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Technique to Burn the Root of Suffering


In today’s (19 August 2014) morning satsang Paramahamsa Nithyananda expanded on the subtle dimensions of perpetual completion. He to;ld us ot complete with all the pain patterns for the next 45 days by doing the Samskara Dhahana Kriya. There are 5 steps to this process. 1-Sit and pen down all your pain patterns, 2- sit with them and relive 5 times to relieve, 3- sit with the mirror, 4- share with another person, 5-Listen to their sharing. This is to be done 48 times in the next 45 Days.

Link to Video:

==Link to Audio==

'Description: Technique To Burn The Root Of Suffering by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 19 August 2014'


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore-Singapuram, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Kulim-Tiruttani, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Dakota Dunes, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda University-Paris, Philadelphia, Port Washington-New York, Hebbal-Bangalore, Jorpati-Nepal, Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Seattle-Chidambaram, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Amersfoort-Netherlands, Scottsdale, Houston-Kalahasti, Rheinberg-Germany.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I can see now Kathmandu Nepal-joining, and Houston-Kalahasti.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.


Listen. Today I will expand on PERPETUAL COMPLETION, one of the important dimensions of Living Advaitha. Please listen.

Almost last two years, a little less than two years, I am expanding on this one Science of Completion from various angles, through various ways, through various understandings. See, any science, only if you spend more and more time, energy into it, is expressed perfectly. See, I have experienced this science perfectly at the age of twelve, but expressing it perfectly for all of you to live it, bringing perfection in the expression so that all of you also can experience it; that is what I was doing in last two years - continuously speaking on this one science, this one system. So, please understand, continuously speaking on this one science and one system. Today I wanted to expand on a different dimension of Completion, the dimension of Perpetual Completion, that happens, please understand, that happens by constantly completing not just with your root pattern, all the pain patterns. Please listen; not just your root patterns, all the pain patterns. It means, at least forty-eight times you should do Samskaara Dahana Kriya.

See, there are some of the very powerful, strong spiritual practices. In Hinduism, Vedic tradition, we are too fanatic about spiritual practices. I myself have seen sadhus keeping their one hand up, raised for years. ‘Years’ means don’t think two-three; twenty-five, thirty years. Fifteen years standing on one leg. The leg on which they are standing it has become literally like a pillar. But, the power, the will is so much; it just surpasses the laws of physical world, rules and regulations of the body. It just surpasses, takes them beyond even the pains of hell and pains related to body.


If you are too serious and sincere about spiritual practice; I am not asking you to keep your hands up for twenty years or stand on one leg for twenty-five years. No! Nothing of that is required. Forty-eight days do Samskaara Dahana Kriya. It does not even need to be like every day. You can do it one week, and give three-four days break, then again one week, again two-three days or few days break. But, forty-eight days of Samskaara Dahana Kriya can solve thousands and thousands of pain patterns in you. Please understand, for all the residential ashramites I used to insist on every night Completion, sitting and doing Completion, sitting and doing Completion, sitting and doing Completion; but, unfortunately, anything you need to do just with yourself, you don’t do. When you start doing, you just drift away into some of your strong pains and fall asleep from that pain, not from the Completion, and have nightmare; next day morning get up and fight with everyone.

So, understand, this is the direct instruction to the whole Sangha from Kaalabhairava: Within the next three months, every Thanedar, Kothari, Mahant, disciple, should do forty-eight days Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Per day it won’t take more than two-three hours in the initial level. Then, after sometime, it may take only twenty-thirty minutes.

Samskaara Dahana Kriya has four layer. Please listen to the instruction:

· First, sitting and penning down all your pain patterns.

· Then, re-living them in your inner-space.

· Then, re-living them using the mirror.

· And, sitting with somebody and sharing. And, listening, providing listening for them to complete.

Understand, this Science of Completion, understand, this Science of Completion is so powerful, it can just destroy so much of pain you carry which you are not completing by every-day Completion. Somehow, this every-day Completion....see, the every-day Completion is like only for the elite, soft type of people who wants to do spiritual practice on their own, and whose shraddha is very high. But till you evolve to that level, you need a very gross practice. Samskaara Dahana Kriya is the best where you yourself can understand whether you did it or not, and others also will understand whether you did it or not.

TILL THE GRASS GROWS ON THE PATH YOU WALK EVERY DAY, please understand, that is the signal; the ground on which you are walking every day, the grass should not die! Then you don’t have pain body! If the grass is dying on the path you are walking, be very clear, still the heat of the pain is there in your body. Pain exists in you as a unique heat and vibes, unique vibration. The moment you put your foot in any place, even the grass does not grow in that place any more. Till the grass starts growing in a place you walk, you should do Samskaara Dahana Kriya.


And I also wanted to update the Nirahara Samyama instruction. During the Nirahara Samyama time, whatever, how many number of days – Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, Level-4, all the thing you put, it will come around forty-eight days I think – whatever number of days, you do whatever level of Nirahara Samyama, you should do Samskaara Dahana Kriya every day.

Samskaara Dahana Kriya is one of the very important spiritual practice should be done. Including the gurukul Bala Sants and gurukul kids, from today all the residential Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants, Shrimahants should spend every night, whatever time it may take. If it takes only twenty minutes for you, finish that and go. See, first few days only, when you sit and write all the earliest pains, so much will come out. After three-four days, those pains will have no more power over you. Then whatever you remember, only those things, whatever still is fresh, whatever is still hurting you, only those things pen down.

So, understand, this Samskaara Dahana Kriya is one of the very comprehensive Completion processes. When you just sit and re-live, sometime you miss some incidents, you miss the depth, you missed catch the exact pain pattern. But the Samskaara Dahana Kriya is the most powerful process. This unique powerful Completion process has four step:

· Start penning down your earliest memories of your life, all the pain patterns, pains you experienced in your life - physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, psychological pain, all the pains, pen them down.

· And re-live them in your inner-space and relieve - at least five times.

· Then, re-live them and relieve them using the mirror.

· Then, sit with another person, go on sharing. Share at least five times. Listen at least five persons’ Completion story.

Please understand, this is the most perfect comprehensive Completion process.


I wanted all the Kotharis, just pick up the bunch of this completion process, Samskara Dahana print out paper and pen, go and sit even in malls and conduct this Samskara Dahana Kriya. Go and sit in libraries, malls, schools, colleges, everywhere, prisons, offices, wherever human-beings are gathering, temples, churches, mosques. Wherever human-beings are gathering, go and sit. Be light unto yourself and to the humanity. I tell you, this Samskaara Dahana Kriya is such powerful Completion; it relieves people from so much of pain. This is literally spreading peace around the world. Teaching Samskaara Dahana Kriya, making people do Samskaara Dahana Kriya is the most powerful way of spreading peace, working for global peace, spreading peace, working for global peace.

Understand, first four-five days when you do it, you may feel, ‘Oh, pain comes back.’ No. There is no such thing as ‘coming back’. It never left you. Anything leaves you, leaves you ONCE FOR ALL. Anything is coming back, it never left you; it was inside you, hiding. You left it as a blind spot, unattended. Your aunty is hiding behind the uncle, uncle is hiding behind the grand-father, grand-father is hiding behind the pillar, pillar is hiding behind the post, post is hiding behind the door, door is hiding behind you! It is one hiding behind the other.

Understand, this Samskaara Dahana Kriya is the real way of spreading global peace, bringing peace to humanity. I want all the Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants, to start practicing. And the devotees, disciples, everyone, please start practicing from today the forty-eight days of Samskaara Dahana Kriya. And, along with practicing, go round wherever you can and teach this Samskaara Dahana Kriya continuously. This will relieve thousands of people from all types of pain, sufferings, diseases, psychological illness. All our Healers, Living Advaitha Process participants, Inner Awakening Graduates, you should go round and conduct Samskaara Dahana Kriya process. If people are feeling shy to talk to each other, share their incompletions, let them sit with the mirror and talk to the mirror. But go on, on and on. At least five times talk to the mirror.

Listen. Samskaara Dahana Kriya has twenty-one action:

· Penning down all the pains you went through in your life - the first action.

· Second - re-living five times in your inner-space.

· Third, re-living using the mirror.

· Fourth, sharing with somebody five times.

· Fifth, listening to other persons’ incompletions – at least five members.

So, if you see, it will be twenty actions.


From today I'm initiating the whole sangha into Samskaara Dahana Kriya Marathon and Enrichathon. Enrich the whole world through this Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Please understand, so many pain patterns which you will not remember, which you will not catch it, which you will not smell, which are sitting inside you, you will catch it, you will smell it, you will recognize it, you will diagnose it, only when you are sharing with others. Because, while you are sharing, your awareness is naturally high, and there are tons of unsaid reasons, tons of unsaid reasons. You should sit and go on sharing, sharing, sharing the pain patterns which are fresh in you, which are not letting you be active, alive, intelligent. I tell you, this is one of the most powerful instruction, Kaalabhairava’s blessing to the whole Sangha. Forty-eight days of Completion with pain patterns, forty-eight days of Samskaara Dahana Kriya. After Completion, destroy the paper in which you wrote all your pains, and burn them away. If you are nearby our temple, centre, ashram, you can do Rudra Homa and burn those papers. Otherwise, just burn them safely and dispose them.

Start with the earliest painful memories of your life and recall all the unpleasant incidents of your life, and pen down. Once you pen down, re-live in your inner-space, and then re-live using the mirror, and then re-live using the other persons’ eyes by sharing. Be a space of listening for other person to complete.

You can add Samskaara Dahana Kriya in any programme, whether it is a weight-loss programme or fitness programme or Nirahara Samyama. If you are doing a fitness and weight-loss programme, add Samskaara Dahana Kriya on that topic – all the pains they had, unpleasant incidents they had in their life related to body. But, actually, when you write related to body, related to mind also will come. Let it come. It is okay. You can focus. You can focus. Other pains also will come. Let it come. No problem. If you focus the Samskaara Dahana Kriya on your guilt, I guarantee, you will walk out of cancer.


Before the eN-Pregnancy programme, the husband and wife, both of them should do Samskaara Dahana Kriya related to their own body and each others’ body, and lust pattern. Then they become a pure channel for enlightened being to land through them. Once a child is born, the mother should do Samskaara Dahana Kriya related to the pain she went through while carrying and delivering the child. That will heal the child completely. Otherwise, the pain of the mother gets stored in the bio-memory of the child.

Every night, after the Completion, Samskaara Dahana Kriya, burn those papers. And go to malls, schools, colleges, temples. All the Thanedars and Kotharis should do this as part of Enrichathon. First at least enrich fifty people to do Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Then you can enrich them for NDY and for Inner Awakening; you can do whatever you want. Enrich them first for Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Just like Nirahara Samyama, this science should be given free of cost. We should spread this Science of Completion to at least million people within this year. At least one-million people should do forty-eight day Samskaara Dahana Kriya.

The comprehensive instruction to do the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, we can send it to all the Kotharis and Thanedars, through your e-mail ID. Read, educate yourself. You yourself start doing from today for next forty-eight days. Literally your inner-space should say, ‘I don’t have any more pain to complete.’ ‘I don’t have any more pain to complete’ should become one more pain; till then do Completion. You should feel ‘I have no pain to complete’! It will never be one more pain; don’t worry! Till you feel that, go on doing Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Because, even if you complete with your root pattern, if you have not completed with the pain patterns, they create silly pains in your life, like silly sufferings, stupid incompletions, they try to create. So, the best way is forty-eight days of Samskaara Dahana Kriya, understand?


In Inner Awakening, just one day you do Samskaara Dahana Kriya. You know the effect and result. Forty-eight days means literally like washing your inner-space with Completion. If you are fortunate enough to get the opportunity to meet with your teamily every day, how the residential ashramites get the opportunity, that is great; every day you are developing more and more and more Completion with your teamily, leading you to more and more Advaithic process, Advaithic experience.

Understand, the pain of unfulfillment will leave your system if you do Completion, Samskaara Dahana Kriya for forty-eight days. The pain of unfulfillment, understand. The pain of unfulfillment which you carry in your life constantly, which started in your life the moment the root pattern started, that will melt down. The more and more beings you cause Completion, the more and more you become complete. The more and more people you cause Completion, the more and more you become complete. The more and more human-beings you lead them to Samskaara Dahana Kriya, more and more of your samskaaras get burnt. Literally, this process, when you enrich others, enriches you. After ten-fifteen days, the subtle pain patterns will start coming out, erupting out. Completion with all of them, those subtle pain patterns, pain points, leads to deeper and deeper cleansing.

And, I tell you, forty-eight days of Samskaara Dahana Kriya will surely give you some Siddhi, some miracle power. You will understand all your sufferings you accumulated very playfully. Playfully you started fighting with the cub; suddenly it has become lion one day, and you call that as ‘suffering’. But it never came without you inviting. It was you were playing with it very playfully, because, at that time, it was cub. You never imagined when it becomes lion it is going to be painful for you. All your sufferings, you were playing with them as cub, saying, ‘so cute, so cute! See this fellow’s teeth; he is trying to bite me. See, this fellow’s tail.’ Even if he runs away, you dragged him to your lap and playing, teasing, literally opening his mouth and putting your finger in his mouth. When he became lion, he tries to do the same; you are shaken.

Look into all your problems; everything you dragged. Of course, when you drag when you wanted to play, it was a cub, it was a play, cute entertainment, time-pass. Now, because you are not able to handle, it becomes ‘pain’. I tell you: One, YOU are responsible. Second, you CAN handle now. Even if you can’t handle, you know how to get rid. When you complete with all the powerlessness, the reasons for powerlessness, when you complete with every step of powerlessness, when you complete with every point of powerlessness, every samskaara, every pattern, every point, every step, every dimension of your life, when you complete, the new personality grows in you, new being grows in you.


If you think you don’t have time for the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, that is one more pain pattern. Sit and pen down when you started creating that pain pattern and complete. Your tiredness is a pain pattern. Boredom is a pain pattern. Being non-focused is a pain pattern. Getting irritated is from pain pattern. Anything which you have other than Samadhi is pain pattern. Anything which you have other than Samadhi is pain pattern. Sit and complete, complete, complete.

The whole Sangha should do Completion with pain patterns, Samskaara Dahana Kriya, and should enrich the world to do Completion, Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Please understand, this will be the most powerful, interesting, directly result-giving enriching you will do to the world. If you make ten persons to do Completion, most of your karmas will be burned away; because you are reducing so much of pain, suffering, karma load, immediately Mahadeva blesses you. You are doing his job. Now you are franchisee of his responsibility, understand?

All the Thanedars, Kotharis, Mahants, if you feel you have some pains, or world has some pains, please do this. Whoever believes they have pain and world has pain, do this Samskaara Dahana Kriya for the next forty-eight days. Enrich, teach! I tell you, there are millions of people who are suffering, waiting for some solution. They will listen to you. They will listen to you. You can complete with them. You can complete with you. You can complete with them. You can help them to complete with you. You can help them to complete with the world. Samskaara Dahana Kriya is one comprehensive process completes your root pattern, branch pattern, leaf pattern, fruit pattern. From your root pattern to fruit pattern, all patterns are completed. Samskaara Dahana Kriya is such powerful process, from your root pattern to fruit pattern, all patterns are completed.


Whoever wants to spread peace in the world, do good to the world, remove the sufferings of humanity, do Samskaara Dahana Kriya and spread the Science of Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Samskaara Dahana Kriya is the most powerful homa you will perform for purification. That is the most powerful Viraja Homa you can do. Viraja Homa means, homa for purification. The forty-eighth day you achieve the space of Viraja, pure inner-space. Actually, if you start today, the forty-fifth day comes as Vijaya Dashami. May be, the last three days you can do twice – morning and evening. And Vijaya Dashami day we can conclude. Even in-between, few days if you want, you can do morning and evening, and take few days break. So, keep it this way: at least forty-eight times you should have done. Before Vijaya Dashami, let all Thanedars, Mahants, Kotharis, Bala Sants take the sankalpa, ‘We will do forty-eight time Samskaara Dahana Kriya.’ Two-three time, sometime due to boredom or some reason, you may do it like a ritual. It is okay. But forty times you will do it intensely. Eight times maybe maximum you will do it as a ritual; that is okay. But forty times you will do it intensely with authenticity. Like how when the kids enter the gurukul, first few days they will do it like a ritual, the Guru Puja or the completion, all that. But, in ten days or a month, you know; the sincerity catches up, the sincerity becomes their bone structure.

I wanted all the Balasants to teach the science of Completion, Completing with the pain samskaaras to your teamily. I wanted each gurukul kid to develop a teamily with twenty-one kids from among the Bala Vidyalaya kids from all over the world. I will provide the Internet connection with web-camera to all the gurukul kids. You choose twenty-one kids all over the world, among our Bala Vidyalaya kids or youth club team kids; make your teamily. I want kids also to start doing ‘Living Advaitha Process’ and start doing Completion.


Samskaara Dahana Kriya Completion can be done even through two-way video-conferencing or the Skype call. But you have to see each other’s face. Only then it becomes effective.

So, every day, till Vijaya Dashami, we will all be doing the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, we should all be doing the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, so that peace is spread all over the world, we become more and more peaceful, more and more blissful, more and more spiritual, more and more energetic, more and more joyful.

Let us celebrate this Navaratri by completing with all our pain patterns. All our pain patterns are the Raktha Beeja Asura. Raktha Beeja Asura means, that demon’s even one drop blood when it falls on the floor, ground, it becomes one more demon. See, even one small cut on your root pattern, it becomes one more pain pattern.

Let us complete, complete, complete, complete. The Completion process is the Skull of the Kaali, Brahma Kapala in Kaali’s hand which drinks all the blood of Raktha Beeja Asura and stops Raktha Beeja Asura multiplying. This Samskaara Dahana Kriya is the Brahma Kapala which swallows all your pain patterns and stops the multiplying of all your pain patterns.

Samskaara Dahana Kriya means ‘burning all your pain patterns which is the root of suffering in your life’.

I want all of you to take the oath to live and spread the Science of Completion, Samskaara Dahana Kriya.

I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


Samskara Dahana Kriya - 5 step process for perpetual completion


This video explains the steps in the Samskara Dahana Kriya, the five-step process for achieving perpetual completion by completing with all our pain patterns.

It is an excerpt from the discourse 'Technique to Burn the Root of Suffering' delivered on 19 Aug 2014 by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Link to Video:

Link to Audio

'Description: Samskara Dahana Kriya - 5 Step Process For Perpetual Completion by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 19 August 2014'


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, subtle dimensions, perpetual completion, complete, pain patterns 45 days, Samskara Dhahana kriya, 5 steps, process, sit and pen down, relive 5 times to relieve, sit with the mirror, share, listen, 48 times