November 21 2017

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Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadāshivoham, Mahadeva, Sannyas, Will Persistence, Sarabha, Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu, Narasimha, Consciousness, Kaunteya, Paartha, Gudakesha, bio-memory, Sutra, cognition, Oneness, Identity, powers, power manifestation. length, breadth, depth, 3rd eye healing - ananda gandha healing, super conscious breakthrough, magical existence, logical existence



aum nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām

nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām |

asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Actually, I feel that whole thing, all of you in front of Me and this whole hall, this mic, everything, this throne, everything, kind of a...liquid, semi-solid. Where the Bhava freezes into matter, where the ideas becoming idols, in that space, I can see the whole operation happening. From this space, I want to give you one advice. Please understand, whatever you believe - your body makes that into Reality.

I can see from this space, if somebody believes Sannyas is too easy, just body builds its structure, its DNA, to make Sannyas simple and easy. If somebody believes it is very difficult, complicated, structure starts making that same thing. And you have a fear, it is very difficult, but you want to believe willfully it is easy, then that will, Will Persistence, just swallowing that fear, like a Sarabha swallowing the Simha, like a dinosaur swallowing sharks; I can see the Will persistence swallowing the fear J


If you feel – “Living in this place is the best”, I am seeing you manifest that.

If you feel – “There is problems here, I may not be in tune with this now”, then I see that same thing getting manifested.

If you feel, “The fear is there, I may not be successful, I may not fit in”, but with Will persistence you want to feel - “No, I will fit in, this is the best place”, then I see the Will persistence behaving like a Sarabha.

Sarabha means Mahadeva’s incarnation - to remove the blood of Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu from Narasimha. See, Narasimha has to kill Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu in a very raw way, like a physical, violent, eating the intestine, because the intestine was capable of keeping the DNA alive, which Narasimha does not need, doesn’t want. So he has to swallow it. Whatever is said and done, because that fellows have done lot of tapas, that qualities went and got settled into Hiranyas…sorry...Narasimha’s body.

So now it is Mahadeva’s responsibility to clean up Narasimha’s body. So He takes up the form of Sarabha, means the face of Sarabha….Sarabha means the lion with elephant tongue….trunk and the huge wings. He assumes the form of Sarabha and releases Narasimha. I can see clearly, your Will persistence behaving like Sarabha and releasing you from all the damages of Hiranyaksha - all the incompletions.


Understand. I am really seeing this whole semi-solid existence. I am actually sitting on the threshold. J Because I have to be with The Reality [points towards Mahasadashiva on the throne] and I have to relate with your reality. I had to be with My reality and relate to your reality. Powers are nothing but your brain deciding to believe the magical existence of you against the logical existence of you, which is taught to you by your society. See, your society taught to you, only the logical existence. Your brain deciding… to come to the conclusion, cognition, of magical existence, magical way of existing, is what is Power Manifestation. That’s all. I tell you, you are not the body, you are not the mind - you are Consciousness. Sit with this one truth… trusting just because I said. You will not perish - “na me bhaktah pranasyati” - My devotees do not perish!! When you come to the conclusion - you are Consciousness - your pleasures will change. Your purpose of existence will change. Why you want to exist? - will change.

I tell you, whatever you feel as you, whatever you concluded as you, whether you like it or not, just by your breathing you spread that. If you are joyful - by your breathing you spread that. If you are hypocritical - by your breathing you spread that. If you are a cheat - by your very breathing you spread that. If you come to the conclusion - you are Consciousness - by your very breathing you spread that.

ksipram bhavati dharmatma sasvac-chantim nigacchati |

kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati ||

“Just by the power of his integrity to Me, he rests in eternal powerful space.

Oh Paartha, know thou for certain that My devotee is never destroyed.”

Here Krishna is using a beautiful word “Kaunteya” - son of Kunti. He uses the words very beautifully. Here, He says “Kaunteya”, why you know that? Integrity gets into muscle memory, which is part of the mother, that is why He calls here, “Kunti’s son”.

“Oh, son of Kunti” wherever He talks about the bio-memory concepts.

Where father component of Arjuna need to cooperate, He calls him “Paartha”.

Wherever his manliness need to be woken up, He addresses like “Gudakesha”, all his glories.

Every word Krishna uses to address Paartha - Arjuna, has a meaning with the concept He is teaching in that Sutra, in that verse. Here, He says “Kaunteya”, because the integrity has to penetrate your muscle memory.


Listen. I am not 4D Theatre, Universal Studio, to shake you and give you the experience of earthquake, accident. No! I don’t need to do any of that. My words are enough. I tell you, really I tell you, today I will make you experience how liquid you are. You can touch and feel everything is in a mercury state. The way you want it to become solid, it becomes solid. Your cognition solidifies it, that is what is consolidation. Your cognitions solidifies it, consolidates it.

Sit as Pure Consciousness. If you don’t know how to visualize it, you can decide to visualize MahaSadashiva, the form here carved with 1000s of heads, means all the heads here are your heads. The head of the Indra, head of the Chandra, head of the Surya, head of the Shani, head of the Guru, head of the person who is sitting in Patala, everything is part of your head, your neck. All those identities are your identities. Sit with that cognition. You may not know how to come to the conclusion about Consciousness, so come to this decision, conclusion - All...everyone here, everyone everywhere, every animal, everything exists, big, big sharks inside the ocean, huge living and non-living entities….no I should not use the word “non-living”....sorry; animate and inanimate. They may be inanimate but they have life. They are alive.

“Sthavaram Jangaman Vyaptam” Whether it is sthavara or jangama, you penetrate everything, you pervade everything. Sit with that decision. Sit with that conclusion. I’ll show you how liquid this whole Universe is. It is your Bhava does the Spanda. It’s your Bhava does the Spurana.


So apply Jnananjana and drop that stupid your incompletion papers you wrote. They are all irrelevant … and idiotic. Drop all of that, apply jnananjana or aushadha, pick up your Atma Linga. Sit as MahaSadāshiva with 1000s of heads…. sorry not 1000s….billions or trillions. Trillions of heads and identities, beautifully co-existing, established on Oneness. Listen to these words - “the huge shark in the ocean and your liver and kidney, intestine, floating inside your body, both have same experience of Oneness.” Chandra, Surya, Rahu, Ketu, Shani, and your next person - YOU - all of you have same Oneness as Identity.

Apply the Jnananjana or Aushadha, pick up your Atma Linga. See your incompletions so idiotic and irrelevant… to your existence. Yes. Keep your eyes closed. Let’s start the initiation.


[Initiation starts]

Aum Nithyananda MahaSadashivoham.

Reverberate with this powerful Mahavakya.

Aum Nithyananda MahaSadashivoham…..

Be alive in all the living beings and entities

Sthavaram Jangaman Vyaptam

Aum Nithyananda MahaSadashivoham…


You can all open all your three eyes and experience MahaSadāshiva’s great powers. Now, I sincerely recommend and request every one of you, especially all the Inner Awakening Grads, become part of the enriching and causing teamily, to cause humanity - super conscious breakthrough. You will experience the super conscious breakthrough.

With today’s initiation, you will manifest length, breadth, depth, body scanning and third eye healing - Ananda Gandha healing, all these powers and multiple permutation combination as you want. Play with it. Play with it!!

Be Blissful.


Photos From The Day:

Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam | Nithya Satsang

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