July 06 2012

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Uncover Your Enlightenment.


TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON JULY 6 2012 | 20120706]], INDIA Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide. In today's talk on Bhagavad Gita, chapter 5 verse 16, Paramahamsa Nithyananda unveils the sacred secret of this verse. Enlightenment shines like a bright sun within each of us. Many of us mistake the pursuit of knowledge for the path to enlightenment. Some traditions have actually abandoned their quest to expand their inner space, turning instead toward the acquisition of knowledge. This distraction creates a cloud that covers our essential brilliance. We need only to remove the cloud, and our spiritual light blazes forth in radiant glory.

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Uncover your enlightenment

Discourse by Paramahansa Nithyananda

                                                             Chapter 5: Sanyasa Yoga Verse 16

Today I’ll enter into the satsang

Jnaanena tu tadjnaanam Yeshaam naashitam – aatmanaha

Teshaam aadityavat jnaanam prakaashayathi tatparam

The translation :

On the other hand they, whose ignorance of the essential nature is destroyed by the consciousness, thereafter illumine and manifest the sacred knowledge like the Sun.

Nothing compared to Krishna to be a orator. If it is Shiva’s word, I have to add two words extra or reduce few words. Shiva’s language is a very common man’s language. Of course mass can understand. Common person can understand. That is the specialty of Shiva. Great philosophies he will express in common man’s language. Krishna, even a simple instruction he will sing in poetry. Even a very simple thing, he will say it in such a sophisticated way. The King, the King’s language training which he went through, you can see in every line, every word he utters. After all he was trained in Gurukul, polished, prepared to be a King. So naturally his language, body language, life style, skills, everything is of king’s. Can see very clearly how beautifully he puts the whole thing.

On the other hand they, whose ignorance of the essential nature is destroyed by the consciousness, thereafter illumine and manifest the sacred knowledge like the Sun. One of the best entertainment, time pass I have is just read the Gita verses. Nothing else! I won’t even get into the explanations, stories and all that; just Sanskrit verse and English translation.

I tell you guys, Gita is not just philosophical book. It’s a very powerful entrainment. The sacred secret you need to know from this verse is - You don’t need to gain knowledge, you don’t need to gain enlightenment. Please understand, it is there like a sun. It is shining always. All you need to do is work on removing the ignorance.

The biggest problem is, please understand, this one small understanding. Shifts the way you put your efforts. If you think knowledge needs to be gained, you will continuously spend your time only in reading, accumulating knowledge. No! That is why yesterday when somebody asked, what is the importance of knowledge in the spiritual path, it’s like reading a Manu card. That’s it! See, once you have the basic principles explained to you, now your effort has to be only in the line of destroying the ignorance, not gaining knowledge. The enormous amount of literatures produced. In course of time, the gaining knowledge itself takes 200 years and people forget gaining knowledge is not achieving enlightenment. It is like a menu card. Knowledge is like a menu card. You can’t go without reading it and you can’t be just sitting and reading it. Once you read it plan to eat. You need to have the book. It is not that you will scramble around. It is not that. You can do without menu card. But continuously reading the menu card is not going to work.

Jnaanena tu tadjnaanam Yeshaam naashitam – aatmanaha

Teshaam aadityavat jnaanam prakaashayathi tatparam

Bagavan is very clear. ‘prakaashayathi tatparam’ - It just illumines like the sun. So understand this example. Sun covered by the cloud. Now the cloud needs to be dispelled. But ordinary way you understand knowledge as, you have to make one kilogram gold, then two kilogram gold, three kilogram gold, four kilogram gold, you have to acquire, accumulate, accumulate. Unfortunately ordinary human mind understands achieving enlightenment as in this line. One kilogram gold, two kilogram gold, three kilogram gold then there will be one time you will have all the gold in the world. You will be owner. Then you are enlightened. No! That is not. It is like you are a sun shining. Cloud has covered. Destroy the cloud and you will shine again.

Understand the big difference between these two examples.

The attitude with which you start is going to play a major role in your journey. Please understand. It is very important. The attitude with which, the understanding with which you start your journey, is very important in the success of your journey. Knowledge is not acquired like, inch by inch,, inch by inch. It’s only the revelation, illumination, enlightenment. Just the clouds are destroyed. Over! Whatever is, is shining as usual. The right attitude - I will call only this as knowledge which you know, you are a sun covered by the cloud and the cloud needs to be dispersed and you need to shine. I will call only this as knowledge, like a menu card, reading the menu card.

