December 23 2017
Understanding and Experiencing the 25 States of Consciousness with Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Video - The 25 States of Consciousness Explained
In this video (23 December 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains in detail the various states of Consciousness that exist as per Sanatana Hindu Dharma. All altered states of consciousness, spiritual experiences, mystical visions, dreams, states of boredom, depression, and inspiration can be mapped to within one of these 25 states of Consciousness. Knowledge about these 25 states gives us access to the higher states of Consciousness like Turiya and Turiyatita and helps us experience them.
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Transcript - The 25 States of Consciousness Explained
Yes, let’s move to the next unit: Atma Tattva, the unit of Self. First we worked on Sattva Tattva: unity of purity, now Atma Tattva. Understand. Your faith, your belief, everything is shallow. Everything is shallow. I am not at all asking your faith or belief. Work with it. I am giving you some of the Cosmic conclusions. I am going to give you some of the Cosmic conclusions about you, which is reality. You see, “if I decide this conclusion, how I am functioning? If I decide my own conclusions, how I am functioning?” See… just pour petrol in your vehicle and see how it is functioning. Pour your garbage or the sewage water and see how it is functioning; that’s all. I am very clear. It’s a science. Decide - static matter, dynamic activity, strategic existence - has no border, it is one and the same. With this understanding this moment, I am commanding, let things happen as I want. Decide and see, how things work! Power manifestation is nothing but, I am giving you 21 types of way to taste the sugar. I have given you full...pot full of honey. You can put your hand, right hand and lick or left hand and lick or pour on your mouth and drink. These are 21 methods to taste the honey. Honey is the sacred secret, that cognition, highest cognition. Power manifestation is just to taste that honey… to come to that conclusion. Understand. Much of your faith, belief, all these are silly conversations with yourself and with others. I neither believe your faith...I don’t believe your belief. I am very clear. Come to conclusions. Understand. Every moment, you are driven by certain conclusions. You apply your own conclusions and see how the machine functions. You apply the conclusions I am giving and see how the machine functions, that’s all! See, you are like this - hardware. What kind of a software you download, that decides the quality of you. You can download...the software decides the quality of what it is going to perform. Same way, you can have your own software, I have no problem, you can try My software, that’s all. So there is no belief, faith involved. The whole process involves Integrity. The whole process involves integrity not faith or belief. Integrity to the conclusions.
Now again, I am going to give you some of the conclusions about you; Cosmic conclusions about you. See, you have your own conclusions - “I am tall, short, fat, lean, fair, dark” - you have your own conclusions about you. “This language, that language, this religion, that religion, this country, that country.” This nationality is another one stupidity taught to human beings. No really! It’s a conspiracy by politicians. All these ideas, concepts, you have about you; but Cosmos has some conclusions about you. The owner who made you… has some conclusions about you and he also is very clear why he made you. Let’s try to put that software and see how we are functioning, that’s all. The whole Atma Tattva is nothing but, using the original owner’s updated software to funct….to make the product function and see what all it manifests. It’s only your integrity to this conclusions are required, nothing else. Nothing else is required.
I’ll project a slide…..yes….I am going to start from a..b...c..d. Even if you have heard this from Me, please don’t feel bored, because you would have surely missed many things. So please hear it again. You have 2 levels of existing. Listen carefully - 2 levels of existing. One - with the thought currents, without the thought currents. With the thought currents means a active inner image, constantly……...spewing, spitting thoughts. Without thoughts in deep sleep, where I think some of you are ☺…….in that state now. If you are not hearing Me, you are in that state. If you are hearing Me, you are not fortunately. I’ll repeat, listen. With thoughts - without thoughts. With thoughts - all of you know - constantly picking fight with everyone, everything. Actually, ‘with thoughts’ is nothing but constantly picking fight with everything. When you stop picking fight with everything, there will be no thought. Thought is thorn in your existence. When there is uneasiness and you decide to pick fight with some part of you or the other, then comes thought. ‘Without thought’ - you know - deep sleep in the night time or sometimes in the day time. Whenever you are in deep sleep - no thought. So these 2, same way, listen. With thought, without thought - same way with your existence - remembrance of your existence, without the remembrance of your existence. Listen, listen. You need to listen to these words very carefully: With the idea ‘I’ - ‘I’ exist -‘I’ consciousness Without the idea ‘I’ exist These 2 states….how many of you are able to understand? See now, all of you have the idea ‘I’ exist - am I right? The deep sleep, do you have that? That is why it is sleep. So there are 2 ways and 2 states. 2 ways is with thought, without thought. 2 states is with the idea - ‘I’ exist and without the idea - ‘I’ exist. How many of you understand that? Project….project the….listen.
(12:02) [Slide is projected]
With the idea - ‘I’ exist - and with thoughts….listen carefully, because you need to understand this unit, this is the fundamental unit - how the states of consciousness is formed in you? Why you go through what you go through in your life? Understand. Ignorance is not cute! Ignorance of traffic rules is not going to save you from the traffic ticket. Ignorance of traffic rules is not going to save you from ticket. Ignorance is not….cannot be a reason, for not following. Same way in the Cosmos, ignorance is not cute. Yes, you can be victim, singing song, “Oh, I am ignorant, innocent devotee.” Who is going to care? No! A devotee cannot be ignorant. “Jnana varishta bhakti” - devotion established on knowledge and understanding. That is devotion. Understand. I am talking about the fundamental units of life. These principles I am talking now is Atma Tattva, unit of Self. We are going to see now next - Shiva Tattva and Vidhya Tattva, Brahmanda Tattva, various units of understanding. One good thing with this great knowledge is, it automatically becomes your conclusion. Anything… which you don’t need to remember, which becomes conclusion as deeply as your name, only can be called as Knowledge. It will just become your conclusions, because I am not talking any theory. I am….every line I make sure that you cognize it. Boring because I am repeating is much better than not understanding, because I uttered only once is….. Understand.
With thoughts with the idea - ‘I’ exist - ‘I’ consciousness - that state is called Thinking, Jagrat. All of you are able to understand the word ‘wakeful state’ - Jagrat. If you understand the word ‘Jagrat’, wakeful state - raise your hand? Great! I am using the Sanskrit word, so that I will not forget and all of you also will not forget. All of you need to know, this are all from Agama, not cat yoga, rat yoga. So that is why… see, all these downward dog pose, holy yoga….is there no limit for stealing? I don’t want that to happen, that is the reason I am keeping the original Sanskrit words. Why I keep all these Sanskrit words as it is, so it is not forgotten. I tell you, it is just Shastras keeps the whole knowledge bank available alive. Samskriti is in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the container in which Samskriti is stored. I’ll be really happy if you guys...if you decide to work and develop your life full-fledged, into this Sadāshivatva, into this spiritual consciousness. A little bit of Sanskrit will do so much good… and now a days, the internet classes have come - the….I think Samskriti Bharathi is giving a program freely. In 10 days, they give you basic understanding about Sanskrit and it’s all free available in the….in the internet. If some of you guys can make….get a link and put it in our Facebook group - people can follow. They will give you….these words can be kept alive. That’s all I am looking at. So let Me go to the next word. I am introducing these 4 words. With thoughts without the idea that ‘I’ exist - that’s called Swapna. You may say, “No, no, no, in dream also I remember I exist.” No! Listen carefully. In the dream, you will be writing your college examination, with...sitting with your son. How can that be? College exam you wrote much before the marriage. How many of you had this kind of a...completely overlapping dream? You need to know the identity ‘I’ you feel in the dream, does not have independent understanding, it is just overlapping, crisscrossing of few thought currents. See like laser beam, if 4-5 beams cross, that point looks like a independently shining, which is not! Same way, in the dream, few thought currents crossing, you feel as if your idea, identity exists, but it is not. It does not have consistency. In one dream itself, it will change 20 times. How many of you have observed? Aah, in the waking state itself it changes, why not in the dream state☺. How many of you say that? But in the waking state at least little decent. In the waking state, it’s more like a... instable spouse. Every half an hour - divorce and every one hour - patch up. But in the dream state, it doesn’t even behave like a instable spouse, it behaves like a 10 minutes son, 10 minutes boss, 5 minutes brother, 5 minutes enemy, you just don’t know, how it behaves!
Listen carefully. The number of thoughts gives idea that you exist for a spark, that’s what happens in the dream state. How many of you are able to understand what I am saying? That is why the idea of ‘I’ in the dream state is so illusory. Many time, you don’t even remember you when you come back from dream, what was your idea about you! Seen but does not exist. That’s a direct translation of the word ‘Swapna’ - seen but does not exist. Where the idea of ‘I’ does not exist, but the thoughts exist; means, the frequency of the thoughts is much higher, the idea of ‘I’, it has no existence. That frequency is almost like a zero. Then 3rd word I am introducing, listen: where neither the idea ‘I’ exists nor the idea ‘thoughts’ exists. That is what is called ‘deep sleep’ - Sushupti. These 3 all of us experience in our day to day life. The 4th word I am going to introduce, it has no word. That is why it is called Turiya. Turiya means Fourth in Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, the word ‘turiya’ means fourth, that’s all; because there is no word for it. Where the idea that ‘I’ exist is there, “I, I am there”, but there is no thoughts. That is called the 4th state - Turiya. With the idea ‘I’ exist, but without thoughts is Turiya.
With ‘I’ + with thoughts is waking state. Without ‘I’ but thoughts is dream state. Neither ‘I’ nor thoughts is deep sleep state. Only ‘I’ no thoughts is Turiya.
Now I want you to remember these 4 words. Let Me repeat. Jagrat means waking state. Swapna means dream state. Sushupti means deep sleep state. Turiya means 4th state, awakened state. There is a 5th word, Mahadeva introduces in Agama called Turiyatita - means not only you are awake, you are alive, you can move anything you want.
See, if you have manifested the powers of moving a matter… many of you are successfully able to move matter? You have seen the glimpse of Turiyatita. Turiyatita is the state where awakening becomes power manifestation; means you are able to play with your awakening. These are the 5 states. Listen. Let Me repeat once more. Jagrat - waking state, Swapna - dream state, Sushupti - deep sleep state, Turiya - awakened state, Turiyatita - alive state, where you are awakened to the higher reality and you are able to manifest it as you want – ALIVE with your awakening; where when you say, “Aye, static matter, dynamic activity and strategic existence is one and the same - MOVE! You are a static matter, I am saying”, and it moves.
See, these 5 states of consciousness criss crossing each other forms 25 states of consciousness. This is to give you - why you behave the way you behave at some times, why you behave the way you behave at some other times. All your decisions are just because of the state you are in. Your state is so powerful… either to give you clarity or confusion it can literally project what is not there and cover up what is there. I always tell this, “If you see a restroom in your dream, don’t use it, it’s a trap.”☺ Understand. Just when the bladder is full, it can just create a restroom and give you a very comfortable secured feeling, till you feel everything is wet.
You need to understand, each of your intra organ… I am introducing next word, listen. Listen carefully. Internal organ - intra organ, understand these 2 words. Your lungs, heart, kidney, intestines, all these are called internal organs. Intra organ is your anahata chakra, your vishuddhi chakra, your vaak shakti, your third eye, all these are intra organ. Listen carefully. Your intra organ is capable of sending a signal to internal organ and project anything you want in reality. See, have you guys seen the projector light? Before this LED screens, that used to be the way people used, where there will be a light and if a slide is put, that will be projected….in those days in India, the Touring Talkies, they will show movie like that only. Intra organ is the light, internal organ is the slide, screen is the reality. Your intra organ and internal organ work together in a highly cooperated way, much more than you imagine. When the bladder is full, internal organ sends message to intra organ, the intra organ sends message to other internal organs and the whole toilet is built, restroom is built - out of nothing! And you are given the comfortable cozy feeling and the idea of privacy. Understand. I am talking about bed wetting. But this functions in multiple levels. If you have fasted without eating for 48 hours, you will feast in the dream. How many of you have seen that? How many of you have experienced that? Same way the next level, sexual fasting - wet dreams. Understand. In multiple levels, this internal organ - intra organs, states of consciousness - plays a major role in your reality; either creating which is not there or completely covering which is there. How many of you understand this? Internal organs, intra organs and the states of consciousness you go through, plays a major role in your reality either projecting which is completely not there or covering which is there. All kinds of manifestation and manipulation of reality happens by the state of consciousness. Su means Sushupti, Sw means Swapna, J means Jagrat, T means Turiya, Ta means Turiyatita. So deep sleep, dream, waking, awakened, alive. In deep sleep - zero power, absolute powerlessness. Dream, I should….I can say that 10 unit of vibrant activity. And in the waking state, I can say 100 unit. In Turiya, it becomes almost million unit. It’s a big jump from waking to turiya. In Turiyatita, it is just whatever exist - trillion or zillion, whatever unit of aliveness, the whole Oneness….it is not even aliveness - Oneness.
5 states criss cross within you…..listen carefully. You have binary existence. Chit and Jata - matter and activity. Understand. In you there is a 2 platform: bone, this body with bone, blood, flesh – physical, and your activity: means, able to think, alive, being alive. You have binary existence. Roughly I can equate as body and mind. These 2 components go through all the 5 states. Sometimes your body will be sleeping, mind will be very active. Sometimes your mind will be sleeping, body will be very fresh. Body will not be sleeping, but your mind will be sleeping, tired. I should say, the word ‘tired’ is not the right word - bored. You see, when….listen carefully. When mind is active - body is sleeping, we can call that as tired. When mind is sleeping - body is alive - bored. Getting it? If you understand tiredness and boredom, you will catch all the states, because these two you are very easily ☺….. Body is fresh but you don’t want to get out of bed - means bored. Mind really wants to go and do the work, but body says, “Aagh, nothing doing” - tired. How many of you are catching? Body is fresh in waking state, mind is in sleep, deep sleep state - that’s boredom. Body is in sleeping state, mind is in waking state - that is tiredness. Your binary existence goes through all these 5 states independently. So this criss crossing happens. Now if I ask your address, “Aye, in which state you are in?” You cannot say, “Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.” No! “I think Sushupti-Sushupti. Body is also in Sushupti, mind is also in Sushupti.” This is the way only you can say your address. Your binary existence what it is going through in these states, criss crosses and creates 25 states of consciousness. Understanding these 25 states of consciousness liberates you from the clutches of these 25 states of consciousness.
Understanding these 25 states of consciousness – 1st - Sushupti Sushupti: means your body is also in sushupti and mind is also in sushupti. It is not actually deep sleep. It is coma. Understand. In deep sleep, only your mind is in deep sleep, body doesn’t fall into deep sleep. All the deep sleep you know, listen carefully, I see…. I’ll give this X axis - body and Y axis - mind. Okay? X axis - let’s take that as the body, all the time lying… Mind - all the time jumping ☺ So ….this X axis lying… this angle, let’s call body, for our convenience, Body…. And this is mind. Understand. When body and mind both are in Sushupti, it is coma - it is not deep sleep. All of you, the sleep which you know, which you had yesterday, day before yesterday, one week, last few days… that sleep, your mind falls into deep sleep - body goes only to the level of Swapna. So in the mind deep sleep but in the body - swapna - which is the state now - Su+Sw, you understand? Which I circled now, this state, means Su+Su is coma, maybe I’ll give the number 1 - number 1. But that is not number 1 state.
Su+Su is coma state. Su+Sw is what is the deep sleep you all know. Listen. Now I am coming to the next point. How many of you… body moves but you are in a deep sleep? That is what is the Su+J, where mind is in deep sleep, body is in waking state, it is even moving. Logically it moves sometime few feet. Anybody sleep walkers? Others would have reported. That is this state - sleepwalking. So, which I crossed is the sleepwalking state. First - coma, second - deep sleep, third - sleepwalking. Fourth is the - body in Turiya, mind in Sushupti, where body does not engage with your sleep, deep sleep, just mind goes into it and comes out. I should say, this is the most healthy state. How many of you are understanding? Sometimes after energy darshan initiation, you go through this state. Mind has slept but body is very fresh, very alive. Next state - mind is in deep sleep, body is in Turiyatita, you have not experienced that; surely it has not yet become reality for you. How, I’ll tell you, you will be in a deep sleep but whatever you wanted to make it as a reality, that Oneness… that will be continuously working and making what you want as Oneness. When you are waking up you would have seen you worked your whole night and made what you want as reality. Even in the deep sleep your cognition will be working for you and making what you want as reality. I think that is yet to happen in you. It’ll happen; but you understand this state. It’s one of the most powerful Oneness, where you can appear in people’s dream and bless them and initiate and all that.
Next, mind in dream state, body in deep sleep state. I should say, Body is like a ….completely tired but mind is just dreaming. I should say, most of your bed wetting happens here only, in this state only - where body is completely gone but the mind is still dreaming. That is when, when the bladder is full, body doesn’t even want to accept the signal of getting up and going to the restroom. So your mind itself finishes taking care of the whole thing. Body is completely tired but mind is very active. Next….next, Swapna Swapna - body is also dreaming, mind is also dreaming. See, restless leg syndrome….your legs are kicking and you are dreaming – then mind is dreaming, body is in waking state. Listen….now listen carefully. How many of you felt, early morning, you are… almost you have woken up but body is not yet under your control? You are trying to enter into your body...raise your hand. It means body has already woken up, mind is still dreaming. In India, they say, “Ghost was sitting on my chest and pressing me!” Which ghost comes there and sits? Actually, you are the Bhuta, you are the ghost. Getting what I am saying? What you will call in English, that state? Let’s give our own name - SwJ, that’s all. Sleep paralysis, aah! It is nothing to do with sleep actually. Dream paralysis, it is actually, where your body is in waking state but mind is in dream state, not in sleep state. Only in sleep state you can perceive….sorry….only in dream state you can perceive. The sleep you can’t perceive anything. Here you are perceiving, you are trying to enter into the body and you are not able to possess the body, all that perception happens. That can happen only in dream. Let’s call it ‘dream paralysis’, that’s all. We will give our own new names. Names are supposed to be self-explanatory - ‘Dream Paralysis’. Next, mind is dreaming, body is in Turiya. Listen. Listen very carefully. These are states where Divine interventions happen – means, you get the darshan of Gods and Goddesses. Your body is so pure, it is in Turiya, mind can perceive, this is the frequency where Gods visit you and give you darshan. Listen. Listen, I am making one more statement. If your mind is in turiya and body is in dirty state - Gods cannot visit you because your mind is too small layer. Your body needs to be in turiya for Gods to visit you. Next, body in Turiyatita, mind in Swapna - I can say, this is the state you experience different planes like Tapo Loka, all those Lokas experience. Your body needs to be absolutely rest...resting in the space of Oneness, alive Oneness. You see, I can say, Turiya….Turiya state is awakened Oneness, Turiyatita is alive Oneness. Awakened Oneness means cognition of Oneness. Alive Oneness means practically applied Oneness, power manifestation Oneness.
[Body] In deep sleep and mind in waking state is chronic fatigue.
Next comes, mind in waking state, body in dream state. Listen….listen to this very carefully. Mind in waking state, body in dream state. Like a mind is fully active, you are neither completely sleeping like... just like restless leg syndrome, body is moving little bit. Mind is fully awake, but that doesn’t mean your body is also fully awake. No! Kind of a ….. I can say this state can be called as tiredness; because the earlier is chronic fatigue. This can be called as tiredness.
JJ - next is JJ - J and J. Mind is also in Jagrat - waking state, body also in waking state. Now most of you are in that state. I only say most of you. All of you are supposed to be in that state… most of you are in that state. Understand, this is the state not available for even the Gods, Goddesses, anybody. Just for this state only you assume human body. Only from this state, all liberation is possible. Liberation is not possible from Turiyatita Turiyatita. It is possible from J and J. J and J is the airport of the Cosmos; whether you come or go, it has to be on J and J. Getting into the flight or getting down from the flight, is always in J and J. This one state is unique to Planet Earth. Just above the Planet Earth, this state is not available. Just below the Planet Earth, it’s not available. So only Planet Earth has the vatavarana for this state. Just for this state only you come to Planet Earth. All enlightenment, liberation, moksha, atma jnana, tattva jnana, sākshātkara, tattva darshana, everything happens in this state - J and J. You need to meet Guru, when He is in J and J and when you are in J and J, only then initiation happens. Understand. My original state is Ta and Ta, means Turiyatita - Turiyatita. But during all initiation, I come to J and J to meet you. J and J is the lounge where we both meet. That is why I insist on being awake - body and mind both being in waking state. Next, mind being in Jagrat - mind being in waking state, body being in awakened state. This happens in you, when you sleep or when you sit next to My mandalas. The Mandalas I give, they work on your body. They push your body to Turiya, so even your normal… see, when you are….in your office also have a mandala. Always your body will be held in a Turiya. So your mind is in a waking state, you’ll be constantly achieving success. Mandalas keep you in this state. This state helps you a lot in your success - decision making, negotiation. If a young entrepreneur and the other person negotiating with you is a young woman, never go without mandala ☺ Only mandala can save you. Otherwise you will not bargain. You will bar – gain ☺. Next, mind in waking state, body in Turiyatita. Again when you start more and more power manifestation, you will experience this state, where body is completely detoxified. It is in ecstasy all the time. It’s in a complete alive state. Mind is being in waking state. I should say this is also a state where you get the darshan of Gods, Goddesses. You visit various planes. This is more a higher fuel to your system.
Next, mind is in Turiya, body is in Sushupti. How many of you heard Ramana Maharshi was in samadhi for 9 months? Rama Krishna was in samadhi for 9 months? This is the state, where mind is awakened, body needs to accommodate that such a highly awakened mind. Body needs to just detoxify itself to accommodate the highly awakened mind. That is the state. Sometimes body needs complete rest to cope up with the higher spiritual experiences. This is the state. Ramana Maharshi after achieving enlightenment, 9 months he was in that samadhi. Next, mind in Turiya and body is in Swapna. I should say, Mind is in samadhi, but body started doing its basic activity, like a 123, eating, that kind of a state. Again it is not your experiential state, so maybe in next few days, you’ll start experiencing that. You’ll be in such ecstasy, you will do all your day to day activity, but you won’t even remember that you are there in some space - w...o..w. That’s the music of that state. Mind in Turiya, body in waking state. Precisely, during the energy darshan, this is where you go. Mind gets into Turiya and body is in waking state. During energy darshan, this is what you taste. But immediately you shift after energy darshan to Turiya and Turiya, means body also goes into Turiya. Mind in Turiya, body in Turiyatita. This is the state you start manifesting powers. All power manifestation starts here. Understand. That flickering, flickering, where once bottle listens to you, second time it doesn’t listen to you, banana moves once and it doesn’t listen to you second time or you say, “Right turn”, and it takes left turn ☺ All the flickering is this state. It almost feel like you are there - you are there almost.
Come on now, mind in Turiyatita, body in Sushupti in deep sleep. I should say, this is the state, My body goes through… when My body rests. My Existence is parked in Turiyatita, body is laid/let to rest. Actually after this state of Turiyatita, word ‘mind’ has no meaning. It is….I should say, “Existence.” Next, Existence in Turiyatita, body in Swapna. This is the state, I appear in your darshans for you wherever you are, when I give darshan to you. In your dreams….see, if I have to appear in your dream, I have to appear dream body. Understand. So My existence is in Turiya but I assume dream body to give you darshan. I Myself never…..don’t have dreams, but I assume dream body to give you all darshan. And next is, My existence is in Turiyatita, body in waking state, the state in which I am now and when I materialize vibhooti or kum kum from My Murthis wherever, this is the body I use. Understand. Listen carefully. The body you are seeing now is in this state… not the body I am using. The body I am using is in Turiyatita Turiyatita. The body you are seeing is in Turiyatita Jagrat. Listen. I am here [Turiyatita-Turiyatita]. You can see Me only here [Turiyatita-Jagrat]. The gap is almost 2-3 million miles. That is what is the gap between Kailasa and Bhu Loka. I exist here in this Turiyatita-Turiyatita, I perceive My body, My Existence here - you perceive My existence here (Turiyatita-Jagrat). Clear! Turiyatita, Mind in Turiyatita, Existence in Turiyatita, body in waking state. This is the state in which I do the materialization and all in your home - if the vibhooti, kumkum, something is materialized in your home, in your place … for materialization. If it is only darshan, it is Ta + Sw. All of you are getting? If it has to be matter, something materializing, it has to be Ta + J - Jagrat. Next is funny! If I have to initiate you and make you do power manifestation, it has to be Ta + T - Turiyatita, Existence in Turiyatita - body in Turiya. I assume the Turiya body, if you are manifesting powers through remote initiation….with physical Jagrat body I cannot give initiation. I can only materialize. For initiation, it has to be Turiyatita in Existence and body in Turiya. Only then your kundalini will be awakened and you will start manifesting powers. So next, Turiyatita - mind in Turiya, Existence in Turiyatita, body in Turiyatita - welcome home. That is Kailasa - space of MahaSadāshiva; Oneness exuberating, radiating. And physically when you are initiated and you manifest Oneness… that happens when I am in this space. Only from this space, I can manifest Oneness in Me and Oneness in You, because you become literally part of My existence. Understand. In this state, body is also in Turiyatita, mind is also in Turiyatita, anybody who is seen by Me, becomes part of Me. That is why just like My body, your body manifests Oneness. This is the way the initiation is given… for you to manifest powers.
Thank you guys. Be blissful.
Nirvana Deeksha - Initiation to Infuse Turiyatita in the Body & Mind
Video - Nirvana Deeksha - Initiation to Infuse Turiyatita in the Body & Mind
In this video (23 December 2017),Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam initiates viewers into the Nirvana Deeksha which is a very subtle process to infuse the state of Turiyatita into the core of the body and mind. Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted a very subtle initiation, to help participants experience the 25 states of consciousness by connecting the breathing pattern.
Video | Audio |
Transcript - Nirvana Deeksha Initiation To Infuse Turiyatita In The Body And Mind
Understand. States of Consciousness as per Agama, is not states of mind as per Freud. Power manifestation is not telekinesis. Telekinesis is not equivalent to manifestation. States of mind as per Freud is not equivalent to states of Consciousness. G O D - God is not equivalent to Sadāshiva. Western idea of enlightenment is not equivalent to Hindu jeevan mukti. Western idea of heaven and hell is not equivalent to Hindu Kailasa or naraka. Please understand. You can’t do in telekinesis all these. Third eye reading is not equivalent to mid-brain activity. Those are all small things stolen from Hindu tradition. That is why, they do not have a logic of connecting everything. They can’t connect everything. So do not try to have wrong understanding Sadāshiva is God - No! He is GODDEL. God means G O D - generation, operation, destruction. Here is He has two more extra responsibility - Lord of delusion and liberation. In Agama, the activity of Mahadeva is five - Shristi, Sthiti, Vinasa, Trobhava, Anugraha - manifestation, maintenance, withdrawal, delusion and liberation. Five aspects is not equivalent to three; don’t even think 60%. No! There is no percentage in it. Same way, 25 states cannot be equated to 3 states. The very understanding is different. Same way, so called West, knows only….Western science knows only 4 dimension - length, breadth, depth, time - they don’t even know fully about ‘space’. I am going exper….give you experience of 11 dimensions. So understand, don’t try to map it with the Western words. I am not against it, I am only saying it is too poor. It is like you describe, “lot of drops of water put together is Ocean”! J “You know water…na…in that Like this lot of glasses put together - Ocean”! J You think this is the description of Ocean. No! There is totally….it is totally different dimension.
See, I am going to stitch the most subtle part of you, with My spiritual umbilical cord. See, the most subtle part of you is where you feel you exist, I am going to touch that part. This initiation is called Nirvana Deeksha, where… you stand with Guru literally naked; not without this cloth, not that ‘naked’. You very Being naked. Your core Being touched. Only then that Turiyatita can be infused into your body and mind; in your being aspect and doing aspect. You see, morning when I was explaining, I was giving 2 words - mind and body; it’s for you to roughly understand. Much better word is, the body can be considered as Being aspect, mind - Doing aspect. Understand. You may be thinking I’ll give the! No! Body is the ‘Being’ aspect of you - mind is the ‘Doing’ aspect of you. Mind does first - body always follows. Anything your body does, mind has finished doing. You cannot say vice versa. You can’t say vice versa. Anything your body is doing, mind has finished. Can you say anything your mind is doing body has finished? No! ‘Doing’ aspect of you is represented by mind – ‘Being’ aspect of you is represented by body. That’s the 2 words I used, which is again roughly equated….roughly equating. Doing-Being can be much better word. Now, your core existence… I am going to connect with it. The initiation is going to be very soft process, almost like breeze, no music, no dance, no jumping. It’s going to be almost like stitching. How the surgeon stitches you, when you have some injury - I am going to just stitch it; stitch your Ananda Gandha with My Ananda Gandha. Just go and sleep. Actually you can’t sleep, you will see… your body, your Being aspect is in Turiya and the Doing aspect just settles on the Turiya. It’s like you will be skating on Turiya. You will be just skating on Turiya.
This is not hypnotism, mesmerism - what you are doing, not telekinesis, no Western equivalent word exists for this. It is not even Siddhi, it is Shakti. Understand. Siddhi is stepmother - ‘Chitti’. Shakti is mother! I’ll tell you the difference between siddhi and shakti. Siddhi - the powers you gain while you are travelling towards enlightenment cognition. Shakti - your...due to Shaktipata, the enlightenment cognitions shifted in you, from that whatever grows is Shakti. Listen. Because of Shaktipata, the transmission of lamp happens. From that cognition whatever grows is Shakti. Shakti is mother, Siddhi is stepmother. Shall we start? Listen. Listen to the instruction. I am going to chant Mahavakya… as an intense vibration. So whatever sound releases from your system, allow it to release. Just try to in-tune with Mahavakya. You’ll not be able to catch up to My breath actually. Please understand. The body I use in Kailasa, the body now I am using with you - is different. The language I am using in Kailasa, the language I am using with you - is different, but the breathing I am doing in Kailasa and breathing I am doing here is same. This breath now goes to Kailasa and comes back. Only in PRANA, I am connected. All of you are getting what I am saying? So I am going to mix the Mahavakya into the prana and breathe in. You will not be able to cope up with My frequency… but when you are trying to cope up, many sounds will get released like a cough or yawning or many patterns will get released through various sounds, allow it to get released. Allow it to get released - clear! So I am not asking you… to chant loudly with Me, I am asking you - try to tune with Me, means, when I am chanting, just try to hum along with Me. Capturing My chandas, not sound. Listen. I am not asking you to repeat what I am chanting, I am asking you to catch the rhythm of My chanting. You understand the difference between the word and the rhythm? I am going to chant the Mahavakya - Aum Nithyananda MahaSadāshivoham. I am not asking you to move your tongue and chant along with Me. Keep your lips closed, hum along with Me. Capture the chandas, tune of the rhythm I am chanting. Don’t try to capture the word I am chanting. If you try to capture the word I am chanting, you will be very gross - physical! But I am...I want to you to be very subtle. So just hum along with Me. I am going to be chanting, but you are going to hum along with Me. So many things will be cleared. You will see many pains in many parts of your body will get released. That is nothing but when these 25 states of consciousness opens up in your system, tremendous healing happens.
Listen very clearly. Now I am going to open all these 25 states of consciousness in you very clearly in your Being aspect and Doing aspect. So problems becomes power. Shall we start? Just hum along with Me. You see, after today’s initiation, go and sleep… whole night you will be humming, automatically. You don’t need to try. You will be humming. Tomorrow onwards whenever you do power manifestation, you don’t need to chant the Mahavakya - hum the Mahavakya. You will see power manifests. When you chant… the way you manifest powers, when you hum… you will manifest 10000 times more, because the intensity is different. Till now you were running on battery, now only you are getting hooked to the grid - Kailash Grid.
[Initiation starts]
“Aum Nithyananda MahaSadāshivoham”…..
Don’t chant - just hum. Only then that...all the patterns will be released. Only then the intense sounds will be broken in your system.
“Aum Nithyananda MahaSadāshivoham”. Just keep your lips closed like….see do…..Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm Lips should be closed, only the frequency should be happening in you. Capture My chandas means - My tune, My rhythm. See, My rhythm is connected to the breath. My sound is connected to your listening. Listen carefully. Moocha pidicha siddan Pecha pidicha pittan It’s’s a statement from a Siddha – “When I am making, if you capture the word, you’ll only become mad. If you capture the rhythm, the breath, you will become enlightened.” Understand. Moocha pidicha siddan Pecha pidicha pittan. So capture My breathing, My rhythm. Tune yourself for that. A great Siddhar called Bogar, who has established Palani temple, He has written a beautiful book called, “Karukidai Negandu” – means, how the thought current can be impregnated into an herb. Negandu means dictionary, thought current. Karukidai means making it, putting the thought current and making an object pregnant with that thought current. In that he describes – Pecchai pidika pittan Moochai pidika siddan. So capture My rhythm along with Me. I’ll repeat now.
“Aum Nithyananda MahaSadāshivoham”
Mahasadashivoham glimpses of MahaSadashivoham: Day 8
Video - Mahasadashivoham glimpses of MahaSadashivoham: Day 8
Day 8 began with yoga, and Swamiji appeared yet again. He explained that true Yoga is a spiritual ritual that must be approached from that space. Participants practiced moves that they have never done before, made possible now by the presence of the Avatar. Next the groups went to either shiva stambha or shiva rope yoga. The shiva Stambha group learnt the deeper significance of Shiva Stambha, how to address the pole and the basics of climbing the pole. There were many successes, and breakthroughs.
Photos From The Day:
Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam | Mahasadashivoham - Day 8 | Nithyananda Yoga | Session on 25 States of Consciousness | Initiation
Nithyananda Times Video
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Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadāshivoham