May 21 2012

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Nithyananda on Shiva leelas in Madurai: Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that it is even today used as a personal transformation guide. In today’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 32, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) uneveils the truth of Shiva’s leelas (wisdom revealed through dramas of life), downloaded from the Akashic Records. First he expands on Sri Krishna’s renowned ras leela by explaining that Krishna did not play only with the gopikas: his dance of life was with the Whole! He made leela with trees, stones, animals, wind, stars – the entire cosmos became involved. Paramahamsa then turns to Shiva’s leelas, which are not generally known. These lovely games of enlightenment are centered in Madurai, where Shiva made his earliest appearances on Earth. Eleven times he took form in Madurai area. Sixty-four leelas are recorded of his adventures and exploits in Madurai. Paramahamsa shares them one by one with us. To hear these beautiful stories is to experience a new level of Shiva consciousness.

Be Blessed With the Ultimate Fear: In (21st May 2012) morning's talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 5, Verse 6, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) describes the necessity to follow our renunciation with intense action. When we renounce attachment to material things, but do not also take up activity to support our decision, we arouse our fears. For example, if we renounce wealth but do not commit to a path of service to others, our fear of poverty arises to engulf us. Our renunciation must be not only a mental choice, but a lifestyle as well. When we take action on our decisions, they lead us to enlightenment.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, unveil, truth, wisdom, reveal, drama, life, download, Akashic Records, expand, Krishna, renown, play, dance, cosmos, Shiva, lovely, games, enlightenment, center, Earth, adventures, exploits, share, beautiful, stories, experience, consciousness.


Shiva Leelas in Madurai

Bhagavad Gita 4th Chapter Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga 32nd verse

Evam bahu-vidhaa yagnaa vitataa brahmano mukhe |

Karmajaan-viddhi taan sarvaan evam jnaatvaa vimokshyase||

Translation :

Thus worship of the Divine energies is performed in various ways in the beginning of expansion; Understand that all of them originate in actions; knowing this you will be liberated. Sri Krishna is revealing some of the mystical secrets: How various Divine energies come into existence and how by connecting with them your expansion is possible. Please understand, one example I wanted to give: Bramha in Hindu stories; Hindu puranas; Bramha becomes egoistic so Shiva’s extension comes out as Kalabhairava and cuts Brahmas head removes the ego of Brahma and makes Brahma Enlightened. This action: Shivas energy coming out and removing the ego of Brahma and making him enlightened; this action becomes Kalabhairava. So when you connect with Kalabhairava and start worshiping the Divine energy called Kalabhairava, he removes your ego also and gives you enlightenment.

Same way Veerabhadra: Shiva’s energy expanded and destroyed the collective negativity of Daksha which causes suffering for himself and for others. Many time your pain body becomes so strong, knowingly you cause suffering to you and to others even though you know you are causing suffering to you and to others, but the pain pattern is so strong you can’t escape! I can see very clearly so many people they know if they are out of Me, if they are away from Me they are going to create suffering for themselves, but their ego, arrogance is so strong they can’t live, they can’t live around me. I have seen so many times even devotees they know if they listen to my teachings and live they will be out of their sufferings and tortures they are doing to themselves and to others, but they don’t want! Daksha represents the negativity which causes suffering to youself and to others. Shiva’s energy which came out and destroyed the Daksha’s negativity is Veerabhadra. Understand, Veerabhadra did not kill Daksha, he gave life back to Daksha. So, this energy which destroy’s your negativity of giving suffering to yourself and to others is called Veerabhadra.

If you connect with this Divine energy and pray, feel connected, you will see in you also the pain body: the patterns which creates suffering for yourself and others will be destroyed.

It’s a beautiful verse!

Evam bahu-vidhaa yagnaa vitataa brahmano mukhe |

Karmajaan-viddhi taan sarvaan evam jnaatvaa vimokshyase||

Thus worship of the Divine energies is performed in various ways in the beginning of expansion, understand that all of them originate in actions, knowing this you will be liberated. Same way if you are frozen / closed then start connecting with Krishna, who is doing rasa leela who just opened himself to the whole universe! Understand Krishna’s rasa leela did not happen just with gopikas: it happened with the plants, trees, rocks, Yamuna, whole thing and the poornima chandara, the full moon. With the ‘whole’ he had rasa leela. His rasa leela was enjoyed by the whole existence, gopikas were also happened to be there that’s all; it was not concentrated towards gopikas, it was with the whole! So, if you are frozen, having the sickening suffocation (many time people do have this sickening suffocation) come on then expand, it is time you mediate on Rasaleela Krishna.

So, each action of Divine, each action of an incarnation becomes independent energy by itself. Shiva’s one action, cutting Brahmas head and giving him enlightenment, it became a independent energy called Kalabhairava. Shiva’s one action of killing the negativity of Daksha and liberating him from negativity and negative patterns became independent Divine energy called Veerabhadra. Shiva’s one action of teaching in silence to Sanakadi rishis and giving them enlightenment becomes Dakshinamurthy. Just each action of Divine becomes one form one energy. Understand, when Shiva assumed the body and married Meenakshi and ruled this Pandya kingdom he becomes Sundara Pandya, that action became an independent energy of Sundara Pandya.

Just yesterday, I was reading the Akashic records in the night: I verified again and again; earlier when I was seeing I felt, He has taken 3 bodies. Yesterday I saw he has taken more than 11 bodies only to play in and around Madurai. Please understand, in this way no other geographical place is equivalent to Madurai; where Shiva has taken 11 bodies to play just in Madurai! See in one body He has played in many places that record is there. When he has assumed one body He has gone to many places and did His leelas. In one body doing his leelas in 11 places there are enough records. But 11 bodies to do leelas in one place; only in Madurai’s history the record is there. More than 11 bodies he has assumed at different times to play the leelas. The leela He performed in the first body He assumed to perform the leelas in Madurai is marrying Meenakshi. To marry Meenakshi and all the leelas related to that time: marrying Meenakshi and bringing Vaigai to Madurai all those leelas were performed in one body; that body is directly under the Sundareshwara’s Linga; in the main Garbhamandir, under the Sundarshwara Linga, that body is resting; it is there in Jeevasamadhi.

The second, He has assumed one more body to build embankment for Vaigai river and converting all the foxes into horses to save his disciple Manikavasagar, all those leelas. Around 40 years he was in that body and performed many leelas; that body is resting in our property near Dinamani talkies, there is a place in Madurai near Dinamani talkies, there is a Samadhi inside Madurai Adheenam property, it is called Sundaranar Samadhi. Sundaranandha’s Jeeva Samadhi, people used to think it is one of the eighteen Siddhas, it is not; of course it is one in the eighteen. But Shiva himself assumed the human body and performed. Forty years He was in that body, that body is resting in Madurai, the place Dinamani talkies opposite that talkies, that property belongs to Madurai Aadhenam property, there He is resting.

The third body which He assumed to give sugarcane to Stone Elephant; Stone Elephant ate the sugarcane, for that leela He assumed one more body that is there inside the temple under the Samadhi of under the shrine of Ellamvalla Siddhar; under his murthy that third body is there.

Still I am not able to trace the other places of the remaining eight bodies. I could see cosmically where are they but in the Madurai map I am not able to pinpoint where the remaining 8 bodies are. Soon I will study the Madurai map and overlap my cosmic map on Madurai map and give you guys the exact points where the bodies He assumed are resting and radiating. I tell you, if you see from this angle no other place; even in Kailaasa only one body is resting! There are one lakh enlightened beings bodies that are resting, that is different but His own, the body that He used only one body is resting. In Varanasi 2 bodies are resting, even in Thiruvanamalai only one body Arunagiri Yogheshwara’s body; only He is resting. I was shocked when I read yesterday the Akashic records, 11 bodies He has assumed! I tell you Madurai was his honeymoon place. It was his favourite. Somehow, Madurai people had a very close hearty connection with Mahadeva, even for small things He will assume a body come here and play. This was the place where He was very playful and joyful without any of the so called social laws, regulations, rules and the Dharma which he himself created. Here, He has broken the laws He has created as per the planets, He has changed the planets for the Madurai people, He has changed the teachings for the Madurai people, He has changed the social laws for the Madurai people, He has broken all the moral rules for Madurai people, He has done everything possible socially accepted, unaccepted; legal, illegal, Dharmic, Adharmic. In which shastra, it is Dharmic, you convert the Wolf into Horses and sell them and after you sell and go away all that fellows they become overnight again Wolf and bite and kill all the remaining Horses who are there; that poor king who is now pauper?! In which Dharma which is accepted in which Shastra is it accepted?

He has done everything, everything possible! He has comes down as a worker for the old lady. See, once there was a flood, huge flood in Vaigai river and the King ordered all the citizens of Madurai should take up one part portion and cover it with mud and build an embankment. So all of them has taken up one one portion. One old lady Vandi, her job is that making idly and puttu. Puttu in those days, breakfast, she will make all these and sell for people. Still now in Madurai it is a very popular business, go out in the night you will see hundreds of shops the outside streets they will be making the idli’s and selling breakfast. It is still there, a tradition! Now it is called Khusboo idly, those days it’s the tradition of Vandi. So she used to make this puttu and sell those days breakfast, she did not get anybody to cover her portion and she herself can’t do she is too old. She prays to Sundareshwara. This whole city, still now any problem the only person they turn to is Sundareshwara; they don’t trust anybody else they turn towards Sundarshwara. And, she is the old lady she can’t get a worker to fill her portion to do her job, she turns towards Sundareshwara. Oh Chokanatha, Sundarshwara! This guy would have just, one thought the whole Vaigai would have had embankment automatically! He does not do that, He comes down assuming human body and bargaining with that lady; you should give Me the puttu as much as I want, but I will work only for three hours. He says, I will work only for two muhurtha’s; (one muhurtha is one and a half hours), I will work only for two muhurtha’s, but you should give me as much as I want! Poor lady, she didn’t have anybody else so she says alright go ahead (you can see what is puttu come on show ma this is puttu those days breakfast; pictutre shown).

So she doesn’t have anybody else, so no other options she accepts the bargain. This fellow finally finishes eating everything she cooks; after that He doesn’t work, goes there and lies there in His bed; so He goes and lies down in the banks of Vaigai. I also traced the palace He had in Vaigai, just in between, mid of the water He had a palace just to drink with that all the bhootha’s. He was not a womaniser, He used to drink and gamble. He will have all these bhootha’s around and they will play the dice He will gamble with them finally, what is there finally,He will cheat all of them. He was not a womaniser but He was used to drink and gamble. Anyhow so he went to lie down in the bank of Vaigai. King comes in the evening to see whether the embankment work is done. He sees all parts have been covered except this portion, the Vandi portion. King got very annoyed and asked whose portion it is? They said this is Vandi old ladies portion. He asked, naturally she won’t be able to do who is doing for her? They showed this guy has been employed by her but from morning He is not doing anything but He is just lying there so King calls him and asks who are you this fellow says who are you to ask me this? King says I am the King of this Madurai, He says that is the way so many people were thinking but actually I am the King. There was a strong argument, finally King was very angry and he took his ‘sengol’ the golden staff with which he rules the country and gave a strong blow in the back of Sundareshwara. When that beating fell on Sundareshwara, when that stick fell on Sundareshwara, at that same moment He showed to the King He is the ‘antharyami’, He is the indweller of the every being, cosmos! so the whole world, whole universe including Himself had that beating, the whole cosmos including the King had the mark of that golden staff, septer golden septers mark! The King was shocked there He sees Sundareshwara standing with Meenakashi and smiling. King realised who came to play in the form of a worker, he fell at the feet of Sundareshwara, asked him to apologise and then Sundareshwara says just because of Vandi’s feeling connection to please here to eat her food to enjoy her puttu breakfast I came and I enjoyed. He liberated, He gives enlightenment to Vandi and blesses the King and disappears. Till the end, He has not done His job, He did not do the job of building the embankment of Vaigai.

Casual leelas not one or two, sixty four leelas! God! I know for sure, He would have done sixty four thousand and Paranjyothi Munivar the compiler who was able to collect only the sixty four, representing all the sixty four thousands of leelas. The body with which He has performed this leela, especially blessing the Vandi and converting the Wolfs into Horses, Foxes into Horses; that season around forty years He has performed some more leelas; that body was used by Him for forty years, that body is resting in Madurai Adheenam’s property. I have taken the blessings of the 292 Gurumaha Sanidhanam to build that into a beautiful huge temple, We will! (you can see the scene of Sundareshwara come and eating the puttu of Vandi the old lady; picture shown). When I remember, God! this very land He has taken eleven bodies and walked this very roads, He would have walked and sold the fire woods, this very roads He has walked and sold bangles, this very road He walked and sold diamonds, I am really going crazy this very Vaigai he created, this very Vaigai he Himself came and built embankment at least acted as building embankment.

Each action Divine energy performs becomes one independent entity. If you connect with that energy He gives you the same blessing! Understand sundereshwara is the energy of leela playfulness. Ask him whatever you want He has given, He has broken all the rules. See, there is a law, only a human body can radiate enlightenment, experience enlightenment. He has broken everything, He has given enlightenment to pigs, He has given enlightenment to bird, He has given enlightenment to cuckoo, He has given enlightenment to swan, everyone can be assured He has given enlightenment to pigs, what a leela! Sundershwara! Bhagavan explains, Sri Krishna explains in this verse how each actions of Divine becomes independent existence, a Divine energy! Shiva danced for the sake of Patanjali and showed the cosmic dance, that becomes Nataraja the form of Shiva; an independent energy; meditate on Nataraja, you will have an extraordinary spiritual experiences. Nataraja is the Lord of spiritual experiences. Any yogic spiritual experiences you want meditate on Nataraja. Sri Krishna is explaining the philosophy behind the incarnations are multiple gods or many gods in Hindu religion. Many gods does not mean the ultimate is many, No! the Ultimate is only one its expressions are many.

‘Ekam sat vipra bahada vadanti’.

One of the very important philosophical question is answered by Bhagavan Sri Krishna in this verse, God is one expressions are many!

Spot Notes: Monday, 21 May 2012

“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnana Sambandhaacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 900 places through Nithyananda TV, places in 23 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 233 cities, 24 countries around the world!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are – Besancon France, Dallas Dwaraka, Scottsdale Arizona, Atlanta Ujjayini, Mill valley, Charlotte Srisailam, Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi , San Jose Madhurai, Los Angeles Arunachala, Seattle Chidambaram, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Singapuram Singapore, Phoenix Kanchipuram , Ohio Prayag, Oklahoma Somanatham, Malaysia Palani, Toronto Kailasam, Dallas Dwaraka, Montreal Canada, Las Vegas, Oman Siva Gangai, Vancover Puri, Austin.

Kim from Columbus Ohio I accepted your paada puja. I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar.

Yogesh from Atlanta birthday blessings for you. With all the ausp things you will be with me, I will be with you. Blessings. You have been given a nickname by Bidadi Ashramites- rocket boy.

In Granada spain we are going to have 21 day meditation program. Rishi Mitra – blessings!

Let us start today’s Satsang. In Bhagavad Gita - 4th chapter, Jnaana Karma Sanyaasa Yoga, 32nd verse -

“evam bahu-vidha yajna vitata brahmano mukhe | karma-jan viddhi tan sarvan evam jnatva vimoksyase ||”

Translation – “Thus worship of the divine energies is performed in various ways in the beginning of expansion. Understand that all of them originate in actions. Knowing this you will be liberated.”

Sri Krishna is revealing some of the mystical secrets. How various energies come into existence, how by connecting with them your expansion is possible. Please understand one example I want to give. In Hindu stories, Hindu purana, Brahma becomes arrogant. So Shiva’s extension comes out as Kaala Bhairava and cuts Brahma’s head, removes the ego and makes Brahma enlightened! This action Shiva’s energy coming out and removing the ego of Brahma and making him enlightened-this action becomes Kaala Bhairava. So when you start connecting with Kaala Bhairava and start worshipping the divine energy Kaala Bhairava, he removes your ego also and makes you enlightened. Same way Veerabhadra – Shiva’s energy expanded and destroyed the collective negativity of Daksha which causes suffering to himself and others. Many times your pain body becomes so strong, knowingly you cause suffering to you to others. Even though you know you are causing suffering to you and to others, but the pain pattern is so strong, you can’t escape. I can see it very clearly. So many people they know if they are out of me, if they are away from me they are going to create suffering for themselves. But their ego, their arrogance is so strong, they can’t live. They cannot live around me. I have seen so many times. Even devotees they know if they listen to my teachings and live they will be out of their sufferings and torture - torture they are doing to themselves and to others. But they don’t want. Daksha represents the negativity which causes suffering to yourself and to others. Shiva’s energy which came out and destroyed the Daksha’s negativity is Veerabhadra . Understand. Veerabhadra did not kill Daksha. He gave life back to Daksha. So this energy which destroys your negativity of giving suffering to yourself and to others is called Veerabhadra. If you connect with this divine energy and pray, feeling connected, you will see in you also the pain body the patterns which create suffering for yourself and others will be destroyed. It is a beautiful verse –

evam bahu-vidha yajna vitata brahmano mukhe | karma-jan viddhi tan sarvan evam jnatva vimoksyase ||

Translation – “Thus worship of the divine energies is performed in various ways in the beginning of expansion. Understand that all of them originated in actions. Knowing this you will be liberated.

Same way, if you are frozen, frozed then start connecting with Krishna who is doing Rasa leela. Who just opened himself to the whole universe. Understand Krishna’s rasa leela did not happen just with Gopikas. It happened with the plants, trees, rocks, Yamuna, whole thing! And the Poornima Chandra - the full moon. With whole he had raasa leela. His raasa leela was enjoyed by the whole existence. Gopikas also happened to be there. That’s all. It was not concentrated towards Gopikas. It was with the whole. So if you are frozen, having the sickening suffocation. Many times people have this sickening suffocation. Come on, then expand. It is time you meditate on raasa leela Krishna! So each action of the divine, each action of an incarnation becomes independent energy by itself! Shiva’s one action cutting Brahma’s head and giving him enlightenment, it became independent energy called Kaala Bhairava. Shiva’s one action of killing the negativity of Daksha and liberating him from negative patterns became independent energy called Veerabhadra. Shiva’s one action of teaching in silence to Sanakaadhi rishis and giving them enlightenment becomes Dakshinamurthi! Just each action of the divine becomes one form, one energy. Understand, when Shiva assumed the body and married Meenakshi and ruled this Paandya kingdom, he became Sundara Paandya. That action became independent energy of Sundara Paandya.

Just yesterday I was reading the Akashik records in the night. I verified again and again. Earlier when I was seeing I felt he has taken 3 bodies. Yesterday I saw he has taken more than 11 bodies! Only to play in and around Madhurai. Please understand in this way no other geographic place is equal to Madhurai where Shiva has taken 11 bodies to play just in Madhurai. See in one body he has played in many places that record is there. When he assumed one body, he has gone to many places and did his leelas. In one body doing leelas in 11 places there are enough records. But 11 bodies in one place only in Madhurai’s history the record is there. More than 11 bodies he has assumed at different times to play the leelas. The first body he assumed to perform the leelas in Madhurai is marrying Meenakshi. To marry Meenakshi and all the leelas related to that time - marrying Meenakshi and bringing Vaigai to Madhurai – all those leelas he performed in one body. That body only is there in the main Garbha Mandir under the Linga that body is resting. It is there in Jeeva samadhi. 2nd he assumed one more body to build embankment in Vaigai river and converting all the foxes into horse to save his disciple maanikyavasagar – all those leelas. Around 40 years he was in that body and performing all those leelas. That body is resting in our property near Dinamani takis there is a place in Madhurai. Near Dinamani Takis there is a samadhi, inside Madhurai Aadeenam property. It is called Sundarnaar Samadhi. And Sundarananda’s jeeva samadhi. People used to think it was one of the 18 siddhas. Of course it is one in the 18, but Shiva himself assumed the human body and performed. 40 years he was in that body and that body is resting in the place Dinamani takis opposite to that takis there is a property in Madhurai Aadeenam. There he is resting and the 3rd body which he assumed to give sugar cane to stone elephant. And stone elephant ate that sugar cane. For that leela he assumed one more body.

That is there inside the temple under the shrine of Ellamalla siddhar. Under that murthi that 3rd body is still there. Still I am not able to pin point where the remaining 8 bodies are. I could see cosmically where are they. But in the Madhurai map I am not able to trace where they are. Soon I will study the Madhurai map and overlap my cosmic map on Madhurai map and give you guys the exact points where the other bodies he assumed are resting and radiating. I tell you if you see from this angle, no other place - even in Kailaasa there is only one body is resting. There are one lakh enlightened beings bodies that are resting. That is different. But his own – the body which he used only one body is resting. In Varanasi 2 bodies are resting. Even in Tiruvannamalai only one body – Arunagiri Yogishwara’s body only his body is resting. I was shocked yesterday when I read in Aakashik records. 11 bodies he has assume. I tell you Madhurai was his honey moon place! It was his favourite. Somehow, Madhurai people had a very close hearty connection with Maha Deva. Even for small things he will assume a body. Come here and play. This was the place where he was very playful and joyful without any of the so called social laws, regulations, rules and the dharmas which he himself created. Here he has broken the laws he created as per the planets, he has changed the planets for Madhurai people, he has changed the teachings for Madhurai people, he has changed the social laws for Madhurai people. He has broken all the rules for Madhurai people. He has done everything possible – socially unaccepted, unexpected, legal, illegal, dharmic, adharmic. In which shaastra it is dharmic you convert the wolves into horses and sell them, and after you sell and go away, all those fellows overnight they become again wolves and bite and kill all the remaining horses who are there! And that poor king is now pauper. In which Dharma it is accepted? In which Shaastra it is accepted?

He has done everything possible. He comes down as a worker for an old lady. See once there was a flood huge flood in Vaigai river and king ordered all the citizens of Madhurai should take up one part, portion and cover it with mud and build an embankment. So all of them have taken up one, one portion, one old lady Vandi her job is making Idli and puttu – puttu is those days breakfast. She will make and sell for people. Still now in Madhurai it is a popular business. Go out in the night you will see hundreds of shops in the outside street they will be making this Idlis and selling, breakfast and selling. It is still their tradition. Now it is called Khushboo Idli J It is the tradition of Vandi. So she used to make this puttu and sell those days breakfast. She did not get anybody to cover her portion. She is too old and prays to Sundareshwara. This whole city still now any problem the only person they turn to is Sundareshwara. They don’t trust anybody else. They just turn to Sundareshwara. And she is an old lady. She can’t get a worker to fill her portion, to do her job. She turns towards Sundareshwara – Oh chokkanaadha, Sundareshwara! If this guy had one thought the whole Vaigai would have had embankment automatically. He does not do that. He comes down assuming human body and bargaining with the lady - you should give me the puttu as much as I want. But I will work only for three hours. He says I will work only for two muhurtha. One muhrutha is 1 ½ hours. I will work only for 2 muhurthas. But you should give me as much as I want. This poor lady she does not have anybody else. So she says alright go ahead.

You can see what is puttu <Picture is projected>

This is puttu. Those days breakfast. So she doesn’t have anybody else. So no other option, she accepts the bargain. This fellow finally finishes everything she cooked. After that he doesn’t work. He goes down and lies down on the bed! In all his bodies he has never worked other than the Nithyananda body. That is why this body has to do all the work compensating all the laziness he enjoyed. What to do J So he goes and lies down in the banks of Vaigai. I also traced the palace he had in Vaigai. Just in between the mid of the water he had a palace where he used to drink with all the bhootas. He was not a womanizer. He used to drink and gamble. He will have all these bhootas around and they will play the dice. He will gamble with them. Finally what is there. He will cheat all of them J He was not a womanizer. But he used to drink and gamble. Anyhow so he went and lied down in the bank of Vaigai. King comes in the evening to see whether the embankment work is done. He sees all parts have been covered, except this portion - the Vandi’s portion. King got very annoyed and asked whose portion it is? They said it is Vandi’s old lady’s portion. He asked naturally she won’t be able to do. Who is doing for her? They showed this guy is employed by her but from morning he is not doing anything he is just lying there. So king calls him and asks who are you? This fellow says who are you to ask me this? King says I am the king of this Madhurai. He says that is what so many people are thinking. But actually I am the king. There was a strong argument. Finally king was very angry. He took his Sengol – the golden staff with which he rules the country and gave a strong blow in the back of the Sundareshwara. When that beating fell on Sundareshwara, when that stick fell on Sundareshwara, at that same moment, he showed the king he is the Antaryaami! He is the in dweller of every being, cosmos. So the whole world, the whole universe including himself had that beating! The whole cosmos including the king had the mark of that golden staff, golden scepter. Golden scepter’s mark and king was shocked. There he sees Sundareshwara standing with Meenakshi and smiling. King realized who came to play in the form of a worker and he fell at the feet of Sundareshwara and apologizes. Then Sundareshwara says just because of Vandi’s feeling connection, to please her, to eat her food, to enjoy her puttu breakfast I came and I enjoyed. He liberated, he gives enlightenment to Vandi and blesses the king and disappears. Till the end he has not done his job J He did not do the job of building the embankment to the Vaigai.

Casual leelas! Not one or two – 64 leelas. God! I know for sure he would have done 64,000 and Param Jyothi munivar the compiler he was able to collect only 64 representing all the thousands of leelas. The body with which he has performed this leela especially blessing the Vandi and converting the wolves into horses, foxes into horses, that season around 40 years he has performed some more leelas. That body was used by him for 40 years. That body is resting in Madhurai Aadeenam’s property. I have taken the blessings of the 292nd Guru Maha sannidhanam to build it into a beautiful huge temple. You can see the scene of Sundareshwara coming and eating the puttu of Vandi the old lady. <Picture is shown>

When I remember god! This very land he has taken 11 bodies and walked. This very roads he would have walked and sold the firewood, this very roads he walked and sold bangles, this very roads he walked and sold diamonds! I am really going crazy! This very Vaigai he created. This very Vaigai he himself came and built embankment at least acted as building embankment. Each action divine energy performs becomes on independent entity. If you connect with that energy, he gives you the same blessing. Understand Sundareshwara is the energy of leela - playfulness. Ask him whatever he wants. He has broken all the rules. See there is a law only a human body can radiate enlightenment, experience enlightenment. He has broken everything. He has given enlightenment to pigs, he has given enlightenment to birds, he has given enlightenment to kuko, he has given enlightenment to swan. Every one can be assured he has given enlightenment to pigs! J What a leela! Sundareshwara!

Bhagavan explains, Sri Krishna explains in this verse how each action of divine becomes independent existence – a divine energy. Shiva danced for the sake of Patanjali and showed the cosmic dance that becomes Nataraja the form of Shiva – an independent energy. Meditate on Nataraja you will have extraordinary spiritual experiences. Nataraja is the lord of spiritual experiences. Any Yogic spiritual experience you want, meditate on Nataraja!

Sri Krishna is explaining the philosophy behind the incarnation or multiple gods, many Gods in Hindu religion. Many gods does not mean the ultimate is many. No. the ultimate is only one. Its expression are many - “Ekam Sath, Vipra Bahuda Vadanthi!” One of the very important philosophical question is answered by Sri Krishna in this verse – God is one, expressions are many!

With this I move to the next segment of morn satsang – Dial The Avatar!

Today’s minutes to be entered in website – 80 minutes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1118 places through Nithyananda TV, in 23 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 269 cities, 30 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day: