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March 07, 2013
== Description: ==  
== Description: ==  
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda states that there can be nothing inauspicious in the life of a person who lives the four tattvas ([[Integrity]], [[Authenticity]], [[Responsibility]] and [[Enriching]]) and that such a person knows to convert anything he comes across in his life into auspiciousness. Muladhara, which is the energy center at the root of the spine means "Root cause of everything". Integrity is the chemical with which one can purify the Muladhara. Muladhara is the space from which 'word' starts happening, Naada starts happening. The very body structure changes when you are in integrity and authenticity. [[Prana]] is Integrity. Vyana is Responsibility. Udana is Authenticity. Samana is Enriching. Apana is [[Completion]]. Bringing yourself to self-completion and completion with others with Integrity, awakens [[Kundalini]] in the Muladhara Chakra. Verbalization is Cosmic Feminine Energy. Visualization is Cosmic Masculine Energy. When they both meet, creation of the Cosmos, Kala, creativity happens. The visualization capacity is directly related to Integrity. Muladhara has certain innate energy. If you add Integrity, it will become visualization. If you don't add Integrity, it will become fantasy. Fantasy means lack of Integrity. Your verbalization only becomes visualization when you have Integrity. Only then it becomes reality. If one has integrity, every word the Master gives becomes a reality in life.
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda states that there can be nothing inauspicious in the life of a person who lives the four tattvas ([[Integrity]], [[Authenticity]], [[Responsibility]] and [[Enriching]]) and that such a person knows to convert anything he comes across in his life into auspiciousness. Muladhara, which is the energy center at the root of the spine means "Root cause of everything". Integrity is the chemical with which one can purify the Muladhara. Muladhara is the space from which 'word' starts happening, Naada starts happening. The very body structure changes when you are in integrity and authenticity. [[Prana]] is Integrity. Vyana is Responsibility. Udana is Authenticity. Samana is Enriching. Apana is [[Completion]]. Bringing yourself to self-completion and completion with others with Integrity, awakens [[Kundalini]] in the Muladhara Chakra. Verbalization is Cosmic Feminine Energy. Visualization is Cosmic Masculine Energy. When they both meet, creation of the Cosmos, Kala, creativity happens. The visualization capacity is directly related to Integrity. Muladhara has certain innate energy. If you add Integrity, it will become visualization. If you don't add Integrity, it will become fantasy. Fantasy means lack of Integrity. Your verbalization only becomes visualization when you have Integrity. Only then it becomes reality. If one has integrity, every word the Master gives becomes a reality in life.
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Muladhara, cosmic, reality, visualization, verbalization, integrity, authenticity, responsibility, creativity, enriching, auspiciousness
==Transcript: ==  
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== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Muladhara, cosmic, reality, visualization, verbalization, integrity, authenticity, responsibility, creativity, enriching, auspiciousness
[[Category: 2013]] [[Category: Temple]] [[Category: Puja]] [[Category: Satsang]]
[[Category: 2013]] [[Category: Temple]] [[Category: Puja]] [[Category: Satsang]]

Revision as of 09:16, 23 July 2020


March 07, 2013


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda states that there can be nothing inauspicious in the life of a person who lives the four tattvas (Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching) and that such a person knows to convert anything he comes across in his life into auspiciousness. Muladhara, which is the energy center at the root of the spine means "Root cause of everything". Integrity is the chemical with which one can purify the Muladhara. Muladhara is the space from which 'word' starts happening, Naada starts happening. The very body structure changes when you are in integrity and authenticity. Prana is Integrity. Vyana is Responsibility. Udana is Authenticity. Samana is Enriching. Apana is Completion. Bringing yourself to self-completion and completion with others with Integrity, awakens Kundalini in the Muladhara Chakra. Verbalization is Cosmic Feminine Energy. Visualization is Cosmic Masculine Energy. When they both meet, creation of the Cosmos, Kala, creativity happens. The visualization capacity is directly related to Integrity. Muladhara has certain innate energy. If you add Integrity, it will become visualization. If you don't add Integrity, it will become fantasy. Fantasy means lack of Integrity. Your verbalization only becomes visualization when you have Integrity. Only then it becomes reality. If one has integrity, every word the Master gives becomes a reality in life.


I will expand on the 4 tattvas directly being related to your 7 energy centers.

Listen! Muladhara means root of… root cause of everything; root base of everything. What is muladhara? Word! Word you experience is muladhara – root base for everything. The word you experience is the root. Listen! So the word you experience needed to be aligned. Your muladhara is chaos, confusion. It is like a huge septic tank. Junk. Mahadeva is right when he kept both the septic tanks near muladhara. He is right because the muladhara is a huge septic tank. You do not know what all is there; Stinking smelling. Integrity is the chemical with which you can purify clear the muladhara . Now recently I have heard some chemicals have come. They came and showed me a demonstration. I have seen a presentation. I think some of our guys have given me a presentation. If you just put that chemical that whole septic tank will be clean. Shambava u gave me the presentation? Who gave me the presentation? Somebody gave me the presentation. I think in Tiruvannamalai. If you put that chemical the whole septic tank will become clean and empty automatically. Nothing else is required.

When they brought that chemical actually I wanted to name that chemical as integrity.


Integrity is the chemical you need to drop in your muladhara. You need to add in your muladhara. Listen, listen. Because muladhara is the space from which word starts happening. Nada starts happening. (Hindi… ) Integrity is the chemical with which we can clean muladhara. Listen. I will give you one example from today morning what has happened. I want all of you to know some of these basic truths, initial level truths. I do not have word inside me. I have only vision, visualization without verbalization because with enlightenment experience visualization only is left. Verbalization is taken away. It is taken away. So with effort only I will have to pick up verbalization for any utility purpose.


See, how you are all naturally having verbalization. With effort you will have to create visualization. Am I right? In my case naturally visualization, with effort I have to create verbalization. That is why whenever I see anything I see comprehensively. Whenever you see anything you always see partially. There is a big gap between what I instruct and what you understand. So today morning before the pada puja I was just seeing. On Shiva Ratri day, morning around after the satsang, I was just seeing all of us are taking bath in the Vaidya Sarovar and then one by one you come and declare. You receive the kavi. I was seeing and I could see very clearly kala bairava enters the body. And then when some people even though they declare for purna sanyas he just gives only naishtika brahmacharya dress. I was seeing I wanted to instruct this to Prana and ATP that morning we will be having the ceremony. After the satsang all of us will have to gather in the vaidya sarovar. We will have the, it’s called the last snan, antima snan because you will be doing your antima kriyas, the last rites. Nothing big just you will offer the shraddha just you will be offering the sesame seeds and rice ball; one ball remembering the elders who are dead and few flowers remembering your elders who are alive and one sesame ball and rice remembering your own self because you are dead, you are dead; remembering all the root patterns with which you lived your old life; the whole thing is dead. So you will offer the three - elders who are dead, elders who are alive, your own self. You will offer and then come and declare your sannyas and then you will come and receive the kaavi that time. Of course the name you will be receiving after viraja homa. So this was happening. Now whatever I described with so many words the whole thing happened in 2-3 second. So I have to call prana and ATP and instruct them to have the ceremony. There is no word, I am only seeing vision. I called them already. But there was no time. See when in the being it happened, only in 2 second but if I have to give it as a instruction at least it will take 2 minutes. Then after calling I heard the bell started ringing, means I was in the garbha mandir before the pada puja. Bell started ringing. Then I said alright go, bell is ringing, time is up. Then after that I was sitting and they did not understand why I called and why I asked them to leave.


Then I started meditating. What is this exactly what happens in me happens in few seconds so vividly all the things at a time but to transmit that as a instruction why it takes so much of time. And even then the person does not listen, he is not able to grasp. Many time after I give a thorough detailed instruction you miss, come back and say you did not tell this. How many of you have had this experience in your life. If you have worked with me you will be having it. It’s not that I did not tell. What happened? Yesterday also I told very clear instruction to Hamsananda paint all the other deities. Even these old deities which are painted paint them once more. But I don’t think he heard that instruction. So I was just looking what is this gap is all about. How nice it will be if I have people around me who also have only visualization. I can just transmit the visualization and it will all be done.

It just clicked me only when you have integrity in your muladhara you will have visualization capacity, you will have visualization capacity. You will not just have verbalization. Listen; if you have visualization then picking up verbalization is very easy. What is verbalization? Making thread out of cotton. Visualization is like a cotton. If you are cotton making thread is easy but if you have thread, making cotton is not possible. How many of you understand. When each one of you declare I know the level of integrity you have; I was so surprised and happy I was so happy when I read Turiya’s commitment yesterday. Did you see my reply? I typed tathasthu tathasthu tathasthu tathasthu tathasthu continuously. Because I can see he has so much of visualization capacity; means his being already has lot of integrity; maybe only the final touch little is required. Otherwise the being itself has so much of integrity. That is why his visualizations are very, very clear and comprehensive. When you commit itself I can say whether it is from verbalization or visualization.


Ma girijananda committed to have annalayas throughout the path we will be walking in 2020. The way she committed and asked the questions, everything, I know for sure she is from integrity. She has that integrity; because there are many things which will not come when you are committing out of verbalization. I was shocked even mukthipriya is having integrity. That is too much for me. If mukthipriya is transformed I would really like to have a vacation for few days. I will feel I have achieved something extraordinary and I will, really would like to pamper myself for few days of vacation. He has developed visualization.


Please listen when you add integrity suddenly your muladhara turns into the visualization capability. When the nada joins with bindu the kala happens. Visualization is bindu. Verbalization is nada means Verbalization is Cosmic Feminine Energy. Visualization is Cosmic Masculine Energy. When they both meet, the creation of the Cosmos, Kala, creativity happens.


Great saint from Tamil nadu Arunagirinathar sings

Nadabindu kalateetha. He sings about Subramanya, Subramanya as the embodiment of nada, bindu and kala. Listen, Naada merges into Kala only when there is a Bindu, visualization. Your verbalization merges into visualization and becomes reality only when you add Integrity to it. Till you add Integrity, your verbalization never becomes visualization. Unless it becomes visualization, it can never become reality! Can there be anything be made to reality if you don’t visualize? Tell me, can anything be made to reality if you don’t visualize? No. For example I give a word, you paint this deity. But the person who is supposed to do has to visualize taking the paint, rubbing it on the deity; what he is supposed to do. So the verbalization has to join visualization. Visualization will be there only if you have integrity. Listen if you are only continuously completing with yourself with others retaining the space of sampoorthi, you will have the visualization. Whether your muladhara is a septic tank or pot of molten gold, if it is a pot of molten gold you will be able to make a golden deity. If it’s a septic tank how will you make a golden deity?


Life is golden deity. Fortunately life is not made out of septic tank material; Even though you try to make. Life is a golden deity made out of visualization. kala, creativity happens when nada and bindu joins. The visualization capacity is directly related to integrity. Muladhara has certain innate energy. If you add visualization, sorry, if you add integrity it will become visualization. If you don’t add integrity it will become fantasy. Fantasy means what? Lack of integrity; nothing but lack of integrity. Whether what you visualize is going to become reality or not is dependent on your ability of integrity. Your verbalization only becomes visualization when you have integrity. Only then it becomes reality. Add integrity by completing with yourself all the commitments you made to yourself and all the commitments you made to others.


Listen if you have, if start having Integrity, every word Master gives you will just become reality in your life.

Today morning we were all doing yoga some discussion was going on. One of our brahmacharini was walking towards me the other brahmachari was standing behind me. When she was walking towards me suddenly I saw she was having exactly my body language because I blessed her you are my daughter bahuputri - bharavika only. I was, because; see for a moment maybe 30-40 seconds I saw literally I am walking. She is worthy because she has the integrity. She may need to develop authenticity but she has integrity. That one thing she is just like jnanatma. Because jnanatma has that integrity she makes everyone integrated. She doesn’t have authenticity so the whole team does not have authenticity. Because she has integrity the word I gave her became reality. For so many people I have given this blessing you are my daughter you are my son. For so many people I have given this blessing. I was shocked how come this word has become reality in her; Because of her integrity, the verbalization, you see I gave only as a word. I have not given visualization to her saying that walk like me, talk like me. No. I only gave a word of blessing you are my bahuputri, you are my daughter. I blessed her that’s all. But because of her integrity the word has become visualization in her. For few seconds I was so happy. Wow the word became reality in her.


