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Nithyananda Diary | Padukapuja | Satsang | Dial The Avatar | Nirahara Samyama | Sarvadarshan


In today’s morning satsang from Bali, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gave us a deeper understanding of completion.. He advised us to never postpone completion. Only completion is useful in your life, whereas everything you accumulate while in the body is useless. He revealed that small penny incompletions can be solved by authentic listening, intranalyzing or radiating all the other larger incompletions we should complete.

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam ||
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Janashree TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing all over the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Bogota-Colombia, Santa Fe-New Mexico, New York-Varanasi, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Devon-UK, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Sharjah, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Paris-Home Temple, San Diego-La Jolla, Ohio-Prayag, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Kathmandu-Nepal, Sannyas yatra coming from Rajapalayam.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, all over the world, devotees start the Jeevan Mukthi Vratha, twenty-one days, which ends on December 26th on the eve of Jayanthi. So, all the devotees can start the Jeevan Mukthi Vratha today.

And I also express my heartfelt condolences on Nelson Mandela’s passing away. All his family and friends and the country people, to all of them, I express my heartfelt condolences. And I also pray that let his soul rest in peace.

Today, Inner Awakening sixth day! Actually, it feels like a long time, because so much is happening! Today, we will work on “COMPLETION”. Because, we are having very intense sessions every day. Yesterday, almost four hours we had just one session! Just my session - almost four hours! Not only I did not move, the whole group did not move and did not even remember it is four hours! See, four hours you guys sitting and listening to me has happened many times; but four hours with the same sincerity sitting and listening to others is happening for the first time! Because, even if you felt a little bored, immediately coffee, rest-room, snacks - you would have run here and there, or moved from here to there, there to here! But, nothing, no restlessness and no sleeping!

Today we will work on “COMPLETION”.

First, we worked on Listening, Authentic Listening; then Manana, Intranalyzing; then Nidhidhyasana, Radiating, Living; and now Completion, Poornathva. Actually, only when you do all these three, you will understand your real incompletions. Only when you authentically listen, actually when you authentically listen, all these “penny” incompletions will dissolve by itself. When you authentically intranalyze, every petty incompletions you have, penny level..... But most of our incompletions are not worthy of more than two or three pennies. It started only with two pennies, three pennies. Nothing is worth more than five pennies maximum. If you want to sell all your incompletions, maximum I can give five pennies, not more than that; because, nothing is worthy of more than five pennies. Most of it will melt down with authentic listening and intranalyzing and radiating. Even after all these three, if something does not melt down, some incompletions do not melt down, only those incompletions need your attention, only with those incompletions you need to work and complete.

Don’t do child play even with incompletions. Don’t be too foolish, playing with small, small incompletions – ‘No no, no, I put red colour Bindi here, black colour Bindi here, it became incompletion in me’! No, as I said, all penny incompletions. After these three – listening, intranalyzing, radiating – if you still have some incompletions, you need to attend to them. Only those incompletions are even worthy of your Completion; otherwise don’t sit in front of the mirror and waste your time attending to all penny incompletions, petty incompletions. Don’t waste “mirror hours”. When you sit in front of the mirror, you should be mirroring the neuron activities of Swamiji’s brain. Don’t waste the time, mirror hours.

Sometimes people ask me, ‘How do I know, Swamiji, whether I have incompletions or not?’

If your mouth is smelling, will you not know? You will know! Same way, if your mind is smelling, you will know!

When you have something inside, you know it.....you will know it! If you have a mouth smell, even if you don’t know, the way others near you react, you will know! Same way if you have incompletions inside, even if you don’t know, the others - way they react near you, you will know! That’s all!

