Go ahead, go ahead. You can have any number of questions. I have no problem. Participant: No no, actually I have sometime in the dream at midnight, actually I have some positive thoughts, maybe designing concepts comes. That time automatically waken up, like without any this thing also, no need of any alarm, it says to mind like that. I will start keep on drawing or some designing the next two days, maybe that planning will be there, it comes automatically i have to wake up. Actually without knowing anything, actually i never get any strain that time. HDH: No, that is the internal inspiration. That is possible. That is possible, no doubt. It is good. It is good. Means, those few minutes you were out of these incompletions so that you are able to think out of the box. That’s something out of the box. Participant: Will that be, in future also I can develop … HDH: When the incompletions melt down you will have that space more and more.


So now, few minutes I want you to sit and look in. What all the incompletions haunting you. It can be as simple as tea habit or as complicated as multiple affairs. It can be as simple as you trying to have a fight, pick a fight constantly with people or you trying to constantly do something violent. So please understand. Dig out the patterns. Dig out the patterns which is not allowing you to create authentic inner image, outer image, life image, other’s image you want to have.


See, the inner image, outer image, other’s image, life image you are having presently is inauthentic. That is why each one of them contradict with each other. And the best Inner Image, outer Image, other’s Image, life image you want to have is authentic. If you see the best you want to have, all the four will be completely aligned. How many of you discovered that? What you want to have and you pen all four of them are aligned authentically. Because authentically when you develop you, it will be aligned. This gap between authentic identity, inauthentic identity is Incompletions. Sit and pen down thoughts, emotions, patterns, Incompletions which is stopping you becoming authentic.


The Inner Image, Outer Image, Other’s Image, Life Image you have is inauthentic identity. Inner Image, Outer Image, Other’s Image, Life image you want to have is your authentic identity. Identify and pen down all the incompletions that are stopping you from expressing your authentic identity. Each of the incompletion, find out and pen down the incident when the Incompletion started in you. If you look you will be able to easily find out the incident when the incompletion started in you. For example the incompletion is fear of going to the beach. The incident is the murder in the beach which you saw. Morning example I gave, like that. So look in, each of your incompletion you will have an incident. Find that and pen down. Please start.


At least pen down 10 Incompletion and the corresponding incidents when that Incompletions started. (music and instructions projected)



Introducing You, to You! || Part 5 || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015

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Listen, now we are going to enter into the ‘Completion Process’. From morning we were only digging out the problem; looking from a various angle, understanding the source of the problem. Only now we are coming to completion. This technique you are going to do now – the meditation technique – Completion Process is directly initiated by Mahadeva - Shiva to Parvati in Shiva Sutras 22nd verse.


I'll explain the technique to you and then how to do it. You will see, in My Spiritual Research – at the age of three I have been adopted by My Guru and he started teaching Me Yoga. And the amount of Spiritual Literatures I have read, heard, did research, experienced. Finally with My experience consciously analyzed: This is the one best technique – Solution for all problems. It can solve your problems as simple as migraine and make you reach Enlightenment, the Ultimate Consciousness itself.


This technique can bring you Wealth, can bring you Health and can bring you anything you want. Because anything you want, you are not achieving just because of your ‘Incompletions’. When the incompletions melt down, become complete, whatever you want – you will start manifesting in your life.


So listen, I'll read out the exact Sutra – its translation. Look at your past, dis-identified. Let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening and even your form having lost its present characteristics is transformed.


Let Me explain, listen! For example, you were supposed to complete with the fear pattern. Forget your present, completely forget who you are now. Go back to that incident which started ‘Fear’ in you. Same incident, same situation, same time, same space, same you. Try to ‘relive’ the whole thing.


Understand, “Reliving” is “Relieving”. I am not asking you to remember. ‘Remembering’ means you will be who you are. Now you are 57, you will be this person. Just remembering what happened at the age of 7. Thinking what happened at the age of 7 is ‘remembering’, But forgetting who you are now, becoming that 7 year old child and relieving, allowing the same fear again to pop up. Same shivering, same anger, same confusion, same sadness, allow everything to … Relive – melt down in your nervous system. Once you finish reliving, suddenly you will see, like a snow melted down, when this emotions melt down, when this sadness melts down, when this incompletion melts down – suddenly you will see that incompletion will not have power over your thinking anymore. The places you always thought you will be afraid suddenly that fear you won't even remember. The pattern will not even be there. The confusion will not even be there.


So please understand, go through the Completion Process with each incompletion you pen down now. I told you to pen down at least 10. Pick up one by one. First incompletion and when it started developing in you – those incidents. Relive! It may take hardly 5 minutes. ‘Relive’ means just see the whole thing happening as it happened. See how you were shivering. Don't try to justify: “Oh that time I was a small kid, that time I should not have developed this fear.” Don't justify! Don't look at that incident from now; with this modern intelligence you have, with this present intelligence, present understanding, present body-mind. No! Go back to that incident. Live, relive as it is.


For example: I am giving you one example. At the age of seven you were playing in the rain. Your Mother sees and slaps you and brings you down; brings you into the room and pushes you into the house and locks the house. Now if you remember that incident you will think: “Oh my mother is so caring, she took care of my Health”; now if you remember. But if you go back to that situation and that time the intelligence you had, with that if you relive – Did you have sympathy for your mother? Did you think your mother was taking care of you? No! You felt suffocated, pushed, locked, restricted.


So I am telling you to go back to the same space. Don't try to remember, try to ‘Relive’. How many of you understand what am I saying? Shall we start? So pick up each incident and “Relive.” Don't bother about that sadness coming out, suffering coming out, fear leaving you or the worries leaving you. Everything will leave your system. You will be cleaned. You will be complete. You have any question related to this technique, please come do the mic... Go ahead, please go ahead.


Participant: [Tamil] [Translation scroll] “Swamiji Vanakam! What if I have some incidents that happened at age of 5 and some at age 10 and some others at 15. What should I do?” Swamiji: “First you should start with the 5 year old incident, then next 10, then 15. Like that.” Participant: “Thank you Swamiji.” Swamiji: “Any other doubt? Questions? Shall we start then? Please come, come, come to the mic, please come! Any question, doubt you have please come to the mic so that, when you enter into the process you will be a really doing it.”


Participant: “Namaste Swamiji, same incident will you have different emotions will have effects?” Swamiji: “So you can relive. All the incompletions will break – collapse.” Participant: “So so many root patterns at once also can come.” Swamiji: “See 2-3 root patterns can come from one incident” Participant: “But if we don't remember that means it can be below 5 years which I may not remember then…” Swamiji: “But I tell you, whenever the patterns develop, those incidents you never forget. If you forget that incident it means the pattern has not developed from that incident. Participant: “Thank you.”


Shall we start? I am asking all of you. Please tie the ribbon. Sit straight. It will be nice if you sit on the floor, always on the floor you will be more stable. Only if you can’t sit on the floor, you can sit on the chair. Just sit on the floor. Tie the ribbon. Yes please go ahead! Participant: “Namaste Swamiji, one thing I find always allergic to cockroach. I don't know when... Actually I am a science student, to by PC I used to cut also…” Swamiji: “You are not able to remember any incident.” Participant: “Incident when it was there I don't know. I think…” Swamiji: “At least can you remember some incident when you were allergic and not able to handle... You can relieve that, you will catch the original incident.” Participant: “And how to come out of that allergy.” Swamiji: “Now remember the incident may not be the first, but after the first also there will be 2-3 times when you saw and felt allergetic .” Participant: “When you see - get allergy.” Swamiji: “See even this incident if you relive, it'll melt down. The incompletion will meltdown.” Participant: “Thank you!”


Please tie the ribbon. The earliest memories of your incompletion, relive them. First forget your present. Go back to the same age when that incompletion started. Look in. Relive – relive each incompletion. At least relive 5 times... Relive, relive and ‘relieve’. Complete all the incompletions without getting tired. Relive and Relieve. Complete! Sincerely, all the incompletions and relieve. Shantihi Relax. Slowly, very slowly, you can open your eyes.



The Purpose Of Your Life || Nithya Dhyana Yoga || 31 January 2015

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Listening, please understand. Listening to what is happening inside you. That's a first step we are going to do. Listen, you constantly talking to you, confusing you, leads to more and more incompletions. Actually you yourself will not be able to control what you are talking to you because of incompletions. Listen, listen attentively now. Many time you will be very seriously thinking about a problem, suddenly you will come to a solution. You will be peaceful, you will be relaxed. After two days, you will forget the solution which you found. Again about the same problem you will be brooding over, brooding over, brooding over. After two days again you will discover the same solution. After two days again, you will forget the same solution and brood over about the same problem. How many of you suffered this? Raise your hand. This is what I call pattern. This is what I call pattern. Same pattern - discovering solution… Monday you will find the solution and Wednesday again you'll forget the solution, same problem Wednesday morning, Thursday, Friday, thinking, thinking, thinking, brooding over, Saturday morning you'll discover the solution. Saturday, Sunday you will have that solution, again Monday morning you'll forget the solution, same problem.


Listen, this pattern is because of incompletions. This pattern is because of incompletions. Basically, biggest problem human beings have is we don't listen to ourselves. We talk, we listen to others. We talk to ourself, we talk to others. We listen to others, but we never listen to ourselves. Some of the basic questions about life we need to listen to us. Where are we heading? What is it that really makes me happy? What is it that really makes me blissful? What is it that really makes me energetic? Some of… some people will be running behind money, but actually name and fame only will make them feel energetic. I am not saying money is right or name and fame is right, which is right, wrong. No, I am nobody to judge you here. I am only here to support you to achieve what you want. Listen, many time actually the name and fame gives you more power and energy, but you will be thinking money only is your purpose and you will be running behind and once you have the money you will feel suddenly empty. Vice versa also, sometimes you will feel it is money gives you fulfillment, but you will be running behind name and fame. Once you have it you will feel empty. “What is there? Yes everyone praises me. But what is there, tomorrow itself they will change their words.” Manytime what you want, what is the Artha-meaning of your life… In Sanskrit the word Artha means two meaning - ‘meaning’ and ‘wealth’.


What is the Artha of your life? And what is the kama? Means what you think as pleasure, desirable. There is so much of incompletion about your Artha-meaning and Kama-desirable. That is why you don't know what Dharma-path you need to practice. Dharma means path, Artha means meaning, Kama means desirable. Now first, let us listen to ourselves, spend little time in listening to ourselves. Ask you what is, what do you think as purpose of your life. You are not going to show to anybody so don't write some big “I wanted the whole world to be happy having whatever everyone wants”. Leave that to Me. You write exactly in the secret corner of your heart what you think as purpose of your life. What you think you can do to make it happen, what you aspire in life? What is that keeps you driving everyday? What is that keeps you alive? Are you alive just because death has not yet happened. No, there are some people. What is it that motivates you? How do you plan to achieve? Provide few minutes of listening to you. Be true to you, authentic to you and answer these few questions. Dig deep, contemplate and meditate and write this exercise, answers by listening to you. Few minutes …


Instructions shown in video:

Dig deep, contemplate and meditate and write the exercise by listening to you. 1) What is the purpose of your life? What do you aspire to? What is it that keeps you alive? What motivates you to wake up every day? What do you value most in life? 2) How do you plan to achieve what you aspire to? Are all your actions in life aligned to this?


Sit with yourself, contemplate


Let’s enter into the next game. Pick up a paper and pen. The leader please stand up, leaders should stand up. Paper and pen, write any statement from My teachings. It should be only seven words. Not 6 or 8, only seven words, write a statement. Now listen, first statement you will utter in the ears of the person who is sitting next to you. You will clearly utter, not loudly, third person should not hear, only he should be able to hear. Clearly utter in his ears. If he did not listen and ask ‘ah ah?’ Ah ah only that’s all, nothing can be done. No repeating. Utter only once clearly in his ears. Whatever he heard, let him tell the next person, then next person, next person, let it just go round and come back to you. What comes back note down against that statement. What you sent and what came back. Next send the second statement. What comes back, note down. Send the third one. What comes back, note down. Please start. It's a very simple game. But very interesting. [After the game/process] Team leaders all the 4 team leaders please come to the mic. Yes, team leaders. Please first read out the statement you sent and the statement which came back.


