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May 21, 2013
===Q & A Kailash Yatra Living The Tattvas - Kulaguru & Satguru===
== Description: ==  
== Description: ==  
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers a question on the significance of Kailash yatra. He explains that Kailash is a place where millions of enlightened beings are living in the energy field of Shiva. To benefit from this energy, we should make the yatra with an incarnation who can truly guide us. Nithyananda then speaks on how to know whether we are living the four principles. When every idea we have feels possible and every word we speak becomes reality, we have achieved [[integrity]] and [[authenticity]]. Finally, He clarifies that when we move from our kula guru (family guru) to sadguru, we are not committing guru droha – we are not abandoning the first guru. We simply graduate to a higher level of instruction and consciousness.  
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers a question on the significance of Kailash yatra. He explains that Kailash is a place where millions of enlightened beings are living in the energy field of Shiva. To benefit from this energy, we should make the yatra with an incarnation who can truly guide us. Nithyananda then speaks on how to know whether we are living the four principles. When every idea we have feels possible and every word we speak becomes reality, we have achieved [[integrity]] and [[authenticity]]. Finally, He clarifies that when we move from our kula guru (family guru) to sadguru, we are not committing guru droha – we are not abandoning the first guru. We simply graduate to a higher level of instruction and consciousness.  
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
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==Transcript: ==  
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Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss - Nithyananda!   
Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss - Nithyananda!   
==Photos From The Day: ==
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I welcome you all for today’s Nithya Satsang. I will continue answering your questions today also for you to practice these four tattwas.
1) Question: Swamiji, whether Karmas affect our business growth, wealth attractions? After this Inner Awakening can I come out of Karmas and whether the karmas are the truth?
==Link to Facebook Page==
Swamiji: Annamalai, please be seated. “Swamiji, whether Karmas affect our business growth, wealth attractions? After this Inner Awakening can I come out of Karmas and whether the karmas are the truth?’ First thing, karmas do affect every span of your life. “Karma” means what? Incomplete actions, thoughts, desires, patterns you created for you, and others created for you, is Karma. Listen! Incomplete actions, desires, commitments you created for you and you created for others is Karma. It affects your business, relationships, life, everything, including the wealth attractions. After this Inner Awakening, naturally, you will be out of all Karmas, because you learn the science of completion here. Not only you learn, literally I make you complete…. wait, wait, wait, and see to it that you become complete.
You are given the science of completion continuously. You learn the science of completion. This whole Inner Awakening is nothing but learning and experiencing completion. You can see the essence of this Inner Awakening is learning and practicing, experiencing completion. Karma is nothing but when you bite more than you can chew what you suffer is Karma. In the life also, many time you bite more than you can chew or swallow. Understand, Karma means completion, completion, completion. If you are struggling with what you are having in your mouth, means, biting more than you can chew or swallow, that is Karma. If you can complete, complete, complete and finish it, that is liberation from Karma, Vikarma! When you complete, please listen, when you complete with your spouse, suddenly your business will start flourishing. You may think how this and that is connected. ‘If I complete with my clients and customers, my business will flourish. That I can understand. How can my business flourish if I complete with my spouse?’ You don’t know! One incompletion can affect you in an unexpected way. If you have incompletion with your morning yoga, it can affect you with your evening vacation. So, incompletion can attack you anywhere, anyway. Understand, with completion you are free, liberated from the Karmas so naturally, your business, your life, relationship, everything expands. Everything becomes prosperous.
Just by physically bending the body, Yoga, you cannot achieve completion. Just by mentally practicing the tattwas alone, you cannot achieve completion. In modern day, the layers of problems need layers of solution. Your problems are not simple so that the solutions can be simple. You have layers of problems. So you need layers of solutions. If you just have only blood pressure, then you can say, alright, do yoga; that is enough. You have blood pressure due to depression and depression due to blood pressure, and both cause diabetes, and then some phobias, then some incompletions, then some broken relationships, then finally bipolar disorder, and then as if all these are not enough, poverty! When problems are complicated, solution has to be layer by layer by layer, complicated. That is why I am attacking your problems from all sides: Yoga, Kriya, Tattwas, Completion. In all sides attacking! Attacking … attacking your problems from all sides!
Real completion is not when you are in completion with the other person, but when the other person also comes back to you and completes with you and you enrich the other person with the four tattwas. That is the best thing you experience in your life. Am I right? Whatever is the best thing you experienced in your life, enrich others with that. That will keep on growing in you. If you think food is the greatest thing you experienced, enrich people with food. You will keep on growing food. You will see food is attracted to you. If you think money is the best thing you achieved, enrich everyone to achieve money. Give them the knowledge. You will see you keep on accumulating more and more money. Whatever you think is the best thing in your life. I have experienced in my life Enlightenment as the best thing, the four tattwas as the best thing. I keep on enriching everyone with that. I have everything I need, more than what I need around me, including enlightenment. I can see more and more and more energy, enlightenment experience, everything is happening in me. Keep on enriching. You will see completion happens in you.
Completion is complete not only when you complete with that person, but that person also learns the four tattwas and comes back and completes with you after finding his or her root-pattern. So, enrich them with the four tattwas. Now, how many of you are completely complete in this Inner Awakening? Raise your hand. Means, with whoever you are completing, they completed with you. If you are completing, they have not completed, it now your responsibility. Make sure they attend the Inner Awakening Level-1 and they find the root-patterns, learn the tattwas, come back and complete with you. Complete! You will see Karmas dissolve, business flourishes, relationships grows, above all, the joy and contentment of completion is with you.
2) Question: I am a farmer. I have some experience in farming. My son is in Sanatana Publishing Organization. He is unmarried. He is 47 years old and does not help me in farming. Then in future, we do not want food grown with chemicals so I do not have time to do yoga, meditation, etc. For people like me, how salvation, moksha can be attained? How can I be enlightened, Swamiji?
Swamiji: First thing, when you grow food, it can be completion; it can lead to enlightenment. You don’t need a separate time for completion and enlightenment. May I know the devotee ID number 214 Rama? Please be seated. Please understand, growing food can be an amazing way to complete. When you say you don’t want chemicals, food grown with chemicals, you are in Integrity with the food, you are in Authenticity with the food. When you make it, be responsible for the food, enrich others with that same food, you will see you will have wealth. I am not saying freely give away. No! Have the money required for keeping this cycle. But I tell you, even this when it is done with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and completion, you are enlightened! You are complete! You don’t need a separate time. There are millions of stories of farmers getting enlightened in our tradition. Just by enriching others with food, they have become enlightened. So, understand, there is no separate time required, separate action required for completion or enlightenment. Next.
3) Question: Enriching means, enriching me and others by fulfilling the expectations I have for myself and the expectations others have of me. In the book, 'Life Solutions', expectations are said to create suffering because expectations are based on our perceptions, beliefs and opinions. Can you please clarify the meaning of the word 'expectation' as it applies to the four tattwas, especially enriching?
Swamiji: Let me read the question. Suzanne Davidson? Long question. ‘Enriching means, enriching me and others by fulfilling the expectations I have for myself and the expectations others have of me…’
No! You are wrong! First step you are wrong! Enriching means, not giving upon you. Constantly make expanding you with Integrity and Authenticity, and expanding others with Integrity and Authenticity. It is not fulfilling your expectations or others’ expectations. So, Davidson, Suzanne Davidson, your definition of Enriching is wrong. I have defined Enriching very clearly. Get it now.
Second, ‘In the book, “Life Solutions”…..’, I don’t know whether I have written any book called “Life Solutions”! Is it my book? No! There is no book “Life Solutions”. It is only “Guaranteed Solutions”! ‘……expectations are said to create suffering because expectations are based on our perceptions, beliefs and opinions. Can you please clarify the meaning….?’ So I think I have very clearly clarified. See, I still stand by the word in “Guaranteed Solutions” ‘Expectations are said to create suffering.’ I am very clear about it. But Enriching is not fulfilling the expectations. In Authenticity you practice fulfilling others’ what you stand for others, what you committed with others, what you made others expect from you. Even for that, finally, you are responsible. So, now I think it is clear. If you understand, both are actually one and the same. Next.
4) Question: How does Kalabhairava manifest through Swamiji? Is there a process, like puja or meditation, or is it at his will? How does Swamiji feel after Kalabhairava settles down? The darshan is magnificent, electrifying and uplifting! Thank you Swamiji and Kalabhairava!
Swamiji: (Laughs heartily!) It is a very mystical question and mystical subject. I am on national TV. But I have decided I will answer this question. Anuradha Chary ID No. 220.. Please be seated. ‘How does Kalabhairava manifest through Swamiji? First thing, is there a process, puja or meditation, or is it according to his will?’ I can say, neither puja nor meditation or according to my will! When my will withers away, he manifests!
Let me tell you exactly what happens during Kalabhairava’s manifestation. It is like ten-thousand Nithyanandas entered into me! How many of you feel when the Kundalini is awakened the body is uncontrollably moving? Raise your hand. All of you can understand what I am saying. When the Kundalini is awakened, due you feel somebody else has entered into you? Nobody else has entered into you. But you feel you are not able to control your body. You are just floating in the ecstasy. You don’t know where your hands are, where your legs are, what to catch, where to catch. You are just in high frequency. Same way, I can say, when Kalabhairava manifests through me, the Cosmic Kundalini is awakened! It is like ten-thousand Nithyanandas entered into this body! I don’t do any puja or meditation or anything. Just I say, ‘Come on! Let me be the space now for Maha Kalabhairava!’ Simply, like a dam opened, He is there! ‘And how does Swamiji feel after Kalabhairava settles down?’ This is the next part of the question. I feel like a huge flood has settled down. After a huge cyclone how do you feel? The PEACE….! That is exactly how I feel. In PEACE! An extraordinary joy! See, when Kalabhairava lands, not only me, the whole presence, the whole breathing space, the whole hall, I can see the amount of joy he brings. Even if your question is not answered, the amount of joy he adds to the whole sabha, the whole being! How many of you really acknowledge what I am saying, cognize what I am saying? That’s it! It is a huge, huge and...It is a unexplainable, inexplicable! It is! It is! It is what it is! She also says, ‘Darshan is magnificent, electrifying and uplifting! Thank you Swamiji and Kalabhairava!’ Of course, you have to thank him. I am only the instrument he is using. Next.
