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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, friendliness, space, positive, Prophecy joy grace.
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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, friendliness, space, positive, Prophecy joy grace.
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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares a sure-fire way to Completion – practice friendliness! When we carry friendliness, we can automatically start operating from the space of Completion, because when we decide to be friendly, will not carry any hangover of a person or place. Instead we choose to carry a positive self-fufilling prophecy about the person, creating a positive outcome. Anything which makes us decide to live life positively towards the whole life is Completion. Let us take a positive decision and cultivate friendliness, radiating completion, joy and grace!

Link to Video:


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyhamaam |

Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||


I welcome every one with my love and respects, all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Eshwar, Janashree TVs, and two-way video-conferencing.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Bogota-Colombia, Jorpati-Nepal, Northumberland-UK, Scottsdale-Arizona, Indrani-New Jersey, Wellington-New Zealand, Bangalore North, Tuen Moon-Hong Kong, Devon-UK, Scotsdale –Arizona, Dallas-Dwaraka, San Diego-Tirualavai, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Nithyananda Gurukul, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Ohio-Prayag, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Toronto-Kailasam, Washington DC-Sripuram, New York-Varanasi, Redondo Beach-California, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Killinocchi-Ilangai, Madurai Dhyanapeetam, Sun Prairie-Wisconsin, Talahassee-Florida....Prettiness, Newfoundland-Canada, Singapore-Singapuram, Oh ! Singapore New Centre and Old Centre.....Singapore, they are moving to the new centre; yes, great! Singapore old centre and Singapore new centre....Melbourne-Australia, Paris-Home Temple, Rajapalayam Dhyanapeetam, Oman-Sivagangai.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today I wanted to expand on the Space of Completion and Friendliness.

After quite a long time, I took four hours continuous session yesterday! Sometimes I do take four hours session, but it will not be like all the four hours I will be speaking; I will be guiding them into some contemplation, intranalyzing, they will be doing that. That way it will be. But now, yesterday, it was like whole four hours I was literally talking to them, other than small breaks, small gaps.

Yesterday itself I thought that today I will expand on this, give more insights to IA participants, and give the essence of Inner Awakening to all the satsanghis, doing both.

I will expand on the Friendliness and Completion. Please listen!

The Completion you carry inside you, the space of Completion you carry inside you, however it comes in contact with whoever, it expresses only as friendless! Understand, when there is a pot full of nectar, whether you pour it this way or that way, put your hand and drink it or put your mouth directly and drink it, or you Break the pot, only nectar will come out. Same way, when you carry the space of Completion, whoever you come in contact, in whatever form, you will ooze friendliness, you will radiate friendliness.

Yesterday, in the session, I was expanding on different bhavas like Mathru Bhava, Dasa Bhava, Sakha Bhava – means, the attitude you have towards the mother, attitude you have towards the Lord / Master, attitude you have towards the friend – and Vatsalya Bhava, attitude you have towards the child....various bhavas.

Somebody asked, ‘Can there be friendliness between husband and wife?’

Please understand, in any bhava, juice is friendliness. Mother and son become good mother and son when there is a friendliness between both of them; father and son become good father and son when there is a friendliness between both of them; husband and wife become great couples when there is a friendliness between both of them; Lord and the servant, Master and the disciples, they become great Master and disciple when there is a friendliness between them. In any bhava, any attitude, the friendliness between them makes relationship.

Please understand, it is friendliness that is essence of life. It is friendliness that is essence of life! Friendliness is nothing but positive self-fulfilling prediction about the other person. Listen, I am defining. Whenever you have a self-fulfilling negative prediction about the other person, you are waiting to break it. When you are waiting to break it, all your attitude, everything will be fuming with anger, agitation, irritation. Friendliness is self-fulfilling positive prophecy about the other person.

All your prophecies are powerful enough for self-fulfilling. Means, if you decide today your day is going to be a very bad day in the morning, it IS going to be very bad day, because you know how to pick up the bad things, assemble them and see today is a bad day. You are capable of it! You will even make it and do it! There are some blackmailing media in India, just for the news if they want to show somebody as bad, they make news as bad, and portray him as bad. if you decide that today is going to be a good day, you know how to make a good day. Even if there is something wrong, you will stand and struggle, and that struggle you will make it as, ‘See, how I responded! So its is a good day!’ You know how to make a good day or bad day. Any prophecy you create, it is powerful enough to fulfil itself. All prophecies are self-fulfilling.

Listen! When you see a person, if you have self-fulfilling positive prophecy about him – ‘This person is going to be part of my life for quite a long time’ – only then the attitude you radiate towards that person is friendliness. Friendliness is an attitude you radiate towards the person with whom you take a positive decision. Completion makes you take positive decision towards whole life. Understand, Completion is something which makes you cognize, decide positively towards the whole life. Anything which makes you to decide positively towards the whole life is Completion. Because life is complete. Completion makes you decide FOR life. Listen! Because life is complete, Completion makes you to decide FOR life! Because life is complete, Completion makes you decide FOR life!