You see I know my body language. My body language is a very balanced. The equivalent amount of left and right movement will be there. Because there is no suppression of masculine or feminine energy it is a complete the equivalent amount of masculine and feminine grace will be there. I know my body language. I was shocked she was having that same body language. When men walk, there will always be a slight suppression of left. When women walk, there will always be a slight suppression of right. How many of you men feel when you do your any action suppression of left is continuously there. How many women feel the suppression of right is there always? Raise the hand fully lets see. It will be there. If you observe you will find. Very rarely people have the complete, full body functioning with them. That is what I call GRACE...!'


She was carrying exactly my body language. It is just her integrity every word I utter becomes reality; means it becomes visualization. If you have Integrity, every word the Master gives you will just become reality in your life. Please listen when you are with integrity even the instructions I have not given will be realized in your visualization.

I have not told bhairavika walk like me talk like me. But I could see she just picked up my body language. You will see very soon people will ask is she daughter of Swamiji. No really the way her whole, please listen when you are with integrity and authenticity your body structure changes. Your body structure changes.


Turiya has committed that he will go beyond the need of food and sleep. I have given tathasthu specially one tathasthu for that. Because I know when you start living with integrity and authenticity even your body, your body starts taking a different shape. Even the instructions which are not given your being will start practicing when you have Integrity. When you do not have integrity even the simple instruction directly given - paint this deities and bring it tomorrow morning that’s all and even the deities which are already painted repaint them and bring them tomorrow morning and I gave the very clear word for tomorrow morning satsang I want them.

I am just confirming did I tell that word.

But unfortunately I did not tell him because I am going to speak on all these deities each one of them represent one, one tattva; please get them.


Listen when you do not establish yourself in integrity even the verbalization you receive does not become visualization. When you are established in integrity even the verbalizations which are not given becomes visualizations. How many of you cognize this? So bring yourself again and again and again to integrity, bringing yourself to the self completion and completion with others and integrity awakens kundalini in your muladhara chakra and same way, weeding out, completing all the negative, self-fulfilling prophecies, opens Swadhishtaana, releases you from fear!


Listen when you are established in integrity what is the first job you need to do? Weed out all the negative self fulfilling prophecies. I am 100% sure all the fellows who are now declaring for purna sanyas and taking sanyas they will be successful in purna sanyas they will be amazing diamonds for the world; Because unless you weed out the negative self fulfilling prophecies you will not be able to jump into sanyas which is such a big description. Listen in naishtika brahmacharya you have a shikha and yajnopavita which is used for prayaschitta. If you do something like losing integrity and authenticity, if you keep your yajnopavitha on your it’s called brahmagranthi the space between the thumb and the index finger and chant gayathri the prayaschitta the parihara is done. Or if you touch your shikha and chant gayatri, parihara is done. That is the prayaschitta. These two are actually instruments for prayaschitta. Even in the sangha anybody who is supposed to do prayaschitta when you declare you have to hold your yagnopavitha brahmagranthi on your finger between the thumb and index finger and declare your prayaschitta. But in sannyas both are taken away. It means what now you cannot have any more even the space for falling. After listening to this if you are even able to visualize the space for you where you are never going to fall from your integrity authenticity responsibility and enrichment I tell you guys I will make that as tathasthu. You will simply make it as realization. Anything you can visualize you can make it as reality. Still in the body there is a certain fear god I am taking I am taking. Tomorrow if I fail and this failing, failing again and again, doing prayaschitta if this becomes a pattern then I will not have respect for sannyas; if you are going through all this again, the negative weeds are not weeded out, integrity is lacking, bring it back. Bring your integrity back. With your authenticity visualize I am here as a purna sanyasi, the space of non falling, space of only completion to completion, fulfillment to fulfillment. It is just your capability, your ability to weed out the negative fulfilling prophecies and ability to visualize with authenticity and strength.


It is unfortunate you are always occupied with negative self fulfilling prophecies, you are very less occupied with your visualizations of your success. Jnanatma is too busy in contemplating if I declare 200 and it become 199 what will I do. Instead I will declare and there will be 300 people wow how beautiful the scene is going to be. No no no no no if it is 199 what to do tell me that; Too busy in that; because as per the past record we only failed. I tell you anybody who succeeded, till that success happened, as per the past record he only failed. Am I right? If he succeeded in 2015 as per the past record till 2015 what happened. He failed; am I right. Then if he goes on with his past record 2015 should not have happened in his life. Why did it happen? Now jnanatma is how can I create some difficulty in this theory? If this goes on he will prove he is right. That is not right at least for me. So how can I be in my comfortable zone of my weeds which gives me a very cozy safe feeling like yesterday I said,

You found out the question? She is now ready now.

Let me finish it. Like yesterday one of my ashramite was telling you don’t care for me. I know it is a pattern but I will not complete that pattern and get out of it. If I get out of it I will not ask for your attention and you will not care or me. Just because of that I will not lose this pattern I will keep this pattern forever. How many of your patterns serves any of your purposes. This pattern I am not going to be successful serves your purpose of non commitment to life. Listen life forcibly enters into your nose in the form of breath other than that you do not allow any form of life into you; whatever way it forcibly enters into you which you can’t stop only that you allow.


Prana is Integrity

Vyana is Responsibility

Udhana is Authenticity

Samana is Enriching

Apana is completion.

But unfortunately you allow only oxygen to go to your lungs and allow the lungs and the heart pumping that’s it; never allow life to happen in you. All this negative fulfilling prophecies keep the vested interest in you and does not allow the life to happen in you; keeps you in the space of very cozy. That is why always your imaginations are like - in one corner of the world where nobody is there, I will have one small hut with few fruit trees, just I will have my food and sleep there. How many of you have these kind of a cozy visualizations. Raise your hand, raise your hand fully. You need to know means rejection of life is constantly the thing for which you yearn. Even your visualization should be a huge palace where you sit and constantly inspire and teach to millions of people. How many of you have this as your regular visualization. You are all for life. I have a one liner from mokshapriyan –

I don’t like carrots and I am really glad I don’t like it because if I liked it I would eat it and I really hate eating it.

This is the perfect statement for lack of integrity. When you are in lack of integrity and you are suffering with self fulfilling negative prophecies this is your pattern.

Jnanatma has a question if jnanatma declares 200 her cognition says she is not being authentic and stops her from declaring that. That is why I am saying your cognition is based on inauthenticity; unable to expand continuously. As I said you must be having that cozy things as your visualization from the beginning. I will have one small house, one husband, one kid, one car, one small kitchen, just live; morning I will send them to the office and school and sit and watch devon ke dev in TV and then in the evening I will receive them and give them food and I have dinner together and sleep. The cozy visualizations, listen cozy visualizations are yearning for rejection of life.


If your cognition says 200 you know you have to work day and night. Already you have a clear negative weed put in you I cannot work day and night. I cannot make my team work day and night. I cannot visualize further day and night. I cannot do any advertisement marketing agency work. I will not get 200. Because already you planned you are going to be failure even if you work day and night you will not get 200 you decide you will not work. See even if you work you are not going to get it so that is enough to make you not to work and that naturally you will not get it. So the vicious circle. I don’t like carrot. Nice I don’t like it because I hate eating it. The moment you decide even if I work I won’t get it you are not going to work for it. When you don’t work you are not going to get it. When you make a decision, past record which never considered the possibility becomes the base material. When you plan for your future past record which never considered the possibility’s possibility becomes the base record. All I am trying to tell you is the possibility’s possibility is not being considered when you declare about your future. What was your past record when you have never considered about the possibility of possibility. Now considering the possibility of possibility is one of the major important new component introduced. In your equation why are you not considering that when you declare.


I know you don’t want to catch it. Catching it? Then I wanted to have vacation; then one more my breakthrough. Listen all your past record, when you created your past record, you did not have the intelligence of looking into the possibility of the possibility and the team which was working with you did not look into the possibility of the possibility. Now that is one of the biggest opening. Listen possibility of the possibility is Kalabhairavas eyes. That gives you the breakthrough in the life. That gives you the breakthrough in the life. Possibility of the possibility; if you declare 200 then now you know I have to do it. All the new methods of reaching out to people, enriching, come on get the web marketing department; Get this, this, this, this, this. All the ideas which I thought but never became a visualization because of my lack of integrity, let them all become my visualization and become my reality now. For the verbalizations which has not become visualizations, for that itself this lack of integrity and authenticity is responsible. Because you don’t stretch yourself you don’t expand the pond of muladhara, the verbalizations does not land on it and becomes visualization. The pot of muladhara is kept upside down.


All right I take the responsibility for this whole and with Integrity Authenticity Responsibility and Enriching I declare after this shivarathri we are starting Inner Awakening, what is the next one, May 8th. I give the number 1000 people will be enriched through Inner Awakening. You are very sure it is never going to happen. Am I right? As on now with your; now I will hand hold you and take the responsibility for your inauthenticity. That is what. I will hand hold you and take responsibility for your integrity authenticity responsibility and enrichment and you will see I will fulfill it. Ok. If I fulfill will you believe the 4 tattvas can give a breakthrough. Ok? All the devotees all over the world now it is my commitment! Now it is my commitment. I have to make ma jnanatma realize the power of these 4 tattvas. Unless I show in physical plane neither she will believe nor she will start living it. So I take this responsibility; you will see now. Jnanatma also gives the commitment whatever Swamiji says jnanatma will do. Great. And we will start the work. You will see. ok. We will have this game. No, because only when you stretch yourself with integrity and authenticity, please listen all the plans are already there in your mind brain as a verbalization. Because there is no space inside it has not gone inside and become visualization and reality. If you just stretch yourself with integrity and authenticity all those plans will suddenly drop inside and they will become visualization and reality.


So I declare with integrity authenticity responsibility and enriching May Inner Awakening we will be enriching 1000 lives. So listen now I have to prove my integrity authenticity responsibility and enriching. Only then jnanatma will be able to trust these tattvas as life, these tattvas are possible. 1000 is really unimaginable stretch na am I right? Absolutely. Unimaginable stretch. I tell you even if it 999 you don’t have to trust these tattvas. It is 4 digit, above 4 digit, ok, above 4 digit. It is public satsang. I cannot escape I cannot do anything. It is a simple straight forward fire walking commitment. Ok? But I am already seeing 1000 people sitting and attending Inner Awakening for May. I am not now thinking how can I justify if I don’t reach the number. In you, you must be thinking how can we fill the gap or justify if it does not happen. Am I right? Am I right? I just know for sure I am seeing already 1000 people are sitting and attending Inner Awakening. I am only now thinking which hall we will be able to conduct and all the resorts we will have to book or should we move it to some other place because 1000 people I am only looking into that. I am not looking into if it does not happen how will I justify and escape from this disciples, then the whole power of these 4 tattvas and even my capability of living these 4 tattvas will all be failure. I am not thinking any of that. I am only just thinking, I am only now visualizing already 1000 people are there and how can we conduct should we have extension of raja sabha. Raja sabha cannot hold 1000 people. So should we have a, make up a permanent or a temporary structure outside raja sabha for 1000 people to sit and do yoga. What all should be done. We have a next one or two months and how to go about? That’s all is happening in me.


All disciples, devotees, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world now it is my commitment; it means what? And I request all of you to bless this commitment. So ok how many of you are saying tathasthu come on let me listen loudly. If you are saying tathasthu you are stretching yourself into this commitment and make it into reality? Am I right? Am I right? So we just have 61 days 14 hours 25 minutes and 2 seconds. I can see already 1000 people participating Inner Awakening May 8 and all of them attending the classes, sessions moving around. One group will be residing inside the campus. One group will stay only in the night time in the nearby resorts. Some 50 buses standing to transport the people and getting them early morning 4.30 yoga and night taking them back to the resort. I can see. All you guys understand because I committed Buddha is in stake, because I committed with the dhamma dhamma is in stake. Because all you guys said tathasthu sangha is in stake. So we just have to do it. Ok?


How many of you are authentically feeling it will happen. Yes jnanatma wants to take commitment from me 1000 does not include guest registrations. Means, she thinks I will allow people freely to fill the number. No, no guest registrations. Jnanatma clarified. I will not allow people using my vito power just to fill the number. No. jnanatma any other commitment, loophole you think I will do, you can get it; get the commitments now itself; With integrity and authenticity no loopholes to escape or side jump. Clear now? Now only jnanatmas strong faith is shaking little bit. It may happen. He may do it. Then she will come up with a theory you are different I am different. You will not? You will not come up with any other theory? Listen I can see very clearly already the whole Inner Awakening happening and more than 1000 people attending, enriching themself and taking the decision of enriching others. And kalabhairava landing like a jet on them.


Come on. Each center how many of you guys are going to participate in my commitment? Oh God! Jnanatma you should not tell all of them supported you that’s why you fulfilled. So anything which I should or should not do in this whole process tell me. Ok now hereby I declare the power of only these 4 tattvas I use. See whatever powers are with me due to these 4 tattvas only I will use. Ok? But to tell you honestly all powers are given to me because of these 4 tattvas what to do? Because I practice these 4 tattvas! what to do about that then? Ok with them? Ok all right. So I tell Kalabhairava oh Mahadeva only the powers which are given to me because I practice these 4 tattvas and to share these 4 tattvas with the world, only let those powers be expressed through this body and fulfill this commitment. Ok. With Integrity Authenticity Responsibility and Enriching I request kalabhairava and declare only the powers which expresses through this 4 tattvas will express through this body and fulfill this commitment. Ok? All you guys understand, now Buddha has to prove, dhamma has to prove, sangha has to prove. Because all of us trust the power of these 4 tattvas, All of us are building our life based on these 4 tattvas, I have put these 4 tattvas at stake, power of these 4 tattvas at stake, because I know for sure they will fulfill themselves. Understand I know for sure I realized them in this body and they have a capability to fulfill themself. They cannot die because kali is not going to end. If they are proved wrong kali will end, the world will end at that moment. I don’t even want to say kali. Kali is the wrong word. The world will end that moment they are proved wrong. They cannot be proven wrong. They have to be proven right. Because it is satya yuga.


I don’t know what each one of you guys will do. Listen all of you who gave the collective responsibility declaration. Stand up. It is time for you guys to practice making impossible as possible. I am giving you the first space to travel with me to the space of making impossible into possible. Only through this, understand, only by biting the tail or leg of the mother lioness, the cub grows the teeth and polishes its teeth for hunting. Only by travelling with me now and making this one as reality you will have the training to make your collective commitment, collective responsibility as reality. Yes, yes.


I commit with sampoorthi shraddha upayanam and apyayanam that for the May 8th Inner Awakening I will inspire and bring 50 people from my purvashram community. I will enrich 50 lives through May 8th Inner Awakening. Nithyanandam.


Now Mahakalabhairava, all these people who have committed whatever integrity authenticity responsibility enriching powers I have let it be made available to all of them also. How much ever integrity responsibility authenticity enriching they have they will be able to express these powers and serve. Ok. So that is allowed. Eternal truth, true; but I making it as a reality because I am available in the physical body. Yes yes it is still going to be true. Yes. No you can use these powers even after May. So May is not just may it IS. Listen I am giving a new name for May Inner Awakening – May Inner Awakening Celebration. It is just going to be a celebration.

Photos From The Day:

Swamiji arrives Temple

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703136.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703134.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703137.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703133.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703135.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703138_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031310_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031311_0.JPG

Pada Puja

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031312_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031319_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_PadaPuja_7_march07031342.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031313_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_0703131.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031315_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Swami_Nithyananda_PadhaPuja_7_03_1307031343.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Swami_Nithyananda_Puja07031344.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031314_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Swasthi_Mantra_Blessing_Nityananda_Gurukul07031345.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031316_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031317_0.JPG

Morning Satsang

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031318_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031320_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031321_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031322_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031323_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031324_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031325_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031326_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031328_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031329_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031330.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031331.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031332.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031333.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031334.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031335.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031336.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031337.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031338.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031339.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_07031340.JPG

Swamiji Blesses All



Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Muladhara, cosmic, reality, visualization, verbalization, integrity, authenticity, responsibility, creativity, enriching, auspiciousness