May 01 2012

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Mystic,Master,Avatar & God.


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) takes questions from devotees. The first question asks him to explain the various Sanskrit terms for Guru/divine: avatar, bhagwan, mystic, enlightened master. Paramahamsa gives a detailed description of “mystic”: one who is continuously creating, using powers beyond the five senses. He points out that we have two choices in life – to become mystics or to be mistakes. The second question concerns counseling. Since Paramahamsa is a master healer and provides life solutions for our difficulties, do his devotees need outside counseling? Paramahamsa replies that for counseling to be useful, counselors must have discovered and implemented effective answers for their own life problems. He is presently designing a training course for spiritual counselors. Until they are available devotees are to seek counseling only from him, for he has the resources to address all their concerns.

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I welcome you all with my love and respects.

Today - an important celebration, Ashramites day.

11 yrs before on the same day 2001, Ma Nithya Sadhananda, first ashramite came and started staying with me. In half an hour late, Sri Nithya Sadhananda (Ayya) also came. So the first ashramites started coming and staying with me on the same day May 1st. So we celebrate Ashramites day as May 1st.

See the coincidence. Today is Labours Day. We are the ultimate labours for the world.

Understand, we give our physical work. We give our mental ability for society. We give our emotions dedicated to society. Finally ultimately we give our consciousness itself to the society. We are the ultimate labours. And one more thing. Coincidentally this is very day – May 1st - Ramakrishna Mission was established by Swami Vivekananda. May 1st is the date - inauguration of Ramakrishna Mission, Nithyananda Mission and Labours day.

Next, I have an important very mystical information; announcement to share with you all.

In yesterday’s Satsang I said, when I went to Madurai Adheenam, in the Garbamandir, where Guru Maha Sannidanam does his Parartha Pooja every day, inside, I saw one Shiva Lingam. I was enquiring everybody -“what it is? what it is?”. I could not get any answer because nobody knows. Then the night samadi I meditated.

Yesterday I announced, I found in the vision, in the Akashic reading, the darshan I saw, that is the “Adhi Chokkanaada”, the original Shivalinga on which Meenakshi Temple Sundareswara Temple was built and during the invasion, this Shivalingam was brought here and kept here to preserve, to be protected. So after the invasion was over, Muslims invasion, even after everything settled, this Shivalingam never went back to the Madurai temple. So this is what I saw in the vision. Now today I have a solid proof for all of you for what I said. Please understand, in Agama tradition, each Garbamandir is built based on the measurement of the Shivalinga. If the Sivalinga is one unit, the length will be 22 unit height will be 27 unit. The breadth will be 42 unit. Like that there is a dimension. The wall thickness everything there is a dimension.

Actually when I went to Madurai Adheenam, when I saw that Shivalinga, I took the measurement of the Shivalinga by my hand. I brought the measurement and gave it to one of the senior Stapathi who is expert in the Agama science. He already had Madurai Garbamandir’s measurements. He matched both the measurements. They are completely matching. Please understand, the Adhi Chokkanadar in Madurai Adheenam, that Sivalinga,and the Garbamandir of Madurai Sundareswara temple -both measurements are perfectly matching and one more information the present Shivalinga which is there in Chokkanadar temple, that Shivalinga measurement is not matching. It is smaller than the size which is supposed to be. The Garbamandir measurement unit size as per the Agama is perfectly matching without missing even one inch. The height, length, breadth everything is matching. By tomorrow I will release the document. The whole documentation in the own handwriting of the Stapathi.

So whatever I saw in the darshan is proved archeologically. I have archeological evidence now to prove to the society and I will present this whole data to our 292nd Guru Maha Sannidanam . If he feels, we will release it to public, if not we will not release it to public. But now I have solid archeological evidence that this Shivalinga is Adhi Chokkanadar.

Please understand all temples’ Garbamandirs are built based on the size of the Shivalinga. Shivalingas are usually Jyothir Linga. They come by themselves. They are molded, polished using the neem and lemon juice. This Shivalinga is also Swayambu, but molded and polished nicely without using any chisel and hammer. Just by neem and lemon. Neem and lemon juice will melt stone. If you add some more herbs with the neem and lemon juice, it will melt stone. That is the way this Shivalinga was polished and the present Chokkanadar temple’s Garbamandir and this Adhi Chokkanathar lingam, both are perfectly matching as per the agama science. As per the size it is properly matching without even one inch missing, but the present Shivalinga which is there inside Chokkanathar temple, which is worshipped as Sundareswara now - that Sivalinga’s size is not matching with the Garbamandir. It is smaller than the Garbamandir’s size; which is smaller than supposed to be. For this present Garbamandir, what size Chokkanadar has supposed to be, this present Shivalinga is smaller. Of course once you establish, everything radiates Chokkanadar. No doubt.