5) Question: In Yoganandaji’s 'Autobiography of Yogi', Shri Yukteshwarji visited Yogananda and told him of the various astral planes and different planets. Swamiji, what is your experience with this?
Swamiji: Whatever Niteshwar Ji says, is completely truth. Its 100% truth and my experience is also same. Only thing, I wanted to add, tell you, as on now you don’t need to worry so much about the planes, planest, planes.  Establish yourself in enlightenment. Establist yourself in the space of positivity, possibility, leadership and enlightenment. Whenever required, the other planets & planes beings, they will come and visit you.
They will come and visit you for darshan, for blessings, for healing. Do you thing 310 inner awakening participants, you guys are sitting here and having kalabairava darshan. If you think only you guys are sitting and having Kalabhairava darshan, you are wrong. Hundreds, hundreds of siddhas, yogis, rishis come and have darshan, get their answers in their language. Each kalabhaira’s laughter is an answer for those beings. They receive the answer, enjoy the presence. So understand, when you are established, those beings come to have your darshan, blessings, counseling, guidance and everything.  Next
6) Question: Sawmji, How to complete with relationships where I had anyakara for them in the past, but don’t have any anyakara now, while they still have anyakara of me in the present.
Swamiji: Make them understand, I had anyakara and I dropped it. So slowly you also drop your anyakara about me, for me. Devendra, I know exactly what you are asking. Please be seated. Make them understand, you won’t be able to fulfill their anyakara about you. You did not fulfill my anyakara, even the commitment you gave me, you did not fulfill. Same way do that. But I am complete. I have no problem. But usually, when you give a word to the master, even if I am complete, when you don’t fulfill, you will never be complete. Because that’s the deepest relationship. The deepest relationship you can’t afford incompletion.
Make them understand, you will not be able to fulfill their expectations towards you. Take responsibility of making them understand without leaving incompletions with them. Don’t leave incompletions with them. Take responsibility, you can be successful. Next
7) Question: The next question is Inner awakening id # 39, Kirupanandan who is asking “when we finish inner awakening can I levitate and do healing,
Swamiji: Kripanandan, you can do healing.  Please be seated. You can , but I myself can directly tell you, regarding levitating, you also need to co-operate. From today, we are starting the process for levitation.  You also need to imbibe these tatvas very strongly. From today, every day, during energy darshan, you will be doing a special process called Shakti dharana, which will help to to awaken and experience the kundalini awakening in the form of levitation or even teleportation, means receiving Vibuthi or Kum Kum in your hand or something like all this way. So, understand, when you complete the inner awakening, you can do healing. I will put it in this way, when you finish inner awakening you can do healing, when you complete inner awakening, you can levitate also. Healing is directly in my hands, you don’t have to take any responsibility. I can straightaway give as a gift. That is why, I can take it away from you also. It is in my free will. But levitation, you also need to co-operate, same way, once you start, I cannot lock it. Even I cannot take it away from you. So anything which you are also responsible, Even I cannot take it away from you.  Next Question
8) Question: Swamiji, you’re  born for Hinduism, what about casteism, why in India there are lot of castes.  I don’t know all the names also. But why there is a waste/ reservations.  Why is there big caste and small caste. You are telling, Hinduism is unique, Bramhins feel they are great. Reddy’s feel they are great, Kumba’s feel they are great, Kamma’s feel they are great. What about all other castes.  When will casteism be destroyed.
Swamiji: It’s a very sensitive question. But I will answer. First thing you need to understand, Let me read the whole question. Swamiji, you are born for Hinduism, What about casteism,    First thing, you should be very clear, I am born from Hinduism, but I am born for the world. Not for Hinduism, So you need to correct. I am born for the whole world. You are asking, what about casteism.  This subject needs to be analyzed, with more sympathy and compassion than Marxists terrorists, Commie medias and pseudo secularists, militant missionaries and missionary militants.  Don’t look at the caste system from their view.  I am dead against the discrimination based on caste system – somebody is high, somebody is low.  No!  I am dead against!  But I am not against the caste system itself, understand!
You are asking, ‘Why in India there are a lot of castes? May I know you are from which country?  India? (Lalitha replies that she is from Hyderabad, India).  Oh, you are from India only!  You live in India?  You live in India only!  That is why you don’t know!  Go to any country, you will see the caste system on the wrong scales.
Listen!  In the U.S., night you hear the calling-bell sound, you go and peep through the peep hole. A small glass will be there on every door.  What do you call that hole. Key Hole, No!  there will be lens, see lens, No, not the key hole, Peep Hole !  You peep through the peep hole, If you see a man, white skin, fair-complexioned, and with a good suit, shoes, trim, handsome, how you will react?  Or a dark guy, fat, unshaved, standing, how will you react?
Understand, there is no civilization where there is no caste system.  When you see a black guy in the night, you automatically assume he is going to be attacking you.  He is there for the wrong purpose.  When you see a white guy in the night time, automatically you assume he isl not be there for wrong purpose.  He may be asking for shelter.
Understand, by nature, human-beings are animals which forms their own group.  Why?  Get into the flight.  Walk through the first-class to go to economy.  The fellows who are sitting in the first-class, how they look at you?  Is it not casteism?  No Brahmana would have looked at any Shudra in India in such a cheap way, the way the first-class passengers look at the economy class passengers!  Especially in the international flights!
So, understand, in all countries casteism is there.  Now in the modern day, in metropolitan cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, the apartments are there.  A-level, three bedroom apartment; two bedroom apartment, single bedroom apartment.  In one complex, three different towers will be there.  The single bed-room apartment residents, how they are treated by the three-bedroom apartment residents, do you know?  How many of you are cognizing what I am saying?  Then What ?
Understand, the western civilization casteism is based on money.  In India, in Hinduism, casteism was created based on knowledge.  But even then, I don’t agree any reservation.  I don’t agree any reservation.  I neither agree reservation for Dalits, nor agree reservation for Brahmins or Acharya Mahamandaleshwar post.
Finally, I decided, requesting them to change the constitution.  They all decided.  I agreed.  I am dead against all reservations.  Reservation is nothing but the outcome of vote bank politics.  It is just vote bank politics.
Why is there big caste and small caste?  No!  There is no big caste and small caste.  So understand, it is individual, individual, individual who lives, he is responsible for caste.  I tell you, caste comes by the action, not even by the birth.  There are many so-called lower castes. I tell you, Caste comes by the action, Not even by the birth. There are many so called lower castes.  Their statues, deities are worshipped every day by the great Brahmanas in all temples of South India.  Nandanar, Thiru Neelakanta Yazhpanar, all of them were so-called untouchables when they were in the body.  Now their statues are touched by the Brahmins!
So, in Hinduism, caste was never based on birth. It was based on the life they lived. It’s based on the character. It’s based on the character!
If you are a person running in confusion without direction, you are a SHUDRA.
If you are a person running towards wealth, you are VAISHYA.
If you are running towards power, you are KSHATRIYA.
If you are running towards knowledge, you are BRAHMANA.
That’s all. Your goal decides your Gotra, not the hole from which you came out. Your goal decides your Gotra understand?
Understand, I neither agree with the commie Marxist terrorists, militant missionaries, missionary-militant views about casteism, nor agree with the discrimination based on the casteism. Caste is based on your mental set-up, the responsibility you take it up and there is no high or low. Next.
9) Question: Is it true that once you get enlightened, all the generations above you become enlightened?
Swamiji: Catherine Parson, Catherine Parson? Yes please be seated.You are right. Once you get enlightened, seven generations above you become enlightened they are liberated because the power of your completion reaches seven generation immediately. Immediately all seven generations are suddenly relieved from the load of Karmas, load of Karmas, and they are enlightened. They are enlightened. They are liberated. Next question.
10) Question: Dear Swamiji, once the person passed away and the soul left the body for the next birth is it good to donate the body for medical research or the good organs for the present ready life? By doing this is it going to help the person achieve completion in present life and liberate the soul in achieving enlightenment?
Swamiji: First thing, if he is an enlightened being, preserving the body intact will be the best thing for the planet earth, because it will radiate so much of energy. If he is not enlightened, you can donate the organs and give the body for research that will be the best thing you will do for society. If you are not enlightened donating the body is the best way to last enriching, the ultimate enriching you will do for the world. If you are enlightened, keeping the body intact, either in the Samadhi or Jeeva Samadhi, is the best thing you will be doing to the world, because the body will be like a atomic power station continue to radiate energy and help human-beings continuously. That is why in Hindu tradition, only enlightened beings’ samadhis are protected, means, enlightened beings’ bodies only are kept, tombs are built and worshipped, or their body is left in Ganga, so that Ganga itself becomes eternal energy. That is why, I say, Ganga has at least one million enlightened beings’ bodies.One million enlightened beings’ bodies. So enlightened beings’ bodies should be protected, safeguarded, so that they continue to radiate the
energy. If not, the body can be cremated or donated for medical purposes nothing wrong it will only help that will only be the enriching of the society.
So, understand, in Hindu tradition we don’t have a standard policy about whether to cremate or bury. It depends on the person’s life.
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Kailash, enlightened, energy,Shiva, living, idea, reality, guru, graduate, consciousness.
[[Category: 2013 | 20130521]]
[[Category: 2013 | 20130521]]
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Kailash, enlightened, energy,Shiva, living, idea, reality, guru, graduate, consciousness.

Latest revision as of 18:15, 11 December 2020


Q & A Kailash Yatra Living The Tattvas - Kulaguru & Satguru


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers a question on the significance of Kailash yatra. He explains that Kailash is a place where millions of enlightened beings are living in the energy field of Shiva. To benefit from this energy, we should make the yatra with an incarnation who can truly guide us. Nithyananda then speaks on how to know whether we are living the four principles. When every idea we have feels possible and every word we speak becomes reality, we have achieved integrity and authenticity. Finally, He clarifies that when we move from our kula guru (family guru) to sadguru, we are not committing guru droha – we are not abandoning the first guru. We simply graduate to a higher level of instruction and consciousness.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the viewers of Sadhna TV and Lotus News channel, Disha, Eshwar.

I will expand and respond on your questions today also so that you can internalize the four tattwas.

Q. Ma Maneesha: The first question today is from a devotee who is asking, ‘Swamiji, can you please explain the significance of going on Kailash Yathra? What is the significance of visiting Kailash with an incarnation like Swamiji?’

Swamiji: Kailaasa! Again and again, I try to explain about Kailash, about the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra, simplifying Kailash-Manasaraovar Yathra and Visa, both Prime ministers have signed. I will take this as an invitation from Kailashanatha. See the coincidence! Just now I am seeing the scroll! Indian Prime Minister and Chinese Premier, both of them have signed an agreements to simplify the Kailash Yathra Visa process. Anyhow, beyond the political boundaries, the Kailash is.

I will just make few statements about Kailash. Understand.

If politically there was no problem and if I am allowed, I will naturally stay only in Kailash and have the Headquarters only in Kailash! Please understand, it is a place where at least one million enlightened beings’ bodies still residing. At least, one million enlightened beings are alive, radiating their energy! At least one million enlightened beings live there!

The place is a statement by Mahadeva about his glory. See, sometimes you need to make a statement in the language people understand. So, Mahadeva makes the statement about his presence by creating a place like Kailash. You cannot call it as natural wonder. It is supernatural wonder! You should experience it with the person who knows the whole Kailash.

See, it is like when you come to the ashram, if you have a friend or relative inside the ashram, as an insider, he will better take you around and show you and make you comfortable and make you experience. That is the reason I called all these twenty-five people from all over the ashram as my guests, just to make you guys comfortable. Rishi Niranthara and Ma Niranthara will make all the devotees came from Malaysia comfortable. They will continuously be in touch and ask what do you want and what to expect next, and what is the next program. Keeping you updated and attending to you. It is like a kind of comfort zone. Same way, all the organizers from U.S., when they are here, you know some known faces are there. Same way. If not you will feel like a cultural shock because you don’t know, first of all, what is this big lamp with 108 wicks and, first of all, why will somebody light these 108 wicks with so much of effort every morning and show it in front of a man with all the ear-blowing music and with the loud chanting! Almost for three minutes everybody goes crazy! And then it is like settling down. You wonder why every day these guys do this! And, suddenly, you see the friend who travelled with you in the flight who was talking to you very nicely, who was very close to you, suddenly he declares, I am completing with you, ‘I am becoming a Swami!’

When you have an insider as a guide, he will take care that you don’t get the cultural shock. If you have an insider, you can avoid lot of cultural shocks and also you can get exactly what you want from this place. Same way if you go to Kailash with an insider, you get the best of Kailash. That isthe reason I ask you to go to Kailash with the incarnation. Incarnation is insider! This year again July 25th to Aug 9th we are going. Earlier I declared that I will not be going to Kailash Yathra this time, but my doctors have said I can go, my body is ready so we are giving the date. I myself will be accompanying between July 25th to Aug 9th for the Kailash Yathra. I will be with you guys. So if you want more details, you can go to http://en-yatras.nithyananda.org

Next Question.

Ma Maneesha: The next Question is from Inner Awakening hall Volunteer Ann Marie who is asking I have been dealing with this question from long time now. I cannot stand people who complain all the time and who always blame others for what happens to them. So I turn my back on them. In other words I let them down which is exactly the contrary for what you teach us. I have been told that I have the shortest fuses around. How to strengthen my nervous system and develop patience. How can I create an inner space of love, compassion and pure listening.

Swamiji: I am surprised Anne Marie also is telling, ‘I cannot stand people who complain all the time and always blame others for what happens to them’! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just yesterday, one of my sannyasini was telling about her assistant; she is a brahmacharini going to become a sannyasini. The sannyasini is telling about her assistant the brahmacharini, ‘Swamiji, whatever I did to you, she is doing exactly that to me and I can understand now all the torture I gave you!’ Life is like this only! Whatever you give, comes back to you! Comes back to you! Sometimes, it takes a little time. Sometimes, it comes back immediately.

Anne Marie, I will give you only one technique. Don’t bother about developing compassion, love and all. Just develop pure listening. That is all you need. Nothing else. The translation you are doing, do that itself intensely. If you sit intensely, you will know the next statement am going to utter. You will know the way I am leading the conversation. Translators by now should know how I am going to lead the discourses, satsangs and how I am going to end. Only then you are in listening. So, develop that listening. You will experience, you will realize the space of patience. I tell you, having both intense passion and tremendous patience is living enlightenment. Sometime your inauthenticity shows like patience inside you. If you believe that, you are cheated. Over! Sometimes your passion does not have the patience. Again you waste the life. You should avoid both. Intense passion and tremendous patience! Intense passion and tremendous patience!

Anne Marie, I just wanted to tell you one thing. You are not shortest fuse. Don’t worry. There are some more fuses which goes off the moment they see. So you don’t have to develop anything else. You have the right nervous system. You have everything else. Just you need to develop little more listening. That is all!

Next question.

Q. Ma Maneesha: The next question is from Anuradha Chary, Inner Awakening ID No.223 who is asking, ‘How can we measure that we are living Integrity with integrity, Authenticity with authenticity, Responsibility with Responsibility? What are the parameters? How can we improve and strengthen the four tattwas and how can we recognize the peak?

Swamiji: You will feel the completion and the space of Positivity. Means, whatever you utter will become simply reality and you will utter the words only which will become reality. See, you will be in such a space of positivity. First of all, there won’t negativity in you, and you will utter the words only which will become reality. Your words will simply become reality. The space of Positivity! If you are living Authenticity with authenticity, you just know, anything is possible in your life. Whenever a thought comes, you will know it is possible. How many of you feel still, when a thought comes, no, it is not possible for me? Raise your hand. (People raise their hand). Then you are all not living Authenticity with authenticity. When you live Authenticity with authenticity, you simply know, any thought comes to you, any thought you give birth to it, you know it is possible. Whether I want to do it or not I will decide, but it is possible. When you live Responsibility with responsibility, you will feel you are the lord of the universe. Everything is in your disposal. Everything is under your disposal. If you are really enriching, the enriching itself you will live in the space of such a sweet undefinable space, you will know you are in enlightened space, you are in the space of enlightenment.

Yesterday, somebody came and asked me in the energy darshan, if I feel I myself don’t have significant shifts in my inner space, how can I enrich others? That is exactly the reason I want you to enrich. Start enriching. You will see a significant shift in your inner space. You have such a self-doubting, agnostic pattern inside you. Start talking to people. He asked me the question, ‘Now I am asked to convince people to come for Inner Awakening.’ Don’t worry, if you think you are asked to work for my benefit, you don’t need to convince them to come for Inner Awakening. But share the four tattwas with them. Help them to do completion. You are not working for my end. Even if a million people attend Inner Awakening, I am not going to get even one inch anything extra in my life. Whatever I need for my life, I have more than that. I have enough of people who love me, who shower everything on me. First of all, I don’t need anything. Anything I need, I have ten times more people to shower that on me. I have not even told anybody to make these kandi and give. I was glancing a photograph of some mutts and adheenams and and sannidhanam, the old Sannidhanams’ photographs. I was studying their biography. So I just looked at this mala which was there in the photograph. Sannidhanam was wearing exactly this mala. I just looked and said, ‘Wow! It looks very nice!’ That is all! Nothing else! They wanted to give this to me as a surprise. But, of course, I found out what they were doing. That is different! How can they surprise me?

So, all I am trying to tell you is, even if a million people attend Inner Awakening, I am not going to gain anything. So understand that. Through enriching I am not asking you to work for me. I am asking you to work for you. All you need to think is, if somebody attends the Inner Awakening, what is it that fellow will gain? First thing, you will have a friend with whom you can relate for you. For him, he will have a new life. I am not going to have anything extra. Fortunately, please understand, in my ten years of public life, not even once I asked anybody anything. I only gave it to people more than what they gave. I only showered on people more than what they gave. Not an iota of anything will be added to my life even if millions attend the Inner Awakening.

So, understand, you enriching will cause two things. First of all, your constant doubting logic will be broken. You will experience a significant shift. By talking those principles again and again, you will expand, you will be inspired to live, you will raise you. The easiest way to practice Authenticity is to talk about it to others. You will simply become authentic, I tell you. Catch people and start talking about Authenticity and Integrity.

One of my Swamis is there, Bhakthimayananda, Shri Bhaktimayananda, every night before sleeping, whether it is 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock, he will catch hold of somebody and talk about these four tattvas for one hour. If he does not get anybody, he will call his mother who will patiently listen. But I tell you, he will talk to the same person and talk about the four tattvas everyday. And that poor fellow on the other side, whether he woke up or he is still sleeping, he does not care! But, I tell you, it has done so much transformation to him. Go on talking about it. Enrich people about these four tattvas. You will be enriched in different, different ways. You will discover different, different ways to live the Authenticity, imbibe Authenticity. If you think if you send people for Inner Awakening you will be supporting my business, you don’t need to. Then you yourself start taking Inner Awakening. I have no problem. Nothing is copyrighted. I have not copyrighted any teachings. Whoever gave me the letter yesterday, you start taking the Inner Awakening class. I don’t say no. I will give you complete freedom and my blessings and support. If you want I will give you one throne also. You start taking. Only when you start taking you will understand, Oh, what a responsibility it is! What a responsibility it is! I tell you, it is your mind. When you enrich, you will see a powerful shift in your inner space. Enriching is literally empowering the other person. Whenever you empower the other person, you will simply be empowered. You will be empowered.

One guy goes to a Zen Master and says, ‘I am confused. I am in doubt. I have doubt about the whole thing.’

Master says beautifully, ‘Starting giving clarity to others!’

The Master is right! When you start giving clarity to others, you will see you get that clarity! You get that clarity! Not an iota will be added to my life even if millions attend! But even if one person attends, life will be added to his life. Your life has nothing which can add to my life. My life has everything which can add to your life. I am not talking out of arrogance or ego, please understand! I am just straightaway stating the facts.

Next question.

Q. Ma Maneesha: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.149, Helen, who is asking, ‘How to complete with someone who thinks it is always the other person’s fault and he is lying all the time?’

Swamiji: Take the responsibility for others’ inauthenticity also. Have patience. Do the completion again and again. When you again and again sit with him and talk to him, one good thing about lying pattern is, you cannot continuously lie, because you cannot remember the same statements again and again! Understand? With the lying, one big problem is, you cannot remember the same thing again and again. Telling the truth, one great benefit is, you don’t need to remember. Because, truth is truth is truth. How many of you try to lie the same thing, but forgot the facts or numbers and got caught? (People raise their hands). True! One good thing about the lying persons is they won’t be able to lie continuously. So, you go and sit with them and complete again and again, you will simply see they themselves will find the loopholes in their lying pattern. You don’t need to poke holes. Their own inner space will poke holes. They will collapse! I know the people who are watching on national channel, they won’t understand what is this! Only my request to the television viewers, listen, listen. So, your own mind, the people with lying pattern, their own mind will make them understand they are lying. They are lying.

Have a little patience and start doing completion again and again. I tell you, there is nobody who cannot be melted by the completion process. Even the stone will melt when you complete with it again and again and again.

Next question.

Q. Ma Maneesha: The next question is from Rohit Mahaveer, Inner Awakening participant, who is asking, ‘I understand how smoking is harmful for the health. However, since tobacco and cannabis also known as marijuana come from the earth, I wanted to know if researches on responsible uses of these plants are worth my time.’

Swamiji: See, there are already methods are there for responsible use of these plants. They are used as medicine in some of the systems. You don’t need to waste your time. There is a medical marijuana used as a medicine. But as a drug it should not be used. There are some medicines which uses marijuana. For medical purposes already they have discovered how to use. I don’t think you need to waste your time or you need to spend your time doing research on it. But I wanted to put it on record that I am completely against any form of using tobacco, marijuana, other than medical purposes.

Q. Ma Maneesha: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.160, Ram Prasad, who says, ‘Nithyanandam, Swamiji. We come from the Vaishnava tradition. We kept samaasanam with our acharya and we considered him as guru. If we are taking sannyas from here, does it mean it will be considered as guru droha?’

Swamiji: Please understand, the guru from whom you received the initiation is Kula Guru. Going to Sathguru for enlightenment is not guru droha. It is going to the next level. It is like, ‘O! I studied first standard, second standard in a primary school. If I go to a college, is it not guru droha for the first standard, second standard teacher?’ No! The first standard, primary school teacher should actually send you to next level. If he is not sending only, it is guru droha! If you are not going to the next level only it is guru droha! You had a Shankha Chakra Mudra. It is great! Now come on, become Vishnu! It is time. “Vishnu” means, sarva vyaapi – all pervading.

Kula Guru should send you to Sathguru. Kula Guru is the person who creates the right patterns in the young age. See, Ma Advait is a Kula Guru for Gurukul kids. She creates right patterns. She should be sending them to me. But fortunately, for Gurukul kids I am continuously available. So, immediately the Kula Guru’s guide them to the Sathguru. All your school teachers are Kula Gurus only. All the people who made the right patterns happen in your life in the young age are Kula Gurus. The Kula Gurus should lead you to Sathguru. Going to Sathguru, taking up sannyas, is not guru droha. It is the real guru seva. So, going to the Sathguru and receiving sannyas is actually leading you to the next level.

If you see all great Masters’ life, a scene will be there, from the Kula Guru they will move to Sathguru. And Kula Guru is from your family. Sathguru is your option in Vedic tradition always. All communities use to have Kula Guru. He will initiate you into Shiva Puja, or the Vishnu Puja, or the Devi Puja, whatever is your family deity. In that worship he will lead you. Means, he will create right patterns for you to evolve. Then Kula Guru gives daiva bhakthi, and Sathguru gives daiva bhakthi and he turns the daiva bhakthi into atma bhakthi. Kula Guru gives daiva bhakthi. Sathguru gives atma bhakthi. This is the way the bhakthi evolves. I have given a detailed satsangh on it. First you meditate on many gods, go to many temples, do puja, homa, everything. Then you slowly settled down with one god. You worship only that one god, do prayer, meditate, do japa. Suddenly you see somebody and realize that very god is walking in this body. Something clicks. Then you know he is your Sathguru.

Going to the Sathguru is the real seva you will do to your Kula Guru. It is like right next step. Whenever an incarnation happens, all traditions merges in him. Whether it is Shaiva or Vaishnava, Shaktha or Christian, Islam, Jewish, all traditions merges in him. He gives life to all traditions. I tell you, all Kula Gurus naturally will lead you to Sathguru.

Kula Guru will always usually be married. So he cannot even give Sannyas to you. Only Sathguru can initiate into Sannyas and lead you to enlightenment.

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss - Nithyananda!

Photos From The Day:

Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-16.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-12.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-13.JPG Meru and Ambal Swamiji's Utsava Murthy Dakshinamurthy https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-11.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-1.JPG Padhuka Puja https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-2.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-3.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-19.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-4.JPG Morning Satsang https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-6.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-8.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-17.JPG https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-21-05-13-18.JPG

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Kailash, enlightened, energy,Shiva, living, idea, reality, guru, graduate, consciousness.