I tell you, getting the taste of knowledge means just reading books and information is one of the worst addictions, which can keep enlightenment away from you. I tell you, it is much worst addiction than alcohol, marijuana, anything. Because, in marijuana, alcohol and other addictions, at one point you will realize, because the whole world is against it, whole society is against it. At one time you will suspect, you are doing something wrong. But reading books, whole world supports it. I tell you, don’t get addicted to reading books, once in a while.

Ramana Maharishi answers this problem very beautifully. He says the ultimate is Satsang means being with the truth “Sat” in un-clutched way. If you want, may be little time you can spend with the master. Please understand, ‘little time’ you can spend in his physical presence. If that is also not available, at the most you can spend little time with his books. He says after this three, no other option. He says never ever your brother disciples are friends. Ramana Maharishi was very clear. No disciple-disciple relationship.

Decide from now, very clearly, never entertain the disciple-disciple relationship, the brother-disciple relationship. Never allow that to influence your life. If it is really pulling you towards the Master, making you reach towards the Master, then tolerate it. That is the right word I will use. Tolerate it. Because the human mind is such, when he is in high mood, he talks high about the master to you,you will be inspired, and go near the master. Tomorrow if he is in low mood, he himself will tell you “Hey, I told you all that. But that and all is brain washed things”. He can take away the inspiration he gave, which is dangerous, which has happened many times, I have seen. ( Friend will say ) “ I don’t think that is the complete truth what I am saying now, I think this is much more proper”. Then you are in a soup. Not even a vegetarian soup. You are in a non-vegetarian soup. There are 3 soups. Vegetarian soup, non-vegetarian soup, naan-non-vegetarian soup. It means the “Naan”. In tamil “Naan” means “I”. The “I” is being cut and cooked. What I do in Inner awakening is the “naan-non-vegetarian” soup. The “I” is getting souped. So understand, you will neither be in Vegetarian soup nor be in naan-non-vegetarian soup. You will be in naan-vegetarian soup. Means your body will be boiling.

So be very, very choosy and careful with the disciple-disciple relationship.

Jnaanena tu tadjnaanam Yeshaam naashitam – aatmanaha

Teshaam aadityavat jnaanam prakaashayathi tatparam

So understand, this verse is very more like a GPS showing you the right path, right truth. Right GPS is very important for your journey. So please understand, in this beautiful verse, Bagavan is showing you the attitude with which you need to work. If you are working with the attitude of accumulation, your actions will be different. You will be spending more and more time in receiving the information. But if you are working with the attitude of dispersing the cloud, you will be working more and more with the practice, techniques, Kriyas, meditation and un-clutching. So the attitude is going to decide the practice you are going to choose. The practice you are going to choose will decide the result you are going to have it. Attitude is directly equated to the result. It directly affects the result.

Jnaanena tu tadjnaanam Yeshaam naashitam – aatmanaha

Teshaam aadityavat jnaanam prakaashayathi tatparam

Spot Notes: Friday, July 6th, 2012

“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnana Sambandhaacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 930 places through Nithyananda TV, 42 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 239 cities, in 32 countries around the world!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are – Port Washington New York, Bangalore North, Atlanta Ujjayini, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Anna Nagar Chennai, Phoenix Kanchipuram, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Toronto Kailasam, Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Dallas Dwaraka, Vancover Puri, Oklahoma Somanatham, Ohio Prayag, San Diego Alavai, Oman Siva Gangai, Varanasi, LA Pomona, Dakota Dunes, Los Angeles Buen Park, Shawnee Okalhoma, Chennai Ma Bhaktimaya, Croatia, Las Vegas, Calgary Amarnath, Los Angeles Arunachala, Tiru, Atlanta Ujjayini, Morocco, Charlotte Srisailam, Rajaji Nagar Bangalore, Madurai Aadeenam, Austin, Slovakia Poprad.

So Meenakshi picture drawn by Donna Johansen is here. I will show to all you guys. San Diego Blessings to Donna Johansen I really enjoyed this picture. Please paint some more. I announce this picture as our official Meenakshi picture. Donna draw with white saree and golden border with little less greenish colour. The skin is not this much green. White saree, golden border, draw this. I will give you some more tips.

Alright. Today I will enter into the Satsang.

In Bhagavad Gita, 5th chapter, Sanyaasa Yoga, 16th verse –

“jnanena tu tad ajnanam yesam nasitam atmanah | tesam aditya-vaj jnanam prakasayati tat param ||”

Translation – “on the other hand they whose ignorance of the essential nature is destroyed by the consciousness thereafter illumine and manifest the sacred knowledge like the sun”

Nothing compared to Krishna as a orator. If it is Shiva’s words I have to add few words or remove some. Shiva’s language is a very common man’s language. Of course common man can understand. That is the speciality of Shiva. Great philosophy he can express in common man’s language. Krishna even simplest things he will say it in a sophisticated way. That king’s language training which he went through you can see in every word, every line he utters. After all the training he went through to be prepared to be a king. His body language, words everything is that of a king.

On the other hand they whose ignorance of the essential nature is destroyed by the consciousness thereafter illumine and manifest the sacred knowledge like the Sun. One of the best entertainment time pass I have is just read the Gita verses. Nothing else. I won’t even get into the explanation, stories and all that. Just Sanskrit verse and English translation. I tell you guys. Gita is not just philosophical book. It is a very powerful entrainment. The sacred secret you need to know from this verse is you don’t need to gain knowledge. You don’t need to gain enlightenment. Please understand it is there like a sun. It is shining always. All you need to do is work on removing the ignorance. The biggest problem is this one small understanding shifts the way you need to put effort. If you think knowledge is to be gained, you continuously spend time in gaining and accumulating knowledge. No.

It is like reading a menu card. That’s it. See once you have the basic principles is explained to you, now your efforts should be made only to destroy the ignorance not gaining knowledge. There are some traditions just by the attitude of accumulating more and more know they lost enlightenment. Even some of the Vedanta traditions, Buddhist traditions, Jain traditions, Shaiva traditions such enormous amount of literatures were created and produced ….In course of time the gaining knowledge itself takes 200 years. People forget gaining knowledge is not achieving enlightenment. See that big difference Bhagavan is showing in this one verse. Knowledge is like a menu card. You can’t go without reading it and you can’t just with reading it. Once you read it, plan to have it. The moment I said Bhagavad Gita this verse..Mukta and Paramatmika are running around the laptop. Because they don’t have the book with them no. you need to have the book. It is not that you can do without the menu card. But continuously reading the menu card also will not work.

“jnanena tu tad ajnanam yesam nasitam atmanah | tesam aditya-vaj jnanam prakasayati tat param ||”

Translation – “on the other hand they whose ignorance of the essential nature is destroyed by the consciousness thereafter illumine and manifest the sacred knowledge like the Sun”

Bhagavan is very clear – prakasayati tat param – it just illumines like the sun. So understand this example, sun covered by the cloud. Now the cloud needs to be dispelled. But ordinary way you understand knowledge is you have to make 1 kg gold, 2 kg gold, 3 kg gold, 4 kg gold, you have to acquire, accumulate, accumulate. Unfortunately ordinary human mind understands achieving enlightenment in this line. One kg gold, 2, 3 kg gold and then when you have all the gold you will be enlightened. No. that is not. It is like you are a sun shining, cloud has covered, destroy the cloud, and you will shine again. Understand the big diff between these two examples the attitude with which you start is going to play a major role in your journey. Please understand it is very important. The attitude, the understanding with which you start your journey is very imp in the success of your journey

Knowledge is not acquired like inch by inch, inch by inch. It is only the revelation, illumination, enlightenment just the clouds are destroyed. Over. Whatever is - is shining as usual. Right attitude I will call only this as knowledge you are a sun covered by a cloud, the cloud has to be removed. I will call only this as knowledge like a reading a menu card. I tell you getting the taste of knowledge means just reading books and info is one of the worst addictions which can keep enlightenment away from you. I tell you it is much worst addiction than alcohol, marijuana anything. Because weight them the whole world is against it. At one time you will suspect something is wrong. But books whole world supports you. I tell you don’t get addicted to books. Ramana says the ultimate is satsang means being with the ‘sat’ – truth in unclutched way. If you want little time you can spend with the master in his physical presence if that is also not available, at the most you can spend little time with his books. After this 3 no other option. He says never ever your brother disciples are friends. Ramana Maharshi was very clear no disciple-disciple relationship. Decide from now very clearly never entertain the disciple-disciple relationship, the brother disciple relationship. Never allow that to influence your life. If it is really pulling you towards the master, making you reach towards the master, then tolerate it. That is the right word I will use – tolerate it. Because the human mind is such when he is in a high mood he will talk high about the master to you, you will be inspired and go to master. Tomorrow when he is in low mood he can take away the inspiration he gave. Which is dangerous. Which has happened many times I have seen! …..

Then you are in a soup. Not even in vegetarian soup. You are in a non-vegetarian soup. There are 3 soups – veg soup, non-veg soup, the non-non-veg soup. In Tamil “naan” means “I” - the I is being cut and cooked. What I do in IA is the non-non-veg soup. The I is getting cooked. So understand you neither will be in veg soup nor in non-veg soup you will be in non-non-veg soup. Means your body will be boiling. So please be very very choosy and careful with the disciple disc relationship.

“jnanena tu tad ajnanam yesam nasitam atmanah | tesam aditya-vaj jnanam prakasayati tat param ||”

So understand this verse is more like a GPS showing you the right path, right truth. In India we have on GPS. I always used to feel if Tiru, Madurai and Bangalore all three are nearby how nice it will be. And this GPS shows all three within 100 km! don’t take that kind of GPS. Right GPS is very imp for your journey. So please understand in this beautiful verse Bhagavan is showing the attitude with which you need to work. If you are working with attitude of accumulation your attitude will be different. You will spend more and more time to receive info. But if you work with attitude of disbursing the cloud you will practice more and more techniques, kriyas, meditation you are going to choose attitude decides action you take vice versa.

Attitude directly affects the result.

“jnanena tu tad ajnanam yesam nasitam atmanah | tesam aditya-vaj jnanam prakasayati tat param ||”

We will move to the next segment of morning Satsang.

1) Swamiji, certain media can never stop talking about how you are mesmerizing thousands of people into becoming your devotees. Is this really possible? How will a person know if they have been mesmerized or not? - Chitra, delhi

Chitra to tell you honestly it is media which is constantly mesmerizing you. Not me! Don’t you understand? In my presence I am neither mesmerizing you nor hypnotizing you. I am de-hypnotizing you. I am de-mesmerizing you. This media which can never stop talking about mesmerizing they should know the people who are sitting in front of me are not common mass. They are chosen few who have chosen me and who have been chosen by me! Understand highly qualified, highly educated, highly successful. Those few socially irresponsible media should understand my sessions are not like them. They enter into people’s bedroom and force themselves on them. Here people come to my place wherever I am and listen. For them the number of people watch matters. For me intensity of people who watch matters! There intention is number that is why they are always in – tension! There intention is only number that is why they make anything out of anything they can make sensationalism. They can make this ordinary shawl with the tiger printed cloth as tiger skin. Sexless man as sex swami. They making this tiger printed cloth as tiger skin as making the person who assumed male body as male! Understand if you can understand J

How foolish they are when they say this cloth is a tiger skin. Same way only they are foolish when they say this body as a male body or a sex swami or whatever names, titles they are giving. Somebody asked me even few days before the telegraph and outlook interview how it feels to be constantly called as sex swami, rapists an all that. I smiled. I cannot even move my legs and hands and I don’t want to get into the details! One of the biggest success my success is I am very clear about my experience. So nobody can make me believe what they believe or what they try to present. Please understand if you don’t have a right experience about you, if ten people stand around you and say you are a thief, you are a thief - you may start believing who knows maybe in a past life I was a thief. Fortunately I have a clear experience about me. In this whole game, they are not able to change my idea about me. They are able to change everybody’s idea about me but not my idea about me. Because it is not idea, it is experience I tell you even if they put off the whole forest fire and just leave without knowing one small deepam, lamp, that is enough to restart and catch. I am the deepam which can never be put off, because it is Arunachala’s deepam. Understand, first of all no one can mesmerize so many people. You cannot mesmerize so many people for so many years. What do they mean by saying thousands of people are becoming mesmerized? People have their own intelligence maybe I can give you the clear science of understanding whether somebody is mesmerized or not. If somebody is mesmerized his knowledge will not grow, he will be constantly drained of energy, his love component will not grow. Love is the most powerful chemistry in your body. If you are mesmerized, your love component will not be expressed. If you are mesmerized you cannot sing a song, write a poetry or give a rose. It is imps the component of love will be completely removed from his personality. He will be dry, dull dead waiting to be buried. Mesmerized person will not be able to love, sing, dance, write poetry or be creative.

I invite this hysteric media some of them not all of them. Some of them are very dedicated to truth. And some who are hysteric sensational media I invite them to come and see here how much of creativity is happening here. How much of pure love and devotion is expressing. Each one of my devotee or disciple is equal to 10,000 people in one body. If you see the intensity with which they are functioning, it is 10k people in one body! I know constantly teaching intense action I can see very clearly how my disciples are growing. Day before somebody asked me Swamiji during initiation what message you want to give us. I said everyday my satsang is an initiation! Few Brahmacharis asked. I said don’t you understand everyday my message is initiation message. there is no other sanyas sampradya with Brahmacharis getting such an intense training where master sits with them everyday not just talking but awakening their kundalini, giving them the spiritual experience. You are only getting de-hypnotized. They should come and see the amount of creativity, each one of my disciples, my devotees, my Gurukul kids express. Then they will understand how I am de-hypnotizing you guys and liberating you guys from all the conditionings and patterns.

2) Dear Swamiji, many of the things you do may seem completely illogical to the normal person (eg. materialization). What makes so may educated, perfectly rational people drop their logic in front of you and trust you instead? - Karan, Lucknow.

Karan you need to know things like a materialization it is not illogical, it is beyond logical – alogical. Understand you are using the wrong word – illogical. It is alogical – above logic. You are asking what makes so many educated perfect….in front of you? They are perfectly logical and rational people because they know beyond this pace their rationality and logic will not function. If you do not know where your logic is not useful, where you need to go beyond it is not perfect logic. All people who drop their logic and trust me are having the perfect logic and perfect rationality. Karan still your logic seems to be illogical. That is why you are using the word illogical but alogic. I don’t know if that word alogic exists or not, I will contribute it J above logic. Materialization is above logic. It is not illogic.

There are some people who are allergic to alogic that is why they call alogic as illogic. Because their logic is ill, they make alogica as illogic. Understand there are 3 logics – logical, illogica and alogical. Illogical means just you believing at one time you will have a peaceful life with your spouse even after living for 20 years is illogic. You believing every morning sun rises in the east today also it will is logic. You understand there are some things which are beyond my logic but exists and I need to move beyond my logic and understand and take cognizance based on the extraordinary experience that happens. Cognition need not happen out of my conditioning, but just based on the experience even though that is not explained to my conditioned logic….just because your logic does not have band width to …. out to what is happening in front of you, don’t take cognizance. It is like being blind even though you have eyes.

Illogic after living 20 years and believing that you can have peaceful life with spouse both your eyes and all other eyes you have is blinded. Sun rise in east – logical and you have two eyes open. Over. Great. The happening – you take cognizance of happening and your logic has enough bandwidth to take cognizance of what is happening. 3rd thing above logic where your logic bandwidth and your 2 eyes – your senses and your logic does not have enough bandwidth to take cognizance of what is happening is what I call alogic. There when you do this your 3rd eye opens. Ability to take cognizance of the happening even if your logic and sensed do not have the band width of capturing what is happening is 3rd eye which is above logic. The devotees, disciples, people who are able to understand my logic has no bandwidth to capture what is happening in front of me, now I need to take cognizance based on what is happening are the people whose 3rd eye is already open. And they are not dropping their logic. They are understanding and upgrading their logic. They are just upgrading their bandwidth. Upgrading is not dropping the bandwidth. They are just upgrading. Blessed are those who have even seen in their life something beyond their bandwidth of logic and senses because only when you see something which is beyond your logic and senses bandwidth, you will trust the impossible is possible. If you have never trusted in your life the impossible is possible I tell you - you will die as a depressed being.

Life’s hope starts when your logic takes cognizance of possibility of possibilities….otherwise why should humanity live? we have seen best clothes, we have seen best food, we have see best accommodation already. We have seen all possible pleasures already. Why should humanity drag on? Just few days before scientists have declared they have found the God particle. I tell you they have not found. They are beating around the bush and they will never be able to beat the exact God Particle till they turn in. if they turn in only in the God particle can click. Anyhow, why are we still alive why humanity still exists? Because constantly it is given a glimpse the impossible is possible. Blessed are those whose hearts have recognized the possibility of the impossible. You have a hope to live, reason to exist, inspiration to stand up, energy to continue. Atheist is a person who is very clear, impossible is impossible. Theist is a person who believes impossible is possible. Disciple is a person who caught the glimpse of possibility of impossible!

Master is a being radiating impossibility in every possible way! But again I want to tell you I am not a orator! The journalist who came to interview me from telegraph she said I never heard your discourses…I can be sure you are a orator and highly attractive. I said what do you mean? You calling e as a orator is not a compliment. I am not a orator I am just expressing a fact. The moment you feel I am a orator, the authenticity of the expression is taking away. I tell you orator needs to prepare everyday. I am only delivering everyday where is the time to prepare. I am the one who is continuously delivering without conceiving because I am the Hiranya Garbha! Hiranya Garbha means the cosmic womb, the cosmic mother. When you are connected to the energy of the cosmic mother you go on delivering without conceiving. There is not i to conceive. Orator needs to prepare, he needs to sit and contemplate. Where is the time? Because24 hours I am in front of the public. 24 hours I am in front of the people constantly delivering, delivering. Where do I have the time to prepare. That is why I am telling you I am not a orator. I am just authentic expresser. You can see 24 hours of my life is video recorded. Whatever few minutes is not, somebody morphs and releases. A journalist asked me Swamiji that complaint given against you, the statement given against you - there are 3 statements. In 1st statement there is no time, 2nd date and time is developed, 3rd it is refined and altering date and time is done. I said if the person ….my whole life is video recorded. The moment they give the date and time, I will pull out the vide record and wind the case. That is why first time she gave a statement without a date and time. But in the court for any reason, for any incident you need date and time. 2nd she developed in hurry some date, time, imagination. Then suddenly after giving the 2nd statement the whole group realized swamis whole life is video recorded. Then they changed the date and time. If you don’t even know the date and time you are being raped…no I am not making fun of anything. Anyhow, then suddenly after discussing with all the people, we discovered …no the statement says after discussing with all the ex-devotees, then was something going on in front of all devotees? J If you really want any entertainment just read the charge sheet filed against me, it will entertain you at least for ten days. It is still entertaining me!

As per Indian Law any evidence statement is not accepted even if you do small corrections. Here the major statements, additions, deletions show very clearly solid proof whatever you uttered is a lie. ……..5 years, 40-50 times in all continents. God save. There is no flight to the moon. Otherwise that also would have been added. Then suddenly you come up with the 3rd statement – the 3rd statement says after discussing with ex-devotees, I discovered that is not the right date. Then they come up with a better dates possible. But still now, nobody knows who raped. Nobody knows. I think they have not come to that

! I am waiting for the right agency to do the investigation. I tell you. The moment you change information, the evidence act of Indian law does not allow the evidence in any country if the victim changes the statements once in few days after discussing with ex devotees and all…now they realized. In 1st statement they did not realize my whole life is video recorded. Now they are remembering that my whole life is video recorded. Even Lenin the day he said he was ….

First in FIR he gives one date and then upgrades the date and time after we gave the video to the police. That is why this time …from our archives we digged out the videos of this false complainant. Person who is falsely accusing me coming to ED and giving me a slip that she is having this STD and she is suffering ……me saying I will mediate we got it and already released it to the media. And it will come to the court. And not only that, we even have some of the slips she gave in her own hand writing. What is in that slip, everything will be revealed in the court. Anyhow, we were talking about logic, illogic, alogic. We went around explaining the most illogical thing. Actually this video that she has STD we were only collecting. I think the police somehow released it. The slips all her letters that we are going to present it to the court. .now I know many butterflies will fly in many stomachs!

Let us move to the next segment – Niraahaara Samyama

I am so happy that people around the world so many are taking up this 3rd phase of niraahaara samyama. Please settle down, sit straight. Let us move to niraahaara samyama. Sit straight close your eyes. Visualize you are a huge banyan tree became Kalpataru banyan tree.

Visualize you are a huge banyan tree. Let your bio memories be awakened so that you can create Praana directly from the space.

Relax. I bless you to be successful in the 2nd day of niraahaara samyama. I have a beautiful video which I want to show to all of you.

<Video is played>

Strong winds. Yet we regroup J

Today’s minutes to be entered in minutes4peace.org website - 155 minutes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1124 places through Nithyananda TV, in 42 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 261 cities, 34 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5368.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5381_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5394.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5426_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5432_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5486_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5502_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5517.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5523_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5532.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5580_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5590.JPG


paduka pooja and nithya satsang


Bhagavad Gita, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, sacred, secret enlightenment, sun, knowledge, tradition, abandon, inner space, essential, brilliance, spiritual, light, radiant, glory.