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==Link to Video: ==  
Education means Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Universe: Adheenam Chalo Series
==Video - Education means Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Universe: Adheenam Chalo Series==
Your brain is the most powerful, amazing, wonderful and unutilized component of your system," declares His Holiness Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamiji in this awesome discourse from 21 June, 2017. Explaining that we use a mere 99% of our gray matter, Swamiji explains how manifesting extraordinary powers creates synapses and awakens parts of the brain never otherwise used. The particular branch of Nithyananda Yoga that explores powers and other dimensions is called Nithyananda Mahayoga, and real education, as enjoyed in Nithyananda Gurukul, explores this.
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==Transcript - Education means Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Universe: Adheenam Chalo Series==
nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari adi shakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome everyone, all the Sarvajna Peeta Yajamans, Nithya Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live on 100s of Aadheenavasis channels, Youtube Live and through 2-way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Cities sitting with us a long list, so I welcome everyone of you with My love and respects.
I’ll continue to expand on this ‘Aadheenam Chalo Series’. ‘Aadheenam’, is door to Kailasa. Understand. Your brain is most powerful, amazing, wonderful and unutilized, component of your system. I’ll repeat. Your brain is amazing, most powerful, unutilized...I don’t want to say ‘under utilized’, literally it is …..the percentage you use is negligible. It’s like, if you have 100 acres and you are using 2 sq feet or 21/2 sq feet, we can’t say,”under utilized”, we only say….we have to say literally,”unutilized.” Almost other than the automatic, mechanical, survival components, nothing else is used. Using the non-mechanical parts of your brain, as almost like a rare phenomena. I tell you, I’ll be not so ferocious on this so called modern, new order of the world, if it was costing so much on your…..if it was not costing so much on your brain and its capacities.
Stupid things which does not have any long lasting impact on you or your consciousness or on the society, has been given so much importance. This whole stupidity of currency and putting your whole life and energy towards the currency. It is not even useful to the fellows who created this stupidity. You see, if the Founders are able to exploit it, I’ll call it as a conspiracy. It is neither useful for Founder nor for the followers, so I have to use only the word ,”stupidity”. A collective stupidity. The system in which, context is forgotten...understand….the context is forgotten. Money spent on Army, money spent on Health Care, both cannot be called by the same word,”money.” Understand. The stupidity in which we are all caught. Money spent on Army, to procure more weapons, to create more and more mechanisms to kill larger number of people in a….with less effort and the money spent on Health Care field, to invent cures, health, making life, more long and happy, successful, on the….for the human beings. Can both be called as money? Actually, both are inspiring different energy of human beings, but when you equate both to money, the context of like is lost.
And the money centric thinking, which is the foundation of the New World Order, has stopped brain to explore multi-dimensional possibilities. Understand. Today, International Yoga Day. Money spent on spreading Yoga, money spent on spreading Terrorism, both cannot be equated. Money spent on Army and money spent on Health Care, both cannot be called as Money. We need to find some other word, because the words we use are very important, because the words we use remind us about the decisions we make. Words we use are very important about the decisions we make. Words we use are very important because the words we use, inspires us to make decisions. Money spent on spreading yoga, money spent on spreading terrorist ideologies, cannot be same. You can’t call both as same. Energy spent on doing more and more research and spreading of Yoga and energies spent on furthering the terrorist ideologies, cannot be called as religion, or a social service or enriching or the activity for the world. Money spent on spreading terrorism and money spent on spreading yoga, cannot be called with the same word,”money.” Because, the energy it generates, is completely different. Same way, the energies spent on spreading yoga and the energies spent on spreading terrorist ideology, both cannot be called as ‘religion’, because the energy it generates is so totally different.
Today - International Yoga Day. Of course, we do have beautiful celebrations today, whole day celebrations. The important is today we are going to be doing - first time on the Planet Earth, largest number of people demonstrating extraordinary yogic powers. Never in the history of humanity ever, there is a record, even in Puranas. Please understand. Even in Puranas, there are only records where 10 people, 20 people maximum sat together and manifested powers. Not a single record. More than 10 and 20 people sitting and manifesting powers, at a time. First time ever, 108 people are going to sit and manifest. Sadāshiva’s yogic powers. Because even if you see the Puranas - Sanjaya manifested. At one point, Vyasa manifest. At one point, Krishna manifest. There is one point, many people manifested but only destructive powers. During the Mahabharata war, many of those weapons are powers actually, they are not weapon like a….they don’t have a physical existence. They just create a sound and it becomes that weapon, goes and kills people. But it was only for destruction and those powers are called Astra Shastra, they are not called yogic powers, they are not given a status of yogic powers in Hindu tradition, because again, the powers used for destruction and the powers used for life, both cannot be called with the same word called Power.
The money used on killing people and the money used on healing people, cannot be called as money. Powers used on killing people and powers used on….used for Life, both cannot be called as Powers. The words…...it cannot be called by the common word, ‘Powers’. It has to have different words. First time ever, largest number of people sit together and manifest powers of Life, Yogic Powers, in the recorded human history. I don’t see any other reference, in the whole recorded human history, of course, Indian tradition has the largest recorded human history available - the great Puranas. Puranas are not myth. They are human history. Unfortunately, the modern day human beings were not able to access, those higher dimensions, so we just sealed it saying,” Oh, they are all myths.” No! It’s My responsibility to prove,” Puranas are history, not Myths.” By manifesting these powers and the other dimensions and making it available for all common man, we will be able to re-establish,” the Puranas are not myth, they are history.” Unbiased, factual record of what happened is Purana. Not written by the people who won the war. Please understand. The other day, I was talking about Mahabharata and I reminded - If the Mahabharata was written to glorify Krishna, Vyasa could have nicely covered the scene,” Gandhari cursing Krishna.” He could have omitted the scene. Gandhari, source of all this 101 evil sons. 100 sons and 1 daughter. She is cursing an incarnation - Krishna. And that curse is becoming reality. If it was written by the winners of the war, the information could have been nicely hidden, covered. No! Vyasa elaborately records. Vyasa is the concept. It is a Hindu journalist, which modern day journalist can never understand. Observing the facts of all dimensions and putting it on record, without passing your opinions. Now, in the modern day, journalism means 99% opinions and 1% selected and collected fact. Collected, chiseled, perverted fact.
The high dosage opinionated News, Journalism, of the modern day, can never understand the concept of Vyasa. Understand. Vyasa is not a person, it’s a status, given in Hindu tradition. Anybody whose... does that responsibility, the Vyasa who recorded the Mahabharata, is called Badarayana Vyasa….Vyasa Badarayana. Badarayana is his name, Vyasa is a title and we have at least 11 Vyasas, who recorded the human history, the longest human history record available on the Planet Earth, is our Puranas. Forget about the information, even the poetry record is still unbeaten. Nobody is able to beat the…..still nobody has beaten the Mahabharata record. Still there is no poetry longer than Mahabharata. Even in the gross physicality, nobody is able to beat the record. So today’s event, 108 people are going to sit and do the power demonstration, with all Integrity. No magic, no fraudulent, no cheating, absolute integrity to Kaalbhairava and Sadāshiva. No question of any other, it is simple Oneness with Sadāshiva and Kaalbhairava and absolute integrity to them. Actually, we have more than 108 people, who can manifest powers. But we decided, first let’s put 108 people and do this demonstration and make it successful and I commit with you guys, Guru Purnima, I will put 1008 people. Because we already have people, we just need to call them to one place and organize it. Maybe Guru Purnima, we can organize it. 1008 people, sitting and manifesting various powers of Sadāshiva.
So today, let’s start with 108 people and let me expand on the truth I was sharing from yesterday - Brain and the way it is constructed, to have access to multi-dimensions of the Cosmos and how poor currency based though current….. Listen, listen…. The word I am using,”poor currency based thought current”, when you equate everything to currency and the whole life bland all about the zeros added in your bank balance, reminds you whether you are successful or failure or world remembers you only by those zeros, that you are successful or failure, this stupid life is what I call - modern day materialistic new world order. Understand. This poor currency based thinking, dominates your brain so much, makes it so dull, you don’t use your brain more than the survival needs. The moment survival needs are done, you are tired, bored or caught into the structure, you can’t come out. Many fellows….actually one well known Author, he met Me and he was crying, saying that,”Swamiji, 10 years before I read your books. The moment I read your books, I know, I have nothing to write but then I was already popular, so I am continuing to write.” He saying,” I had already become popular, so I am continuing to write.” Many of us are caught in a groove like this. “I have already become popular, let me write. I have already become popular speaker, let me speak.”
Listen intensely. If you imbibe this thought current which I am sharing, you can break many of the chains, which are binding you, making you slave. The poor currency based thought current, does not let you look beyond the so called ‘survival’. By the time you get your survival needs, you are caught in certain groove. You are hooked to the Grid and you can’t be out of the Grid. You don’t suck anything from the Grid. Grid sucks your whole life. 40 years you pay your home loan and you call that as freedom. No really! I am surprised, 40 years you work to pay your home loan and you call that as a freedom and success, luxury, comfort. The whole currency based thought current stops your brain exploring the possibilities of the Cosmos. I want My Gurukul to be completely alive, exploring the possibilities of the Cosmos. That is why, I made the whole Gurukul absolutely free of cost. Whether you are a child or a teenage kid or an adult or anybody, Gurukul is the place in Hindu tradition where we explore the multi dimensional possibilities of the brain, to have access to multi-dimensions of the Universe. Understand. Gurukul is not School or College or University of the modern day new world order. Gurukul! Gurukul is not stupid, materialistic so called University. Gurukul is Universal City!!
You explore the multiple possibilities and dimensions of your brain to have access to multiple dimensions of the Universe. You jump and see, what kind of a dance you are able to manifest. You beat and see, what kind of music you are able to manifest. You bend and see, what kind of a yoga you are able to manifest. You come to Oneness and see, what kind of powers you are able to manifest. Opportunity for exploring, Vatavarana, ambience for exploring is Gurukul. In a power space of an incarnation, an enlightened being, you are given the possibility and freedom to explore your consciousness and conscious possibilities and dimensions of the Universe. That is Gurukul. That is why, I am very reluctant to use this word, ‘University’. Even though we have University in Los Angeles, I am always reluctant, “ Oh God, then they will think, this is like a…..that Harvard, Stanford, all that. Collected information being taught and further research done on those informations, is not real education. Exploring multi-dimensional possibilities of the brain to have access to multi-dimensions of the Universe is Education. In Hindu tradition, Gurukul is for this purpose. The Vatavarana for exploring multi-dimensions of your consciousness is created. Initiation, energy, inspiration, atmosphere, for all this multi-dimensional exploring, is provided in Gurukul.
Understand. Yesterday, I was talking about, how developing an intensely powerful various breathing patterns, awakens the various components of your brain and through that you can have the access to the multi-dimensions of the Cosmos. All the Kriyas from Kumbhaka Patati or Gheranda Samhita, from Matsyendranatha, Goraknatha, Lakulisha, the Pashupatik Shaivite literatures from Nepal. Pashupati Saivism was seated in Nepal like Kashyapa science, Kashmir Saivism was seated in Kashmir, the Lakulisha Shaivism was seated in Saurashtra, Siddhanta Saivism was seated in Chola Desha...the Chola region and Vira Saivism was seated in Karnataka, so that different branches of Saivism has yogic literatures. Matsyendranathas, Goraknathas, Lakulishas, Pashupatas, the Gheranda Samhitas, Kumbhaka Patati, all of them are methods, technology of making your breathing intense but subtle. Listen. Strength of your breathing - is your life. Strength of your breathing - is your energy. Strength of your breathing - is your consciousness. Strength of your breathing - is your attention span. All these Kriyas, makes your breathing intense but subtle. When your breathing is made intense but subtle, it electrifies various components of your brain. Understand. There are certain Pranayamas. It expands your lungs’ capacity, it expands the Anahata Chakra’s power, means ability to include large number of people in you, without judging. Understand. More and more you judge, more and more you exclude. Ability to include without judging is expanded through certain pranayamas. That is why Yogis have always become very loving people, but bondhus, buddhus!
There is a next level - where you form judgements but you include them. When certain components of your brain is awakened, it’s not that you don’t form judgements. You form judgements but you don’t include them…..sorry, you don’t exclude them, you include them. Having proper judgements and including them without excluding them, is Leadership Consciousness. Not having judgements, just including them. You become such fool! Foolishness is not Bholenatha. Sadāshiva’s name Bholenatha does not mean He is fool. No! He is in such space, never excludes anybody, but He has the right judgement about everybody. Never excludes, but has right judgements. If you exclude because of judgement, you are violent. You will be lifeless. If you include without judging, you will be fool, getting exploited, cheated, finally destroyed. If you include with the right judgement, that is Leadership Consciousness. I’ll start revealing the precise Kriyas and initiation methods and initiating all of you further, to have access to this multi-dimensions of the Universe.
Understand. 3 major things I am starting this year. Already we started and we are much ahead - manifesting all the powers of Sadāshiva. Second thing I started, still we are working on it - manifesting powerful cognitions. Third, I am initiating - opening up multi-dimensions of the Universe. Just like how power manifestation has become very common, by the end of this year, all this 3, I’ll make it as a very common experience. Especially this Inner Awakening, we made power manifestation, like a cell phone. Anybody picks up and calls, you talk to the other person, you get through. This time the power manifestation will become like that only. Initiated - start now, that’s all. It’s taking less time now, then dialing 10 digit number. So, I’ll continue to expand on further Satsangs because, today we have long day. Inner Awakening participants are going to have Samskara Dahana Kriya and all the Aadheenavasis get ready and prepare for International Yoga Day, especially Power Manifestation and today we do have some of the important releases - The original ‘Nithyananda Yoga Source’ is ready!! So today, we will be releasing the book. As I said, anybody who bends the body for Yoga, you have the right to get this book - free. Understand. This is the source book, means original Sanskrit verses and the translation of all the yoga asanas, pranayamas, mudra, bandha, everything we were able to collect from the Agamas. Of course, I want to tell you, still we are collecting. The first volume is ready. Whatever we collected till now, we are releasing. So further collections will come out. I am hoping, we may publish 100 volumes because so much material is available. All the original Agamic-Vedic Shastra Pramanas with Apta Pramanas and My Atma Pramana in English we have translated and whatever is collected and translated, is coming out as first volume and we do….we have collected more material and it is getting translated and organized. This is to tell the world - Yoga has religion, that is Hinduism.
Yoga has religion - that is Hinduism. Today we are publishing that book, so all this Ging Yoga, Gung Yoga, Chuck Yoga, Chick Yoga, Chikbuk Yoga, all those Chukbuk Yogis - remember - Yoga has religion, that is Hinduism. We are happy that you take this knowledge, enjoy and share, even market and make money, get lost, we don’t care - don’t say,”Yoga has no roots or it does not belong to Hinduism.” So through this book,  I wanted to establish the whole world - “Yoga is from Hindu Shastras.” Yoga is from Hindu Shastras and origin of Yoga is Sadāshiva, Himself. All these Guk Yogis, Chiku Yogis, Puku Yogis, be very clear - don’t try to tell,”Yoga has nothing to do with Hinduism, religion or Indian tradition.” Yoga is Indian Hinduism’s gift. Hinduism which originated between Saraswati and Ganga and Kaveri, in this region, that tradition’s gift. The banks of these Sapta nadi, the civilization which got settled - Gangacha, Yamunacheva, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. This 7 rivers, the civilization happened in the banks of these 7 rivers - Yoga is the gift of this civilization - Gangacha, Yamunacheva, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. This Sapta Nadis, the civilization happened in this Sapta Nadis region is Hindu tradition, Yoga is gift of that Hindu tradition. Remember - Hinduism has no cultural frills other than the stupid fellows who talk,” Hinduism has cultural frills.” You are the cultural frills for Hinduism, if you say,”Hinduism has cultural frill.” If somebody claims, “ their life and their mission is to remove all the cultural frills and bring…. make the yoga to the world”, My life’s Mission is to make the whole world understand, “Hinduism has no cultural frills.” Hinduism has no cultural frills. I am also launching a unique special - 11 days retreat program called - Nithyananda MahaYoga Retreat. It will be done in 2 levels. First level - 11 days Nithyananda Yoga. Second level - 11 days Nithyananda MahaYoga. In 2 levels, world’s most unique, conscious awakening and working on your body. 11 day retreat to manifest extraordinary Powers and Shaktis through original yoga. So, September 20th to 30th  2017, the first program is getting launched. Level 1 will be 11 days and the Level 2 will be the next 11 days. We will announce the dates for Level 2, soon and these are some of My International Yoga Day offerings to the world. Today, through this largest number of people manifesting Sadāshiva’s powers, we will invoke the grace of Sadāshiva, energy of Sadāshiva, on the Planet Earth and bring tremendous blessings to the Planet Earth.
== Description: ==
So with this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Be Blissful.
In conjunction with International [[Yoga]] Day, His Holiness Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji set a unique first ever world record: 108 of his initiated disciples demonstrated the power of [[Third Eye]] Awakening. With physical eyes closed and blindfolded, each one passed three strictly monitored tests, reading whatever was written for them and accurately reproducing drawings made for them to trace. 108 dignitaries came from around the world as an ethics committee to ensure the tests were performed in accordance with strict scientific criteria. These guests included doctors, school administrators, artists, publishers, heads of state, leaders of religious organizations and more. Among them, Sri Vedantam ji, founder and chairman of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Mr. Prasad, State President of BJP, Dr. Raju, Research Director of NIMHANS, Mallikarjun, Principal of BMS engineering college and Manjunath, Leader of Bajrang Sene, showed great enthusiasm for the powers displayed. Our invited guests were joined by Ms. Komal Singh, an executive from India Book of Records, who had the honour and privilege to adjudicate the [[authenticity]] of one of the Powers of Third Eye Awakening which is blindfold reading. Over a hundred initiated balasanths of the Nithyananda [[Gurukul]] demonstrated this power in one sitting with all esteemed guests evaluating their unprecedented abilities. Never before on planet earth, in modern history or even in the sacred Puranas, has such a large group of people simultaneously demonstrated these great powers. The excitement in the room was high, as child after child wowed their judges with quick, detailed and completely accurate performance. In the Sri Gurugita, Sadashiva reveals that Guru is atrinetraḥ śivaḥ sākṣāt|, which means, Guru is directly Śiva Himself without the visible three eyes. His third eye may not be visible while in human embdiment, but it’s only the Guru, Sadashiva, with his third eye open, who can initiate others into opening theirs. Nithyananda says, “In Hindu tradition, powers are extraordinary but not unnatural. Extraordinary but not impossible.” About the Gurukul students who are effortlessly demonstrating these extraordinary powers, He proclaimed, “These kids will bring spiritual legitimacy to Sanatana Hindu Dharma,” to which the hall erupted in applause. Ms. Kamal Singh was so impressed by the display that she honoured the Balasanths of Nithyananda Gurukul on the spot, with a certificate stating that they undeniably proved the power of the Third Eye in an unprecedented display, and proclaimed that although she attended the event as a representative from India Book of Records, surely this will be featured in Asia Book of Records, as well. Following the mass demonstration, His Holiness Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji addressed the crowd with a special satsangh discourse in celebration of World Yoga Day. One highlight of the evening was the release of the ultimate sourcebook on yoga, “Nithyananda Yoga: Evolution of New Species.” For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shaastra Pramanas - from the Vedaagamas; with a fourfold level of authentification called Pramanas. These Pramanas include [[Shastra Pramana]], the ancient scriptural references in the Vedas and [[Agamas]]; Apta Pramana, the commentary on these verses by Rishis and Munis who experienced; Atma Pramana, the experience of the [[Avatar]] Nithyananda Himself, and Sakshi Pramana, the experience given by Nithyananda to all of His initiated disciples. Only when a science is found in the ancient scripture, verified through enlightened commentary, experienced by Nithyananda and demonstrably transferred to his disciples, it is included in Nithyananda Yoga and Nithyananda Mahayoga. The fully illustrated comprehensive book includes sections from Yoga scriptures on over 200 + Asanas, 350+ [[Pranayama]], Kumbhakas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantras, Yogic physiology and the Yogic Lifestyle, Yogic Diet, Yogic purification techniques, and more. “This book makes a strong statement,” says Nithyananda, “Yoga has a religion; that religion is Hinduism!” In keeping with the sacred Vedagamic tradition, this beautiful book is offered to humanity as a free gift from Nithyananda, who says, 'Anyone who is practicing yoga or teaching yoga, if you want this book for yourself and your students, please send an email to [email protected] with required details and the hard copy will be sent to you, free of cost.' The book is also available instantly as a free download at http://innerawakening.org/nithyananda... Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe. Website and Social Media: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda
==Transcript: ==  
==Sakshi Pramana - Sharing from SADASHIVETVA YOGA PROGRAM==
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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[[Category: Sakshi Pramana]] 
==Title ==
International Yoga Day
== Description ==
In conjunction with International [[Yoga]] Day, His Holiness Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji set a unique first ever world record: 108 of his initiated disciples demonstrated the power of [[Third Eye]] Awakening. With physical eyes closed and blindfolded, each one passed three strictly monitored tests, reading whatever was written for them and accurately reproducing drawings made for them to trace. 108 dignitaries came from around the world as an ethics committee to ensure the tests were performed in accordance with strict scientific criteria. These guests included doctors, school administrators, artists, publishers, heads of state, leaders of religious organizations and more. Among them, Sri Vedantam ji, founder and chairman of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Mr. Prasad, State President of BJP, Dr. Raju, Research Director of NIMHANS, Mallikarjun, Principal of BMS engineering college and Manjunath, Leader of Bajrang Sene, showed great enthusiasm for the powers displayed. Our invited guests were joined by Ms. Komal Singh, an executive from India Book of Records, who had the honour and privilege to adjudicate the [[authenticity]] of one of the Powers of Third Eye Awakening which is blindfold reading. Over a hundred initiated balasanths of the Nithyananda [[Gurukul]] demonstrated this power in one sitting with all esteemed guests evaluating their unprecedented abilities. Never before on planet earth, in modern history or even in the sacred Puranas, has such a large group of people simultaneously demonstrated these great powers. The excitement in the room was high, as child after child wowed their judges with quick, detailed and completely accurate performance. In the Sri Gurugita, Sadashiva reveals that Guru is atrinetraḥ śivaḥ sākṣāt|, which means, Guru is directly Śiva Himself without the visible three eyes. His third eye may not be visible while in human embdiment, but it’s only the Guru, Sadashiva, with his third eye open, who can initiate others into opening theirs. Nithyananda says, “In Hindu tradition, powers are extraordinary but not unnatural. Extraordinary but not impossible.” About the Gurukul students who are effortlessly demonstrating these extraordinary powers, He proclaimed, “These kids will bring spiritual legitimacy to Sanatana Hindu Dharma,” to which the hall erupted in applause. Ms. Kamal Singh was so impressed by the display that she honoured the Balasanths of Nithyananda Gurukul on the spot, with a certificate stating that they undeniably proved the power of the Third Eye in an unprecedented display, and proclaimed that although she attended the event as a representative from India Book of Records, surely this will be featured in Asia Book of Records, as well. Following the mass demonstration, His Holiness Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji addressed the crowd with a special satsangh discourse in celebration of World Yoga Day. One highlight of the evening was the release of the ultimate sourcebook on yoga, “Nithyananda Yoga: Evolution of New Species.” For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shaastra Pramanas - from the Vedaagamas; with a fourfold level of authentification called Pramanas. These Pramanas include [[Shastra Pramana]], the ancient scriptural references in the Vedas and [[Agamas]]; Apta Pramana, the commentary on these verses by Rishis and Munis who experienced; Atma Pramana, the experience of the [[Avatar]] Nithyananda Himself, and Sakshi Pramana, the experience given by Nithyananda to all of His initiated disciples. Only when a science is found in the ancient scripture, verified through enlightened commentary, experienced by Nithyananda and demonstrably transferred to his disciples, it is included in Nithyananda Yoga and Nithyananda Mahayoga. The fully illustrated comprehensive book includes sections from Yoga scriptures on over 200 + Asanas, 350+ [[Pranayama]], Kumbhakas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantras, Yogic physiology and the Yogic Lifestyle, Yogic Diet, Yogic purification techniques, and more. “This book makes a strong statement,” says Nithyananda, “Yoga has a religion; that religion is Hinduism!” In keeping with the sacred Vedagamic tradition, this beautiful book is offered to humanity as a free gift from Nithyananda, who says, 'Anyone who is practicing yoga or teaching yoga, if you want this book for yourself and your students, please send an email to [email protected] with required details and the hard copy will be sent to you, free of cost.' The book is also available instantly as a free download at http://innerawakening.org/nithyananda...
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===Pratyaksha Pada puja===
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File:20170621_Photo_105_1O4nXznoKmRcEeOUdM5MSRWgp58O2f1m6.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Express deep gratitude to The Avatar
File:20170621_Photo_106_1BppEUa9n8LN9tsjnN5kv3qGpS7uXRX0d.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Express deep gratitude to The Avatar
File:20170621_Photo_107_1UxXTnEla7AiB_INww5kyA2qY5lO1wqIb.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_108_1cKrb8nrVCaZz7lmPLv5MkJ5aor53NXkx.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_109_1LaPQQZ4_vniKh82HUhGNflVhxcuous-8.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_110_1dcMp4jZk78c0cWI_y53gT2lIg7y9xIdZ.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_111_1PEJfN5o5NBJgYZIebEXukW3kOUIQBF_6.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_112_1sgtSNfWbTLMD_J6DKB9V0Hz6alic3NIT.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_113_1D-zvQ9hDrvuxJpk5LRzHcnejYwWcfRXY.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA -- The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; ritual to express our thanks to a revered spiritual Guru
File:20170621_Photo_114_1jWFOKvkr405XN7qkgtWvQubzDfHy_4iK.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_115_1_YTWPtoMoflhzruiS3AFXKqb9wQaLcHW.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_116_11XnXJxNCHbiXDWGkUbVqG02bpSqLvGur.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_117_13Nid8B_gPAd08arwtNlcIU9VSxnDN9W4.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_118_19B7xK98muncic2QTobL2B9vXNEcHqzLx.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_119_1LDx_QM-Ai0A_dBseYjd9zIJTPX9uSWR5.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_120_1VaVA8hQD8m3n6MmrtK_CRKkmnNIVCIXs.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Offering gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet
File:20170621_Photo_121_11KxLHyaMP2zG_WdA8QrvfVx3V7npxa15.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Sohamasmi that even when I worship him I am him - Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_122_14CjoDxwcrnC7XPMe5TCcFoRVSlH0Id6b.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Sohamasmi that even when I worship him I am him - Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_123_1m2x86L2lRxKwz-ifsLBz0etsbBJura6m.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Sohamasmi that even when I worship him I am him - Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_124_1v0Al7iy0KcRCcUFsacCyRlW6B_FpN2Bv.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Sohamasmi that even when I worship him I am him - Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_125_1QWLBe_EUPCyb7QFGTwaUtCVZ-OCvJKQT.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_126_1oi85pzFio4hsk9ExRK7LbvLOj0ZBo9wX.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_127_19IOOHszuYUsgRi_DbxDeekhJCpGuHnLF.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_128_1oGxh2_PwjToFev1ogK4P11EBcPHGWAyH.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Experience oneness with the Avatar to expand your consciousness.
File:20170621_Photo_129_1jw7p5bthSJMxBP_IgTNq6pb0vmSJKOkw.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Experience oneness with the Avatar to expand your consciousness.
File:20170621_Photo_130_1bIRYVWfjv0Zr_b9UqfCRYiMtjSpZTdF8.jpg | PRATYAKSHA PADA PUJA - Experience oneness with the Avatar to expand your consciousness.
File:20170621_Photo_131_18p7Zsew5JB3YswbaWcJl65qR5W2_w4M2.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_132_1FJLiVuJBQHLVbANxP2kGrYKCxOkKfyzn.jpg | His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Compassionate blessing to the delegate
File:20170621_Photo_134_17gYleCMJMxKFPLwLbzPaij96er31o3HD.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_135_11PZTtXfBAnUr0OTlK2EE-owJe5a4rVtA.jpg | Delegate receiving Swamiji's personal precious gift of His Turban from HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_136_1F2YTELFuqYgUknyVcGGRfo7ho_pVh699.jpg | Delegate receiving Swamiji's personal precious gift of His Turban from HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_137_1BL1GYjmFn4BqIXnDUPz_QcZHDCgpcEj2.jpg | His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Compassionate blessing to the delegate
File:20170621_Photo_138_1RgPuC2HqTw55rbAF5Gly2j0uXmSHrlhh.jpg | His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Compassionate blessing to the delegate
<div align="center">
===Bhagwan Darshan===
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File:20170621_Photo_144_1ctX2nkDAiHeWo7yj456Nrs7MgbOG62uo.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_145_1fsY3t4Uf4Xfj10VyOvo1OgudYZ-jjVzh.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_146_13XTo0DwXnD3ew-hRIWCEqw93kwF8GmUS.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_147_1w18hfrpeQ2CJWhcMJtQvnJ0ds13PkV3j.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_148_1toNcj9MlAsWJipgz-zBVLgq9fMG4IUND.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_149_1t5Qhs6CqWIvkX78GcWkfy0o2WNsE42db.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_150_19sZrF-8ZUtAPjjNjm5rtzkigmEcyYT9P.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_151_11QaFkvFkYD1-J9CbKJIVYmCmqx6xTg21.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_153_1kZ_u7QqjbsRqrP5GEVuSORRQ0O7XR1lR.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_154_1yhU_Vm2GLZzkyvhvzVk6Mn5BwQj0z334.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_155_1kOieQWaw39ry4QpdhYlPJ53WI_ATnHTM.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_156_1XZbsIbR0mYJDt2jt-7E7s4OyD_Ma-pQi.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_157_1lM06u2uNaWWc5wF9G0QM5PDq2vd95NOO.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_158_1_vEICIFcQeb6SU-B4VPfoonsPu36kOF2.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_159_1taMIKy86bdLcwQnegfFgpOeIoh2o9u2s.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_160_1WsjKKakuWwa4lMzRj6ngNgG67khDCqiD.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_161_19QGzmkFcJPHJp6yGsGISv4GR-rq_YtSM.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_162_1K89UENr3AeqXGR797UTircoqOaNUZEMY.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_163_1P_gOeGZKofy1yaW2JOLOMpn2CEnl0OC2.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_164_1SFVBxcXeaOkVD3EieXEdSNByX_3uC3lI.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_165_1PdCcxEX3J9AJZN9t5sUXaJ7CAJoNAw4r.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_166_1_hcblPNVg_MfVAx58eEJuAOyzrXolsTS.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_167_1kcLJlsrb9--oHWDkKRWthPaDvX3kwgmb.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_168_1nY3EHaxbV0Ed7RNojPHAR4HppGdb4-yJ.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_172_10QY84yiPz41WvXb79dU8xMVmmeSf-lrs.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_173_1M57f8jPpn9e_7VnmdU0GApOQSXYZgIoA.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_174_1JOgg2UePkpcdS4o9TomwpFwx4BM3p4MZ.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_175_1a1_g1Er7c--Ia-tcIK3kj32RGdM5F4TJ.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_176_14xfphxxItOjhfL32Bm0Q2f3Zj4k_fKVk.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_177_1DlyfzLEauf5LJq0DR1q7ZCjZ5TJcDZUe.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_178_1a17cthfbENWlyGwwTusoGuhQ86LvRJNA.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_179_1JSGGMl9IQkJQ7K3A_edi0Mtr3Ip46NzA.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_180_1fPHXNxJjKR5rhPY-gGX8RRuzTvzvtE8U.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_181_12887M2OeXLbY3eZBJUKpjvCEDy776tYm.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_182_1UDcrwRQEXUQc5dZfCVX3vJgASc7hJVT_.jpg | Guru is All-Pervasive, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in reality
File:20170621_Photo_183_1pOxjAdMIxmlAQFRs5y1pJIYmna5SxFge.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_184_1ZL32Xvg5qZyVf0--0GcXSEwQmL-NA3mE.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_185_1u8fiC3S1dAk--5ZIMSc1ik69YhgRxh-Y.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_186_1FHKcQct5SU9wz3kfz1m_QRFwrQMrM_sf.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_187_1U5RdKqwu5RbM3BnTjUQ9LaKKlrK-Xk7J.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_188_1eBLH1kxfw0NMg9wj3LKjsLAWc4W0cONA.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_189_1CR6opkp8D6WQqcTAqqRosATJI3mIYN85.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_190_12PVuvH1vis19f3e0iK6xutjrksHULdW8.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_191_1o6TPcDwZrtjEwDr3zrQsGsSrWrE1QTCo.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_192_1sO7vm17i43vGotfcGOyigypVEckLXIr6.jpg | Surrender and drop all the incompletions at Guru's feet
File:20170621_Photo_193_1YIWLxuSN0xVqpBkBEDTNmdOjdu-zyfdL.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_195_1mlY_o753FaA54tlPjJfiVPcmQRrDj7I0.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_196_1EpRl0zRdFHJgYRMO8CfFpKnawWPVH4nL.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_197_1FXr48cvT6SWNbJjOiOMnsoUWqccsJo9W.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_198_1eyalZFwl_qzPnv6L_orDszz9mUee_i8n.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_199_1uP8F7cbNNiQRe4tJUhudXYZ_1_x0t-O-.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_200_1N-OaOsBdAI8FZKp97qOyejLNVz22T8MI.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_201_1VFt2jWSoZHndkqVE7-_NEaJCtBygN5yE.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_202_1Ipjlts-11sSIQw5hUz7Qdr7xlePuzUyd.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_203_1AQlxnRpU4eDl-10uWHqdEhfSLajtyI9q.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_204_16j3xRZU7NswXMlbrqvyOdsInQXwiHiJB.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
