March 15 2014

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Day's Event

The day's routine started with PadukaPuja to Swamiji followed by morning Nithya Satsang and Kalpataru meditation process and Darshan. And Inner Awakening at Haridwar successfully moves to day 10.


In today’s morning Satsang in Haridwar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda welcomes 1008th Mahamandaleshwar Sri Sri Swami Arjun Puri Maharaj of Juna Akhada. Swami Arjun Puri Ji graces viewers by sharing insights on the land of Shiva and spirituality. He expresses that you can either obtain Moksha when you leave the body, in the form of liberation, or now, in the body, as enlightenment. He stresses that the purpose of life is for living enlightenment now, and that we are very blessed to have Paramahamsa Nithyananda as our SatGuru - the Guru is the most important component for obtaining Moksha.

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Nithyānandeśvara samārambhām Nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

Iss samay hamare sath upastith sabhi darshakon aur bhakton ka main prem evam aashirwad sahit swagat karta hun.


I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Bala Sants, sannyasis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Janashree TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing. The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: Island Creek-North Carolina, Adi Arunachalam, Dakota Dunes, Houston-Kalahasti, San Antonio-Texas, Port Washington-New York, Hong Kong-Toon Moon, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Houston-Kalahasti, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Paris-Home Temple, London-Kashi, Bala Sannyasi Training Center-Bidadi, Indira Nagar-Bangalore, Devon-UK, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Jenkintown-Pennsylvania, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Kulim-Tiruttani, Ohio-Prayag, Singapore-Singapuram, San Jose-Madurai, Johorbahru-Tiruchendur, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, New York-Varanasi, Annanagar-Chennai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Nithyananda Nagaramu- Hyderabad, Seattle-Chidambaram, St. Louis-Tirumala, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Redondo Beach-Ma Mukthananda.....................


I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. Today, I wanted to share these few great truths: The power of Creating Space. Power of Creating Space. Especially to all the participants who have gathered for Kalpataru in Haridwar and in Charlotte ....Haridwar and in Charlotte who have gathered for Kalpataru Darshan. Listen! Never make a decision when you are sad. Never make a commitment when you are happy. 😃 Listen! No, you need to … This is the.. what I am saying is Science of Space. The happiness you feel always brings powerfulness, the power. Whenever you have power, powerful, parts of you itself can’t tolerate you being so powerful. So, it conspires you, conspires, plans against you to somehow put you in powerlessness. What is the best way to put you in powerlessness? Make you commit into something. Push you to commit to something. So, whenever you are happy, don’t commit. No, keep this as a instruction from Science of Space, understand. Whenever you are sad, don’t make decisions. Only when you are in the space of Completion, make commitment or make decisions. So, before every time you are going to make commitments or decision, bring yourself to the space of Completion. Please listen.


See, sometime you feel happy, you show happiness just to even avoid your powerlessness inside. See, I am explaining your own struggles to keep yourself happy, and your own failures, how you fall into powerlessness. You need to understand this. Everyone of you try to keep you happy, but you don’t plan to grow happiness in you. Please understand. You want rice, wheat, all the grains, but you don’t want to do agriculture. You want rice, grain, wheat, all the best things, but you don’t want to do agriculture. All of you want joy, happiness… (While Swamiji is talking, Swami Arjun Puri ji Maharaj, Mahamandaleshwar of Mahanirvani Akhada, enters the hall.) I just wanted to offer our respects to Maharaj Shree, Shree 1008 Shree Mahamanderlaeshwar of Juna Akada, Swami Arjun Puri Maharaj. You all need to know Swamiji is the senior most Mahamandaleshwar in this whole Pancha Puri; Haridwar-Rishikesh and this whole area and Swamiji is one of the very important face of Hinduism. And he is the head of one of the largest temple in Haridwar, Tulsi Manas Mandir. Swamiji is the head of the temple and he has a great Guru parampara and amazing contributions to Hinduism. And I can go on expanding Swamiji’s contribution and his… how much he contributed, he sacrificed for Hinduism and Hindu tradition. Swamiji has built a huge Rama Temple on the banks of Ganga. Just on the way you can see. Not only he has a great Guru Parampara and Sampradaya (tradition), he himself also has contributed so much to Hinduism. I would like to request Swamiji to bless us. SWAMIJI SHRI ARJUN PURI JI MAHARAJ ADDRESSES THE GATHERING:


Hari Om! Hari Om! Hari Om! (All the satsangis in Haridwar chant “Hari Om” along with Swamiji Arjun Puri ji.....) नमो ब्रह्मण्य देवाय गोब्राह्मण हिताय च । जगत् हिताय कृष्णाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः ॥ Namo Brahmannya Devaaya Go-Braahmanna Hitaaya Ca | Jagat Hitaaya Krssnnaaya Govindaaya Namo Namah ||

(Vishnu Purana: 1.19.65)

अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् । तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥२॥ Akhanndda-Mannddala-Akaaram Vyaaptam Yena Cara-Acaram | Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||2||


Respected, world-renowned Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nithyananda ji Maharaj, and devotees who have come from India and abroad, I welcome you to Haridwar. HDH: Swamiji is welcoming all of us in Haridwar. Actually Swamiji is the face of the Haridwar! So, he is the most senior Mahatma who resides in Haridwar. Swami Arjun Puri continues his address in Hindi which is translated into English by Turiya Swami: Haridwar is the City of Kumbh Kumbh Mela. The four places where kumbh mela is done Haridwar is the prime most. Haridwar is the city which situated next to the river of Ganga. Hiamlaya starts from Haridwar. So, though this is a great Deva Bhoomi (Land of Penance and Sadhana). Every particle of this land is blessed and divine – but there are four prime most places in this land Gangotri, Badrinath, Kedarnath and Yamunotri. This is the place of land of Shiva. Shiva resides here Himalayas are there. And this is a blessed land. This is the land of Lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu resides here as Badrinarayan. And this is the land of birth of Ganga. The Ganga River which is the very essence of India. Without Ganga, Indian culture, Indian heritage cannot even be imagined. Ganga is really essence of Indian culture.


The name of the city Haridwar. “Hari” means Lord. And “dwar” means gate. So, “Haridwar” literally means Gateway of God. So, in this sacred land, Swamiji (Nithyananda) by inviting all of you to this sacred, blessed land, has given a great krupa, has given a great blessing to all of you. Swamiji is a very, very great Mahamandaleshwar of our Mahanirvani Akhada. And He is a great Guru. He is world famous and He is known all over. So you are really blessed to have the satsang to have the nearness of Swamiji in this program. I am also very, very happy that such a rare saint like Swamiji has come to this Pancha Puri, Haridwar land, and is doing a program, this sadhana intense meditation program here and blessing this land. I am very happy to see Swamiji and all of you here today. So, purpose of life is, goal of life is to get moksha. Normally people think that once you give away the body (once you die), you attain Moksha (liberation). But what happens after you give away the body nobody knows that. So, the best way to achieve Moksha, is living enlightenment.


Tulsidas ji (a great saint of India who wrote the “Ramcharitmanas”) has written in Ramayana that Moksha is the goal of life and Moksha happens only with knowledge and knowledge can happen only from Sadguru. Without Guru, it is not possible to get knowledge at all. Whether it is a small science, you want to learn something small, or anything, for everything or learning anything, you have to have a guru. All of you are very fortunate that Swamiji Nithyananda Swamiji is your spiritual guru. So, all of you are very fortunate. Swamiji started his spiritual journey at such a young age. From a very young age Swamiji has been doing tapas and sadhana. And the way He is blessing everybody, giving this knowledge to everybody, all around the world, it is really, really admirable. Sant Tulsidas says, unless you have a strong body, you cannot attain knowledge. So, to attain knowledge, you have to keep your body very strong and to keep your body strong and healthy you have to practice Yoga. If the body is healthy, your mind and your intelligence, both will be healthy. And if your mind is healthy, you will have concentration in spiritual practices and in the words of the Guru. So, you shoud keep your body healthy.


Today, the whole world is standing at the brink of war. There is so much chaos. Everybody is looking for peace. But how this peace can happen? It can happen only through knowledge and by the satsanga of the Gurus. Everybody is searching for peace and knowledge; but this can happen only through Sadguru. So, when you join a University, immediately you cannot get a degree. You have to go through the classes, years of education and only at the culmination of the course you are awarded a degree. Same way, when you start your spiritual practices, when you do your sadhana, don't expect results in just a day or two. You will have to continuously go on doing tapas and sadhana and only then the results will come. Great thing is that you have the blessings of a very good guru, Swami Nityananda ji so your sadhana becomes faster. I bow down to the Lord for all of you, that all of you achieve your spiritual success and goals as soon as possible. You have come to the right place, to Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji. One thing I would like to tell you: Guru is not changed again and again. You have come to the right guru to the right place; now be here and soon you will realize your spiritual goals. I pray to the God that you get it very soon.


Everybody wants happiness and bliss. But how to get it and what is the sign of somebody who is really happy and blissful? The sign of somebody who is really happy and blissful is, he will always have an everlasting smile on his face! Just ike Swami Nithyanandaji always has a smile on his face! My message to all you; Swamiji Nithyanandaji is like my younger brother. Swamiji has just become Mahamandaleshwar. I have been a Mahamandaleshwar for thirty… thirty-two years. So, I am very happy that in the form of Swamiji our community our sant samaj, our community of saints, has got such a precious jewel or “Navaratna” today. So, I am very happy and blessed also. I travel all across the world. I have so many yatras all over the world. But I can tell you wherever I go, I get to hear Swami Nithyanandaji’s name everywhere. So, the place where I stay, that road name is Sapta Sarovar Road (Sapta Sarovar = Seven Lakes). Now how the name sapta sarover came into existence? The name came because once upon a time seven Rishis used to stay there. So, when Ganga descended from Himalayas, it is first in very aggressive flow till Haridwar. But when it came to Haridwar it is split into seven streams and then only it got rest. How it got rest, I will tell you.


When Ganga came down to Haridwar and saw the seven rishis, seven saints meditating there, Ganga thought it should go around all of the seven saints and got split into seven different streams. So obviously, when one stream gets divided into seven streams, the speed of the flow will be reduced. So, first time after coming from Gangotri, Gangaji got rest in Haridwar. So, this place where it got rest is called as Sapta Sarovar. On the same Sapta Sarovar road, the area where Ganga ji got rest, I have the temple called “Tulsi Manas Temple. This temple has amazing architecture. And I want to invite Swamiji to please visit us. And also, all the devotees who are gathered here all of you also please come and visit us. I am sure you have a very busy schedule but whenever you get time, whenever you can take some time off between the schedule, please come and visit us. I am sure, how Ganga got rest in Sapta Sarovar, same way all the you devotees will also feel relaxed and rest when they visit the temple. With these words I again want to bless everybody and since Swamiji is like my younger brother I can bless Swamiji also and all the devotees present and I would like to end my speech. Thank You.


SWAMI ARJUN PURI JI MAHARAJ CONCLUDES HIS SPEECH. AND PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA RESUMES HIS SATSANG: HDH: So we thank Swamiji for being here. All of you should know, Swamiji (Arjun Puri ji) is not only elder brother for Me, he is a elder brother for so many of the Gurus names you hear. Understand he is… in Haridwar any religious, spiritual function, he receives the first respect. He is given the first respect. I can actually go on adding and I can sing Swamiji’s glory for hours. He is the most respected, senior-most highly venerated, revered Mahamandaleshwar. As I said in one word he is the face of Haridwar.


I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You.

Photos From The Day:

Nithyanandeswara Nithyanandeswari and Nithyananda

Nithya Satsang

Mahamandaleswar Swami Atmanandaji Maharaj gave Satsang


Haridwar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Mahamandaleshwar, Mahamandaleshwar Sri Sri Swami Arjun Puri Maharaj, Juna Akhada, Swami Arjun Puri Ji, Shiva, spirituality, Moksha, liberation, enlightenment, satguru, Guru.

Photos Of The Day:






Photos Of The Day:




