March 08 2013

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Success is the Space of Possibility


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Yesterday I was relating with Raja Raja Chola’s Akashic records. Planning to build our temple, for that I was downloading his Akashic records. What he has gone through and what kind of plans he did. Amazing inspiration! His inspiration is taller than the Tanjore tower. That is why he is able to create that tower. Can you imagine! That building remained as tallest building on the planet Earth till 270 years before. He built it thousand years before. For 700 years, it was unbroken record. When he built, Europe and America were wearing leaves and trees. Living in the forest. Nothing called Europe and America even happened, when he built this huge structure. What an inspiration, God! You can’t even imagine how many feet foundation you need to dig for that huge structure to stand. Do you know it is a hollow structure! So the stone was arranged in such a way, it is a complete hollow structure. It is just a shell, of 217 feet tall, in stone. Zig-zag puzzle, a poetry. The ultimate zig-zag puzzle of mathematics and the ultimate engineering calculation, and beautiful poetry of creativity. But one nice thing, he did not do it for his maid or mistress or queen. He did it for God. He did not make his countrymen work for his maid or mistress or queen, or dancer. No! He made his countrymen dedicate for principle. Hats off to Raja Raja. Oh God!


I was studying his Akashic records to study how he conceived this whole idea. Because the moment he decided to build, that moment would have been a moment, where these four tattvas would have been living through him. Those moments he would have been enlightened. Otherwise it is not possible to have a breakthrough to decide to make something impossible possible. Understand, even now it is impossible! I tell you I am not able to conceive, I will do a structure of stone of that size; with so much of technology, millions of disciples around the world, ready to give their life for what I say. And especially if I say this temple I want it. I know one thousand of My ashramites, devotees will just resign from their job and come and sit here and do. Even then I am not even able to conceive. I am just sitting and studying his Akashic records. Exactly what was the moment he decided.


You see when they were planning, somebody would have proposed. Naturally he is a human being, first thing would have been - impossible. There would have been a few Jnanatmas 😀 There would have been some people saying Aahh..Aahh…No..No. Impossible! And there were detractors. It was not that his regime was peaceful, he was expanding this kingdom. He is the first king who made the army, ship army, what do you call? Navy? Navy! Naval army. He is the first king in the history who made naval army, went from here to Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia, all those countries, Indonesia, but never killed anybody. Just created the civilization; marrying the girls from those tribes. Never killed anybody; expanded the civilization, built the temple, taught culture, never had a war. But he had a huge beautiful naval army. Because to carve the temple here and ship it and build there. They used to take elephants, elephants. Listen, elephants from here to there to drag the stones and make the temples. Oh God!


See, any one inner space has to say yes to the impossible to become possible. Naturally Raja Raja’s inner space only could have said that yes. Even though his Raja Guru would have been inspiration, but the final yes has to come from him because he is going to be funding. He is going to be giving the infrastructure. I just wanted to study the moment when he said yes, what he was. Because I wanted to bring that. Invoke that. Just, unimaginable - experience!


Of course I am not going to invoke it because he did not stay in that same space. He did not become enlightened after that. He only went into that space, like a satori and then came down. But even then it is worthy, it is worthy for what he has contributed. Oh God! And the Akashic record says, not only he built that huge stone structure, he covered it completely with gold. And the history accepts it. History there is a clear record of the gold sheet being covered and the drill, the holes, how the gold sheets have been bolted into the stone, are still there. Later on, maybe in the Mughal period or when, somebody has taken out all the gold. The history also, the stone culverts also are accepting the Raja Raja covered the whole temple with gold "பொன்வேய்ந்தான், ஆயிரம் சமான யானை பொன் கொண்டு பொன்வேய்ந்தான்". Equivalent to thousand his official elephant weight. Gold, his official elephants’ weight, equivalent to that, thousand elephants’ weight. He covered the whole thing by gold. And still the holes, when the gold plates were drilled on the temple, the holes are there still. A clear systematic holes. Poetry in stones. Grace craved. Kailaya built. I can sing poetry about this temple, oh God!