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File:20170621_Photo_206_10TE67huXLJIOOgM-U_CCf8-8bYeCtV6O.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_207_1NT2kfA9tYBR6fgkb7PWPOV0tge2XYChV.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_208_1FJP8rFuKlB1KOSmfKGZg0aml493GNJ1D.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_209_1_R-whj7WNXIypspF50CYKhSvhmsgoVYC.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_210_1OG8CRKe67BR352QUqYd0rzpb6OddovNY.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_211_1wMdnpwef973E3J1dqkCPABdUxdatD_g3.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_212_1J0-vOHBE-QLwQhXjRRAafCFydFRdD4f5.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_213_1hDDUYhoPrIALQ6Phq59c4niPiYzaxt4i.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_214_1W9xg9t-9wYLHD3m4Aa8zcMstHFZTUVwP.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_215_1ysBsT_xj_9StajPz5eKFvRweSp5pINPW.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_216_1mqyLoJFvvXZtnHA_h-n30IaCTpt529lx.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_217_1rCBf9YCmET0_UZEVWSkD_ES9jA9wMkJc.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_218_1BFNpTmtGcRvbcSHVrTPf7UX1dTGOy76R.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_219_1e21dhzbQCAjOzKJoDCHG_jbet-t2sg-0.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_220_1noR6drS-0Rk3kp01yRiSeToHm4UScC8I.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_221_1lpfrijnIzrkm2tpw-nI1zDDL8-_jOW41.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_222_14-8BEsCew7iSJoKdWcbE5TojtCvZ-8CB.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_223_1n-ZWVJHn0tJcvrl4Cu6tbuOdmXy93Dz-.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_227_1llY021awt1LAGrbiXBEnkDcDcbz-p_IN.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - Balasants are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_228_1IfgPLF-pR1_OWTYv61RFs8P561_rsj8p.jpg | Your Length, Breadth, Depth, Time, Space, need to be established in Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_229_13XSTRWJUdIK0BbWNLBrOnZdxdjLmhOhk.jpg | Your Length, Breadth, Depth, Time, Space, need to be established in Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_230_1yMWQ_C7bPnq7SB0b3cuVIRLXV3TGmBdb.jpg | Your Length, Breadth, Depth, Time, Space, need to be established in Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_238_12hhqe914TlM2xkRT6-u-9OdjBlxbJ7DN.jpg | THIS WHOLE UNIVERSE IS MY EXTENSION AND I AM CELEBRATING IT
File:20170621_Photo_250_1o1Ag6SXFWj0vPAyGHP4lWqn-B0E52S5u.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_251_1yEIUCiLcnuF321c1lmVx758wLqdDlMty.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_253_1ziJWrtsITHkZRYlKGZEhQNXugJvT4n9Z.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_254_1ARfc38W8v7QwzD2L2COK8I26FwN--Dhh.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_255_10L4A0I1LTfLNXc0nUM_Ae4LD_JTgQilW.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_256_1chupJVhRYsPkYQh9N0CZgoyG34T2PTXo.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam chanting and welcoming all
File:20170621_Photo_257_1Cf6WzUy2aC7lCSH0mSF2k1R6vTa0P-_h.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam chanting and welcoming all
File:20170621_Photo_258_1BYdxePXUayk74OdOKYeaxKSGxs1QIJu8.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam chanting and welcoming all
File:20170621_Photo_259_1d_ohFGOTM9nHVtN4T6UP-QZ0qIUtQG_g.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam chanting and welcoming all
File:20170621_Photo_260_15W-QKRdOVri-1UEMk4kXmeZmx8eCCfVE.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam chanting and welcoming all
File:20170621_Photo_261_1K0UyprqbVoSuaU6te-qB8ZfBFDr1_He9.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam chanting and welcoming all
File:20170621_Photo_262_1u_nV8HjJDgXBNuG_CT3XK25OkyZlb-sK.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_263_1Dufo4TJ_qUSlaeiH-Fd8mSsGjIkPWBze.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_264_1Z8HgwjT4iGbr5pKDsY5h-eoVqKCxgkGt.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_265_1s4uv3uOCr-KtRgwjXj0fOBWiogJjV9vK.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_266_1VXfxtbuBbwx54S-uAotyAn6kWLPYC2KO.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_267_1v44TC9gNT-CUoWcJKbnynPd7khSI-4gb.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_268_1wzE75K1UWvism0-wlNuZH0sKVgT1rFIS.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_269_1p_zPYGE05dBGtp2lZYVH6v8Uhl6Rslbp.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_270_1A_Jj2sTEnggcpCpbv7JLRpO6HPER9qHp.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_271_1LA6g_bBBFViEHKA09h1joz_3Mwj_Z-d-.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_272_1fG59vcTBVS08PjQ1FnIikFYzDs-DvkOr.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_273_19RCqowXPuDZfK006xuHSKH5VSeZ_qGwP.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ABHAYA HASTA (blessing)
File:20170621_Photo_169_1-oUXWmf3Jz1hW36Kjjdl6gXd7KbzdjnZ.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_170_1mfN4w9C5aEfDuhJAlSZAjMMqWY2_G88W.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_171_1MI9MhHhXu42QUCS9M5D4sGc4o-EuovcG.jpg | Master is Chinmaya Vigraha - Embodiment & representation of that Cosmic Energy
File:20170621_Photo_152_1rOiYWkP1SjKed9II2z1Cr7guKacAQymu.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_194_1HHFlP6xXv3mIVJ0zautX_Ouf403268Xl.jpg | Existence is continuous expansion - HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
File:20170621_Photo_224_1TP-H2BWel8C_y2xyyZ7NSzWWAJ62_faY.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - Balasants are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_225_15ipHOtwHeo2ZWc4L-6RsQ_82BjTsS4e7.jpg | Your Length, Breadth, Depth, Time, Space, need to be established in Oneness
File:20170621_Photo_226_1Qb5-HjOtf5kH8hoUwBysAYYg6w6Vm2NC.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - Balasants are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_233_1jri6ygt1QYUW3GeOS0EOrFv6WDV27rbk.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_235_1rrDdt9_HuGNVNmv0gwOa45HPPi_kve0f.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_100_14pZrpjw1gJzmwJNA2tSnzLA8NSZdQ96I.jpg | International Yoga Day celebration at Adi Kailaasa, Bengaluru Aadheenam
File:20170621_Photo_101_1ICTFTrJ9BvIVP_q_OyxL3GdyG7_8QWrG.jpg | International Yoga Day celebration at Adi Kailaasa, Bengaluru Aadheenam
File:20170621_Photo_244_1wkYweeXd0N_oQlCZ36A8smoq5xNpScCF.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, in which beautiful enlightenment can happen
File:20170621_Photo_245_1asOvBu_zLG5AKZyY1VmAxJe_TBXHZlva.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_246_1HrVvs7SMWMAkfV-0wuBnhzJLTYDpNAIq.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_247_1YkmCqKZq_6NZ9PcOt0J_SDKZSNlEJZIs.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_248_1B9MVXD5N4CD-XNVD7to_NFk5kZQ84jzf.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_249_1r6DirGEAG31EU3ei6UUwh5ke4JQgQn74.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsang
File:20170621_Photo_252_1AsEhmtGcqNPO_gnSAT54AyR8QstrjpCs.jpg | Sangha is the vatavarana, for beautiful things to flower - delegates are enoying the satsan
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===International Yoga day Celebrations===
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File:20170621_Photo_102_1Pmvs7wBM1N-0c8gFXVKyEZdwxwQY-mis.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_118_1CfSA849ebrJgRXUBI7ats2CUvLP1Mf6z.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_119_1b57T_yqb5AI83elFEhRbw8mh6je9U9_I.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_120_14mbkVFyt9M01lzduOuZnyzMrV4advakr.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_121_1anVf_EdDbe90FS9jqEiFFNbQm7pmjTDa.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_122_1OET9jDajd_X-bQCBNvExevvC5bHGLLee.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_123_1SQd1X6E3oGSDBXvnnSKLzCd6rtofZN3z.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_124_14A8v7nH2DqmmiqsSnsbn44TifA8aF7Wd.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_125_1x40P_36TIZBZtev5ia5dOwkSjGaUNyrA.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_126_1HV2iPry5B4q4GFt-CZ4l4XqfK6YhgO0p.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_127_1z_7SICAp__HOPQCg6LKjtLQg6247yksI.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_128_1OAHCHu3Qj7fPKXiX8JPnQ9sEi75_E--4.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_129_1g_Cme4rr30ALgRwF6rwC1_2MkdEt--d0.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_130_1xCyknkWmuB9AvAF6tKFwRALXguV9g42y.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_131_1IUoepIDWKL_N6YfMqHrgs_uj6r9F6bmC.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_132_1wusPImpFjUWAynY8UmeJe7khlCwKmz-F.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_133_1p1tsN7lSrJdXavUlgKk7xPcR-McRqqv7.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_134_13iC4r4VxRWnoRp4bNG4PVKVjMpYkFleh.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_135_1XjaeOfkfA5eFMx9vmJpt8_13Mu4ru8Du.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_136_1syPXRlXiZG6pV_pWIlaXq2pJ6wYuU50x.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_139_1Zd8SRq1xcK-h_8GLdGmJ7aMDesvB-Eg-.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_140_1Dx2ke6b2aamyYvEvcFeA2ZVMSDHEzL9U.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_142_1b51uDYvgsRVhurfn9OlQn-s5cFKC9_jr.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_143_1XTppQKQuXIuSjwQg1mwAU3Lw6UyC25om.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_144_1-3kS7BIF5KF5P-yLn70zhx8bZR8siNQy.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_145_11FUadRrhWTd9tLhS78xcKwM4-fnO6qN2.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_146_1h6hSX6U6X8Mf65M5I8ADPKsDXhqZ9ru3.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_147_1GtkwhCWOIXG_TLBjAru9WWBrcT1XfVfo.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_149_1Gkzo6etvXSYQyURJQ3KUSY1G2BDLlP2n.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_150_1HJhQ3McJAr9PcwlWy-AZKuWdzPHAYSkf.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_189_1mCr4HavqwjYNra8rottDdM4s7DJiCgXm.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
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File:20170621_Photo_195_11Mv0GRWSaDKF01ESH_tqMB71qafxVLSh.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
File:20170621_Photo_196_1d0-CjXAVJgfamIx4jC8_QyZlwGKbJgcN.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
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File:20170621_Photo_202_1Az0utpBIxyPvL-8hQrS4Dbw6VL-8HkWs.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
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File:20170621_Photo_204_1sEvPB1wmWPDBMrhaTaLRAcB1oiJPeh-K.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
File:20170621_Photo_205_1hfohPetG9NsYt4baizmXvpvME3gBSzkA.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
File:20170621_Photo_206_11NAIqZqRzz_PjRbETa41n4ANdr0KcbNF.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
File:20170621_Photo_207_18-64hkEfiI_htD1-coF4vy8AuEzUFvSy.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
File:20170621_Photo_208_1AcSZ_U359RAxXCuDxbhg9oKa9ExPHp-t.jpg | Balasants, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavaasis displaying POWER DEMONSTRATION on International Yoga Day
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File:20170621_Photo_210_1Y5VgegLndyoQzbDYm1b2ho93fQ4xT198.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_211_1kVjTnwPOmkmdX39aHgrSthW0HQ0boPWu.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_212_1GVKrsmuuanK9npVjR7j6bxaNIwuW1ubu.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
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File:20170621_Photo_217_1mEU65pXvQjwOmPWySAHG3lpjvJt64_Rs.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_218_13vFmMZtFCpbIzG3P-cKZKqERZUgfPZLs.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_219_1jfCWxsO4cgHrK9drSpQsrWR6LAQ8qTF-.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_220_1DZtHVa3PgRtayEyFyqXDghIRvFhRJKQS.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_221_1Dn7VR7JySZMMPqsPJ31el0CpThxMUD2R.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_222_1gwIC9RDZHzKptcH8W4n-l_SL84O--XHW.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_223_1d8ZOlTWJlzmMfh7MP1chZKHK8PK-O7je.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
File:20170621_Photo_224_1jGPJjbtn1IDwpPPXZtZFEEd79m2m-2fY.jpg | Awakened beings with super powers exhibit THIRD EYE POWERS
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File:20170621_Photo_226_1UQ0uCM6aeCFJM1iOmVlwFBi2ZVQ9p1wq.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_227_1Cbnr_pLEEQZOUUfByGh-uW7abyw5TAd-.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_228_14tnNqPIctwFNztR_0vIdlYY9h9AeCk4g.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_229_18J9Ps76LVSfdtTXOPQQ2ecmZNVtzvfRP.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_230_1LXIMfoKqFiHFut5WhZkXjSH4UNrgFQCN.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_231_1daUgBo5w84wLFhlhmBUdHpRECgjBij-5.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_232_1_g_csgP4DcFj-DJiK2CESI1Z40m2FsxT.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_233_19erb2a8Bw-ui4MBQu1oHapFRj7yD7DUC.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_234_1cwajDBqEPBtPHqLIVCwqF__dvDN62GFx.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_235_1q89LlO-rcDijrKqDa42zCcST2FlvsS8u.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_236_19F08Eg3CAvvjHCcnV3KdvoIZfAbjkAHj.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_237_1zeML_W_WhoACP37ri78NVYlmegAkO7ki.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_238_12TP8VMGvKs3ZiqVNLJquvRd8mqtqjAFj.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_239_1vX_vkooPD8IdhxI3OTxfO0r__g6DIqUL.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_240_1xZI0QBXwG-_N7rxMJGcuXRLbAmGBrSp2.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
File:20170621_Photo_241_1yOqtHatqntaxAQSKiq9pmueGOfS6jEMz.jpg | Shakti Avishakarana - Third eye Blind fold reading by Gurukul Balasanths
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File:20170621_Photo_243_1tmpbxyHwFz8wOgFJkKl4xDnji_AtwWDA.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_244_16FtgGTuSV8-Q8GJUs5KM7O8XC7s2reyZ.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_245_1R1pzB6b-gqPJ_74UT-JyB_1iOJHJFe8s.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_246_1QdKXBVkp8xgLdJO6gDuMTRFDlkdmdRfq.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_247_1yGQTUAbZ4E-3ScZgJmGZIx8v5oSWm0dG.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_248_17mtaHFgNPbzNg9M4Pn3JmwU-Vvjp-OAH.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_249_1f6PXDWwjgwK5Dy3krfkU4hwnx8ZrDzu9.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_250_1NLzbk414rtnzO4iXr1HKsMYpz5V1n6g-.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_251_1WLI780PmbDxO674Gi8pCWzpzR31f3ERE.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_252_14S-_VK1Q4Jzqu4UTo_IXjGi3G_JrI8IA.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_253_1_gsHyqp1a6LeNt3wXF-xsALcSpNAnz3R.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_254_1YxP4MVAljUDxfgc6n8NKRcC9mRneWQRZ.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_255_1VSKZDruFXPVBB2ZkRx3hPeVQXMYyPuUs.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_256_1t7gu3LcI_HF1S-6oKtsu3mnyZZ6k8RhS.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_257_19l7OHFGl_SOdzpsk7vjET0OD57CvHnxe.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_258_1MO_R5_DSQ-zqzmu694pdOx47rFGVxHjg.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_259_1DNe0oW-CFVWxkVNW7aJR1u_u0QLT_g1r.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_260_1XL846bPL0j4ZjhnNJrHHr06r76DxQNMS.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_261_1dSXV2q1EbMg9srBDA2ZqQtletcN5pHrf.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_262_15ludq92v31u_-Q3WU9zUUSowSZU15TNS.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_263_10zYpWx30W01DZao7m28ElHZLi9o5a5wo.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_264_1ak1mOxXep-K61HrV_4X-AseCRh_SxPyL.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_265_1P_fCxdrUeNADuVM3UuIJ4ew1b9lw70pn.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_266_1qZ3lm4lcBTzFsjqtuGbV5UMSTyd_NqIT.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_267_1pFOr0e28fPPyr_ccgnd_hmf0RJUG_5N4.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_268_1TBMWv2QiUQ412saiuNParUGmu47ZhFk8.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_269_19NUiexfBSJPWVLqbRwmOdUn5eJa_JbYU.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_270_1Obz0Zgr7SelnF01-qRpbTBurw72hdn7P.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_271_14pQVlwkkTnmRMrM3xTP5ilp4CTwbMXxT.jpg | BLIND FOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
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File:20170621_Photo_274_1bZHQuJetP4iuMemAWa6u5fWehaRTsVzi.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_275_1cWoPhXgDAub7uS7Gy3K2IlUnC2rBe8fc.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_278_1EBml4cEdkVXjQBGs9vlkQYLdeINTEzju.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_279_13E2jD0iqnYu5KLvXty15oOI6-gvhc5sj.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_280_16j7MdOBfqKRfwnvNhd9sbwtchAbu3Pzg.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_281_1FDe959r8iIpHygvvjYwcHqoNoDDjQUbG.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_282_1SNdtjjgo2EzUIWMlTCoKvazxvHnw5vNS.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_283_1W5xX9_HoK301q2zcCgAoUYHvdem9w4c_.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_284_1Nm5zdui2GLAHhDcZxuYslefVDk6QQHCq.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_286_1D2ZOaoroLdZcjfXramAuMQvb1oIa91td.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_287_1JFqQm2g7_pdbFKHibztPqgyQhc_w90Es.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_289_19W6qkz86MX__88EQCaSTZAdadB38BCoX.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_291_1JeOXzypoBi9Lw3Nu1rEdSrgCx0kXEMnc.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_294_1j-iSg4YntJRUdBpUl28bv5AP8dkEOrZY.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_295_1mVtLHpK9ith0SDHUUJ297RaH36ijkmCq.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_296_1wZ_6GG_sNGQpueervrEEfPGWKd2TCfqB.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_297_1ope02bf1KAwvPFUZA2dCEa0wAEVqQjDd.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_299_1G-HmZXaCeUemy4eBAAKpy3d2dVcmbSZW.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_300_1nlm8dMupHHtfNLFJpIf5ty9NkMjmcoqB.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_301_1YVa0HRBuEcRQCIUzGq6AB08eHJpanrhV.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_302_1csaRcpt93_IMu8MlXlV1QkUxlb42OdaG.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_303_1zAU2jI6Q83z9wb9JFXbPufkG0uLmUfP8.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_304_1ILV4Lf1UPShFWMY9owJEiSaqtPZK1b_7.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_305_1lNANBRh_72FnFIP74g684_l_a2o0EHdi.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_306_1zPCb--VIoO7XsXX5Vvenn_ju8CKHTDpQ.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_307_1fhK_6PcKwsf4GW7dOfXrx4O_xAj2m7Ls.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_308_1UZhs_IbZ-iXppdkY476iO_V6NjqONfSF.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_309_1uKbYZl2lgjhMnka8UvyZejId--_8fcLT.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_310_1jNI0jjWMBpDlVlyx1HdcHNXh_NNIeYEC.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_311_14aD64OpOz--zO4enwPYH_Ame-OnFQAxF.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_312_1YSoe4Rvh-_L0PIEB5hNiOGRze8CVS85z.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_313_17f9dXIRC3sL3O_ekuOmOojExXggilHhx.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_314_1a18BNefp1VAGr0IWZqZ-jIxpTZIABMoR.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_315_1Rk6N_odMsvyX2V0O_Lxo4JcaOsq0t52x.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_316_1Ytyhv8l4_1hcrdlfPwOfGmb5S92XZZaW.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA PROGRAM celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_318_1OfKhlsVL0T2vqPUzYqJT17s3hXEHLpC5.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_319_1zHhLSQPftD0WNhSAj1dQ7Vmew36YQcoi.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_320_1enlOgi4GNDTNRPO-BgsG7-QqAA-YUUQX.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_321_1-4SWBuWuMaG1fBDZG8I_HalgM6HaIHvY.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_322_1cQ9iVR-l5qGZ1s77Te5sZGUzWAOGn8PQ.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_323_1zgNYmPP2eh6rXvcIDp7aSmVwVpqpJBwZ.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_324_1PwdD1g917tW2bx5dEa0G9zmU-OBdtofA.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_325_1zXXhuQNDGmtH3fxPBGvnSkZ0zmkjiOcy.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_326_1BNDHwhSqIdeMPNYrPJYV8qP3Yel0-YpY.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_327_1JIgo-_39rUNA7-Nbd_87X7zVYOHYtDWx.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_328_1RIYVfjHfStfGsrAMAp9UWA7PjDfsXRlc.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_329_1iyzfXax7Prvr-tnwuss2reKUVKrlTxZN.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_330_1Q81Ll8DY0hsYC6kkDurFvGALq5TeoH9T.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_331_10eF4cYAgWDFy0fPhL9Zz9rqN-Qj6xj5l.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_332_1pM4lJN5u4w8jq4uzeM9B8SRQxFcUw4gd.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_333_1h_7Ap39tlg-HS0a18TlRvVtLi-MQb6QL.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_334_1Lmol02bOWJ0_Zf1-m304g4QBoK5M0DLX.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_335_14CCdYa9EPJn7kWm_uB6JjLu69XFgEn8U.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_336_1i0i8Lk64l5lo_GwGz-PvG8evONRgMh8n.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
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File:20170621_Photo_338_1h9RsHbHPdAULdEHTJcEuqN1c4vS5uHI1.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_339_1TAT9cASMO9MpaBULc5xDFVK8pB9s-7ey.jpg | Initiated disciples of HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Manifesting Powers Demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_340_1wjzvpIkjbt0xqguZS8MghQg_fhK1XMt6.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_341_1LoII1PTepxlgSxoMCi0eFpkXn2Rrh8E8.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_343_133ThE7jImDsTKy2bZI-kK1__JwLx1Mtb.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_352_1tjCx5QZ5aQlCyJq3t-pi9oOEtTRog7Aa.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_354_1xm14rwZ3D8A2yVCTUCzcJrxsFC50bxQo.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_355_1Qeq4byFh8dOrrrdWFGsOgKsc_wO7OVUz.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_357_1UejpUSQyu6EhwZF1w5Xx48q5tjz6_Etz.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_360_1IT3fYojYx6XuOKfhdxmL_LcQt4fGN1j2.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_364_1tPb3X5-KXokLHWfQ6vdtu3wsDepI40kx.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_366_1X5I4bSyjoZOjbu588HS7m2b1XsLj_br1.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_367_17QNBoiaLmd4unrlqukjarbcu5-xkQ78j.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
File:20170621_Photo_369_1-Zse--h122HChu7bzwNaoW12Q1V614z8.jpg | SHARING OF POWER MANIFESTATION WITH DELEGATES
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File:20170621_Photo_376_1KHK-DnTN-YOdb4UhD3_BF5b62wmt0VcT.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_377_1QglDZo3-AKcb5KlJwhuukQp6HnzGIuGO.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_378_13X99LgC2qhw3evqWqHCeZh7NRcGjh1Lp.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_379_1jME1K3PQ2aFhPkfDKZtjis5qtgcZtsA3.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_380_187CDa1XNT4POj7OimchmfsGgnnIim6Y5.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_381_1eHjKk_8GguHByCIx3I_TuuQH9iU05BJ0.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_382_1KQiVXjSiPlNkhUuCm7wA4sTdg30feu3M.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_383_1DHfgaXVvXEQIi5iS7p9FI7OnhiIzg54Z.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_384_13RzjC-qeEdM-7gu7aUQ5ZHuxNgJ3ZnNe.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_385_1jim4fcgdbg-SuMw9d09F6O15yR8tNL8K.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_386_1cTMGaZS98MOngbak7wHpZUGuLmfXes_i.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_387_1hNTt38Shyc9hP1GDU1XLaGnnUSeHI7OY.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_388_1QI-G22bbhBv2m88YKJiZ9PU7iMiVTIXC.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_389_147OnGvIkvdEIP1Dc0OWd7hIRWcUpSFCA.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_390_1DUIhZ5RoavHiHf_hJKvW68HKgf4c0MFo.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_391_1U3Sr4ELY1Ob_MJkMEV5iIYoSVI2IU0Zv.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_392_1cCKJJ8IkAgWS2enR9LQu_hgIhl9f0Jwd.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_393_1DxZGKRkAdeRvu1RfJGVn0ZTeEpGAAaTV.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_394_1zPBbXe0OJJpT5NBjbLe0FVZRKxYnQnbn.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_395_1-QOqAYlEk2LZNJPvGpjd2O2F-UmDXlQT.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_396_1F2CGXnfA7rw4ySq1zvi4YvA1FR7q8yHg.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_397_1K5hY8kR766iHfuT74wUuDHugwi6z3wfO.jpg | Extraordinary Shaktis - Witness the demonstration of superhuman powers of Paramashiva
File:20170621_Photo_398_1xb_AoZWNcDaPSk0ZEEEcfRUkK3tEIQB5.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_399_1DgIYOp5KGM761Q9A4LW2PXUFVIMyMlxA.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_400_1gARXzuNYaWvafku3srgv9OdySqiRhtOG.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_401_1yuHKo8Pg1rsfl6vTy4uvOGGNjNQQScY_.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_402_12Jfl2iVpshZ-Krm2IaxsfR3V0nim1JBt.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_403_1HB-mLm5TW7mRH5VCnhWIbRP5JXxHW3ou.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_404_1M2FdKltlMzJ8iHgje8MgnuVq29jBkOLZ.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_405_1rpSfL31FiiMqpKc3SXMVsJTRq3wmRut8.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_406_1o0mvDu_LYISx3q7U4IaB9N8j1Def-Yv9.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_407_1JClElzENhYNT6k60mUQPIsmzyGbmNIBC.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_408_1O3yWZfiihW21qEzWsRxzxcXXKQGct0WB.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_409_1UPcpfvQyMJC1jTQgh11qP8I5Vm0ZuuOK.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_410_1FoXCd9-r6qfA_w3-XBBEX5wFZGDQFajb.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_411_1JL-wt2TbCGog1o2TpBeIEQrOEGD6db3N.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_412_1B8JD5nqkK2OYeQYtO8LOIJyJgrBfBwgV.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_413_13tYjnOwJMVI4ToDF3XQeXEUGR5xtmb6f.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_414_1qwn-FUulN6QcSAyGOsOp1hdLKNCUuXRA.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_415_1M86Xn4BARLFAn3HsTgRMf8tFe4sx4Wd1.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_416_1XfN4uY0Z3GWCMv3ognMfHuz4BBYOpQLQ.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_417_1HXCgJfZYBTdvq6AhQclt7KveCbmPfB90.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_418_1zadhQ-xDZ9r1tcruqv3bNprxYEPyZL0h.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_419_1QPBA3dE-eUQVDSI18v2WGNxPx_-KL2Uq.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_420_1XAEFX-eIzY8zT0Gz6TymuzUHpwjUJfjR.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_421_1dDBc2rOraHncPX8swMI0WUH9bX0JG_Fc.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_422_1d--h-uoTJx0gpGIr0wN9GgJwJqfVfXco.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_423_1cDlTUvmzvrO3X84qpWc9O0pSmnfDMgIe.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_424_1QAckJ5zjpJYfSkUg6v5rAXImnPv9t9B2.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
File:20170621_Photo_425_1jQwi69r87AjfFJP76eIgVJZlD6kN2w5e.jpg | Demonstrating blindfolded reading, a power manifestation of the third eye
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File:20170621_Photo_427_1F0VgOF56y2hgw8b6Vua33YSSYyg6n-Mj.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_428_1X8UxKXvjosvu0XuKvZuIj_-IOkv9K8o4.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_429_1FW7AdWjY2a29SLwBq2moE1r9CHDktsK3.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_430_1f8bjAOJWrr0JIeEmpRNmlMf5UNAZZnjO.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_431_18MNe-ahUQfmqn1S_ZvhL9yB1AtCJfQWX.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_432_1pgf5v1HTKcEX76xYdDfF2TOa0jGxVoEc.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_433_1hNCYh0zfCcMmq1Nc8LQDxT_exiyakA4D.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_434_18zxx3Kl5qhfCawcg8z3pvtvduSDPyKOc.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_435_1VaI-o-tr-T0EhnAORkRyoi4-tpnf14_G.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_436_1a2nEi-tNRFUr0Jgfu-SoDVz0jWUk8h-7.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_437_1tnzHdqD6EfAEhwsJxXBhf3P7jbF6fg7i.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_438_17rSa6Fsa_cLxIau5gWhNrRsr-ABq3X8E.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_439_1W-J2d0d3CHxHAwvcyzIVa6fYzNJXTyKC.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_440_140DYCk16Wz1EvLJTlnj2dUoXYoFrvA_q.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_441_1Hsi0ZfRgzbrV00cxtMRoEHFhwbocLmkd.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_442_1FvWgxf0B1g9px7WsI-bSlhLWdbsp5bkk.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_443_1FORbUtXhg1lWfDkAFLYJttjmgTyx1knb.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_444_1jM-4MyhtzA6o_AbAuR1NbKFmYxVaoboP.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_445_1JND8y4-RpxZCHkzh-6ec_i3Fsfq2DQds.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_446_1Iy7ImoUGpAyIFeLfLJVtHRIyTN7jKXtu.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_447_1toQSNi8ZEf9voGZc_-SaKZ1Dc8ixOPkE.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_448_1snlq7hQgsOu3fwcb6yNGDr_PBkMjNaGf.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_449_15djTBW-AvdfydLob8O6NbsS_FJRyN8XF.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_450_1U3I0nyZ5vUELpZthc9VF-eimlyqrHqy8.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_451_1CJDo7GO1AjNc7QOt90ghNIbSr944_clu.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_452_1_aW_2LKbZTZFwe8aHL4D_kXx0mTvyu-y.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_453_1MkrvTIob_yUfW-v-bkj3ajoiFSSWzh3R.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_454_1PE9s7m9dbSsojCyp5uRJQz7c1JZCni2u.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_455_1soIVtmT5-qIln2mqaIUfZmpHVYlCgLWB.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_456_1nsZBWwqppUBbaEcPo1BESztjyR6Ylbhu.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_457_1RqF8LblcFJ_z822G0ocZSWusCPncbeTc.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_458_1rtfp2oLzSO-CaEpJqH1-3FkzRWlqX0Ai.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_459_1YOYUoUlwW94vZoMjuu3QOsxlUo9A9N9l.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_460_1FYPy-CfbkuMNzd4tMuZgmXqHAg410e0a.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_461_1IEI5_TP6ZH9kJjOitfLTokFa1VlTEb91.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_462_1v-0qLJdIdn0dGo7RJ8Zb4mffKiqR8rmE.jpg | Gurukul Balasanths, Ma Mahayoga and Adheenavasis in a demonstration of their yogic powers
File:20170621_Photo_463_1uulUyz_nlXWwWeGeuAdyOj_5PlgVZ8kr.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_464_1nJU0UlFk7s06QzkZiFCMoRhoNna7Zo2t.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_465_1xoWXXOc-m5M0ggGgG-BGKuyCWmOim-sS.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_466_1VBsCC-D-LOLykmQ09SQMyBOqghGGchKA.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_467_17gRkR8Hdt9AzPBXvT_97hFvy2RyoZSJR.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_468_1p_etu6VjqLRXoFBYlxxhnKkp0Ht9JaW1.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_469_1w6csPtw3rzqu0yaA0cKnKCjXIiMRYJ8J.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_470_1CUYOW0GbESyTof1VnKnxbIjjUmUJ5YMD.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_471_1XModOYaH_XmX_9tGGYE1S-hZ1qbTv_0H.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_472_10sEt9HUhD89XbTWbuptivyuhBbPMHIlG.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_473_17HIrr_81RwybO6ljlaeHifECPXTs7Egl.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_474_1n9HMq_Sh6n86EkWVsTA5esKuwkQnI1aM.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_475_1NdKoPRAmwBZ9r7LkLho0bQV-CLSlFCCX.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_476_15zxpDw_Vs9OnqJ0T6OoM0OhQ0J8U-DFu.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_477_1pvHFKRnkXrALDN4fmtUgZG9CXjtSxNb3.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_478_1PRVf_3ygvwA5pBmZ5wXgThtnpN0SseXd.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_479_1OzzHlcpx8yJ3qH9WGlfgsttY3BSsDMDv.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_480_1S1X8o1G8xCidrW6JGr2lCYbbgTY1hAJN.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
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File:20170621_Photo_482_1fChveRM7Q9GoqvopuccL8cxWO8cXqsMQ.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_483_1t9Xk9A_5jy0Ai5XRL_ZgXeCDzz7DIbXg.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_484_1RNmDZYaaEhpwMnRFct-aaITDou9ZcTmR.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_485_1lSB--R3p0gcX93AngdO59dKFV0Okxh5u.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_486_1c_RWcJpeaxEEav5xQCwg05dnTSLZ-V7S.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_487_1SXP8mSZS5h2TpOonDBgHsM-Ha3jNQUNT.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_488_1kGwwrImOsybqPeXuoPjFijOE8Wt2wNLV.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_489_1HZU1826bJwZGvZdtlMN5OeInFBtn9aNs.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_490_1VdrMdiyk6Rw5TKEvEWtPKmL2o2Hf6nf7.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_491_1kKm5Dad0PiM7m8Pi3jUSytHp9a2_atyl.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_492_1AO6d9h8eIqGXMeXYzdZezlzrDkPWkncb.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_493_1jTd2jzXjl_uqdSdC9hQ2GJqGHfrM-TCX.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_494_1MpEA5Id8-dMcimkPz5qxwUPo-ULE0TS1.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_495_1UzjRKTS-jetBhvwY-J97tXO6UEjaFOxG.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_496_1u0cynyzAtpG_2K65-KAyFvvXnwneCWDD.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_497_1AhSMiUFISFF4GheZjxcF9p6STJjQcfSX.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_498_1-FSb1PAYD6CVIaAw64CL2Uzas11MNBRB.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_499_1PlODE-90Tl0HX3I6sTLHumNN0B_QuEmb.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_500_1EnJ3z7mp9qNMVHAGO5sR-vAV4rL8BtwA.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_501_1acJ9Q8s8z6wLw5xXVy0BrUSWhqPLbdRI.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_502_1tyBxB81LL2u6KQs9q75WMGP5Mhqvu7FL.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_503_1rJX3R_VzW7-zOQxuatvtWXvNSxBGRLMo.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
File:20170621_Photo_504_1fPNXIHxohaI32SIBdGqrJr3DH-el88uf.jpg | BLINDFOLD POWER DEMONSTRATION enjoyed by all
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File:20170621_Photo_506_1n_UkQ84uCInzse4bUf3yqmZagwlMQ-Sp.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_507_1PLu7kyl35k7jVv83XG4Hq9T5cPb6VILF.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_508_1ojmnRLuCgIHABL4q_AYqyfoYk_zaJHU0.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_509_1BtNvRS9eEa-kgg_qdJzfxbTtocG05DtX.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_510_1rfl6TjxcxuH1vstr1KoEyyIvUjQK3NzR.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
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File:20170621_Photo_512_1DALL7CbsyU2vLDY3e0lTmyShGFwHW2r8.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_513_1NbhAp1NHDnbtEvdur0--1hNo1urKCjSv.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_514_160dDhA1-ZsChR0sNVcOrjU96XI7x5dMo.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_515_1ZcqBBkdoxU59AN9EwiWJln_YHp2MnFJm.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_516_1HJsUpH6-4eb9kgvkTwkJrg52IkEaBFTi.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_517_1Ka4pTjUUDhBmAX-0-vZjQ4Blf_NE7GGF.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_518_1xkt2lM9CCCwsBpfnBhFAX0MceTGBHmBU.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_519_1dqZw5sxM34DYXPWCp005pc4bS8AwcFE7.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
File:20170621_Photo_520_15RUmg-XR_b_wnHcJEqvg1-GGsRYqLx4h.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God.
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File:20170621_Photo_522_1qJffBmVYuUC4210yMhJi6EfaWIS4saI0.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_523_1XoWVSnWcZDQYvPXjqph56WPIXuP-Co1z.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_524_1ZYL-3t9aINUspTK1XEJ7rAQiZseVo9wP.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_525_19_76HhSMkgOCx8Vb_1lEmByYvlohChBQ.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_526_1C82PCncDgh7Kc2hcsFZUY35TVEtmXCty.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_527_175XgLLU1H_UJH6djT9MAG-WvPepWIGgr.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_528_14kpXny2P-BpSpE-M-J6-q6WK9-atX9-H.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
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File:20170621_Photo_530_195TA1D4eojCuN8w0DmswdyZmSOMCOtG1.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
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File:20170621_Photo_532_1jYiTdmviw_xhELtulW1YQ3DLTZO2auwc.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_533_1ZXsmBD3b_fUJGvGWm60wo1X3-hIAnMh2.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_534_1GaG4-RBN9d98c-NQ_LRRn2Yate1pqRz2.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_535_1bwpa0H2J5XBJTE909id31AOY_P3dWslt.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_536_1nKmvDE3lYR2a5A05tPSkLFo19rxMXm4K.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_537_10jcwg6Ezr45SCLE-bC5FaKbruYEmWNzv.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_538_1gl0eFoR1d2FLpQz9Q765s5pi9wvwjN8E.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_539_1FAqXh-IcX_tr_YewMgx4ab__mTs5G9Ov.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_540_1A8XQQkcaCgV-aLK8uZymywjyfYqXoezW.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_541_1MyYK4jLJQT3Bk7bL8xxi7M4zRljA-EIF.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
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File:20170621_Photo_543_1vGeRbhqo_08qd6DRbfA3OmJ5GuBpwfOQ.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_544_1_lLkxFRxZpSrK4a2ns7cRKUzfA0GJHGt.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_545_1hO5oARH9EXFU520roprm8Fw5631ZoJFV.jpg | REMOTE VISION demonstration
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File:20170621_Photo_547_14jis6xJy5QT6JX-ioseuqt_0PDPEG673.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
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File:20170621_Photo_549_1es8y88YRy4MmFyeywW0ANknHvOoAZmqy.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_550_1wEGXcYIaJ4nOQhDHdM345QjreZl5vTcW.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_551_1Nqqb0gVc8Od6uBUbbXxhZkPX-3ZEfQwL.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_552_1hZspPdRhU1_whUqem30eFBcZ_AWnu-hb.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_553_1EIqmrSeXDfT-6d0vt3xhHm0C2OQGLvUM.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_554_1g04V0DPQgbSG62mjB9AwWjfxhIp0TJAD.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_555_1uqy3bE2jBrMZJhtl7vU9wL0G1I8uFHEB.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_556_1vxoJPyRBbyWUsamTkl6ngz3_dgZcrzzy.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_557_1V9LAFipLybDGK-M7srU48DA7jrtY0-hx.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_558_17QUMCvg0-MXtYmqi7kthB5D5yGHSsxSf.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_559_11XcsTabHk1cne1eg1Ji9KuN-AzhzGF8K.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_560_1_2n9hwQFk0wgVyd10neDotwrFUwuVJQl.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_561_1DNH8a9sCN37aiKbNKLfgzUSJ3fR_QOgW.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_562_1joW5TSnSCkUSFfhm3lommKvye0-dITe_.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_563_1oIgeXuyVRZvZwBGfk9veFdEY3fMgE_9w.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_564_1wVrG4SbwOub4l5PWVt7czxxvP9ftS9AR.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_565_1vZb8FPQSfGF7ShdKy30zxMbiZs7bdErF.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_566_1gkapwN8yA0v3UMXQv9uf8Zkiz6dXItSi.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
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File:20170621_Photo_568_1KljeHKk7HJgc67Z-_MeQ_KAYMvUW_aor.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_569_18Y-mnaG-PI4K5GorM2SjG94iNARa9wDY.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_570_1dk9jBQ4WJCe-mDKQqeK-ER__ngPprBCq.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_571_1x7upI085vPaEUwSm5pFqr3UCzaSGNRw5.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_572_1TrWx47vhLlLcK0gRp3u63SEB3cCiYYiE.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_573_16w4_prRQiLt1NnXifwbsdu1qecV8_BGF.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_574_1OQ8KkNCKhj2jvLEwKLaRIYkfKVMpEHCS.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_575_1irOgnrbIOFepKoioy9jFj13RyCCfZPaw.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
File:20170621_Photo_576_1VGg1SArO2JGWfBnvzE4gih9Dy0nyqYfI.jpg | THIRD EYE AWAKENING blindfold reading
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File:20170621_Photo_584_1Mmkd4s3LN9nBVGmuuTtrzXR6QrQo-Eba.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_588_1Ht0bIAK3yBxnRhyXuU1B26BAeY4C0_Tq.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_601_1B-Dn52F-PDuWyyYqN6rSftqcLtB-Zuaq.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_603_1o0PXugRafM1aGG_sbQ5OiTu41UmHGo37.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_604_13qFS1YpjSIuN9gm6WK7nCyi7vjMcC-oB.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_605_1z8fIcbCFRtQO8tb4KtpIvq0TuIvJzVTF.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_607_1REJFciPb-8zJcvLshXTdlDSVniWw42DZ.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_608_1nRFYNorNpU8jwfaZ_lF7KDuoQciG-q--.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_609_1VqVRzutKYIZ0k7HD6WHvdI8JYWKfEK0l.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_613_1Y7SnpukB6_a-tMieshgyXgoqRZOvqDRp.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_615_1fBw-vJseEd343pKAKw1iI3zHfwgxoLkW.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_616_1fAS0FHaJ2bxSBz644w2JFEblCGHqsASw.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_617_1ZU371d6gatQRAUtevawbgNR5aF9ZH_M5.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_618_1ssQHW0hiNNHUz7bD4NbHZJtbaJvtsXAt.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_619_1YbbNlC4fXuIoMqqvxzWgBfD6ic1TSb-V.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_620_1T5EBoh36u_eWijBi1-kxBc2RskTqG6JT.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_621_1ekTFzN4Rs4R-IhL0Bq9w0cJUSwaNUlUr.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_622_1D68AZzVpzURGyT-OIZEZ81gnzo52z-uX.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_623_1joUecp9KdHCyg4Mfgnf3ZOriJZ94KSDa.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_624_1S_tRNtTMlEN6JsKnUcs2ukg8Fz8Zfyet.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_625_1HONNW9fZsW0RXc-fPwIYFEN5-NRrHPi7.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_626_1lSNrtTJIX3_PeGKhgNCP35u--vYj7l8h.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_627_1pcBKDRshhUz9s6UT31psSka6tx_q0Xx8.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_628_1QwvQDUI1tHKLm6HHzM7ueEdM-2Ipi8jX.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_629_1iXygoGmPq3d53-IgljLdA2FUTdgq9B02.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_630_11YoI6MCzIopJatkSiCI_G4JAZDG2kMv1.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_631_1SFdofX0ok9LmuLmf59ptTsbB_9_lkA_E.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_632_1IFvWqfoYDy1woaf30R-dM-CNTZnhiTbd.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_633_1IaJAQe4o_556OTO6__We10ab3GgZZV9X.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_634_1J5Tznc2D5fvghHre6QskWmX2A8GahS8G.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_635_1c-8PzikPsRy8K5SitwBhwTDZCqkhNxbB.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_636_1uCAWlOyZhyGWwRTnkapSCLx_cJztaDYE.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_637_1ZS_rnKIMAxu5a7-Z0jptaEI_Gxf6-ZTN.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
File:20170621_Photo_638_1eZW75tXcHpl9lCbFMMqNLsFFM0ixZjyy.jpg | Extraordinary Power demonstration
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File:20170621_Photo_640_1hUvkYzxYGhdHW0qjnpXuTaa38-ulPgBm.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_641_1nB3Wy2gXB___w9zgnx0ME8BnklzXT06N.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_642_1sLCOS6gvDIub29k1E7rUyCGamvUq-C6h.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_643_1Q4tsrbdTgqUNlVqNPghyBrj1efr12i8h.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_645_1cUjL1NARcXBmFkU_SxHmH74OxsTMp-vd.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_646_1hps0sMa0epvZoAopSC3lbGEf_AejW7CB.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_647_14Je3m5xFMSK-jdN-x9ZVR5FjajURtSzS.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_648_1yjBqwhrilZtOOcRwWkwQhYlwYVRh6ki3.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_649_18Igp5xZLipeAFlCY-stclm7EQMVoJ1Qp.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_651_1iVjb33Ql4DCuE6cpu6-JMEHoFu1ILeT6.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_652_1QQmIw-AzEubt_U3gad9DsDJbboIqV4Y5.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_653_1JTeq1dIyZziQbdMdIqIr762Wf8qDd--D.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_654_15HsWj4vm8VGulawjkufhUaaqDLYKUCzG.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
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File:20170621_Photo_656_1CoTTPB1dAQKgzXlqU56KlK8QZz8FlUsl.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_657_1aEI9SLHMPM0s51bLTI550WQgpYzAgSD4.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_658_1k-RhHmPtyjfyBbrQJOQPAAnQSKykJnGB.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_659_1Log8TA23dJFnUrYT7Va4M9qIMheQ2u2D.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_660_14Md8DOPHQ-JcaOhTA2NGSw_YUcGsfNBl.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_661_1LMD2OVcbpRrrBU-Kb_zXxvFU2nDzsl_s.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_662_1mVmTyT8ro7qQBEx6Nf5auNmm6x4F59_o.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_663_1SQRuCUzm2LHnF6jp1qTLTZb0qY031YUB.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_664_1RN8O8VsGJ0WzhUHL3OWwENgcAicaLCPp.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_665_1qq5RmUzb87RXr0C_V-h2MbIjI_UKfCf-.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_666_1cCuOCmf8L2xVOofVI8ONFroADceAVic1.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_667_1tb4viEGHfjlqd_nCb6-GVvdqW5fG8ajP.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_668_1BkU0nH1fpSVie25syixHl6fg9ugMEHsa.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_669_1STVj6E1UM7FFgM0uuRu-gu9V5ZIvMdUc.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_670_1VG8HIVQfGHqKugUi6R8O8-ZMo91VMlJ5.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_671_1J58h1IFqpFGH5xTDBRBD1kZaBFGc_4PS.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_672_1g-sWnTQ5iGIE2ItaZna2NRtk391CrJo1.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_673_1h-uQB0d4vTHLFEipKipimJ7259IOTOAr.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_674_142rmrx6djwXU4pyLnnOBiuH1dDogdQhT.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_675_1Ctt_LBKFQWibZZ0orTAMoJzyO-h69L-k.jpg | Third eye manifests when we perform with sincerity without constantly thinking about the result
File:20170621_Photo_676_1tKVMbiysPdAhR0hJLPo7npR7Lxx5D6_N.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_677_1papL_w3I9sLfl2yYEsKFbX4HLfZAnQam.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_678_1jG7Ydr_ll8T1EQEP4ycND1SbhwI2d5Rp.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_679_1Dfn_qbmAVzZgIfF42VebIfy2l9wXRE_t.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_680_1QrHnfrX7vbegjHE7MDUc3j_G4rEI7lIB.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_681_1_FCh-X5S29KViVU5lufyvVOPHT9W_SB5.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_682_1IxPHR1HaiacgGAwU1lVICv6JqvgREv9S.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_683_1UrRpg6LW4CSiupy2kL97AV3pXUNo7VOX.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_684_1IhYUy-w-5SPpdCLjFUirq8oUn6SCU5_W.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_685_1Hh-0nOjs670Fi4nx2PfvCNGUcuz_VbbK.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_686_1HyVbR76AVcup8aPbtvPLhpKMc8s7JJ_H.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_687_1NSFG0Hf8uMPoSMCCGSJMAH6VRNBoVWfA.jpg | Third eye awakening makes you immediately experience God
File:20170621_Photo_688_16LzD-hRe25ihjfvNwMSBoV7LWHzcp4ES.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_689_1vWGGhAV_k6e206CasnVPUn4n6di2Ifwi.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_690_15IzktAbR-7m99R3vQX_WhYEjS07Ax1q4.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_691_1Nyaie40eB9KysDGMUpHqNo_AjNnbtaye.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_692_126RTPzRHelNyc0RTMW3dVp2DbWksAjmk.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_693_1NSYVUMykMK5QI1gv8E1OEYnPyKUqJaaG.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_694_173LjMIj91DpTMXKkqJmMWm2clyI-6OpV.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_695_1-F-XSt57kqd1aNmyMuPy_4AHN8kbEYoU.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_696_1ucLloBwly4Vv_pQ5zkzz2Vr4A7YW_bly.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_697_1RNXzfJMl6LUQiHxx0_L_ttaMQFkHq3-b.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_698_1IUdcN2IWkrauKIRZQ8WfIaoKO5SaVBjq.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_699_1V83ddWyXzHLAy2cIOCr2Z6Q_9iNEdwG0.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_700_1_PUuYGFYRWA-7c1K_tY0UhJrXukJR3tO.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_701_1ocktnu_EOXfx056_klmiKbDZfmAQAqhN.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_702_1aQCKPA5Ml3BWfzKNQcQpeIRab0hGcrwg.jpg | Delegates of SADASHIVATVA YOGA CONVENTION celebrating International Yoga Day at Adi Kailaasa
File:20170621_Photo_703_15zk3glLNOOCtLyxFrAqwVG6QbsWewCJT.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_704_1RUtGsAK-qnFob5vo3oAjRNm4bbPQd0vP.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_705_1AdLB3HcWPi-2sDigD9IDeiAxyu4Gc6WS.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_706_1e-_202MGLUhdYqMdN0jTWmpn3nkW_m3t.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_707_1Oc39kCIEvGviOowwHvQm5HjFtiKrb71p.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_708_1dk43C87T-LeXMaM46EnsDlHfUC94EXaC.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_709_1-vuhhB6HC2PtzNLo9WY4Ss9oAX5PHrDk.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_710_1TvQI6zSlTbFgPWHJVnKDbkS4IgJCkmuL.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_711_1badxitSy3POYft_BmA1s5ocWUWPf1mxZ.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_712_16xXxqw1YdJTCEtCFlhFcv7lFb7iVOF5M.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_713_1DNMaSftNIFNx_qef1xuIMKkxr5HD6F3W.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_714_14gjvXWz1A4i5Lz0GeIhr_QeIO_wV3gtZ.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_715_1rDy9VPJzsvkm5kkO4ml33x6CyvDjUt3Y.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_716_1d68bR2NfZZ2_ZEj3QwkJ-g2gc13Nk3bt.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
File:20170621_Photo_717_1_YmkCGnmmj6eZpdmYRI9bHlhaEX2pKYi.jpg | INFUSION of this energy darshan results in QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
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File:20170621_Photo_719_1Z7ou50hidS235hMdZxvtMz52DUGdsE5y.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_720_1QO6r_p9-KXTsYRgLc80_wEzql6ZqAKeg.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_721_1dUai5BCqFmkUqKeAACC5iFA6GLGPvZCL.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_722_1GsJY9ctaMCMWW_i3LhMVm88mAlFkWjWB.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_723_1sPl5kujfpQR6qfqNceoFpxIAVq-9xHcn.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_724_1Q03qBTF1kZJQaP7l-L4h7vA6KwQh5fas.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_725_1vZ9C7im4IQTzFnFKAr5_-08YR8DUAatj.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_726_10lsnizmp-zi4IcIfPdTQ7Cq9MROelxum.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_727_11CX-RxLcHMkZvSu52HbdRzyEJm1Xz4st.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_728_1xcjQjHdtRENpC_6a60GYs9-AjwhnJmMC.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_729_1-yco4KwRh6Qk_G-N0bNuBB94_8-7SIfY.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_730_1dVJTDprEd3BkmUaAgwxfjSkrWfArbwDk.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_731_1kS6FFoLemFuDIPLYcWBV3u4oIUOWHJd4.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_732_1U0KWnthsivdDeR7LyHgYQzSWujeHyPI1.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_733_1srp-Z110vF9Gyl7c5rm9aAc1zMwuWW-x.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_734_1OZ5Y7oeiI2WMVHrSbAR_bMv48SU34LDy.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_735_15J-N67Ze_cuOha6keeOH0QFUJkovJew-.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_736_19JrQKEua0E5xDeQFOTOkFrStwecHz_YR.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_737_1lw9QS6ucOB8brAw70GS5t42vDXpazjMP.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_738_1M6S9gGduzFQJIBKp0wJeoRw5In_d9_f4.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_739_1zM6gUyxayAaxTe27KO1z0afhIj4r9NqB.jpg | AVATAR presence is LIVING healing energy FIELD
File:20170621_Photo_740_10pXPTY5S-83x3iKwYjWp3_yeTQAdnMlm.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_741_17XefNBlC78TqtfPElKHVMH59AthgeDvb.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_742_1CcMyTOBmhdaQto4KKkaZcWXYAQVrG9bX.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_743_1ME1rYSc7g5MWk-kZR88zGCPQQY1vuyea.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_744_1jXWYdSD1u1lb7hT86Oq5bCfuLaQZPm_b.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_745_1dCL5UBkx2WdtGknGJajjuYuWLXqRQdrV.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_746_1czFL7yD_s3hnISnNOyDAiTDb6J6M_UPR.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_747_1b_kpIhZDixi_cWVqDQd7P3VW373tj21f.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_748_1Pcc-L3zEiqNyTPZ7TBY4XvIIlAODLBn2.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_749_1xeaxu41j8vQyXysoFi-Ivvyn-tc0J8wL.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_750_1wQrWkcUjKJWvcLDjaplka_9DZRE9oMp8.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_751_1d90znA5dKt5pARzikW0qzwB53DpqNZx0.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_752_1hyHc-C9MOecOOH9HEANEUSePQeVf2Ay2.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_753_1ZhXO8B14wqVYrT3h_bNcgy8NLCatPUtg.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_754_1ICevSIInUQPqfuW9vMa2AbpCk7wuib_F.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_755_1I3MXYK7LAukYEEBLvp2eRjuX96h7-QKf.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_756_1JnjVSiRjonde1MJ9RilnpCBKgAIvB91r.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_757_1NM_e4cpIAeLtLawffyyORq1eAIEWVcAt.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_758_1EHf1cJG9kkw4Axf81YNx1L6zU9dffSwP.jpg | Entanglement becomes entrainment and entrainment becomes enlightenment
File:20170621_Photo_759_1KdFe-ujtIBiLFOK-sbLksDpplQi7C1Dx.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_760_1Sa6EKCW6NSciiTCfpnvLW7Mhi-9Pf9-X.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_761_1YQc5qO-oEw_7vd5FCs6JHcRSRrAj8cjZ.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_762_13jXF59rI2P355hQYgk5nQC-_XwbZUGFt.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_763_19Mm8IBU6aHdUiVY8lLBRPwApJVU6-XRH.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_764_1lrhYJjgqb7Y_wcgJ_zZkUNE5JTmLSdt0.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_765_1UrFFB-uBVZLMkX6xg9Q9NsorB1uA-dD3.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_766_10x0d2k505FWTcVekHGTP_XAEbd69kuOi.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_767_1kQ0cRJzib4uz2hr3TXLYvjMhX4hS0jbq.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_768_1_X5Lbs0tesS1VCpZugCSiO1enc5N9jR4.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_769_1bLhIRuLMtz_2SDMfxhlkinkYsUVvANLz.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_770_1y_O_5dzIzOKzmDIuIpfTj2BzFSGcwot5.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_771_1P54GOPfq2JWvTuMUQshmiXVfRQ3KNiNt.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_772_1HQdLRWC2gBvRIxcRsxaJ2eSjaZofTzZU.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_773_1oMsNOZCOiwnTZcIi4qqnqfGd3eLhvUqm.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_774_1vh_z5PEhRYF9exhJsp3NuWtU5RpJYxKG.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_775_11FRhtP_w_BlDwoII-rl3LX1SHX1SE6_W.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_776_1pEm8UWdclYP6YjxZrMxuI-tRodd6TXLe.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_777_1PdUMyw-nue04fV7SMPzOplbHnMg31yDh.jpg | YOU ARE HERE TO CELEBRATE COSMOS
File:20170621_Photo_779_1vK1DR6_vBDUCa0cnwxvRbIyE_kEaI39K.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_780_1nxMygrW8KT4IjjQ3pVRJcbGzzbDEgzHK.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_781_1zyYjIPw3rb7vf8J1jtn34dZbr1KeZlDz.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_783_19q2fnd0Y8VdoCeDAG_tE8qqDP4v_2Hjn.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_784_1bp_SR0_RKrAlzvHwl1do8ocpOSYTo10t.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_785_1emEu-0auCG7Bnuw9HjiaBYXqnhWca_YR.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_787_1YKdcqKvrfqni74caNHwzC0DRgjfTWAvJ.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_789_1vgzlfZ953LEw9vPo0EGwmGj0979Y30_I.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_790_1bStawknbzvVKOOX-ZAn3s_yTnBRvTGdT.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_791_1bw_tYdqFiqd344_pei4ibJ3JjoloiyIg.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_792_1DidNxWCmi1PR5L0sdJY4teIZWhwcNR4P.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_793_1NoADm-dNO_7HQqu3O4nD-c5ateXKCusi.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_795_1q_763BrBQFiT8mycqngLeJoLGxdBwTYQ.jpg | BHAGWAAN DARSHAN IS ABSOLUTE FULFILLING!
File:20170621_Photo_796_1TTRfu94Eh6bSneClBd8LOeGyPW-Ai4jU.jpg | INITIATION FOR POWER MANIFESTATION
File:20170621_Photo_797_1UceMaVyeH9uR-yHTiqMvu9SSaI0xLMWq.jpg | INITIATION FOR POWER MANIFESTATION
File:20170621_Photo_799_18bJazVKB5HM8Nz6uGoGRj0EnkW4bJFir.jpg | INITIATION FOR POWER MANIFESTATION
File:20170621_Photo_800_1fHvFv7dGIBrNabsrIBMH-kPfXcmoxpbA.jpg | INITIATION FOR POWER MANIFESTATION
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File:20170621_Photo_802_1KnimTKsEjNePj_8jYFZizhm7urPkXYHC.jpg | Release of Nithyananda Yoga book by HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
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File:20170621_Photo_887_1yuqoyIV1CDNjnC6swPCfAZ0vUjgvhD0x.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam conducts convention that produces beings with extraordinary powers
File:20170621_Photo_888_1_pAV_TJDg_rSxAhL-zQP-9zjp0wNqeyY.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam conducts convention that produces beings with extraordinary powers
File:20170621_Photo_889_1Ols_yWhxtJwiUcuhFzxc5hhFllMPHhTa.jpg | HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam conducts convention that produces beings with extraordinary powers
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Latest revision as of 19:27, 10 September 2021


