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== Description: ==  
== Description: ==  
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda redefines the Four Noble Truths. [[Integrity]] is the bone structure on which we build our lives. Integrity is based on our words, on what we commit to and what we say. If we do not keep our word, our lives grow perverted and crooked. When we fulfill our commitments, we create success. Integrity forms the roots of our Tree of Life. [[Authenticity]] is the tree itself. It means aligning our perceptions of ourselves with how others perceive us. Then they can understand what to expect of us, and we can answer their expectations. [[Responsibility]] is the fruit of the tree. With responsibility we pluck from the tree the best it has to offer. We enjoy the fruit ourselves, and we Enrich Others by sowing the fruit’s seeds as widely as possible, creating new trees and new fruit with which to nourish the world.
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda redefines the Four Noble Truths. [[Integrity]] is the bone structure on which we build our lives. Integrity is based on our words, on what we commit to and what we say. If we do not keep our word, our lives grow perverted and crooked. When we fulfill our commitments, we create success. Integrity forms the roots of our Tree of Life. [[Authenticity]] is the tree itself. It means aligning our perceptions of ourselves with how others perceive us. Then they can understand what to expect of us, and we can answer their expectations. [[Responsibility]] is the fruit of the tree. With responsibility we pluck from the tree the best it has to offer. We enjoy the fruit ourselves, and we Enrich Others by sowing the fruit’s seeds as widely as possible, creating new trees and new fruit with which to nourish the world.
==Video ==  
==Video ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQb2ZdHDW9Y |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/20130227your-word"/>
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==Link to Audio==
<div align="center">
=== Your Word Is Your Life  ===
<soundcloud url="    https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/20130227your-word    " />
==Transcript ==  
==Transcript ==  
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== Tags: ==  
== Tags: ==  
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Four Noble Truths, bone structure, commit, create, success, Tree of Life, understand, expectations, enjoy, nourish, world.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Four Noble Truths, bone structure, commit, create, success, Tree of Life, understand, expectations, enjoy, nourish, world.
[[Category: 2013 | 20130227]] [[Category: Satsang]] [[Category: Puja]] [[Category: Darshan]][[Category: Devalaya]]
[[Category: 2013 | 20130227]] [[Category: Satsang]] [[Category: Puja]] [[Category: Darshan]][[Category: Devalaya]]

Revision as of 17:08, 6 December 2020


Your Word is Your Life


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda redefines the Four Noble Truths. Integrity is the bone structure on which we build our lives. Integrity is based on our words, on what we commit to and what we say. If we do not keep our word, our lives grow perverted and crooked. When we fulfill our commitments, we create success. Integrity forms the roots of our Tree of Life. Authenticity is the tree itself. It means aligning our perceptions of ourselves with how others perceive us. Then they can understand what to expect of us, and we can answer their expectations. Responsibility is the fruit of the tree. With responsibility we pluck from the tree the best it has to offer. We enjoy the fruit ourselves, and we Enrich Others by sowing the fruit’s seeds as widely as possible, creating new trees and new fruit with which to nourish the world.


Video Audio


I am going to define the four tattvas– Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching yourself and others.

Today I am going to redefine these four for all of you to imbibe it clearly.

Integrity is fulfilling the word and thought, you give to yourself and others. Integrity is fulfilling the word and thought you give to yourself and to others, and experiencing a state of completion –poornatva– with yourself and with life.

Listen, when you give your word to yourself or to others, that is the bone structure of your life. That is the bone structure of your life! If you continuously break the bones of your life, how will your life be? Full of pain, distorted, vakra, perverted. The word you give to you is the bone structure of your inner personality, the word you give to others is the inner structure of your success, life. If you are constantly breaking your bones and the bones of your life, life will be painful, suffering, torture.

Life is based on the word you give to you and others. How many of you cognize what I am saying? It is based on the words that everything starts. So, the word you give to you and to others is life. Literally LIFE!

The word you give to you and to others, you have to fulfill it as your very life. If you are really sure you can’t do it, at least do the bone transplantation. Don’t fracture the bone. Do bone transplantation. Meaning, complete the word by declaring you will not be able to fulfill that word. Finally complete it.

For example you have given a word you will give a million dollars to somebody. It is your life, you have to fulfill that word. If you are very sure you will not be able to fulfill that word, at least complete with them saying, ‘I will not be able to fulfill it, I am taking that word back. Please you look to some other source.’ Even this is a completion.

But the second choice should be used like a bone surgery. Will you do bone surgery yourself every day? No! Only rarely you will do bone surgery. It cannot be done everyday. Same way, just completing by taking the word back cannot be done every day. While giving the word itself, you should be aware enough that you are going to fulfill it. Only rarely surgery is allowed. But there should be nothing without fulfilling or completing. Experiencing a state of poornatva, completion with yourself and with life.

How many of you do more completion, and less fulfilling? Raise your hand. Giving a word, then taking it back; completing it, than fulfilling it. Raise the hands. You are all living in unconsciousness. You are living in utter unconsciousness. You give your word, but you are not aware of what you are doing.

Integrity is you fulfilling the word and thought you give to yourself and to others and experiencing a state of poornatva- completion with yourself and life.

If you give a word, be very clear, already your life has started building. You have started building your life. You have to fulfill it. It is your LIFE! Dropping the word and completing should be like pulling down the structure and rebuilding. How many times do pull down the structure and rebuild?

If you build 100 buildings, maybe one will be pulled down and rebuilt. But in your life, what do you do? If you give 100 words, 99 are pulled down and rebuilt. What does it mean? Still you have no respect for life. You are not aware of what you are doing.

Still you need to become sincere. You need to have the courage of authenticity before you give a word. You should ensure your authenticity is kept alive. I tell you, authenticity is death for your boredom, and excitement for your life. Because authenticity kills the old way of living, it is a death for you and it is an intense excitement to live. Applying the sacred ash on your forehead means, you declare, you commit ’All my decisions will be just based on this one truth of authenticity, because nothing else should interfere in my decision-making other than authenticity. Everything else is only ash. It is going to be turned out only as ash. So, all these things which are going to become ash should not be part of my strategy planning! My strategy for my life, my strategy for my success; everything should be from authenticity.‘ That is what you commit when you apply the ash!

I have a question.

’Sometimes, in the mood we commit something, and in some days we don’t feel we need to do that. Should we do it just because we gave the word, without the spirit behind the word? Can we drop that commitment in this case?’

No! If you have given a word, it has to be just lived. Just lived. Word is LIFE. Out of the word, Brahma created the world. Integrity of Vishnu is the lotus from the navel out of which the creation – Brahma happens; and the tongue of Brahma, which is the word Veda, out of which the world happens.

Understand,integrity should be the root foundation from which the lotus of the word blooms. Out of that word, creation happens. Creation happens out of the word from integrity. When a person with integrity says, ’Let there be a huge organization here!,’ just like that it happens!

Understand, when your words are rooted in integrity, the word is Brahma. If it is rooted in Vishnu – Integrity – it just becomes reality. Integrity is capable of maintaining creation. Vishnu maintains creation. Creation is possible only when you are established in the state of integrity and utter your words. When you utter your words from the space of integrity, creation is possible, Creation happens!

If you have committed, it has to be your life. It IS your life.Life is built on commitments. If you do not have respect for your commitments, your commitments also will not have respect for you. If you have respect for your commitments, you can just declare, ’I am going to live till Swamiji is on planet earth. 95 years more!’ And you will see your commitment takes care of you, makes you live that many number of years healthily.

I am going to be on the planet till 127. My 127th enlightenment day. That day I am going to be in the body. Till then I’ll be in the planet earth with the physical body continuously doing the work. Listen, if you are integrated to your commitment, your commitment can make it reality. Even in your day-to-day life, if you are integrated to your integrity, your integrity will be integrated to you.

Integrated to integrity, authentic to authenticity, responsible to responsibility, enriching to enrichment, that only will solve the fear of fear, worry of worrying, desire to have desires. If you just have the problem of fear, authenticity is enough to solve it. But if you have the problem of fear of fear, authenticity to authenticity only can solve it. When your problem is layered, the solution also has to be layered.

When you are integrated to integrity, integrity will be integrated to you. Being in integrity with integrity. Be integrated to integrity, authentic to authenticity, responsible to responsibility, enriching to enrichment.

The word you give to you and to others forms the bone structure of your life. If you are giving conflicting, contradictory words, the bone structure of your life will be a circle put on the square and rectangle and all the crooked perversions. So, on that if you start building, how will be building of your life be? Crooked, perverted, incomplete, useless!

You build a 200 story building, you forgot to put steps and realise it later on. Neither you put steps nor put the lift. And you come and tell, ’Swamiji, I built a 200 story building. The tallest building on the planet earth.’ I ask,’How can we go up?” ‘We have to use helicopter Swamiji.’ I say,’Ok, atleast with helicopter you will go to the top floor. Then from that floor how you will come to the other floors.’ ‘I forgot about this Swamiji. We have to go to other floors also. I’ll pull it down and build it again.’

Crooked buildings are created by the wrong skeleton structures. Crooked lives, useless lives are created by wrong thought patterns. Lack of integrity creates crooked thought patterns. Crooked thought patterns create crooked lifestyle.

Take your words, uttered in your inner space very seriously, very sincerely. Whatever words you are uttering, the most powerful being in your life is telling you, ’Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu!’ Who is that being? YOU! Whateveryou are uttering, He is sitting inside you as antaryaami and saying ’Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu!’ He goes on telling ’Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu!’

If you utter the word, ‘I am the most healthiest person, I am going to live till swamiji lives in the body,’ the inner most being says, ’Thathaasthu!Thathaasthu!’

‘You see, I am sick, I have back pain. I cannot do this, I cannot do that. I am sick and broke and I am really having tiredness, really can’t do the work. And if I can do the work, they will exploit me, I am not going to be alright, I am not going to be healthy.’ Then inside your being says- ’Thathaasthu!,Thathaasthu!’

Yogasyapradhamamdwaaramvangnirodhaha ||

’The first step towards the yoga is reduction in the words you create!’

Why the words you create will be reduced when you step into yoga? Because you bring integrity; means, awareness. Now you become responsible for the words you utter to you and to others. Naturally what will happen? Reduction in the words will happen.

Yogasyapradhamamdwaaramvangnirodhaha ||

Yogasyapradhamamdwaaramvangnirodhaha ||

Yoga kaprathamkadhamhaiaapkeandharaurbeetharshabdhonkakamupayogkarna |

The first step in yoga is reduction in words inside and outside of you. When you bring integrity, automatically the words inside and outside you will drop drastically. When you bring authenticity, the words will increase and your capacity to fulfill also will increase.

Listen! We will enter into authenticity. Let me define authenticity.

Authenticity is you being established in the peak of your energy, responding to life from who you believe yourself to be for yourself, who you project yourself to be for others, and what others perceive you to be for them.

More than the word perceive, I’ll change it into what others want you to be for them. What others expect you to be for them. Understand. I am redefining authenticity

Authenticity is you being established in the peak of your energy, the peak of your capability, and responding to life from who you perceive yourself to be for you. And who you project yourself to be for others, and what others expect you to be for them. This is a very, very, very important quality for life to happen to you.

First thing you need to do: tune what you perceive as you and what you project as you to others. Tune that. Do not reduce what you project to others. Increase what you perceive yourself to be for you. Let the benchmark be what you project, not what you perceive, because what you perceive is always lower than what you project. Compare both. Whatever is best in both, take that. If there are some best qualities in what you perceive as you, then raise what you project to that. If there is something great in what you project, raise your perception to that. Got it? How many of you cognize?

Write down your perceptions and projections. All the best things in the projections, tick it. All the peak things in the perceptions tick it. And raise yourself to that.

Authenticity is you being established in the peak of your capability, and responding to life from who you perceive yourself to be for yourself, and who you project yourself to be for others, and what others expect you to be for them.

Responsibility is living and responding to life from the understanding that you are the source of and, therefore, you are responsible for all the happenings in and around you.

I’ll alter one word. Instead of understanding, I will say truth.

Responsibility is living and responding to life from the truth that you are the source of and, therefore, you are responsible for all the happenings in and around you.

Responsibility is the fruit. Enriching is sowing the seed for the fruit to happen. Integrity is the root, authenticity is the tree, responsibility is the fruit, enriching is sharing the fruit to have more fruits. Integrity is the root, authenticity is the tree, responsibility is the fruit, enriching is sharing the fruit to create more fruits. Every person who eats the fruit is responsible for sowing the seed for more fruits to happen.

If you are rich, be the ground on which the seed can be sown. If not, at least pour water for the seed to become a tree. If not, at least be a gardener to weed out the unnecessary things for the seed to become fruit again. Either you offer your time or talent or treasure. If you have eaten the fruit, it is your responsibility to make the seed again into a fruit. After eating the fruit, be responsible to sow the seed and make sure the seed again brings more fruits for more people. How many of you cognize it?

Start. Don’t wait for structure to evolve. Structure evolves when spontaneity forms. Spontaneity is the stone out of which structure can be carved. Spontaneity is the base material that should become the stone. Then on that, structure can be carved.

But unfortunately we always wait for the structure to be carved first. How can the statue be carved without a stone? Spontaneity is the exciting hard work.

Listen! Spontaneity is the exciting hard work. Structure is chiseled smart work. All great things are started with exciting hard work; then comes the smart work. Chiseled smart work always comes later than exciting hard work. Listen! Now Dhyanapeetam is in the phase of exciting hard work. Do not expect chiseled smart work. Create excited hard work; then the structure for chiseled smart work will happen. Chiseled smart work never happens without exciting hard work.

All sangha starts with excited hard work, not with chiseled smart work. Excited hard work established on the four tattvas is what immediately we need.

Excited hard work is the Guruvak for the whole sangha. Excited hard work!!!

People are the greatest asset to Planet Earth!

I wanted the world leaders to know, it is because of you decision makers, politicians, planet earth is suffering with too much of population. If you guys make right decision you will bring life to planet earth.

If right education, inspiration, life is given, people are assets. Every individual brought to planet earth is wealth. It is a wrong attitude, understanding, we feel that people are a load on planet earth.

When you don’t understand the value of the people, you take them for granted, and you do not know to stand in the street and answer the questions of the people, you will not answer the questions when you receive the phone calls also. Only when you attend to people on the streets, answer their questions, help them with their concerns, you even learn to relate to people as human beings. Only if you learn to attend to the problems of the poor and rich, concerns of the sick and healthy, concerns of the young and old, you will learn to relate to people.

Your hatred towards economically well-off people does not mean you love economically weak people. That is why, Communism was never a success. Socialism is never going to be successful.

Listen. This is what we need. Learn to do excited hard work…

Photos From The Day:

Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga

Temple Glimpses

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_2702132.JPG Sri Nithyanandeswari and Nithyanandeswari Meru and Ambal Sri Nithyanandeswara Temple Swayambu Linga Early morning Sun Rise

Paada Puja

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_2702138.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_2702139.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021310.JPG


http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021311.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021312.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021313.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021314.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021315.JPG

Shwaasaguru Sri Vachanand Swamiji

Shwaasaguru Sri Vachanand Swamiji, founder of Shwaasa organization Visited Bidadi Adheenam in Bangalore http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021317.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_27021318.JPG


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Four Noble Truths, bone structure, commit, create, success, Tree of Life, understand, expectations, enjoy, nourish, world.