I am not questioning the sanctity. I am just saying we have some archeological evidence this Shivalinga was worshipped earlier as Chokkanadar. Of course when you install any Shivalinga inside the Garbamandir that starts radiating the same energy. I will present all the archeological evidence and the Agamic evidence to our 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam today and as per his advice, I will decide whether to release those evidences or not. It will be done based on the decision by 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam.

We will start the morning satsang. We will start with the questions.

Question: Can you please explain the following terms: Mystic, Enlightened Master, Avatar, Bhagawan, God, Atma, Paramatma.

Can you please explain the difference between mind and inner space?

Swamiji: The words which you are using, basically the base quality is almost same. May be, one or two superficial references can be given. Superficial differences can be given. Actually these words - more than differences they are more like a references. The word mystic and word enlightened master , avatar there is no much difference. It is just reference. Different reference. Please understand, there is a big difference between “difference” and “reference”. Here, the word Enlightened Master, Avatar, Bhagawan, Mystic, God, Atma, Paramatma - between all these words there is no difference but they are all different references.

Mystic is the word usually used for creators. Please understand, person who uses energies which are beyond 5 senses and creates is a mystic.

For eg. Materialization. If somebody uses the powers which is beyond the senses, beyond 5 senses, those energies,using that energies, and creating something which is beyond 5 senses.

For eg. when I materialize a diamond or certain object there, there is no normal human power is used. The powers known to the 5 senses are not used. The powers which is beyond 5 senses are used. Anybody who uses the powers beyond 5 senses and creates something is a Mystic. Don’t mistake. Person who ‘creates’ is a Mystic. A mystic constantly creates, creates, creates. Even in you, when the “transformed you” is created, you become a mystic. Mystic is a person who is constantly creating so many new, new, new, new, new things continuously using the extraordinary powers.

Actually, anybody who creates, contributes to society will be a mystic. Otherwise you are a mistake. In society only there are two kinds of human beings. One, who is a mystic; another one who is a mistake. I am seeing.

Suddenly yesterday, I saw few fellows here and there all over Tamilnadu giving statement that I should not become a Peetathipathi of Madurai Atheenam. Of course all the people who are socially responsible and creative are supporting highly. Just today morning I received a phone call from one of the biggest political party’s head. Today morning he called me personally to congratulate. For last 5 days he is calling me. I was not able to attend the phone. Today he called me and personally congratulated and on 6th May 2012 he is coming to Madurai to have the darshan of 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam and me.

Continuously all the responsible people, people who are creating, socially responsible are highly supporting. They are all highly supporting, respecting, revering. Please understand, only few people who have never created anything in the life - only they are trying to oppose; only they are trying to disturb. I saw the names of those fellows who are trying to abuse. They have not created anything in their life. It is like there are some people who get the attention of the society by creating and contributing. There are some people who get the attention only by abusing others. This is the difference between government and terrorists. All the creative people are continuously supporting me in a high way, in a very big way. Only these few terrorists who never created- only destroyed others-, only those few fellows are trying to abuse.

I tell you. All the fellows, 2,3 fellows who are trying to say that I should not become Peetathipathi, who are abusing my predecessor, 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam, to all of them I am saying, please understand - you guys are religious terrorists; you have not created anything; you never contributed anything; you all have reduced Hinduism just shouting slogans and protesting, standing in the streets and shouting. You never created anything. I wanted to tell all of them even if you have created 1/10 of what I contributed for Hinduism by creation, come on I will make you to sit on the thrown.

None of them have created anything. All of them have only destroyed. I could not understand, how these fellows have no idea about Hinduism. They are saying they are all Hindu organizations. What do you mean?

I have created 40 temples all over the world; inspired more than 1 crore 22 lakh people to follow Hindu traditions; converted more than 60,000 people formally, even though I don’t believe in conversion, I believe only in transformation, but people voluntarily took up this life style. Thousands and thousands are living, practicing Hindu tradition. I have created a university for Hinduism in USA. So much. More than 200 books which is sold more than 1 crore copies - 10 million copies - all over the world in 27 langauges. So much has been done to Hindu tradition and Hinduism.

I don’t understand what they mean by their Hindu organizations. So, then what about all of us?

All my sannyasis are creators. They have created and contributed to Hinduism. Understand, because we spent all our energy in creation, don’t think we don’t know how to answer your destruction. If you try to play the role of Nakkeeran, I know how to play the role of Chokkanathar.

Mystic is a person who goes on creates using mystical energy; Enlightened Master is a person who constantly showers enlightenment on others. Avatar is a person who is direct descendants, directly appeared from Super consciousness, radiates all the satgunas, all the auspicious qualities. Bhagawan is a being who radiates all the qualities including giving enlightenment. God is the formless energy. Atma is the formless energy reflecting on the form. Paramatma is the formless energy in its original existence and all its reflections put together.

I have defined all the technical terms. As I said, there are no differences between all these terms they are only different references.

Question: I would like to get your advice on these 2 questions. What are the roles and limitations of counseling in today’s world. Since Swamiji can do all types of healing for all people, is counseling still needed for Swamiji’s devotees? What are the problems faced to heal more people?

Swamiji: Yes. And first thing, if the counselors do not understand the existence of the consciousness, they are going to heavily damage the people whom they are counseling.

Counseling is nothing but giving mental patterns. If you don’t have right patterns, you will be giving wrong patterns. If you have right patterns, you will be giving right patterns.

All the counselors in the world, first thing they should do, have right patterns. Means you should have answered all your inner questions with convincingly for yourself. Please understand all your inner questions like - why poverty, why differences in the world, why birth, why death, why world, why nature, who am I - all your basic questions, you should have a complete convincing non-hypocritical answers for yourself. That is the first step. If you have a non-hypocritical right answers for these basic questions you have right mental pattern. You will be able to answer, give right counseling.

Please understand, if you are not having the right mental patterns, if you yourself do not have many answers for the ultimate questions; be very clear- the mental patterns you are carrying is wrong, it will only create more and more suffering, trouble and torture to yourself and to others.

Understand, psychiatrists and counselors are the largest profession who commit suicide on the planet earth. Not even lawyers. Not even police officials. Not even suicide bomb terrorists. Even the suicide squad terrorists don’t commit suicide in this large number. Psychiatrists and counselors are the largest number of people who commit suicide. The profession in which largest number of people commit suicide is psychiatry and counseling. Why? Because, without having answers for all the important questions; having wrong, broken, incomplete patterns, they go on giving this patterns to others. But when they look back, when they relax, when they rest, they feel they are empty. They understand everything is a lie. They do not feel what is truth. They do not have hope for life. They do not know why life? What for life? What is life? So the immediate decision they take even with the small depression is suicide.

I tell you the roles and responsibilities of the counselors: first thing- have convincing right answers to your all internal questions. Your second question: “Since swamji can do all types of healing for all people, is counseling still needed for all Swamiji’s devotees? What are the problems faced to heal more people?” Please understand, for my devotees no counseling is needed. Be very clear. The person who is already into the flight does not need bullock cart. They are already in the flight. They don’t need bullock cart. My devotees do not need any type of counseling. May be for common people counseling will be really helpful, if you can have convincing answers internally for all the basic questions.

Now I am creating 100 videos which will give you completely understanding, convincing answers to all your major questions related to life. Anybody who masters all the great truths in that 100 videos and internalizes can become a spiritual counselor.

Spot Notes:

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaracharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in places 1002 through Nithyananda TV, 22 places 2 way Nayana Deeksha, in 239 cities, 25 countries!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are – Madhurai Aadeenam – today our 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam Srila Sri Arungirinatha Jnana Sambandha Desiga Paramacharya Swamigal is also in two way connection. I offer my humble respects at the holy feet of 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam. I am very happy that he is also there listening to Satsang today J I ask for Swamiji’s blessings before starting the Satsang. Croatia, Tiruvannamalai Arunachalam, Hyderabad Bhagyanagaram, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Toronto Kailasam, Los Angeles Arunachala, Seattle Chidambaram, Malaysia Palani, Phoenix Kancheepuram, Ohio Prayag, Chennai Nungambaakam, Nagpur India, Oman, Austin, Charlotte Srisailam, Oklahoma Somanatham, Singapore Singapuram, Mexico City, Vancouver Puri. That’s it. I welcome you all with my love and respects!

Sri Saravani & family Phoenix – Blessings – I accepted your paada puja. I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar. Meena & Rajesh – Ohio, Donna Johansen Los Angeles - blessings for all of you – I accepted your paada puja, I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar. Vidya Maheshwari Los Angeles birthday blessings for you – I am with you, you will be with me. Blessings!

Today an important celebration Ashramites day! J 11 years before on this same day 2001 on this same day, means 11 years or 12 years now? 2001 on this same day Ma Nithya Sadananda first Ashramite came and started staying with me J In ½ hour late Sri Nithya Sadananda Ayya also came. So the first Ashramites have started coming and staying with me on this day – May 1st. So we celebrate Ashramites day as May 1st. See the coincidence - today is Labour’s day. We are the ultimate labours for the world. Understand, we give our physical work, we give our mental ability for society, we give our emotions dedicated to society. Finally, ultimately we give our consciousness itself to the society. We are ultimate labours. And one more thing this is the very day coincidentally May 1st is the very day Rama Krishna Mission was established by Swami Vivekananda. May 1st is the date inauguration of Ramakrishna Mission, Nithyananda Mission and labours day J Today all our Ashrams & Ashramites should celebrate the Ashramites day!

Next, I have an important very mystical information, announcement to share with you all. In yesterday’s satsang I said when I went to Madhurai Aadeenam, in the Garbha Mandir where Guru maha sannidhanam does his paraartha puja every day, inside I saw one Shiva Lingam. I did not know what it was. So I was enquiring everybody- what it is, what it is? I could not get any answer because nobody knows. Then in the night in samadhi I meditated. Yesterday I announced. I found in the vision, in the Aakashik reading, in the Darshan I saw – that is the Aadi Chokkanaadha – the original Shiva Linga on which the Meenakshi Sundareshwara temple was built and during the invasion this Shiva Lingam was brought here, kept here and preserved her to be protected. So after the invasion was over – Muslims invasion, even after everything settled, this Shiva Lingam never went back to the Madhurai temple. So this is what I saw in the vision. Now today I have a solid proof for all of you for what I said. Please understand, in Aagama tradition, each Garbha Mandir is built based on the measurement of the Shiva Linga. If the Shiva Linga is one unit, the length will be 22 unit, height will be 27 unit. The breadth will be 47 unit. Like that there is a dimension. The wall thickness, everything there is a dimension. I sent see yesterday actually when I went to Madhurai Aadeenam, when I saw the Shiva Linga I took the measurement of the Shiva Linga by my hand. I brought the measurement and gave it to the one of the senior stapadhi who is expert in the Aagama science. He already had Madhurai Garbha Mandir’s measurements. He matched both the measurements. They are completely matching! Please understand, the Aadi Chokkanaadhar in Madhurai Aadeenam that Shiva Linga and the Garbha Mandir of Madhurai Sundareshwara temple both are perfectly matching! And one more information - the present Shiva Linga which is there in Chokkanaadhar temple, that Shiva Linga measurement is not matching - it is smaller than what is supposed to be. The Garbha Mandir measurement unit size as per the aagama is perfectly matching without missing even one inch. The height, length, breadth everything is matching. By tomorrow I will release the document. The whole documentation in the own hand writing of the stapadhi. Please understand so whatever I saw in the Darshan is proved archaeologically. I have a archaeological evidence now to prove to the society. And I will present this whole data to our 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam. If he feels we will release it to public. If not, we will not release it to public. But now I have a solid archaeological evidence that this Shiva Linga is Aadi Chokkanaadhar.

Please understand, all temples Garbha Mandirs are built based on the size of the Shiva Linga. Shiva Lingas are usually Jyotir Linga – they come by themselves. They are moulded, polished using the neem and lemon juice. This Shiva Linga is also Swayambhu but moulded and polished nicely without using any chisel and hammer just by neem and lemon. Neem and lemon juice will melt stone. If you add some more herbs to the neem and lemon juice it will melt stone. That is the way this Shiva Linga was polished. And, the present Garbha Mandir – the Chokkanaadhar temple’s Garbha Mandir and this Aadi Chokkanaadhar Lingam both are perfectly matching as per the aagama science, as per the size - properly it is matching without even one inch missing. But the present Shiva Linga which is there inside the Chokkanaadhar temple which is worshipped as Sundareshwara now, that Shiva Linga size is not matching with the Garbha Mandir. It is smaller than the Garbha Mandir’s size. It is smaller than what it is supposed to be. For this present Garbha Mandir what size Chokkanaadhar is supposed to be, this present Shiva Linga is smaller. Of course once you establish everything radiates Chokkanaadhar – no doubt. I am not questioning the sanctity. I am just saying we have some archaeological evidence this Shiva Linga was worshipped earlier as Chokkanaadhar. Of course when you install any Shiva Linga inside the Garbha Mandir that starts radiating the same energy. I will present all the archaeological evidence and the aagamic evidence to our 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam today and as per his advice I will decide whether to release those evidences or not. It will be done based on the decision by 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam. We will start the morning Satsang. We will start the questions.

1) Sadhar Pranams, can you please explain the following terms 1. Mystic , 2. Enlightened Master, 3. Avataar, 4. Bhagawaan 5. God, 6. Atma, 7. Paramatmaa. Can you please explain the difference between mind and inner space. In love and Gratitude and regards – Hiranmaie – IA ID No. 12.

Hiranmaie, the words which you are using basically the base quality is almost same. Maybe one or two superficial references can be given, superficial differences can be given. Actually these words - more than differences, they are more like references. The word mystic and word enlightened master, avatar, there is no much difference. it is just reference – different reference. Please understand, there is big difference between difference and reference. Here the word enlightened master, Avatar, Bhagavan, Mystic, God, Atma, Paramatma - between all these words there is no difference but they are all different references. Mystic is the word usually used for creators. Please understand person who uses energies which are beyond five senses and creates is a mystic. For example, materialization. If somebody uses the powers which is beyond the senses, beyond the five senses, those energies using that energies and creating something which is beyond five senses. For example, when I materialize the diamond or certain object there – there is no normal human power is used. The powers known to the five senses are not used. The powers which is beyond five senses are used. Anybody who uses the powers beyond five senses and creates something is a mystic. Don’t mistake. Person who creates is a mystic. A mystic constantly creates, creates, creates. Even in you when the transformed you is created, you become a mystic. Mystic is a person who is constantly creating so many new, new, new, new things continuously using the extraordinary powers. Actually anybody who creates contributes to society will be a mystic. Otherwise you are a mistake. In society only there are two kinds of human beings - one who is a mystic another one who is a mistake.

I am seeing. Suddenly yesterday I saw few fellows here and there all over Tamilnadu giving statement that I should not become a Peetadhipati of Madhurai Aadeenam. Of course all people who are socially responsible and creative are supporting highly. Just today morning I received a phone call from one of the biggest political party’s head G.K.Mani in Tamilnadu. They have a party called Pattali Makkal Katchi – a very sizeable party. Today morning he called personally to congratulate me. For last five days he is calling me. I was not able to attend the phone. Today he called me and personally he congratulated and 6th he is coming to Madhurai to have the Darshan of 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam and me. Continuously all the responsible people, people who are creating, socially responsible are all highly supporting. They are all highly supporting, respecting revering. They are all highly supportive. They are all highly respecting, reverting and supporting. Please understand only few people who have never created anything in the life only they are trying to oppose. Only they are trying to disturb. I saw the names of those fellows who are trying to abuse. They have not created anything in their life. See it is like a there are some people who get attention of the society by creating and contributing. There are some people who get attention only by abusing others. This is the difference between Government and terrorists. All the creative people are continuously supporting me in a high way, in a very big way. Only these few terrorists who never created and trying to destroy others. Only those fellows are trying to abuse. I tell you all the fellows 2-3 fellows who are saying that I should not become Peetadhipati, who are abusing my predecessor 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam – to all of them I am saying please understand - you guy are religious terrorists! You have not created anything, you never contributed anything. You all have reduced Hinduism just shouting slogans and protesting, standing in the streets and shouting. You never created anything. I wanted to tell all of them even if you created 1/10th of what I contributed to Hinduism, my creation, come on! I will make you sit on the throne. None of them have created anything. All of them only destroyed. I could not understand how these fellows have no idea about Hinduism. They are saying they are all Hindu organizations. What do you mean? I have created 40 temples all over the world, inspired more than one crore 22 lakh people to follow Hindu traditions, converted more than 60,000 people formally even though I don’t believe in conversion, I believe only in transformation. But people voluntarily took up this life style, 1000s and 1000s are living, practicing Hindu tradition. I have created a university for Hinduism in USA. So much - more than 200 books which is sold more than one crore copies, 10 million copies all over the world, in 27 languages, so much has been done to Hindu tradition and Hinduism. I don’t understand what they mean by they are Hindu organizations. So then what about all of us? All my Sannyaasis are creators. They have created and contributed to Hinduism. Understand. Because we spent all our energy in creation, don’t think we don’t know how to answer your destruction. We will give you right answer if anybody tries to abuse or destroy. We know all the methods. I wanted to tell everybody. I wanted to make it very clear today. This chota chota small local rowdies, the street rowdies who come there for 50 rupee and 250 ml alcohol. I wanted to tell all of you guys - if you try to play the role of Nakkheeran, I know how to play the role of Chokkanaadhar. Understand, play the role of Nakkheeran, I know how to play the role of Chokkanaadhar ! But most of these fellows are not even in the standard of Nakheeran. They are in the standard of Dharmi. Just if they get few coins they will run away! Beggar fellows instead of begging, blackmailing beggars. They are not even decent beggars like Dharmi. If they come as decent beggars like Dharmi, I would have given like Chokkanaadhar. They have not come as decent beggars like Dharmi. They have come as a blackmailing beggars like the fellow who came to conquer the Madhurai by music this musician – in that way only they are trying to come. I know how to send the baanapatra and win this game J

I will make this fellows run away overnight. Mystic is a person who goes on creates using mystical energy. Enlightened master is a person who constantly showers enlightenment on others. Avatar is a person whose direct descendence - directly appeared from super consciousness, radiates all the sadgunas, all the auspicious qualities. Bhagavan is a being who radiates all the qualities including giving enlightenment. God is formless energy. Atma is the energy - formless energy reflecting on the form. Paramatma is the formless energy in its original existence and all its reflections put together. I have defined all the technical terms. As I said there are no differences between all these terms. They are only different references. Next question.

2) Swamiji I would like to get your advice on these two questions - a. What are the roles and limitations of counseling in today’s world? b. Since Swamiji can do all the types of healing for all people is counseling still needed for all swamiji’s devotees? What are the problems faced to heal more people? - Ong Kien An – ID No- IA No. 4.

He is asking - What are the roles and limitations of counseling in today’s world? First thing – Ong Kien An, if the counsellors do not understand the existence of the consciousness, they are going to heavily damage the people whom they are counselling. Counselling is nothing but giving mental patterns. If you don’t have right patterns, you will be giving wrong patterns. If you have right patterns, you will be giving right patterns. All the counsellors in the world, first - first thing they should do is have the right patterns means you should have answered all your inner questions convincingly for yourself please understand all your inner questions like - why poverty, why differences in the world, why birth, why death, why world, why nature, who am I - all your basic questions you should have a complete convincing, non-hypocritical answers for yourself. That is the first step. If you have a non-hypocritical right answers for these basic questions, you have right mental pattern. You will be able to answer, give right counselling. Please understand if you are not having the right mental patterns. If you yourself do not have many answers for the ultimate questions, be very clear - the mental patterns you are carrying is wrong. It will only create more & more suffering, trouble and torture to yourself and to others. Understand, psychiatrists and counsellors are the largest profession who commit suicide on the planet earth. Not even lawyers, police officials, not even suicide bomb terrorists, even the suicide squad terrorists don’t commit suicide in this large number. Psychiatrists and counsellors are the largest number of people who commit suicide. The profession in which largest number of people commit suicide is psychiatrists and counselling. Why? Because without answers for all the important questions, having wrong, broken incomplete broken patterns, they go on giving these patterns to others. But when they look back when they relax, when they rest they feel they are empty. They understand everything is a lie. They do not feel what is truth. They do not have hope for life. They do not know why life, what for life, what is life. So the immediate decision they take even with a small depression is suicide. I tell you the roles and responsibilities for the counsellors - first thing have convincing, right answers to your all internal questions.

2nd, your 2nd question - Since Swamiji can do all the types of healing for all people is counseling still needed for all swamiji’s devotees? What are the problems faced to heal more people? Please understand, for my devotees no counselling is needed. Be very clear. The person who is already into the flight does not need bullock cart. He is, they are already in the flight. They don’t need bullock cart. My devotees don’t need any type of counselling. Maybe for common people counselling can be very helpful if you can have convincing answers internally for all the basic questions. Now I am creating videos which will give you completely understanding, convincing answers to all your major questions related to life. Anybody who masters all the great truths in that 100 videos and internalizes can become a spiritual counsellor. I will make that happen now. I am also creating a series on guaranteed solutions. 1000 clips solving 1008 life problems like anger management, managing the greed, managing the lust, managing relationship issues, managing wealth. On all the major life solutions, the major problems you are facing for 1008 problems, I have already spoken 1008 important solutions. It will be called Guaranteed solution series. It is already getting organized. It will be available on the Internet by May, end of May it will be available. The 2012 project team is doing this work.

And I also have one more announcement for all of you, before forgetting I wanted to announce. From May 6th, May 5th we have function in Tiruvannamalai where we are offering the golden throne for 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhaanam. From May 6th to May 26th I am going to be staying in Madhurai Aadeenam J And I am also cancelling the South East Asia trip to be in Madhurai Aadeenam. All the devotees who have enrolled their names, please understand, sorry for the inconvenience. I sincerely apologize. I am not able to come with you all for the trip. We will have to cancel the trip. Two reasons – main one reason it is a sudden development that I have to be in the Madhurai Aadeenam assisting the 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhaanam in the administration in many other management of the Aadeenam’s affairs. That is one reason. 2nd if I don’t go and sit there now for 20 days there may be some reasonless losses, needless losses which I don’t want it to happen. So I wanted to stand by 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhaanam in the administration to express my support & solidarity. Myself and the whole 2012 team will be sitting in Madhurai Aadeenam with around 100 Sannyaasis and volunteers. Around 100 volunteers and Sannyaasis will be sitting in Madhurai Aadeenam from May 6th to May 26th for 20 days I will be sitting. And every day moring Satsang will be conducted from Madhurai Aadeenam. I will have my morning usual Satsang and the Dial the Avatar and all Kriya sessions will continuously happen. I will do my everyday morning Satsang from Madhurai Aadeenam itself. So one hundred Sannyaasis and myself will be sitting with 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhaanam supporting the administration and standing by him morally expressing our solidarity from May 6th to May 26th. It is already time we move to the next segment of the morning Satsang – Dial the Avatar. Ultimate reality next session today for Inner Awakening.

Dial the Avatar – 1) e-pada puja

I also request all devotees and disciples around the world whoever wants to spend 20 days around me please come to Madhurai Aadeenam. From May 6th to May 26th you can come and stay with me for Madhurai Aadeenam and assist in administrative responsibility. We will provide food and stay for all devotees who will come to Madhurai Aadeenam. I welcome all of you.

Our Guru Maha Sannidhanam is driving the royal enfield. Our Guru Maha Sannidhaanam is a very active person. He has one royal enfield bike, and he drives car, still he swims even at this age! He is very active and. Actualy many other Aadeenams, many other mutts are feeling jealous of our Guru Maha Sannidhaanam. How he runs the whole organization efficiently and how he has chosen the next person because see many other Aadeenams they just kill themselves in the name of orthodoxy and impractical ideas. Impractical ideas. Sitting inside the stone wall and suffocating. Just put an a/c over! They don’t do practical things – no, no a/c is not allowed! And that is outside, that should not be allowed. In Meenakshi and Chokkanaadhar’s time there was no a/c so they did not allow. If it was there they would have allowed. Now it has come, use it. There are so many things we don’t upgrade ourselves, we don’t go with the flow. We don’t raise ourselves. And I tell you only in all the destruction they follow all the orthodoxy and everything. In creation they don’t follow. Tradition also says you should continuously build temples, create more Sannyaasis, they are not able to do that. In creative work they don’t do anything. Only in destroying they follow all the orthodox rules. Very conveniently they pick up all the rules which are negative. What to do? Alright.

Announcement: Now the Tamil Sangham Bangalore would like to offer their respects to the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Madhurai Adeenam - Srila Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sri Jnana Sambandha Desiga Parmacharya Swamigal

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1098 places through Nithyananda TV, in 22 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 266 cities, 25 countries around the world! And today’s minute for meditation is 90 minutes. Please enter it in website. Blessings! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

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Sakshi Pramana:

Sharing from Inner Awakening


question, explain, Guru, divine, mystic, enlightened, description, senses, power, choice, life, mistake, counseling, healer, provide, discover, implement, effective, answer, life problems, design, spiritual, counselor, address.

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