May 18 2012

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Empower your Self-Remembrance ( Prana Samyama )


Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that it is even today used as a personal transformation guide. In today’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 29, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) defines prana. Usually interpreted as “life-giving force”, Paramahamsa spins a deeper mystical meaning by asserting that it means “the moments when we remember that we exist” – when we are aware and have consciousness of our existence. The opposite of prana, apana, he defines as “forgetfulness that we exist”. Prana can absorb apana and can ultimately dissolve maya, the delusions of existence, which cannot prevail in the presence of full awareness. The technique to increase our self-remembrance is a threefold practice: ajapa japa, the soundless chanting of mantra; mahabhaava, maintaining an overflowing feeling connection to the divine; and sahaja samadhi, the technique of unclutching.

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Empower your Self-Remembrance ( Prana Samyama )

Video Audio



Discourse delivered by Paramahansa Nithyananda on May 18, 2012


4th chapter, 29th verse :

Apaane Juhvathi Pranam

Praana Paanam Thathapare

Praana paana Ghanti Ruthva

Praanayaama Parayanaah

New Translation :

Some offer the incoming vital air, into the vital air that is moving inward and some offer the inwardbound vital air into the incoming vital air. Thus they do Pranaayaama by checking the Praana and Apaana.

Bhagwaan is describing a very powerful process, a technique, method, to achieve the ultimate consciousness. Here the word Praana and Apaana is used. Please understand, the word Praana and Apaana, you need to understand in depth.

Some offer the incoming vital air into the vital air that is moving inward and some offer the inward bound vital air into the incoming vital air. Thus they do Praanayaama by checking the Praana and Apaana.

Let me give you the deepest meaning of this word Praana and Apaana. Constantly in you, for a moment you remember you exist and after few moments you forget you exist and your mind starts wondering here and there. Try, try this process, try to just sit and remember about you, just – I exist; I remember me; I exist; I remember me; just a self-remembrance! Try, try the self-remembrance. In few seconds you will forget. Please understand, the moments you remember yourself is Praana. The moments you forget you exist is Apaana. Unless you forget you exist, you can’t remember you exist. Unless you remember you exist, you won’t forget you exist. The Praana and Apaana live together. But how, Mercury slowly absorbs the Gold, Praana can absorb Apaana. If Mercury and Gold is kept near, if they are touching each other, Mercury will swallow the Gold and Gold will lose its qualities into the Mercury. Same way if the Praana is allowed to function, means, if the self-remembrance is increased by your conscious will, if you are supporting the self-remembrance by your conscious decision, it will swallow the Apaana part, the self-forgetting moments. Please understand, the most subtle Vedantic Truth, most subtle spiritual truth. If you try to remember yourself, constantly be in the Unclutching or remembrance of the higher self. Only if you try, you will understand what I am saying, just remembering - I exist; I am; I exist; I am here; I feel me; Yes, I am alive; I remember me; I am !

If you just remember you, that self-remembrance., for some people that self-remembrance will be there without disturbance, may be for 3 seconds; for some it will be 10 seconds. Usually none of you will have more than 12 seconds. That’s the maximum for a normal conscious being. By the time one flicker of thought will come. If somebody can establish themselves in the self-remembrance for 21 seconds he is enlightened, Jeevan Mukta. 21 seconds is a too long period to be established in that self-remembrance. Then your mind breaks, you become liberated being.

This self-remembrance, when you are trying, the thoughts which come because of your forgetfulness, due to your forgetfulness, the forgetfulness is Apaana. Remembrance is Praana, forgetfulness is Apaana. Now, you are not supposed to hate Apaana. Constantly you create a guilt in you – ‘Oh, I loose; I forget; the forgetfulness happens to me; I don’t remember; I am not qualified.’ You are constantly worrying and struggling with Apaana. Stop it! Work on Praana. Whenever you remember, understand it’s a luck, bonus, gift! Celebrate Praana. Celebrate the moments of self-remembrance! Stop feeling guilty; stop suffering; stop suffocating yourself for the moments of forgetfulness. But unfortunately your mind is tuned to suffer the forgetfulness.

I always repeat – Meera’s Bhakti and Andaal’s Bhakti! Meera constantly suffers for the few moments she misses Krishna! Andaal constantly celebrates for the few moments she remembers Krishna! Andaal is Praana, Meera is Apaana. That is why Meera’s life has to have so much of suffering and struggle. Andaal’s life was so smooth and beautiful! Work on Praana. Don’t suffocate yourself with Apaana.

Just yesterday I gave you a powerful process – Enchanting; Feeling connection; Unclutching! In Sanskrit we will call it – Ajapa-Japa; Mahabhaava and Sahaj Samadhi! Enchanting; Feeling connection; Unclutching! When you try to do all these things, three, continuously, you would have forgotten yesterday, many times. Many times yesterday, you would have had forgetfulness, you would have lost doing all these three, you would have forgotten doing all these three.

Praanapaan Samayuktam

Bhajamyanam Chaturvidam

Bhagwaan says in another one verse in BhagvadGita itself –

Praanapaan Samayuktam

Bhajamyanam Chaturvidam

It means along with Praana and Apaana, in four ways, I consume everything. It is not just food - it is Time; Space and Pure Consciousness. Please understand, Bhagvaan says, with Praana and Apaana’s help, I consume everything in four ways – Time; Space and Pure Consciousness! Everything he swallows, just with this one process of Praana and Apaana. I tell you, if you can increase your Praana, the self-remembrance, you will consume this whole Maya and sit as Vishwaroopa.

Please understand, Raman Maharshi very beautifully says :

Ullada, Allada, Ulladai, ullalal, ullatte, ulli, Irupade, Viara !

You can’t understand even though it is in Tamil. Very beautifully he sang 40 verses on Reality! It is called ‘Ullagnarpada’. He says beautifully, let me give you the essence. If you sit on the self-remembrance that ‘I exist’, all this name; form; time; space, everything will just dissolve into yourself. That is the Advaita Anubhuti, the Ultimate Experience!

I tell you, if the self-remembrance, if you are struggling between self-remembrance and self-forgetfulness, that zone is Dvaita. If that struggle has reduced and the self-remembrance has become more powerful than the forgetfulness, that is called VIshishtha Advaita. If the self-remembrance has conquered the forgetfulness, that is Advaita, that’s all! Understand, if you are suffering the self-remembrance and self-forgetfulness, if there is a struggle going on, that is Dvaita – ‘I am separate, ultimate is separate’- the gap! If the self-remembrance has become more powerful than the forgetfulness, the self-remembrance is more than 51 %, it is less than 49 %, now it is Vishistha Advaita – ‘It is me, but extension of me; I am He, but extension of He.’ When the self-remembrance becomes 100 %, it is Advaita, that’s all !

Please understand, just support your Praana consciously. When I say support your Praana consciously, I mean constantly try to establish yourself in these three - Enchanting; Feeling connection; Unclutching! Constantly! Take this up as a spiritual practice from today. Next 21 days let all our satsangis, samajis, devotees try this. Whole day your body should be working. Means, you can sweep, wipe, cook, drive. Whole day your body should be engaged in your regular activities – reading, even sleeping is activity. Engage yourself in some activity or lie down and sleep. Even sleeping is activity, no problem! But along with your activity establish yourself into these three. Whole day, the moment you wake up, start the Ajapa-Japa. Ajapa–Japa starts and then feeling connection, with a deep prayerful mood; Unclutching. The Feeling connection is the bridge between Unclutching and Ajapa-Japa. Constantly do this. One important thing, if you are lazy, not doing anything actively physically, you won’t be able to establish yourself in self-remembrance. That is why never ever lazy people achieve enlightenment. Please understand, if you are not physically active, if you are not constantly doing anything, do not hope for enlightenment. That is not for you. So constantly do something, may be cooking, driving, your job, your office work. Or if you don’t find any office work, come on here. We have a lot of volunteer work. Do some volunteer work. Constantly, go on be doing and establishing yourself into these three.

I tell you guys, whoever successfully finishes this samyamaa, I will initiate you into the Hungerless, Thirstless samyamaa, hunger-free, thirst-free samyamaa. Understand, I am very successful in helping, putting some of our ashramites into that samyamaa. Almost 27 days they have completed successfully without any food or water or nothing. Of course once in a while they had little water but without any food. Now I have given them a break. Because I am busy with this Madurai Adhinam work, I have given them a break. When I go back to Bangalore, 6 th, I am going back after the Guru Puja. When I go back to Bangalore I am going to start the samyamaa again. Whoever completes this samyamaa these 21 days successfully. You see when I say complete, I mean you tried with your honesty that’s all! Only condition – you cannot have guilt about the forgetfulness. In the whole day, 24 hours, even if you remember the self-remembrance only 10 minutes, that’s okay. Celebrate about that. Do not have guilt about that forgetfulness. Because if you create guilt about that forgetfulness, you unneccessarily empower the wrong side. The Apanaa becomes more strong. So support, encourage, inspire Praana, means moments of self-remembrance. Try! These 21 days, all of you will do this samyamaa. You will constantly do some work. If you don’t have any work in your house, come on, come to our center. We have lot of volunteer work. Do some work. Along with that you will be doing these three – Enchanting; Feeling connection; Unclutching. EFU! EFU – Enchanting; Feeling connection; Unclutching. Constantly do this, all these three. You are capable of doing all these three simultaneously. You are capable! You are capable of doing all of these three simultaneously. So please understand, these 21 days, this samyamaa will be called as Pranaa samyamaa, encouraging and empowering the self-remembrance inside you, the power of Praana inside you. Try this Praana samyamaa for 21 days. Whoever successfully completes this samyamaa for 21 days, I will initiate you guys into Hungerfree, Thirstfree samyamaa. And EFU – Enchanting; Feeling connection; Unclutching - Enlightenment is For You – EFU! Understand, practice EFU – Enlightenment is for you, that’s all! Huh ? All our teachers, healers, acharyas, everyone has to practice this EFU. Only then you can be acharya ,you can be a healer. You can raise yourself in consciousness and you can raise others also into the superconsciousness. And this EFU will give you constantly new new ideas to inspire others and helping others to radiate enlightenment.

Essence of this verse, the sacred secret in this verse, 4th chapter, 29th verse, is – Empower the self-remembrance, Empower the Praana. Do not even bother about Apaana. Do not worry about the forgetful moments. Do not have guilt about forgetful moments. Bring life to Praana, bring life to moments of remembrance.

So, I bless you all and initiate all of you into this Praana samyamaa. 21 days we will take up this samyamaa. And I bless you all - You will all successfully complete this samyamaa. Then the whole batch, I will initiate into Hunger-free, Thirst-free samyamaa. I think this is going to be the largest fasting ever happened on the Planet Earth. The largest number of people at a time living, without food and water is going to be our Hungerfree, Thirstfree samyamaa. Understand, I will do miracles! Make a huge group living without food and water and medically showing people are not going into fatigue, low energy, no side effect of foodlessness is there in your body. I will establish it!

Spot Notes: Friday, 18 May 2012


07:40 am

“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnana Sambandhaacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment in 706 places through Nithyananda TV, 23 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 203 cities, in 20 countries around the world!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are – Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Calgary Amarnath, Singapore Singapuram, Kulim Malaysia, Los Angeles Arunachala, Seatt, Ohio Prayag, San Jose Madhurai, Toronto Kailasam, Dallas Dwaraka, Atlanta Ujjayini, Dubai, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Arunachala Tiruvannamalai, Oklahoma Somanatham, Charlotte Srisailam, Canada Montreal, Las Vegas, New Jersey Omkareshwar, Austin, Oman Siva Gangai.

We will enter into today’s Satsang. Bhagavat Gita 4th chapter, Jnaana Karma Sanyasa Yoga, 29th verse –

apane juhvati pranam prane ’panam tathapare | pranapana-gati ruddhva pranayama-parayanah ||

The new translation – Some offer the incoming vital air into vital air that is moving inward and some offer the inward bound vital air into the vital air, thus they do pranayama by checking the praana and apaana.

Bhagavan is deciding a very powerful process, a technique –method to achieve the ultimate consciousness. Here the word praana and apaana I used. Please understand the word praana and apaana you need to understand in depth. Let me give you the deepest meaning of this word praana and apaana. Constantly in you for a moment you remember you exist and after a moment you will forget you exist and your mind starts wandering here and there. Try and do this as a process. Just remember I exist, I exist. Just try this self-remembrance. In few moments you will forget. Please understand the moment you remember you exist is praana. The moments you forget you exist, it is apaana. Unless you forget you exist, you won’t remember you exist. Unless you remember you exist you won’t forget you exist. The praana and apaana live together. But how mercury slowly absorbs the gold, praana & apaana can absorb each other. If mercury is kept near gold touching each other, mercury swallows gold and gold loses itself in mercury. Same way if you are supporting the self- remembrance by your conscious decisions, it will swallow the apaana part the self forgetting moments. Please understand it is a most subtle Vedantic truth, most subtle spiritual truths. If you try to remember yourself constantly be in the unclutching or remembrance of the higher self. Only if you try you will und what I am saying. Just remember I exist, I am feeling me, I am alive, I remember me, I am! If you just remember you - that self-remembrance for some people the self-remembrance will be there without disturbance maybe for 3 seconds, for some people for 10 seconds. Usually none of you will have more than 12 seconds. That is the maximum. Then your mind flickers. If somebody can be established in self-remembrance for 21 seconds, you are enlightened! Then your mind breaks and you will be enlightened. The thoughts which come due to your forgetfulness. That forgetfulness is apaana. Remembrance is praana, forgetfulness is apaana. Now you are not supposed to hate apaana. Constantly you created a guilt in you I lose, I forget, I don’t remember, I am not qualified. You are constantly worrying and struggling with apaana. Stop it. Work on praana. Whenever you remember yourself - understand it is a bonus, luck, gift. Celebrate praana, celebrate the moment of remembrance. Stop feeling guilty, suffocating for moments of forgetfulness. Unfortunately your mind is tuned to think of the forgetfulness. I always tell about Meera and Aandaal. Meera constantly suffers with few moments without Krishna. Aandaal constantly celebrates few moment s with Kishna.

Work on praana. Don’t suffocate with apaana. Just yesterday I gave you a powerful process -enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching. In Sanskrit we call as ajapa japa, maha bhaava and sahaja samadhi – enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching. When you try to do all these three continuously you would have forgotten many times. Many times yesterday you would have had forgetfulness. You would have lost doing all these three, you would have forgotten doing all these three…

Beautifully in another verse Krishna says -

Prana Pana Sama Yukta Pachamyannam Chaturvidham

It means along with praana & apaana in 4 ways I consume everything. It is not just food. It is time, space and pure consciousness. Please understand Bhagavan says with praana and apaana’s help I consume everything in four ways – time, space and pure consciousness. Everything he swallows just with this one process of praana & apaana. I tell you if you can increase your praana, the self- remembrance, you will consume this whole maya and sit as Vishwa rupa. Please understand Ramana Maharshi very beautifully says <quotes verse in tamil>

Very beautiful he sang 40 verses on reality. He says if you sit on the self-remembrance that you exist, all this name, form, time, space, everything will just dissolve into yourself. That is the Advaitha anubhooti - the ultimate experience. Just few days before, one fellow so called Saiva siddhanthi the Dharmapruma Adeenam’s manager. He said Nithyananda is Advaithi guy he should not be made to sit on the throne. What a foolishness! Only when you become enlightened you will understand all dvaitha, Advaitha, all are different steps. The final ultimate experience is Advaitha. This fellow neither experienced saiva siddhanthi, he says he is the person ….That means what? This fellow who has no connection with Jnaana he should sit on the throne or what?

I tell you if you are struggling between the self-remembrance and self-forgetting that zone is dvaitha. If the self-remembrance is more powerful than the self-forgetting that is called Visista advaitha. If self-remembrance has conquered self-forgetting that is Advaitha. If you are struggling between the self-remembrance and self-forgetting, that is dvaitha I am different, diving is different. If self-remembrance is more than self-forgetting – self remembrance is 51% and self-forgetting is 49% then it is Vishistaadvaitha - it is me but extension of him. When the self-remembrance becomes 100% it is Advaitha. That’s all. Please understand just support your praana consciously. I mean constantly try to establish yourself in this three enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching. Constantly take this up as a spiritual practice from today. Next 21 days let all our Satsangis, Samajis try this. Whole day your body should be working means you can cook, drive, sleep, reading, even sleeping is activity. Engage yourself in some activity. But along with your activity, establish yourself into this three whole day the moment you wake up, start the ajapa japa. Ajapa japa and then feeling connection - a deep prayerful mood. Then unclutching. Feeling connection is the bridge between ajapa japa and unclutching. Constantly do this. One important thing if you are lazy not doing anything physically active you will not be able to establish yourself in self-remembrance. If you are not constantly doing anything and physically active, do not hope for enlightenment. That is not for you. So constantly do something. Maybe cooking, driving, your job, your office work or if you don’t find any office work, come on here we have lot of volunteer work. Do some volunteer work constantly go on be doing and establishing yourself into this three. I tell you guys whoever successfully does this samyama I will initiate you guys into the hunger free & thirst-less samyama. Almost 27 days they completed successfully without any food and water. Now I have given them break. When I go back to bangalore, I am going to start the samyama again. Whoever completes this samyama this 21 days when I say complete you tried with your honesty that’s all. Only condition, you will not have guilt about the forgetfulness. Even if 10 minutes if you remember self, celebrate that. Because when you feel guilty you will encourage the wrong side means the apaana becomes stronger. So support moments of self-remembrance. This 21 days constantly do some work and along with that do this 3 enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching – EFU! – enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching. Constantly do all this three. You are capable of doing all this three simultaneously. You are capable of doing all this three simultaneously. So please understand this 21 days this samyama will be called as Praana samyama – encouraging and empowering the self- remembrance the power of praana inside you. Try this praana samyama for 21 days. Whoever successfully completes this samyama for 21 days, I will initiate you guys into hunger free, thirst free samyama. EFU & enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching is for you J Practice EFU, enlightenment is for you! That’s all!

All our teachers, healers, acharyas everyone has to practice this EFU. Only then you can be acharya, you can be healer. You can raise yourself in consciousness and raise others also into super consciousness. And this EFU will constantly give you new new ideas to help others and helping others to radiate enlightenment.

Essence, the sacred secret of this 4th chapter 29th verse is empower the self-remembrance, empower the praana. Do not even bother about apaana. Do not worry about the forgetful moments. Do not have guilt about forgetful moments. Bring life to praana. Bring life to moments of remembrance. So I bless you all and initiate all of you into this praana samyama. 21 days we will take up this samyama. And I bless you all. You will all successfully complete this samyama. Then the whole batch I will initiate into the hunger free thirst free samyama. I think this is going to be the largest fasting on planet earth. The largest number of people living at a time on plane is our hunger free thirst free samyama. Understand. I will prove miracles exist. I will establish it without your body going into fatigue and tiredness physically. I will establish it. Now I will move to the next part of morn satsang Dial The Avatar. One more request all of you guy who are starting this samyama please write an email to [email protected].

All of you please send your email to [email protected] when you start your praana samyama.

Today’s minutes to be entered into your website - 70 minutes.

One more thing 9 sharp we are starting to Kachanam which is completely under the control of MA. Not only the temple, the whole village was given to Jnaana Sambandar by the Chola King.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1056 places through Nithyananda TV, in 23 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 272 cities, in 30 countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 135 (Temple Visit Kachanam, 18 MAY 2012)


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, interpret, mystical ,assert, aware, consciousness, existence, ultimate, delusion, prevail, presence, increase, self-remembrance, mantra, maintain, overflowing, feeling, connecton, divine, technique.