January 15 2013

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January 15, 2013 Morning Satsang


In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) elaborated on the concept of Brahmanyam Bahputratam - the feeling of “I am the chosen one”. Swamiji said when a master gives Sannyas he should make the disciple feel, he or she is the son or daughter of the Cosmos. That Disciple should feel, “I am the chosen one of the Cosmos.” Swamiji also elaborated on the Nachiketagni, the three fold fire of Nachiketa and its importance for every spiritual seeker. Any process has 3 fold: Completing it successfully, staying in the same space, and having the necessary tools to come back successfully if you fell by accident.


I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangees, sitting with us around the world 440 places, 31 places in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, 226 cities, and 24 countries around the world as per the statistics.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today we have a unique, special program: Adheenamites Inner Awakening!

And, an important announcement: anyone who want to become an ashramite, our full-time organizers who want to be an ashramite, you can apply email [email protected] before the program is starting, everyone who is accepted you can attend through two-way. If you need time, you’re not ready from your side. Janutary 15-23 daytime IST 11:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. – tentatively. It will be any time when I decide. Maybe daytime, it may be night time, whatever time I decide that will be the time.

Whoever wants to become Adheenamites may apply for this Inner Awakening and you can join in two-way also.

When Master gives Sannyas he should make the Disciple feel he or she is the son or daughter of the Cosmos. That Disciple should feel, “I am the chosen one of the Cosmos.” Viraja Homa which means purifying yourself.

Keeping Kala Bhairava as a witness, I declare I will not give up on me or on you until you feel with your whole heart that you may sing, “I am the chosen one. All the powers of the universe are mine at my .. Creativity, intelligence – Saraswati, and physical – Lakshmi, and physical powers – Kali, the person will feel all these things are at my disposal.

From this Upanishad we pick up this word, “I am the chosen one.’ I commit that I will not give up until you feel I am the chosen one.”

The purpose of Inner Awakening is to make you feel this. All the best things of the world are at my disposal – I am the chosen one.

You should be overflowing with the completion and feeling, ‘wow, what a life!’ This can never come just by money. Money is only one resource of the Cosmos, natural wealth, like diamond, gold. There are two more, the mystical powers of Kali, and the intelligence of Saraswati.

I’ll prove my love to all of you by making you experience this. Anything less than that is not a gift I would like to give you guys. This means then I don’t love. I will prove my love by making you experience it without doubt – making you live it! When you wake up in the morning you should know it, “wow, I am the chosen one!” Only then I am worthy of being called as an Incarnation.

Even if you have completed the recent 2012 IA you may also apply. There are at least 100 applications pending like that. It’s a free program, no money and will be in English but I will also communicate in Tamil as not all my ashramites are fluent in English.

I’m going to work on this for all the people who have chosen me as their favorite. Now it’s my turn to prove that I’m their favorite also.

So, I feel we had a program in the day for India, at night for USA, my throat wasn’t cooperating, eyes weren’t cooperating, I said, “no, we made a commitment, you have to cooperate.” I used a bit of mint on the throat to repair the throat, I put a bit of Sandal on my eyes.

Now it is my turn, I need to cool them and make them part of me.Now so, it is time for all my external organs, that I put mint and sandal paste, that I make them part of me. So, it is my responsibility to make their hearts feel, “I am the chosen ones.”

It is my responsibility to make the tongue feel it is the chosen one, my eyes feel they are the chosen one, my hands feel they are the chosen one who heals millions.I know that it will take a little time to heal some of these but don’t worry, I will not give up, I will heal these. Don’t worry, I won’t give up. I’ll do it.

Ten million have gathered for the Kumba Mela. Our Kumba Mela ashram has started functioning.

Please do not boycott the Kumba Mela, it is important that we not start a negative trend towards this important historical, spiritual tradition. For many people they have applied and on my side I delayed so that they would stabilize a Sanga there for us.


So, I am committing with all of you, that I will make you feel that you are the chosen one. I will not give up on you.

Even the Gurukul children are included.In the future, I will have people come only after making them feel AhameBahuputraya. You are not the hair which has fallen from my head. You are the lungs, the hear, the eyes, the tongue which make me complete. Even though you may have a few incompletions.



All of you should know, this is the energy from which I’m functioning, operating.

Alright, let’s enter into the Satsang Subject with Katha Upanishad:


The wise (man) who, having known the three (details about bricks), performs the Nachiketa rite three times, experiences joy in the heaven-world free from grief, after destroying the bondage of death (even) before (the fall of the body).

एष तेऽग्निर्नचिकेतः स्वर्ग्यो यमवृणीथा द्वितीयेन वरेण । एतमग्निं तवैव प्रवक्ष्यन्ति जनासः तृतीयं वरं नचिकेतो वृणीष्व ॥

(Katha Upanishad, 19th Mantra)

This is thy Fire, O Nachiketa, which leads to heaven, and which was chosen by thee as the second boon. People will call this Fire after thy name only; now choose, O Nachiketa, thy third boon.

1.) Completing successfully

2.) Living it

3.) Having the necessary tools to come back if you have fallen by accident

For example at some time you have felt the Chosen One.

Some may not be able to stay in that space.

Third, If you fall from this space, you were not able to stay there. For some reason you’ve fallen.

For example, at age 12, I fell from that state. For the next ten years I tried to get back to it. At 22, when I got back there, I never fell from it again but now I have all the tools to get back to it.

Now the threefold process has happened in me.

Now the same Nachiketa process has happened in me.

You need to have the threefold process. Even in the prison I felt, “I am the chosen one.” I did not doubt the cosmos, I did not doubt the cosmos at all.

During every moment I was very clear, ‘I am the favorite one.’ I never doubt the Cosmos at all.

I never miss the feeling, the inner experience, ‘I am the chosen one.’

In every process, you need to know all three: able to achieve it successfully; able to maintain it successfully and even if you fall down, able to return to it successfully.

I see this in people when I say this, they vibrate, “Bhahuputraye.” Now I’m going to give you this experience.

That this is this whole Inner Awakening.

The whole day you will be in Ecstasy – when you know you are the favorite one.

After they know they are the favorite one, they sacrifice everything. This is purity. Anything else, you will feel like you are deprived. Our Nirahara – built on energy.

Today, second level Nirahara Samyama finished.

I am opening a unique gift to the world - Niraahara Annalaya. All 11 juices will be provided freely every day. And, anyone who wants to participate in THE Samyama may come and stay freely.

Today Second Level Nirahara Samyama we will break the Fast. Day after tomorrow we will start the Third Level.

What does MahaKala mean by the threefold knowledge?

Wait until tomorrow.

(Please note: This is a Rough Transcript of the discourse. Catch the re-telecast of the message at 6:30 pm and 11:30 pm IST on nithyananda.tv Satsang message is telecast after the Pada Puja)


Glimpses of Temple

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Pada Puja

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Dial the Avatar

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, Nachiketa, sannyas, cosmos, disciple, seeker

Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day: