May 02 2013

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Completion: Technique to Alter Your Past


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains the nature and purpose of completing the unfinished situations in our lives. When we carry uncompleted problems we cannot begin anything new. The beliefs and emotions connected with our unfinished troubles continue to create the same difficulties in our future. Once we attain completion our previous patterns are burned and we are set free to initiate a new way of being. Intention is the key to successful completion. When we devote intense, focused time and energy to completing our patterns we evolve and become integrated. From that integrity we can embody the principles of authenticity, responsibility and enriching.

Video Audio


COMPLETION – Poornatva Stithi

Just today morning, I have discovered some of the very important truths about Completion. I will expand on it.


First thing I wanted you to understand, only in “completion” four tattwas work. Only in “completion” you are able to live four tattwas as it should be lived. Please understand, only in “completion” the four tattwas happen in you as it should happen. When you don’t spend enough of time, energy, intention towards the completion, dhyan se suniye, intention is important ingredient for completion. You need to understand intention is important ingredient for completion.


Let me define “Completion”. Let me define “Completion”. You need to understand “incompletion” first; then you will understand what is “Completion”.


Listen! Whenever you talk to yourself, there is a part of you disrupting you constantly - is “incompletion”. Means, non, not believing! Understand? You say, ‘I will live four tattvas!’ Immediately, one part of you laughs at you: ‘Like this you said millions of things! ehhh’ You say, ‘I will be successful!’ ‘ehhh You tried so many things! What happened?’

Understand, when you utter something, when you talk to yourself something, one part of you which does not believe you, one part of you which does not agree with you, one part of you which is not saying “Yes” to you, is “incompletion”.

One of the biggest problem with this incompletion, listen, one of the biggest problem with this incompletion - you will not be able to settle with you. You will not be able to live within you. Constantly, means, really constantly, you will be having kind of a “life imprisonment” experience and because of that incompletion, you will not be able to live any tattva. Neither you will be able to live Integrity nor you will be able to live Authenticity or you will be able to live Responsibility or Enriching.

See, incompletion first attacks your self-assessing mechanism. You have a self-assessing mechanism in you. Just like internal auditing for any organization, just like internal auditing for any organization, there is a self-assessing mechanism. Once in a while, you see, ‘What am I doing? What am I doing? What is going on? Am I on the right direction? Will I be on the right direction? Is this okay?’ The more number of times you do self-assessing, more you will be self-centered and self-torturing. It is incompletion which gives you the insecurity, makes you do self-assessing again and again.



Tattwas as it should be lived when you don’t spend enough time, energy, intention towards completion. Intention is important ingredient for completion.


Please understand, understand, listen, only with completion inside, you can even LISTEN even at this moment. If your clothes are unwashed, lying in your room, if you have put some clothes in your laundry machine, if you have kept milk on the oven, it’s boiling, if there are any incompletion around you, you will not be settled, you will not LISTEN! Listening happens with “completion”. Listening happens with “completion”!

One more thing you need to know. How the incompletion will be, I explained. How the “completion inner space” will be, I can’t explain! The space of Completion, how it will look, how it will feel, I can’t explain; because any word I use you will not understand. It will be “Shuddha Sukhabodha Chinmaya Swabhavananda”! What you understood? :) No! You can’t! What is “incompletion”, I can explain; you can understand; because it is your experience. When you are in the space of “incompletion”, any decision you make, part of you will laugh at you; not co-operate with you; not say “Tathaasthu” to you; not listen to you; not involve itself to you!



Understand, in the state of incompletion, you don’t LISTEN! You act like listening; you don’t listen! You don’t SEE! You act like seeing; you don’t SEE! It is very important. Human-beings need to understand. With incompletion, you will neither be able to practice four tattvas, nor the four tattvas will bring those desired results in you. If there is incompletion, you can’t practice Integrity with integrity. Only when you practice Integrity with integrity, listen, only when you practice Integrity with integrity, you will have “Vaak Siddhi”! Only when you practice Authenticity with authenticity, you will have the space of Possibility! Only when you become responsibly Responsible, you will become a Leader!

First thing, first thing, you need to bring Completion in you. You need to bring Completion in you to start four tattvas working in you, bringing result in you. Spend the first six months after initiation into these tattva just for completion – Swapoornathva and Poornathva completion with others – by not disturbing or sacrificing your regular life. I have seen, in the name of “Completion”, people don’t work and don’t do their responsibility; just waste the time and energy!

Understand, completion has to be done along with your intense, active routine! It is like, you should continue to build the building and demolish the old. If you are trying to demolish the old and not build, that gap will again be filled with incompletion.


Understand, (HINDI)


When there is a completion in you, four tattvas act like a fire put on the blasting explosive material! If you put the fire on explosive material, is it going to slowly catch the fire, then little smoke, then little fire? Is it going to happen? It will just explode! There are some people, the moment they listen the four tattva, it will become experience in them. They will start living it. There are some, the four tattvas work on them like a slow……slow! Why in some people four tattvas work like explosive material? Why in some people four tattvas work like fire put on wood, sometime fire put on stone? Sometime, it’s like a fire put on wet land; fire gets put off! Four tattvas disappear!

Swapoornathwa and Poornathwa should be your spiritual practice. Swapoornathwa and Poornathwa should be your spiritual practice!


Completion, Completion is a important lesson you need to learn to make these four tattvas experience. Listen! If you are in completion, you will not be in restlessness during the gaps I give. It is by giving the gaps I find out whether people are in “completion” or “incompletion”, what is the level of the space they are in. Then I start my satsang. Then I continue what I wanted to offer.



Understand, this is the important, very important truth which you need to catch it. Some more things I wanted you to know about Completion. It is only after the completion, complete completion inside; you will be able to practice these four tattvas as reality. If I am asked to pick up one more tattva, along with four, I will pick up “Completion”. It is that important! Without completion, the four tattvas never become reality. Understand, it is completion that makes the right thing happen in you. It is completion that makes life happen in you.

“Completion” is Shiva. “Listening” is Devi. When you are in “completion”, you are established in the Shiva, the masculine energy in you. If you are “listening, you are established in the Devi, the feminine energy in you. When you are in completion, Shiva will be available to you as Dakshinamoorthy. When there is incompletion, he will be in you as Kalabhairava to destroy the incompletions.



Only with completion, you become one integrated being, all your inner space, body, mind, everything comes under your control, everything comes under you, becomes you, part of you. One more thing you need to know, when you do completion now, don’t think only from now your future will be in completion, complete. No! Even your past gets altered! Even your past become complete! Completion is the only method where you can even alter your past! Human-beings are made to believe past cannot be altered. You need to know, if past cannot be altered, future also cannot be altered! Past, Present, Future, all three are in the same DNA seed of Kaala! Listen! If Kaala is the seed, Past, Present, Future, all these three are in DNA form in that seed! Your attitude towards the past, your attitude towards the future, will be same. If you think you are powerless, you were powerless in your past, you will be powerless in your future also! If you are powerless in the past, you will be powerless in future!

So, spend time on completion, energy on completion, mainly intention! Decide to be COMPLETE! Decide to be COMPLETE! More than spending time, it is your intention, decision that keeps you in completion. Decision to be in completion - that keeps you in completion!



Understand, if you feel you were powerful in the past, you will be powerful in the future. I will give you one small example from my own life, my own experience. Just yesterday, suddenly I called the lake designers, people who design huge water bodies, took them around the campus, finalized once space and asked them to dig a huge lake which will hold almost three crore liter water, means, two acre land! It will be named as “Nithyananda Sarovar”. Almost one crore we will be spending just on that lake! It is huge money! Huge money!

Our ashramites could not understand. ‘For all of us to take bath Vaidya Sarovar is there – pure water – and it is also getting cleaned with more machineries and tiling and so much of right maintenance is happening. And for water storage we have Manasarovar in the ashram. Then why one more tank, Nithyananda Sarovar, huge that also, around two acre water body?'

Naturally, my Construction Department people asked, ‘Why do you want to spend one crore on this, Swamiji?’

I said, ‘Dig 45 feet! 250 feet breadth and 400 feet length! Go 40 feet, 45 feet! Make a huge water body, almost like a lake!’

Naturally, they could not understand.

I said, ‘You do it!’

Finally, they said, ‘At least, tell us the reason why suddenly you are spending so much of money on creating a water body and wasting almost two acre land?’

I said, ‘No! It is not a waste! Kalabhairava gave me a clear command to strengthen the water body in the campus!’

Even the Manasarovar, we are going to dig 40 feet deep! We are making it as a huge water body!


I always felt I was complete and successful, powerful in the past. So the future automatically prepares me. Future automatically reveals whatever I need to know. Future automatically teaches me whatever I need to know. All I want you to understand, any inability you perceive is because of the inabilities you perceive about you in your past. The self-assessing mechanism, the mechanism which assesses you continuously, understand, the self-assessing mechanism, the mechanism which assesses you completely, will give you high rating only when you are in completion. When you are not in completion, no way you will have high rating about you. Even if you are doing spiritual practices for 25 years, you will not have high rating about you! How many of you want high rating given to you when you assess yourself? Raise your hand. Because this is the biggest suffering with which you are suffering! Low rating of yourself when you assess you!

In complete completion, the self-assessing mechanism will disappear! You won’t even assess you! I don’t assess me. Only when you are in completion you can be successful whether in your business or in your relationships or in your political career or even in your health. You experience health when you are in completion. You experience wealth when you are in completion.



Why I am saying about this drought in the national television? I expect somebody will see and tell the Government to be prepared. In those days, enlightened masters were Raja Gurus. They used to see all these future happening and tell the King. He will be prepared. Now it is unfortunate the Gurus words are not taken. So, I cannot tell directly. I am telling through the national channel. If the Government wants, they can listen and be prepared.


Decide to be in completion! Decide to be in completion! Decide to be in completion! When you are in completion, all the four tattwas work miracles in you! If I have to describe the life of completion, I only can use the word “ETERNAL ECSTASY”, Joy! Nothing else can be the word!


When you are in completion, you experience ultimate health. Listen! Your inner space experiences past and future in a same language, in a same way. I tell you how your past is built. Incidents, your perceptions and your self-assessments, these are the pillars with which your past is built. If you complete yourself now, your perception and self-assessments, means 66% of your past will be burnt! Then can your past stand as it is now? No! It will just be with facts. So, your past will lose its power over you. Your past will be transformed. That is the way your future will be transformed.



You need to catch it! You need to understand it! You need to live it!


Through the proper techniques, go on completing with everyone and with you. Whatever you can’t complete, typically, complete it through catharsis processes.

Completion can be done by three ways -

One - Self-Completion, sitting with a mirror

Second - with whoever you have incompletion, talking to them and completing it.

Third - very important, catharsis methods! Sometime, you don’t even know with whom you have incompletion. You will not be able to find why you have incompletion. Is it with you or with others? Catharsis, through catharsis do the completion.

Completion, Completion is the base for life to be built. Completion is the base on which life can stand. First thing required for completion is decision to be complete, intention to be in completion. When you are in completion, only then you start living; only when you are in completion. Decision to be complete is the most important thing you need.



Understand, tomorrow I will expand on “root-thought-pattern of sufferings” and how you can experience deep completion by discovering your root-thought-patterns. Your root-thought-pattern and discovering your root-thought-pattern – this will be the subject for tomorrow’s Nithya Satsang.


The root-thought-pattern is the source of your every response of your life. That is source of every response of your life.

Photos From The Day:

Sri Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari Divine Ambal and Meru Swamiji's Utsava murthy Lord Dakshinamurthy radiating Beauty and Peace. Naga deepam in the Banyan tree. Morning pada puja. Arathi to the Divine. Swamiji spoke on 'Completion' during the morning satsang. Completion burns our previous patterns. Intention is the key to successful completion. When we devote intense, focused time and energy to completing our patterns we evolve and become integrated.


Happy to just live! - Inner Awakening sharing


Tatiana Mitchell, from Ohio (USA), describes an amazing transformation that she experienced at the Inner Awakening program held in May 2013. The program helped her remove the psychological impact of an abusive childhood and equipped with tools to cleanse the psyche. Now, Tatiana is a happy person who's happy just to live!

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