What made him to say yes, we will do it! And then make it happen. Around 11 days he was in the space of impossible becoming possible due to the inspiration and initiation of his Guru, Karuvurar Siddhar. That was his name. His Raja’s Guru name, Karuvurar Siddhar. His Jeeva Samadhi is there just behind the temple, behind the garbha mandir. And by his inspiration and initiation, for 11 days Raja Raja was in the ecstasy of able to make anything impossible into possible. Listen. Ecstasy means the space where anything impossible looks possible; because you are in the space of possibility. Space of possibility is ecstasy. Space of possibility is ecstasy. When it settles with you, it is ananda. If the space of possibility is tasted by your muscle memory, it is ecstasy. If it is tasted and settled in your biomemory, it is ananda. The space of possibility pratyek sambhavna ki stithi anand hai. The space of possibility is ecstasy. Space of possibility is ecstasy.


When the space of possibility becomes your biomemory, it is bliss - ananda. I tell you, bliss means ananda, means space of possibility. Just possible, possible, possible. In that 11 days, he declared and committed to build this temple, cover it with gold. Allot, enough of people, villages to keep it function. 400 dancers, 570 priests, 10,000 people maintaining. There are records. There are records. 10,000 people settled around the temple just to maintain the temple. In tamil they are called கோவில் ஊடு, means கோவில் வீடு. The houses of the people who belong to temple. Can you imagine? The space of making things which you can’t even grasp through your eyes; which you can grasp only through your visualization. How many of you authentically cognize that space of making impossible into possible is ecstasy. That is ecstasy. That is bliss. That is life boozing in your muscles. Come on, live it. Let us live it. Let’s live it.


All of you just understand how much of no’s, impossible thoughts, Raja Raja would have struggled internally and externally. How many no’s nose would have interfered. No nose. Dhyan se suniye, internally and externally how much Raja Raja would have suffered. But he made it. All of you should know, the whole temple is build three days less than five years. Three days less than five years. 😀[Swamiji laughed]. He completed. The foundation stone was laid, within five years, three days before. Kumbabishekam is done.


Of course, the history says the gold coating was done later on. Gold plating. Gold plate fixing was done after that but Kumbabishekam of the temple was done. Then for his birthday, he donates to the temple, the thousand elephant equivalent weight gold. Out of that the gold sheets are made and then carved and fixed on the temple, covered on the temple.


Space of possibility. Taking up the responsibility. Don’t say, oh he was a king, all the citizens would have listened to him. No. There was democracy during his regime. Please listen. There was democracy during his regime. All the local body was elected body. He was almost like a president that’s all. Nothing more than that. But, just by inspiring people by his charisma, he made this possible. It is not that the whole country work for this project. No. No.


Because his son records all the sculptors and the craftsmen. They should not go jobless that is the reason I am creating second temple. He created a second temple. He said I should not be a little taller than my father, I should be lower than my father so six or seven feet he reduces the height. Just to respect father. He creates second temple, just to engage the sculptors, craftsmen. It means what. Only one section of the people worked. Not the whole country. Oh God! Can you imagine the spirit and inspiration of the space of possibility. Space of possibility. How many of you are able to grasp it in your inner space. Only from there, life starts. Life starts with the space of possibility. Pratyek Sambhavna ko prakat karne ki stithi hi anand hai Jivan ka shrotra prapt karne ki sthiti. Space of possibility is ecstasy where life oozes out of you. Pratyek Sambhavna ko prakat karne ki stithi hi anand hai Jivan ka shrotra prapt karne ki sthiti. All your, all your kundalini, kundalini jumping, everything should create a space of possibility in you. Space of possibility.


Raja Raja is supposed to have used one lakh 30 thousand tonne granite. One lakh 30 thousand tonne granite. One tonne is 1000 kg. This structure was first time on the planet Earth built completely, fully by granite in five years. How, how his heart would have said, his inner space would have said it is possible! See all I am trying to tell you guy is, that taking that jump - possible. Thousand human beings, inspiring them, enriching them and bringing them and making them sit for inner awakening looks too small when you see the space of possibility, Raja Raja lived and radiated. Getting it?


The top stone is 60 ton, single piece granite. Was there a crane to lift it and keep it on the top? Three mile mud slope they created. Three mile means around five kilometer, am I right? Five kilometer mud slope. And elephants dragged the stone. The night time, elephants have to rest. They will keep some protection so that the stones will not roll and come down. The whole thing was dragged in just 19 days, one-nine days. These you will not find on the web, it was from Akashic records. No, the dragging from the ground to the top, just one-nine days. Almost five kilometer slope, whole thing within five years. Pah! Dhyan se suniye. Visualize what would have been the space when king said yes. Listen. Even if you have money, people, technology, still the technology is not proven. Understand. For just a trial and error method, will you spend so much of wealth? And so many peoples life? How many no-s he would have received. Jnanatma, tell, hmm. But what was the space he said, “Do it, we will do it.” He did it. Sampoorna Tanjore Mandir Keval 5 varshon mein Nirmit kara gaya tha.


God! Jnanatma, now you understand? Thousand participants being enriched by inner awakening, May 8th is nothing. We are not doing any risk or trial and error, gambling. It is literally gambling his whole prestige, wealth, name, credibility, for Raja Raja. If something happens during building or the structure does not stand, and collapses or falls. Raja Raja would have collapsed. Because his prestige, credibility, the trust people have on him - everything he gambled from the space of possibility and he did it. In that 11 days, when he declared and laid the foundation stone, he was in the peak of possibility and he made it happen. I assure you guys, and commit with you guys, I will put you guys in the peak of possibility within next few days. I am already pushing the whole collective consciousness of the sangha to the peak of possibility.


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When you want to enrich others, do not work from the fear that everything is at stake. Nothing is at stake. Work from the strength to prove the power of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Even internally, do not not feel that everything is at stake or you’ll be working out of fear. You will be only visualising failure. We will prove the power of Buddha, dhamma and sangha then you will naturally visualise 1600 or 1700 or 1800 people’s lives enriched. It is just like Satyagama Japala was given the instruction by his Guru to come back with 1000 cows. Guru didn’t give date and time for him. Because I have thousands of Satyagama Japalas, I am telling you come back with thousands of lives enriched on May 8th, the Guruvak is given to you guys, so take it up. When Satyagama came back with a thousand cows, what he received from the Guru, I promise the same thing for each one that completes the responsibility. I declare with Integrity, Authenticity, responsibility and enriching, my commitment to all of you, if you have completed your collective responsibility, (it is not shared responsibility, it is collective responsibility) each one will receive what Satyagama had received from his Guru, the life which is being used by satyas. It is not that you are using satyas, it is the satyas using you. “You” are no more there. Satyas are playing through your body, that is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is that you don’t need to struggle or suffer to live the tattvas. Tattvas will live and “you” won’t be there. I will give what Satyagama japala received from his Guru. So how many of you will enrich others, raise your hands. Today we will be having the en-communication for Tamil IA participants, we can open the session for you guys also. Yesterday healers initiation is over, so i will open the sessions for the whole group who has committed to enrich lives for the May IA celebrations. Only the people who have committed can send your emails now, we will allow you to sit for the sessions, two-way and one-way both.

I tell you guys, the level of frequency itself has become different. The whole campus and the whole sangha, the moment we took up this commitment. I know the whole country would have felt when they decided to build the Meenakshi temple or Tanjore Temple. It’s such an extreme authenticity, responsibility, integrity and enriching. Such an impossible possible. Yesterday, i was relating with Rajaraja’s akashic records on how he built his temple, what he has gone through and what kinds of plans he made. Amazing inspiration! His inspiration is taller than the Tanjore tower. that is why he was able to create that tower. can you imagine, that building remained as the tallest building on the planet, till 270 years ago. He built it 1000 years ago and for 700 years it had an unbroken record. When he built it, Europe and America were wearing leaves and trees, living in the forests, and nothing called europe and america even happened. You can’t even imagine how many feet foundation would have been dug for such a large structure to stand. Do you know that it is a hollow structure? It is just a shell of 217 feet structure of stone, a zig-zag puzzle of poetry. The ultimate zig zag puzzle of mathematics and the ultimate engineering calculation and beautiful poetry of creativity. A beautiful thing, he didn’t do it for his maid, or mistress or queen, he did it for God. He did not make his countrymen work for his maid or mistress or queen. He made them dedicate for principle. Hats off to Rajaraja. I was studying his akashic records to study how he conceived this whole idea, because the moment he decided to build this temple would have been a moment where these four tattvas would live through him. Those moments he would have been enlightened, otherwise it is not possible to have a breakthrough, to decide to make something impossible possible. Understand, even now it is impossible. Even I am not able to conceive, to do the structured stone of that size with so much of technology and millions of people all over the world willing to give their life for what I say, especially if I say that I want such a temple, I know 1000 of my ashramites and devotees will resign their job and sit here and do. Even then i am not even able to conceive. I am just studying his akashic readings and trying to see the moment that he decided. Naturally, somebody would have proposed that if he is a human being, it is impossible to do such a thing. There were detractors, it was not that his regime was peaceful. He was expanding his kingdom. He was the first king in history who made the naval army. He went to Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia and all these countries, but never killed anybody, but just created those civilizations by marrying girls from those tribes and teaching them the culture, expanding the civilization and building temples. He never had a war, but he had a huge, beautiful naval army because they carved the temples here and took it there. They took elephants from here to there to drag the stones and make the temples. Any one inner space has to say yes for the impossible to become possible and naturally Rajaraja’s inner space only could have said that yes. Even though his Raja Guru would have been the inspiration, the final yes should be from him only because he was funding and giving the infrastructure. I just wanted to study that moment, when he said, what he was because I wanted to invoke that. Unimaginable experience. Of course, i am not going to invoke it because he did not stay in that space, he did not become enlightened. he just went into that space like a sattori and came down. But even then it is worthy for what he has contributed. The akashic record says that not only he built that huge structure, he covered it with stone and the history accepts it. In history there is a clear record of the gold sheets being covered and the drill, the holes, how it has been completely bolted into the stone, it is still there. Later on the history also says that Raja raja covered the whole temple with gold. Equivalent to a 1000 of his official elephant’s weight was the gold and he covered the entire thing with that. Still the holes of when the gold was drilled into that are there, and the poetry in stone,grace carved, kailaya built. I can sing poetry about this temple. What made him say yes, and then make it happen. Around 11 days he was in the space of impossible becoming possible due to the inspirations and initiation of his Guru, Karuvu Chittar, the raja Guru. His jeeva samadhi is there right behind the garbha mandir of the temple. Rajaraja was in the ecstasy of making anything impossible into possible. Ecstasy is the space where anything impossible looks possible, because you are in the space of possibility. Space of possibility is ecstasy. When it settles in your bio-memory it is ananda. When the space of possibility is tasted by your muscle memory, it is ecstasy.

In 11 days, he declared and decided to build and cover it in gold and allot enough number of people and villages to keep this alive. Allot 400 dancers, 570 priests and 10000 people maintaining who have settled around the temple just to take care. The houses of the people who belong to the temple. Can you imagine, the space of making things which you can't even grasp through your eyes, which you can grasp only through your visualisation. that space is life oozing in your muscles, Come on, let us live it! We have 60 days to make the space of possibility as a part of our biomemory. Let these 60 days be used by your, by your muscle memory to taste the space of possibility. Not only divorcing tiredness and boredom, but imbibing ecstasy. your heart and being should be continuously telling you that it is possible. I can see it happening. No question of struggling, no question of visualising failure because there is no failure. If you are visualising failure and failing, even that is success, so there is no such thing as failure. There is only success in life. What you visualise, you get it. You will all cognise only success and the space of possibility, like hanuman, he is the space of possibility, as is Nandi. Your chest will expand when you carry that space of possibility. Be constantly in the space of success. When you go to the person to enrich him, know that he is getting enriched and coming for inner awakening. he is coming back from IA and thanking you profusely. Go in that space. Don’t think that, oh his logic may not match with my logic, I have to convince him and argue with him and prepare myself, then he has to come in May- no. May is not may, May is MUST. From today enriching the people who are enriched continuously, that is going to be my breathing. All of you just understand, how much of no, it is impossible in your thought would have interfered. Internally and externally how much Rajaraja would have suffered. Three days less than 5 years, this temple was built.He completed, and kumbha abhishekam was done. The gold plating was done later, but the kumbha abhishekam of the temple was done. For his birthday the gold was donated, then the sheets were made, carved and then fixed on the temple. Taking up the responsibility is space of possibility. You may say, he said so everyone listened. But his regime was almost like a democracy, he is like a president that’s all. All the local bodies agreed and took it up.

Just by inspiring people by he karishma, he made this possible. It’s not like the whole country worked for this project, because his son records all the sculptors and craftsmen, so that they don’t go out of a job , he creates a second temple. He should not be taller than my father, so he reduces the height by six or seven feet just to respect his father. He creates second temple just to engage the sculptors and craftsmen, this means that only one section of the people worked.not the whole country. Can you imagine the spirit and inspiration of the space of possibility. Life starts with the space of possibility.

I tell you, bliss or ananda means space of possibility. where life oozes out of you. Are you all your Kundalini jumping, everything should create a space of possibility in you. Raja Raja is supposed to have used One Lakh, thirty thousand tonnes of Granite. This structure was first time on planet earth built completely, fully with Granite. In 5 years, how his heart would have said his inner space would have said “It is Possible”. See, all I am trying to tell you guys is that taking the jump “Possible”. Thousand human beings, inspiring them, enriching them and bringing them and making them sit for Inner Awakening looks too small. When you see the space of possibility Raja Raja lived and radiated. The top stone is 60 feet single piece granite. Was there a crane to lift it & put it on top? 3 mile mud slope they created, means 5 kilometers, and elephants dragged the stone. In the night time elephants have to rest, they will keep some protection so that the stone will not roll and come down. The whole stone was dragged in just 19 days, you will not find this information in the Web, it is from Akashik records. The dragging from the ground to the top was just 19 days, almost 5 kilometers slope, the whole thing was built in 5 years. Visualize, what would have been the space when King said “Yes”. Listen, even if you have money, people, technology, still the technology is not proven, will you spend so much of time and wealth, so many people’s lives? How many “NO”s he would have received. What was the space with which he would have said “We will do it” and he did it!

1000 participants being enriched for Inner Awakening for May 8th is nothing. We are not taking any risk or trial-and-error gambling. It is literally gambling his whole name, prestige & credibility for Raja raja. If something happens during building or the structure does not stand or collapses or falls, Raja raja would have collapsed. Because his prestige, credibility, the trust people have on him, everything he gambled. He did everything from the space of possibility and he did it. In that 11 days when he declared and laid the foundation stone, he was in the peak of possibility and he made it happen. I assure and commit with you guys, I will put you guys in the peak of possibility within next few days. I am already pushing the whole collective consciousness of the Sangha to the peak of possibility. Use this May 8th Inner Awakening celebration, to experience the peak of possibility. After March Inner Awakening after Shivarathri, which is ending on 2nd April, after that, I am completely free other than weekends after NDY and other programs, even if you guys gather 20 or 30 people, I will give a Satsang sessions, taking about the 4 Tattvas, Introduction to Inner Awakening & question & answers. I will do it by myself personally. I will give IA introduction sessions personally. All cities start gathering, start organizing, start booking for a slot. Use May-2013 IA Celebration for experiencing peak of possibility. Peak of Possibility be realized in every human being so that you become empty. You are nothing but “NO”. When “NO”s disappear, you disappear and Satyas start living through you. Your personality is made of “NO”, your identity is made of “YES”. Let your personality be dropped, identity be awakened. Personality is given by society and identity is natural. Start the best ways to enrich others, you will see you are getting enriched.

From yesterday I could see, Sangha is entering into new phase. Listen, listen, listen, through this May-2013 IA let us all make our Authenticity as our lifestyle, living to our peak possibility as our lifestyle. We have to earn it, build it. It will not happen tomorrow, it will happen NOW. When you are in the space of possibility every person is a possibility. Constantly be in the space of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching others. Enrich, enrich & enrich, you will make it and do it. The moment you remember the Tattvas, the space is ecstasy, how many of you feel the current. When you go with the space of possibility, whoever you speak to, you will engulf them with your Ecstasy and Inspiration. They are taken along with your Tsunami and Tornado. Each Garbha of a woman carries the space of possibility, that is why it can create a body. Let all of you carry the space of possibility in your Ananda-Gandha.

Day-after-tomorrow, I will be initiating 100 people into Krama brahmacharya, Naishtika brahmacharya and Sanyasa. All you guys who are getting initiated, what is the number you are declaring for next Shivarathri in 2014 for Krama, Naishtika and Sanyasa. Is it 1000? Ok, done, Tathastu. For the year 2020 we will work on the number 10,000. All of you guys carry the space of this possibility in your Ananda-Gandha. The prasada of Integrity is the space of positivity. Prasada of Authenticity is the space of possibility. Prasada of Responsibility is “Eeshwaratwa”, Leadership. Prasada of Enriching is the space of Enlightenment. He who sees the Positivity, Possibility, Leadership & Enlightenment is an “Incarnation”. Already I have started preparing for the Dieties happening all over the world, because in 2 or 3 months these guys will start asking for Dieties. I think I have to send 1008 Shivalingas, one Shivalinga to each temple. I have plans to give unique Dieties to each temple, for Singapuram Shiva will be with Lion’s face, Sarabeshwara where Devi will be with Lion face, Pratyingra where Vishnu will be with Lion face Narasimha, Ganesha will be sitting on Lion Herambha Ganesha, Subramanya will be sitting on Lion Singhmuhasuravadha Subramanya, so all will be related to Simha for Singapore. Each branch will have Unique Dieties. I commit with all of you, this May IA preparation and Program will be the peak of my possibility. I will deliver everything available to me, to you. Whether while we prepare or while we give the program.

On shivarathri day 51 people will take Krama brahmacharya, 31 of them will be residing in our Gurukul and 20 are going to be studying in different places and 64 are taking Poorna Sanyas. Total of 115 people. If you declare for Sanyas, you should know that it is from the space of possibility and not from the fear of What will happen if I fall, If I do this what will happen, if I lose this space what will happen, then you are planning to lose that space already. Then what can I say, Tathaastu. Sanyaasi is a person who is embodiment of space of positivity, possibility, eeshwaratwa and enlightenment. Apart from Shivarathri, there will be 3 more occassions when Sanyaas initiations will be done, Gurupoornima, Navarathri, Swamy’s birthday. Don’t think you will work the whole year to get 1000 people for initiation until next shivarathri. Many are going to take initiation on Guru Poornima. May-2013 Inner Awakening Celebration will have everything like Nirahaara Samyama, The Samyama, the Essence of Brahmanyam Bahuputrataam, Past Life Regression techniques. It is going to be real back-to-back celebration. 20 People who are not residing in Gurukul having Krama Brahmacharya initiation, and going around all over the world and to their schools is not a joke. When you go to college with this dress and live these 4 tattvas the whole college will be not just inspired & tenspired (terribly inspired). Each Krama brahmachari who resides outside the campus, if he brings atleast 10 more for Krama brahmacharya, only then he is living the 4 tattvas, which means they should be able to poke holes. Only when you live these tattvas, you will be able to inspire people around you. Else people around will press the myth called Krama Brahmacharya which you are carrying. Either you enrich or they will enrich you with their ideologies. Krama, Naishtika, Sanyasa & Rishi Order, all 4 of them put together will be Nithyananda Sampradaya. Others will be Ashramites. All over the world these 4 together will form the Core Order of Nithyananda. In Krama brahmacharya there are 28 males and 23 females, never this has happened in our Sangha where men’s number has crossed female numbers. In poorna sanyas there are 35 women and 29 men. Afterdays after Shivarathri, we have to declare the list of Nithyananda Sampradaya.

Today, after the Satsang eN-Communication whole day program for Inner Awakening Participants is opened freely for all the people who are interested in enriching. Today 9th batch Nirahaar Samyama 2nd level 5th day, 4th batch The Samyama 20th Day, 15th IA and 12th eN-Genius 20th day. Gyanatma declares holding responsibility for enriching tea, where 1000 lives will be enriched for May Inner Awakening.

Space of Possibility is Ecstasy, Space of Positivity is Joy, Space of Leadership is Ananda, Space of Enlightenment is Nithyananda. With Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and enriching, by the grace of Kaalabhairava, keeping Kaalabhairava as witness and requesting him, if these materialization & other powers are endowed to me only by the 4 Satyas and for the sake of 4 Satyas, let it express. From today all centres which have committed for enriching others for May Inner Awakening, in all those centres & temples, continuously Vibhooti and Kumkum will materialize. Kaakabhairava has endowed me with these powers, so let these powers start expressing continuously.

Photos From The Day:

Temple Glimpses

Pada Pujua

Morning Satsang

==Photos Of The Day:==






Photos Of The Day:



Photos Of The Day:
