January 28 2014

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains the deeper level truths about Kalpataru. In the Kalpataru Darshan, Paramahamsa Nithyananda not only fulfills our boons but also initiates us into the science of Kalpataru, giving us the knowledge to create our own reality – by ourselves! On a deeper level, He is initiating us to rest into our very consciousness! This is the space were possibility resides. Once we learn to tap into this space, we can achieve anything in our lives!

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, truths, Kalpataru, Kalpataru Darshan, boons, science, Kalpataru, create, reality, consciousness, space, possibility.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam

Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha:

Madurai Maanagaram – I welcome all those who have gathered in Madurai Maanagaram; Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio-Prayag, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, San Jose-Madurai, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Indrani-New Jersey, Charlotte-Srisailam, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Camus-Hong Kong, Houston-Kalahasti, Bangalore City Centre, Warrington-UK, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Port Washington-New York, San Diego-La Jolla, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Antonio-Texas, Kathmandu-Nepal, Jorpati-Nepal, Paris-Home Temple, Scottsdale-Arizona, Oman-Sivagangai, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Now I will move to the satsangh. So, with this, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Please listen! Come to the space of listening!

Today.....today we are going to have a much deeper understanding of the space of Kalpataru.

Listen! You have your “atman” – your consciousness - and your body and mind. Please listen! You have your body, your mind, and your soul, the “atman”, consciousness. Because of the presence of the consciousness, soul, your body and mind start functioning. Listen! Because of the presence of your soul, “atman”, the body and mind start functioning. The “atman”, soul, has the power to make anything alive, reality.

Body is just matter, a few kilograms of bone and a few kilograms of flesh which is not even useful like animal flesh. At least, animal flesh will be useful for human-beings to eat; but human flesh is not useful for anybody. Very rarely, a few animals only eat human flesh. Body is just made out of a little flesh and bones. But the consciousness, the “atman”, the soul which resides inside the body, that has the power to create anything you want. It can make anything into reality. Between this body and soul comes the mind.

Please listen! Body is just flesh and bones, soul is consciousness. Consciousness is all-powerful, all-knowing, always blissful, Satchitananda, Paripoorna, Swayamprakasha; it is eternally blissful. The soul is Akhanda Paripoorna, Satchitananda, Parabrahma, Nithyanandam; it is all-powerful, all-knowing. Body is matter. Because of the presence of the soul, the body functions. Between these two, body and the soul, comes the mind. That mind can be used for right or wrong reasons. If the mind is centred on the body, it will live and die with the space of “impossible”. Because the body by its nature is matter, what can be possible for the matter? Nothing is possible for the matter. If the mind moves towards the soul, consciousness, and lives around consciousness, rests in consciousness, “atman”, soul, the mind lives in the space of “possibility”; everything, everything is possible!

Please understand, Kalpataru is the science of initiating you to learn to be in rest in consciousness. The science of initiating your mind to be in the space of “atman”, soul, consciousness, helping you to start living and residing in the space of consciousness, in the space of soul. I tell you, residing in the space of consciousness makes you “Shiva”, residing with your body makes you “Shava” (corpse, dead body). “Shava” or “Shiva”, it is your own decision, your mind’s decision. Are you constantly going to be living with your body-based patterns or consciousness-based energy? The more you come nearer the body, the more you are going to repeat the mantra “impossible”, “not possible”, “not for me”, “no, no”. This “impossible” mantra, the “impossible” mantra is going to become the chorus, the more you come towards the body. The more you go towards the soul, I tell you, an extraordinary possibility happens in you. That is why I say, “Sundara” means “Grace”, the grace which comes when you understand everything is possible in your life, the space of possibility. And Budha Graha (the planet Mercury) is the space of “possibility”. Budha is actually the space of “possibility”. Sundareshwara is Budha Graha and he is the embodiment of “possibility”.

Sundareshwara..... Please understand, I have defined many times this “beauty” and “grace”. “Beauty” is, from the distance when you see how a person looks; but, when you go near that person, you may not want to be around that person more than a few hours.....sometimes even a few minutes! “Grace” is what a person feels about himself or herself, how he carries himself or herself, what kind of a belief they have about themselves. I tell you, having the right beliefs about you, means having a healthy being. If you carry health in your stomach, your mouth won’t smell. If your stomach is upset, your mouth will smell; nobody will want to be around you. Same way, if you carry a graceful being, the moment you open your mouth, it will be with so many beautiful, wonderful concepts, ideas, truths; everyone will want to be around you. If you are carrying a dirty, depressed being inside, the words you utter, nobody will want to be around you.

“Sundara” is the grace, the personality you carry. Constantly what is it that is going on in you - that makes you Sundara. In an unbroken way, uncompromising way, what goes on inside you, what you carry as you, how you respond to the world, how you look at the world, how you perceive yourself and others, that - that makes you Sundara.

I have seen, I have seen in my life at least a few beings who are Sundara, who carry the grace. I tell you, going towards that grace, that Sundara inside you, is Kalpataru. Constantly remembering the possibility, constantly remembering the possibility in your life, living in the space of possibility, is Sundara. When you live in the space of possibility, whoever comes around you, you will just go on inspiring all of them, you will go on making them also Sundara. A beautiful person cannot go and make everyone beautiful, but a graceful person will go on making everyone graceful. A Sundara, a graceful being will go on making everyone graceful. Grace....Sundara! Sundara! I can repeat this word any number of times!

Carrying the space of possibility and powerfulness inside you; I tell you, it is not at all that difficult. Maximum three months if you work, just work sincerely, whole day decide, ‘I will always be in the space of Completion, Completion, Completion!’ Whenever you feel heavy inside the heart, some incompletion has come up, look in what is that incompletion, and complete and drop it. In two seconds it may come up again. Again, in two seconds, you come back, look into that incompletion, complete and drop it. Take it as a challenge! Whether you are powerful or that incompletion is powerful, let us see! Till your heart becomes complete, go on completing and dropping that incompletion. Do not allow your Will to side with incompletion. If you allow the incompletion to reside more and more, your Will will get brainwashed to the side of incompletion and it will start supporting that incompletion. ‘Yes, yes, yes, I think this is right; I am getting exploited, this, that!’ Do not allow your Will to move towards incompletion. Never ever, never ever engage, entertain yourself with the incompletion. Never associate yourself with incompletions. Always residing in the space of Completion inside you, always residing in the space of Completion inside you, keeping the space of Completion inside you, that is Grace - Sundara.

We all spend so much time to look beautiful, but we forget we need to become graceful. That is why many of these beautiful beings, I can say, “beautiful bodies”, don’t carry graceful beings. I have seen enough of these people, so-called beautiful outside. But if you speak to them, two seconds, two minutes is enough to know what an ungraceful personality they are carrying, that powerlessness, incompletions; you will be like ‘Ughh...’!

Understand, when you carry the grace, graceful being inside you, powerful being, a being without root-patterns, incompletions, you just excite people around you, you just inspire people around you. Not number of hours, number of days, number of months, even number of years if people spend around you they don’t get bored; they only feel ‘Wow! I have so much more to learn, listen, capture, imbibe.’

Bring Grace into your being. Bring Powerfulness into your being. Never allow Powerlessness inside you. From so many fronts I have been attacked! But, even with all that, how I am able to inspire millions constantly, how I am doing such big work! I am not saying just for pride or anything; I am stating the facts. Every day from some corner of the world, people gather for Kalpataru; in all corners of the world, people gather for Nithya Satsangh. Then how am I contributing so much to the world in spite of all the attacks? It is because I have not allowed powerlessness inside me. I tell you, the biggest blessing you can have is ‘not allowing powerlessness inside you’, carrying a graceful being, complete being. The biggest curse you can have is having powerlessness inside you. If you have powerlessness inside you, even if every situation outside the world is conducive, supporting, helping, you will be a failure. If you carry powerfulness, Completion inside you, even if the whole world is opposing you also, you will be successful. So, understand, the power of Completion, the grace of the being you carry, that is the most important thing.

Always decide and think being closer to your consciousness, “atman”, not being closer to your body, the matter. Matter gives you more and more impossibility, consciousness gives you more and more possibility. The idea of possibility, please listen, the idea of possibility, when that gets strengthened in you, the idea of possibility, when that gets strengthened in you, you become more and more alive, intelligent, active, enlightened. Every time you complete with your self-doubt, hatred, denial, you complete with your incompletions, you are getting established in the soul-consciousness, “atman”. Every time you feel “impossible”, you are more and more moving towards body, “jada” (inert, lifeless), matter.

I will give the essence in Hindi, then I will move to the Kalpataru process.

Understand, you having the “complete” inner-space is the biggest blessing you can have in your life. You having incompletion in your inner-space is the biggest curse you will have in your life.

So, with this, I will move to conduct the Kalpataru process.

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Nithyanandeshwara Temple Sanctum Ananda Nandi at Bidadi Nithyanandeshwara Temple Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari at the Bidadi Temple Sanctum Adi Nithyanandeshwara Utsava Moorthi of Nithyananda Primal Guru Dakshinamoorthi under the Banyan Tree at the Bidadi Temple Guru Puja set with the Ista Devatas Disciples offer Guru Puja to the Master The deities being offered Puja by one of the Devotee Upachara Puja being performed http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-01jan-28th-nithyananda-diary_DSC00126_bidadi-paduka-puja.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8791_batch.jpg Nithya Satsang - _MG_8799_batch.jpg