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In today's [[satsang]] Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) talked about aligning ourselves to the purpose of our life. Swamiji elaborated on how constantly being in communication with people about the four tattvas of [[integrity]], [[authenticity]], [[responsibility]] and [[enriching]] makes [[manana]] happen in us. Constantly being in communication strengthens these tattvas in us and they become part of our biomemory. He inspired everyone to constantly organize and introduce these four tattvas in us. Swamiji inspired the Brahmanyam Bahuputratam participants to constantly share these tattvas. He said tattvas are the new way of cognizance.
In today's [[satsang]] Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) talked about aligning ourselves to the purpose of our life. Swamiji elaborated on how constantly being in communication with people about the four tattvas of [[integrity]], [[authenticity]], [[responsibility]] and [[enriching]] makes [[manana]] happen in us. Constantly being in communication strengthens these tattvas in us and they become part of our biomemory. He inspired everyone to constantly organize and introduce these four tattvas in us. Swamiji inspired the Brahmanyam Bahuputratam participants to constantly share these tattvas. He said tattvas are the new way of cognizance.
== Tags: ==  
Monday, February 18, 2013               
“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”
I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 424 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 46 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 197 cities, 25 countries around the world as per the statistics!
Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing are –
Today we  have President  of  Hindu  Makkal Kachi,  Sri  Sridharji . So I will honor him  with  the  shawl  and respect him.  All of you may  be aware  he  is the  Madurai Adeenam protection  committee.  He  always does not expect  us to respect him.  But it  is  our  responsibility  to respect him. He was  a big support from the beginning and standing for all  the  Hindu causes.
Today Niraahaara samyama  3rd  level 5th day and THE samyama 2nd day. 15th IA and 12th eNgenius  2nd  day happening  successfully! Kathmandu is  joining. Blessings Kathmandu I can see  you guys now. Great!
Today I wanted  to expand on these  4 tatvaas. How they are inter  connected and how when you pick u p  one,  all other  four join.  Listen. There is  a very beautiful  Upanishad mantra – Shurnvantu  Vishwe….aditya …by listening the life of  nectar starts. Oh  the world, I am  declaring from my experience - Shrunvantu Nishve  Amritasya…
It  is from t he  listening  the  whole thing  starts. It is from the listening the spiritual life starts. Integrity,  authenticity,  Responsibility,  enriching. Yesterday I was expanding  on Integrity. How  when you bring integrity,  breakthrough in your  thinking happens. When you bring  integrity automatically responsibility starts,  authenticity starts,  enriching others happens.when you bring  integrity  you have  so much of space  to live  authentically. See why  authenticity is  overwhelming and confusing you know….I tell you two  things  should be completely  avoided - one - Crying  out of  weakness and taking decisions  when you feel overwhelmed.  Crying o ut o f weakness, when you cry  out of powerlessness,  all your  major negative  engrams gets deeply rooted in you. When the ploughed  land is wet by  rain  water,  seed can  easily go in.  ..same way powerlessly crying w ill straight  away make your  wrong  patterns  strong in you. 2nd taking  any  decision when  you are overwhelmed.any  decisions taken when your overwhelmed  is Rahu. Rahu was  overwhelmed for nectar and he went and stood  in the line of Gods.  Rahu always does this to you he gives you wrong  ideas.Any decisions you make including n your  decision to  come  to ashram and live  around me..Even the good decisions  if it  is  done  by overwhelming-ness – it is only going to give you suffering, sorrow. Rahu is overwhelming power. Power which overwhelms you where you feel powerless and just give up. I tell you when you give up when the inauthenticity overwhelms you – you do irrepairable damage to you. you cannot repair by prayaschitha. Just today morning one of my Brahmacharinis came and asked me Swamiji I think for few months I should give up my kaavi and settle in my inner space and then take it up. I told her, your Rahu is showing you the wrong prayaschitha. Unless you jump now, you will never be able to jump. All jumping into authenticity can happen only…the moment you say I will take time ….it is never going to happen. I tell you only in the game training period is separate and game is separate. In life you are just pushed to living life. I told her if you decide to take prayaschitha take more spiritual practices and decide I am going to fulfill these responsibilities also.
I tell you the prayaschitha for inauthenticity, the right thing you have to do for inauthenticity is take more responsibility. Rahu was overwhelmed with the desire for the  nectar but he somehow wants to achieve it whether by inauthentic way or some way. he goes and stands in the line of Gods by cheating and inauthentic way and takes the nectar and drinks it.  Vishnu cuts  the head. The part which drank the nectar is Ketu. Listen. Whenever inauthenticity overwhelms you, the part of you will guide you to take more responsibility that is ketu. The part of you which tells y ou to give up, that is Rahu. Whether you are going to go behind Rahu or ketu you have to deicide. Rahu and ketu both are going to be behind you when your inauthenticity overwhelms you. when your inauthenticity overwhelms you …if you give up you will do irrepairable damage to you. when Rahu wins, it takes almost 12 years for you to break the pattern. If you have the will to break the pattern. It is very unfortunate rahu…even the will to break the patterns, the pattern breaks. When you start with integrity, the first thing you will face in your life you are overwhelmed by inauthenticity. Yesterday first day, first time Tamil Inner awakening, I was observing a very imp thing – only when they start thinking in the angle of integrity, people even don’t now how to think. Yesterday I gave them some  questions  on Muladhara  and I wanted  you to know not a single person  wrote answer to the  question. mind is  such  a powerful mechanism. You always wanted  joy but you  think  for  suffering! You want joy but you think for suffering.  Yesterday  we    were  working on integrity. Very nice this Tamil  Inner Awakening batch is small group. So I am working on  every body.  I tell you from my experience -learning to think is the first thing a human being should learn. Aligning to think as per your mission is  very important.  Anything I s okay….first aligning your thinking whether to  your artha  or kaama or moksha  that itself  is  not happening  for the human  beings. I am  just so happy for my  Gurukul  kids. At least they know how to  think.  No  really. Just this  one of  our  Gurukul  kid  -  this one kid just t hat one boy what a authenticity he brought to whole Kumbha mela tent you know. Our whole kumbha puri could feel this one boy’s authenticity. This one child is able to expose the inauthenticity of all the fellows. The whole team…the one child! I was  feeling so joyful – wow! If I hand over the ashram to our Gurukul, ashram will be saved! Because many of our senior swamis, brahmacharinis, sanyasinis they were bullying on him to make him inauthentic. Prematma ate sugar. This guy went and said this is inauth. All of us have to have natural sugar any indian sweetner. ..come on, all the sanyaasis and sanyasinis have reached the Kumbhapuri ashram. She ate  sugar, Swaroop went and told her it is inauthetic. Swamiji told very clearly you should eat traditional sugars which are not chemical. See I am not against sugar mills…there is no fight between sugar mills and me. It is simple instruction. Lot of researches are saying if the artificial sugar is not added then even cancer cells will die in 7 days. Immediately Ma Prematma said I am complete. Come on, hiding your face into the earth will not work. Whole world knows who is Ma Prematma. She said  if you are not complete, it is your problem. See what  a complete Rahu standing in the line of Gods. Rahu acting as if he is God. And then comes the Brahmanottama Ambananda Sri Sri Sri Ambanda Mhj. Veda Vitpanna Mahotsava Alava Karana Alaya the asthaana archaka of the Dhyanapeeta Maha Samsthaana Nithyananda Devalaya. This fellow ..ambananda I am singing your glory, your pravara. Wave for all your followers. Sit. See this Ambananda fellow biggest pattern he has is sleeping. He does not wake up his whole life from sleep. He knows only two state – waking sleep, sleeping sleep. So morn when the alarm rings, ten times he puts it off. Few days before I was reading in face book there is new type of alarm. Only when you get up and come out of the room and the bathroom only when you press your shower it will stop. Otherwise it will open the sprinkler. I think I should do that only for  these guys.
Swaroop asked Ambananda - Why are you snoozing the alarm? Then Ambananda says with Integrity I will not answer you. what kind of integrity it is? Listen. And he  is the one who chants the mantras in  the homas. Why do you think veda mantras are not giving power? With integrity only when you chant it will create vibrations. Whether your word is going to change the world or not is decided based on the integrity. Integrity is deepest foundation for the power of you word. This one  child Swaroop literally acted as Nachiketa for tones and tones of Vajasravas we had in Kumbha Puri. Really. Finally at least Prematma went and completed with him and understood her inauthenticity and completed with Swaroop. Did this Ambananda do that?
Listen. Inauthenticity will not only create hell for you, it will slowly settle down and you will even forget you are inauthentic. I have some more stories for you fellows. All these sadhu mahatmas of Nihtyananda Sampradaya when they were going from here to Kumbha Puri in the train – Bonda, pakoda, tattai idli. Only chicken biryani they did not eat. Other than the chicken biryani and mutton biryani eveyrthign available on the platform. And great Mahatmas, sanyaasis of Nithyananda Sampradaya. I really wanted somebody should  have asked them. T here is a clear rule as a sanyaasi don’t eat anywhere outside either you carry your own food from the ashram. They actually t hey carried  food from the ashram and unfortunately it got …first  it started with Biscuit great Ma Atmanada’s  contribution. .then slowly breed .... the biscuit, then bread they forget the commitment they made…listen degradation does not start  in a  big way. suddenly  you  will see  a  person wearing a ten kg gold, you will attack and take that. It does not  start  that way.  it starts with ten rupees, then hundred  rupees…then enters into level of robbery, murder  or anything. All degradation starts only in a small way.
In a  party, rich young lady is dancing around. One guy goes to her and asks will you come to my house tonight.  She looks up and down not answering. The guy says I can give ten million dollar. She smiles immediately and accepts the offer.when  they are about to go to the car, the  guys suddenly changes and says no I can  give only ten dollars, not  ten million. This lady says what do you think  I  am a prostitute  or  what? he says that is already established, we are  now only bargaining over the rate.
So  all crimes  does not start in a big way. it starts only in a small way, then you forget. You think after a ll me stealing is established. ..morning  when you are late for Yoga that is where the degradation starts. One of the great disciple of Rama Krishna – Brahmananda Swami he catches one brahmachari who was peeling the  potato & says this  shows you a re not  qualified for  sanyaas…he says the  way  you peel shows your unconsciousness. Unconsciousness enters into your system only through small actions, does not wait for big actions. Listen. It is  so nice to have  kids who knows how to think. All Gurukul kids don’t give up on anyone even though they will try to bully you. I am seeing you guys  are slowly  giving up on your  students. Don’t give up. Okay. See the sound of yes has  reduced.  Yes I s not coming  from every mouth. Do you see. What  happened t o the yes?it  goes away with inspiration. Don’t  get inauthentic by  them. Make them  authentic.understand?  continue to    be Nachiketas.  They might  have  lived but  they don't  know living…..really i felt just if  I  create  kids  like  swaroop  and hand over    the ashram to them they will manage.  The power  of inauthenticity  is  after  two  days it makes you forget you are inauthentic.  Because  remembering is  very painful.that Is why  you  don’t  talk  about  it. Yesterday I  received some people's experiences. In Malaysia they had a  sharing  session about these  4  tatvaas.rishi and  ma Nirantara  were  sharing  with people there.when I received  the feedback I was so happy    now Malaysia sangha  will  florish…understand manana happens  by pravachana. In Vedic Tradition there is  a  beautiful proverb. If you listen you get 25%, if  you discuss  you get 25% more, if you clarify doubts with Guru you get another  25% more and when  you teach you get  25% more. Nirantara has started doing the  teaching. I  tell you guys  it  does not need  to be  organized  classes. Just  gatherings, satsangs  are enough.. All the participants  of  Brahmanayam  bahu putrataam listen unless you are  in conversation,  communication, you are in pravachana  manana  will  not  happen.  LA  each one o f you go  to  some gathering, go  to some  direction, some  devotees house collect  20,  30 people  just introducing  and discussing  these four tatvas. Muktikananda seattle, you and mukta  both.  And Umesh in Maatakallappu. Tejomaya, Suganthi, Atma Kalanjali in Toronto    all three of you guys go to different  different places ..who ever has attended  Brahmanyam bahu putrataam go  to  different different  devotees places  continuously be  in conversations. See  for ashramites 7 to 9 I  am doing completion sessions..
Same  way San Jose and all people  who attended  Brahmanyam Bahu putrataam – Constantly be in communication with people. Only by pravachana, manana happens. Only by pravachana you discover  the deeper layers of tatvaas. If you are not going to be in communication, you are not going to find the power of tatvaas. That is why I tell you being in the space where you can talk about tatvaas itself is a heaven. Rishi  Mitra  every day  you should have. Ma Chandra, Darshana  Darshana unless you yourself do the pravachana you will not be out of depression. You will again and again fall back into the same pattern. I sent you to France  to Help  people, enrich them, only then you will enrich you.   
Listen. Constantly. Constantly being in communication strengthens the tatvaas in you. Each of the satsang centres constantly organize in different devotees houses, places, small gatherings just to  introduce these 4 tatvaas. Just  call it as Intro  to Inner Awakening. Go around.  Constantly share these four tatvaas. Nirataras you guys are doing the right  things.. Tatvaas can  become satyas  in  you only when you are  in communication. …tatvaas are new  cognizance. The old cognizance will be threatened by the new cognition. Not  only Listening, talking being in communication is necessary. continuoulsy necessary..now I can see when I started the routine of  4:30 earlier40% of  people will be  sleeping. Now 20% only struggle. Because the body is prepared….see our  inner space now has flowered.even in Kumbha mela  even t hough we did not have yoga, eventhere in freezing cold  I was out. There was little cough because  of that cold and all that.  But I  was out and  not  only that it is becoming part  of  our  bio  memory. Brahma muhurtha means yoga. It I s  becoming part of  life  and  bio energy.only when  you add integrity  you will find out  the  great state  secret you don’t k now to think. You w ant happiness but you make the decisions  always to  keep you unhappy. In Kumbha  mela we had  a  completion session. One Brahmachari says oh no,every body lives  like this only.  Only Swamiji lives what he is talking. I asked him - so  if all the pigs are together,  you will  also be there?  And he is completely comfortable with it. ..you  are a person who cant close the eyes especially in front of me. You are not a meditative person. So stand and listen. During the  completion, this brahmachari was saying because everybody lives in inauthenticity he is settled in inauthenticity. I was just laughing. See the funny thing to be auth you need only your blessings. To be inauthentic you need so many others help. Because you have to justify your inauthentic. Living among the human beings just not justify for you to continue to exist as human beings. Wake up! 'Uttisthita Jagrata Prapya Varan Nibodhata' - arise awake stop not till the higher consciousness is achieved in your life! The exact meaning from the word – this word is from Katha Upanishad – Uttisthita Jagrata Prapya Varan Nibodhata…means arise, awake, stop not till you reach the people of higher consciousness, satsang. Vivek translated as arise, awaken, stop not till the goal is reached. I tell you arise, awake. Stop – the goal is reached! Just arise, awake! Utthishtatha Jagratha. Don’t justify your inauthenticity because others are also inauthentic. Take responsibility for your inauthenticity and others inauthenticity. Go  on having the introduction to four tatvaas. Continuously organize, organize. Even if there are 5-6 people, 2, 3 people. Even one person, start the introduction.  when you are in communication, you live the tatvaas.  I could see  11 days in the Kumbha mela the whole 11 days literally has become like a training for people to discover  their inauthenticity more and more and clear it. It is like the fish bone is like a needle and is there in the entire flesh. You have to dig out, dig out and take away every thorn. Same way, when you dig out, dig out don’t be overwhelmed by your inauthenticity. Don’t justify your inauthenticity by  others inauthenticity. …nobody is targeting you other than you…if you think everybody is targeting you, you are a fool. Many time people ask me why only are being targeted Swamiji?  I say …no this time in KM we realized this is the prasaada I brought from the kumbha mela. People don’t care for media. No really. Before even I went to kumbha mela there was opposition..i was thinking when I land there, few fellows will stand there with balck garlands. Then after I started my …with 5k people dancing around me with the music and you should see the videos how people stand    putting their  hands on their head  crying with tears of joy  chanting…..all Hindu organizations  and the people with feeling  connection with Hinduism,t hey  all  are standing up. 44 in nirvaani,  52 in Niranjani and 77 in Juna akhaada. Not  a single mm opposed my election. Not  a single mm opposed. This 2,3 media  fellows they wanted  somebody to  oppose na.they caught  hold of  a  village guy who was  walking.they  put  the kaavi on  him  and told him  you  tell this. That fellow …..like one    Tamil nadu Arjunsampath one  guy says  I  oppose, I  oppose. What he is opposing? Nobody  knows…please  understand  this maha mandaleshwar  post is not  given by  one  person. There is a  election.see 80 mahants, 8 srimahants, 2-3  hundred secretaries and 43 maha mandaleshwars. I cant even know when t he  election is happening. They will not inform  me. And  all the  different representatives of the whole akhaada  gathers before  the election the agenda will be read out. It i s literally  like a parliament. …they have  a  recorded democratic election f or years….democracy is not from west, it is from Akhaada because for 2800 yrs they have election…..200 to 300 secretaries are t here.they all have  voting rights. Then the cabinet has panchayati. They have cabinet an the whole process starts with discussion. …it is not  very pseudo secular. Not  that one party decides and everybody …very open, heated discussion. In my case  also three h ours heated  discussion happened. I actually said  I will come and I will sit  on the ground and answer all your questions. If you are convinced give me  the seat  of maha mandaleshwar. if not, no.  They said no we should  not investigate swamiji directly.let him  send2 disciples. I  sent atma maneeshananda  and Turiya.three hours there w as  a strong debate, discussion, questions.when the voting time  came  unanimously t hey  voted. Media was trying their best to cook up. This  akhaada  is  opposing, that  akhaada  is opposing. But no  akhaada gave any statement. They stood  by it. Unanimously they voted.  Then after the voting is over, they declared Paramahamsa  Nithyananda is elected unanimously. See it is always not done unannimously when there  were elections earlier, they was opposition also. Usually it has to be 75% voting. If below 75% the person will not be given the maha mandaleshwar title. In my case 100% voting….when I went I could see maneeshananda  and Turiya were telling. Swamiji whoever questions they only are standing in the front and receiving you….Mahaa Niravaani is the oldest  hindu organization apex body. Apex  body means the  supremebody where the democratic set up takes the decision. MA is the oldest hindu organization we are  the convergence of both. The kapila’s jnaana that is jnaana ganga. Js’s devotion – Vaigai. Ganga and Viagai joining. That is the real stretnch. Und ma is the oldest monastery. Maha Nirvaani peet is the oldest apex body. See maha nirvaani is not just one place it is congregation of around 80,000ashrams and temples. 1 lakh temples an ashrams are under Maha Nirvaani. 80,000 are independently under them. 80,000 sadhus manage 1 lakh temples and ashrams everyday….l also saw people don’t bother about media. This is one of the biggest realization I had in km. listen, when we become authentic, you will stand any targeting. Even if you are targeted, when you are being powerless saying I am targeted. No  body can  target you other  than  you.if you a re strong enough nobody can target y ou. You know how to stand. Media tried to twist  this also. He tried to give money. Almost 500 people have to vote there. You cannot give money to the 500  people and bribe  and all 500ppl are richer than me…at least ma 1% you can believe that Swamiji has bribed. That is also not possible  because Madurai aadeenam  is ten times richer  than Dhyanapeetam. Fools are those who live in denials. Listen, listen, listen.  When you bring responsibility for  your inauthenticity and others inauthenticity you walk in the line of Ketu. you save  yourself. When  you  give up, make any overwhelming decision during  inauthenticity, you become rahu…the  repair you cause in your inner space becomes long task. Almost 100 maha mandaleshwars personally visited our camp or I went there. All of them had only one talk Swamiji you are a hero for all of us! Because  even  for one small thing we collapse. How you are standing tall.  TN near Vellore one Swamiji built and golden temple there. Few days before Praana met him. Sqwamiji sent a message for all of you. He told praana please tell Swamiji and all the ashramites. He said in all our spiritual organizations, the leader will be a hero. But in Nithyananda  Dhyanapeetam ashram all of you guys are standing these attacks. So each one of you guys is a hero. Of course I thanked him for his respect and the feeling he has for all of us. Listen when you standing with authenticity you win the game of life. When you make any other decision, while you are inauthentic. While you are feeling powerless, you cause irrepairable damage to you which takes years to repair and even  the will to repair disappears. It is our inauthenticity we don’t stand together. When you radiate auth,, we stand together VHP president Ashok Singhal was telling me. All of you should know the goo news Tibetan Buddhism Dalai lama openly declared t hey are  part of Hinduism and  his lamas and he  are  part of Hinduism.the  efforts  of Ashok Singhal the Buddhists, Jains and sikhs  have come  to kumbha  mela. Hew as telling me swamiji I even convinced Dalai Lama to ….
The only 2 camps in Kumbha mela where  food  was  being served continuously to thousands of people  was the Sikhs camp and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. He said I  am  not able to convince Tamil Nadu  aadeenam to come to Kumbha mela. at  least next 3 years somehow bring  tamil nadu aadeenams swamiji.  I said  don’t  worry I can  bring so many to kumbha mela. He was telling I can bring  Buddhists and jains and sikhs. Anyhow,  now it is our  responsibility. only  2 in whole kumbha mela  are from south  - Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam.  6 lakh organs have been  given  by UP govt. only 2 organizations had their tent in kumbha mela. Tt  devasthanam  and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Shankaracharya had a temple he stayed in that and did not put a tent. 600,000 organs were given land. Only two got  land.
Oldest apex body  of Hinduism is Mahanirvanipeet.  Stan with authenticity that  is the strength. Go with ketu, never with rahu.
Dial the avatar
Radha  -  Pattapuram
Parvathi  -Chennai
Please sit straight. Cognize you have become Bidadi kalpa vriksha.  Let your bio energy be awakened. Let you all  produce the  energy directly from the space. Namaha Shivaya! Let you all experience a complete intense kundalini awakening! Namaha Shivaya!
Yesterday I instructed about the ears painting. it should not be on the door. it should be on the wall outside the door. If the door is open, they cannot see it. so it should be on the wall next to the door. blessings! Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, Integrity, responsibility, enrich, manana, tattva, cognizance, bio memory, communication
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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, Integrity, responsibility, enrich, manana, tattva, cognizance, bio memory, communication
[[Category: 2013]] [[Category: Satsang]] [[Category: Puja]] [[Category: Program]]
[[Category: 2013]] [[Category: Satsang]] [[Category: Puja]] [[Category: Program]]

Revision as of 08:33, 26 July 2020

Link to Video:


In today's satsang Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) talked about aligning ourselves to the purpose of our life. Swamiji elaborated on how constantly being in communication with people about the four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching makes manana happen in us. Constantly being in communication strengthens these tattvas in us and they become part of our biomemory. He inspired everyone to constantly organize and introduce these four tattvas in us. Swamiji inspired the Brahmanyam Bahuputratam participants to constantly share these tattvas. He said tattvas are the new way of cognizance.


Monday, February 18, 2013 “Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 424 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 46 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 197 cities, 25 countries around the world as per the statistics! Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing are – Today we have President of Hindu Makkal Kachi, Sri Sridharji . So I will honor him with the shawl and respect him. All of you may be aware he is the Madurai Adeenam protection committee. He always does not expect us to respect him. But it is our responsibility to respect him. He was a big support from the beginning and standing for all the Hindu causes. Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 5th day and THE samyama 2nd day. 15th IA and 12th eNgenius 2nd day happening successfully! Kathmandu is joining. Blessings Kathmandu I can see you guys now. Great! Today I wanted to expand on these 4 tatvaas. How they are inter connected and how when you pick u p one, all other four join. Listen. There is a very beautiful Upanishad mantra – Shurnvantu Vishwe….aditya …by listening the life of nectar starts. Oh the world, I am declaring from my experience - Shrunvantu Nishve Amritasya… It is from t he listening the whole thing starts. It is from the listening the spiritual life starts. Integrity, authenticity, Responsibility, enriching. Yesterday I was expanding on Integrity. How when you bring integrity, breakthrough in your thinking happens. When you bring integrity automatically responsibility starts, authenticity starts, enriching others happens.when you bring integrity you have so much of space to live authentically. See why authenticity is overwhelming and confusing you know….I tell you two things should be completely avoided - one - Crying out of weakness and taking decisions when you feel overwhelmed. Crying o ut o f weakness, when you cry out of powerlessness, all your major negative engrams gets deeply rooted in you. When the ploughed land is wet by rain water, seed can easily go in. ..same way powerlessly crying w ill straight away make your wrong patterns strong in you. 2nd taking any decision when you are overwhelmed.any decisions taken when your overwhelmed is Rahu. Rahu was overwhelmed for nectar and he went and stood in the line of Gods. Rahu always does this to you he gives you wrong ideas.Any decisions you make including n your decision to come to ashram and live around me..Even the good decisions if it is done by overwhelming-ness – it is only going to give you suffering, sorrow. Rahu is overwhelming power. Power which overwhelms you where you feel powerless and just give up. I tell you when you give up when the inauthenticity overwhelms you – you do irrepairable damage to you. you cannot repair by prayaschitha. Just today morning one of my Brahmacharinis came and asked me Swamiji I think for few months I should give up my kaavi and settle in my inner space and then take it up. I told her, your Rahu is showing you the wrong prayaschitha. Unless you jump now, you will never be able to jump. All jumping into authenticity can happen only…the moment you say I will take time ….it is never going to happen. I tell you only in the game training period is separate and game is separate. In life you are just pushed to living life. I told her if you decide to take prayaschitha take more spiritual practices and decide I am going to fulfill these responsibilities also. I tell you the prayaschitha for inauthenticity, the right thing you have to do for inauthenticity is take more responsibility. Rahu was overwhelmed with the desire for the nectar but he somehow wants to achieve it whether by inauthentic way or some way. he goes and stands in the line of Gods by cheating and inauthentic way and takes the nectar and drinks it. Vishnu cuts the head. The part which drank the nectar is Ketu. Listen. Whenever inauthenticity overwhelms you, the part of you will guide you to take more responsibility that is ketu. The part of you which tells y ou to give up, that is Rahu. Whether you are going to go behind Rahu or ketu you have to deicide. Rahu and ketu both are going to be behind you when your inauthenticity overwhelms you. when your inauthenticity overwhelms you …if you give up you will do irrepairable damage to you. when Rahu wins, it takes almost 12 years for you to break the pattern. If you have the will to break the pattern. It is very unfortunate rahu…even the will to break the patterns, the pattern breaks. When you start with integrity, the first thing you will face in your life you are overwhelmed by inauthenticity. Yesterday first day, first time Tamil Inner awakening, I was observing a very imp thing – only when they start thinking in the angle of integrity, people even don’t now how to think. Yesterday I gave them some questions on Muladhara and I wanted you to know not a single person wrote answer to the question. mind is such a powerful mechanism. You always wanted joy but you think for suffering! You want joy but you think for suffering. Yesterday we were working on integrity. Very nice this Tamil Inner Awakening batch is small group. So I am working on every body. I tell you from my experience -learning to think is the first thing a human being should learn. Aligning to think as per your mission is very important. Anything I s okay….first aligning your thinking whether to your artha or kaama or moksha that itself is not happening for the human beings. I am just so happy for my Gurukul kids. At least they know how to think. No really. Just this one of our Gurukul kid - this one kid just t hat one boy what a authenticity he brought to whole Kumbha mela tent you know. Our whole kumbha puri could feel this one boy’s authenticity. This one child is able to expose the inauthenticity of all the fellows. The whole team…the one child! I was feeling so joyful – wow! If I hand over the ashram to our Gurukul, ashram will be saved! Because many of our senior swamis, brahmacharinis, sanyasinis they were bullying on him to make him inauthentic. Prematma ate sugar. This guy went and said this is inauth. All of us have to have natural sugar any indian sweetner. ..come on, all the sanyaasis and sanyasinis have reached the Kumbhapuri ashram. She ate sugar, Swaroop went and told her it is inauthetic. Swamiji told very clearly you should eat traditional sugars which are not chemical. See I am not against sugar mills…there is no fight between sugar mills and me. It is simple instruction. Lot of researches are saying if the artificial sugar is not added then even cancer cells will die in 7 days. Immediately Ma Prematma said I am complete. Come on, hiding your face into the earth will not work. Whole world knows who is Ma Prematma. She said if you are not complete, it is your problem. See what a complete Rahu standing in the line of Gods. Rahu acting as if he is God. And then comes the Brahmanottama Ambananda Sri Sri Sri Ambanda Mhj. Veda Vitpanna Mahotsava Alava Karana Alaya the asthaana archaka of the Dhyanapeeta Maha Samsthaana Nithyananda Devalaya. This fellow ..ambananda I am singing your glory, your pravara. Wave for all your followers. Sit. See this Ambananda fellow biggest pattern he has is sleeping. He does not wake up his whole life from sleep. He knows only two state – waking sleep, sleeping sleep. So morn when the alarm rings, ten times he puts it off. Few days before I was reading in face book there is new type of alarm. Only when you get up and come out of the room and the bathroom only when you press your shower it will stop. Otherwise it will open the sprinkler. I think I should do that only for these guys. Swaroop asked Ambananda - Why are you snoozing the alarm? Then Ambananda says with Integrity I will not answer you. what kind of integrity it is? Listen. And he is the one who chants the mantras in the homas. Why do you think veda mantras are not giving power? With integrity only when you chant it will create vibrations. Whether your word is going to change the world or not is decided based on the integrity. Integrity is deepest foundation for the power of you word. This one child Swaroop literally acted as Nachiketa for tones and tones of Vajasravas we had in Kumbha Puri. Really. Finally at least Prematma went and completed with him and understood her inauthenticity and completed with Swaroop. Did this Ambananda do that? Listen. Inauthenticity will not only create hell for you, it will slowly settle down and you will even forget you are inauthentic. I have some more stories for you fellows. All these sadhu mahatmas of Nihtyananda Sampradaya when they were going from here to Kumbha Puri in the train – Bonda, pakoda, tattai idli. Only chicken biryani they did not eat. Other than the chicken biryani and mutton biryani eveyrthign available on the platform. And great Mahatmas, sanyaasis of Nithyananda Sampradaya. I really wanted somebody should have asked them. T here is a clear rule as a sanyaasi don’t eat anywhere outside either you carry your own food from the ashram. They actually t hey carried food from the ashram and unfortunately it got …first it started with Biscuit great Ma Atmanada’s contribution. .then slowly breed .... the biscuit, then bread they forget the commitment they made…listen degradation does not start in a big way. suddenly you will see a person wearing a ten kg gold, you will attack and take that. It does not start that way. it starts with ten rupees, then hundred rupees…then enters into level of robbery, murder or anything. All degradation starts only in a small way. In a party, rich young lady is dancing around. One guy goes to her and asks will you come to my house tonight. She looks up and down not answering. The guy says I can give ten million dollar. She smiles immediately and accepts the offer.when they are about to go to the car, the guys suddenly changes and says no I can give only ten dollars, not ten million. This lady says what do you think I am a prostitute or what? he says that is already established, we are now only bargaining over the rate. So all crimes does not start in a big way. it starts only in a small way, then you forget. You think after a ll me stealing is established. ..morning when you are late for Yoga that is where the degradation starts. One of the great disciple of Rama Krishna – Brahmananda Swami he catches one brahmachari who was peeling the potato & says this shows you a re not qualified for sanyaas…he says the way you peel shows your unconsciousness. Unconsciousness enters into your system only through small actions, does not wait for big actions. Listen. It is so nice to have kids who knows how to think. All Gurukul kids don’t give up on anyone even though they will try to bully you. I am seeing you guys are slowly giving up on your students. Don’t give up. Okay. See the sound of yes has reduced. Yes I s not coming from every mouth. Do you see. What happened t o the yes?it goes away with inspiration. Don’t get inauthentic by them. Make them authentic.understand? continue to be Nachiketas. They might have lived but they don't know living…..really i felt just if I create kids like swaroop and hand over the ashram to them they will manage. The power of inauthenticity is after two days it makes you forget you are inauthentic. Because remembering is very painful.that Is why you don’t talk about it. Yesterday I received some people's experiences. In Malaysia they had a sharing session about these 4 tatvaas.rishi and ma Nirantara were sharing with people there.when I received the feedback I was so happy now Malaysia sangha will florish…understand manana happens by pravachana. In Vedic Tradition there is a beautiful proverb. If you listen you get 25%, if you discuss you get 25% more, if you clarify doubts with Guru you get another 25% more and when you teach you get 25% more. Nirantara has started doing the teaching. I tell you guys it does not need to be organized classes. Just gatherings, satsangs are enough.. All the participants of Brahmanayam bahu putrataam listen unless you are in conversation, communication, you are in pravachana manana will not happen. LA each one o f you go to some gathering, go to some direction, some devotees house collect 20, 30 people just introducing and discussing these four tatvas. Muktikananda seattle, you and mukta both. And Umesh in Maatakallappu. Tejomaya, Suganthi, Atma Kalanjali in Toronto all three of you guys go to different different places ..who ever has attended Brahmanyam bahu putrataam go to different different devotees places continuously be in conversations. See for ashramites 7 to 9 I am doing completion sessions.. Same way San Jose and all people who attended Brahmanyam Bahu putrataam – Constantly be in communication with people. Only by pravachana, manana happens. Only by pravachana you discover the deeper layers of tatvaas. If you are not going to be in communication, you are not going to find the power of tatvaas. That is why I tell you being in the space where you can talk about tatvaas itself is a heaven. Rishi Mitra every day you should have. Ma Chandra, Darshana Darshana unless you yourself do the pravachana you will not be out of depression. You will again and again fall back into the same pattern. I sent you to France to Help people, enrich them, only then you will enrich you. Listen. Constantly. Constantly being in communication strengthens the tatvaas in you. Each of the satsang centres constantly organize in different devotees houses, places, small gatherings just to introduce these 4 tatvaas. Just call it as Intro to Inner Awakening. Go around. Constantly share these four tatvaas. Nirataras you guys are doing the right things.. Tatvaas can become satyas in you only when you are in communication. …tatvaas are new cognizance. The old cognizance will be threatened by the new cognition. Not only Listening, talking being in communication is necessary. continuoulsy necessary..now I can see when I started the routine of 4:30 earlier40% of people will be sleeping. Now 20% only struggle. Because the body is prepared….see our inner space now has flowered.even in Kumbha mela even t hough we did not have yoga, eventhere in freezing cold I was out. There was little cough because of that cold and all that. But I was out and not only that it is becoming part of our bio memory. Brahma muhurtha means yoga. It I s becoming part of life and bio energy.only when you add integrity you will find out the great state secret you don’t k now to think. You w ant happiness but you make the decisions always to keep you unhappy. In Kumbha mela we had a completion session. One Brahmachari says oh no,every body lives like this only. Only Swamiji lives what he is talking. I asked him - so if all the pigs are together, you will also be there? And he is completely comfortable with it. ..you are a person who cant close the eyes especially in front of me. You are not a meditative person. So stand and listen. During the completion, this brahmachari was saying because everybody lives in inauthenticity he is settled in inauthenticity. I was just laughing. See the funny thing to be auth you need only your blessings. To be inauthentic you need so many others help. Because you have to justify your inauthentic. Living among the human beings just not justify for you to continue to exist as human beings. Wake up! 'Uttisthita Jagrata Prapya Varan Nibodhata' - arise awake stop not till the higher consciousness is achieved in your life! The exact meaning from the word – this word is from Katha Upanishad – Uttisthita Jagrata Prapya Varan Nibodhata…means arise, awake, stop not till you reach the people of higher consciousness, satsang. Vivek translated as arise, awaken, stop not till the goal is reached. I tell you arise, awake. Stop – the goal is reached! Just arise, awake! Utthishtatha Jagratha. Don’t justify your inauthenticity because others are also inauthentic. Take responsibility for your inauthenticity and others inauthenticity. Go on having the introduction to four tatvaas. Continuously organize, organize. Even if there are 5-6 people, 2, 3 people. Even one person, start the introduction. when you are in communication, you live the tatvaas. I could see 11 days in the Kumbha mela the whole 11 days literally has become like a training for people to discover their inauthenticity more and more and clear it. It is like the fish bone is like a needle and is there in the entire flesh. You have to dig out, dig out and take away every thorn. Same way, when you dig out, dig out don’t be overwhelmed by your inauthenticity. Don’t justify your inauthenticity by others inauthenticity. …nobody is targeting you other than you…if you think everybody is targeting you, you are a fool. Many time people ask me why only are being targeted Swamiji? I say …no this time in KM we realized this is the prasaada I brought from the kumbha mela. People don’t care for media. No really. Before even I went to kumbha mela there was opposition..i was thinking when I land there, few fellows will stand there with balck garlands. Then after I started my …with 5k people dancing around me with the music and you should see the videos how people stand putting their hands on their head crying with tears of joy chanting…..all Hindu organizations and the people with feeling connection with Hinduism,t hey all are standing up. 44 in nirvaani, 52 in Niranjani and 77 in Juna akhaada. Not a single mm opposed my election. Not a single mm opposed. This 2,3 media fellows they wanted somebody to oppose na.they caught hold of a village guy who was walking.they put the kaavi on him and told him you tell this. That fellow …..like one Tamil nadu Arjunsampath one guy says I oppose, I oppose. What he is opposing? Nobody knows…please understand this maha mandaleshwar post is not given by one person. There is a election.see 80 mahants, 8 srimahants, 2-3 hundred secretaries and 43 maha mandaleshwars. I cant even know when t he election is happening. They will not inform me. And all the different representatives of the whole akhaada gathers before the election the agenda will be read out. It i s literally like a parliament. …they have a recorded democratic election f or years….democracy is not from west, it is from Akhaada because for 2800 yrs they have election…..200 to 300 secretaries are t here.they all have voting rights. Then the cabinet has panchayati. They have cabinet an the whole process starts with discussion. …it is not very pseudo secular. Not that one party decides and everybody …very open, heated discussion. In my case also three h ours heated discussion happened. I actually said I will come and I will sit on the ground and answer all your questions. If you are convinced give me the seat of maha mandaleshwar. if not, no. They said no we should not investigate swamiji directly.let him send2 disciples. I sent atma maneeshananda and Turiya.three hours there w as a strong debate, discussion, questions.when the voting time came unanimously t hey voted. Media was trying their best to cook up. This akhaada is opposing, that akhaada is opposing. But no akhaada gave any statement. They stood by it. Unanimously they voted. Then after the voting is over, they declared Paramahamsa Nithyananda is elected unanimously. See it is always not done unannimously when there were elections earlier, they was opposition also. Usually it has to be 75% voting. If below 75% the person will not be given the maha mandaleshwar title. In my case 100% voting….when I went I could see maneeshananda and Turiya were telling. Swamiji whoever questions they only are standing in the front and receiving you….Mahaa Niravaani is the oldest hindu organization apex body. Apex body means the supremebody where the democratic set up takes the decision. MA is the oldest hindu organization we are the convergence of both. The kapila’s jnaana that is jnaana ganga. Js’s devotion – Vaigai. Ganga and Viagai joining. That is the real stretnch. Und ma is the oldest monastery. Maha Nirvaani peet is the oldest apex body. See maha nirvaani is not just one place it is congregation of around 80,000ashrams and temples. 1 lakh temples an ashrams are under Maha Nirvaani. 80,000 are independently under them. 80,000 sadhus manage 1 lakh temples and ashrams everyday….l also saw people don’t bother about media. This is one of the biggest realization I had in km. listen, when we become authentic, you will stand any targeting. Even if you are targeted, when you are being powerless saying I am targeted. No body can target you other than you.if you a re strong enough nobody can target y ou. You know how to stand. Media tried to twist this also. He tried to give money. Almost 500 people have to vote there. You cannot give money to the 500 people and bribe and all 500ppl are richer than me…at least ma 1% you can believe that Swamiji has bribed. That is also not possible because Madurai aadeenam is ten times richer than Dhyanapeetam. Fools are those who live in denials. Listen, listen, listen. When you bring responsibility for your inauthenticity and others inauthenticity you walk in the line of Ketu. you save yourself. When you give up, make any overwhelming decision during inauthenticity, you become rahu…the repair you cause in your inner space becomes long task. Almost 100 maha mandaleshwars personally visited our camp or I went there. All of them had only one talk Swamiji you are a hero for all of us! Because even for one small thing we collapse. How you are standing tall. TN near Vellore one Swamiji built and golden temple there. Few days before Praana met him. Sqwamiji sent a message for all of you. He told praana please tell Swamiji and all the ashramites. He said in all our spiritual organizations, the leader will be a hero. But in Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam ashram all of you guys are standing these attacks. So each one of you guys is a hero. Of course I thanked him for his respect and the feeling he has for all of us. Listen when you standing with authenticity you win the game of life. When you make any other decision, while you are inauthentic. While you are feeling powerless, you cause irrepairable damage to you which takes years to repair and even the will to repair disappears. It is our inauthenticity we don’t stand together. When you radiate auth,, we stand together VHP president Ashok Singhal was telling me. All of you should know the goo news Tibetan Buddhism Dalai lama openly declared t hey are part of Hinduism and his lamas and he are part of Hinduism.the efforts of Ashok Singhal the Buddhists, Jains and sikhs have come to kumbha mela. Hew as telling me swamiji I even convinced Dalai Lama to …. The only 2 camps in Kumbha mela where food was being served continuously to thousands of people was the Sikhs camp and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. He said I am not able to convince Tamil Nadu aadeenam to come to Kumbha mela. at least next 3 years somehow bring tamil nadu aadeenams swamiji. I said don’t worry I can bring so many to kumbha mela. He was telling I can bring Buddhists and jains and sikhs. Anyhow, now it is our responsibility. only 2 in whole kumbha mela are from south - Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. 6 lakh organs have been given by UP govt. only 2 organizations had their tent in kumbha mela. Tt devasthanam and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Shankaracharya had a temple he stayed in that and did not put a tent. 600,000 organs were given land. Only two got land. Oldest apex body of Hinduism is Mahanirvanipeet. Stan with authenticity that is the strength. Go with ketu, never with rahu. Dial the avatar Radha - Pattapuram Parvathi -Chennai

Please sit straight. Cognize you have become Bidadi kalpa vriksha. Let your bio energy be awakened. Let you all produce the energy directly from the space. Namaha Shivaya! Let you all experience a complete intense kundalini awakening! Namaha Shivaya! Yesterday I instructed about the ears painting. it should not be on the door. it should be on the wall outside the door. If the door is open, they cannot see it. so it should be on the wall next to the door. blessings! Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 424 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 46 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 197 cities, 25 countries around the world as per the statistics!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing are –

Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 5th day and THE samyama 2nd day. 15th IA and 12th eNgenius 2nd day happening successfully! Kathmandu is joining. Blessings Kathmandu I can see you guys now. Great!

Today I wanted to expand on these 4 tatvaas. How they are inter connected and how when you pick up one, all other four join. Listen. There is a very beautiful Upanishad mantra – Shurnvantu Vishwe….aditya …by listening the life of nectar starts. O the world, I am declaring from my experience - Shrunvantu Nishve Amritasya…

It is from the listening the whole thing starts. It is from the listening the spiritual life starts. Integrity, authenticity, Responsibility, enriching. Yesterday I was expanding on Integrity. How when you bring integrity, breakthrough in your thinking happens. When you bring integrity automatically responsibility starts, authenticity starts, enriching others happens.when you bring integrity you have so much of space to live authentically. See why authenticity is overwhelming and confusing you know….I tell you two things should be completely avoided - one - Crying out of weakness and taking decisions when you feel overwhelmed. Crying out of weakness, when you cry out of powerlessness, all your major negative engrams gets deeply rooted in you. When the ploughed land is wet by rain water, seed can easily go in. ..same way powerlessly crying will straight away make your wrong patterns strong in you. 2nd taking any decision when you are overwhelmed. Any decisions taken when your overwhelmed is Rahu. Rahu was overwhelmed for nectar and he went and stood in the line of Gods. Rahu always does this to you he gives you wrong ideas.Any decisions you make including n your decision to come to ashram and live around me.. Even the good decisions if it is done by overwhelming-ness – it is only going to give you suffering, sorrow. Rahu is overwhelming power. Power which overwhelms you where you feel powerless and just give up. I tell you when you give up when the inauthenticity overwhelms you – you do irreparable damage to you. you cannot repair by prayaschitha. Just today morning one of my Brahmacharinis came and asked me Swamiji I think for few months I should give up my kaavi and settle in my inner space and then take it up. I told her, your Rahu is showing you the wrong prayaschitha. Unless you jump now, you will never be able to jump. All jumping into authenticity can happen only…the moment you say I will take time ….it is never going to happen. I tell you only in the game training period is separate and game is separate. In life you are just pushed to living life. I told her if you decide to take prayaschitha take more spiritual practices and decide I am going to fulfill these responsibilities also.

I tell you the prayaschitha for inauthenticity, the right thing you have to do for inauthenticity is take more responsibility. Rahu was overwhelmed with the desire for the nectar but he somehow wants to achieve it whether by inauthentic way or some way. he goes and stands in the line of Gods by cheating and inauthentic way and takes the nectar and drinks it. Vishnu cuts the head. The part which drank the nectar is Ketu. Listen. Whenever inauthenticity overwhelms you, the part of you will guide you to take more responsibility that is ketu. The part of you which tells you to give up, that is Rahu. Whether you are going to go behind Rahu or ketu you have to decide. Rahu and ketu both are going to be behind you when your inauthenticity overwhelms you. when your inauthenticity overwhelms you …if you give up you will do irreparable damage to you. when Rahu wins, it takes almost 12 years for you to break the pattern. If you have the will to break the pattern. It is very unfortunate rahu…even the will to break the patterns, the pattern breaks. When you start with integrity, the first thing you will face in your life you are overwhelmed by inauthenticity. Yesterday first day, first time Tamil Inner awakening, I was observing a very imp thing – only when they start thinking in the angle of integrity, people even don’t now how to think. Yesterday I gave them some questions on Muladhara and I wanted you to know not a single person wrote answer to the question. mind is such a powerful mechanism. You always wanted joy but you think for suffering! You want joy but you think for suffering. Yesterday we were working on integrity. Very nice this Tamil Inner Awakening batch is small group. So I am working on everybody. I tell you from my experience -learning to think is the first thing a human being should learn. Aligning to think as per your mission is very important. Anything I s okay….first aligning your thinking whether to your artha or kaama or moksha that itself is not happening for the human beings. I am just so happy for my Gurukul kids. At least they know how to think. No really. Just this one of our Gurukul kid - this one kid just that one boy what a authenticity he brought to whole Kumbha Mela tent you know. Our whole kumbha puri could feel this one boy’s authenticity. This one child is able to expose the inauthenticity of all the fellows. The whole team…the one child! I was feeling so joyful – wow! If I hand over the ashram to our Gurukul, ashram will be saved! Because many of our senior swamis, brahmacharinis, sanyasinis they were bullying on him to make him inauthentic. Prematma ate sugar. This guy went and said this is inauth. All of us have to have natural sugar any indian sweetner. ..come on, all the sanyaasis and sanyasinis have reached the Kumbhapuri ashram. She ate sugar, Swaroop went and told her it is inauthetic. Swamiji told very clearly you should eat traditional sugars which are not chemical. See I am not against sugar mills…there is no fight between sugar mills and me. It is simple instruction. Lot of researches are saying if the artificial sugar is not added then even cancer cells will die in 7 days. Immediately Ma Prematma said I am complete. Come on, hiding your face into the earth will not work. Whole world knows who is Ma Prematma. She said if you are not complete, it is your problem. See what a complete Rahu standing in the line of Gods. Rahu acting as if he is God. And then comes the Brahmanottama Ambananda Sri Sri Sri Ambanda Maharaj. Veda Vitpanna Mahotsava Alava Karana Alaya the asthaana archaka of the Dhyanapeeta Maha Samsthaana Nithyananda Devalaya. This fellow ..ambananda I am singing your glory, your pravara. Wave for all your followers. Sit. See this Ambananda fellow biggest pattern he has is sleeping. He does not wake up his whole life from sleep. He knows only two state – waking sleep, sleeping..sleep. So morning when the alarm rings, ten times he puts it off. Few days before I was reading in face book there is new type of alarm. Only when you get up and come out of the room and the bathroom only when you press your shower it will stop. Otherwise it will open the sprinkler. I think I should do that only for these guys.

Swaroop asked Ambananda - Why are you snoozing the alarm? Then Ambananda says with Integrity, I will not answer you. What kind of integrity it is? Listen. And he is the one who chants the mantras in the homas. Why do you think veda mantras are not giving power? With integrity only when you chant it will create vibrations. Whether your word is going to change the world or not is decided based on the integrity. Integrity is deepest foundation for the power of you word. This one child Swaroop literally acted as Nachiketa for tones and tones of Vajasravas we had in Kumbha Puri. Really. Finally at least Prematma went and completed with him and understood her inauthenticity and completed with Swaroop. Did this Ambananda do that?

Listen. Inauthenticity will not only create hell for you, it will slowly settle down and you will even forget you are inauthentic. listen.. degradation does not start in a big way. Suddenly you will see a person wearing a ten kg gold, you will attack and take that. It does not start that way. It starts with ten rupees, then hundred rupees…then enters into level of robbery, murder or anything. All degradation starts only in a small way.

There is a small story… In a party, rich young lady is dancing around. One guy goes to her and asks will you come to my house tonight. She looks up and down not answering. The guy says I can give ten million dollar. She smiles immediately and accepts the offer.when they are about to go to the car, the guys suddenly changes and says no I can give only ten dollars, not ten million. This lady says what do you think I am a prostitute or what? he says that is already established, we are now only bargaining over the rate.

So all crimes does not start in a big way. it starts only in a small way, then you forget. You think after all me stealing is established. ..morning when you are late for Yoga that is where the degradation starts. One of the great disciple of Rama Krishna – Brahmananda Swami he catches one brahmachari who was peeling the potato & says this shows you are not qualified for sanyaas…he says the way you peel shows your unconsciousness. Unconsciousness enters into your system only through small actions, does not wait for big actions. Listen. It is so nice to have kids who knows how to think. All Gurukul kids don’t give up on anyone even though they will try to bully you. I am seeing you guys are slowly giving up on your students. Don’t give up. Okay. See the sound of yes has reduced. ‘Yes’ is not coming from every mouth. Do you see. What happened to the ‘yes’? It goes away with inspiration. Don’t get inauthentic by them. Make them authentic.understand? continue to be Nachiketas. They might have lived but they don't know living….Really I felt just if I create kids like Swaroop and hand over the ashram to them they will manage. The power of inauthenticity is after two days it makes you forget you are inauthentic. Because remembering is very painful. That Is why you don’t talk about it. Yesterday I received some people's experiences. In Malaysia they had a sharing session about these 4 tatvaas. Rishi and Ma Nirantara were sharing with people there.when I received the feedback I was so happy now Malaysia sangha will flourish…understand manana happens by pravachana. In Vedic Tradition there is a beautiful proverb. If you listen you get 25%, if you discuss you get 25% more, if you clarify doubts with Guru you get another 25% more and when you teach you get 25% more. Nirantara has started doing the teaching. I tell you guys it does not need to be organized classes. Just gatherings, satsangs are enough.. All the participants of Brahmanayam bahu putrataam listen unless you are in conversation, communication, you are in pravachana manana will not happen. LA each one of you go to some gathering, go to some direction, some devotees house collect 20, 30 people just introducing and discussing these four tattvas. Muktikananda seattle, you and mukta both. And Umesh in Maatakallappu. Tejomaya, Suganthi, Atma Kalanjali in Toronto all three of you guys go to different different places ..who ever has attended Brahmanyam bahu putrataam go to different different devotees places continuously be in conversations. See, for ashramites, 7 to 9, I am doing completion sessions..

Same way San Jose and all people who attended Brahmanyam Bahu putrataam – Constantly be in communication with people. Only by pravachana, manana happens. Only by pravachana you discover the deeper layers of tattvas. If you are not going to be in communication, you are not going to find the power of tattvas. That is why I tell you being in the space where you can talk about tattvas itself is a heaven. Rishi Mitra every day you should have. Ma Chandra, Darshana Darshana unless you yourself do the pravachana you will not be out of depression. You will again and again fall back into the same pattern. I sent you to France to Help people, enrich them, only then you will enrich you.

Listen. Constantly. Constantly being in communication strengthens the tattvas in you. Each of the satsang centres constantly organize in different devotees houses, places, small gatherings just to introduce these 4 tattvas. Just call it as Intro to Inner Awakening. Go around. Constantly share these four tattvas. Nirataras you guys are doing the right things.. Tattvas can become satyas in you only when you are in communication. …tattvas are new cognizance. The old cognizance will be threatened by the new cognition. Not only Listening, talking being in communication is necessary. continuously necessary.. Not only that, it is becoming part of our bio memory. Brahma muhurtha means yoga. It I s becoming part of life and bio energy. Only when you add integrity you will find out the great state secret you don’t k now to think. You w ant happiness but you make the decisions always to keep you unhappy. In Kumbha mela we had a completion session. One Brahmachari says oh no,every body lives like this only. Only Swamiji lives what he is talking. I asked him - so if all the pigs are together, you will also be there? And he is completely comfortable with it. ..you are a person who cant close the eyes. You are not a meditative person. So stand and listen. During the completion, this brahmachari was saying because everybody lives in inauthenticity he is settled in inauthenticity. I was just laughing. See the funny thing to be authentic you need only your blessings. To be inauthentic you need so many others help. Because you have to justify your inauthentic. Living among the human beings just not justify for you to continue to exist as human beings. Wake up! 'Uttisthita Jagrata Prapya Varan Nibodhata' - arise awake stop not till the higher consciousness is achieved in your life! The exact meaning from the word – this word is from Katha Upanishad – Uttisthita Jagrata Prapya Varan Nibodhata…means arise, awake, stop not till you reach the people of higher consciousness, satsang. Vivek translated as arise, awaken, stop not till the goal is reached. I tell you arise, awake. Stop – the goal is reached! Just arise, awake! Utthishtatha Jagratha. Don’t justify your inauthenticity because others are also inauthentic. Take responsibility for your inauthenticity and others inauthenticity. Go on having the introduction to four tattvas. Continuously organize, organize. Even if there are 5-6 people, 2, 3 people. Even one person, start the introduction. When you are in communication, you live the tattvas. I could see 11 days in the Kumbha mela the whole 11 days literally has become like a training for people to discover their inauthenticity more and more and clear it. It is like the fish bone is like a needle and is there in the entire flesh. You have to dig out, dig out and take away every thorn. Same way, when you dig out, dig out don’t be overwhelmed by your inauthenticity. Don’t justify your inauthenticity by others inauthenticity. …nobody is targeting you other than you…if you think everybody is targeting you, you are a fool. Listen, when we become authentic, you will stand any targeting. Even if you are targeted, when you are being powerless saying I am targeted. No body can target you other than you.if you a re strong enough nobody can target y ou. You know how to stand. Fools are those who live in denials. Listen, listen, listen. When you bring responsibility for your inauthenticity and others inauthenticity you walk in the line of Ketu. you save yourself. When you give up, make any overwhelming decision during inauthenticity, you become rahu…the repair you cause in your inner space becomes long task. Listen when you stand with authenticity you win the game of life. When you make any other decision, while you are inauthentic. While you are feeling powerless, you cause irrepairable damage to you which takes years to repair and even the will to repair disappears. It is our inauthenticity we don’t stand together. When you radiate auth, we stand together. Stand with authenticity that is the strength. Go with ketu, never with rahu.

I bless you all let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

(Please note: This is a Rough Transcript of the discourse. Catch the re-telecast of the message at 6:30 pm and 11:30 pm IST on nithyananda.tv Satsang message is telecast after the Pada Puja)

Photos From The Day:

Pada Puja

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Dial The Avatar

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, Integrity, responsibility, enrich, manana, tattva, cognizance, bio memory, communication