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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares an important secret about our thinking – it can be trained as we want. We can govern our mind in the same way we control our body’s movements. In this way, we can decide and declare who we want to be. It is possible to train our minds and encourage only the thoughts that are in alignment with our highest possibility, discouraging and completing with low ideas. Let us take responsibility for ourselves and align ourselves to our peak possibility!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, secret, mind, body, possibility, responsibility, peak.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

00:40 Hindi - 00:50

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing and Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV and two-way video-conferencing in thirty places having Nayana Deeksha, in twenty-one countries around the world as per the statistics.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Seattle-Chidambaram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Guru’s Gate-California, Hyderabad-Nithyanandanagaram, Ohio-Prayag, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Houston-Kalahasti, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Toronto-Kailasam, San Jose-Madurai, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Jorpati-Nepal, Antigua, Oman-Sivagangai, Tiruvannamalai Dhyanapeetam, Toronto-Scarborough, Mattakalapu-Sri Lanka, Redmond-Washington, Melbourne-Australia, Singapore-Singapuram, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Wellington-New Zealand, Bali, Mumbai-Chembur, Dakota Dunes, Bogota-Colombia, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, San Diego-Tiruvalavai, Mulund-Mumbai, Indrani-New Jersey, New York-Varanasi, Washington DC-Sripuram, Atlanta-Ujjaini, Devon-UK.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I also welcome Sri Sri Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Tondaimandalam Adheenam gracing us here on the morning. Swamiji will be staying with us for next few days and blessing our new project for the temple beginning. The Master Plan for the temple has come. Swamiji will be here for next few days gracing the whole project.

On October 28th morning, Los Angeles is celebrating Hindu Open House. My blessings for the program.

And Tiruvanmiyur Center, blessings for the NDY program in Tiruvanmiyur.

And blessings for the Singapore Sangha for the new project they have taken up – Enriching the people through Diwali Sweets. They are going around all the Singapore Sangha is going to all the Hindu organisations, the Indian organisations, connecting with them enriching with them with the Diwali homemade sweets. It’s beautiful, my blessings, accepted. Blessings, I think all the international ashrams should do this. Anupama, I accepted all the sweets, great please do it. Great! And I wanted, I wanted all the international sangha to do this. Seattle, Los Angeles, Oman, Nepal, Toronto, Colorado, all the international sangha, San Jose, all of you should do this. You should create a friendly atmosphere among the Indian organizations. You should visit all the organizations andenrich them with the Diwali sweets and the friendship, friendliness. It’s really a wonderful way to get together. Diwali sweets are more sweeter in the initial level than spiritual ideas. So, start with the Diwali sweets. Great, Singapore organization has done a beautiful work. They have clearly categorized all the organizations. So, I wanted all the centers all over the world, all of you to do the same thing. St Louis, Ohio, Toronto, Seattle, Varanasi, Charlotte,Houston, all of you please do it. My blessings. It’s a beautiful way of reaching out to all the organizations and having friendliness.

So, with this, I will move to the today’s satsang.

I was expanding on the concept of “sincere thinking”, “intense thinking”. Yesterday I was explaining the definition of “manana”, how the thinking can be aligned, how thinking can directly become wealth, treasure in your life, how it can directly make you rich.

Please understand, your thinking makes you or breaks you and the thinking pattern you develop, first of all I wanted you all to know, thinking is not an accidental; it is happening with your voluntary involvement. Unfortunately, you always think, thinking is an accidental and you cannot control your mind. Please listen. Yes, you cannot directly cut the root of a huge banyan tree with the bare hand, but that does not mean you cannot control it.

Please listen, danse duniya. I’ll give you a little better example. Your thinking process encouraged, entertained, enriched by you; but we go on believing because of our fake attempts to stop thinking has failed, it cannot be controlled. If you just try to run the centre of the road and stop the traffic, you can’t do, but just a small red-light can stop the whole traffic. Please understand, if you try to run in the middle of the road and stop the traffic, it is a fake attempt. If that attempt fails, you cannot say the traffic can never be stopped. It can be stopped with the common understanding of red signal with the right attempt. It can’t be stopped with the fake attempt; but it can be stopped with the right attempt. Same way, because your fake attempts have not helped you to stop thinking, you think thinking is not in your hand. No, is directly part of you. Just like your body movements are directly in your control, the mind movements are a directly in your control. So, first thing you need to know is, your thinking can be trained as you want. You do not need to constantly encourage the low self-esteem or very low ideas about you. That does not need to be encouraged and that is not your fate.

Somebody came and asked me yesterday, ‘Swamiji, what is the meaning of dreams?’

I said, ‘Your waking state itself has no meaning, why are you bothered about dream?’ Because, even in your waking state, how you behave, why you behave the way you behave, why you do the way you do, why you do what you do, has no meaning!

I have seen many people; sincerely they want to be always eternally loving, compassionate. Sincerely they want they should love the whole world, but they cannot even stand their wife! They don’t do anything to make themselves as they want, but they go on dreaming how they want themselves to be and continue to do how they are as and now. It is like two different direction the travel continues. Please understand, dream is nothing but the pus getting cleaned. If you are having dream, still you are carrying conscious pus. If there is pus, naturally there will be wound, the pus will be coming out. Same way, dream is nothing but the pus coming out of your body. Dream is nothing but it is reminding you that how your thinking, how you want to be is in one direction, how you are is in another direction. Dream is nothing but the complication between how you want to be and how you are.

The first thing you need to know is, how you want to be is possible. Second, your thinking is not automated, dangerous machine. You always approach your thinking as “I cannot control it! I cannot do anything about it, it is there. Why? Who knows? Fate, all in the fate!” Please understand nothing is fate other than your decision to give up on yourself thinking it is fate. Please listen nothing is fate other than your decision to give up on yourself concluding it is fate.

Sometimes people come and tell me, “I am always in Completion, in the space of Completion.’ If you are in the space of Completion, no one will have incompletion with you, be very clear. If people have incompletion with you, you are not in the space of Completion. You are in incompletion.

We always think, ‘This much only can be done; nothing more can be done’. Giving up on yourself. Giving up on yourself, please listen, giving up on yourself is the only worst thing can happen to you as fate. Nothing else can happen. Sincere thinking, authentic thinking is the first step you need to take up for “manana”. Means, sitting and aligning, contemplating what you really want your Inner Identity to be, what you really want your Outer Identity to be, what you really want your Life Image to be, what you really want your Others’ Image to be. Look in, clearly define.

And I wanted all the sannyasis, gurukul kids, ashramites to define your whole identity in a clear paper and stick it near your bed. When you wake up, read that. When you go to bed, read that. That is your God, that is the Nithyananda residing in you. So that is the Atma residing in you, Soul residing in you. So, whatever is in alignment with that, encourage it, enrich it. Whatever thinking trend, thought-trend in alignment with that four, encourage it, enrich it, entertain it. Whatever thought-trend is not in alignment that those four, complete with it. And be very clear, you have the ability to complete. If you think you can’t complete with it, complete with that pattern that you can’t complete . That is one more self doubt come on complete with it! Take time, complete with it. Completion is possible, with Completion, anything can be achieved.

17:24 Hindi - 19:04

Listen. Listen, look in. Every time your thought trend is supporting what you want to be, encourage it, enrich it. If your thought-trend is against what you want to be, complete with it. It is possible. You can complete with your whole past at this moment and be a new being. Valmiki did it, Pattinathar did it, Arunagirinathar did it. It is called “spontaneous enlightenment”. Ramdas did it. For all these people, it did not take years to get enlightened, years to complete with their past. Just one moment, only one moment, Valmiki, Ramdas, Arunagirinathar, just one moment, they did it. I tell you, spontaneous Completion is possible, sudden enlightenment is possible. At least go on completing every day with those patterns which is distracting you, which is detracting you from who you want to be, what you want to be, how you want to be. This is “manana”, bringing authenticity into your thinking, authentic thinking. This is “manana”, authentic thinking.

Listen, next we are moving – please listen to this word – next we are moving to “nididhyasana”. Means, “declaring and living” is nididhyasana. Declaring the way you are going to think, the way you are going to live and living, is “nididhyasana”. In Vedanta, the word “nididhyasana” is used again and again. In Saiva Siddhanta, Thirumoolar uses this word “nididhyasana”. And among the modern day saints, one great saint, Vallalar, from the South, who is a disciple of Madurai Adheenam, he uses this again and again. Originally, the word belongs to the Upanishads, the Vedic tradition, the source of all the Hindu scriptures, source of the whole Vedic civilization, source of the oldest spiritual civilization.

The word “nididhyasana” – please listen, I am defining this word in very clear, pure form of definition – listen, “nididhyasana” means “declaring and living”. Means, “deciding to be responsible for your actions”, “deciding to be responsible for your feelings”. Now, if you feel you are Head of a family, you feel responsible for your family, you feel responsible for your father, mother, wife, son, daughter, because all of them are your family. If you feel responsible for the village, you feel responsible for everyone who is in the village. If your feeling responsible expands, your leadership quality also expands. Deciding to feel responsible for the whole Cosmos is enlightenment. Expand the decision to feel responsible, feeling responsible for the whole and declaring from now on you will feel responsible for everything and continue to live like that, with that responsibility, is “nidhidhyasana”.

Immediately, we have doubts: ‘How can I? If I feel for all the garbage in the streets of Bangalore and feel responsible, then I’ll be stuck cleaning it up whole day, I’ll not be able to go to my office I’ll not go to my family. I’ll not be able to do this, do that.’ This is the doubt usually people create. Please listen, I am not saying if you feel responsible you will clean the street by yourself or you will not clean the street by yourself. Anything may happen but don’t be afraid to dive into that feeling responsible just because of your imaginary complications. Don’t stop yourself feeling it first. The problem is, because of your imaginary complications, the first feeling itself is getting stopped. There are tons and tons of ways and methods you can transform without complexity if you start feeling it. I am telling you, the feeling responsible, if you allow that inside you, feeling responsible if you allow that inside you, all these imaginary complications which you are having before allowing that feeling will disappear. Do not entertain these imaginary complications. Complete with those imaginary complications. Allow this feeling. First, take little time for this feeling to sink inside you and be in sync with your actions. It has to sink inside and be in sync with your actions. Then responsibility will become synergy, it will be in sync with your energy; energy will expand, your imaginary complications will disappear. Please listen, completing with the imaginary complications is the first step towards enlightenment.

I am defining the word “tapas”. “Tapas” means “completing with imaginary complications”. “Tapas” is nothing but completing with imaginary complications. “Ojas” is a Sanskrit word. Please listen, “Ojas” means “ability to complete with imaginary complications”. How many of you, the moment you wanted to feel responsible for the whole universe start getting all imaginary complications? Raise your hand. So, all of you need a little tapas, because imaginary complications can be completed. Why? Because it is imaginary. Imaginary complications can be completed because it is imaginary. If you feel responsible for all the garbage in the street, I am not saying you will immediately start cleaning them, or I am not saying you will not clean them. Do not worry about that imaginary complications, ‘If I start cleaning the garbage, who will do my work? who will give me food?’ Stop having that imaginary complications and allow this responsibility feeling to sink inside you. Because, this responsibility is power, responsibility is power.

I have seen in my life, whenever I took responsibility, I was always empowered by the Cosmos. Please understand, Cosmos is waiting to empower every one of you. Cosmos is literally begging every one of you to become powerful. It is unfortunate you think Cosmos also functions with the same political system with which you are functioning, the top guy never wants anyone to raise. But you should know, the logic of the Cosmos is totally different. The Prime Minister of a country will never want everyone to become a Prime Minister, because then his identity is lost but the Head of the Cosmos wants everyone to become Head of the Cosmos. Because, the more and more Heads, more and more expansion. You are not replacing Him, you are not occupying His seat, you are reproducing Him. Please understand, that is why I am telling you, even the concept of God in our Hinduism is based on this concept. So many gods, so many lokas. If you become God, you have your loka now. You are not going to be competition for Indraloka, Brahmaloka, Vaikunta, Kailaasa. No! Unfortunately, in the western civilizations, even their concept of God is from the political setup. Learn politics from a spiritual leader, but don’t learn spirituality from a political leader. Understand, that is why they go on standing with the idea of one God, one God. Please listen, this one God is nothing but the extension of your autocratic mind. In Hindu tradition, we have millions and millions of gods and each one of them have their own lokas, and you can go on growing, expanding. All of them will have their own loka. And we always think, if there are millions and millions of gods, then who will head them, who will regulate them? No need. Everyone is independently intelligent. No need for Head to exist, but these western civilizations always feels if there is no Head it will be anarchy, chaos, rule-less, lawless, because they do not believe everything is independently intelligent. Who is controlling the traffic of all the planets? Who is standing with the red signal or “Stop” board, “Take Diversion”? It is moving around so beautifully. It is unfortunate we don’t understand the power of independent intelligence.

Please listen, there are only two types of civilizations: One, the civilizations which believe everything is independently intelligent; we can all co-exist together without being ruled by some ultimate power or single decision-making authority. There is the other group which believe, ‘No, only with a single, ultimate decision-making authority, power centre, can run it!” I tell you, you don’t need a single power centre. The “Dhamma”, independent intelligence is enough to run it. Dhamma-based religions, autocratic, god-based religions; there are only two types of religions. Dhamma-based , autocratic, god-based .

Even in Hinduism, when there are definition of Gods, they were never presented, they were never conceived, they were never understood, they were never realized as an autocratic power. They were only presented as the experience of Dhamma. The person who makes the Dhamma move, who makes the Dhamma alive, who makes the Dharma Chakra moving continuously, who interferes only to keep the Dharma Chakra moving continuously, smoothly.

35:50 Hindi - 38:25

Understand, bringing responsibility into your feeling is “nidhidhyasana”. In the Inner Awakening Level—4, the third initiation you are going to receive is “Nidhidhyasana Deeksha”, bringing responsibility into your feeling. Bringing responsibility into your feeling is “Nidhidhyasana Deeksha”, is “nidhidhyasana”.

From yesterday night, our Enriching Temple has become too busy, because yesterday, the Nithya Dharmam, Thanthi TV reality show is about guiding somebody into their unconsciousness and digging out the memory that person has forgotten forty-three years before. One person came to the Nithyan Dharmam show saying he lost the memory of his parents. He got lost at the age of nine and he forgot his family, parents, everything. He is brought up by somebody else. So now he wants to find his parents. So I guided him into his past, through the completion process, through meditation and he explained everything to the details of his house number, street name from his unconscious memory, from his akashic records. He spelled out everything and the funny thing is, the surprising thing is when we went there, everything matched. When we went to the place, everything matched! He has discovered all his relatives. Now they are still tracing his father and mother. Yesterday this was the show. I was shocked seeing the response from the public. Then people are so much interested in the process of Completion! It is only we are not yet reaching out to them. We have to take the responsibility in our feeling and do “nidhidhyasana”, start living. Just one show, so much interest. If you missed the yesterday Nithya Dharmam reality show, please see in the YouTube; they would have uploaded it. Or today there is a re-telecast; don’t miss it. Today noon 3 pm Indian Standard Time, there is re-telecast. Don’t miss it. On Thanthi TV.

42:19 Hindi - 42:45

Let you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss, Nithyananda.

Photos From The Day:

Paduka puja in Progress Visitors and Devotees attending padukapuja. One of the devotees Performing Padukapuja Gurukul children and Swaminis Performing Puja. https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-27-10-13-1%20%284%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-27-10-13-1%20%285%29.JPG Devotees Performing Padukapuja Thondaimandala Adheenam Visiting our ashram for few days, and Blessing the starting of our Temple. https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-27-10-13-1%20%288%29.JPG Dream is nothing but Conflict between How you want to be and what you are Nothing is Fate Other than Your Decision to Give upon your self, Concluding it is fate Bringing Responsibility into your Feeling is Nididhyasana Declaring and Living is Nididhyasana Completing with Imaginary Complications is the first step to Enlightenment. Ojas Means ability to complete with Imaginary Complications. Individual Blessings to Devotees and Visitors https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-27-10-13-1%20%2816%29.JPG Blessings to All