June 22 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on how completion takes us to the space of real responsibility. The space where everything turns positive, even if it looks negative at first, is experienced when we are complete. Initially, it is ok to take responsibility out of greed for wanting to be a leader and be successful in our careers and families. But beware of making the right decision for the wrong reason. We will know we took responsibility for the right reason only when we are in completion. When we take responsibility for our lives; including the whole world, then we have realized we are the source for everything around us. Then anything we do in our lives becomes a spiritual practice.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, space, responsibility, positive, negative, greed, leader, successful, careers, families, whole world, source, lives, spiritual practice.


I welcome you all with my love and respects.

We will start the Nithya Satsang once Sadhana and Lotus TV join us live.

I welcome all the devotees, visitors sitting with us through Sadhana TV and Nithyananda TV, two-way video conferencing all over the world.


Listen! Please come to the space of listening!

With completion, you experience a space where everything goes positive for you. Even if it looks a little negative, it may look like only with Completion, you will feel a power of compassion, you will feel Responsibility.

One more thing, you can take responsibility in your life even out of greed. Understand, just to have a best family, you can take responsibility for your family. Just to be a leader, you can take responsibility in your office. Just to be a successful team head, you can take responsibility for your team. For various reasons, you can take responsibility, but only the responsibility you take after completion will make you a Jeevan Muktha!

So, just out of greed to have a good family, if you take responsibility for the family, you will have a good family, no doubt. Just to be a successful leader if you take responsibility for your company, you will become a good leader, no doubt. Just to have a successful business if you take the responsibility for your business, you will have a good business, no doubt. But all those responsibilities are not complete responsibilities.

Listen! I am not a corporate Guru to teach you responsibility for the sake of your corporate success. No! I am not a trekker Guru who will teach you responsibility for the sake of your business success. Understand, even the right decision should not be taken for or out of wrong reason. Even right decision should not be taken based on wrong reason.

I will tell you a story:

Three mad fellows wanted to get discharged from the mental asylum, mental hospital. They went to the doctor and begged, ‘Please release us. We want to go back to the house’. Doctor said, ‘Come tomorrow morning. I’ll give you all a test, and after the test based on how you perform I will decide whether you can go back or not’. So, the doctor orders for a test. Next day all of them come, all the three. Doctor takes them to a swimming pool which is empty, no water.

He asks the first mad guy, ‘Jump in and swim!’ The guy jumps and breaks his hand!

Second guy he calls and says, ‘Jump inside and swim!’ The second guy jumps and breaks his leg!

Doctor calls the third guy and asks, ‘Jump and swim!’ The third guy said, ‘No, I will not jump!’

Doctor was very happy. Yes, now this fellow can be discharged!

He says, ‘You can go back to the house. You are no more mad. You are cured!’

So doctor says, ‘Come to the office and do the paperwork, and then you can leave’.

So, the mad guy goes to the office, doing the paper work, doing the bills and signing, doing all the paperwork to leave the mental hospital. Doctor slowly asks, ‘May I know why you did not jump?’ Out of curiosity. The guy tells, ‘You don’t know? I don’t know swimming!’

Not jumping into the swimming pool may be the right decision, but taken for the wrong reason! Right decision taken for wrong reason! Even if it is right decision taken for wrong reason, leads to danger, because later on when you think you know swimming, you may jump into the empty swimming pool! See, this guy if he has not jumped into the swimming pool because he does not know swimming, then after learning swimming he may jump into the empty pool again then!

Even if the right decision is taken out of wrong reason, you are in danger! Even if responsibility is taken out of wrong reason, you are not going to be responsible!

Understand, in those days, the autocratic kings used to have Rajagurus, so that all the ideas to exploit the common-man he himself will not tell alone; he will tell through the Rajaguru! Same way, in the modern world, there are many corporate Gurus. The corporate CEOs, because they want productive workers, staff, clerks, team members, they themselves cannot teach many things. The king himself never behaves responsibly; so if he teaches Responsibility, nobody will listen. So, he will have one guy who is projected as a very responsible guy, so that he will teach Responsibility. He will be branded as a very responsible guy and he will teach Responsibility. Just like autocratic kings use Rajagurus for their selfish ends, in the modern day the corporate kings, CEOs use corporate Gurus for their ends. I tell you, don’t go to the corporate Gurus who don’t have any sampradaaya, paaramparya, parampara. These corporate Gurus and Gurujis, creating cults, they teaching Responsibility and me teaching Responsibility is totally from different context. Please understand, they tell you not to jump into the swimming pool because you don’t know swimming. They are not telling ‘don’t jump because there is no water’. You need to be told don’t jump because there is no water and you don’t know swimming. Both the reasons should be given. Only then even if one reason is eliminated, you will hold on to your decision till all the reasons are eliminated. I am not a corporate Guru, trekker Guru to teach you Responsibility for the sake of corporate performance. No! I am teaching Responsibility for you to become a Jeevan Muktha! Yes, when you learn this Responsibility, you may naturally perform well in your office, in your business, in your family. You will become responsible, no doubt. I am not against it. I am not against you performing in your office. I am not against you performing in your business. I am not against you taking responsibility for your family. But all that should be the side-effect! [10.02 mins] The main effect of your responsibility should be you becoming Jeevan Muktha, living enlightenment!

That is why, if you ask these trekker Gurus why you should take responsibility, they have no answer other than saying “only then you can be productive, you can be a performer, you can be a leader”. No! No! If you take responsibility because you have to be a performer or a leader or productive, you will feel responsibility is a weight on you! I’ll tell you why you need to take responsibility. Why you should take responsibility! Whatever happens in and around you, you ARE the source! That is why you need to take responsibility for whatever is happening in and around you. You need to take responsibility, because you are responsible, and not for any end reason. Whether you believe it or not, you ARE the source! With this clarity, out of this context if you take responsibility, every action, even taking your son to the hospital, daughter to the school, attending to your calls, attending to your business meeting, everything will become a spiritual practice leading you to Jeevan Mukthi!

If you are a doctor, know it, you are responsible for the whole world. So you are responsible for your patients also! With this context when you start functioning, even you attending to your patients will become a spiritual practice leading you to enlightenment, because in any context you do any action, that context will become your bio-memory and reality. With that decision, context, cognition, sankalpa of being blissful, even if you do acts like jumping, rolling, laughing, you will experience bliss! With that decision, cognition that “I should become blissful”, even if you cry you will become blissful! Your cognition decides the effect of any act on you. So, if you are with the cognition that, “I am the source of everything, so I am responsible for everything”, any action you do with this cognition, every action becomes spiritual practice for you to become a Jeevan Muktha!

Krishna says beautifully, ‘Even women, Shudras, can achieve enlightenment!’

I think in those days, those were the groups, society was feeling it was very difficult for them to achieve enlightenment. Now I want to tell you, even lawyers and politicians can become enlightened!

Live this principle of Responsibility. Live this principle of Responsibility. If you live this principle of Responsibility, if you are an MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly), you are responsible even for the people who have not voted for you! Even for them you are an MLA! If you are a Minister, you are a Minister even for the people who have not voted for you! If you are a Chief Minister, you are Chief Minister even for the people who have not voted for you! You will understand, all your decisions will be out of the experience “I am the source”! I am the source! Listen! All of you should understand, the experience, I AM THE SOURCE! If you function with this truth “I am the source, so I am responsible”, if you function with this understanding “I am the source, so I am responsible”, everything, everything, everything you do will become a spiritual practice! Will become Spiritual practice!

Even if you take responsibility without having right understanding, or with half understanding, it is not going to be real responsibility. It is going to be out of context. Listen! Understand, only when you complete, you will know the right reason for taking responsibility. You will know “why I should take responsibility, why I am responsible”. Only then you taking responsibility will be really, really, really useful to you. So understand, responsibility, responsibility, responsibility can happen in you only after completion! [20: 15]

Enriching! Whatever enriching you do, whether for you or to others, it will be successful only when you complete. Before completion, your enriching yourself and others will not have strength. So, complete, complete, complete! It is completion which is the first and foremost requirement. Start from today. Till Guru Poornima, decide you will spend your time and energy only for completing and enriching. Complete, complete, complete! Continuously complete, and your continuous completion only will teach you to take responsibility and enriching. Only that can teach you responsibility and enriching!

Understand, if you think you are not able to live Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I tell you, start your practice, spiritual practice from completion and listening. Start your spiritual practice from completion and listening! When you complete, you will experience an extraordinary space open up inside you. All your suffocations will disappear! You will feel like you are always in the open space, vast space! Now, even if you are in open space, you feel like you are inside a 3’ x 4’ cell. Even when you are in the roof-top looking at the sky, you feel you are in the 3’ x 4’ cell, or you are afraid you will get into that cell once you come down from the roof-top! That 3’ x 4’ cell, your own self-imposed life-imprisonment cell, never leaves you! You carry it wherever you go! You suffocate yourself with it. How a caged lion is always agitated and angry, waiting to attack anybody who comes in front of it, you are a caged, agitated lion ready to attack anybody who comes in front of you! So, constantly you behave like a stray dog, street dog, who has gone mad! Rrrrrrrr! Rrrrrr! Rrrrrr! Constantly that sound and smell can be felt around you! Everyone who comes around you are enriched by that Rrrrrrr! Rrrrrrr! Rrrrrrr!

I tell you, when you complete, suddenly that space, you feel you are established in that extraordinary space. You are established in a powerful, large space. When you complete, you will experience an extraordinary space open up inside you which will have extraordinary gush of energy happening inside you, flowing inside you. Use that space and energy to enrich others. If you do not use that energy to enrich life outside you, others outside you, you will again fall back into your old incompletion.

The only expression of completion is that you will express real responsibility; which is being responsible for every human-being in your breathing space, and being responsible for their completions. You will experience being responsible for liberating other human-beings from the sufferings of their life and you will be responsible for their expansion, for they experiencing expansive space and energy in them!

Please listen! Listen! Completion with yourself and with others is a basic need, before you do anything. Before you start your education, complete with you and others. Before you plan for your career, complete with you and others. Before you start your marriage, complete with you and others. Before you plan for your child, complete with you and others. Before you put your child into the school, complete with you and others. So, the only way to know if you are complete or not is to see if you are being responsible and enriching others out of the right context that you are the source of everything in and around you.

Understand, on enriching out of right context! Enriching out of right context! Enriching out of right context! With the right and enough of reasons, and complete reasons! If you think you are responsible for your business, you will be the Eshwara of your business; you can be called only as Businesseshwara! If you take responsibility for your family, you will be only the Eshwara of your family; you can only be called as Familyeshwara! If you take responsibility for the whole world, only then you are called Jagadheeshwara! Only when you take responsibility for the whole Jagath, you can be Jagadheeshwara! So take responsibility out of the context of Jagadheeshwara! If you are complete, then responsibility with the right context that you are the source, therefore, you are responsible, will be a natural self-expression of who you are, and enriching others will be your natural self-expression. Just like how a flower radiates fragrance, naturally you will also radiate responsibility and enriching naturally just because that is who you are! That is what you are! Responsibility with the right reason, for the right reason, with the right context, for the right context! [30:00]

Your business, career, physical health, mental health, family, spiritual contentment, enlightenment, all are different dimensions of you! If you are complete and responsible, feeling responsible only in one dimension, it will be like only your hand has grown larger than your thigh, your belly has grown ten times your chest! Your body will not have belly, your belly will have your body. I have seen some people, almost like a pumpkin, have small, drumstick-like legs and hands. You become uneven! So, do not learn responsibility from corporate Gurus. Learn responsibility from original source of Vedic tradition, original source of Vedic knowledge! It is Vedic tradition; it is Vedic tradition which will give you the right and all reasons to be responsible. Don’t get carried away by these trekker Gurus who read one or two books here and there, corporate Gurus who don’t know anything, who can’t digest, who come and pronounce ‘Uu-pa-nee-shaadh’! No! I am not against westerners becoming Gurus. I welcome them. But learn from the original source and become Guru, not from the corporate sources and become Guru.

Find out the source you are learning. Is it really from Gangothri or the company sewage outlet? Sometimes both merge, but that does not mean Gangothri and company sewage outlet are one and the same! These trekker Gurus have done so much of damage to Hinduism; they’ve damaged Hinduism much more other religious missionary militants and militant missionaries. These pseudo-secularism….! I am all for practicing secularism in politics. In politics, religion should not mix. Maintain secularism in politics. How can you have secularism in spiritual organizations? Spiritual organizations should be completely based on authentic, true religious traditions! Pseudo Secularism in Spiritual organizations, I am really surprised, these Gurus and Gurujis, they steal all the knowledge from Hinduism! All the Kriya and Pranayama, everything they teach, yoga, everything is from the source of Hinduism! Then how they go on claiming they are a secular organization? What do they mean? It is like you swindle all your father’s property, but you will not use his name as your surname. Ungrateful fellows!

I sit in these types of seats, wear these type of religious jewelries to show that I am not Pseudo Secular! I am rooted in Hindu tradition! I accept all religions, serve all religions and all traditions, but I’m rooted in Hindu tradition, Vedic tradition! I am grateful to the source from which I learned everything. These guys they will steal all the knowledge from Hindu the tradition and sell, make money, have name and fame, but will not water the root! It is like they will cut the branches of a Banyan tree and use the leaves, use the shade, use everything, but will not water the root so that the tree can be alive for the next generation. They will eat the coconut, use the coconut leaves, enjoy everything from the tree, but will not water the tree for the next generation to enjoy what they enjoyed! I tell you, the irresponsibility of the pseudo-gurus, corporate Gurus, has damaged Hinduism much more than other militant missionaries and missionary militants!

These Gurus who don’t have parampara and have removed their Gurus’ photos from their Guru parampara list, and who don’t have any parampara, they are the dangers for Hinduism! And they go on criticizing Gurus with a parampara, tradition, sampradaaya!

The essence of today’s satsangh:

Be responsible by doing completion and the right context. [38:00]

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-22-6-13-11.JPG Swayambu Linga Swamiji's Utsava Murthy Morning Satsang http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_7239-22-6-13-2.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_7226-22-6-13-4.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_7219-22-6-13-5.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_7208-22-6-13-6.JPG SarvaDarshan Blessings Rudrabishekam http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-22-6-13-9.JPG