April 15 2013

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Dont Let Your Mind Cheat You


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains how the four truths of life transform our experience. He warns us that when we find ourselves continually unable to solve our conflicts, we have become spiritually disconnected. The key to reviving our energy lies in embodying the four principles over and over again until they imprint into our bio-memory. The sincere practice of integrity grants us a positive perspective; authenticity brings us into the space of infinite possibility. Responsibility raises us to leadership and enriching opens the way to enlightenment.

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I will now continue the satsangh in English and Hindi for the international viewers

0:22- Hindi

Today, I will expand on initiation of the four tattvas and Kundalini awakening. Living these four principles awakens your Kundalini and allows the extraordinary possibilities to happen in your inner being.

When you lose interest in life, when you again and again hit the conflicts which you are not able to solve, or the solutions you find you again and again forget and get untangled into the same problem, if you are in this space, please listen. You are moving towards Death! Life has lost its interest over you! You lost interest over Life!

Not able to find solutions for some of your internal conflicts, or again and again stuck with the same problem, you forget even after you find the solution – you find the solution, in two days again you forget the solution and you are caught in the same problem; after two days again you forget the solution, you are caught in the same problem – if your life is rolling like this, be very clear, you are disconnected from life. You need to do something immediately!

These four principles are Ganga into the desert of conflicts! If your mind has become desert of conflicts, bring this Ganga of four principles – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.

Listen! Success of these four principles depends on living it again and again and again. For example, if you have lived 12 years of married life with lots of arguments, fights, ups, downs, everything, at one day if you decide to break the relationship when you are in a low mood or when the fight is in the peak, when you decide to break the relationship, your mind will show as if the whole 12 years was nothing but fight and exploitation. How many of you cognize what I am saying? But if you decide not to break, and somehow heal, and you continue to live, your mind will say the whole 12 years was a smooth marriage; at least, stably you are living together.

So, please listen, the decision you make this moment only decides your perception of the whole past. How many of you cognize what I am saying? So, there is no such thing as “past” exists for you. Your mind shows every moment different, different past. I have seen! Some people who lived in the ashram for years, for their own vested interest and reasons if they decide to leave, when they leave I have seen they strongly believe all the years they lived in the ashram is a torture, struggle! If they decide to cross that low mood and stay back, within the next few days or few hours they feel, ‘What a blessing to live in the ashram! I should not have missed this in that low mood! If I have decided to leave, it would have been such a big miss! It would have been such a big curse! What a blessing to see an incarnation every morning! I may doubt whether he is an incarnation or not, but I am sure he is a person with extraordinary power and grace. What a great thing I am able to see him every day! This itself is a great thing! I should not have gone into that low mood. I will not even think any more about leaving!’ But in one week you are again back! ‘No, no, no! I think I have to leave! He may be an incarnation or avatar, but he will not be able to help the problem in which I am stuck. His level is different. I can’t go to his level!’ Then, again, mind will show as if the whole time you lived in the ashram was a torture. Then, again, somehow you don’t get ticket or taxi and you don’t leave. Next day again, your mind will start, ‘Anyhow, even if I solve my problem outside, I won’t have his presence. Wherever I go, this mind is going to be there. If I am here, at least his there once in a while. By mistake some of the words he utters will enter into my inner space, and I may have the space of peace and restful awareness.’ You console yourself.

See, now whatever I am talking, every person who is in a relationship or marriage can understand. It is very unfortunate, based on your present mood and the space, your mind shows your whole past in that same color. If you are in the dark inner space, your mind paints the whole past as dark and shows you. If you are in the bright inner space, your mind shows your whole past as a bright possibility. Only when you break this pattern, you start human life.


It is so unfortunate, listen, it is so unfortunate, human-beings does not understand the truth that when your mind is in dark space, it shows as if your whole past is dark, and when your mind is in light space, as if your whole past is enlightened!

Listen! When I decided to become enlightened and became enlightened, I saw my whole past was enlightened past. There was not a single moment, including the moment of my birth, I was unaware of me! I was aware of my whole birth from the birthing process to this moment! I also wanted you to understand, before I decided to become enlightened, before I became enlightened, before the age of 12 – 12 is the age I became enlightened – before the 12, I was not having the clarity I am enlightened from birth. Please understand, I need to confess this to you! You need to know this! Only then you will understand the insider’s secret of enlightenment. Before 12, I was not thinking I am born enlightened. I was not having the feeling- I was aware of my birthing process, from birthing I was aware continuously about whatever is happening. But after I decided to become enlightened and enlightened at the age of 12, then my inner space was showing the whole past as conscious, alive, enlightened past.

Listen! So when you decide to keep you in the higher space forever and have a conscious breakthrough, suddenly you see your whole past was always in higher consciousness or travel towards higher consciousness.

13:45- hindi

“Maya” means “what is not there, but shown”- is Maya.

15mins- 30 mins

Many time, People decide to commit suicide because when they are in the lowest mood, suddenly their mind shows their whole past was in the lowest mood.

15:24- Hindi

You need to know the basic secrets of human mind. So whenever you fail in integrity or authenticity In your low mood, mind will say you never lived integrity and authenticity. Your whole life was inauthentic, irresponsible and lack of integrity. But when you restore integrity through completion and you become authentic suddenly your mind will show your life is a LONG journey, a sincere journey towards authenticity and responsibility. How many of you cognize what I am saying?

So listen. Do not be cheated by mind. Do not be destabilized by mind. Go on practicing integrity. Go on practicing authenticity. Go on practicing responsibility. Go on practicing enriching. I tell you, one dhamma even enlightened being has to practice, not exempted is these 4 principles. Even I continue to practice these 4 continuously. Because as long as this 4 is practiced, lived life goes on expanding. What me still cosmos continues to practice this. The expansion of the universe is nothing but universe practicing authenticity, Stability of the universe is nothing but universe practicing integrity. Still incarnations are landing to make all of you enlightened is nothing but universe practicing responsibility for all your responsibilities. Still even after so much of torture, suffering attack by human beings enlightened beings and incarnation continue to enrich planet earth is cosmos deciding to enrich all of you whatever it takes.

The Stability of cosmos is cosmos practicing integrity. Expansion of cosmos is cosmos practicing authenticity. Enlightened masters landing is cosmos practicing responsibility. Enlightened masters continue to teach you all even after the torture and suffering you give them is cosmos practicing enriching. So even cosmos continues to practice the 4 principles

19:35- Hindi

Constantly bring yourself back to authenticity and integrity. Decide now again. Declare now again. You will not be tired, you will not be retired, you will not be lazy, you will not show any fatigueness to execute these 4 tattvas. Ribs of your chest should be strengthened by the 4 tattvas. These 4 tattvas are the strength of life. Strength of the life is these 4 tattvas- Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. You don’t need to do anything else. If you start these 4 tattvas authentically in your life, you don’t even need to go to a guru, you don’t even need to go to any god or incarnation, enlightened being. Start these 4 principles, these 4 tattvas, they will all come towards you., God will come to you, guru will come to you. I have seen, when some of my disciples live these 4 tattvas authentically, I myself feel so much of love and grace in their space.

I tell you, all of you decide – from today without tiredness, without fatigue, without the mood of retirement we will keep these tattvas flying high in our life. Let the flag of this tattva fly high kept alive. Anything can be sacrificed but not these 4 spiritual principles. Let these 4 principles fly high. I request all my followers, devotees, disciples all over the world. Raise the Nithyananda Dhwaja- the flag which represents these 4 principles. The Nithyananda Dhwaja represents these 4 principles. Raise this flag in your house, work place, wherever you can. Keep it flying high. Decide you will keep yourself in highest integrity, highest level of Authenticity, highest level of Responsibility, highest level of Enriching. Raise the flag of 4 tttvas in you houses, shops, workplaces and keep it flying high. Let the Dharma Dhwaja fly high. Let the life be lived only to keep the Dharma Dhwaja flying high.

Hindi –Min 27:44.0 to 30:36.3

All the devotees, disciples sitting with us all over the world, dhyaanse suniye, please listen, bring constantly Integrity to your thinking; Authenticity to your behavior; Responsibility to your actions; Enriching to your lifestyle. Integrity to your thinking, Authenticity to your feeling, Responsibility to your actions, Enriching to your lifestyle! You will see, you will realize an extraordinary space in your life. When you start integrating your inner space, your whole inner space becomes positive, because any negative commitment you give even by mistake you have to honor it. Why will you want to waste your energy in honoring the negative commitments you give to you unless you are an utter fool? And fortunately, nobody is that utter fool on Planet Earth! Even the people who want to commit suicide, they try to find the easiest, painless method! There are millions of websites in the Internet which can give you suggestions and techniques on painless suicide methods. I was wondering why, when somebody decides to die, why will they go to the Internet and google? Because you are not utterly, foolishly foolish! Even if you decide to die, you try to find the best method without pain! So, you are not foolishly foolish to honor your negative commitments. When you know you are not going to honor, then naturally you know you have to complete. When you are constantly completing the negative commitments you give yourself unconsciously, suddenly, because your mind is such a mischievous child, only when you are declaring, ‘I will be the winner.’, ‘No, No! You are loser!’, it will already shout from one corner and go and hide in the room and show all the face. ‘No, no! I already told you are a loser!’ Your integrity is now not going to work. So, now again you have to sit and complete and drop.

It is like in a village one orthodox Brahmin was there. That Brahmin is too orthodox and too superstitious. Even if he sees somebody from the lower community, he will go and take bath again in the river and come back! There was a mischievous guy, teenage kid. He will be waiting behind a tree. The moment that Brahmin comes out of the river taking bath, he will just jump in front of him and say, ‘See, you have seen me! Now you have to take bath!’ The Brahmin will go back to the river and he will jump on to the tree. If the Brahmin tried to catch this boy, he will climb on the tree, the Brahmin can’t do anything. Same way, exactly, your mind will be playing. How many of you caught your mind playing like this when you were practicing Integrity? So, the one and the only way is, catch the mind and tie it and put him in the river! Catch the mind and tie it and put him in the river! Means, this negative practice of teasing yourself is also a one more negative commitment you have given it to you. You strongly believe, whenever you practice positivity you will make negative statement, because that is one more negative commitment you have given it to you. How many of you cognize this? So decide, ‘I will drop that!’ Then that boy will disappear once for all! You can take bath, come beautifully, go and do your puja! Decide, again and again, you will live Integrity!

Hindi – Min 36:26.4 to 38:24.4

When you practice Integrity again and again, simply your mind will become one – integrated. Then, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching will become your lifestyle, will become your lifestyle. There won’t be inner struggle, internal conflict. When you have internal conflict, one part of you laughing at you, know there is incompletion. So, sit with you and complete whatever incompletions you remember at that moment. When you complete again and again, without getting tired, bored, suddenly you will see the lack of Integrity does not even happen in you. You are just totally different! Your life is just totally different! Your life lives something extraordinary! You will not even know where you were to compare and see now where you are, and how much you are transformed! Integrity and Authenticity have the ability to give the ultimate breakthrough to you. Dhyaanse suniye, it can give you the breakthrough!

Hindi – Min 40:22.7 to 41:32.0

When you sincerely start practicing Integrity, you will be in such a beautiful space of Positivity, that itself will give you so much joy to live with more and more Integrity and the space of completion. When you live with Authenticity, you will experience the space of Possibility. Everything, everything, everything is possible! The space of Possibility happens to you when you live Authenticity. Integrity brings space of ultimate Positivity. Authenticity brings the space of ultimate Possibility. Responsibility brings the space of Leadership, means you will be the leader for everything happening in and around you. Enriching brings the space of Enlightenment in you. Just simply the whole Cosmos will be pouring its energy into you, through you, because you are sharing it with the whole Cosmos!

Hindi – Min 43:04.9 to 43:49.1

The essence of today’s satsang:

Tirelessly practice Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, again and again and again!

Photos From The Day:

Morning Padhapuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_3612.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_3626.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_3630_0.JPG Meenakshi Meenakshi and Sundareswara http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5578.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5580.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5585.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5592.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5622.JPG Morning Satsang http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5655.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5664.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5668.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5670_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5671.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5672.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5676.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5683.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5697.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5700.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5731.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5736.JPG


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, four truths, life, experience, conflict, spiritual, energy, sincere practice, integrity, positive, authenticity, possibility, responsibility, leadership, enrich, enlightenment.