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==Transcript: ==
==Transcript: ==
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
asmat āchārya paryantām
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, everyone… sitting with us through Sadhna TV, ARRA TV, Nithyananda TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
vande Guru paramparām ||
Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore Aadheenam, Houston Aadheenam, Pondicherry, Puduvai Aadheenam, Madurai Aadheenam, Hosur Aadheenam, Rajapalayam Aadheenam, Los Angeles - Sherman Oaks, Trinidad Tobago, Hyderabad - Gupta Kashi, Indrani - New Jersey, Seattle Aadheenam, New Jersey - Omkareshwar, Vancouver Aadheenam. Oh, Vancouver has not yet become temple, so Vancouver… North San Antonio - Texas, Ohio Aadheenam, Los Angeles Aadheenam, Toronto Aadheenam, New York Aadheenam, Kuala Lumpur Aadheenam, St. Louis Aadheenam, Guadeloupe Aadheenam, Alice Springs - Australia, Bogotá - Colombia; Varanasi Aadheenam, San Jose Aadheenam, London and Ponca City - Oklahoma and Vancouver Community Center and Slovakia - Košice. In Tirupur, Shivananda in Tirupur, Surrey - Canada, London-Warrington - UK, Slovakia - Košice and everywhere going on some more cities. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.         
I’ll continue on the 9th verse of Isavasya Upanishad. Please recite along with Me.
अन्धं तम प्रविशन्ति ये’अविद्याम् उपासते |
ततो भूय इव ते तमः यौ विद्यायां रताः || ९ ||
I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
andhaṁ tama praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate |
tato bhūya iva te tamaḥ yau vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ || 9 ||
I will continue on the ninth verse of Isavasya Upanishad. Please recite along with me:
andhaṁ tama praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate |
tato bhūya iva te tamaḥ yau vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ || 9 ||
Listen. Those who worship avidyā, the ignorance that veils the true knowledge, truth, consciousness... enter into blinding darkness characterized by the absence of perception, but into greater darkness of ignorance than that. Enter they who considering themself, themselves as scholarly and learned are engaged in vidyā the incomplete knowledge acquired for vested interests, characterized by the impure perception of truth, consciousness.
andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate |
tato bhūya iva te tamo yau vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ || 9 ||
“avidyām upāsate,” that is the key word in this verse. I don’t think I am going to give a better definition than My gurukul kid, who gave the definition for this word. Having ‘don’t care’ attitude about the ignorance is worshipping the ignorance. Usually whatever definition I give in the satsang they repeat in the Vakyartha Sadas. But today I am going to repeat whatever definition they gave in Vakyartha Sadas. Because it is so perfect! It’s so beautiful! So apt! Let Me be honest, I did not give this explanation yesterday. But today, if I decide to define “avidyām upāsate” that word, worshipping the ignorance - I can’t do it better than what My gurukul kids have done, it’s so perfect.
Those who worship avidyā, the ignorance that veils the true knowledge, enter into blinding darkness characterized by the absence of perception, but into greater darkness still enter they, who consider themselves as scholarly and learned, but engaged in vidyā for vested interests, unconcerned with true Consciousness.
See a sutra, in Sanskrit there is a definition what is sutra, how a sutra should be - short, as minimum letters as possible, straight explaining the meaning, as deep as possible, covering all the dimensions of the truth getting explained. That’s the definition of a sutra. Definition, how the definition should be given. And My gurukul kids have got it, caught that spirit. It’s amazing. Having ‘don’t care’ attitude about the ignorance, or having something else as the priority than seeking and breaking the ignorance, is worshipping the ignorance - avidyām upāsate. Listen. Having don’t care attitude about the ignorance or... having something else as your priority than breaking the ignorance or your seeking. Other than seeking or breaking the ignorance, if something else becomes important or more priority, more important priority to you, then what you do becomes avidyām upāsate, worshipping the ignorance.  
Avidyām that is the key word in this verse; I don’t think I am going to give a better definition than My [[gurukul]] kid: having a don’t care attitude about the ignorance is worshipping the ignorance.  
That is why I insist, in every situation, let ‘Seeking’ be your first response, understand. In all the so-called developed countries, they have a, something called first response team, for any crisis; for any accident, natural calamity or terrorist attack, for any crisis, they have something called first response team. Means the ambulance, the paramedical staff and police, the fire engine, bomb squad. People who rush to the scene and respond to the victims first, who try to attend to the crisis first - they are called first response team. I tell you, let ‘Seeking’ be your first response team for your whole life and all the crisis of life. Anything, whether you lost some money in some business or lost your job, any crisis… or even good things, you got married, or wife ran away. No, anything can be good, anything can be bad as per the person. 😀 I don’t want to define what is good, what is bad. Or you feel like running away with somebody, whatever it is. I don’t want to say what is good, what is bad and all that. But any situation, good or bad, losing or gaining, crisis or peace, joy or pain, suffering or bliss - let ‘Seeking’ become your first response to anything.  
Usually, whatever definition I give in Satsang they repeat in Vaakyartha Sadas, but today I am going to give repeat the definition he gave in Vaakyartha Sadas, because it is so perfect, so beautiful, so apt!
Let Me be honest, I did not give this explanation yesterday, but today if I define worshipping the ignorance, I can’t do it better than what My Gurukul kids have done!
When there is a pain - look why? Why this? Understand what I said yesterday, throw tantrum with the Cosmos. When you have a stomach pain, don’t think why stomach pain for Me? But think why first of all there is a pain for humanity? If you think why stomach pain for Me? Why disease for Me? You will only be buddhu. If you think why pain, suffering at all for the whole humanity? You will become Buddha. Understand just Buddha saw the sick person, old person, dead body, but he did not think, “Why did these fellows come and fall in my eyes? I think bad omen. Why did I see these fellows? I think bad shakuna (शकुन, śakuna), bad omen. These fellows are all the time depressing.” He did not think that way. He did not treat them like a black cat running in between. Most of the time when black cat runs across the road, it is not bad omen for you, it is a bad omen for the cat 😀
In Samskrit what is a sutra, how a sutra should be—short, as minimum letters as possible, straight explaining the meaning, as deep as possible, covering all the dimensions of the truth getting explained, that’s the definition of a Sutra.  
I was looking into this, actually almost in all culture this cat omen is there. I thought why? Then I found out, the black cats run around only when they don’t get basic food. And if you are in a society where simple food is not available for animals, where it has to run around, then there is something wrong in the society. You need to look in. Actually the black cat will not run around if he gets even a simple food. Anyhow now let us not get into the omen signs. Let’s stop with this. Listen. Whether it is a black cat running or seeing a sick person, Buddha did not look into that as his omen, or he did not think, “Oh, these fellows are morning itself they came and fell in my eyes, I am feeling depressed. No.”  He asked, “Why this to humanity?” He started throwing tantrum with the Cosmos. I tell you, I am really telling you, whoever throws tantrum with the Cosmos will be freed from the laws of Cosmos.
Definition, how the definition should be given, and My Gurukul kids have caught that spirit! It’s amazing.
Having don’t care attitude about the ignorance, or, having something else as the priority than seeking and breaking the ignorance, is worshipping the ignorance, avidyām upāsate. Listen. Having don’t care attitude about the ignorance or having something else as your priority than breaking the ignorance or your seeking. Other than seeking or breaking ignorance, if something else becomes important or more priority, more important priority to you, than what you do becomes avidyām upāsate, worshipping the ignorance. That is why I insist in every situation let seeking be your first response! Understand, in all the so-called developed countries they have something called ‘first response team’ for any crisis, accident, terrorist attack, first response team, means the ambulance, paramedical staff, police, fire engine, bomb squad, people who rush to the scene and respond to the victims first, who try to attend to the crisis first, first response team. I tell you, let seeking be your first response team for your whole life and all the crisis of life.
I tell you, all the laws and rules of Cosmos is only for those stupid fellows who don’t know how to throw tantrum with Cosmos. ‘Seeking’ is throwing tantrum with the Cosmos. ‘Seeking’ is such a powerful way of integrating you. The moment you start ‘Seeking’, all laws, rules, regulation gives way and says, “You are the favourite child of the Cosmos. You are the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos,” and you live like Paramahamsa. I am telling you, dharma is for the fellows who are interested in artha and kama. If you question dharma, start seeking the depth of dharma - why it is? Why? What is it? What is the source of it? How can I go beyond it? If the ‘why’ can be looked in, if the ‘why’ can be looked in; with your whole being if you question ‘why’, immediately Cosmos frees you from all the laws, rules, regulations. All the laws, all the rules, all the regulations - you become free from it. You become a liberated being.  
Anything, whether you lost some money in some business, or lost your job, any crisis, or even good things, you got married, or wife ran away, no anything can be good anything can be bad as per the person, I don’t want to define what is good or bad, but any situation, good or bad, losing or gaining, crisis or peace, joy or pain, suffering or bliss, let seeking become your first response to anything. When there is a pain, look why. Why this? Understand, what I said yesterday, throw tantrum with the Cosmos! When you have a stomach pain, don’t think “why stomach pain for me?” but think why first of all there is a pain for humanity.
If you think why for me, you will only be buddhu (ignorant fool). If you think why for whole humanity, you will become Buddha.  
I tell you, if you don’t throw tantrum with the Cosmic Mother, question why, why, why? She will let you be in your maya, delusion, understand. Delusion is - not throwing tantrum. Delusion is - not throwing tantrum. If a child is just sleeping or playing with the small toys he has or eating his candy or drawing on his urine - mother will do her work. She will continue to do her work. She will be engaged. Only if the child decides to throw everything and start screaming, even then she will try to give some better toys, better candy, and try to keep that child in his delusion. But if the child decides, “No! I don’t want anything,” and throws everything and starts throwing tantrum, only then she will come and just lift him up to her lap.  
Just Buddha saw the sick person, old person, dead body, but he did not think, “why did these fellows fall on my eyes, I think bad omen. Why did I see these fellows, I think bad shakuna, bad omen, they are depressing,” he did not think that way! He did not treat them like a black cat running in between! Most of the time when black cat runs across the road, it is not bad omen for you, it is a bad omen for the cat! I was looking into this, actually in almost all culture this cat omen is there, I thought why, then I found out the black cats run around only when they don’t get basic food, and if you are in a society where simple food is not available for animals, it has to run around, then there is something wrong in the society! Actually the black cat will not run around if he gets simple food. Anyhow, let’s stop with this. Listen. Whether it’s a black cat running, or seeing a sick person, Buddha did not look into that as his omen, or he did not think, “oh these fellows came in my eyes and I am feeling depressed,” he asked, “why this for humanity?” 
Throwing tantrum with the Cosmos! Whoever throws tantrum with Cosmos will be free from the laws and rules of Cosmos! Laws and rules are for the stupid fellows who don’t know how to throw tantrum; seeking is such a powerful way of integrating you. The moment you start seeking, all laws, rules, regulation gives way and says, “you are the favorite inheritor of the Cosmos,” and you live like Paramahamsa. I am telling you, dharma is for the fellows who are interested in artha and kāma, if you question dharma, start seeking the [[depth]] of dharma—why it is, why, what is it, what’s the source of it, how can I go beyond it, if the why can be looked in, if the why can be looked in, with your whole being if you question why, immediately Cosmos frees you from all the laws, rules, regulations. All the laws, all the rules, all the regulations, you become free from it. You become a liberated being!  
Same thing with the Cosmos. As long as you are in your delusion, and playing with your small toys, candies. What is your small toys? Your relationships, family, friends. What is your small candies? Your salary, one car, two house. And... drawing on your urine, what is it? Means, brooding over your incompletion. No, that is drawing on your urine. Kids do. If you are a mother, you know kids do that. No, I explained a very decent way, kids actually draw even on the two, number two. I spoke one, I went only up to the level of number one. They do even on number two. Or number one you drawing is, brooding over your incompletions. And number two drawing is making more and more incompletion out of your old incompletion. So, whenever you are brooding over your incompletion - visualize you are drawing on your number one. And whenever you are creating more suffering, more pattern, more incompletions out of your old incompletions - be very clear, you are drawing on your number two! And, projecting your incompletions on the Master and abusing him means you are putting those fingers directly into your mouth! I don’t think I need to describe more detailed 😀
