February 19 2015

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Only Ghosts Say No To Life


February 19, 2015 Today’s (19th February, 2015) Morning Satsang continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. Isha Upanishad–Verse 3 begins: asuryā nāme te lokā andhena tamasā’vṛtāḥ | tāṁs te pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātma-hano janāḥ || 3 || In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes the dangers of continuously saying “No” to life. Saying “No” to life kills our atman or soul! We can combat negative qualities and patterns that drag us down, making our lives hell, by wielding the weapon of patience. Having tremendous patience with ourselves and others, moves us away from anger and violence into the space of Living, saying “Yes” to life. Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=lifeblissfoundation to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeBlissFoundation https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda https://plus.google.com/104086565286265959836/posts

Video Audio


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone. I welcome especially the Inner Awakening participants who are here for twenty-one days’ spiritual inner awakening. And, I welcome everyone who is sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Arra TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Los Angeles, Toronto, Oklahoma, Redmond, Seattle, Kuala Lumpur, North Hollywood, Sungai Petani, Jalapa-Mexico, Houston, Trinidad-Tobago, Madurai...........

Madurai.....formally I am inaugurating the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam! The deities have arrived in Madurai! And, Nithyanandeshwara, Nithyanandeshwari and Nithyananda deities are established in Madurai. Formally I am inaugurating the Madurai Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam! Great! We have got a beautiful permanent place.

And some more cities are joining. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I will enter into the third verse of Ishavasya Upanishad. Please chant along with me:

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

Asurya naama they lokaa andhena thamasaavruthaah |

Thaamsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah ||

The translation:

‘The various abodes of the Asuras, the lower level existence, are in the form of inferior or lower grade worlds, which are like hells coerced by darkness, representing all the negative qualities, collectively called “thamas”. Those who literally kill the Athma become ghosts who inhabit such horrible abodes, and, this, they continue to do repeatedly.’

Listen! People who say “YES” to life, what will happen to them was described in the last verses. Now, people who say “NO” to life, what will happen to them is getting described.

Listen! Whenever you entertain “NO” to life, first, always, “NO” is entertained as frustration. Then it evolves as anger, violence, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial; all this is various expressions. But, it starts as frustration. So, I tell you, one of the important qualities to say “YES” to life is tremendous patience. Listen! Tremendous patience! YES! YES! YES! Every time YES! After every time, YES!

Listen! Every time, when what you want does not happen, don’t say “NO”; end in “YES”. I am not saying accept. No!

I will give you an example:

If something does not happen the way I want in our Sangha, I don’t accept and keep quiet. But I don’t allow frustration. I will do whatever needs to be done, and, end, I will say, ‘Alright! Yes!’ Next, I will be again prepared with all the patience to move further, to do things further. My disciples’ ignorance never made me reduce my plans, understand? The people with whom you are living – first you, and everyone else around you – their ignorance or inability should not give you frustration, should not make you say “NO” to you. Listen! The moment you accept “NO, the moment you say “NO” to expansion, you have started saying “NO” to you!

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

Asurya naama they lokaa andhena thamasaavruthaah |

Thaagumsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah ||

The second line of the verse should not be chanted as “Thaasthey” (तास्ते). That is “paatta bhedha”. I heard, learnt, I heard from my acharyas as “Thaagumsthey”. Even though the verse says just “Thaasthey” (तास्ते). “Thaagumsthey”. Half “gum”. Silent “gum”. Thaagumsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah.

Listen! Saying “NO” to you is the worst sin. I have given you one example that “inability and ignorance of you and the people living around you cannot reduce your creativity or plans to express your peak possibility”. This is one definition. And multiple, I can give you multiple explanations, multiple understandings from various fronts. Like, for example, your body gives pain at some parts of your body – headache or stomach pain. Don’t shrink. When that headache comes, stomach-ache comes, don’t add psychological suffering to it – ‘Oh, if this same continues, what will happen? I am very young. Now itself I am getting headache, and stomach pain! Now, the stomach pain, if it just goes up two inch, it will become chest pain. If the headache comes few inch down, then it will become chest pain. What will happen to me? How long will I live?’ Don’t add psychological sufferings when your body gives some pain. Listen! Listen! Don’t add psychological sufferings. Don’t increase the strength of actual pain.

Listen! Whenever there is a suffering, you should move from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality. You should not go down from Perception to more Perception of sufferings. And, more perception of suffering leads to more depression, and more depression makes you feel the whole world is hell, understand? The Perception, if it is handled with powerfulness, will move from Perception to Fact, Fact to Truth, Truth to Reality.

If you have headache, look into it and see: What it is? Why? What it is? How much your contribution is there in that headache? And, what is the message body wants to give you through that headache? Have patience to deal with yourself. Listen! Have PATIENCE to deal with YOURSELF! Have PATIENCE to deal with OTHERS! And, NEVER ever PLAN based on ANGER and VIOLENCE! The maximum you are allowed the usage of anger and violence in your life is spontaneously to defend you when you are attacked. Listen! Listen to these words! THE MAXIMUM VIOLENCE AND ANGER ALLOWED IN YOUR LIFE IS SPONTANEOUSLY DEFENDING YOU IF YOU ARE ATTACKED! That is only the maximum allowed! No question of planned violence and anger!

Listen! The planned violence and anger literally puts you in a space where constantly people plan violence and anger, with anger plan violent things towards you. Listen! Understand, thousands continuing to revere you cannot happen by cheating! Be very clear! Cannot happen by cheating! It happens only by tremendous PATIENCE and saying “YES” to life! TREMENDOUS PATIENCE AND CONSTANT “YES” TO LIFE! So, I tell you, never ever entertain a planned violence, based on anger, in your life. That is equivalent to saying “NO” to life. And, when you say “NO” to life –

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

Asurya naama they lokaa andhena thamasaavruthaah |

Thaagumsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah ||

‘The various famous abodes of the Asuras are in the form of inferior or lower grade worlds, which are like hells coerced by darkness, representing all the negative qualities, collectively called “thamas”. Those who literally kill the Athma become ghosts who inhabit such horrible abodes, and, this, they continue to do repeatedly.’

Listen! The various “lokas” (worlds) are not basically just physical, but psychological too. Listen! Earlier I used to make a statement: ‘They are not physical, only psychological’. Now I am amending my statement. Please listen! ‘They are not just physical; they are psychological too!’ It means, they do exist as planes, spaces, somewhere, and you do create that around you because of your inner-space. I am amending the statement. Why you know? Earlier, when I made the statement – ‘They are not physical, only psychological’ – I wanted to emphasize and ask you to put all your attention only on developing your inner-space. Actually, when you develop your inner-space, then you will realize they are neither psychologically existing nor physically existing. When you don’t see something.....never, when you never see something in your life, they DON’T exist. It is as good as non-existence for you. So, you don’t even have to know that they exist. That is the context from which I made the statement – ‘They are not physical. They are psychological’. But, now, I am expanding on Upanishads. I have to reveal the Cosmos as it is! So, I am telling you, hells do exist in certain space, in different planes, where collectively all these people have Tea Party! Only thing, in their cups poison is served, not tea! I can say, coffee is served, not tea!

And, I also wanted to tell you all guys, tea is from Vedic Tradition! It is directly from Kanchipuram! Coffee is not! Just recently, a few days before, I stumbled upon the reference. I traced back the reference and found it to be true! I am just doing a little more research to give you the exact combination how it was used in Kanchipuram. Actually, Bodhidharma took tea to China. It was a very strange incident. Here he used to sip a cup of tea to sit in meditation, not to feel the sleep, tiredness in the body. So, when he went there, he could not get tea, in China. So, he was thinking, ‘What to do? What to do?’ Then he just realized, by taking tea his body also has the DNA of the tea! He just removes the eyelids, one part of his body, and throws in the ground. That becomes the seed of tea, and tea-leaf grows there! That is the way he took tea to China. He reproduced the seed of tea-leaves, the tree, the plant, tea plant, from his own DNA!

And, where the people of lower consciousness, who constantly say “NO” to life, who constantly say “NO” to life, where they all gather and live, exist, that place only, the Upanishad declares as: “Asurya naama they lokaa (असुर्या नाम ते लोका)”. Coerced by darkness! Lower grade worlds, coerced by darkness! “Andhena thamasaavruthaah (अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः)”! Apaah! How many words the Upanishads are using! “Andhena thamasaavruthaah (अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः)”! Asurya (असुर्या), Andha (अन्ध), Thamasaavruthaah (तमसाऽऽवृताः), all the three words are basically same meaning. But three different words are used. Means, the kind of space they are in is emphasized, emphatically repeated. See, it is like a....

People come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, the moment I attended Inner Awakening, many of my old friends dropped, many of my old habits dropped. Now I have completely new way of thinking, new way of habits, new way of acting, new friends!’

That is what your lower grade world has disappeared! Your hell is over! Now your taste has become different! Your taste has changed! Your taste has changed!

Listen! Coerced by darkness! Coerced by all the negative qualities! That is why: “Asurya andhena thamasaavruthaah (असुर्या अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः)”! “Andhena thamasaa (अन्धेन तमसा)” means, “blinding darkness”, the darkness which just makes you blind, shrouded. Understand, there is a certain darkness which makes your eyes to see through. Near Omkareshwar, around six months I lived without seeing artificial light even once! Because, the nearest villages where I have to go for my food, begging, Madhukari Bhiksha, they don’t have electricity connection. At the most they have these lamps, the fire lamps. And, that also, I will never go in the night. In the day time only I will go and come back. In the night I will stay in a stone cave which was very comfortable. Without seeing the light when I stayed for six months, my eyes have become so sharp, and still, now, the power I gained during that six months, I am able to retain! In that six months I gained the power of ability to read in the darkness! And, still, now, that power is with me! Even now, in the utter darkness, I can read! So, darkness which is natural does not make you blind, go blind. That is why the Upanishads are using the word “blinding darkness”. Means, it is the darkness created by the negative qualities which is blinding you. It is not the ordinary darkness. They don’t want to disrespect the ordinary darkness. They know, because they lived in darkness, darkness does not blind you. That is why the specific word – “blinding darkness”. Any modern-day man will say, ‘All “thamasa” will make you “andha”! All darkness will make you blind! Why should you use the word “Andhena thamasaa (अन्धेन तमसा)”? Why should you use the word “blinding darkness”?’ Because, only a man who lived in darkness, utter darkness, knows the power of darkness! When you live just with the Sun and the Moon, without any artificial light – fire is okay – without artificial light, your eyes develop the unique power to see through the darkness! To see through the darkness!

For almost last twelve years, my eyes are being literally boiled with these heavy, high-beam lights. These twelve years, hours together I am sitting with these lights. And, I tell you, all celebrities who are in the limelight continuously, suffer, and they take so many treatments to cool their eyes. I don’t do anything! Rarely pouring a few drops of rose-water or ordinary water. Other than that, I don’t do anything. Still eyes are working perfectly much more than what is required. It is because of the training which happened during that six months.

So, I want to tell you, don’t think, don’t understand that darkness blinds you. Negative qualities which blind you is described as “darkness” here. That is why he is using the word....Upanishads are using the word “blinding darkness”. “Andhena thamasaavruthaah (अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः)”.

‘In the form of inferior or lower grade worlds which are like hells coerced by darkness, representing all the negative qualities, collectively called “thamas”. Those who literally kill the Athma.....’ Understand, this is the key word: “Killing the Athma”! “Aathmahana” (आत्महन). “Aathmahana” (आत्महन) – “Slayers of Athman”! Means, not just killing somebody, some body. Listen! Any decision, thinking, which stops your expansion of life, your experience of life, is “Aathmahana” – saying “NO” to life. When you have a headache, if you approach it with restlessness, anger, violence, irritation, and make it as a permanent headache or permanent suffering, that is “saying NO to life”. If there is a disciple who is giving you headache, handle them, train them. Even if they don’t listen, have tremendous patience and continue to train them. Never come to the conclusion you can’t train people. It is from my experience I am telling you. Having tremendous patience in every dimension of your life, never coming to conclusion of “NO” to life, is “saying YES to life”! I can give you one-thousand examples.

And, I am very clearly, with all my integrity, telling you from this sutra, “mercy killing” is wrong! Killing yourself due to some pain or suffering, means: committing suicide, or killing yourself with the help of professionals, doctors – euthanasia, or assisting somebody to kill themselves, all this is wrong as per Upanishads. Hindus should neither allow “mercy killing” on themselves, nor practice euthanasia. Please understand! Of course, in Hindu Tradition, we don’t have the tradition of issuing “fathwa” (religious decree or command); we only reveal the truth, and people follow it. So, I am revealing the truth: As per the Upanishads, euthanasia, “mercy killing”, is not encouraged or allowed. Even if the worst suffering is happening, go through life. Because, even those sufferings will be teaching you something and making you to reinvent yourself in the next birth! Don’t avoid any lesson which life brings you. Don’t say “NO” to life in whatever way life presents itself to you. So, learn to say “YES” to life. Reinvent yourself by saying a powerful “YES” to life!

And, I also sincerely recommend all the Hindus not to practice euthanasia, not to do it even as part of your profession. Whenever the countries where the “mercy killing” is allowed, whenever you are asked to assist by a patient, recuse yourself showing religious reasons. And, euthanasia should not be practised by a “practising Hindu”. Please understand, in Hindu Tradition, you don’t become Hindu by birth. That is one beauty! You become Hindu only when you start practising it! So, this gives the clear understanding. Anybody practises is Hindu. This gives a powerful opening. Anybody practices is Hindu. So, understand, no question of saying “NO” to life. Even if life presents itself to you in the way you are not able to tolerate, NO! So, as Hindus, all of you, even in your Will, should mention very clearly that every possible available intelligence, energy, resource should be used to keep you alive as long as possible. “Mercy killing”, euthanasia, is not encouraged and supported in Vedic Tradition. In any form, saying “NO” to life is not encouraged.

And, I also very clearly reveal the truth: A practising Hindu HAS TO BE Vegetarian! You cannot say “NO” to the existence of animals.

Listen! People come up with the argument: ‘Oh, plants also have pain. Plants also have life. When you can eat them, why not animals?’

Listen! Plants have not developed the muscle-memory to store the pain in them. So, they don’t existentially feel the pain. They do feel some kind of alternation happening in them; but don’t feel the pain. Pain has one of the important qualities. Getting stored and ability to replay itself is one of the important qualities of pain which does not exist in plants. Please understand, getting stored and ability to replay itself is one of the important DNA qualities of pain. Plants don’t have that. That is why, eating plants, agricultural products, is allowed. I can give you tons of examples. Naturally human body is created for vegetarian lifestyle.

And, I am also warning the whole world, within next fifteen years you will be able to support the whole population with food ONLY IF YOU DECIDE TO TURN VEGETARIAN! Because, thirty pounds of food is necessary to make one pound flesh! Understand, thirty pounds of agricultural food which can be directly consumed by us, is necessary to produce one pound flesh! So, vegetarianism, vegetarian lifestyle, is the most affordable. I tell you, just by being vegetarian, you are doing “anna dhaana” (the service of offering free food), giving food for thousands of people! Whenever you consume a vegetarian meal, you are already giving meal to twenty-nine people, because, you are not taking away thirty persons’ food into one meal, understand? If you are consuming vegetarian food, already you are serving food for twenty-nine people! So, understand, every time you put your hand on vegetarian food, remember, twenty-nine more people are blessing you for letting them have food!

All practising Hindus have to be vegetarian, because, saying “NO” to life is most dangerous. You don’t have the right to say “NO” to life. “Aathmahana” (आत्महन), you have no right for “Aathmahana” (आत्महन)! Because, you are “Aathma Gana” (आत्मगण)! Means, you are “Embodiment of Athma”. You don’t have a right to say.....you don’t have the right for “Aathmahana” (आत्महन)!

I will continue to expand, expand, on this verse, because, too many important truths are revealed just in this one verse:

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

Asurya naama they lokaa andhena thamasaavruthaah |

Thaagumsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah ||

Listen! Listen!

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

Asurya naama they lokaa andhena thamasaavruthaah |

Thaagumsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah ||

“People who say “NO” to life, become ghosts who inhabit horrible abodes, inferior or lower grade worlds, which are like hells, coerced by darkness, representing all the negative qualities. And, this, they continue to do repeatedly!”

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

Asurya naama they lokaa andhena thamasaavruthaah |

Thaagumsthey prethyabhigachchanthi ye ke chaathmahano janaah ||

So, understand, saying “NO” to life is the greatest sin.

I will continue on this verse in further satsanghs.

Now, with this, I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Kalpataru Darshan.

And, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaitha, eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

Swami Nithyananda http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8705_bidadi-satsang-two-way-screen.JPG Sri Nithyanandeshwara, Nithyanandeshwari and Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8734_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG Nithya Kirthan http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8744_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8747_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8749_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8768_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG

Swamiji during the Inner Awakening session

Swamiji during the Inner Awakening session http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8832_bidadi-ia-session-day-1-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8848_bidadi-ia-session-day-1-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8849_bidadi-ia-session-day-1-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-02feb-17th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8853_bidadi-ia-session-day-1-swamiji.JPG

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, Nithyananda, Advaita, Upanishads, Isha Upanishads, Life, Ghost,meditation, Enlightenment, Transformation, Awakening, Life, Bliss, Foundation,yoga,Kundalini