May 24 2012

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Humbleness Makes Your Life Divine


Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that it is even today used as a personal transformation guide. In today’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 34, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) speaks on the importance of humility. When we relax into becoming humble our receptivity opens, and we are able to expand from every encounter. Even the trees and stones teach us. To experience their knowledge we must drop into a mode of receiving, of submission. This attitude of surrender raises us to the zone of divine consciousness as we connect deeply with all of life and merge our awareness with the whole universe.

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Humbleness Makes Your Life Divine

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Let us start our morning satsang,

In Bhagavad Gita, 4th chapter Gnanakarma sanyasa yoga, 34th verse:

“Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa

Upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninastattvadarsinaha”

The translation: Understand these truths: By humble submission through enquiry or by resorting to the one who has perceived, experience, the true and essential nature and who will instruct you to that Cognizance, who will transmit that experience to you. This verse is one of the popular verses of BhagavadGita .

“Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa

Upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninastattvadarsinaha”.

It’s a very popular verse.

Please understand the essence of enlightenment. Bhagavan says very beautifully understand these truths: By humble submission through enquiry or by resorting to the one who has perceived, experienced the true essential nature and who will transmit that experience to you.

The key word in this whole sutra is “pranipatena paniprasnena sevaya”. I will tell you, with humbleness and the attitude to imbibe if you move, every stone, tree will teach you. Forget about enlightened master teaching you, that will surely happen. But, if you carry this two attitude, attitude of humbleness and attitude of learning, receiving, imbibing.

Yesterday I was talking to one of the bramachari, casually I was mentioning how this whole Madurai Aadheenam is going to be rebuilt. We are going to make the whole thing in to five floor. The opposite property is also going to be our five floor property. That is the maximum allowed limit by corporation. So we are planning and I was telling some of the minute details presented in Meenakshi temple architecture and Kasi Vishwanath temple. Actually I wanted this place to be representing the whole India. So some of the minute details in Varanasi and Meenakshi temple and there is a sun temple in Konarak Orissa which has the huge wheel with 12 spokes. So I was talking about all these minute details how this is going to be built. He was telling how do you see all the details bless us also to get that.

Please understand so many people who live around me whether they believe I am enlightened or incarnation or not that is different. But all of them are baffled by my awareness and by my memory and the way I put things together. Seeing that everybody is shaken and baffled, that no doubt. It’s non controversial. Only my incarnationhood expressing is non controversial but all the qualities of incarnationhood expressing is non controversial. It is non controversial. It cannot be refuted.

But I will tell you, I tell you really, keeping Chokkanatha and Meenakshi as the witness I give you the secret of this quality; understand, humbleness and attitude of imbibing. When I look at the temple, when I look at an architecture, when I look at a set information, even when I take up a new book to read I completely submit myself with the attitude of imbibing. Understand, people who live around me would have observed, even if I get a new laptop or a machine I will hold it in my hand for few seconds, with all humbleness I submit, to imbibe you as part of me; even newspaper or any book! People who lived around me would have observed it. Anything I touch, first I surrender with humble submission, attitude of imbibing.

Please understand these are very few spiritual methods I myself practice, still now I practice, this is one of the method or attitude still I practice. I go on practicing. See, unclutching and all I don’t practice; I can’t do also, that’s different, because even to unclutch you need mind; I don’t have, I can’t practice and pooja, I don’t practice. But in this mutt, the Madurai Aadheenam tradition, I am supposed to do pooja every day to the deity of Shiva and Meenakshi. So you should see how I do pooja. It will be very funny. Morning I will sit with the deities and I will pour first the water and fall in to Samadhi and then I will wake up and put the sandal and fall in to Samadhi. It will take at least two hours for me to complete the pooja. I cannot practice pooja, ofcourse, because as a tradition I have to do, so I am doing, that’s different. I cannot practice unclutching. There are many methods and techniques I cannot do, Ajapa Japa. By the time I repeat the mantra second or third time already in Samadhi. But still I practice some things: that is humble submission. Understand, understand the importance of this process. Whether I am not talking about the humble submission the attitude of imbibing you need to have in front of the guru. No. That is secondary. I am not even talking about that. Have that attitude with everything.

When you look at a building, have the attitude of imbibing. You will imbibe whatever you need to from that. You will be enriched. When you will need, the file will come up. A book, start with the attitude of imbibing. Whatever is your essence let it be imbibed in me. Let it become part of me. That is why any knowledge, I am not talking out of ego. Any knowledge, it can be any complicated. Whether it is legal or auditing or HTML code, any knowledge I can be 100% sure I can imbibe. Because, I know how to imbibe. Go with the attitude of imbibing.

“Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa”

Go with the attitude of humble submission with anything. If you are going to a new culture, if you are going to a new place, if you are going to a new person, if you are going to a new book, if you are going to a new field, with anything, do not have prejudice. Something, these fellows are wrong, these fellows are right. These fellows are wrong, this book is not right. This thought trend is not right, this philosophy is crime, this philosophy is right, don’t go with that prejudice. Go with the mood of submission, imbibing. I will tell you, if you have this attitude of imbibing, even the terrorist philosophy you will learn something right and good. But with the attitude of arrogance, even if it is a philosophy of enlightenment, you will make it arrogant and ego centric.

I have seen people becoming egocentric reading great advaitic literatures and people becoming enlightened with the worst terrorist books. George Gurgiff is a flower out of the communist thorns. He was not given any enlightenment philosophy or advaitic teachings. It’s all the communist inputs. But with the attitude of imbibing even from communism he flowered as an enlightened being. I can give you one thousand examples. Even from advaitic literature, the egoistic fellows flowering.

I tell you, attitude of imbibing, if you see even now, if I get a new book in my hand or a newspaper in my hand, or magazine, anything before reading you will see me stuck, pause for few seconds. Only then I will start. Means, there are something which I practice even now. Of course some things I practice, that madi, madi, madi, madi…means that cleanliness, that hygiene. That is not spiritual practice. That is more like a I have decided to maintain my hygiene and for that I am practicing. Those things are different. But there are some spiritual practices I do; in that, this attitude of imbibing is one.

Understand it may be completely negative information, book or something wrong; but even to that I go with the attitude of imbibing. When you go with the art of imbibing anything you see is enlightenment. Try to imbibe, try to have this. Try this as a process. It will be very funny in the beginning. Sit in the house, take half an hour and decide mentally to pay your respect to every object which is in front of your eyes. May be the carpet or the photograph or the wall or the chair, anything which is around you. Please understand, you can learn the habit of imbibing and submission only with the objects which are around you first.

If you cannot respect, if you cannot humbly submit yourself in front of the chair in your house or the shoes which are in your house or the wall which are holdings your roof, you cannot submit yourself to God. If you imagine God and imagine your submission it will only be ego playing with ego, that’s all. First try with something objective in front of you. Don’t expect you should be humble only in front of divine objects. What is divinity? When you add humbleness it becomes divinity. That is all. If you add humbleness everything becomes divinity. Add humbleness to the life, let the life itself become divine.

Attitude of imbibing, attitude of receiving. Even now I go on practicing it. There are some practices, which is supposed to be done even beyond enlightenment. There are some, you cannot do beyond enlightenment. Unclutching, Ajapa Japa all these you cannot do beyond enlightenment. There won’t be, it is not possible. Because the frequency is so different, you won’t be able to do. But this attitude of imbibing, actually the attitude of imbibing is ‘radiating enlightenment’; Unclutching, Ajapa Japa and all are ‘living enlightenment’. Once you become enlightened, over. But enlightenment constantly exploding happens only with the attitude of imbibing. Only with the attitude of imbibing enlightenment goes on happening in you.

Whether I sit in front of TV, I may be watching the news, even then you will see for a moment I will remind myself to the attitude of humble submission and imbibing. I tell you, by humble submission and imbibing you will never be fooled. You will never be cheated. You will only imbibe exactly what is required. You will never be cheated. The attitude of imbibing, if you go with the attitude every stone will become God, every person will become God, every object will become God, everything will become divine.

I tell you, one of the important ingredients in my life, for my joy is attitude of imbibing with everything, with everything. I tell you, when you are in the attitude of imbibing anything merges in you, but when you are with the attitude of arrogance you are broken and made to merge with others. I tell you the secret. The life, if you are in the attitude of imbibing, merges into you and enriches you; If not, it breaks you and swallows you.

The same teeth of the cat is death for the rat and holding jaw for kittens. The same teeth does not hurt the kitten but it kills the rat, because of the instruction given from behind. Life has the teeth with the imbibing mood, It will be protecting you; with the attitude of arrogance it will be killing you. Please understand with the attitude of imbibing, see how beautifully the whole Madurai Aadheenam responsibility I imbibed and it has only enriched me.

All these fights have not taken away one inch of my confidence. My confidence has only grown. These fights, these struggle nothing, it has not touched me at all. Not even one moment I felt, why did I come and take this responsibility? No. Anybody else would have felt. Hey, what am I lacking, Dhyanapeetam has everything, why do I need to come and sit here? Actually you know, the real fight is, they know I represent the National religion; That’s where the fight is. Understand, it is so unfortunate one segment of Tamilians especially deep south, does not want to mix with the main stream India. It is that struggle. They know, I represent the mainstream India’s religion about which they are afraid.

These fools are talking, I don’t know Saivisim. And not only that, they know I represent a huge possibility and new updation. I also wanted to announce, 4 places the hospitals are starting, the places everything has been finalized and furnitures are getting bought. Furnitures and machineries are landing. We are expecting by June 5th we will announce the inauguration of all four hospitals; 20 bedded hospitals. Four 20 bedded charitable hospitals. Each hospital is 20 bedded, 2 doctors and 4 nurses and all the basic facilities and the life saving medical care will be available within this June 5th. And they know the speed with which we will work and I represent the collective sentiments of all the Hindus.

There is a very famous Vishnu temple Azagar temple, Kallazagar Temple. That deity only gathers largest gathering of south India. Please understand, largest gathering in south India is 1 crore people gathering for the Kallazagar appearing in the Vaigai River. That is the largest gathering of human beings in South India; In North India is Kumbhamela. This is almost like a South Indian Kumbhamela. After the coronation I went to that temple to offer my respect. Usually I go there to Kallazagar temple. After coronation I went there to offer my respect and devotion and prayers.That temple authorities have told me that, Swamiji you are the first Saiva mutt head entered our premises. Can you imagine, no, no, please understand I am not happy about it. I am not happy about this information. Can you imagine, he says I am here as the in charge for the last 50 years, he is the elderly person, 50 years the chief priest, he says neither my father ever told me nor I have ever seen a single Saivite mutt head entering in this campus.

Do you understand the sub sect division with which we are suffering and it is not some where far and it is not that an un-popular temple. Actually I told Thirumala Devastanam, Thirumala temple authorities that I am coming. They said we will receive you with all the respects. You are the fist Saivite mutt head who wants to come here. I am actually going there after the Guru pooja the June 5th. Actually 292 Guru Maha Sannidanam is very open person. He is not the fanatic type. I asked Swamiji, Swamiji the Azagar temple, they said I am the first Saivite mutt head entered the temple, even you never visited that temple Swamiji? He said, my predecessor told me not to go. So I did not go. Then I asked, I went Swamiji, that is not, nothing wrong, you please go ahead, nothing wrong, I wont say you should not go and all. It is perfect, you go and come. But because my predecessor told me not to go. I don’t want to break his word, so I am not going. See That is his Guru Bhakthi. That is different.

What I am saying. How can I could not imagine, how they are suffering with the sub sect problems. Only these type of that sub sect fanatics are opposing me, nobody else. And actually they have given a press meet, saying why I should not be in this peetha. They gave 3 reasons: He worships Vishnu also, He talks on Bhagavad-Gita, really these are all the reason they have given. I thought, Oh God, where are we heading? I know for sure now I am going to Thirumala temple and going to create a big controversy. If I enter a church or a mosque there won’t be problem, but if I enter the Thirumala temple there will be a problem. Can you imagine? But I am going to go. I also said in all our temples Vishnu will be there. In all our temples Rama and Krishna will be there. In all our temples Bhagavad Gita will be chanted.

See, it is time we unite and represent the National sentiments. Jnanasambhandar himself who is the founder of this mutt has traveled length and breath of the country. Went up to Kedarnath sang about the Kailaasa Manasarovar. They all know, I will do two things, one, I will make the whole, this Madurai Aadheenam into a living spiritual National organization; of course international, that’s different. See, geographically we are having centers internationally; philosophically, I will represent the whole National sentiments. Why they are opposing me? How I should break the whole thing? In the Vedic tradition there is an important thing, whenever an enemy comes with ‘viyooga’ plot strategy, whenever an enemy comes with plot strategy, first thing you are supposed to do is humble submission and with the imbibing mood you are supposed to approach. With the worshipful mood, prayerful mood you are supposed to approach the enemie’s plot strategy. When you go with that mood the plot strategy itself gives you the method the technique ability to break itself.

Our Swamiji 292 is very broad minded person. During the Hindu Christian riot in Kanyakumari, he went and stayed for four months and sorted out the problems. He has done so many wonderful things. But even he has not stepped into one Vishnu temple. Can you imagine? If he is also so narrow minded or the old orthodox fanatic person then we can say ok. He is not that type. He is very open person, broad minded person. Highly educated and, has worked lot for the Vedic tradition and he raised his voice many times supporting the Hindu causes. Just actually 3 days before the Ramdev Baba’s trust was taxed and declared as commercial trust, for that I gave the statement opposing the move and supporting Ramdev Baba. The moment Swamiji heard, he said hey you add my name also. The moment he heard immediately he said hay hey add my name also. Why you did not add my name also? I said Swamiji I did not know that whether you will be willing to support this. He said, no, in future any statement you give add my name also. Very open person, very progressive person, but even he could not step in to a Vaishnava temple. I was really surprised. Then understand some of the dirt with which the Hinduism is suffering. Please understand, now I am not criticizing them. I am self criticizing. I am not criticizing those opposing groups now. Now it is not the time to criticize. Now it is the time to feel as one body suffering. But I assure everybody I will continue the National sentiments and create International organization. I will tell you, even in front of enemie’s plot strategy “vyuha” in the Vedic tradition in Mahabharata, there are so many different plot strategies are explained. Padma vyuha, chakra vyuha, Chandra vyuha, Agni vyuha so many plot strategies are explained. Even in front of your enemies plot strategy, go with the attitude of imbibing. It will save your life. It will make you experience the truth. It will give you the highest possibilities.

“Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa

Upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninastattvadarsinaha”

Please understand I am not now talking about going to a Master with humble submission and attitude of imbibing. To go to an enlightened being these two are basic qualities for you. Without that if you go, you will learn nothing. That is different. I am not even talking about that. That is only secondary. I am talking about bringing these qualities in your life every moment, with every action, every second, imbibe this attitude of submission and attitude of imbibing.

Spot Notes: Thursday, 24th May, 2012


“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnana Sambandhaacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 688 places through Nithyananda TV, 21 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 198 cities, 21 countries around the world!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are - Seattle Chidambaram, Oklahoma Somanatham, Phoenix Kanchipuram, Los Angeles Arunachala, San Jose Madhurai , Toronto Kailasam, Hyderabad Bhagyanagar, Ohio centre, Mayalysia palan, ohio pr, atlant, Singapore Singapuram, Vancouver Puri, Dallas Dwaraka, nithyannada Nagara, charl, tiru aruna, sing, LA centre Rancho, san diego Aalavaay, Oman Siva Gangai. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. San deigo Aalavaay is joining first time in 2 way video conferencing. Blessings to San Diego

The fight we won the game. Y’day again few cheap opublicity mongers have filed a case in high court. They are clubbed with other cases which are pending. Still now four have been filed and two have been dismissed, thrown out. Other two have been clubbed together and put to rest to face the natural death.

Let us start our morning satsang. In Bhagavat Gita 4th chapter Jnaana Karma Sanyaasa Yoga, 34th verse –

“tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya | upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah ||”

The translation – instruct you to that cognizance. Who will transmit that experience to you!

This verse is one of the popular verses of Bhagavad Gita –

“tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya | upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah ||”

It is a very powerful verse. Please understand the essence of enlightenment. Bhagavan says very beautifully - Understand these truths by humble submission, through inquiry or by resorting to the one who has perceived the true and essential nature and who will transmit that experience to you!

The keyword in this whole sutra is pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. I tell you with humbleness and the attitude to imbibe if you move, every stone, tree will teach you. Forget about enlightened master teaching you. That will surely happen. But if you carry this two attitude – attitude of humbleness and attitude of learning, receiving, imbibing. Yesterday I was talking to one of our Brahmachari. Casually I was mentioning how this whole Madhurai Aadeenam is going to be rebuilt. We are going to make the whole thing into 5 floor - the opposite property also is going to become a 5 floor property – 5 floor. That is the maximum allowed limit by corporation. So we were planning I was telling some of the minute details presented in Meenakshi temple architecture and Kaasi Vishwanath temple. Actually I wanted this whole place to be representing the whole India. So some of the minute details in Varanasi and Meenakshi temple and there is also a sun temple in Konark with a huge wheel with 12 spokes. So I was talking all these minute details how this is going to be built. He was telling how you do see all these details, bless us also to get that. Please understand so many people who live around me whether they believe I am enlightened or incarnation or not that is different. But all of them are baffled by my awareness and my memory and the way I put things together. Seeing that everybody is shaken and baffled. No doubt that is non-controversial. Only my incarnation is controversial. But all the qualities of incarnationhood that I am expressing are non-controversial. It is non-controversial. It cannot be refuted. But I tell you, I tell you really - keeping Chokkanaadha and Meenakshi as witness I tell you the secret of this quality – humbleness and attitude of imbibing. When I look at a temple, when I look at a architecture, when I look at a information, even when I take up a new book to read, I completely submit myself with the attitude of imbibing. Understand. People who live around me would have observed even when I get a new laptop or a machine in my hand, I will hold it in my hands for a few seconds. With all humbleness I submit to imbibe you as part of me. Even news paper or any book. People who lived around me would have observed it. Anything I touch first I surrender with humble submission and attitude of imbibing. There are very few spiritual methods that I myself practice. Still now I practice this is one of the methods still I practice. I go on practicing. See this unclutch and all I don’t practice. Because even to unclutch you need mind. I don’t have. I can’t practice. And puja I don’t practice. But in this mutt, the Madhurai Aadeenam tradition, I am supposed to do puja every day to the deity of Shiva and Meenakshi.

So you should see how I do puja. It will be very funny. Morning I will sit with the deities, then I pour little water and fall into samadhi. Then I wake up and put the sandal and fall into samadhi. It will take at least 2 hours for me to complete the puja. I cannot practice puja. Of course because of the tradition I have to do, I am doing. That is different. I cannot practice unclutching I cannot do ajapa japa. By the time I repeat the mantra 2nd or 3rd time, already I am in samadhi. But still I practice some things – that is the humble submission. Understand. Then understand the importance of this process. Whether I am not talking about the humble submission the attitude of imbibing you need to have in front of the Guru. No. that is secondary. I am not even talking about that. Have that attitude with everything. When you look at a building have the attitude of imbibing. You will imbibe whatever you need to from that. You will be enriched. When you need that file will come up.

A book - start with that attitude of imbibing. Whatever is your essence, let it be imbibed in me. Let it become part of me. That is why any knowledge, it can be any complicated whether it is legal or auditing of HTML code any knowledge, I can be 100% sure I can imbibe. Because I know how to imbibe. Go with the attitude of imbibing -

“tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya |”

Go with the attitude of humble submission with anything. If you are going to a new culture, if you are going to a new place, if you are going to a new person, if you are going to a new book, if you are going to a new field with anything do not have prejudice – something - these fellows are wrong, these fellows are right, this book is not right, this thought trend is not right, this philosophy is crime, this philosophy is right, don’t go with hat prejudice. Go with the mood of submission - imbibing. I tell you if you have this attitude of imbibing, even the terrorist philosophy you will learn something right and good. But with the attitude of arrogance, even if it is the philosophy of enlightenment, you will make it arrogant and ego-centric. I have seen people becoming reading great advaitic literatures and people becoming enlightened reading the worst terrorist books. George Gurdjieff is a flower out of the communist thorns. He was not given any enlightenment philosophy or any advaitic teachings. Its all the communist inputs but with the attitude of imbibing even from communism he has flowered as enlightened being. I can give you one thousand examples even from advaitic literature, the egoistic fellows flowering.

I tell you attitude of imbibing. If you see even now if I get a book in my hand or a newspaper in my hand or magazine in my hand anything before reading, you will see me stuck pause for few seconds only then I will start. Means there are some things which I practice even now. Of course some things I practice that madi, madi. Madi, madi means that cleanliness, that hygiene. That is not spiritual practice. That is more like a I have decided to maintain my hygiene and for that I am practicing. Those things are different. But there are some spiritual practice I do. In that this attitude of imbibing is one. Understand it may be completely negative information book or something wrong. But even to that I go with the attitude of imbibing. When you with the attitude of imbibing, anything gives you enlightenment. Try to imbibe, try to have this, try this as a process. It will be very funny in the beginning. Sit in the house, take half an hour and decide mentally to pay your respect to every object which is in front of your eyes. Maybe the carpet, or the photograph or the wall or the chair anything which is around you. Please understand you can learn the habit of imbibing and submission only with objects which are around you first.

If you cannot respect, if you cannot humbly submit yourself in front of the chair which is in your house or the shoes which are in your house or the wall which are holding your roof, you cannot submit yourself to God. If you imagine God and imagine your submission it will only be ego playing with ego. That’s all. First try with something objective in front of you. Don’t expect you should be humble only in front of divine object. What is divinity? When you add humbleness, it becomes divine. That’s all. So if you add humbleness everything will become divine. Add humbleness to the life. Let the life itself become divine. Attitude of imbibing. Attitude of receiving. Even now I go on practicing it. There are some practices which is supposed to be done even beyond enlightenment. There are some you cannot do beyond enlightenment – unclutching, ajapa japa all these you cannot do beyond enlightenment. It Is not possible. Because the frequency is so different. You won’t be able to do. But this attitude of imbibing – actually attitude of imbibing is radiating enlightenment. Unclutching, ajapa japa and all is living enlightenment. Once you become enlightened, over! But enlightenment constantly exploding happens only with the attitude of imbibing. Only with attitude of imbibing enlightenment goes on happening in you. Whether I sit in front of TV, I maybe watching only the news even then you will see for a moment I will remind myself to the attitude of humble submission and imbibing. I will be watching that criminal SUN TV which spread so much of lies and poison to the world but I sit with the attitude of humble submission and imbibing. I tell you by humble submission and imbibing you will never be a fool, you will never be cheated. You will only imbibe exactly what is required. You will never be cheated.

Imbibing the attitude of imbibing. If you go with that attitude, every stone will become God. Every person will become god, every object will become god, everything will become divine. I tell you one of the important ingredient in my life for my joy is - attitude of imbibing with everything. With everything. I tell you. When you are in the attitude of imbibing, anything merges in you. But when you are in the attitude of arrogance, you are broken and made to merge with others. I tell you the secret, the life if you are with the attitude of imbibing, merges into you and enriches you! If not, it breaks you and swallows you. The same teeth of the cat is death for the rat and holding jaw for kitten. The same teeth does not hurt the kitten but it kills the rat. Because of the instruction given from behind. Life with the deep imbibing mood it will be protecting you, with the attitude of arrogance it will be killing you. Please understand with the attitude of imbibing, see how beautifully this whole Madurai Aadeenam responsibility I have imbibed and it has only enriched me. All these fights have not taken away one inch of my confidence. My confidence has only grown J This fight, this struggle, nothing. It has not touched me at all. Not even one moment I felt why did I come and take this responsibility? No. Anybody else would have felt. What am I lacking? Dhyanapeetam has everything. Why do I need to come and sit here and struggle with all these fools. The cheap donkeys and all are telling I don’t know Shaivism. Actually you know the real fight is they know I represent the National religion. That is where the fight is. Understand it is so unfortunate one segment of Tamilians especially deep South does not want to mix with the main stream India. It is that struggle. They know I represent the main stream India’s religion about which they are afraid. This fools are talking I don’t know Shaivism. And not only that they know I represent a huge possibility and new updation I also wanted to announce that four places the hospitals are starting. The places everything has been finalized and furnitures are getting bought. Furnitures and machineries are landing. We are expecting by June 5the we will announce the inauguration of all four hospitals, 20 bed hospitals. 4 20 bedded charitable hospitals. Each hospital is 20 bedded. 2 doctors and 4 nurses. All the basic facilities and the life-saving medical care will be available within this June 5th and they know the speed with which we work and I represent the collective sentiments of all the Hindus. Do you know from here, just 15 km there is a very famous Vishnu temple – Alagar temple – Kallalagar temple. That deity only gathers largest gathering of South India. Please understand largest gathering of South India is one crore people gathering for the Kallalagar appearing in Vaigai river. That is the largest gathering of human beings in South India. In North India it is Kumba mela. This almost like South Indian Kumba mela. After my coronation I went to that temple to offer my respects. Usually I go there to Kallalagar temple. But after my coronation I went there to offer my respects and devotion, prayers. The temple authorities told me Swamiji you are the first Shaiva head entered our premises. No, I am not happy about it. I am not happy about this information. Can you imagine he says I am here as the in-charge for last 50 years. He is a elderly person. 50 years the chief priest. He says neither my father ever told me nor I have ever seen a single Shaivite mutt head entering this campus. Do you understand the subset divisions with which we are suffering. And it is not far. 15 km from here. 10 minutes drive. And it is not that the unpopular temple. Actually I told Tirumala Devasthanam, Tirupati authorities that I am coming. They said we will receive you all the respects. You are the first Shaivite mutt head who wants to come here. I am actually going after the Guru puja the June 5th.

Actually 292 Guru maha sannidhanam is very open person. He is the fanatic type. I asked Swamiji – Swamiji the Alagar temple they said I am the first Shaivite mutt who entered the temple. Even you never visited Swamiji? He said my predecessor told me not to go so I did not go. Then I asked I went Swamiji. He said that is not wrong. You please go ahead. Nothing wrong. I wont say you should not go and all. It is perfect. Go and come. But because my predecessor told me I don’t want to break his word so I am not going. See that is his Guru bhakti. That is different. But what I am saying I could not imagine how we are suffering with the subset problems. Only these type of subset fanatics are opposing. Nobody else. Actually they have given press meet three reasons why I should not be in this post. They have given three reasons - he worships Vishnu also, he talks on Bhagavad Gita. Really these are the reasons they have given! I said oh God! where are we heading. I know for sure now by going to Tirumala temple, there will be a big controversy. If I enter a church or mosque there will not be any problem. But if I enter Tirumala temple, there will be a problem. But I am going to go. I also said in all our temples Vishnu will be there, in all our temples Rama and Krishna will be there. In all our temples Bhagavad Gita will be chanted. See it is time we unite and represent the national sentiments. Jnaana Sambandar himself the founder of this mutt has travelled length and breadth of this country. Went up to Kedarnath. Sang about the Kailaasa, Manas Sarovar. They all know we will do two things – one I will make the whole this Madurai Aadeenam into a living spiritual national organization. Of course international, that is different. See geographically we are having centres international , philosophically I will represent the whole nation sentiments. That is where the problem starts. No I studied thoroughly. Why some of the fellows are opposing me. They tried to oppose in many ways. Community they said, we proved and then they were hanging on my hair, I threw them out. By one shake they all fell. Now they are giving the press meet he is worshipping Vishnu also. I tell you even this opposition and this donkeys these criminals I go with them with the attitude of imbibing. When I go with that attitude I get enriched. They themselves give the secret of how to conquer them. Why they are opposing, how I can break the whole thing.

And, in Vedic Tradition there is a secret. Whenever they come with the vyuha means the plan strategy. Please understand the vyuha means the English translation the plan strategy maybe the plot strategy is a better word. Whenever a enemy comes with the plot strategy first thing you are supposed to do is humble submission and with a imbibing mood you are supposed to approach. With a worshipful mood, prayerful mood you are supposed to approach the enemy’s plot strategy. When you go with that mood, the plot strategy itself gives you the method, the technique, ability to break itself! Our Swamiji 292 is a very broad minded person. During the Hindu Christian riots in Kanyakumari he went and stayed there for four months and sorted out the problems. He has done so many wonderful things but even he has not stepped into one Vishnu temple. Can you imagine? You see if he is also a close minded or the old orthodox fanatic person then we can say okay. He is not that type. He is a very open minded person, very broad minded person, highly educated and worked lot for the Vedic tradition and he has raised his voice many times supporting the Hindu causes. Just actually three days before the Ram Dev baba’s trust was taxed. Declared as a commercial trust by these dirty donkey fellows who have no back bone to bring all the black money from outside India. These fellows have no back bone and the white paper they have submitted is a black paper. They submitted a white paper in parliament on black money. It is a black paper. It is not white paper. These fellows who have no teeth and not only that they know all the details of the black money stashed outside India, they say constitution does not allow us to release those details. But constitution allows you to make Baba Ram Dev’s trust into commercial trust. Where are we heading? So for that I gave a statement opposing that move and supporting Ram Dev Baba. The moment Swamiji heard he said add my name also. The moment he heard he immediately said add my name also. Why you did not add my name. said Swamiji I did not know whether you will be willing to support this. He said no, in future any statement you give, add my name also. See he is a very broad minded person. Very open person very progressive person. But even he could not step into a Vaishnava temple. I was really surprised. Then understand some of the dirty with which Hinduism is suffering. Please understand, now I am not criticising them, now I am self criticizing. I am not criticizing those opposing groups now. Now it is not time to criticize. Now it is time to feel as a one body – suffering. But I assure everybody I will continue to represent national sentiments and create international organization. Who is funding these rowdies you know? All the fellows who are illegally occupying on our property. Day before yesterday I discovered a document which our Swamiji himself does not know we own 5800 acres! No Swamiji was surprised and nobody has occupied that land it is there. Like this so many of our properties are occupied by….there are so many of our properties in which illegal fellows are sitting, occupying illegally. Those few fellows who are sitting on our property illegally it is they who are funding this whole mud slinging campaign. But fortunately we won the game J

I tell you even in front of enemies plot strategy – vyuha in the Vedic Tradition, in Maha Bharatha there are so many different plot strategies are explained – padmayvyuha, chakra vyuha, Chandra vyua, agni vyuha. So many plot strategies are explained. Even in the front of your enemies plot strategy, go with the attitude of imbibing. It will save your life, it will make you experience the truth. It will give you the highest possibility.

“tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya | upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah ||”

Please understand I am not now talking about going to a master with humble submission and attitude of imbibing. To go to an enlightened being these two are basic quality for you. If you go without that nothing you will learn that is different. I am not even talking about that. That is only secondary. I am talking about bringing these two qualities in your life every moment with every action, every second. Imbibe this attitude of submission and attitude of imbibing.

I will move to the next segment.

Okay with this alright sit in few minutes feeling connected to Meenakshi, Sundareshwara who are the Adi Guru of our Sampradaaya – Shiva and Devi – Meenakshi, Sundareshwara. Close your eyes, let you all experience the intense presence of Meenakshi, Sundareshwara and all the extraordinary experiences and powers let it express by the presence of Meenakshi, Sundareshwara!

Today’s minutes to be entered in website - 85 minutes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1150 places through Nithyananda TV, in 21 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 281 cities, 29 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 139 (Palani Temple Trip 24 MAY 2012)


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, speak, importance, humility, relax, humble, receptivity, expand, encounter, teach, experience, knowledge, receiving, submission, attitude, surrender, divine, consciousness, connect, life, merge, awareness, whole, universe.