All of us have this one vague pattern that ‘Everything should be done by somebody for me.’ Whether it is pushing inside or pulling outside, brushing the teeth or taking bath, including our transformation, enlightenment, if somebody does it and ready-made inserts it into us like a ready-made complete software, “Tat At” (sound) and then you open your eyes and see, ‘Yes, I am enlightened!’ ‘What happened?’ ‘I went to that Nithyananda Swami’s program yesterday. He touched me....and I became!’ Everyone expects that everything should be done by others for us. But who is that “others”, nobody knows! Please understand, when others do it, they will do it as per their specifications! Which is enlightenment for me may not be enlightenment for you! So, I can only give you the tools; the final painting has to be done by you! Understand, I can give you the tools and knowledge, but the final painting has to be done by you! Otherwise my portrait cannot be your portrait!

I still remember, one of my school mates, we both were studying till Class 1 to 5. Then from Class 6 to 10 in a new school, in the Entrance Examination, very simple questions. So he sat next to me and wrote the examination. During the exam, he was asking me to show the papers, can see and write.

After two days, the Head Master calls both of us and starts slapping and beating that fellow left and right! I did not understand what happened!

And asking that fellow, ‘Hey, did you copy?’

He said, ‘No, no, no, no, no Sir....’

And he (the HM) started beating him left and right!

I was wondering, ‘Arrey, how did this HM come to know that he was copying from my paper? May be the teacher who was in the class would have come and reported. But I was seeing, that teacher who was in that class was almost half asleep....! So how did the teacher find out?’ All that I was thinking.

Only then the HM showed the paper. The questions were: “What is your name?” and “What is your father’s name?” And this foolish fellow did not even know that he has to write HIS name; he simply wrote my name! “Where are you born?”, “What is your grandfather’s name?” He was so dull, so dumb, he just wrote exactly as I wrote!

So, understand, if you try to take the whole enlightenment from me, it will be like this only! I will give you the tools, I will give you the methodology, but you have to make the final portrait of you; only then it will be yours! Otherwise we both will be standing in front of the Cosmic Headmaster, Mahakala!

Understand! Completion is the tool. Friendliness is the base material. I tell you, whole day whatever you come in contact, decide you will be friendly with it; means, the ground on which you are putting your feet, the seat on which you are sitting, the things you are seeing, the persons you are seeing. I tell you, this is one of the very important practices I personally practised when I was doing my spiritual pilgrimage.

Please understand, practicing friendliness whole day with everything, try just for twenty-one days. I am not saying break it after twenty-one days! Within the twenty-one days, you will have the taste of it. You will bring such a grace into your walking, talking, living, everything! People will simply ask you, ‘Are you going to this Nithyananda Swami?’ Really, I tell you, when you carry this grace, the grace of friendliness, when you put your feet, you are a blessing for the Earth and Earth blesses you! Only when you are a blessing for the Earth, Earth blesses you! Only when Earth blesses you, you are a blessing for the Earth!

All my sannyasis, disciples, devotees, followers, Gurukul kids, please practice this- carrying friendliness towards everything you see in your life. I tell you, without even knowing you will start carrying Completion in you. You don’t need to be siting and staring at the mirror planning for the threading of your eyebrows....or the new skin toner!

Listen! Carrying friendliness is a effortless effort to be complete. Carrying friendliness is a effortless effort towards Completion. Carrying friendliness is a natural flow of friendliness. And when you carry friendliness, you won’t have hangover about a place, person, understand. I have seen so many thousands of places, much more greater than any description of any heaven! Same way, I have seen amazing people, much more greater than any description of any God! But I have never had even once hangover of a place or a person. Because, when you carry friendliness, you are complete; you are complete when you are living and when you are leaving! Carry friendliness; you are complete when you are living, when you are leaving! Carry friendliness when you are living, when you are leaving!

When you carry friendliness, there cannot be any incompletion. Automatically you will start operating from the space of Completion. Your cognition, your response, your space, your joy, everything will be automatically friendliness. I wanted to give this as my message today for everyone gathered all over the world: Let carrying of friendliness be your lifestyle.

The smell of the presence of the Ultimate in you is friendliness. I tell you, when you meditate on friendliness inside, do Samyama on friendliness inside – I really wanted to create a Samyama, “Sakha Bhava Samyama” – when you carry that space of Sakha Bhava inside, when you do that Sakha Bhava Samyama inside, the way you move your hands and legs and feet, and the way you dress, and the way you smile, the way you carry yourself, the whole thing will radiate such a grace....such a grace!

Friendliness is grace! Friendliness is Completion! Friendliness is joy!

I will give the essence in Hindi.


When you radiate friendliness towards human-beings, it becomes “Amazing Relationship”. When you radiate friendliness towards the Cosmos, it becomes “Bhakti”. When Cosmos radiates friendliness towards you, it becomes “Miracles” and “Enlightenment”.

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Pada Puja

Paaduka puja in Progress http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-03mar-09th-nithyananda-diary2014-03mar-09th-nithyananda-diary_MG_4319-20140308-105324.JPG Nithyanandeswara, Nithyanandeswari and Nithyananda Nithyanandeswara Swamiji

Nithya Satsang

The Completion you carry inside you, however it comes in contact with whoever, it expresses only as friendless! when you carry the space of Completion, with whoever you come in contact, in whatever form, you will ooze friendliness, you will radiate friendliness. Kalpatharudarshan - _MG_4379.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4372.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4371.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4370.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4368.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4364.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4362.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4361.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4360.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4359.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4358.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4357.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4355.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4352.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4351.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4350.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4349.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4347.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4345.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4344.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4341.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4340.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4339.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4337.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4336.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4335.jpg Nithyasatsang - _MG_4334.jpg


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, friendliness, space, positive, Prophecy joy grace.