May 11 2013

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May 11, 2013


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda unveils the secret of escaping from boredom. Boredom develops to enslave us whenever we establish a habitual way of life. Once we cease to explore the deeper dimensions of our environment – work, relationship, even spiritual practice – our intelligence falls asleep. We become so bored that we create destructive situations or abandon promising projects. Even deadly disease can be caused by desire for change from boredom. To keep ourselves excited and active we should continue to seek, to challenge and to acquire new understanding. Then we become fully alive.

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.


Today’s subject for Nithya Satsang: PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! Yesterday I was attending the great WHY? today the great HOW!


Listen! Please listen! How many of you are bored of going to the same office, living in the same house, of course, with the same spouse, same lifestyle? Can you raise your hand? With Integrity and Authenticity raise! (Some people raise their hands). Understand, you need to know, No! Relax. I can say 99%! And the remaining people are lazy to raise their hand, that’s all!

No, you need to understand, if you don’t explore, you will end up in boredom. If you are doing a job, if you don’t explore the deeper and deeper dimensions of that job, even if that job is paying billion dollar, you will be bored, you will donate everything to charity and start doing charitable work, like Bill Gates! No! Bill Gates must have been thoroughly disgusted and bored of life! It is the boredom made him donate all the money to charity and doing the charitable work! Any field, whether it is your relationships, business, even living with your body, if you are bored of same routine, you bring sickness to your body, so that you have a change of routine. Many time, just for a change, you bring disease to your body! It is the truth. Listen!

Listen! Anything, anything, anything you don’t explore will bore you.



If your so-called exciting things like money, profession, business, even sex, even all these things can lead to boredom, then what about spiritual practice? If you don’t explore, this will also lead you to boredom! That is why, millions of unguided seekers, in the name of meditation, everyday, sleep well! But that one good thing is happening! Because even sleep has become……people are bored of even sleeping! That is why sleeplessness! Anything which you don’t explore will bring boredom. That is why, sometime people are terrorized about meditation. No, really! ‘Meditation! Not for me!’ As if they have been asked to take poison! Meditation terrorizes them! ‘No, no! I will die by boredom!’

Listen! ‘Practice’ means ‘exploring the deeper dimensions’. Listen! I am defining Practice. Exploring deeper dimensions! I tell you, don’t go to a person who is not exploring deeper dimension for any purpose.

If you want to invest your money, go to a person only who is exploring the deeper dimensions of, in the field of investment.

If you want health, go to doctors or institution which is constantly exploring the deeper dimensions of health.

If you want legal services, go to a person exploring the deeper dimensions of law, different aspects of law.

If you want to know spirituality, go to a person continuously exploring the deeper dimensions of spirituality.

Practice has died! Even in the big companies, established companies, they will suddenly sit and try to follow, get ideas from start-up companies. Because start-up companies has a new brain, new blood!


Listen! Listen! As long as you continue to explore, you continue to practice, you continue to raise yourself, you will be alive; life will be oozing out in you. In any field, continuous exploration keeps you alive. There is no such thing as ‘top person’. Who is the top person? Who is still exploring is top person! Listen! Listen! Listen! Come back to listening, listening space! In any field, people who explore, people who explore remain alive. Even in spirituality! Yoga! I wanted Dhyanapeetam to be ever-practicing, alive, exploring.


Understand! Get it! Get this truth! If you don’t practice Authenticity, you will be practicing slow suicide. There is only two ways of life: either you go on expanding you, practicing Authenticity, exploring OR you will be practicing slow suicide. First, your mind will say, ‘Oh, every morning I have to come for yoga, Paada Pooja, what is going on?’ Then you will come and sit, and do the yoga. I have seen people doing yoga. Yoga should be done as bhoga, not as roga! Yoga should be done as an enjoyment, excitement, not as a roga, disease. The excitement you radiate in your body, the whole bio-memory should be alive! Whole intelligence should be alive, up! Practice constantly exploring, constantly exploring, constantly exploring! If you are doing yoga, explore the different possibilities of your body. The ability to bend, make your body strong, flexible. If you are sitting in paada pooja, explore your emotions, heart.


Somebody told me yesterday in the energy darshan, ‘Swamiji, I have developed such an intimate, close relationship with you through the computer watching your discourses. When I come near you, see you, actually I feel distanced! Because, you know so many people by names, I feel they are all getting your attention, not me!’ In Hindu tradition there is a concept called “atma moorthy” – my own version of Shiva. Atma Linga. Means, He is just my version; nobody else is allowed. That is the beauty of Hinduism!

Please understand, you can have your own version of God – that is atma moorthy. When you go to temple, you cannot push your possessiveness on atma moorthy, on the temple deity. That is for all! Understand! You can have your own laptop and screensaver with whom you talk whole day and night. How many of you have that habit of talking to my photograph? (People raise their hands). See! Great! Actually, it is called “ishta nishta”. Leela Dhyana! Bhagavatha acknowledges this process as a very powerful spiritual practice. That having your own version of the Guru or God, and relating is a very powerful process! It is called “Leela Dhyana”. Literally living with him!

What I did with my Ganesha; See my Ganesha ate. But I cannot go to the temple and make that Ganesha eat. Because, the temple Ganesha belongs to whole world. I cannot tell the temple Ganesha, ‘I will put you in the well!’ But, my own version of the Ganesha, I can play with him. I can say, ‘I will put you in the well!’ I can do anything I want! I tell you, with your atma moorthy the spiritual life starts. But you should take care you don’t lose that feeling connection when you go to the temple moorthy also. You should understand temple moorthy has space for everyone!

The problem is, listen, problem is, in your inner space if you have one person, you don’t have place for anybody else! That is why you go on believing I am also like that! You are a house connection; I am a transformer! Understand! In your house the electricity connection you have you can use it only in your house. It cannot light up the whole city! But you cannot have the same idea when you go to the transformer! You are a house connection; I am a transformer! I have place for everyone!


Listen! When you explore more and more, deeper and deeper dimension of your heart, life will be so exciting, joyful! I have seen people who are lost during the Paada Pooja! Whole day they will be so active, alive, because still they are in that feeling-connection, they are exploring that feeling-connection. Still their honeymoon is not over! Still their joy, their life, their devotion aspect is not over! Blessed are those whose feeling-connection continues to explode, explode and explode! Unfortunate are those whose feeling-connection ends, whose possibility for exploring ends!

I know if somebody sleeps during Paada Pooja, whole day his life is in hell; he is in depression! Because, what else is there? Such beautiful moment if you are not able to explore your heart! See, only if you have that attitude of that atma moorthy, having your own version of me and talking to it, sometimes fighting with it; you cannot have one God for Paada Pooja, one God for fighting. Both you have to do with one person only. Of course, he hits back very strongly, don’t worry! I will never be a victim just because you fight with me. THU! I will give back! I am not going to be taking it. But, only with that….!


In Narada Bhakti Sutras, there is a beautiful word, Narada’s aphorisms of bhakti explains the spaces a devotee travels during the journey and how to keep the practice alive. How to keep the bhakti kindled, rekindled, alive. I tell you, when the bhakti is alive, you will see, continuously you are showered with miracles! Not only you have the problem, ‘When I am far away, I have such a strong feeling-connection; when I come near I have so much fear and feel intimidated!’ How many of you have this problem? Raise your hand! (People raise their hand). HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Even Meera had this problem! Andal had this problem! Meera had this problem! Andal had this problem! But this is not a problem. It is like a….when you get too many orders in your industry and you are not able to supply that level, it is a right problem to have. Understand! Wrong problem is not having any order and you are just empty! That is the wrong problem! There are some problems which are right problems to have! This problem is a right problem! So don’t worry! But just because of this problem, don’t allow the feeling-connection to reduce. Continue with this Leela Dhyana. You will see the power of your Leela Dhyana moves even the temple deity and makes the temple deity responds to you as you want! See, temple deity shows as if it doesn’t even know you and it doesn’t responds to you, just to see the depth of your Leela Dhyan! Whether still you will strengthen your Leela Dhyan, or ‘Oh, you will not respond to me? Then I also don’t care!’

‘If you don’t care, I don’t care!’ - is inauthentic attention-need! Not devotion or love! ‘Whether you care or not, I take the responsibility to build the bridge between you and me!’ is authentic devotion! Paada Pooja time is the space for exploring that possibility. Exploring that possibility! Exploring that practice! Understand? Practice, Exploring, keeps the possibilities alive!


I used to do this. I used to have a Shiva Linga in the house and do pooja every day. I have read in many of the saints’ lives, the flower they offer in the house doing Shiva Pooja will be there suddenly on the temple deity! And the king will find out! And he will call and recognize the great devotion of a devotee! We have lot of stories, you see, like that. Poosalaar Naayanaar who built temple inside his visualization; Means, just through his Leela Dhyaana!

God himself went and appeared and told the king, the temple king built, God said, ‘Don’t do inauguration on that day; I am too busy in attending another one function.'

He said, ‘What, what, what function?’

‘No, I have given my appointment for attending the inauguration ceremony of the Poosalaar’s temple.’

As if God cannot attend both the functions at a time! He just wants the world to know, the word moves the world! The space you carry can move the world! I used to think. I used to play with that deity. And every day I select one particular bel or flower and offer it to him; then run to the temple and see whether it is there on the deity or not; whether it is there on the temple Shiva or not; whether it reached him or not! I have never seen even once the same flower appearing there. But, I tell you, that excitement and exploring of that Leela Dhyan has made me realize that the flower I offered to my deity, it may not appear on the temple deity, but it has reached the main deity itself!

Listen! Constantly exploring in every field you spend time, is ‘Practice’! If you are spending one hour with your family, get to know each other! Not that you will be staring at the TV and Facebook! Sit with others! Get to know each other! Explore the possibilities of each other! How, one another can support the other’s fulfillment! Don’t be like street dogs! If you see the street dogs, even if they live together for seven years in the same street, the way they relate is Grrrrrr! Grrrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr! That is their way of saying Hello! Every morning this fellow wakes up and that fellow wakes up Grrrrrr! Grrrrrr! No! Explore the other person! He may be your son, brother, sister, spouse, daughter, mother, father. Listen!


Exploring every dimension of your life for which you spend your time is ‘Practice’! Even while you are attending your patient, if you are a doctor, you are attending a patient, look at the whole patient. Don’t say, ‘I am a lung specialist! I am going to look at only lungs! Let him have diarrhea and die! I don’t care!’ No, that is what all the research scientists are doing! Do you know? I was studying. I wanted to do some scientific researches and I wanted to record medically, scientifically the powers of meditation and initiation, Kundalini awakening. Already I have proved that Alzheimers can be healed by the Kundalini awakening by healing many patients. But I wanted to scientifically record.

So, I was studying the Alzheimer research field – the people who are doing research on that Alzheimers, people who are doing research on Parkinsons – I was studying their papers and their purpose, motto, vision, who is doing, how they are trying to record, how the trials are done. You will be shocked! The only purpose of that people who are doing research on Alzheimers is, they are saying, ‘If we somehow postpone Alzheimers, the Alzheimers and Parkinsons death five years’, means, at least, five years they should not die of Alzheimers and Parkinsons, ‘they will have some other disease and die! That is not our problem! The patients will have in that five years some other disease and die! That is not our problem!’ What a narrow purpose, you see. And you call them as scientists and you believe them! Good punishment!

When the Vedic Rishis who can see the things holistically and who don’t have any vested interest, when they say, ‘You say, no, no, no, no, no! It is not scientific! It is all old stuff! Mom, keep it for you! Don’t put it on me!’ You want to go for cool stuff nah, go! All your cool stuff is fool stuff, understand? No, the very aim of these guys is just to push the death through Alzheimers and Parkinsons five years more! It is all boiling down to statistics and reports and….! It is….the aim is not to look at human-beings as whole! If you just remove all the holes in the medical field, we will know Whole!


Listen! So what these people who do research and pharmaceutical companies are doing? They only push your death! They try their best to just push your death little away and make sure that you don’t die out of this disease! That’s all! They want to just postpone the onset of disease for which they have not yet come up with any cure, so that the patient can get some other disease instead and die! That is life! That is life!

