September 03 2013

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Today Swamiji spoke about how much Indic Knowledge has to offer especially regarding the power of handling grey areas in life. In physics, politics and outer world activities once you master the knowledge in that area you are the master of the grey area of that topic. In Spirituality once you know the cosmic law there is no grey area. Once you plug all the holes of Integrity you have full knowledge and full power. Indic tradition empowers People by answering WHY. The power of the 4 Tattvas is that you cannot go beyond that which you take responsibility for. The torch is the space, the battery is the responsibility. In Indic tradition when you pass the torch you empower the person with the big whys and he cannot be exploited. Living in the space where you cannot be exploited is Living Enlightenment.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, integrity, responsibility, space, spirituality, cosmic law, integrity, authenticity, grey area, politics, physics, power, why


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects!

Today’s Leela is “MALAIYADWAJANAI AZHAITHA PADALAM”. Means, the story of Sundareshwara, Shiva, Mahadeva, calling Malaiyadwaja to complete with his wife, Kanchanamála.

Sundareshwara brought all the oceans’, seven oceans’ waters to Madurai for Meenakshi’s mother to take bath, take a holy dip.

But the rishis, they said, ‘Kanchanamála (Meenakshi’s mother) has incompletion with her husband who passed away. Without completing the incompletions with the husband, you can’t have a dip and that is not going to help you in any way.’

Then Kanchanamála requests Sundareshwara.

And Sundareshwara scans the Cosmic Archives to see where Kanchanamala’s husband is and calls Malaiyadwaja Pandya (Kanchanamala’s husband), and he comes down and Kanchanamala completes with him, and then both of them take a dip in the seven oceans. And, they achieve liberation and enlightenment.

And, today you are seeing that scene: Meenakshi with Sundareshwara and Kanchanamala with Malaiyadwaja. Mahadeva is gracing us!

And today, Ganesha Brahmotsava, the ten day Vinayaka Chaturthi, Ganesha festival is happening, so Ganesha is gracing us on the fourth day, on the Hamsa Váhana, the Váhana of enlightened beings. Enlightened beings are called “Hamsa”. So, He is gracing us on the Hamsa Váhana.

With this I will move to the Nithya Satsang.

Today, I will expand on some of the “Great Why’s”. “Big Why’s” and “Great Why’s” are two different things.

Please understand. The “Big Why’s are: why we wear what we wear, why we eat what we eat, why we live the way we live. These I classify as the “Big Why’s”. And the “Great Why’s” are: how the Cosmos is functioning, and why we should do spiritual practices, what way we should be aligned to the Cosmos.

Please understand, I am separating these two. The “Big Why’s” and the “Great Why’s”.

Indic Knowledge has so much to offer to the world about Cosmology. Please understand, I am not talking just about Astrology or Astronomy. I am saying, knowledge about Cosmology and the way to harness the powers.

Please understand, in any field, when you have knowledge about the laws governing that field, you have power over many of the grey areas. Why do you think people are so crazy about becoming politicians? Because, then you will get power of handling that grey area, this power of handling the grey area. With any knowledge, any knowledge about any existence, if you have knowledge about the laws of Physics, you will have power over the grey area, where your Will can play a big role. If you have knowledge about Chemistry, you will have power over many of the grey areas with which you can play many things better than others. In any field, knowledge gives you the power to manipulate the grey area. Understand, very important thing you need to know, in the spiritual field, there is no grey area. The moment you know the law, you have the whole power!

Please understand, I will give you an example. If you know the law of the country, if you know the whole, how it is created, why it is created, what it is, the whole thing, then you can very easily manipulate, because for any crime they say minimum three months and maximum it can go up to five years imprisonment. And an evidence should have all these, these, these, these qualifications. The qualifications are so grey, you can have anything as evidence, and anything as non-evidence. I have seen in India, in some cases, an ordinary hanky becomes evidence, and many video, audio recordings, circumstantial evidences, everything is thrown out as not reliable. So, each area, in each field, there is a vast grey area. When you master the knowledge in that field, that grey area becomes your power zone. Same way, administering the country. For example, building bridges, or dams, or schools, colleges.

I think a few days before I told a story:

One politician goes from India to Washington, DC, stays in the house of a senator. And that senator has a huge bungalow and he just takes care of this MP from India.

Floored by the hospitality of the senator, the MP asks, ‘How did you manage this huge house and so much wealth?’

The senator takes the MP and shows, ‘Do you see a river through the window?’

The MP says, ‘Yes, I can see.’

‘Do you see a bridge over it?’

The MP says, ‘Yes, I can see.’

The Senator says, ‘Ten percent!’ smugly.

And the MP also understands. They smile at each other. They just leave it at that.

Then, after some time, the senator comes to India. The MP takes care of him. The MP lavished all hospitality on him.

When they came to his house, the senator saw the MP has a huge palatial building.

The senator asked, ‘How can you possibly afford this with your salary?’

The MP takes the senator to the window and asks, ‘Do you see a river?’

The senator says, ‘Yes.’

‘Can you see a bridge over it?’

The senator looks a bit confused, peers closely and says, ‘No, I don’t see any bridge.’

The MP says, ‘Hundred percent!’

See, in the administration you have a lot of grey area.

In every field, the grey area gives the power. That is why people go crazy for becoming those power centers. But, I tell you, very important truth: No other area gives you so much of power, no other field has so much of gray area like the spiritual field, I tell you! Once you master the law of the Cosmos, once you know how to exert power over you, I tell you, the whole Cosmos is at your feet! And, fortunately, one more thing: Whenever people become powerful, they become dangerous to others. In spirituality, whenever you become powerful, you become a blessing to others! Understand, just only one law if you can take up, the Cosmic law, Integrity, and plug all the holes in your life related to Integrity, that’s it! That one law, the power it can bring inside you, the amount of empowerment that will happen in you, you will realize the whole zone related to Integrity is completely owned by you! It is not that only one small part. In India, you don’t need to have just ten percent. I tell you, even the story I said, hundred percent is not a common story in India. In India, there is one step further. One minister makes the account that he built the bridge and takes the money. And the next guy comes, writes the account that the bridge was built in the wrong place, then he demolishes the bridge and takes the money! So understand, in India it is two-hundred percent! Not even hundred percent!

Please listen, the spiritual field……I think you need to come to the space of listening and understand every statement I make. Only then you will be able to grasp the whole thing.

In every field, knowledge is power because you get to handle the grey area when you have handle over the knowledge of that field. In the spiritual field, there is no grey area. The whole thing is in your hand. If you know how Saturn functions, please listen, if you know how the Saturn energy functions, it is not that you will have power only over the grey area, you will have power over the whole Saturn! You can dictate terms to Saturn! Understand, when I utter some words, I am responsible for it. If you master this one principle, Integrity, just one principle, plug all the holes of lack of integrity in you, you will understand what I am saying. Please understand, if you bring Integrity into you, it is not that only one of your words will become reality and another one word may or may not become reality. No! Whether you want the lorry which is coming straight in front of you to disappear, or the meteor which is coming straight in front of Planet Earth to disappear, both are in your space, because there is no grey area in Cosmology. There is no grey area in the Cosmic energy.

Please listen! In every field, you will have only percentage of grey area. In the field of Law, it may be a few percent; in Administration it may be a few percent; in the Infrastructure creation, it may be a few, few percent, but in Spirituality, when you master certain knowledge, you have the whole power in your hand. And please understand, if you are not able to move the Sun or the Moon as you want, you don’t have the complete knowledge. So work in the line of Sánkhya - knowledge, work in the line of understanding. I tell you, Sankhya is tapas. Knowledge is tapas. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is everything. So, when you spread the great “Why”, answer to the great “Why’s”, you are empowering people. Please listen, in Hinduism when you give the answers to the great “Why’s of the people, you are empowering people. You are not programming them, finally, ultimately, end of the day to manipulate them. It is not possible. Please listen! In some religions, the answer for the great questions like how the world came into existence, how it functions, what is going to happen, why we should do right, why we should not do wrong, answers to these questions become such a manipulative, the possibility to be manipulated in you once you start believing those answers, you can easily be manipulated by an individual or an organization. But in Hinduism, in the Indic Knowledge, if you receive answers for these great “Why’s”, neither a person nor an organization can exploit you. Forget about that, even you can’t exploit you! Even you can’t exploit you! That is why I am saying, when you answer these great “Why’s” as per the Indic tradition, you empower people.

I tell you, enriching people with Hindu tradition is empowering people with power. Sometimes, if you empower people with certain ideologies, certain books, certain literature, they become vulnerable, prepared, brain-washed, ready to become terrorists. They are ready to kill all the people other than their ideas and faith. Sometimes, when you answer these great “Why’s” based on some books, they start feeling egoistic of “saved”, “sinner”. I tell you, empower people with Indic knowledge for all their questions, the great “Why’s”, you empower them, they become powerful. You empower them, they become powerful.

When you give an Integrity lesson to somebody, when you give a lesson on Authenticity to somebody, he is liberated! No organization, no individual can exploit that person! Forget about me, neither I can exploit nor my Sangha can exploit. Even he himself can’t exploit himself, because the power of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility is such it leads to deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper understandings.

The law of life has no grey area. It empowers you.

Please listen! If I was successful in creating that space without taking the responsibility, that would have been the biggest disaster of Hinduism, because then I will not know the science, I will not create multiple number of people to be responsible and hold that space. Or if I just hold that space and it just breaks and fails without my having that understanding that would have been one more disaster, me losing trust or faith over this concept or principle or this concept of four tattvas and the space. Neither this has happened nor that has happened. Clear understanding has landed. That is why I am telling these four tattvas are so powerful – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching – neither I can exploit you nor my Sangha can exploit you. Even you cannot exploit you!

For example, listen, let us take this situation where I created the space that he should be protected. If he has been protected without my being taught, without my being told that I have not become responsible for the space I am creating, then I would have never looked into the real science of this whole space. I would have thought, ‘Great! Miracle has happened! Come on, let me do the same everywhere.’ It is going to be like carrying a torch without battery to enter the dark forest thinking that, ‘No, it worked three days before.’ Three days before there was battery in the torch; now there is no battery. Because you don’t know the science, you think that torch is enough. Torch is the space. Battery is the responsibility! And, if it would have happened without my taking the responsibility, then I would have started exploiting myself.

Please understand, when you don’t know and something happens in your life, even if you call that as a miracle or an accident, you are only exploiting you. Anything you term in your life as miracle or accident, you are only exploiting you, because you do not know how to repeat it, replicate it, and you’ll be continuously going in that courage and confidence without knowing how to replicate, repeat it in a foolproof way. If I know how the torch works and see the torch working and then carry it to the forest, it will be helpful. But I think it works, and I do not know how it works, and I carry the same torch to the forest. Will it be safe? It may sometimes work. It may not. I tell you, you entering into life or some venture without knowing clearly to create and maintain the right space is exploiting yourself. I am opening a new, whole new chapter of learning to all of you.

Come to the space of listening and listen!

I am telling you about the learnings I received. Finally I saw, but one thing, I was very sincere in creating that space. Not for any name and fame, that later on when he (Asaram Bapu) comes out, and comes out clean, he will praise me. ‘Oh, you stood by me in very difficult times!’ Not for any of those reasons. I neither wanted any return favor, support, help, nor am I interested in any name and fame. I was very sincere. When I was very sincere, clearly Kala guides you not to exploit yourself. Any misunderstanding you carry with which you continue to function is exploiting yourself.

Please understand, when you empower somebody with the knowledge of Hindu tradition, the Indic tradition, these great truths – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching – no one can exploit that person. He becomes inexploitable. See, if that person is given the answers like you are a sinner, you need to be guilty, you have to repent, you have to confess and all that, he can be exploited. There is a possibility. I am not saying everyone is exploited. But, I am saying that the possibility for getting exploited is left open. With Indic knowledge if you empower somebody with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, not only you can’t be exploited by even your guru or any other guru, any other spiritual leader; you can’t be exploited by any organization, you can’t even be exploited by yourself, by your own dark part of you, your own ignorance. You will only be given more and more intelligence and clarity. With Authenticity, sincerity, if you handle the torch, you know what all is required. So you will never be able to exploit even you. Handling a torch without knowing batteries are required and going into the forest and finally finding in the dark forest that the torch is not working because there is no battery, is what? You exploiting you! Your foolishness exploiting you!

I tell you, when you empower somebody with the answers from the Indic tradition about the “Big Why’s” and the “Great Why’s”, you empower that person. He becomes inexploitable. Neither he can be exploited by a religious leader or a spiritual leader or a guru, nor can any organization exploit him, or he can’t even be exploited by his own ignorance. He can’t even exploit himself. Knowledge becomes so powerful, even your darkness cannot exploit you. I tell you, living in the space where even you cannot exploit you is Living Enlightenment! Living in the space where even you cannot exploit you is Living Enlightenment!

You should know the next thing that happened. I committed to Kaalabhairava, ‘Now I take the responsibility to protect all the Hindu religious spiritual leaders.’

Then Kaalabhairava said, ‘Now start creating the space. From now, whenever you create a space, it will be honored.’

I said, ‘Alright.’

I think this is one of the important lessons I needed to learn. That is the reason Mahakaala gave me the lesson, because I was too busy. Even when persecution happened on me, I was so busy in enriching people about the spiritual enlightenment process, I never took the responsibility of empowering people. See, when I take the responsibility of empowering people to defend and protect the Hindu saints, sadhus, swamis, gurus, acharyas, dharma pravarthakas, I need to face a lot of questions. I need to face lot of conflicts of the people, answer it, handle it. I cannot be afraid of handling the conflicts. I can’t hide myself from handling the conflicts. I have to do all that. I tell you, with Integrity and Authenticity, I have not taken that responsibility completely. I have not put much of our energy and intelligence in that line. So, naturally, I have to become more responsible. I tell you, when you are sincere, authentic to these principles, these principles are so powerful, they themselves guide you; they themselves continue to expand you; they themselves teach you not to exploit yourself by your ignorance; they themselves empower you!

You need to know one more thing. The lesson I received from Mahakaala, the Lord of Time.

He said, ‘You don’t need to take the responsibility or you don’t need to think your responsibility is going to save everyone.’

Please listen! Listen with the listening space!

He said very clearly, ‘It is not that in every situation you should have taken responsibility, but you should have taken your maximum responsibility, remaining things will be caused as miracles. You should have exhausted all the powers with which you have been endowed.’

I think I have not taken that responsibility. I should do now. All the powers with which you have been endowed, go to the extreme by taking the responsibility. Then you will see miracles will be caused. Then even in the places where you have not directly taken the responsibility, your space will become reality. Understand, be authentic to these spiritual principles every moment. Even if what you want is not happening, even if at some moments what you want has not happened also, even if at some time the space you create does not become reality, you will understand it is empowering you. The space you create, that not becoming reality will never put you in powerless space. You will never become powerless because of it. You will understand and go on expanding, enriching yourself and others.

The essence of today’s satsang:

When you create the space in you sincerely, you will never be exploited by others or yourself. I tell you when you don’t exploit you, nobody can exploit you. Only when your ignorance exploits you, others have a possibility to exploit you. When you can’t put yourself in delusion, illusion, and carry on with your illusion or delusion, no one can put you into illusion and delusion.

The essence of today’s satsang:

If you don’t put yourself into the illusion and delusion and exploit yourself, no one else can exploit you. Be authentic and integrated to the spiritual principles of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. You will never become powerless. You will always be powerful.

I bless you all! Let you all radiate and experience Kundalini energy and let you all create energy directly from space and live health, bliss and enlightenment! Namah Shivaya!

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!