February 18 2014

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda discusses how the Advaitic Science of Completion and the Bhakti Science of Surrender go hand in hand. Surrender does not mean giving up – it comes from a place of powerfulness and devotion. When we practice completion, we are surrendering the weakness of incompletions within us. When we surrender our incompletions, in a state of completion, we fall in love with our higher Self, experiencing the ultimate reality.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Advaitic, completion, Bhakti, science, surrender, powerfulness, devotion, state, love, self, ultimate, reality.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, visitors, viewers, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, every one of you who are sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, and Janashree TV and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in so many countries, so many cities all over the world.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: San Jose-Madurai, Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Charlotte-Srisailam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Houston-Kalahasti, Bangalore Centre, Jorpati-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, Camus Hong Kong, Acapulco-Mexico, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Scottsdale-Arizona, Colorado Springs-USA, Hosur Dhyanapeetam, Rajapalayam Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, Mahadeva is gracing us in Shaakambari Alankara – means, wearing vegetables as his ornaments. In the form of hunter Mahadeva is gracing. In Agama tradition this is a very unique alankara where the deity is completely covered with the vegetables. It is called “Shaakambari Alankara”.

I also have one more good news for all of you. The Honourable High Court of Karnataka has stayed the order passed by one local officer to dismantle our Gurukul and shift all our kids to nearby schools. The order has been stayed by the Honourable High Court of Karnataka. So, I wanted to tell all the parents of the Gurukul kids and the Gurukul kids we will continue to have the Gurukul, thank you!

And I’ll move to today’s satsangh subject. Before moving to the satsangh subject maybe I can give one or two references, tips, just for the sake of our Gurukul teachers, students and the parents of the Gurukul kids. We have a very clear legal protection given by the Indian Constitution and even the Circular Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Department of School education and Literacy. The Circular stated, the circular number 115 by 2010 ae4, very clearly says in the third point, “Institutions, including Madrassas and Vedic Patashalas, especially serving religious and linguistic minorities are protected under Article 29 and 30 of the Constitution.” The RTE, Right to Education Act does not come in the way of continuation of such institutions or the rights of children in such institutions. So I am religious organization, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is a religious organization, and Nithyananda Gurukul is directly serving religious organization and I’m also a linguistic minority in Karnataka. It was signed by one Mr. Vikram Sahai, Director with a telefax number 23381470.

So, these are the details of the Circular.

Thanks to all the Swamis, great Swamis who stood by us very strongly and supported us like Shanthaveera Mahaswamiji of Kolada Mutt Mahasamsthana and other Gurus who are strongly protecting our Gurukul and giving us all the legal advice necessary. And we also thank the Honourable High Court for protecting us. And we trust Indian Judiciary and God!

Nithyanandeshwara Devasthanam is a religious institution, Nithyananda Gurukul is directly associated with a religious institution serving the religious institution it is Vedic Patashala. It is Vedic Gurukul so, we will continue to exist!

There’ a clear Supreme Court judgement also. Maybe I’ll give the judgement number. The whole judgement is available with me here. Maybe, later on we’ll provide this. Writ Petition C.No.95 of 2010. In the judgement, Supreme Court has very clearly spelt it out.

I’ll move to today’s satsangh subject: How the Science of Completion, when added with the devotion, becomes a powerful experience of liberation.

Please understand, first time I am going to connect these two sciences – Science of Completion, and Science of Surrender. In the traditional Bhakthi literatures, the Dasa Parampara, Kanaka Dasa, Purandara Dasa, Vittala Dasa, Bhakthi Sampradaya now the great Shaiva Nayanmars and Kanakadasa, Purandara Dasa, Vittala Dasa, Dasa Parampara, the great devotees like Meera, Andal, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, from the Narada Bhakthi Sutras, the whole Bhakthi Sampradaya, finally evolves to the ultimate surrender. We call it “Atma Sharanagathi”. And the Science of Completion is from the Advaita Sampradaya, Yoga Vedanta Sampradaya and the Science of Surrender is from the Bhakthi Sampradaya, how both complement each other.

Please understand, ultimately the Complete Completion happens when you don’t even bother about Complete Completion. Even the desire or the effort for the Complete Completion is surrendered. Even when that effort is surrendered at the feet of the Divine, the Complete Completion happens.

The Science of Surrender..... Please listen, listen sincerely and intensely. The more and more and more Completion you do, the more and more and more the surrender starts happening in you.

I need to define “surrender”. “Surrender” in no way starts with powerlessness or gives you the powerlessness experience or ends in powerlessness. Surrender starts with powerfulness, leads you from power to more powerfulness, ends in ultimate powerfulness. Surrender is in no way connected to powerlessness.

Many times, in your powerlessness, the “giving up”, you call it as surrender. No! Giving up is not surrender. Giving up is not surrender. Danse suniya, listen; Giving up is NOT surrender! A Shiva bhakta will never give up on himself or others. Surrender doesn’t come by powerlessness; it comes by tremendous powerfulness.

The Science of Completion and the Science of Powerfulness, both complement each other. The Science of Completion and Science of Powerfulness, both complement each other. When you complete more and more, you become powerful. When you surrender more and more, you become powerful. More Completion leads to more surrender. More surrender leads to more Completion.

Completion is nothing but falling in love with your higher self. Decide to reside in the higher self. Surrender is nothing but falling in love with the embodiment of higher self your Ishta Devatha. Your “ishta” is nothing but your higher self. Surrender should lead to more and more “ishta”, not “kashta”. Naturally, surrender leads you to more and more powerfulness, not powerlessness. It leads to more and more powerfulness, more and more joy, more and more strength.

Understand, when you carry the space of surrender, everything in the life listens to you. Even a plant drops all its thorns just by your request. How do you think just our Gurukul kids are able to talk to plants and the plants are listening to them? And they are dropping their thorns. Understand, it is not a myth or story I am talking. We can show you in front of your eyes.

The surrender makes you deeply powerful; the space of Completion makes you deeply powerful. Surrender is misinterpreted, given wrong meaning in the western thought trends. There the word is used more like in the war when you lose you drop all your weapons and surrender. Here I am not using that meaning. The word “surrender” has a totally different meaning in the Bhakthi literatures. So, maybe, I may not even want to use the word “surrender” in English. I’ll use the word “Sharanagathi” just in Sanskrit. “Sharana” and “Agathi”. It’s such powerfulness. The powerfulness, the powerfulness radiated by the devotees. Andal was not weak. Akkamadevi was not weak. Meera was not weak. Kanakadasa, Purandara Dasa, Vittala Dasa, all the great Dasa Sampradhaya devotees are not weak. They were never weak. Understand, Kanaka-Purandara-Vittala Dasas, Meera, Akkama, Andal, all of them are not weak. They all lived in the space of powerfulness.

Even Completion you can intellectually grasp even if you don’t practice it. Just watch the satsangh, you will intellectually grasp what is the Completion, what is the power of Completion I am sure. See the Completion can be understood even if you listen intellectually! But this Sharanagathi, this surrender, you need to see somebody experiencing and radiating it. You need to be around some great bhakta, devotee. Because it is such a beautiful experience, you need to see that radiating in the body language. Sharanagathi, surrender, can’t be understood just by the intellectual. Intellectually if you try to understand, it will only lead to that surrender happens during the war period; only that meaning you will get it . It is out of powerlessness, kind of a giving up, failure, drop-out. But the Bhaktha Sampradhayas, the Bhakthi Traditions do not mean that kind of a surrender here; you become more and more powerful, more and more strong, more and more intelligent. The Bhakthi Sampradhaya, its definition of surrender is totally different.

So, understand, more and more practice of surrender leads to more and more experience of Completion. More and more experience of Completion leads to more and more practice of surrender.

Today I just wanted to introduce this theory, this science. Next few days, I’ll expand on the nuances, the details of these both sciences and how both sciences complement each other, support each other.

Knowledge leads to power. The way of thinking, if your way of thinking, if it is leading you to more and more power, making you more and more powerful every day, you are thinking right direction. If your thinking is making you powerless every day, you are thinking in wrong direction.

Please listen! Whether it is...Violence is not power. It actually makes you powerless. That is why you become violent. The world, life, universe responds to you exactly the way you behave with it. If you are violent, constantly violence is given back to you. If you are peaceful, how much ever, how many ever people try to disturb you wrongly, they will not be able to be successful; constantly you are given the peace and victory again and again.

When the Science of Completion connects with the Science of Surrender, the space you create becomes reality, because all your individual incompletions should be completed. When you are complete, your individual identity should be surrendered to the Cosmos. Then Cosmos functions through you. Individual identity is made out of bunch of incompletions. When all those incompletions are complete, you surrender yourself to the Cosmos.

I tell you, please listen, whenever you do tapas, especially a sincere routine with integrity, like how we do in our Sangha early morning, every day morning Yoga, completing with the body, then all the Pancha Kriyas, then all the great spiritual truths, completing with the mind and the soul, creating the Vedic Mind, actually, after sometime, you guys even take it for granted. You will see, if we study, we will prove it: we are the largest community in the world with lowest physical disorders, any illness, physical, mental, both. Please understand, if we start recording, we may even be able to create a Guinness Record: the largest community living together with the lowest physical or mental sickness, with such minimum food, so much intense thinking and working! You guys take health for granted. Do you know that people living outside in the world regularly fall sick and go to doctors? But this integrated routine, when you follow it so authentically, automatically your body and mind goes to the space of Completion. From that space of Completion if you surrender, any space you create becomes reality, God supports you, God protects you!

Experiencing the Science of Surrender and Completion is what I call “Kalpataru”.

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. With eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

= Paduka Puja

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9845_bidadi-padukapuja_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9846_bidadi-leela-alankaram_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9847_bidadi-devotees-welcome-swamiji_0.JPG

Nithya Satsang

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9860_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9876_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang-devotees-applaud_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9877_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang-devotees-applaud_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9878_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang-devotees-applaud_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9880_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang_0.JPG

Kalpataru Darshan

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9895_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9919_bidadi-swamiji-e-kalpataru-darshan-rajapalayam_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9926_bidadi-swamiji-e-kalpataru-darshan-rajapalayam.JPG

Delhi book fair

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC00164_delhi-book-fair-nithyananda-galleria_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-02feb-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC00167_delhi-book-fair-nithyananda-galleria.JPG