Education means Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Universe: Adheenam Chalo Series

Video - Education means Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Universe: Adheenam Chalo Series

Your brain is the most powerful, amazing, wonderful and unutilized component of your system," declares His Holiness Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamiji in this awesome discourse from 21 June, 2017. Explaining that we use a mere 99% of our gray matter, Swamiji explains how manifesting extraordinary powers creates synapses and awakens parts of the brain never otherwise used. The particular branch of Nithyananda Yoga that explores powers and other dimensions is called Nithyananda Mahayoga, and real education, as enjoyed in Nithyananda Gurukul, explores this.

Video Audio

Transcript - Education means Exploring Multiple Dimensions of the Universe: Adheenam Chalo Series


nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adi shakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome everyone, all the Sarvajna Peeta Yajamans, Nithya Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live on 100s of Aadheenavasis channels, Youtube Live and through 2-way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Cities sitting with us a long list, so I welcome everyone of you with My love and respects.


I’ll continue to expand on this ‘Aadheenam Chalo Series’. ‘Aadheenam’, is door to Kailasa. Understand. Your brain is most powerful, amazing, wonderful and unutilized, component of your system. I’ll repeat. Your brain is amazing, most powerful, unutilized...I don’t want to say ‘under utilized’, literally it is …..the percentage you use is negligible. It’s like, if you have 100 acres and you are using 2 sq feet or 21/2 sq feet, we can’t say,”under utilized”, we only say….we have to say literally,”unutilized.” Almost other than the automatic, mechanical, survival components, nothing else is used. Using the non-mechanical parts of your brain, as almost like a rare phenomena. I tell you, I’ll be not so ferocious on this so called modern, new order of the world, if it was costing so much on your…..if it was not costing so much on your brain and its capacities.


Stupid things which does not have any long lasting impact on you or your consciousness or on the society, has been given so much importance. This whole stupidity of currency and putting your whole life and energy towards the currency. It is not even useful to the fellows who created this stupidity. You see, if the Founders are able to exploit it, I’ll call it as a conspiracy. It is neither useful for Founder nor for the followers, so I have to use only the word ,”stupidity”. A collective stupidity. The system in which, context is forgotten...understand….the context is forgotten. Money spent on Army, money spent on Health Care, both cannot be called by the same word,”money.” Understand. The stupidity in which we are all caught. Money spent on Army, to procure more weapons, to create more and more mechanisms to kill larger number of people in a….with less effort and the money spent on Health Care field, to invent cures, health, making life, more long and happy, successful, on the….for the human beings. Can both be called as money? Actually, both are inspiring different energy of human beings, but when you equate both to money, the context of like is lost.


And the money centric thinking, which is the foundation of the New World Order, has stopped brain to explore multi-dimensional possibilities. Understand. Today, International Yoga Day. Money spent on spreading Yoga, money spent on spreading Terrorism, both cannot be equated. Money spent on Army and money spent on Health Care, both cannot be called as Money. We need to find some other word, because the words we use are very important, because the words we use remind us about the decisions we make. Words we use are very important about the decisions we make. Words we use are very important because the words we use, inspires us to make decisions. Money spent on spreading yoga, money spent on spreading terrorist ideologies, cannot be same. You can’t call both as same. Energy spent on doing more and more research and spreading of Yoga and energies spent on furthering the terrorist ideologies, cannot be called as religion, or a social service or enriching or the activity for the world. Money spent on spreading terrorism and money spent on spreading yoga, cannot be called with the same word,”money.” Because, the energy it generates, is completely different. Same way, the energies spent on spreading yoga and the energies spent on spreading terrorist ideology, both cannot be called as ‘religion’, because the energy it generates is so totally different.


Today - International Yoga Day. Of course, we do have beautiful celebrations today, whole day celebrations. The important is today we are going to be doing - first time on the Planet Earth, largest number of people demonstrating extraordinary yogic powers. Never in the history of humanity ever, there is a record, even in Puranas. Please understand. Even in Puranas, there are only records where 10 people, 20 people maximum sat together and manifested powers. Not a single record. More than 10 and 20 people sitting and manifesting powers, at a time. First time ever, 108 people are going to sit and manifest. Sadāshiva’s yogic powers. Because even if you see the Puranas - Sanjaya manifested. At one point, Vyasa manifest. At one point, Krishna manifest. There is one point, many people manifested but only destructive powers. During the Mahabharata war, many of those weapons are powers actually, they are not weapon like a….they don’t have a physical existence. They just create a sound and it becomes that weapon, goes and kills people. But it was only for destruction and those powers are called Astra Shastra, they are not called yogic powers, they are not given a status of yogic powers in Hindu tradition, because again, the powers used for destruction and the powers used for life, both cannot be called with the same word called Power.


The money used on killing people and the money used on healing people, cannot be called as money. Powers used on killing people and powers used on….used for Life, both cannot be called as Powers. The words…...it cannot be called by the common word, ‘Powers’. It has to have different words. First time ever, largest number of people sit together and manifest powers of Life, Yogic Powers, in the recorded human history. I don’t see any other reference, in the whole recorded human history, of course, Indian tradition has the largest recorded human history available - the great Puranas. Puranas are not myth. They are human history. Unfortunately, the modern day human beings were not able to access, those higher dimensions, so we just sealed it saying,” Oh, they are all myths.” No! It’s My responsibility to prove,” Puranas are history, not Myths.” By manifesting these powers and the other dimensions and making it available for all common man, we will be able to re-establish,” the Puranas are not myth, they are history.” Unbiased, factual record of what happened is Purana. Not written by the people who won the war. Please understand. The other day, I was talking about Mahabharata and I reminded - If the Mahabharata was written to glorify Krishna, Vyasa could have nicely covered the scene,” Gandhari cursing Krishna.” He could have omitted the scene. Gandhari, source of all this 101 evil sons. 100 sons and 1 daughter. She is cursing an incarnation - Krishna. And that curse is becoming reality. If it was written by the winners of the war, the information could have been nicely hidden, covered. No! Vyasa elaborately records. Vyasa is the concept. It is a Hindu journalist, which modern day journalist can never understand. Observing the facts of all dimensions and putting it on record, without passing your opinions. Now, in the modern day, journalism means 99% opinions and 1% selected and collected fact. Collected, chiseled, perverted fact.


The high dosage opinionated News, Journalism, of the modern day, can never understand the concept of Vyasa. Understand. Vyasa is not a person, it’s a status, given in Hindu tradition. Anybody whose... does that responsibility, the Vyasa who recorded the Mahabharata, is called Badarayana Vyasa….Vyasa Badarayana. Badarayana is his name, Vyasa is a title and we have at least 11 Vyasas, who recorded the human history, the longest human history record available on the Planet Earth, is our Puranas. Forget about the information, even the poetry record is still unbeaten. Nobody is able to beat the…..still nobody has beaten the Mahabharata record. Still there is no poetry longer than Mahabharata. Even in the gross physicality, nobody is able to beat the record. So today’s event, 108 people are going to sit and do the power demonstration, with all Integrity. No magic, no fraudulent, no cheating, absolute integrity to Kaalbhairava and Sadāshiva. No question of any other, it is simple Oneness with Sadāshiva and Kaalbhairava and absolute integrity to them. Actually, we have more than 108 people, who can manifest powers. But we decided, first let’s put 108 people and do this demonstration and make it successful and I commit with you guys, Guru Purnima, I will put 1008 people. Because we already have people, we just need to call them to one place and organize it. Maybe Guru Purnima, we can organize it. 1008 people, sitting and manifesting various powers of Sadāshiva.


So today, let’s start with 108 people and let me expand on the truth I was sharing from yesterday - Brain and the way it is constructed, to have access to multi-dimensions of the Cosmos and how poor currency based though current….. Listen, listen…. The word I am using,”poor currency based thought current”, when you equate everything to currency and the whole life bland all about the zeros added in your bank balance, reminds you whether you are successful or failure or world remembers you only by those zeros, that you are successful or failure, this stupid life is what I call - modern day materialistic new world order. Understand. This poor currency based thinking, dominates your brain so much, makes it so dull, you don’t use your brain more than the survival needs. The moment survival needs are done, you are tired, bored or caught into the structure, you can’t come out. Many fellows….actually one well known Author, he met Me and he was crying, saying that,”Swamiji, 10 years before I read your books. The moment I read your books, I know, I have nothing to write but then I was already popular, so I am continuing to write.” He saying,” I had already become popular, so I am continuing to write.” Many of us are caught in a groove like this. “I have already become popular, let me write. I have already become popular speaker, let me speak.”


Listen intensely. If you imbibe this thought current which I am sharing, you can break many of the chains, which are binding you, making you slave. The poor currency based thought current, does not let you look beyond the so called ‘survival’. By the time you get your survival needs, you are caught in certain groove. You are hooked to the Grid and you can’t be out of the Grid. You don’t suck anything from the Grid. Grid sucks your whole life. 40 years you pay your home loan and you call that as freedom. No really! I am surprised, 40 years you work to pay your home loan and you call that as a freedom and success, luxury, comfort. The whole currency based thought current stops your brain exploring the possibilities of the Cosmos. I want My Gurukul to be completely alive, exploring the possibilities of the Cosmos. That is why, I made the whole Gurukul absolutely free of cost. Whether you are a child or a teenage kid or an adult or anybody, Gurukul is the place in Hindu tradition where we explore the multi dimensional possibilities of the brain, to have access to multi-dimensions of the Universe. Understand. Gurukul is not School or College or University of the modern day new world order. Gurukul! Gurukul is not stupid, materialistic so called University. Gurukul is Universal City!!


You explore the multiple possibilities and dimensions of your brain to have access to multiple dimensions of the Universe. You jump and see, what kind of a dance you are able to manifest. You beat and see, what kind of music you are able to manifest. You bend and see, what kind of a yoga you are able to manifest. You come to Oneness and see, what kind of powers you are able to manifest. Opportunity for exploring, Vatavarana, ambience for exploring is Gurukul. In a power space of an incarnation, an enlightened being, you are given the possibility and freedom to explore your consciousness and conscious possibilities and dimensions of the Universe. That is Gurukul. That is why, I am very reluctant to use this word, ‘University’. Even though we have University in Los Angeles, I am always reluctant, “ Oh God, then they will think, this is like a…..that Harvard, Stanford, all that. Collected information being taught and further research done on those informations, is not real education. Exploring multi-dimensional possibilities of the brain to have access to multi-dimensions of the Universe is Education. In Hindu tradition, Gurukul is for this purpose. The Vatavarana for exploring multi-dimensions of your consciousness is created. Initiation, energy, inspiration, atmosphere, for all this multi-dimensional exploring, is provided in Gurukul.


Understand. Yesterday, I was talking about, how developing an intensely powerful various breathing patterns, awakens the various components of your brain and through that you can have the access to the multi-dimensions of the Cosmos. All the Kriyas from Kumbhaka Patati or Gheranda Samhita, from Matsyendranatha, Goraknatha, Lakulisha, the Pashupatik Shaivite literatures from Nepal. Pashupati Saivism was seated in Nepal like Kashyapa science, Kashmir Saivism was seated in Kashmir, the Lakulisha Shaivism was seated in Saurashtra, Siddhanta Saivism was seated in Chola Desha...the Chola region and Vira Saivism was seated in Karnataka, so that different branches of Saivism has yogic literatures. Matsyendranathas, Goraknathas, Lakulishas, Pashupatas, the Gheranda Samhitas, Kumbhaka Patati, all of them are methods, technology of making your breathing intense but subtle. Listen. Strength of your breathing - is your life. Strength of your breathing - is your energy. Strength of your breathing - is your consciousness. Strength of your breathing - is your attention span. All these Kriyas, makes your breathing intense but subtle. When your breathing is made intense but subtle, it electrifies various components of your brain. Understand. There are certain Pranayamas. It expands your lungs’ capacity, it expands the Anahata Chakra’s power, means ability to include large number of people in you, without judging. Understand. More and more you judge, more and more you exclude. Ability to include without judging is expanded through certain pranayamas. That is why Yogis have always become very loving people, but bondhus, buddhus!


There is a next level - where you form judgements but you include them. When certain components of your brain is awakened, it’s not that you don’t form judgements. You form judgements but you don’t include them…..sorry, you don’t exclude them, you include them. Having proper judgements and including them without excluding them, is Leadership Consciousness. Not having judgements, just including them. You become such fool! Foolishness is not Bholenatha. Sadāshiva’s name Bholenatha does not mean He is fool. No! He is in such space, never excludes anybody, but He has the right judgement about everybody. Never excludes, but has right judgements. If you exclude because of judgement, you are violent. You will be lifeless. If you include without judging, you will be fool, getting exploited, cheated, finally destroyed. If you include with the right judgement, that is Leadership Consciousness. I’ll start revealing the precise Kriyas and initiation methods and initiating all of you further, to have access to this multi-dimensions of the Universe.


Understand. 3 major things I am starting this year. Already we started and we are much ahead - manifesting all the powers of Sadāshiva. Second thing I started, still we are working on it - manifesting powerful cognitions. Third, I am initiating - opening up multi-dimensions of the Universe. Just like how power manifestation has become very common, by the end of this year, all this 3, I’ll make it as a very common experience. Especially this Inner Awakening, we made power manifestation, like a cell phone. Anybody picks up and calls, you talk to the other person, you get through. This time the power manifestation will become like that only. Initiated - start now, that’s all. It’s taking less time now, then dialing 10 digit number. So, I’ll continue to expand on further Satsangs because, today we have long day. Inner Awakening participants are going to have Samskara Dahana Kriya and all the Aadheenavasis get ready and prepare for International Yoga Day, especially Power Manifestation and today we do have some of the important releases - The original ‘Nithyananda Yoga Source’ is ready!! So today, we will be releasing the book. As I said, anybody who bends the body for Yoga, you have the right to get this book - free. Understand. This is the source book, means original Sanskrit verses and the translation of all the yoga asanas, pranayamas, mudra, bandha, everything we were able to collect from the Agamas. Of course, I want to tell you, still we are collecting. The first volume is ready. Whatever we collected till now, we are releasing. So further collections will come out. I am hoping, we may publish 100 volumes because so much material is available. All the original Agamic-Vedic Shastra Pramanas with Apta Pramanas and My Atma Pramana in English we have translated and whatever is collected and translated, is coming out as first volume and we do….we have collected more material and it is getting translated and organized. This is to tell the world - Yoga has religion, that is Hinduism.


Yoga has religion - that is Hinduism. Today we are publishing that book, so all this Ging Yoga, Gung Yoga, Chuck Yoga, Chick Yoga, Chikbuk Yoga, all those Chukbuk Yogis - remember - Yoga has religion, that is Hinduism. We are happy that you take this knowledge, enjoy and share, even market and make money, get lost, we don’t care - don’t say,”Yoga has no roots or it does not belong to Hinduism.” So through this book, I wanted to establish the whole world - “Yoga is from Hindu Shastras.” Yoga is from Hindu Shastras and origin of Yoga is Sadāshiva, Himself. All these Guk Yogis, Chiku Yogis, Puku Yogis, be very clear - don’t try to tell,”Yoga has nothing to do with Hinduism, religion or Indian tradition.” Yoga is Indian Hinduism’s gift. Hinduism which originated between Saraswati and Ganga and Kaveri, in this region, that tradition’s gift. The banks of these Sapta nadi, the civilization which got settled - Gangacha, Yamunacheva, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. This 7 rivers, the civilization happened in the banks of these 7 rivers - Yoga is the gift of this civilization - Gangacha, Yamunacheva, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. This Sapta Nadis, the civilization happened in this Sapta Nadis region is Hindu tradition, Yoga is gift of that Hindu tradition. Remember - Hinduism has no cultural frills other than the stupid fellows who talk,” Hinduism has cultural frills.” You are the cultural frills for Hinduism, if you say,”Hinduism has cultural frill.” If somebody claims, “ their life and their mission is to remove all the cultural frills and bring…. make the yoga to the world”, My life’s Mission is to make the whole world understand, “Hinduism has no cultural frills.” Hinduism has no cultural frills. I am also launching a unique special - 11 days retreat program called - Nithyananda MahaYoga Retreat. It will be done in 2 levels. First level - 11 days Nithyananda Yoga. Second level - 11 days Nithyananda MahaYoga. In 2 levels, world’s most unique, conscious awakening and working on your body. 11 day retreat to manifest extraordinary Powers and Shaktis through original yoga. So, September 20th to 30th 2017, the first program is getting launched. Level 1 will be 11 days and the Level 2 will be the next 11 days. We will announce the dates for Level 2, soon and these are some of My International Yoga Day offerings to the world. Today, through this largest number of people manifesting Sadāshiva’s powers, we will invoke the grace of Sadāshiva, energy of Sadāshiva, on the Planet Earth and bring tremendous blessings to the Planet Earth.


So with this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.


Sakshi Pramana - Sharing from SADASHIVETVA YOGA PROGRAM


Photos Of The Day:




Photos Of The Day:





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International Yoga Day


In conjunction with International Yoga Day, His Holiness Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji set a unique first ever world record: 108 of his initiated disciples demonstrated the power of Third Eye Awakening. With physical eyes closed and blindfolded, each one passed three strictly monitored tests, reading whatever was written for them and accurately reproducing drawings made for them to trace. 108 dignitaries came from around the world as an ethics committee to ensure the tests were performed in accordance with strict scientific criteria. These guests included doctors, school administrators, artists, publishers, heads of state, leaders of religious organizations and more. Among them, Sri Vedantam ji, founder and chairman of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Mr. Prasad, State President of BJP, Dr. Raju, Research Director of NIMHANS, Mallikarjun, Principal of BMS engineering college and Manjunath, Leader of Bajrang Sene, showed great enthusiasm for the powers displayed. Our invited guests were joined by Ms. Komal Singh, an executive from India Book of Records, who had the honour and privilege to adjudicate the authenticity of one of the Powers of Third Eye Awakening which is blindfold reading. Over a hundred initiated balasanths of the Nithyananda Gurukul demonstrated this power in one sitting with all esteemed guests evaluating their unprecedented abilities. Never before on planet earth, in modern history or even in the sacred Puranas, has such a large group of people simultaneously demonstrated these great powers. The excitement in the room was high, as child after child wowed their judges with quick, detailed and completely accurate performance. In the Sri Gurugita, Sadashiva reveals that Guru is atrinetraḥ śivaḥ sākṣāt|, which means, Guru is directly Śiva Himself without the visible three eyes. His third eye may not be visible while in human embdiment, but it’s only the Guru, Sadashiva, with his third eye open, who can initiate others into opening theirs. Nithyananda says, “In Hindu tradition, powers are extraordinary but not unnatural. Extraordinary but not impossible.” About the Gurukul students who are effortlessly demonstrating these extraordinary powers, He proclaimed, “These kids will bring spiritual legitimacy to Sanatana Hindu Dharma,” to which the hall erupted in applause. Ms. Kamal Singh was so impressed by the display that she honoured the Balasanths of Nithyananda Gurukul on the spot, with a certificate stating that they undeniably proved the power of the Third Eye in an unprecedented display, and proclaimed that although she attended the event as a representative from India Book of Records, surely this will be featured in Asia Book of Records, as well. Following the mass demonstration, His Holiness Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji addressed the crowd with a special satsangh discourse in celebration of World Yoga Day. One highlight of the evening was the release of the ultimate sourcebook on yoga, “Nithyananda Yoga: Evolution of New Species.” For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shaastra Pramanas - from the Vedaagamas; with a fourfold level of authentification called Pramanas. These Pramanas include Shastra Pramana, the ancient scriptural references in the Vedas and Agamas; Apta Pramana, the commentary on these verses by Rishis and Munis who experienced; Atma Pramana, the experience of the Avatar Nithyananda Himself, and Sakshi Pramana, the experience given by Nithyananda to all of His initiated disciples. Only when a science is found in the ancient scripture, verified through enlightened commentary, experienced by Nithyananda and demonstrably transferred to his disciples, it is included in Nithyananda Yoga and Nithyananda Mahayoga. The fully illustrated comprehensive book includes sections from Yoga scriptures on over 200 + Asanas, 350+ Pranayama, Kumbhakas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantras, Yogic physiology and the Yogic Lifestyle, Yogic Diet, Yogic purification techniques, and more. “This book makes a strong statement,” says Nithyananda, “Yoga has a religion; that religion is Hinduism!” In keeping with the sacred Vedagamic tradition, this beautiful book is offered to humanity as a free gift from Nithyananda, who says, 'Anyone who is practicing yoga or teaching yoga, if you want this book for yourself and your students, please send an email to [email protected] with required details and the hard copy will be sent to you, free of cost.' The book is also available instantly as a free download at http://innerawakening.org/nithyananda...



nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adi shakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome many distinguished, enlightened citizens of the society, who are here today, from all walks of life, sitting with us in Bengaluru Aadheenam and all over the world, through 2-way Video Conferencing in all our Aadheenams. Long list of all the Aadheenams, attending the program now in 2-way Video Conferencing - Los Angeles Aadheenam, Houston Aadheenam, a long list. I welcome all of you and all the Dignitaries, Guests, in all the Aadheenams present. And, today we have really long list of very important persons and guests here, amongst us. First, Sri Vedantamji – Founder and Chairman of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Swami Govinda Ramanujacharya – Head of the Ramanuja Samrajya Sabha and Mr. Prasad – State President of BJP. Actually the dignitaries are such large number, originally I wanted Me to sit there, so the whole hall becomes a stage. Because the number of dignitaries can’t be accommodated…..the stage is too small. Originally I planned, let Me also sit with them, the whole hall become stage, but if I sit there, then we will not be able to conduct the Satsang, because the whole 2-way Video Conferencing setup, the technical set up is available here. That’s the reason I am here. So I sincerely apologise for all the Dignitaries, that you are all there and I am here, because it is just the technical reason, no other reason and.. Sri Mr Prasad - State President of BJP is here and Lakshmi Narayana Gowda - Chairman of Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sanghais here and Dr. Raju – Research Director of NIMHANS is here and Mallikarjun – Principal of BMS Engineering College is here, Sri Manjunath – Leader of Bajrang Dal is here, Jayachandra Reddy – Secretary of Telugu Vigyana Samitiis hereand G K Ganapati Reddy – Chairman and Managing Director of Stay Fit Health Fitness is here and Meena Das Narayan – Journalist, Artist, she is here and Dr Banu – Neurosurgeon….yes, Sri Raghu – Entrepreneur and there is a long list….Shivanand Sahai – a Industrialist, welcome…..


Actually first time, in the history, such large number of people are demonstrating, something which is considered extraordinary… but possible. In Hindu tradition, powers are extraordinary, but not unnatural. It is possible, extraordinary, but not impossible. First time, largest number of people are sitting, with the strength, confidence and courage, to manifest and demonstrate. Understand. There are various levels in this power manifestation. Sometime, you yourself are caught in self-doubt, so, if you manifest...try to manifest 100 times, 40 times, it is right. Then, there is a next phase, you are very clear, 100% you can do it; when it comes to your problems, your personal clarity and all that, you are complete with yourself, all your problems you can sit and handle, understand, do it. It’s possible. But when you are intimidated by others, with the demand to prove, establish - you are shaken little. That self-denial starts. The next level, who is able to handle his self-doubt and even other’s doubt and able to manifest and establish the power and authenticity of the power, without any cheating or magic or any other sleight of hand or anything else, a straightforward - Integrity - with Integrity. I think the Gurukul Balasants have done a wonderful job, give a good hand. I am so happy. With Integrity they have done the power manifestation.


This is the largest….because I was going through….even in the Puranas, there are only record of the destructive powers manifested by the large number. In Mahabharata, Vyasa records 4000 people manifested the extraordinary powers, but all are Astra Shastra, not the constructive powers. Astra Shastras, means the Brahmastra, Vayu Astra, Varuna Astra, 4000 people had the ability and manifested. And during the recitation of the Bhagavata, Sukabrahma records 11 Rishis stood and manifested the constructive, the positive powers at a time, to protect Parikshitu. So, throughout the history also, in Puranas; please understand the Hindu Puranas is history record, they are not myth. Of course, a modern day media can never understand…..highly over dosage, opinionated, modern day media, can never understand the sacredness of Puranas. Puranas are not written by the winners, so it is twisted, altered, no! It’s a simple record, straightforward, factual truth; but, whatever has happened in multi-dimensions of the Universe. Universe has multi-dimensions and our brain has capacity, to have access to those multi-dimensions. Personality like Vyasa, had access to those multi-dimensions and they recorded whatever has happened as it is. In the modern day unfortunately, because we were not able to have the access so commonly, cannot say the multi-dimensions does not exist or the science to have access does not exist. No.


So, even in the Puranas, the recorded history….of course, India has the longest recorded history. Even in the Puranas, I am not seeing, any reference or record, more than 11 people at a time, manifesting extraordinary powers. Of course, today we did not do something…...too many powers, we only started one or two. But, with Sadāshiva’s grace, very good beginning. Thanks to Gurukul….. and all the Guests who have come here, as part of the Ethics Committee. I know we have more than 100 guests. Let me read out the remaining names.

Surely, it is historical. The first step of presenting this science to the world, is taken today. Guru Purnima, the July 10th, we will be presenting more powers, with more number of participants. 1008 people will be doing the demonstration of 11 various powers of Sadāshiva, from Agama. Now only we have structured clearly; actually we do have a large number of devotees initiated, who are successfully able to manifest powers, who are very successful in their Sadhana and practice, in the power manifestation. Today, we organized in a small scale. First, is a initial introduction. So, Guru Purnima day, coming July 10th, we will be having 1008 people demonstrating….sorry July 9th, not July 10th - July 9th. This time Purnima is coming in 2 days, so we will be celebrating July 9th as Guru Purnima. We follow the Panchanga as per the Agama. So, we will be celebrating July 9th. July 9th, we will be having the Sadashiva’s power manifestation by 1008 people. Various powers, at least 11 powers of Sadashiva.


I have some more guest’s names here. Mr Prabala Rangasai and Dr Sri Raghunandanji and Mr Ramachari and Sri Raghavendraji and Shivacharya Sri Barnigurukal, and Sri Raghu, Sri Sudarshanji, Dr. Nandini, and Sri Sridharji and Satish, Dr Bhanuprakash and Sri Jaidev Narayan. I welcome every one of you, I think surely I have not covered all the names and many more are here. I welcome all of you, with My love and respects. And also we have a long list of dignitaries, sitting with us, in all the branch Aadheenams, Temples, Ashrams, Universities and Gurukuls, in 100s of places, through 2-way Video Conferencing. In many cities, the local City Mayors are sitting and Administrators are there in the program. I welcome all of you, with My love and respects. Last but not least, Komal Singh from India Book of Records is here. I welcome her.

And the heroes of today’s program is Gurukul Balasants!!! Not out of pride or arrogance, I am not talking out of any ego or anything. Please understand, I am talking the fact, truth, reality. These kids are future of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. These kids…..these kids will bring spiritual legitimacy to Sanatana Hindu Dharma. And during all the attacks on Me, the only thing I protected, uncompromising way, the freedom and independence of My Gurukul; Freedom of My Gurukul, to explore the Conscious possibilities.


Understand, the currency based thought current is the worst conspiracy done towards humanity. Life is not just all about the zeros in your bank balance, end of the life. No! Education is not all about learning to add zeros in your bank balance, end of the day. No! In Agama, Sadāshiva describes Vidya – creating possibility to explore various powers and States of Consciousness and multi-dimensions of the Universe - is Education. Creating ambience, Vatavarana, where human beings can explore the multiple possibilities of powers, super conscious powers, super conscious states, Avasthas, Shaktis. Till now, we were able to lay our hands on 463 Shaktis described by Sadāshiva in Agamas and various States of Consciousness, Avasthas, 25 States of Consciousness, Sadāshiva describes.

Please understand. Some of the literatures describe 3 – Jagrat, Swapna, Sushupti. Some describe 5 – Jagrat, Swapna, Sushupti, Turiya, Turiyatita. It is only Sadāshiva describes in Agama, 25 various States of Consciousness, Avasthas and 11 Dimensions of the Universe - Bhur, Bhuvah, Svaha, Tapa, Satya, the various planes of the Universe. Sadāshiva very clearly describes ‘Vidya’ - means knowledge – means… helping human being to explore the various possibilities and powers - Shaktis and various States of Consciousness - Avasthas and various planes of the Universe - like Tapo Loka, Satya Loka...the various planes.

So understand, helping a Being to explore these three is Education. Creating a ambience, Vatavarana, where this exploring is possible, is Gurukul. Gurukul means creating a atmosphere, where people can explore this possibilities – exploring various powers of Sadāshiva, various states described by Sadāshiva, various Dimensions of the Universe. Jeeva - Self, has 25 States of Consciousness. Jagat – Universe, has 11 dimensions. Ishwara is filled with Anadi Shaktis. What we are able to discover from the Agama, 463 are described and but I am very clear, Ishwara is not just these 463 powers. Please understand. Surely, Ishwara is all knowing, all powerful, all the glories, all the greatness. But 463 dimensions of His powers, we are able to discover from Agamas.


So, creating a space, Vatavarana, for the children to explore this possibilities, with authentic Shastra Pramana – original Shastras of Veda and Agamas, Apta Pramana – the great Rishis who lived this Shastra Pramana in their life and Atma Pramana – My own experience, making all these as Sakshi Pramana for all of them. This is what exactly we are doing, in our Gurukul. I have kept the Gurukul, free of charges, economical commitment and I have kept the Gurukul free of all the materialistic, ideological attacks and terroristic theologies, completely outside. I have protected My Gurukul, very clearly, giving them a complete freedom and independence to explore... the multi-dimensions of the Universe, various States of Consciousness and various powers of Sadāshiva. And I feel, the hard work is bringing fruits by Sadāshiva’s grace.

If I just create few 1000s Beings, who manifest these great powers of Sadāshiva and who is able to have access to this multiple, multi-dimensions of the Universe, who is able to radiate this multiple States of Consciousness, all the Avasthas, all the Shaktis and all the planes, I know My job is done. They will bring spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism.

Understand. Spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism is not some selfish identity related glorification. It is the need of humanity. It is the need of humanity. The only hope humanity has is Sanatana Hindu Dharma getting revived!! All the materialistic thought currents and lifestyles, have proved themself as failures. So called developed countries are imploding; human beings can’t run their day without psychiatric pills. Depression is the proof of cultural collapse of a system. Obesity is the proof of the food culture collapse of a country. The so called, evolved modern developed countries are imploding.


And… the time has come, after the internet revolution, where every individual has information freedom. He can relay or receive information. Now, society cannot be controlled anymore by terrorist ideologies. Understand. The time has come for multi-national company type religions, where a concept is cooked and spread through franchises. Multi-national company religious thought currents cannot survive anymore. Please understand. By killing and conquering, spreading a religion is outdated system. After this information technology, only contributing religions are going to be accepted by the next generation. Next generation is not going to be bothered. They are not going to care about the killing and spreading mechanism. Please understand, killing and spreading mechanism, does not have future because any individual, any part of the world, can have access to information and relay his ideas and concepts. This freedom empowers human beings in 2 ways.

1) One, Choices are too much in front of him.

2) Second, he has developed a capacity to analyse – what is good for the larger number of people, what kind of ideology is going to be sustaining for the larger kind of people.

Understand, there are only two ideologies in the whole religious tradition. Traditions which accepts God is Oneness, not One. God is One, is the source of all terrorist ideologies. God is Oneness is the source of all peaceful traditions. Peaceful traditions go on contributing. By contributing, they are impressing the humanity; not by killing or threatening. And the future has come… human Beings have started thinking. Thanks to IT revolution, information is so widely available to the whole world. Because so much of information, ideologies, thought currents, theologies, are available, naturally, people are choosing, picking up. I tell you, the modern day human beings and the brain they have developed, due to large amount of information available, the logic they have developed, only Sanatana Hindu Dharma can stand the scrutiny of the modern man’s logic. These Balasants will stand the scrutiny of the modern man’s logic and bring spiritual legitimacy to Hinduism.

We have a beautiful book, waiting to be released.


Ma Mahayogini Nithya Mahayogananda -

Today, marks the historical day for Yoga, on the occasion of International Yoga Day in 2017. The original Yoga which is, the Indian…. Hinduisms gift to the World, is about to be revealed, with the special world wide release of this book - “Nithyananda Yoga - Evolution Of New Species”, 1008 Pramanas from the Source - from the Chief Editor, His Holiness Bhagawan Paramahamsa Nithyananda.


(Unveiling of the Yoga Book by Swamiji)


Ma Mahayogini Nithya Mahayogananda -

I now invite, our esteemed guest, Sri Vedantamji, to receive the first copy of the book, from His Holiness the Avatar Bhagawan Paramahamsa Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.


(Swamiji gifting Sri Vedantamji)


Ma Mahayogini Nithya Mahayogananda -

Yoga is from the Hindu Shastras and the originator of Yoga is Sadāshiva Himself. The source book of Yoga, revives the pure Yoga, which flourished from millenias ago. In the enlightened Hindu yogic civilization between the Saraswati, Ganga and Kaveri Rivers, on this very land of Bharat, India. It was here that the original Yoga was revealed by Lord Sadāshiva, the Adi Yogi Himself, which came forth in the Vedagamas, the source books of Hinduism. For the first time, the ultimate authority on Yoga is being presented with the scriptural evidences of Yoga, the Shastra Pramanas from the Vedagamas, with the Apta Pramanas - the enlightened experiences of the enlightened yogis, rishis, incarnations and Atma Pramana - Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s own experience of the truth and finally the Shakshi Pramanas - the experience of the initiated disciples of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

One of the first in the series of the vast revelations in the Yoga Pada, the Yoga sections of the Agamas, this book serves to the true Yoga practitioner or anyone who bends the body for Yoga, as the true undiluted source book to explore and experience true Yoga, with it’s infinite dimensions, from the Founder of Yoga, Lord Sadāshiva, as revived by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

The comprehensive book, includes the sections from Yoga scriptures on over 200+ Asanas illustrated, 350+ Pranayamas, Kumbhakas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Mantras, Yogic physiology and the Yogic lifestyle, Yogic diets, Yogic purification techniques and much more. All the esteemed guests of the day and all the Inner Awakening Participants, will be getting a copy of this rare book today, on the occasion of International Yoga Day.


Swamiji -

Mainly this book, I just wanted to say few words about this book. This book is the compilation of all the direct words of Sadāshiva, as Shastra Pramanas from Vedas and Agamas; wherever Sadāshiva describes about Yoga.

Asanas means bending the body, stretching the body, aligning the body’s geometry to the Cosmic Geometry. Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas, Pranayamas and the cleansing techniques, detoxification techniques, whatever Sadāshiva describes in Veda and Agama, we have started collecting. Of course, we have not...not yet published everything collected. Everything we collected, will come at least 100 volumes. So, the first volume is released today, with English translation. We have….we have 200 people, sitting and doing the translation from the original Sanskrit to English and of course, we do have …..other language translations happening simultaneously. So this is the first book.

The purpose of this book is one statement - “Yoga has religion. That is Hinduism.”


I wanted to make it very clear. We are very happy to share this whole knowledge to the whole world. We are very happy to give these fruits. But very unfortunately the appropriation and misappropriation of the Yoga is happening all over the world. Not only some of the Western Yoga Gurus, even Indian Yoga Gurus have started telling, “Yoga has nothing to do with Hinduism or India.” I am shocked!! This book is a strong response to those claims. Yoga has religion - that is Hinduism. Whether you accept or not, terrorism has religion. Everyone knows. Same way, Yoga has religion, that is Hinduism and this whole book is a hard work of a team, working with Me, supporting Me, in collecting, compiling.

Last 10 years, we are doing research work. Wherever Yoga related manuals, manuscripts… whether it is from Vedas or Agamas or various Sampradayas of Shaivism - Laghulisa Shaivism, Pashupata Shaivism, Kashmira Shaivism, Siddhanta Shaivism, Veera Shaivism - the 11 living branches of Shaivism and the Vaishnavite traditions, wherever the Yoga related literatures are available, manuals are available, we are sending our Sannyasis. With the consent of the owner, we are scanning and getting a copy release agreement signed with them. For some people giving compensation, for some people freely - they do not want compensation. They just said, “Swamiji, if you promote it, that’s enough.” Like this we have collected 3 terabyte material and all the 3 terabyte material, is getting uploaded in the internet for people to do free research. Anybody wants anything about Yoga, you can do research, you can study, it is available. Almost 20% of the 3 terabyte material, we have translated into English and the remaining, we are translating.

I am hoping it may take next 10 years to complete the whole project, but I feel, when I leave the body, when I die, these Shastras will not die. All I wanted….I just wanted only 1 thing - whatever Shastras are alive today, should not die when I die. Let me store it for the future, for the posterity. Of course I don’t want to claim, ‘we have collected everything’. No! Whatever is available, whatever we are able to reach out, we have collected and we are still continuing, continuing, continuing….From this large repository, books are coming out.

Some of our devotees, amazing economical contribution from them. Of course, never they expect Me to mention their name, I just want to put it on record, few devotees who are working day and night, either by giving their money or their time or their talent; time, treasure, talent, making this happen. And now they have contributed next level, not only they brought all these…..they have collected, preserved, presented to the world, now we have taken the next step because of their contributions. This book is completely free for anybody who wants. The book is completely freely available. You just have to send an email. For example, if you are running a Yoga Studio, you have 2000 students, send us the attendance of the 2000 students - you will have 2000 copies.

Whether you are an individual practicing Yoga or a Studio practicing Yoga or the group practicing Yoga, do you want the original source book of Yoga, from the Founder of Yoga – Sadashiva.


Please understand. Patanjali revived Yoga but Sadāshiva is the Founder. Agamas are the Founders. Agamas are the earliest record of Yoga literatures available. So, if you want the compilation of everything available about Yoga from the Vedas and Agamas, this book is free for you.

Already the E-copy, is uploaded in the internet, you can download. If you send an email, you will get a hard copy wherever you are from. Anywhere in the world, we will ship it free. It’s for you. And you can download the link of this book, if you go to the website called innerawakening.org/nithyanandayoga. And if you want all the three terabyte material, we have collected till now, we have a website called Hinduism now, go to that website, you can download all 3 terabyte material. All the Agamas and Yogic literatures, we have classified - Shastra Pramana - Apta Pramanas and we have clearly classified and presented, everything we were able to collect and still we are collecting.

This is My humble offering to Vedamata and Sadashiva.


And I do wanted to put it on record, few of the devotees who are very actively, I should say, all out supporting – Ramesh Ramani from San Jose, Balaji from San Jose and Bhanu Patel from Oklahoma and these few devotees formed the Core, funded the whole project. And, not only that, of course, I have a long list of devotees I need to mention. Just these few names I mentioned. We are planning…..we will be distributing 1 million copies of this book freely.

Make the world understand - Yoga has religion. That is Hinduism. Understand, in Vedic tradition, knowledge is free. That is the greatness of Vedic Rishis but don’t try to tell, “It is not, it doesn’t belong to them.” That is the worst thing happening. They take everything, appropriate, misappropriate. They give their own names - Chuck Yoga, Chick Yoga, Chuck Yoga, juck…...all the names. Finally the extreme violence is claiming, “It has nothing to do with Hinduism and India.” Please understand. This book is the need of the hour….to assert ‘we are happy to give this gift to the world but it is rooted in Hinduism and India’.

So the statement I want to make through this book is - Yoga has religion, it is Hinduism.


Ma Nithya Shivarupananda -

Nithyanandam. This event has been truly ground breaking and indeed all of us have been blessed to be part of this. These yogic powers, these Shaktis, the Yoga revealed is self-effulgent. It is powerful enough itself to certify and bring the truth to you. We are no one to certify it or even have an opinion about it. It is from this space of understanding that and a space of true gratitude, we have invited today - India Book of Records, to adjudicate this event and provide a certification and evaluation for this Shakti revealed today - the Third Eye Reading. We know, no one can certify Sadāshiva’s expression. This is just our humble attempt to speak in the language that humanity speaks today, to help take this science into far reaches and really have it be part of every single person’s life.

India Book of Records will have the distinction of being the first to certify this Yoga. We know there are 1000s and 1000s of certifications, awards, honours, that will come the way of Nithyananda Yoga and everything else that Swamiji is bringing here. So I congratulate India Book of Records, on being the first one to step up and be part of this beautiful unfolding of Sadāshiva. India Book of Records certifies and evaluates in accordance with the International Protocol for Records - IPR and preserves all this for future reference, following the guidelines today, which is the guidelines to set records, which is the GSR. And we are indeed honoured today to have Komal Singh from India Book of Records, to help adjudicate this event. Komal Singh is a Manager of India Book of Records and she has a lot of experience. She is an esteemed memory trainer having worked with conferences both nationally and internationally, to certify. Today, she is here. She adjudicated this event and I invite her to share a few words, before she makes the presentation.


Komal Singh -

Thank you. I am so honoured and I am so glad that today I am here and front of you guys. And for me as a layman, I would say it’s like a miracle. Guruji is making you guys the future of India - the students those are sitting here, those who are studying in the Gurukul. You should be proud of yourself. Wonderful job. Wonderful job. I would like to announce the certificate which we are….I am just gonna give it to Ma Mahayoga….Ma Mahayoga…..i am sorry it’s like some difficult…...I am sorry I am not so good at that.

It is like - in Nithyananda Peetam, the Venue is Bidadi, Bengaluru on 21st of June, on the International Yoga Day. The students have created this, they have just completed….I guess it is 110 students - those who have done this blindfold reading and I am so proud. I have been into education for such a long time, for more than 20 years, nationally and internationally and I am so proud, I haven’t seen students like you guys. Wonderful. And so I am proud to be an Indian, as Guruji is talking about Hinduism and everything. So I am so proud that He is spreading this, and knowing the future students, those who are coming up, telling them, that what they are, what are the roots, what they have to follow? This is so great, that has to be spreaded. So, I really appreciate the…. every, each and single word of Guruji. Thank you very much.


Ma Nithya Shivarupananda -

I invite Mahayogini Ma Nithya Mahayogananda, the Head of the Yogic Sciences Department to receive it, on Nithyananda Peetham’s behalf.


(Ma Nithya MahaYogananda receiving the certification)


Komal Singh -

As you guys have completed India Book of Records, you guys have invited us. That is such a nice thing and Guruji is talking about that next one will be 1008 people joining this blindfold event and I am waiting for that day, because it’s not very far away. It’s like 9th of July, I guess. And I would say that this was India Book of Records you guys have been honored with this, now it will be Asia Book of Records you’ll be entering in. Thank you.


Ma Nithya Shivarupananda -

We would like to offer this award at Swamiji’s feet.


Swamiji -

Thank you for India Book of Records for being here and recording and certifying, honouring the Gurukul Balasants. We dedicate this to our Balasants. I only wanted to make one statement today - Yoga has religion - that is Hinduism. Yoga has geography - that is Bharat. Please understand, the civilization which started in this Sapthanadis - gangeca yamuneca iva godhavari sarasvati narmade sindhu kaveri. In this 7 rivers, the civilizations started, that gave the gift of Yoga to the world. We are happy to give this as a gift to the world; but understand it is rooted in India, in Hindu tradition.

Precisely what Sadashiva describes as Yoga - He describes Yoga as a method, a system, science, for human beings to explore, the various possibilities and powers and have access to various State of Consciousness - Avasthas and various Dimensions of the Universe. Ability to express and explore, the various powers - Shaktis and various Avasthas - State of Consciousness like Jagrat, Swapna, Sushupti, Turiya, Turiyatitta and various planes of conscious…..Universe, various planes of Universe, like Tapo Loka, Satya Loka, Swarga Loka… the various planes. Of course, only the Sakshi Pramana establishes the authenticity. So now the first level - manifesting various powers and possibilities - in that we are able to provide enough Sakshi Pramana. Soon by Sadashiva’s grace, we will provide Sakshi Pramana for exploring, radiating various States of Consciousness and various Dimensions of the Universe.

So, Yoga as per Patanjali is chittah vritti nirodhah, means cessation of the compulsive thought current patterns.

Yoga as per Sadāshiva is the science of exploring various powers of Sadāshiva, various States of Consciousness and various Dimensions of the Universe.

Soon, we will be able to provide Sakshi Pramana for all Sadāshiva declares. As we have provided the first level, the powers and possibilities, we will provide the Sakshi Pramana for States of Consciousness and the planes of…….the Dimensions of the Universe. It’s our commitment to Vedamata and Sadāshiva.

I think, it’s already too late, I don’t want to say, “That’s all to share” - we have lot more!! But I think it is too late. For now we will wind up. I’ll continue to share, whatever we have collected and we have researched and Sadashiva revealed to us as Apta Pramana to the Universe, to the World. On this International Yoga Day, My message for all the devotees, disciples, all over the world, please spread this one truth - “Yoga has religion - that is Hinduism.”


And, with this I thank everyone for being here, making this occasion successful, for making this beautiful. Thank you, thank you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you.

Be Blissful.



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