March 14 2014

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda welcomes Mahamandaleshwar Vishweshwaranandaji Maharaj of Mahanirvani Akhada. Sri Sri Vishweshwaranandaji Maharaj addresses devotees gathered in Haridwar and around the world. He begins by illustrating a beautiful story from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s parivrajaka days and later fondly mentions his own Guruji. Throughout his message, he strongly supports Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s mission, and explains the important work of Sanatana Hindu Dharma who has, for ages, helped human beings answer the question -who are we?

Link to Video:



NithyanandeshwariMadhyamaam |


Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, and Shri Shri 1008 ShriMahamandaleshwar of MahanirvaniAkhada, Shri Swami VishveshwaranandGirijiMaharaj.

And Swamiji is the eleventh Mahamandaleshwar in the lineage of Sanyas Adheenam Gurus. Sannyas Adheenam is headquartered in Mumbai.

And also he is President of the Suratgiri Bangla, Haridwar. He belongs to MahanirvaniAkhada. And Suratgiri Bangla has a beautiful temple where Shankar Baba lives. All of you know about Shankar Baba. You don’t need an introduction. All of you know the story. And it is in the Swamiji’s ashram the Shankar Baba Temple is there, and Shankar Baba lives. There is a beautiful place. Because all of you know, I don’t want to elaborate on Shankar Babas thing.

All of you may be aware that when I was doing tapas here in 1995, Shiva himself appeared as a sannyasi and gave food and medicine when I was not feeling well. And he had exactly, he was wearing certain pen which normally sadhus don’t use. And he told me his address. When I went there and saw, I saw only this Mahadeva, Shankar Baba is wearing that pen. He also told me his name is Shankar Baba. And Shankar Baba is in Swamiji’s ashram. So in a way Swamiji’s ashram becomes our Guru Gaddhi, because Mahadeva lives there.

And Swamiji has a beautiful, great Guru Parampara, amazing sadhus, unimaginable Mahatmas. The whole place reverberates with so much of spiritual energy.

And Swamiji has also expanded the organization so much and he has many branches now. And he is doing lot of good work by spreading Hinduism and Vedanta, and created many spiritual activities and religious activities.

I welcome Swamiji for today’s morning satsangh for coming here and gracing us.

And I welcome all the Centres, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars all over the world sitting.

The cities sitting with us: Toronto-Canada, Kulim-Tiruttani, Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, NithyanandaNagara-Bidadi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Toronto-Kailasam, Redondo Beach-California, Seattle-Chidambaram, Charlotte-Srisailam, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, San Jose-Madurai, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, New York-Varanasi, Singapore-Singapuram, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Indrani-New Jersey, High Point-North Carolina, Houston-Kalahasti, BalaSant Training Centre-Bidadi, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Bangalore, Bogota-Colombia, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Dakota Dunes, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, NithyanandaNagaramu-Hyderabad, Port Washington-New York, and London-Kashi.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, first, I wanted to request Swamiji to bless us.



|| SahanavavathuSahanoubhunakthuSahaveeryamKaravavahai


Om Shanti....Shanti....Shantihi ||

We are very lucky we are standing in the Ganges River, Holy River in Haridwar. We are sitting here with Mahamandaleshwar Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji Maharaj. We have very beautiful paramparas. We have tradition of Sanatana Dharma. We are so lucky we can found something – what you say as ‘Soul’, ‘Atman’. Therefore, all of you here and everywhere in the world listening and watching to Maharajji, we have very good tradition.

Maharaji, he met me few years ago in the Suratgiri Bangla. I got message some great saint come here and he want meet to you. So it was afternoon. I sit in my gaadhi. Swamiji came with big group of bhaktas, devotees. He sit just nearby gaadhi. And always he was travelling alone. He is finding something for you he has already. But all new things, new ideas new shakthis, he is finding in Himalaya. So he told the story, he was not well in the Haridwar. He told me, ‘I was alone travelling in the Himalayas’. And, after that, he came to Haridwar. But his body was not good. He has diarrhoea. And he was somewhere. He couldn’t get up for bhiksha. And some Mahatma came there and he gave some food, gave some prasadam. After few days, two or three days, he was searching that Mahatma, ‘Where is that Mahatma?’ So many Mahatmas in Haridwar. Nobody tell. I don’t know him. I never see him. Still he was searching. So who was that Mahatma? And, I think, Swamiji told me this Mahatma’s name was Shankar Baba. He gave his address also. It was Suratgiri Bangla. So he is searching, still searching, and he went to Suratgiri Bangla.


Suratgiri Bangla is a beautiful place. Not beautiful, it is very powerful space. So many Mahatmas, they live there. And so many Mahatmas they did tapasya in that place.

There is one story. Long before ago, more than hundred years ago, someone just came there and he gave their children in one corner. And some Mahatmas they were staying in the other place, other corner. When they grow up and they went somewhere in the jungle, that is the SuratgiriBangla. And there was, so many Mahatmas was staying more than hundred Mahatmas was staying there in the Kutiyas. And that is the place, the Suratgiri Bangla.

Swamiji told me, ‘I came here and I saw same Kamandalu, same plate was there in that temple, same pen was on the deity of Shiva.’ So he saw this is Shankar, this Shankar Baba. Same cloth.

So, who can find this one? Who has a clear heart.

Who has analysed, who has give darshan like that...God... SwayamShankara.

So, he told me that story.


We know each other since few years. We are by physical body we know each other since two years. But we have contact, we have relationship since so many many years. Because, body is coming and going – birth and death. But Soul, Atman is continue travelling, continue travelling. We are finding where is the God, what is our Self. So, he is also searching. And he searched.... he find. Because, now he is doing some work for this Earth, this universe.

In the universe, many people, they don’t know what is the actual our destination. What we have to do, what we are doing, they don’t know. Just they know, just we are one being, just we born in the some family, some caste, somewhere.’ They don’t know what is the we are. Therefore Soul, Atman, we calling Brahman, we calling Brahma, what is the Brahma? Who control all this universe or the Brahmaand. And we still searching it.

Swamiji, just he is not sannyasi or Mahatma just in this birth. He is travelling continue, he do sadhana. Bhagawan Sri Krishna says,

(chants a Sanskrit shloka).

Since long time he is doing his sadhana. And now this time, he has some duty. What is the duty? He has everything what common man, they kalpana, they dream, we can take this one, we can achieve this one; he has everything. But still he has one duty. So who is the common man, who is the common people, they also search, they also find themselves. Therefore, he is travelling all over India, all over world, and he is giving message – ‘Who are you? What is your duty? What you have to do?’ – all over India, all over world.

And just like this man, this saint, they have so many hurdles, because in this world, in this universe, two types of the generations: one call, we even call ‘daiva’ and we call ‘rakshasa’; Demon, Devata. So, sometime he getting some problems, but inside is clean. Inside is no ignorance. Therefore he is still always; give you his smile. Never he got disturbed. You watch him every time. I watching him every time: Always he is happy. Always he is happy.


When I saw him in the KumbhMela, before that, always he is talking about satsangh, about Vedanta, about yourself; because his duty. Our duty. But he has big duty. We are also doing in our ashram, satsangh in our ashram, but it is not so easy. He is coming from Bangalore main ashram to Haridwar and long time. I am also here 1st March till today. But he will stay here to 31st March. He has many, many ashrams. I am watching here; many ashrams all over the world. He is giving message every day to them. You continue this tradition; because this tradition is very valuable. This tradition has really what we are. So, therefore, Swamijiis doing his work as so many sages did this work. Since beginning of this Earth, beginning of this universe, we are telling in the Guru Parampara.


ShankaraachaaryaMadhyamaam |


Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

This long Guru Parampara and we attached with directly God, directly Brahman, because this knowledge started from Sadashiva, Bhagawan Shankar, Bhagawan Narayana, and came by, just like Ganga coming from Gangotri still is going on, going on, going on, and not disconnect. Continue Ganga flowing to Ocean. Same like that our knowledge has started from Brahman who is the Creator, Saver and Destroyer. That is Brahma. So, this knowledge coming from there and same that knowledge we gave, you say, you lectures, swadhyay to other.


My guruji was great saint. His guruji was great thinker. He wrote many books on the Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism. And he was great scholar of Vedantas. His guruji was also. So, you can say it is long tradition up to Brahman, up to God. So, same duty, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, Mahamandaleshwar, now we can call Mahamandaleshwar, because SantSamaj, all our saints we are getting together in the KumbhMela, and in the KumbhMela we gave this offer, present this Mahamandaleshwar Pad to Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivamji. He is now Mahamandaleshwar of MahanirvaniAkhada. And you are so lucky you are in his satsangh, you are staying in the holy place, holiest place in Haridwar, because Ganges, Ganga coming first time in the level in the Haridwar. This is the Sapta Rishi, Sapta Rishi do tapasya here. So, really, we are so lucky we are in the Haridwar; and especially who is in the Haridwar; and also who is watching from all over the world, they are also lucky.

This is message, holy message: Who are you? What you have to do?

So, really this is a great time, great pleasure, and with the great grace of Gurus, Paramatma, Brahman, God, we are getting something pure in the Haridwar. So I am also very thankful.

Yesterday we met in the Bhandara. So, Swamiji told me, ‘How long are you here in Haridwar?’

I told, ‘I am leaving from Haridwar on the 15th, tomorrow.

So, he told me, ‘Swamiji, please come tomorrow here.’

I accept. Not accept; it was my duty. Because, he is not just my friend, he is in our Parampara. I don’t know that time when he came to our ashram. Since that, (speaks in Hindi - he believes that this is his Gurusthan - seat of the Guru). He always he say, ‘This is my second Gurusthan’. Second. First in the Kolkata; and next in the Haridwar. He is going little higher and higher. So, very thankful of Swamiji.

And also sometime I am travelling in the western countries. So, last time also Swamiji told me, ‘Please you go to my University in Los Angeles?’ This year, so we have one programme in the Bombay, and I will invite Swamiji. Please you visit our ashram in the Kankhal with all of you. If you have time in the future, you can do program in the Bombay; good ashram. There also big temple; so many temples there are, but main big Shivji temple. That name is KashiVishwanathMahadev. With KashiVishwanathMahadev one side is AdiShankaracharya, other side is Lakshmi Narayan, big hall. And it is about in two-and-a-half acres land, in there in the big maidan, ground. So I request to him, I give my invitation, please you come Bombay also. And we have about twelve other ashrams – five in the Gujarat, one in the Madhya Pradesh, one in the other place, Varanasi.


So, Swamiji is now, he is Mahamandaleshwar. Also, Swamiji is part of our ashram.

So, we have to find out: What we are? What I am? So, therefore, this Sanatana Dharma gives many messages – Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. We have great opportunities. We can join with dharma. We can earn money – Artha. Kama - We can get so many things what is in the world. And, finally, we can find Moksha. So, every human-being going on that way. So, we are also going same way.

So, Swamiji will give some message, blessings to all over the world. So, thank you very much. Om Shanti.



We sincerely thank Swami 1008 Sri MahamandaleshwarVishveshwaranandGiriJiMaharaj. We sincerely thank Swamiji for being here. And, on behalf of me and on behalf of Dhyanapeetam, we offer our humble respects to Swamiji for being here and blessing us. We also invite Swamiji to our Los Angeles University and to our US ashrams to visit us and bless us, grace us with his spiritual message and his presence.

So, with this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You.


Temple Visit - Chandi Devi Temple

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Nithya Satsang and Kalpataru Darshan

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Mahamandaleshwar Vishweshwaranandaji Maharaj, Mahanirvani Akhada, Sri Sri Vishweshwaranandaji Maharaj, Haridwar, Parivrajaka, Guruji, mission, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, human beings.