When you are attending a patient, look at him as whole! Expand your possibility. What you mean for him, fulfill his anyakaara. Life will not be boring. If you think, ‘Why should I fulfill his anyakaara?’, then die! Life will be boring! If you fulfill others anyakaara, life will be exciting! If you fulfill only your own anyakaara, you will shrink, shrink, shrink, and die in boredom!

In every step of life, explore. Exploring is ‘Practice’. Whether in your profession, or relationships, spiritual practice, knowledge accumulation; if you are reading only your syllabus, you are never going to be successful! You may pass exam, but you will not be successful! The kid who is educated only in the school, is uneducated! Understand! This is the statement of the day! The kid who is only educated in the school, is uneducated! Means, he has not explored the possibilities of life. He has not explored the possibilities of life.



I have a story:

Patient comes to a doctor with cold.

Doctor says, ‘Stand outside in the snow at night for three days.’

Patient says, ‘Won’t I get Pneumonia if I do that?’

Doctor replies, ‘But you see, unlike the Common Cold, I know only how to cure Pneumonia!’

Because, the cure for Common Cold, he left it in choice in examination!


Everything you do, even eating, if you don’t explore the different possibilities, it will be boring! Even sleeping, if you don’t explore the depths of the sleep or decide to explore the depths of the sleep, you will be so bored, you will start suffering with insomnia, sleeplessness! As long as you continue to explore, you will be practicing life. As long as you practice life, life practices you. Means, keeps you alive! When you stop practicing life, life also feels you are useless; no need, no need to keep your body alive anymore!


Practicing! Practicing! Practicing the different possibilities! Practicing every inch! Try to explore the different ways of dressing. Try to explore the different ways of brushing. Every small, small things in your life, the small things like brushing your teeth, to great things like sitting and unclutching for enlightenment, in everything, explore, explore, explore. Exploring keeps the practice alive! When the practice is alive, you are enlightened! Listen! Enlightenment is not end of the practice. When you learn to keep the practice alive forever, you are enlightened! Keeping the practice alive is enlightenment.


Exploring life is practice. Unfortunately you have been taught, you can’t explore the field of emotion, excitement; it has to come by itself, you cannot explore. No! You can create anything, including your own consciousness, then why not your emotions? It is you who create it! I am not born with devotion; I created it! Devotion is one of the best way to be eternally excited in life. Devotion keeps you in eternal excitement. I don’t need anything. Just if I morning I go and see Nithyanandeshwara and the Banyan Tree, I am excited. And this Bhairava, this fellow, the morning the moment he comes and sees me, he is excited! He jumps all around! So understand, devotion keeps you eternally excited! Devotion keeps you eternally excited! Understand this! That is why atheists are so boring, so dull, colorless, dead!


When I went to Melkote, I understood what devotion can create! God! He has created an empire thousand years before in that dense forest, purely out of devotion! Understand, just purely out of devotion! Only devotion creates! Devotion makes you explore deeper and deeper dimensions of life. If the temple of that city or village, town is alive, I can say, the collective mental health of the village is alive! The collective mental health of the village can be measured only by the health of the temple, the way the temple is functioning; because that is the symbol of the collective devotion, mental health, the excitement of that village. Devotion excites you, helps you to explore the different possibilities of life.

I tell you, I tell this as my command to Dhyanapeetam, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and my Sangha, in every city, the way our temples function only will tell the way our devotees health and the excitement to explore life. I can see very clearly; no, any temple, I can say that the way the temple is flourishing very clearly will show the way those people are excited in their life. I have seen all the successful temple heads are successful in their business, in their profession, in their family, in their whole life; because devotion excites you to explore life.

I give you this word, as long as you guys continue to build temples and run, you will be alive. The day you stop building temples and stop running temples, you will be dead. So, to keep yourself alive, continue to build temples. And keep it running, up alive, with excitement!

The essence of today’s satsang is:

Explore! Explore! Explore, everything you do in your life, from brushing your teeth to cleaning your garage, to sitting in unclutched space for enlightenment! In everything; for whatever you spend time, spend your energy and explore it, so that you practice life, you are excited about life, you are alive! This is the essence of today’s satsangh.



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Inner Awakening



Paramahamsa Nithyananda, secret, enslave, habitual, life, explore, dimension, environment, work, relationship, spiritual, intelligence, create, project, disease, desire, active, understanding