I tell you, if you don’t throw tantrum with the Cosmic Mother, question–why, why, why–She will let you be in your māya, delusion, understand. Delusion is not throwing tantrum.
If a child is just sleeping, or playing with the small toys it has, or eating his candy, or drawing on his urine, mother will do her work, she will continue to do her work, she will be engaged. Only if the child decides to throw everything and start screaming, she will try to give better toys and candy, but if the child decides no, I do not want anything and throws tantrum, only then she will just lift him up to her lap. Same with the Cosmos, as long as you are in delusion, playing with your small toys, candies..what is your small toys? Your relationships, family friends; what are candies? Your salary, car house, and drawing on your urine, what is it? Means, brooding over your [[incompletion]]. It’s true, if you are a Mother you know that. I know only! Kids do even on number 2! Number 3 drawing is making more and more incompletion out of your old incompletion! So whenever you brood over incompletion imagine you are drawing on your number 1, and whenever you create new incompletions out of your old incompletions, be very clear, you are drawing on your number 2! And, projecting your incompletions on the Master means putting your fingers in your mouth! I don’t think I need to describe more detailed. And then the Cosmic Mother will come and give more candies–better house, better salary, a lottery ticket, one extra fitting. She will try to give everything and divert your attention; if you are back to that, She will continue with her life. But, only when you decide, “No, I am really, really going to look into everything, question everything, what is pain, what is pleasure, what is life, what am I,when you feel pain, let your first response team be seeking; when you feel bliss, seeking, “what is this bliss, what is this pleasure, exactly what happens in me when I am having pleasure, when I am having pain?I tell you, having your first response team as seeking, or seeking as your first response team, is the highest, best security you can get from Cosmos.
And then the Cosmic Mother will come and give you some more candies - come on, come on, come on better salary, better career opportunity, better house, lottery ticket, one extra fitting. She will try to give everything and divert your attention. If you are again back to that, she will say, “Alright. Hmm.” She will continue with her life. But, only when you decide, “No. I am really, really going to look into everything, question everything. What is pain? What is pleasure? What is life? What am I?When you feel pain, let your first response team be ‘Seeking’. When you feel bliss, let your first response team be ‘Seeking’. What is this bliss? What is this pleasure? Exactly what happens in me when I am having pleasure? Exactly what happens in me when I am having pain? I tell you, having your first response team as ‘Seeking’, or ‘Seeking’, as your first response team, is the highest best security you can get from Cosmos. Throughout your life, if the ‘Seeking’, becomes your FRT - first response team, even when death comes, that’ll be your first response team. When you can seek into the death, you will be enlightened. That’s all.  
Throughout your life, if the seeking becomes your FRT, even when death comes, that will be your first response team. When you can seek into the Death, you will be Enlightened, that’s all! I tell you, if your first response team is seeking, ordinary cup of tea can make you enlightened! When you sip, just see, what is happening with this liquid touching my tongue—what is happening, why this response to this, why am I responding to this?
A tea or a cigarette is never just a sip or a smoke, every time you sip a tea, same patterns are cherished, every time you smoke, same patterns getting cherished. If you are addicted, you will know, look in, every time with those activities, you will have the same patterns. Even shower, every time when you stand under the shower, same patterns. I am telling you, if seeking becomes your first response team, you will break tons and tons of patterns, just an ordinary sipping a cup of tea can lead you to Enlightenment. As mundane activities as you claim, your tea, just you reading a newspaper, every activity you are addicted, you will be going through that same [[pattern]] more than the same action. Listen, listen. If you are going through more in the same action, it will never be addictive. If you are going through that same pattern more, only then any action will be addictive, because addiction belongs to mind, not body. Please listen, it is the thought currents you go through every time you sip a tea or smoke, you are addicted for that, for that sake you want the smoke again and again, not for the action itself, but for the pattern you go through, even reading newspaper. I tell you, you don’t read from the paper, you read from the mind! If you read 10 line from the paper, you will read 200 lines from the mind! It is what you go through in the mind that you enjoy more, that is the reason many cannot go for 1-2 without the newspaper in hand.  
I tell you, if your first response team is ‘Seeking’, ordinary cup of tea can make you enlightened. When you sip a cup of tea, just see - what is happening with this liquid touching my tongue? Wherever it is traveling, what is happening? Why this response to this? Why am I responding to it? A tea or a cigarette is never just a drink or a smoke, understand. Every time you sip a tea, you will have a same patterns getting cherished. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you will have a same patterns getting cherished. If you are a addict to smoking or habitual tea drinker - you will know! Look in! Every time with those activities, you will have a same pattern. Even shower, every time when you stand under the shower, you will have the same patterns. I am telling you, if ‘Seeking’ becomes your first response team, you will break tons and tons of patterns. Just an ordinary, ordinary sipping a cup of tea can lead you to enlightenment.
Listen, I am defining addiction.
All addiction is the mental patterns you go through more than the physical actions you do, when you start enjoying the mental patterns you go through than the same physical actions you do, you get addicted to that.  
As mundane activities as you claim: your tea, just you reading a newspaper, every activity you are addicted, you will be going through that same pattern more than the same action. Listen! Listen. If you are going through more in the same action, it’ll never be addictive. If you are going through that same pattern more, only then any action will become addictive because addiction belongs to mind, not body. Please listen. It is the thought currents which you go through every time you sip a tea or smoke, you are addicted to that. For that sake you want the smoke, you  want the cigarette again and again, tea again and again. Not for the action itself, but for the pattern you go through. Even reading newspaper, I tell you, you don’t read from the paper, you read from the mind. If you read ten line from the paper, you will read two hundred lines from the mind. It is what you go through in the mind that you enjoy more, that is the reason many cannot go for one-two without having the newspaper in the hand.  
Whether for alcohol, marijuna, newspaper, sleeping pill, or making accidents! There are many people, accident addicts. At least a small scratch should happen to their car or two-wheeler; it can be as complicated as accident addiction, or as simple as morning can’t go to the restroom without newspaper. Whether it’s your drinking pattern, eating pattern, or womanizing pattern, it’s all pattern; actually a womanizer needs to be healed, not punished. A drunkard needs to be healed, not punished. A smoking addict needs to be healed, not punished. Because it is getting caught with a pattern, I tell you, if your first response to anything can be a seeking, no pattern can get rooted into you. All patterns will be routed, it can never get rooted in you.
Seeking is giving earthquake to patterns. If patterns are plants and trees, seeking is giving a small shake or big shake; all your patterns will collapse, whether it is yesterday started or 2000 years started, everything will collapse. Everything will collapse.
Listen. I am defining addiction. All addiction is, the mental patterns you go through more than the physical actions you do. When you start enjoying the mental patterns you go through, with the same physical act than the physical actions you do - you get addicted to that. Use this definition whether for alcohol, marijuana, newspaper reading; it can be as simple as newspaper reading to as complicated as a sleeping pill or as difficult as making accidents. Please understand there are many people - accident addicts. At least a small scratch should happen to their car or two-wheeler. Tuk! Then they feel satisfied. It can be as complicated as accident addiction, or as simple as morning can’t go to the restroom without newspaper. Whether it’s your drinking pattern, eating pattern, or womanizing pattern - it’s all pattern; actually a womanizer need to be healed, not punished. A drunkard need to be healed, not punished. A smoking addict need to be healed, not punished. Because, it is getting caught with the pattern.
Understand, having seeking as your first response team means [[Living enlightenment|Living Enlightenment]]. Not having seeking as your first response team means worshipping the ignorance. Shivoham process is just all about making seeking as your first instinct response, understand.
I am using a new word: first instinct response, FIR. Having seeking as your first instinct response is all I need to do, giving you the eternal seeking is the job of Mahadeva. WIth the seeking, naturally comes solution; with the seeking naturally comes solution.
I tell you, if your first response to anything can be a seeking, no pattern can get rooted into you. All patterns will be routed. It can never get rooted in you. Seeking is... giving a earthquake to patterns. If patterns are the plants and trees on the ground, seeking is just giving a small shake. Or I can say big shake. It’ll collapse. All your patterns will collapse, whether it is yesterday started or two thousand years before started. Everything will collapse. Everything will collapse. Understand having ‘Seeking’ as your first response team, means Living Enlightenment. Not having ‘Seeking’ as your first response team, means worshipping the ignorance. Shivoham process is just all about making ‘Seeking’ as your first instinct response. Understand. I am using a new word, first instinct response - FIR. First instinct respond… response. Having ‘Seeking’ as your first instinct response is all I need to do. Giving you the eternal seeking is the job of Mahadeva. With the Seeking, naturally comes solution. With the Seeking naturally comes solution.
Understand, anything can be given up, not seeking. Whichever part of you has stopped seeking, look into it, it will have become a frozen part of you, whether parts of the body, mind, logic, emotion, wherever you stopped the seeking you lost the art of reinventing yourself. Whenever you lost the art of reinventing yourself, not only you are stinking, you are rotting to death; you are stinking to death, rotting to destruction. Emotionally, if you stop seeking, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself.
Physically, your body continuing to seek its original state is Yoga. Your logic continuing to seek its original state is Liberated Thinking. Your emotion continuing to seek its original form of existence is [[Devotion]]. If your being, Consciousness, seeking to its original state is Enlightenment.  
Understand, anything can be given up, not Seeking. Whichever part of you has stopped Seeking, look into it - it would have become a frozen part of you, whether it is a body, parts of the body or mind, logic, emotion. Wherever you stopped the Seeking, you lost the art of reinventing yourself. Whenever you lost the art of reinventing yourself, understand not only you are stinking, you are stinking to death. You are rotting to death. You are stinking to death, rocking to des… destruction. Emotionally if you stop Seeking, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself.
Physically your body continuing to seek its original state is yoga.  
Your logic continuing to seek its original state is liberated thinking.  
Your emotion continuing to seek its original form of existence is devotion.  
If your being - Consciousness, seeking to its original state is enlightenment.  
Seeking keeps you alive with the possibility of reinventing yourself. Whenever seeking is lost, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself, you are frozen, you are dead! Dead fellows are not that dangerous to humanity, but the living dead are most dangerous to humanity. The real danger to Sanatana Hindu Dharma is not other religious groups, it is non-practicing Hindus; it is non living human beings, greatest danger than aliens or animals or anybody else; no alien, no animal, nobody else, nothing else, can be such worst danger to human beings than the non-living human beings to the living human beings. The live dead human beings are the biggest threat to the living human beings. If you see the reality, ghosts have not done so much of bad things to humanity, never the dead people, it’s the living dead, they did all the crisis to humanity that are living.
Please understand, don’t be afraid of dead, but always be away from the living dead people, who are frozen, who don’t know to reinvent themselves, who don’t know realigning, reinventing themselves, who lost seeking.
There is a beautiful verse by Manikkavacakar, he says, “I won’t be afraid of seeing a snake or a wild animal, but I will be afraid to see the foreheads which has no holy ash, [[Sacred Ash|sacred ash]], on it; which has no [[bhasma]] on it! I am afraid to see the people who don’t take Mahadeva’s name in their being, in their heard.” Actually, I wanted to sing in that same tone. The fellows who don’t have seeking, if you see them, all the bad things you are going to get, let Me be afraid of that! Let me be afraid of seeing the fellows who don’t have seeking and the dangers they will call us if we see them; if you see them, hear them, talk to them, it is danger; because just talking 5 minutes with you they can put some stupid idea in your head! It’s like some guest comes does 1-2-3 in your hall, and you are cleaning it for 10 days, that is much better than this! Giving you the ultimate seeking and teaching you how to throw tantrum with cosmos and making you experience liberation is all the Shivoham Process! If you have to get the attention of elephant, just being an ant will never be successful, you’ll have to come at least to the level of bird; same way with the cosmos, as ordinary broken human being, you can never get attention; raise yourself to the level of seeking, you will see, cosmos responds to you! If you question “why me” you will be punished more and more, if you question “why is it at all for human beings” you will be liberated!
Seeking keeps you alive with the possibility of reinventing yourself. Whenever Seeking is lost, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself - you are frozen, you are dead! Dead fellows are not that dangerous to humanity, but the living dead are the most dangerous to humanity. I always tell people, the real danger to Sanatana Hindu Dharma is neither atheist or other religious people. It is non-practicing Hindus, they are the greatest danger to Hindu tradition than anybody else. It is non-living human beings, they are the greatest danger to living human beings than aliens or any animals or anybody else. No alien, no animal, nobody else, nothing else can be such... worst danger to human beings than the non-living human beings, to the living human beings. The live dead human beings are the biggest threat to the living human beings.
Seeking means having basic questions, first things first, is seeking. Having seeking is not worshipping the ignorance, andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate, worshipping the ignorance.
If you see the reality, ghosts have not done so much of bad things to humanity. Never the dead people, it’s the living dead, they did all the crisis to humanity who are living, please understand. Don’t be afraid of dead, but always be away from the living dead people - who are frozen, who don’t know to reinvent themself, who don’t know realigning, reinventing themselves, who lost seeking.  
Putting the seeking as your first response team is what I am doing in Shivoham process; making the seeking as your first instinct response is the process of Shivoham. Inviting and welcoming all of you for the Shivoham process in Varanasi.
I will move to the next segment of the morning satsang, Dial the [[Avatar]].
There is a beautiful verse by Manikkavasagar. He says, “I am not, I won’t be afraid of seeing a snake or a wild animal, but I will be afraid of the foreheads. I will be afraid to see the foreheads which has no holy ash, sacred ash on it, which has no bhasma on it. I am afraid to see the people who don’t take Mahadeva’s name in their being, in their heart.” Actually I wanted to sing in that same tone.  
Thaedudhal illar kandaal varum kaedudhal kandu Ammanaam anjumaare
The fellows who don’t have Seeking, if you see them, all the bad things you are going to get, let you be afraid of that! Let me be afraid of that! 
Thaedudhal illar kandaal varum kaedudhal kandu Ammanaam anjumaare
Let me be afraid of seeing the fellows who don’t have Seeking and the dangers they will cause for us if we even see them.
Kandu muttu Kaettu muttu
Nithyananda Times - 19th April, 2015
== Link to video: ==
If you see them, it is danger. And if you hear about them, it is danger. If you talk to them, it is danger.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGL6Z2Aahgk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/nithyananda-times-19th-april-2015?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2015-playlist"/>
Because, just talking five minutes with you, they can destroy your Seeking and put some stupid ideas into your head and go away. After that you have to be sitting and cleaning it up. It’s like some guest comes and does one-two-three 😀 everything in your hall and goes out, and you are sitting and cleaning it with phenyl for ten days 😀 That is much better than this. Giving you the ultimate Seeking, and teaching you how to throw tantrum with the Cosmos, and making you experience liberation is all the Shivoham Process. If you have to get the attention of a elephant, just being an ant will never be sufficient, will never be successful. You will have to at least come to the level of a bird and create a sound so that elephant can turn and see you. Same way with the Cosmos, as ordinary broken human being, you can never get the attention of the Cosmos. Raise yourself by Seeking, you will see Cosmos responds to you.
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If you question ‘Why me?’, you will only be punished more and more. If you question, ‘Why is it first of all?’, you will be liberated. If you question ‘Why pain for me?’, you’ll only be attracting more and more. If you question, ‘Why first of all there is a pain for human beings?’, you will be liberated. Seeking means having basic questions, first things first. First thing first, is seeking. Having Seeking is not worshipping the ignorance.
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andhaṁ tama praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate
=== Paduka Puja Nithya Satsang  ===
{{#hsimg:1|186.666666666667|Padapuja in progress...|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-04apr-19th-nithyananda-diary_MG_0512_padapuja-swamiji.JPG}}
Worshipping the ignorance. Putting the seeking as your first response team is what I am doing in Shivoham Process. Making the seeking as your first instinct response is the process of Shivoham. Inviting and welcoming all of you to Shivoham Process in Varanasi.  
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=== Kalpataru Darshan ===
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I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you. Be blissful.
==Link To Facebook Post==
== Tags: ==
[[Yoga]],Meditation,Spirituality,[[Kundalini]],Awakening,Transformation,Enlightenment,Isha,Isha Vasya Upanishad,Upanishads (Religious Text),Isha Upanishad Verse 9,FIR First Instinct Response,Seeking,Spiritual Seeking,Throw Tantram at Cosmic Mother,Reinvent with Seeking
==Photos Of The Day:==
Nithyananda Times - 19th April, 2015
== Link to video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGL6Z2Aahgk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/nithyananda-times-19th-april-2015?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2015-playlist"/>
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===Nithyananda Satsang===
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===Kalpataru Darshan===
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===Onlline E-Kalpataru===
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===FB Photos of the Day===
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== Tags: ==
[[Yoga]],Meditation,Spirituality,[[Kundalini]],Awakening,Transformation,Enlightenment,Isha,Isha Vasya Upanishad,Upanishads (Religious Text),Isha Upanishad Verse 9,FIR First Instinct Response,Seeking,Spiritual Seeking,Throw Tantram at Cosmic Mother,Reinvent with Seeking
[[Category: 2015 | 20150419]] [[Category: Puja]][[Category: Program]][[Category: Kalpataru]][[Category: Darshan]][[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Upanishads]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]]

Latest revision as of 00:38, 29 May 2024


Let Seeking Be Your First Instinct Response


Today’s (19th April, 2015) Nithya Satsang on Ishavasya Upanishad in Living Advaita Series. Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues intercepting the deeper meanings of worshipping ignorance, advidyām upasate, which is having a ‘I don’t care’ attitude towards ignorance or having something else as your top priority. He insists that in every situation of life, let your ‘first response team’ be Seeking, which is throwing tantrum with the Cosmos to get us out of the delusion. The Cosmic Mother frees us from maya, delusion, when we question the very root of everything—“why pain? Why pleasure? Why is it in the first place?” and not ‘why me?’. But when we lose seeking, we lose the capacity to reinvent ourselves and become frozen, living dead. With the upcoming Inner Awakening Shivoham Process at Varanasi, He is raising people to the ultimate seeking, reinvent themselves, get the response from Cosmos, and experience Living Enlightenment. Isha Upanishad – Verse 9 andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate | tato bhūya iva te tamo yau vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ || 9 || Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=lifeblissfoundation to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeBlissFoundation https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda https://plus.google.com/104086565286265959836/posts

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Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, everyone… sitting with us through Sadhna TV, ARRA TV, Nithyananda TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore Aadheenam, Houston Aadheenam, Pondicherry, Puduvai Aadheenam, Madurai Aadheenam, Hosur Aadheenam, Rajapalayam Aadheenam, Los Angeles - Sherman Oaks, Trinidad Tobago, Hyderabad - Gupta Kashi, Indrani - New Jersey, Seattle Aadheenam, New Jersey - Omkareshwar, Vancouver Aadheenam. Oh, Vancouver has not yet become temple, so Vancouver… North San Antonio - Texas, Ohio Aadheenam, Los Angeles Aadheenam, Toronto Aadheenam, New York Aadheenam, Kuala Lumpur Aadheenam, St. Louis Aadheenam, Guadeloupe Aadheenam, Alice Springs - Australia, Bogotá - Colombia; Varanasi Aadheenam, San Jose Aadheenam, London and Ponca City - Oklahoma and Vancouver Community Center and Slovakia - Košice. In Tirupur, Shivananda in Tirupur, Surrey - Canada, London-Warrington - UK, Slovakia - Košice and everywhere going on some more cities. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


I’ll continue on the 9th verse of Isavasya Upanishad. Please recite along with Me.

अन्धं तम प्रविशन्ति ये’अविद्याम् उपासते | ततो भूय इव ते तमः यौ विद्यायां रताः || ९ ||

andhaṁ tama praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate | tato bhūya iva te tamaḥ yau vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ || 9 ||

andhaṁ tama praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate | tato bhūya iva te tamaḥ yau vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ || 9 ||

Listen. Those who worship avidyā, the ignorance that veils the true knowledge, truth, consciousness... enter into blinding darkness characterized by the absence of perception, but into greater darkness of ignorance than that. Enter they who considering themself, themselves as scholarly and learned are engaged in vidyā the incomplete knowledge acquired for vested interests, characterized by the impure perception of truth, consciousness.


“avidyām upāsate,” that is the key word in this verse. I don’t think I am going to give a better definition than My gurukul kid, who gave the definition for this word. Having ‘don’t care’ attitude about the ignorance is worshipping the ignorance. Usually whatever definition I give in the satsang they repeat in the Vakyartha Sadas. But today I am going to repeat whatever definition they gave in Vakyartha Sadas. Because it is so perfect! It’s so beautiful! So apt! Let Me be honest, I did not give this explanation yesterday. But today, if I decide to define “avidyām upāsate” that word, worshipping the ignorance - I can’t do it better than what My gurukul kids have done, it’s so perfect.


See a sutra, in Sanskrit there is a definition what is sutra, how a sutra should be - short, as minimum letters as possible, straight explaining the meaning, as deep as possible, covering all the dimensions of the truth getting explained. That’s the definition of a sutra. Definition, how the definition should be given. And My gurukul kids have got it, caught that spirit. It’s amazing. Having ‘don’t care’ attitude about the ignorance, or having something else as the priority than seeking and breaking the ignorance, is worshipping the ignorance - avidyām upāsate. Listen. Having don’t care attitude about the ignorance or... having something else as your priority than breaking the ignorance or your seeking. Other than seeking or breaking the ignorance, if something else becomes important or more priority, more important priority to you, then what you do becomes avidyām upāsate, worshipping the ignorance.


That is why I insist, in every situation, let ‘Seeking’ be your first response, understand. In all the so-called developed countries, they have a, something called first response team, for any crisis; for any accident, natural calamity or terrorist attack, for any crisis, they have something called first response team. Means the ambulance, the paramedical staff and police, the fire engine, bomb squad. People who rush to the scene and respond to the victims first, who try to attend to the crisis first - they are called first response team. I tell you, let ‘Seeking’ be your first response team for your whole life and all the crisis of life. Anything, whether you lost some money in some business or lost your job, any crisis… or even good things, you got married, or wife ran away. No, anything can be good, anything can be bad as per the person. 😀 I don’t want to define what is good, what is bad. Or you feel like running away with somebody, whatever it is. I don’t want to say what is good, what is bad and all that. But any situation, good or bad, losing or gaining, crisis or peace, joy or pain, suffering or bliss - let ‘Seeking’ become your first response to anything.


When there is a pain - look why? Why this? Understand what I said yesterday, throw tantrum with the Cosmos. When you have a stomach pain, don’t think why stomach pain for Me? But think why first of all there is a pain for humanity? If you think why stomach pain for Me? Why disease for Me? You will only be buddhu. If you think why pain, suffering at all for the whole humanity? You will become Buddha. Understand just Buddha saw the sick person, old person, dead body, but he did not think, “Why did these fellows come and fall in my eyes? I think bad omen. Why did I see these fellows? I think bad shakuna (शकुन, śakuna), bad omen. These fellows are all the time depressing.” He did not think that way. He did not treat them like a black cat running in between. Most of the time when black cat runs across the road, it is not bad omen for you, it is a bad omen for the cat 😀 [12:06]

I was looking into this, actually almost in all culture this cat omen is there. I thought why? Then I found out, the black cats run around only when they don’t get basic food. And if you are in a society where simple food is not available for animals, where it has to run around, then there is something wrong in the society. You need to look in. Actually the black cat will not run around if he gets even a simple food. Anyhow now let us not get into the omen signs. Let’s stop with this. Listen. Whether it is a black cat running or seeing a sick person, Buddha did not look into that as his omen, or he did not think, “Oh, these fellows are morning itself they came and fell in my eyes, I am feeling depressed. No.” He asked, “Why this to humanity?” He started throwing tantrum with the Cosmos. I tell you, I am really telling you, whoever throws tantrum with the Cosmos will be freed from the laws of Cosmos.


I tell you, all the laws and rules of Cosmos is only for those stupid fellows who don’t know how to throw tantrum with Cosmos. ‘Seeking’ is throwing tantrum with the Cosmos. ‘Seeking’ is such a powerful way of integrating you. The moment you start ‘Seeking’, all laws, rules, regulation gives way and says, “You are the favourite child of the Cosmos. You are the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos,” and you live like Paramahamsa. I am telling you, dharma is for the fellows who are interested in artha and kama. If you question dharma, start seeking the depth of dharma - why it is? Why? What is it? What is the source of it? How can I go beyond it? If the ‘why’ can be looked in, if the ‘why’ can be looked in; with your whole being if you question ‘why’, immediately Cosmos frees you from all the laws, rules, regulations. All the laws, all the rules, all the regulations - you become free from it. You become a liberated being.


I tell you, if you don’t throw tantrum with the Cosmic Mother, question why, why, why? She will let you be in your maya, delusion, understand. Delusion is - not throwing tantrum. Delusion is - not throwing tantrum. If a child is just sleeping or playing with the small toys he has or eating his candy or drawing on his urine - mother will do her work. She will continue to do her work. She will be engaged. Only if the child decides to throw everything and start screaming, even then she will try to give some better toys, better candy, and try to keep that child in his delusion. But if the child decides, “No! I don’t want anything,” and throws everything and starts throwing tantrum, only then she will come and just lift him up to her lap.


Same thing with the Cosmos. As long as you are in your delusion, and playing with your small toys, candies. What is your small toys? Your relationships, family, friends. What is your small candies? Your salary, one car, two house. And... drawing on your urine, what is it? Means, brooding over your incompletion. No, that is drawing on your urine. Kids do. If you are a mother, you know kids do that. No, I explained a very decent way, kids actually draw even on the two, number two. I spoke one, I went only up to the level of number one. They do even on number two. Or number one you drawing is, brooding over your incompletions. And number two drawing is making more and more incompletion out of your old incompletion. So, whenever you are brooding over your incompletion - visualize you are drawing on your number one. And whenever you are creating more suffering, more pattern, more incompletions out of your old incompletions - be very clear, you are drawing on your number two! And, projecting your incompletions on the Master and abusing him means you are putting those fingers directly into your mouth! I don’t think I need to describe more detailed 😀


And then the Cosmic Mother will come and give you some more candies - come on, come on, come on better salary, better career opportunity, better house, lottery ticket, one extra fitting. She will try to give everything and divert your attention. If you are again back to that, she will say, “Alright. Hmm.” She will continue with her life. But, only when you decide, “No. I am really, really going to look into everything, question everything. What is pain? What is pleasure? What is life? What am I?” When you feel pain, let your first response team be ‘Seeking’. When you feel bliss, let your first response team be ‘Seeking’. What is this bliss? What is this pleasure? Exactly what happens in me when I am having pleasure? Exactly what happens in me when I am having pain? I tell you, having your first response team as ‘Seeking’, or ‘Seeking’, as your first response team, is the highest best security you can get from Cosmos. Throughout your life, if the ‘Seeking’, becomes your FRT - first response team, even when death comes, that’ll be your first response team. When you can seek into the death, you will be enlightened. That’s all.


I tell you, if your first response team is ‘Seeking’, ordinary cup of tea can make you enlightened. When you sip a cup of tea, just see - what is happening with this liquid touching my tongue? Wherever it is traveling, what is happening? Why this response to this? Why am I responding to it? A tea or a cigarette is never just a drink or a smoke, understand. Every time you sip a tea, you will have a same patterns getting cherished. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you will have a same patterns getting cherished. If you are a addict to smoking or habitual tea drinker - you will know! Look in! Every time with those activities, you will have a same pattern. Even shower, every time when you stand under the shower, you will have the same patterns. I am telling you, if ‘Seeking’ becomes your first response team, you will break tons and tons of patterns. Just an ordinary, ordinary sipping a cup of tea can lead you to enlightenment.


As mundane activities as you claim: your tea, just you reading a newspaper, every activity you are addicted, you will be going through that same pattern more than the same action. Listen! Listen. If you are going through more in the same action, it’ll never be addictive. If you are going through that same pattern more, only then any action will become addictive because addiction belongs to mind, not body. Please listen. It is the thought currents which you go through every time you sip a tea or smoke, you are addicted to that. For that sake you want the smoke, you want the cigarette again and again, tea again and again. Not for the action itself, but for the pattern you go through. Even reading newspaper, I tell you, you don’t read from the paper, you read from the mind. If you read ten line from the paper, you will read two hundred lines from the mind. It is what you go through in the mind that you enjoy more, that is the reason many cannot go for one-two without having the newspaper in the hand.


Listen. I am defining addiction. All addiction is, the mental patterns you go through more than the physical actions you do. When you start enjoying the mental patterns you go through, with the same physical act than the physical actions you do - you get addicted to that. Use this definition whether for alcohol, marijuana, newspaper reading; it can be as simple as newspaper reading to as complicated as a sleeping pill or as difficult as making accidents. Please understand there are many people - accident addicts. At least a small scratch should happen to their car or two-wheeler. Tuk! Then they feel satisfied. It can be as complicated as accident addiction, or as simple as morning can’t go to the restroom without newspaper. Whether it’s your drinking pattern, eating pattern, or womanizing pattern - it’s all pattern; actually a womanizer need to be healed, not punished. A drunkard need to be healed, not punished. A smoking addict need to be healed, not punished. Because, it is getting caught with the pattern.


I tell you, if your first response to anything can be a seeking, no pattern can get rooted into you. All patterns will be routed. It can never get rooted in you. Seeking is... giving a earthquake to patterns. If patterns are the plants and trees on the ground, seeking is just giving a small shake. Or I can say big shake. It’ll collapse. All your patterns will collapse, whether it is yesterday started or two thousand years before started. Everything will collapse. Everything will collapse. Understand having ‘Seeking’ as your first response team, means Living Enlightenment. Not having ‘Seeking’ as your first response team, means worshipping the ignorance. Shivoham process is just all about making ‘Seeking’ as your first instinct response. Understand. I am using a new word, first instinct response - FIR. First instinct respond… response. Having ‘Seeking’ as your first instinct response is all I need to do. Giving you the eternal seeking is the job of Mahadeva. With the Seeking, naturally comes solution. With the Seeking naturally comes solution.


Understand, anything can be given up, not Seeking. Whichever part of you has stopped Seeking, look into it - it would have become a frozen part of you, whether it is a body, parts of the body or mind, logic, emotion. Wherever you stopped the Seeking, you lost the art of reinventing yourself. Whenever you lost the art of reinventing yourself, understand not only you are stinking, you are stinking to death. You are rotting to death. You are stinking to death, rocking to des… destruction. Emotionally if you stop Seeking, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself.

Physically your body continuing to seek its original state is yoga. Your logic continuing to seek its original state is liberated thinking. Your emotion continuing to seek its original form of existence is devotion. If your being - Consciousness, seeking to its original state is enlightenment.


Seeking keeps you alive with the possibility of reinventing yourself. Whenever Seeking is lost, you lost the capacity to reinvent yourself - you are frozen, you are dead! Dead fellows are not that dangerous to humanity, but the living dead are the most dangerous to humanity. I always tell people, the real danger to Sanatana Hindu Dharma is neither atheist or other religious people. It is non-practicing Hindus, they are the greatest danger to Hindu tradition than anybody else. It is non-living human beings, they are the greatest danger to living human beings than aliens or any animals or anybody else. No alien, no animal, nobody else, nothing else can be such... worst danger to human beings than the non-living human beings, to the living human beings. The live dead human beings are the biggest threat to the living human beings.

If you see the reality, ghosts have not done so much of bad things to humanity. Never the dead people, it’s the living dead, they did all the crisis to humanity who are living, please understand. Don’t be afraid of dead, but always be away from the living dead people - who are frozen, who don’t know to reinvent themself, who don’t know realigning, reinventing themselves, who lost seeking.


There is a beautiful verse by Manikkavasagar. He says, “I am not, I won’t be afraid of seeing a snake or a wild animal, but I will be afraid of the foreheads. I will be afraid to see the foreheads which has no holy ash, sacred ash on it, which has no bhasma on it. I am afraid to see the people who don’t take Mahadeva’s name in their being, in their heart.” Actually I wanted to sing in that same tone.

Thaedudhal illar kandaal varum kaedudhal kandu Ammanaam anjumaare

The fellows who don’t have Seeking, if you see them, all the bad things you are going to get, let you be afraid of that! Let me be afraid of that!

Thaedudhal illar kandaal varum kaedudhal kandu Ammanaam anjumaare

Let me be afraid of seeing the fellows who don’t have Seeking and the dangers they will cause for us if we even see them.

Kandu muttu Kaettu muttu

If you see them, it is danger. And if you hear about them, it is danger. If you talk to them, it is danger.


Because, just talking five minutes with you, they can destroy your Seeking and put some stupid ideas into your head and go away. After that you have to be sitting and cleaning it up. It’s like some guest comes and does one-two-three 😀 everything in your hall and goes out, and you are sitting and cleaning it with phenyl for ten days 😀 That is much better than this. Giving you the ultimate Seeking, and teaching you how to throw tantrum with the Cosmos, and making you experience liberation is all the Shivoham Process. If you have to get the attention of a elephant, just being an ant will never be sufficient, will never be successful. You will have to at least come to the level of a bird and create a sound so that elephant can turn and see you. Same way with the Cosmos, as ordinary broken human being, you can never get the attention of the Cosmos. Raise yourself by Seeking, you will see Cosmos responds to you.


If you question ‘Why me?’, you will only be punished more and more. If you question, ‘Why is it first of all?’, you will be liberated. If you question ‘Why pain for me?’, you’ll only be attracting more and more. If you question, ‘Why first of all there is a pain for human beings?’, you will be liberated. Seeking means having basic questions, first things first. First thing first, is seeking. Having Seeking is not worshipping the ignorance.

andhaṁ tama praviśanti ye’avidyām upāsate

Worshipping the ignorance. Putting the seeking as your first response team is what I am doing in Shivoham Process. Making the seeking as your first instinct response is the process of Shivoham. Inviting and welcoming all of you to Shivoham Process in Varanasi.

I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be blissful.



Nithyananda Times - 19th April, 2015

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Yoga,Meditation,Spirituality,Kundalini,Awakening,Transformation,Enlightenment,Isha,Isha Vasya Upanishad,Upanishads (Religious Text),Isha Upanishad Verse 9,FIR First Instinct Response,Seeking,Spiritual Seeking,Throw Tantram at Cosmic Mother,Reinvent with Seeking