Leader: Nithyanandam, the statement I sent was “You are worthy of what you have” the statement I received is “you are what you are, you are.” Swamiji: Second Leader: The second one: you are responsible for whatever happening inside and outside you. The statement I received is: you are responsible for what you are. Swamiji: Third one. Leader: Always live in the gratitude of... in the attitude of gratitude. The statement I received is : All is to me in gratitude. Swamiji: Not even one came back as it is. Zero. Come on. Here.

Leader: My first statement was: get rid of your incompletions, complete them. What I received is: Hatreds are incompletions, complete them. Swamiji: 😃 Okay. Second one. Leader: From perceptions to truth and from truth to reality. What I received is perceptions is a truth and truth is a reality. Swamiji: 😃 How can perceptions be truth? Leader: The science of completion can be learned and practiced. What came back is the science of completion can be learned and then practiced. Swamiji: Okay, only small mistake, last statement. We will give twenty mark, no problem. Come on. 😃

Leader: My statement was: perception to cognizance to truth to reality. What came back was: Perception, fact, truth, reality. So the conjunctions have been missed and cognizance has been replaced by truth. Second one was: listening not hearing is important in life. What came back was: listening not hearing is important in life. Exact statement came back. Swamiji: Wow, then thirty three mark. Which team? Great! Leader: The last one was: Incompletions come in the way of listening. What came back was: Incompletions come in way of listening. So only “the” was missed . Swamiji: Ok great. That team has done a good job. Come on. Please.

Leader: I just sent out only the words. Like the first word was “incompetence.” Swamiji: No, you can’t send one word, you have to send seven... I think the leader failed 😃 Leader: After that I sent other words like a... Swamiji: No full seven word statement you should send it. So I think you did not listen what I said. What to do, the leader himself failed, so now I can't even tell anything about the group. Okay, you can go. Leader: Thank you.


Photos Of The Day:



Nithya Kirtans http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2668_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-nithya%20kirtan.JPG


Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2682_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG Nithya Satsang http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2700_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2716_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2718_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2719_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2721_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2725_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2726_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2728_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2731_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2736_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2729_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2736_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji_1.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2739_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2741_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2740_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2745_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2743_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2745_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2749_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG

Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 01--IMG_2751_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 02--IMG_2749_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 03--IMG_2745_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 04--IMG_2740_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 05--IMG_2731_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 06--IMG_2728_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 07--IMG_2727_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 08--IMG_2725_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 09--IMG_2724_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 10--IMG_2721_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 11--IMG_2719_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 12--IMG_2718_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 13--IMG_2717_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 14--IMG_2716_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 15--IMG_2714_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 16--IMG_2712_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 17--IMG_2711_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 18--IMG_2709_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 19--IMG_2705_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 20--IMG_2704_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 21--IMG_2700_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 22--IMG_2692_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 23--IMG_2690_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 24--IMG_2684_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 25--IMG_2683_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 26--IMG_2682_watermarked.JPG Nithyasatsang Upanishads - 27--IMG_2681_watermarked.JPG



Kalpataru Darshan http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2762_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2766_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2770_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2788_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2797_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-31th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2798_bidadi-kalpataru-swamiji.JPG

Kalpatarudarshan - 04--IMG_2777_watermarked.JPG Kalpatarudarshan - 02--IMG_2798_watermarked.JPG Kalpatarudarshan - 01--IMG_2799_watermarked.JPG Kalpatarudarshan - 05--IMG_2759_watermarked.JPG

Nithya Dhyan Yoga-day1-lunch-yoga

Nithya Dhyan Yoga - day1-mirror-completion

Nithya Dhyan Yoga - day1-session1and2-listening-and-genesis-of-identity


Upanishads,Advaita,Vedic,Isha Upanishad,consciousness,logic ,emotion, Paramahamsa Nithyananda,cognition , emotion, heart, reality, nithyananda video

Photos Of The Day:
