January 13 2013

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The Science of Beginning (Talks on the Katopanishad)


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) continues interpreting the tale of Nachiketa, the child who journeyed to meet Yama Lord of Death. Nachiketa received three boons from Yama, the first being that his father would live in peace, harmony and honor. The second boon the boy requested was to understand the mystery of death in order to help the world. Yama’s description in the Katopanishad is cryptic; today Nithyananda decodes it. Yama describes many worlds, each one having a different beginning time: this is to clarify that the universe is eternal. The real mystery of death is that there is no death! Yama gives instructions on how to travel from world to world, and as a third boon names the travel ritual after Nachiketa himself.

Video and Audio - The Science of Beginning - Kathopanishad

Video Audio


I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangees, sitting with around the world 642 places, 47 places in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, 278 cities, and 31 countries around the world as per the statistics. Gives cities sitting in two-way receiving Nayana Deeksha.

When you stand by your commitments, it feels so nice, it gives such confidence. If I just want to be an enlightened being, I can afford to just lay around.

But, when I commit with my being to create Nithyananda Sangha, I cannot afford to live without authenticity, responsibility, integrity, and enriching others in every moment.

I don’t feel I’m sacrificing something or bound by some rules. If I did you would see it in my face. Can you see it? Can you see I didn’t sleep? And, yesterday, a seven hour Satsangh, from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.

I’m so happy I’m honoring my commitments with integrity. That bell is the Victory Bell of Dhyanapeetum and is the death bell of inauthenticity. The moment I hear that bell, I run for my seat.

In the last 14 days, wow, there has been so much transformation. Each person understands their purpose, each one radiates the authenticity of their purpose. I gave such work all night and now I’m just radiating with so much energy. The subject is just radiating in my heart: AUTHENTICITY, AUTHENTICITY, AUTHENTICITY.

I’ve been asked to sit straight so they can use the clip. I don’t feel bad that I am directed, because this can now be used for millions and can enrich millions of lives. Then come on let’s do it!

I’ll start today’s subject for the Satsang: I’ll continue on Authenticity, with the Upanishad.

So, Yama gave the first boon to Nachiketa. Now the next shloka, Nachiketa says:


The translation:

“In the realm of heaven there is no fear. Yama you are not there. There is no fear of old age. Being beyond hunger and thirst, being above grief, they rejoice in heaven.”

With this boon, Nachiketa goes to the extreme of finding the solution for the root cause of the problem. God! It’s not that his father was infected with HIV and he goes and asks for medicine just for his father. He takes the medicine for his father and then asks medicine for the whole world. What is the desire of the whole world? What does the world suffer from? Longevity. It is unfortunate that people are so inauthentic with this desire. People want a short cut. They want the body and mind which they know already – to live forever with them.

By the Law of Existence you will live forever but your possessions will not. Your body and mind is your possession but not you. If you want to live forever, grant it immediately. You are eternal. You think, ‘no, no, no,’ I want my possessions to live forever.

People need to understand that your same spouse will be with you forever. Just this knowledge is enough. How many of you want the same spouse forever?

Because you are trying to ask eternity for your possessions forever which is not only impossible but very fortunately impossible.

SANSKRIT verse –


In the realm of heaven there is no fear.

“In the realm of heaven there is no fear. Yama you are not there. There is no fear of old age. Being beyond hunger and thirst, being above grief, they rejoice in heaven.”

There is a cure for this desire.

His father wanted to live forever but he didn’t want to follow all the rules with the integrity.

I just decided yesterday not to give up on my disciples and see the result? This proves the results. Promise not to give up and you will have the result.

Nachiketa’s father, Vajistra’s was having the deep desire to have immortality. But he’s inauthentic towards the process from which he can achieve this. He was trying to keep his body alive. Even if he had succeeded in his process he would have achieved a few hundred years.

He continues on the next verse:


Thou knowest oh Death the fire sacrifice that leads to heaven. Tell this to me, I am full of Shraddha, tell this to me. This I beg as my second boon.

When he says this, I am full of Shraddha – means he will use this boon with integrity, with authenticity.

He asks for the science of going beyond this. “Thou knowest oh Lord, the fire sacrifice.” Tell me the science of going to heaven where people are beyond hunger and thirst, beyond grief. This is why he describes this clearly, he wants this heaven, not some other version of heaven. He is very cautious. And he says, “I’m full of Shrada,” I will use it authentically. And, he says, “I beg this as my second boon.”

He floors me by his dedication to enrich others.

Every word I’m uttering is so important, LISTEN.

Shravana, listen as if your life depends on it. And, your life depends on what I’m saying. And, if you listen, you will understand. I’m creating a new word, not just understand, you will wonderstand.

Anything which clicks with your heart immediately, makes music in your heart, sings in your heart, you can’t use the small word, understanding, we need wonderstanding. And, if you receive the kundalini and jump, you get thunderstanding.

So, now it is time for wonderstanding, not just understanding.




When you listen, just by listening you will transform the people who are talking. So many of my disciples are such strong Sannyasis and are such strong beings in their integrity and authenticity but unfortunately they miss LISTENING. I can give so many examples.

Extraordinary integrity and authenticity but still they miss listening.

Understand there are no extraordinary speakers, orators, there are only extraordinary listeners. Extraordinary listeners create extraordinary speakers. If you understand what I am speaking about then you will understand that I am speaking only what I have heard: from the street vendors, from ordinary visitors, from my own disciples – all of these become lessons for me and it is my listening that has made me an orator.

So learn to listen.

I speak what you need because I hear when you speak. Because I listen when you speak, I know what you need and I speak exactly that. I know what I need to speak to transform you because I listen. When I listen I hear what you speak and what you don’t speak but want to speak. That is why many times after reading the letter you have given me because the solution is for many things you wanted to say but did not say.

Beautifully, Nachiketa floors the whole world by his second boon, his second request. At least by the second request he could have asked for enlightenment.


The next Shloka comes:

Yama is also listening:

SANSKRIT verse..

Yama replied, I know well the fire that leads to heaven. Listen to me, oh Nachiketa this is the means of attaining endless worlds and their support it is hidden in the heart of all beings.

He says, “I’ll tell you, listen to me.”

I’ll give you the science of endless worlds and their support. It is hidden in the hearts of all beings. There is a part of you that is unperishable. Become the part of you which is unperishable which is in your heart. This is the science. The more and more you become subtle the more you are going to live.

The more and more subtle the space in which you live the less deterioration that takes place due to time. Time works on you if you are heavy, solid, physical, in the gross body. It doesn’t work on you the more and more you become subtle. The more subtle you are the less time works on you.

Kala does not work on you when you move the more and more subtle spaces. Kala works on you when you are in more and more gross space.

Time itself is teaching the science to Nachiketa how he may escape from Him.

It’s like the police teaching you how to escape the law or a thief teaching you how to protect your wealth from him. Kala is teaching you how to go beyond time.

Yama beautifully answers, he first very clearly says, “I know well that fire that leads to the realm of heaven.” He says, “yes, I know exactly what you are asking.” And, secondly he says, “I know what I’m telling you.” Third, “listen to me.” Fourth, “know that this is the means of attaining endless worlds and their support. It is hidden in the hearts of all beings.”

The next shloka:


This is the tune I heard these verses in from my teacher. From these verses onward, the tune now changes.

Now from the meter becomes different because now it is teaching. Up unto this verse it was story.

Yama told him, the fire sacrifice is the beginning of all the worlds, what bricks, how many, and how laid for the alter. Nachiketa repeated it as it was told to him. Yama was then pleased with him.

All this verse has so much of meaning. When a disciple, a student goes to the teacher, the teacher should assure the disciple, “I will teach you.” So that the disciple does not waste the time with the wrong Guru.

The disciple goes asking what he wants. He specifies his need. Then the Teacher confirms with his being and says Listen to me.

Then he gives the introduction to the knowledge. The importance of the knowledge. He says, “this is the means of attaining endless worlds.” The introduction itself is inspiring. The teacher removes the fear in the heart of the student and says, “it’s not difficult, it’s hidden in the heart of all beings.”

He first asserts, “I know well, that fire which leads to the realm of heaven, which you asked as per your definition. Second, “I’ll tell it to you.” Don’t have doubt, I may hide a little bit and not tell it to you.

He assures you, “I’ll teach you. I’m not going to keep that as a secret from you. I’ll share it with you.” He says this is the means of attaining endless worlds and their support and he removes the doubt from his heart, and says, to Nachiketa, it’s not difficult, it’s in the heart of all beings.”

Yama then told him the sacrifice of fire: “the beginning of all the worlds.” What does this mean? The beginning of all the worlds? Until you understand this you will not know how to be endless. If you want to be endless, you have to know the beginning. You need to know the science of beginning. Please understand anything that you can calculate with your logic – by physical maturity, before physical maturity, your logic will take a quantum leap at the moment you mature.

That is why in the Gurukul we have only two groups.

Knows as Balaka and Yuva - those who are not physically mature and those who are physically mature.

I’ve decided to take the responsibility for everyone’s inauthenticity. When you are tired, you are asked to take a cup of tea. If it is Satsang they are asked to go get a tea. In the office, I’ll keep it on the desk.

If you can’t imagine the beginning of something then you can’t imagine the end.

That is why Yama is saying, “the beginning of endless worlds.”

The fire alter is the cosmic airport. The airport’s direction, the way the altar needs to be built, everything was taught by Yama to Nachiketa. The Upanishad said Nachiketa repeated all as it was told to him.


Then Yama being pleased with him. When you get a student like Nachiketa, I’m 100% sure you will be pleased. Understand the Fire Sacrifice, all these worlds are different frequencies, these different mantras with the fire alters your frequency to the next world. How the alter is laid is very important.

I commit with you guys authentically with integrity, I will reveal the science of how from the fire how Meenakshi walked out as a child. I’ll do it, it’s possible, it’s there in the biomemory, I just need to open it. It may take a little time. Once I create the disciples who are able to listen I’ll do it.

Nachiketa repeated all as it was told to him. Then Yama being pleased with him again, said,


That great soul, Mahatma word, the oldest recording of the Mahatma word is in this Upanishad, Mahatma, Yama, being well pleased said to Nachiketa, “I give you now another boon, this fire sacrifice shall be named after you. Take also this garland of flowers.”

The idea of naming inventions after a person began with this Upanishad.

Because Nachiketa was responsible for getting this science out of Yama for the world, then let your name be there for this ritual. Let this science be named after you. If you are not getting any bonus from the teacher, you are not the right student. Not because of the lack of bonuses from the teacher but from the deficiency of the student. The boons given to the students are given because of their efficiency and their ability to learn.

Video and Audio - Accept Everything About You (Working on the Heart Chakra)

Video Audio

Video and Audio - Reach your Peak Energy (Working on the Throat Chakra)

Video Audio



I welcome back all the participants from all over the world gathered here, and all the participants gathered all over the world in different cities.

Before entering into today's program I wanted to announce the news, Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Maha Swamiji, who inaugurated Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam 10 years ago, who was a great support, strength, godfather, elder brother for Me and the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is no more. We offer our sincere condolences to him and on behalf of Me and all the disciples of Dhyanapeetam and on behalf of Dhyanapeetam I express heartfelt condolences and we pray to the Almighty, the Divine may his soul rest in peace. Tomorrow morning we’ll have in the satsang official condolence. I did not go because I committed to be with you all guys. I'll see how the situation is and tomorrow morning we will decide. But he was a elder brother and strength. His native place is Bidadi. This village where we are sitting, it’s called Banandur. This is his native place. From the beginning he was a amazing support for us.


Alright, let’s enter into the program. Let me defne Integrity and Authenticity once again. Life starts for you only with Integrity. Understand, till the Integrity starts for you, you are a broken pieces, few bones, little fesh, assembled unfortunately accidentally and existing accidentally. That’s a right word I’ll use. Anybody without Integrity if he is not killed it does not even get recorded in the Cosmos. Of course, I am not telling you, go and kill. In the Cosmos it does not even get recorded as a sin. It means in the Cosmos he’s not even respected, numbering is not done, registration is not done in the Cosmos. He is not numbered in the Cosmos.


Great, issue is resolved. I”ll give you the essence. Life starts only when you have Integrity. Integrity means you fulfilling the word and thought you give it to yourself and to others; and experiencing a state of Completion purnatva with the life. For example: this moment you should be complete with all the words you gave it to you and to others. So that even if the breath which is going inside, if it doesn’t come out and just goes up, you are Complete. You are Complete.


How many of you feel you are complete with all the words you gave it to yourself and to others? Because yesterday I gave you the assignment of completing with yourself and others. How many of you did the assignment? Please raise your hand. Great. But if you do it once that will not be enough. How many of you did not do? Raise your hand. Now I am giving you time. Oh God, but I cannot delay the session. Ok, in the next break you will do it and come back. You have to sacrifice your break and do.


How many of you feel the power of Completion, when you do, really so much of healing is happening inside? So understand this is not a process which can be completed in one day. You need to go on and on at least for next one year. Decide this year is year of Completion. Go on talking to mirror to yourself. Go on talking to yourself through mirror. Go on Completing with yourself and others.


Authenticity means you being established and responding to life from who you believe yourself to be for yourself means Mamakara, who you believe yourself to be for others - Ahankara, and what others believe you to be for them manyakara, anyakara. What others believe you to be for them anyakara. Authenticity is you living to the peak of your capacity every moment of your life as per your understanding of the peak capacity and others understanding of the peak capacity, peak possibility.


Mamakara is who you believe and project yourself to be to the peak of your capacity for yourself as per your understanding of the peak of your capacity. Listen. Only then you will understand. So I am uploading all these videos, so all of you...I wanted you guys to see these again and again at least next few times few days. Because these definitions are long British statements. Almost like a legal statements. Unless you hear again and again you will miss one or two words. You will miss one or two words. Listen, I am defining Mamakara. Mamakara is who you believe and project yourself to be to the peak of your capacity for yourself as per your understanding of the peak of your capacity.


Ahankara is who you believe and project yourself to be to the peak of your capacity for others as per your understanding of the peak of your capacity. anyakara is who others believe and project you to be to the peak of your capacity for them as per others understanding of the peak of your capacity. So, all of you are clear about these basic Truths of Intensity and Integrity and Authenticity?

All cities if you are clear about this basic two Tatvas, please raise your hand. Great. If you are not clear, raise your hand. So that I’ll repeat once more and see to it you understand.


Please listen, Integrity means fullfing the words you gave it to yourself and to others and living in a state of Completion with life. For example: you give a word to others, “I will give you 1 million dollar or 1 million rupee” Either you have a clear Integrity you are going to give your whole life to fulfill that commitment or call that person and tell, “I will not be able to give, so I relieve myself from the commitment I made”. That is also Integrity. See for example: I’ve committed with many of My disciples, I will give them Enlightenment. I'll ensure they’ll achieve the state of Enlightenment.


So even if I leave this body I’m going to be sitting alive in the Cosmos in a different frequency, what I call Akshardhama - Imperishable’s Space. I am going to be sitting with many of My Jivan Mukta Sanyasis; and I'm going to fulfil My commitment with integrity and authenticity. So either you should have that clarity, “I’ve committed with him I’ll give him million dollar. I should give everything and make it happen. Even in between I die I will have to take another one body, come back and search for where he is and see to it he receives my million dollar”. If you are not sure you want to do that, if you are clear you don't want to do that then at least call him and complete with him. “Sorry, I committed for million dollar but I cannot do that. I have taken up some other as my priority”.


Let’s come back to the subject. Tucson...

Authenticity means being established responding to life from what you feel, what you believe yourself to be for yourself, and who you believe yourself for others and what others believe you to be for them.

Before entering into the session, just 3 minutes, settle down so that you are ready to flow with the session. Just close your eyes, sit straight. Close your eyes and sit straight. You don't need to meditate or chant or anything. Just close your eyes and sit.

Relax. You can open your eyes.


Now we’ll work on the Throat Center. Till yesterday we were working on the Heart Center, means Root, Being, Navel, Heart. Four Centers we’ve worked. Today we will work on Throat Center. Throat Center Vishuddhi Chakra is what we are going to work now. The thought current for the Vishuddhi Chakra is jealousy and comparison. Understand, when there is a non alignment between the anyakara means the image you carry about others and the image others carry about you, when there’s a non alignment between these two it is called jealousy.


I am defining. Please catch it. Listen. When there is a non alignment between what you feel your image about others and others image about you. Anyakara is what you believe and project others to be for you as per your understanding of their peak capacity. Let me define. Anyakara means: What you believe as others and their peak capacity and what others believe as you and your peak capacity. When there’s a non-alignment between these two, when they are not integrated and inauthentic. Jealousy is a outcome of deep innate violence you carry. Please understand. When somebody expects something from you, when their Image about you demands your expansion but you are not interested in expansion, the violence you show towards them is jealousy. Then you say, “Why should I expand? See, my level people, I am much better than them”. Jealousy starts only to justify you in the beginning. Then it becomes a violence to declare your supremacy. Jealousy does not start as a supremacy. It always starts as justification.


But when you finished justifying everything; it is like to win your enemy you create an army, after your enemy is destroyed; no, there is no job for your army, then you go on to next country just to give a job for your army. Just to keep your army occupied. Same way jealousy starts to justify your inauthenticity and goes on and on. Once all the justifications are over, now you start offending, means declaring supremacy. The comparison is used to declare supremacy. How many of you feel in your life also the comparison and jealousy has started only as a justification process of your inauthenticity? Raise your hand. How many of you are able to cognize this idea? Yes. Jealousy started in my life for justification of my inauthenticity.


Justification of your inauthenticity makes the complication. You will never be able to get into Authenticity. You will never be able to get into Authenticity. Because the layer of authenticity has become double. See, if the authenticity, inauthenticity alone exists, at one point you can clear it. But now a strong bolting of inauthenticity in the name of justifications. Eh.. Just now I was sitting with some of my Ashrammites. Very beautiful meeting with some of My Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinies. I am always in My best when I sit with My kids. Because you will see My father dimension of not giving up on people. Today what I spoke, each one of them are hearing from Me at least for last 6 years. But with the deep patience I will be repeating it, reminding it, re-emphasizing it. Just like how I've done that to Me from the age of 12 to 22. I was continuously reminding My enlightened state to My bio memory. Because I did not give up on Me for 10 years and I reminded Myself. I know million ways mind will justify the non-remembrance, and I know millions of solutions through which I can remind to My mind to be in remembrance. Because I fought with My mind and conquered it with million ways, I can easily remind My disciples any number of complications they bring, any possible complications they bring. When I sit with them I clearly remember the Brahmasukhi in Me, that was the name I was using. Till 12 I was called Swami. I was never called by My parental name. Never I was addressed by My parental name by anybody other than My school record. From 12 to 22, the Brahmasukhi was the name I was carrying which was given by Kuppammal. I feel My that personality sitting in front of Me as My disciples. I did not give up on that personality. If I would have given up on him Nithyananda would not have happened. Nithyananda happened because I did not give up on him.


Same way I'm not going to give up on these guys. Just now I was sitting and talking. The ideas I was sharing with them is very useful for all of you. I wanted all of you to listen. When there is a inauthenticity in you, you only pull down by others inauthenticity. If there is a authenticity in you, you raise others from their inauthenticity. Let me defne. Listen.

If there is inauthenticity in you, you get pulled down by others inauthenticity. If you are completely authentic, you raise others from their inauthenticity. I am giving you few seconds for you to internalize. When you are not authentic and you wanted to justify your inauthenticity, you use comparison as a justification tool. I was telling them. You go on justify your inauthenticity by comparing all the other fellows, “Oh, why should I stretch me more than this, I am better than him, I'm better than her. I am better than she”. But you have not given up your life for them or he or she. You have to make your life success. You have to make your Enlightenment.


Jealousy starts as justification, ends as declaration of supremacy. It starts in you to justify your inauthenticity. The moment you learnt to justify your inauthenticity you have started committing suicide. You just need to be buried. Nothing else. Your destruction has started. For God's sake at least don't justify your inauthenticity. Don't be inauthentic. If you are, at least don't justify your inauthenticity. Stand exposed, naked to your own inauthenticity. Even though it is little difficult. Face it. Stand by it. Standing exposed to your naked inauthenticity makes you authentic.


Listen. this is going to solve thousands of your problems. When you are inauthentic you will not want to expand you to others image about you. Then what you will do? You will carry impractical image about others expectation about others just to teach them a lesson.“You fellow, you expect that from me, you will see now what I will expect from you”.

This clash is comparison and jealousy. How many of you are able to cognize what I'm saying? Do you understand? Actually when there is a expectation from others image of others about you; first thing what you should do, you should be authentic enough if you feel like you have by stretching yourself you are going to expand, you should do it. Or at least you should be complete enough to remind yourself - “That is not the direction I am going to be fulfilled”. For example: If somebody has an image of Me as a Shiva that I should heal them and give them boon, then naturally I am going to expand Me, stretch Me and fulfill. I'll stretch Myself to their image about Me. But if somebody expects as an image of me I should give hundred century in cricket, little more than Tendulkar, I am not going to do it.


Understand. Listen. The anyakara which is falling in tune with your Ahankara and Mamakara which expands your Ahankara and Mamakara only is expected to be fulfilled by you. Jnanatma clear? For the question with which you were haunting My head? Last two days these guys are hounding Me with this question. I am having a very beautiful last few days. All the Ashramites constantly nagging me for the deeper and deeper understanding for Authenticity and Integrity. It feels so nice. It really feels so nice. Because the way they ask the question, I know they already contemplated about it. Listen. What I feel as My Mamakara - I am a Pure Consciousness . What I show as My Ahankara - I am here to transmit that to you.


Then what is the anyakara you guys have? You think sometime I am Shiva, sometime I am Krishna, sometime I am Devi, sometime I am Muruga; so many anyakaras you have. So if I fulfill your anyakara, is it in align, going to fulfill my Ahankara and Mamakara? If it is yes I have to stretch Me. If your anyakara about Me fulfills, in alignment with my Ahankara and Mamakara so I stretch., I full... fulfill. Suddenly you come and think I should give hundred century for India cricket team. That is your anyakara, your expectation about Me is no way in alignment with My feeling of Me; and My projection about Me to you. So naturally I am not going to stretch Me to your image about Me.


Understand. This clarification: to which image about you you should stretch, to which you don’t need to stretch will come only if you are clear about your Ahankara and Mamakara. So first thing's first. Completion with you. Clear? How many of you had this question? To which anyakara I should fulfil, which I should drop, now clear? Now you will know very clearly, which anyakaras you should be authentically stretching. Understand, if I don't stretch Myself to somebody's expectation of Me being Shiva or Krishna or Vishnu, I’ll die. I will not be living.


That direction anyakaras I go on, I am going to stretch Myself. That is why I tell you even after I leave the body My Sanga is going to become like a Sai Baba's Movement. Like Shirdi Sai Baba. Shirdi Sai Baba, see His Movement. Why? Because He is sitting and stretching Himself to every person’s anyakara. So I am going to be sitting while in this body, or after leaving this body, I will be sitting and go on stretching Myself to everybody's anyakara about Me. So naturally if you expect Me to be like Shiva I will appear like Shiva. If you expect Me like Vishnu I will appear like Vishnu. Because that is in alignment with what I feel as Me and what I project as Me.


All over the world, how many of you had this doubt - which image about me I should fulfill and which I should not fulfill. Raise your hand? So now all of you are clear? Which you should fulfill, and which you don't need to bother.

Listen. Sometime even...Relax.. We can… Even if their image about you has to be fulfilled authentically, it is in alignment with your Ahankara and Mamakara: even then you feel violent towards them, “Why? Why should I stretch me to you?” Come on, now I will show you. You try to torture Me with your expectation? I will torture you with My expectation”. Husband wants love, wife wants money. “You expect me to continuously be loving? Now I will torture you with my expectation”.


Marriage is like a Workshop. Husband works wife shops. No offense. Please don't be offended. But women knows. Whatever fun I make about them they don't feel offended at all. Because, see, even now, a simple decision I made sending Swamis to offer respects to that Swami who passed away. I tell them very clearly, “No, the image, even the statement you give, the image you project should be very clear from the beginning. Why do you think I put Devi in the same deity? Our Anandeshwara, main deity, why do you think I put Devi in the lap? I did not... I could have put Devi separately as two deities. Even while you do abhishekam, you’ll pour the milk first on this Shiva and remaining little bit only will go to Devi if it is a separate deity. That is why I decided, No. Keep as one deity. So equally it is poured. So I send even a Sanyasini. I am very clear. Hey, I have always two Sanyasinis also. So that people should know from Dhyanapeetam Sanyasinis exist and they will always be there in any public appearance.


Listen. Let's come to the subject.

Jealousy is a violent expression you express due to inauthenticity. The violent expression of inauthenticity, which starts for the survival by justification, which evolves as hiding mechanism of your inauthenticity, and ends as declaration of supremacy. It takes birth as a justification of your inauthenticity. It serves as a protection cover hiding cover of your inauthenticity. It ends as a just declaration of supremacy. How many of you are able to cognize this Truth? Can you do this as a assignment? Just few minutes.. See, how jealousy in you has started for justification? In how many places you used jealousy to justify you? Second, in how many places you used jealousy to cover your inauthenticity, to defend your inauthenticity? “Oh, You expect that from me? I will teach you a lesson by expecting this from you”. So this way defending protecting your inauthenticity. When these two jobs are over, then your jealousy goes to the extreme of declaring supremacy. With the declaration of supremacy death happens. That’s a last nail in your coffin. Declaration of supremacy is the last nail in your coffin. That is why I am very clear I am the incarnation of Superconsciousness not Supreme Consciousness. Because the word Supreme Consciousness is declaration of supremacy. It comes from violence. Even though superconsciousness is supreme Consciousness, the word comes out of violent declaration of supremacy. I make sure the violent declaration of supremacy is avoided in every interaction.

Just five minute assignment. Please look in. At least two examples for each. Your jealousy starting as a justification mechanism. Your jealousy being used as defencing mechanism, defending mechanism of your inauthenticity. Your Jealousy declaring your supremacy. When you finished your justification and people are tired, they feel they are all subdued, you have justified and you defended your inauthenticity. They accepted it. Then next step is declare your supremacy.

Just 5 minute or 3 minute. 3 to 5 minute, okay. Just 2 example.

Everybody has written at least two two example for all these three? So three situation. Listen. Just now actually the same example. Her life example. She says, “If I feel.. “. No, of course she is not. The situation... If she feels jealous to somebody I am giving more attention, the first step she justifies, “Oh.. me and she are both are equal, but why is he giving more attention to her?’ Justification. Instead of stretching herself to My expectation image, she justifies. Then defending. The moment she justified to herself, to others X and me are same… But X gets attention and not me. Now defending her inauthenticity. She will never stretch herself to My expectation, My image about her. She will say, “He has to alter, not me.” Defending. If her defense is also successful then declaring supremacy, “I am much better than this guy. Who is he to give attention to her more than me? Who cares for his attention. Get lost”. Declaring supremacy. Understand? I am giving you one life example. Let Me listen to at least two three people's life examples. Come on. So that all these three people understand. See, when you justify you tell very clearly to yourself and others, “Hey, what way she is better than me? why is she getting more attention?” You go on comparing your quality with her quality and justify, justify, justify.


And even if you feel she is little better than you in some things: “Eh..even if she is better, he should be equivalent to both. He should not be giving more attention”. And sometime you know you are lower than her, then you say, ”He should be a deena dayala apad bandhava, protector of the poor”. You manipulate. The manipulation. Protector of the poor. If he does not protect the poor who will protect. So you manipulate and justify.That is the first step. It is like a fill the gaps. Then the foundation is defending your inauthenticity. And then the building is declaration of supremacy. But the base itself will shake with earthquake.

Listen These three step. How you justified your jealousy. Because with justification you give birth. When that becomes a defensive mechanism it grows. When it declares the supremacy it is in its peak.

HDH: Justification

Participant: All those were justification. And then as I … As I see it,,,Um...what...I quit the job and then I realized that the entire spiritual path I am treading is actually a way of declaring my supremacy over the… the fact that… that wasn’t successful for me. So while… the truth is also there ...it is a quest… You know, I was very connected to it. There is a part, I am out to prove that: Guess what, this has made me healthier, this has made me more stress free, this has let me live a better life than all you people in Microsoft. So there is a part of that. That’s...


HDH: Ah… Supremacy. Yes. Now understand. Unless you are complete with that part which is trying to declare supremacy, you will never be able to inspire and help people, Understand? Because in your heart the supremacy is just sitting with a veil of enriching people. You are not Enriching. Understand? You are... few words you will talk about enriching. Then within that few words that veil will come out, you will declare your supremacy and the other fellow will see who is sitting inside, “Oh, This is a goat wearing a tiger skin, not the tiger Itself. Because the skin will fall for few minutes. In few minutes. Understand? So now you have to be very clear, complete. Do, sit with yourself and talk to yourself and declare: You are not a failure by dropping the job. Maybe, that time you were not able to cope up with those things. Now let us learn to cope up with those things. You are not a failure. So you don't need to prove you are success. As long as you think you are a failure you have to prove you are success. Heal the Truth you are a failure. Heal it, Complete it. You are not. Even if you have failed you are not a failure. You failed but you are not a failure. You failed does not make you a failure.


Understand? Anybody else? Real life situation? Please come out. Yes. Mic, mic please, switch on the mic.

Participant: The one that I am trying to explain here is something what happened between me and my sister and my family. I was always under the impression that they are giving more leniency to my sister. And...

HDH: No no no, please loud loud.

Participant: That they are giving more lenience, love to my sister and my mother is expressing herself more with, you know, she being a female kid, and that she was not, you know, that emotional to me.

HDH: But usually mothers are always attached to the sons, fathers are only to daughters.


Participant: I...in my case I was always you know, trying to find out or justify myself that they are doing these, those, they are doing more towards them. But only...

HDH: All my Bramacharis have that problem - He attends only to His daughters.

Participant: Oh, today morning I, you know, yesterday night when we did that exercise I quickly realized it and after few discussions with my fellow, you know, participants I quickly called both my parents and apologized to them for what I did. Thanks for…

HDH: Mmm. So, no no, can you give a situation or understanding about these three: How you justify and how you defend your inauthenticity and how you declare the supremacy of your inauthenticity?

Participant: I think one of the foolish things what I did was that I tried to measure their love. That’s purely foolishness, That is nothing but foolishness and after that I started measuring: oh, they acted this way, but I am actually more, you know, that right thing is we take the shelter of responsibility. The word that is responsible, no I am more responsible, I am man so I have to take care of them. That is all, you know, I started calculating continuously on the wrong path, you know, and...


HDH: Great. Come on, anybody else? Atma, you must be having for all these three situation. Come on, tell the story.

Participant: In one of the department which I worked Swamiji I had a problem with my co-ashramite. It is like you expected me to be a bit matured, but at that time I was not able to…

HDH: You are capable of becoming mature mm mm

Participant: At that time I was like I was not able to stretch myself, you know, stretch up to your anyakara. Because of that, you know, I came out from the department. Umm… by that I was like, I supported myself that I did my best, but I did not realize that I can do even more…


HDH: Understand, fulfilling my anyakara about you is surrender to Me. People go on claiming, “I Surrender me to you. I surrender to you, Oh Guru I surrender to you. Sharanagati O Prabo Sharanagati.

I'm defining Sharanagati Understand. Anybody who thinks you have surrendered to Me; fulfilling my anyakara is surrendering to Me. If not you are asking Me to surrender to you. “No, I surrender to you. You should be doing as I want you”. It means what? So I have to fulfill your anyakara, so I have to surrender to you. So all surrender is dangerous. You understand? Now how dangerous the disciple's surrender? No, they say, “I surrender to you, now you should behave as I wanted. You should have been God for me”. Declaring the supremacy of your inauthenticity.


First, understand. Jealousy starts as the justification of your inauthenticity. It grows as the defense mechanism of your inauthenticity. It ripes as the declaration of the supremacy of your inauthenticity. The moment you declare the supremacy , jealousy has already become cancerous. It has become cancerous. Now let's go to the next Tatva.


Whenever there is a inauthenticity in anyakara, you end constantly comparing yourself and your life with others. Please understand. Listen. When others image about you, if you decide not to stretch yourself to that, and not to complete with that, please, understand, even if you don't stretch yourself to their anyakara. For example: I have the… somebody expects Me to be Shiva. I am going to stretch Me. Somebody wants Me to play the role of Tendulkar. I am not going to stretch Me to that. But I am not going to hurt him, I am going to complete with him. “Why did you expect that from Me? I did not prepare Me to do that role for you in your life. And I never even gave iota of confidence or the promise to you that I will fulfill your expectation of Me in that line”. So I'm going to complete with him.


But many time you neither fulfll nor interested in Completion. You just disregard. Understand, anybody you disregard hits back to you, hits back at you. Do not disregard anybody’s anyakara. Indifference to anyakara is inauthenticity. Understand. Every anyakara comes to you as a boon. When you stretch yourself to something, you express extraordinary powers. When you complete with something, you express peace and contentment. The person who expects Me to play the Tendulkar role, when I complete with him, “ No I will not be able to fulfill because I do not commit in that line and I'm going to stretch Myself in a different line”. When you complete, you are peaceful with yourself and others. If you are indifferent, “Eh... what do you mean? Telling me to play centuries, hundred centuries. Is that a life? Come on, see what I am doing. I am Shiva. See how many people experience Shiva in Me. You expect just Tendulkar from Me?”

No, that’s not going to work That’s not going to work. Then he is going to throw the ball on Me,whether I am going to kick it to sixer or not. He is going to throw the ball on Me. Whether I am going to kick the ball or not, ball is going to kick Me. It is coming towards Me. Either complete it by kicking it or that is going to kick you. Whenever there is a inauthenticity in you about others expectation, see when I say inauthenticity, you neither want to fulfil nor want to complete. indifference, disrespect, abusal. That is what I call inauthenticity in dealing with others' image about you. You end up in jealousy, hurting, hurting others and you, anger towards others and you and suffering to others and you. I tell you. I tell you. Just with these basic few Truths and basic Kriyas to make your brain awakened to these Truths I can remove all psychological sufferings, mental disorders from the world.


Please understand I am not talking out of ego. Authentically with integrity I am declaring. We can remove all the psychological sufferings and mental disorders from the world just with these few Truths. We should take the responsibility for people to listen. We should take responsibility for people to be authentic. Whenever your throat center collapses due to jealousy, you operate in life from a very narrow and limited perspective, will have an experience of continuous desperation, frustration, dissipation of energy, tiredness, constantly shrinking. How many of you feel every year passing you are only shrinking? Then you have the problem. Your throat center is collapsing.


No. You have to complete your jealousy. You have to sit with yourself. Every year, every passing year I only feel I am… I only feel clearly I am enriching Me and enriching others. Especially this year. Oh God...best. I have hit on the lottery of Enlightenment. I should actually declare my sangha starts as a sangha only this year. With this great Truths of Chatur Veda, four Mahavakyas - Chatur Mahavakyas: Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching. Till now I was only revealing the mystical components what I brought like Kriyas, Yogas, Meditation Techniques, Life Solutions. But only now My Sangha starts where I share this treasury, treasure with millions. It is literally lottery for Me. Every year I feel like this lottery happening in My life. Only if you feel every year lottery is happening in your life, your life is worth of living or immediately you need Completion.


Shut yourself and get admitted in Dhyanapeetam and get cured then leave. I am actually planning, in Salem I am planning to have a very affordable mental health care unit. Very affordable. For a large-scale mental health care with great Truths and Kriyas with the mental health care professionals. When your Vishuddhi Chakra is awakened anyakara that you carry about others and the Anyakara you have the direct access to infinite Cosmic Energy. When there is a alignment in the anyakara that you carry about others and the anyakara others carry about you, your Throat Center is awakened. What is the alignment means, the others image about me, I will either stretch me to fulfill or complete it by saying “I will not be able to fulfil”. There is a Completion. When there is a Completion in others image about you, your image about others also will come, evolve from the Completion. It will not be taking revenge. It will be inspiring, supporting.


That is why I tell you, My image about you is only supporting your expansion, not taking revenge on you. Because it comes out of My Completion. What I see you, what I see as you comes from the Completion of a Completed inner space, a non violent inner space. So when you stretch it to that you are fulfilled. I’ll answer. Whenever you are complete with all the others' images about you, your image about others will not carry violence, it will be Complete. You are free from jealousy. Whether you are completing out of your laziness or your authenticity. You see for example: If somebody expects you to complete a building, you have to fulfill it because that is the Mamakara and Ahankara. But if somebody expects you, like if suddenly somebody comes, same thing... like a cricket… they want you to give a hundred century, you... even the iota of hundred centuries exist in your Mamakara and Ahankara.

Understand. See, your Mamakara and Ahankara, the leakage of your Mamakara and Ahankara can be anyakara. But not something completely different. See, the others anyakara can be the export of your Ahankara and Mamakara, it cannot be import to your Ahankara and Mamakara.

Listen. Other’s image about you can be the export of your Mamakara and Ahankara, can’t be the import to your Ahankara and Mamakara. Export means out of this, but can’t be suddenly something out of the blue. When it is out of this you know you have to fulfill it. When it's out of the blue you know you have to complete it. So clear? Shall I go to the next Satya?


Here is a question from Michael. What about comparison and jealousy that results in feelings of inferiority rather than superiority?

Whether declaring supremacy or inferiority, there is no infrimacy word, na? Let's create it. Whether you declare supremacy or inferimacy it is one and the same. Understand, you declaring supremacy or inferimacy with when you declare Inferimacy you get into the mental set up of victimhood. Being a victim is nothing but declaring inferimacy. You can infringe on me. That is what you declare. When you declare inferimacy don't blame the people who are infringing on your rights.


Los Angeles Vinnee is sending a note - “As a child I wanted to express myself creatively. But my sister was favorite of my mother, and she was supported and I had to help with that support by taking her to violin lessons. Now my mother offers to help me build wealth. But I reject this. Because part of me feels she does not deserve my attention.

Vennee, many time when you have anger towards others you punish you. You drink poison to kill your boss. Understand, you drink poison to kill your boys... kill your boss. Now Vinnee, understand, if you are not taking her help to create wealth, then who is going to suffer? You. You may take revenge on her, but with what cost? You also suffering. It is like even if I lose one eye, it’s ok, let her lose two eyes.


Shall I move to the next Tatva? Next Tatva. When there is an alignment in the anyakara that you carry about others and others carry about you, your Vishuddhi is awakened and you start living the third basic satya of Responsibility. Listen. When others image about you, your image about others, both are in alignment, suddenly you are inspired to take the responsibility. Responsibility comes and stays with you only if you are inspired. If the responsibility is put on you, you take it for few days, then dump it in the garage. Let me define responsibility.

Responsibility is lIving and operating from the understanding that you are the source of and therefore you are responsible for all happenings in and around you in your life. Let me repeat once more. Responsibility means living and operating from the understanding that you are the Source of and therefore you are responsible for all the happenings. Because you are the source of all the happenings in and around you in your life, you are responsible for all the happenings in and around you in your life. I feel like I am taking the Inner Awakening next level. In and around you...so you are responsible for all the happenings in and around you. Now clear? No. It’s so beautiful to drill...drill...drill this Tatva into your bone marrow. When you take the responsibility not just for your image about others, but also others' image about you, you expand. I tell you. You express miracle powers in you. This is the Science of Siddhis.


I’ll give you one example. If you want the miracle power of floating on the water. First do one thing. Collect few people with whom your anyakara, your image about them is complete and their image about you is complete. Means either you fulfill what they expect from you or complete what they expect from you. The complete alignment is there. So sit as a group and declare to them authentically with integrity, “I am going to float on the water”. Please understand. Keeping Kalabhairava as witness, I'm teaching you the science of miracles. Have few people with whom you are complete and they are complete with you and declare: “I am going to float on the water.”

Authentically decide you are going to do it. I promise that power will start expressing from you. Because all miracle powers start expressing when you are, your image about others and others image about you is Complete in your life.


Don't imagine immediately, Oh, these are all remote things, not for me. No. I am talking about possibility. Straight possibility, not impossibility. There is nothing impossible. When I am possible there is no impossible. No, I am not giving this quotation for clapping and just dumping it in the Facebook. No. It’s for you. When I am Possible, how can be impossible, anything be impossible...I... the greatest Miracle of life. That is why I love me so much, I don't want to lose me. That is the biggest thing I have in my life. This is the biggest thing... all of you know, you are the biggest thing for you. You don't want to lose that. When that biggest thing has happened, when, “I am possible” how can anything be impossible? For example: If I say I’ll give you the power of floating in the water, will you give up on you, will you give your life, will you die? You will say naturally “No”. It means what? Then you are the bigger possibility than floating on the water. Am I right? When you have that itself, how can the floating on the water be impossible? Tell me?


See I tell you: “Alright. I'll give you power to foat in the water, please die, commit suicide” Will you do? You won’t. Because you know that me... I am the biggest possibility, I'm the biggest happening. How can I give up that just for floating on the water? Then when that big possibility itself has happened why can’t the floating on the water can happen? This is Science of Miracles, understand. When I have...


Please understand. Whenever I have the disciples who are complete with me and I am complete with them, anything I declare immediately becomes reality. Why sometime after Kalabhairava declares it takes few days for it to become reality? Because the receiver may not be complete. So little Completion is required. But Kalabhairava takes the Responsibility even for his incompletion and gives that as a boon. At least after the boon is delivered he should make himself Complete. Understand. If Kalabhairava says, “It will happen when it happens” then he may do ten miracles out of hundred reading. But if he declares date time and everything, He will do eighty miracles out of hundred readings. But the twenty failure is the biggest, the largest way He can stretch his hand he stretched. And they missed. Clear? He can be Integrated but he will not be authentic. Anybody has a doubt, sometime Kalabhairava blessed and that day exactly it has not happened, it’s still getting delayed. Understand, this is the Tatva, Truth.


Understand. I am not justifying, I am just telling you the Truth. I am not justifying, I am just justin. Justifying happens after failure. Adjusting happens before entering. Justin happens to be the Truth. Adjusting, Justifying, Justin. Usually you take responsibility based on your understanding of the peak of your energy. I wanted to make you very clear, I wanted to declare it and make you understand, when I started this sangha, even though I declared it will become an international organization, that was not the peak of My energy at that time. But I declared authentically and decided to stretch Me to that. Usually we take responsibility based on our understanding of peak of energy. It is actually other way around. When you take responsibility with integrity and authenticity the peak of your energy just expands and fulfil the responsibility you have taken up.


Understand. With Authenticity and Integrity I declared: It will become the place to teach, radiate Enlightenment Science to the World, enrich people with Enlightenment Science. I can see the responsibility comes up and fills that, makes it happen. Taking responsibility for everything, everything happening in your life. You will see, you will experience power naturally radiating through you. You don't need a separate boss chair to experience and live the responsibility.

Please listen. How you always take responsibility? You think: Oh, I can run two shops now. I’ll take the responsibility of three shops. But if you work with authenticity and integrity, you think, “Hey, I can run two hundred shops and cosmic energy responsibility comes in, fills and makes it as two hundred shop.


To express power you don't need throne. You only need to know how to unleash the responsibility energy in you. Once you know how to unleash the responsibility energy in you, your inhaling and exhaling itself will be powerful. We’ll do one more exercise that will make you internalize this Truth. Please distribute the worksheet? All of you got the worksheet? Scan your whole life and identify the anyakara which others in your life carry about you that leaves you with an experience of conflict with them. That is, identify areas of your life where you feel powerless or experience conflict with others. Because of the perception or image or the image they carry about you. For example: your spouse always wants you to be with a loving, caring and forgiving attitude and it seems impossible for you to be that way all the time. And understand whenever you feel powerless, experience a conflict In your life related to others, perception or the image they carry about you, you are surely not taking responsibility for the perception or image they carry about you. I think better you read the question, all the five. Three you have to write, two you have to practice. Come on, ten minutes I give you guys time. If needed I’ll extend later on. Now ten minutes. If you are done please go for break. Because we will be having Kriya together. Kriya for Ajna and Vishuddhi is together. So if you have finished writing go for your break. Let’s gather for next session. Thank you. (1:30:52)

Video and Audio - Plan for Miracle - Powers (Working on the Brow Chakra)

Video Audio

Video and Audio - Enrich Yourself and Others (Working on the Crown Chakra)

Video Audio

Video - Align Your Identities || Part 1 || NDY

Video - Align Your Identities || Part 2 || NDY

Video - Don't Give Up On Yourself Or Others || NDY


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Dial the Avatar Devotees on 2way in Dial the Avatar Sarva Darshan Sarva Darshan to Devotees and Visitors Nithya Dhyana Yoga Nithya Dhyana Yoga 2nd Day Participants Listening And Attending the program http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9497.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9502.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9509.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9514.JPG Particpant Doing Assignment Participant Doing the Assignment http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9539.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9550.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9557.JPG NDY Particpants Online NDY Participants Online http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9572.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_95816.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9584r.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_95820.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9586.JPG Morning Satsang - IMG_1318.jpg Morning Satsang - IMG_1315.jpg

Morning Satsang

Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 316 (13Jan2013 Photo POC)


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, child, father, peace, honor, honor, mystery, death, world, time, universe, eternal, journey, ritual.