I tell you, the greatest thing you should acquire in this life, in the human body is Completion. For example, you work whole life - thirty-five years, and make money in dollars. Suddenly you move to India where you need rupees, and your dollars cannot be converted into rupees. What will happen? The whole thing is waste! Same way the vice versa. You work whole thirty-forty years of your life in India, make rupees, and suddenly you go to some other country, Europe, and you cannot convert all this money into Euros, what will happen to you? Waste! You are not accumulating, acquiring what is going to be useful for you forever. Same way, listen, anything you accumulate while you are in the body will be useless. In the exchange, after you leave the body you are going to go to some other place where space, the exchange rate - the exchange is not possible, exchange rate is zero! Only Completion can be exchanged. That is the only thing which will come with you.

The power you feel with Completion! Completion! I tell you, when you bring Completion into the body, your every organ celebrates you, your stomach co-operates with you, your heart co-operates with you, your lungs co-operate with you, your brain co-operates with you, every organ blesses you, feels joyful, creates joy.

Incompletion is the hangover and residue of the past - memory, incidents, situations residing inside you in the present moment and restricting your cognition and your life. I tell you, sometimes your incompletions do irreparable damage to you. Don’t think, ‘I will complete after one year, after two years...’ No! Take it seriously! Because, your incompletions don’t keep quiet, like terrorists don’t keep quiet. You cannot say, ‘After two years I will fight with terrorists.’ Till then they will not let you live; they will finish you off! Terrorists do not let you live! Incompletions - incompletions do not keep quiet. They go on destroying everything related to your life’s purpose, everything you need to fulfill why you are on the body, why you are embodied, everything you need they will destroy.

Listen! Don’t postpone completing with your incompletions, because they destroy whatever you have. They destroy your very purpose of existence! Incompletions - actually incompletions literally act like your enemies sitting inside you. They have a very sadistic pleasure. Even if your need is too small, just with one small flower you will be joyful, they will not let you have even that small flower. They won’t let you have even that small flower. Incompletions have very sadistic pleasure. They will exactly go and make only that flower wither away! Just you should not get that flower, that’s all! You can see in your life, very ordinary things which every Tom, Dick and Harry gets in life, when you want it, you will be suffering, you will be struggling to get. You will not be getting it and all the fools in the street will be having it and wasting it! Not only having it, but wasting it! When you want, when you are struggling for it, you won’t get a bit of it. How many of you have this kind of experience in your life? (People raise their hands). I tell you, what stops you is exactly your incompletions, because your incompletions make sure even if it is too small, you don’t get what you want. Even if it is too small!

Just you want to pierce your ears – you will see that person will not be there, the machine will break – just before one fellow would have come and pierced his ears and the machine has broken, or that fellow had allergy. This fellow who pierces says ‘No no no no no, I’m afraid, suddenly I’m feeling fear. I’ll change the drill bit and call you day-after-tomorrow. And day-after-tomorrow when you call him back again, ‘No no no, I’m on vacation for next ten days’’! Small thing!

For example, just one specific dress you wanted, a white colour dress. You will get all other colours in the shop, but white if you ask, they will say, ‘No, If you order, you will get it.’ How much time you will take? ‘Two months!’ After two months, the textile industry is closed! And then, after two months, ‘I will try to order from some other shop’, and, after one year, the shop guys says, ‘No, my business is not doing well. I am going to close the shop’!

Incompletions are very sadistic, please understand.

I have seen people playing very wrong games with incompletions. For example, you really love somebody, you want to get closer to that person, but your heart is not understood by that person. So you start fighting for him to understand you. Is your fighting going to make him closer to you? No! But incompletion will exactly teach you this only – ‘Fight! Why other fellows are getting your attention? Why not me?’

I have a few great disciples trying to do this, and end up in more mess. They end up in more mess, they end up in more incompletions! They try to tell, ‘Why I never get your attention? Everyone who does not work, they all get!’ Come on! What do you mean by saying? You think by these demands you are going to get my attention? But that is exactly the advice given by your incompletion! Who is your Guru now? Incompletion! Your Consulting Agent, who is your Life Consultant? Incompletion! Royal Incompletion Life Consultant! He is sitting with a big, beautiful, decorated Corporate Office! Royal Incomplete Life Consultant! When you go and consult with him, he just bends his head and opens the door. The moment you get inside, you just fall into “Kumbhipaakam”, the hell! Kumbhipaakam is one of the hells described in Garuda Purana. Outside it will look like a pukka beautiful corporate company - Royal Incompletion Life Consulting Private Limited, International headquarters! The reception, lobby, everything will be great till the consultancy room. After you finish your consultancy, when you push the exit door, only then you will realize it is not a door, it is the window from the nineteenth floor and you will straight fall and land into a place called “Kumbhipaakam”!

Do not listen to the advice of incompletions. Do not make strategy plans based on the prescriptions of incompletions. Whether you make your financial decisions, relationship decisions, life decisions, body-related decisions, mind-related decisions, enlightenment-related decisions, don’t do from the advice of incompletions.

I have a few great disciples who think they love me and they listen to me. But their problem is, when they think I am not attending to them enough, or when they think I am attending to unworthy disciples more, then they think abusing me is the best way to get my attention! Useless fellows! That is only going to put them into Kumbhipaakam, Andhakupam, Krimibhojanam, all different kinds of hells described in Garuda Purana.

Don’t postpone completing with your incompletions. Don’t think your incompletions are that innocent as you think. They will destroy your whole thinking faculty! Please understand, your thinking faculty will be destroyed, which is too serious and irreparable. That is why I am saying, don’t think, ‘No, no, next few days only I will listen to incompletions. Later on I will become complete.’ No! In the next few days they will destroy your thinking faculty! Especially to few of my disciples who live in incompletion, this is the message for them! I don’t want to name! You know! I am talking to you! Complete now, or your body and mind will perish! Even if you postpone for a few days, your very thinking faculty will be destroyed, eaten away by this incompletion. Your whole body and mind will be destroyed, because the power of incompletion is too much. It is like your own army is used to attack your own country! That is exactly what incompletion does. It uses your own power to attack you.

These disciples, they think that if their life fails, it will be failing my mission. No! My Mission will not fail! It will happen just because of my power! But because of your incompletion, only your life will fail!

I tell you, all incompletions boil down to just two.....two patterns – Violence, Violence and Fear - both are one and the same. When Fear comes, Violence comes. When Violence comes, Fear comes. That’s all! Violence! That is root pattern. And parasite pattern - Lust. Everything boils down to just these two. From the parasite pattern of Lust only, self-denial, self-doubt, everything starts happening. Please understand, the self-denial and self-doubt can be taken up to the level of your bio-memory when you do not have Completion with your lust pattern. Incompletions with your lust pattern means you will be fighting in the wrong direction. You want to fly; you will try pull your shoe laces and fly! Is it possible? If you want to fly, you should get into the aircraft. Not just by pulling your shoe laces you cannot fly! That is the incompletion of your parasite patterns. All your incompletions with Lust is nothing but trying to fly by pulling your shoe laces. Non-understanding of this parasite patterns, non-understanding of this parasite patterns! Please understand, frustration, everything, self-denial, self-doubt, everything is the incompletions of parasite patterns. Any pattern you can create before the age of seven is “root pattern”. Any pattern which gets created after the age of seven is “parasite pattern”. First you will have to work on completing the parasite patterns. Then we will complete with all the root patterns. Before Completion, you should do these three – Authentic Listening, Intranalyzing, Radiating. After these three whatever is not destroyed, still whatever remains is incompletions. Only they are called as “incompletion”. You not brushing your teeth in the morning and all cannot be called as incompletion.

Sometimes, these comedians they try to pose that they are also villains. Same way, many of your incompletions are too small; they cannot be considered as incompletions. Don’t allow them in Police Station.

The essence of today’s satsang:

Do not postpone Completion. Do not think you can live with incompletion for some more time. Don’t think your incompletions can be postponed without completing. No!

With this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, incompletion, authentic listening, intranalyzing,radiating

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