April 14 2013

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Third Eye Awakening

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda confers the mystical awakening of the third eye upon His viewers. On this New Year Day of the Vedic calendar, He gives a powerful kriya exercise to energize the “brow center”, located at the top of the nose between the eyebrows. Nithyananda explains that when this energy center is activated it becomes a “browse center” as well as a brow center. It transforms into a communication portal with the cosmos, through which any question can be sent and any information downloaded. It is a direct bridge to God. Complete instructions for the kriya are included in this video.


Third Eye Awakening by Nithyananda

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us all over the world! As I committed, from today, the first 15 minutes of the satsangh will be in Tamil. Then, as usual, in Hindi and English I will continue.

0 to 18 mins: Satsang in Tamil

Today I will expand on the mystical third eye opening and initiate you directly into the third eye opening. Today is new year as per solar calendar of vedic tradition. Many of the parts of India follows the solar calendar Bengal, Kerala, Tamilnadu many states follow solar calendar, some state follow lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar New year started few days before now Solar calendar new year is starting. And today the Bramhotsava of Meenakshi is starting from today. Vasantha utsava the festival of season is starting from today.

Discourse in Hindi - 0:25:32 – 0:25:42.

My Blessings to all of you who are celebrating new year today. All Bengalis, Malayalees, tamilians, and some more states celebrate their new year today. My Blessings to all of you.

0:26:14 – 0:27:25

Let us understand about third eye. Please LISTEN! Your life is nothing but seeing. Seeing is your Life. If you can see something through the eyes, you can experience it with your physical body. If you can see something through your mind, you can understand it with your mental body. If you can see something with your consciousness you can control it as lord of it. LISTEN! you can see something with your physical eyes, you can enjoy that with your body. If you can see something through your mental eyes, you can understand it, experience it. That becomes power. If you can see something with your inner space consciousness, you become lord of that. Anything you can see. Seeing is an important aspect of life. I can say life starts with seeing. Even blind people continue to see in their inner space. Whether you are blind or having physical eyes, you continue to see through your inner eyes.

Min 30 to 45

Listen! Third Eye is nothing but “Conscious Seeing! The Third Eye is nothing but conscious seeing. Third Eye awakening awakens your non-mechanical parts of the brain, helps you to experience extraordinary powers like telepathy, materialization, teleportation, many of the extraordinary powers.

The concept of Third Eye is the unique contribution of Vedic tradition. All the Hindu gods, if you see, you will see them with three eyes. It means, only if your Third Eye is awakened you can become God, not otherwise. Hindus have worked so much on Third Eye. Even if you are born as Hindu, the possibility for opening of your Third Eye is already there, because our ancestors have worked on Third Eye for ages. In very DNA, opening possibility of Third Eye is programmed, because for ages our ancestors are keeping the bindi, processed turmeric on the Third Eye continuously working to awaken it.

Hindi – Min 33:47.3 to 35:11.3

Third Eye is an important power which is stored in every human-being. It is a possibility in every human-being. We need to awaken it. We need to make it as reality.

Hindi – Min 35:48.9 to 35:59.5

All the extraordinary traditions, mystical traditions, spiritual traditions continuously work on awakening the Third Eye. Third Eye awakens the moment you start giving attention to it. Third Eye is awakened the moment you start giving attention to it. It is one of the important energy centers in your body. In Sanskrit we have a proverb: “If you die in Varanasi, you will achieve liberation!” “Vara Nasi” means, the space between your nose and eyebrows. The very Sanskrit word means, “Third Eye”. If you leave your awareness on the Third Eye, if you leave the body while your awareness is on the Third Eye, you will become enlightened. Of course, Varanasi on the banks of the Ganga in Uttar Pradesh (India) also has sanctity. It is a very powerful spiritual center. But your Third Eye, if it is awakened even while you are alive, you will have so much of benefits.

Hindi – Min 39:10.2 to 39:53.4

Please understand, Third Eye can be awakened by so many ways. One: Right thinking. What is “right thinking”? Aligning all your thinking based on the cognition of the tattvas (Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching) is “right thinking”. Aligning all your thinking based on the cognition of the four principles is “right thinking”.

Listen! Listen! Third Eye is not just an eye; it is the very source of your Consciousness. If you align your thinking based on the four principles, all your energy will become centered on Third Eye, all your energy will become stable in your Third Eye. The functioning of your Third Eye will enter into the next frequency.

Please listen! Third Eye is not just brow center. It is Browsing Center also! It’s like how you can upload or download anything through the Internet world through the Browsing Center, same way through the Third Eye you can download and upload anything with the Cosmos! Any Akashic records can be downloaded by you when you open your Third Eye.

Please listen! All the Akashic Records are done by me because of the Third Eye awakening! That is the process through which Akashic Records are read out. Third Eye is like a door to Cosmos. You can receive anything. Same way, you can send any command to the Cosmos through the Third Eye. Anything sent through the Third Eye to the Cosmos is immediately, immediately experienced!

Hindi – Min 44:12.5 to 44:59.3

45:00 mins

Bring integrity in your thinking, immediately your energy will be aligned in your third eye. Bring authenticity in your feeling, immediately the third eye energy will be awakened. Bring responsibility into your conscience; please listen. Conscience will become consciousness the moment you bring responsibility to it. Conscience means struggling with do’s and don’ts, guilt and desire; Consciousness means pure flow of life. As long as you don’t take the responsibility, you’ll be struggling with do’s and don’ts. You’ll be struggling with do’s and don’ts. Understand, you’ll be struggling with do’s and don’ts.

The moment you take responsibility for all aspects of your life in which you are struggling, feeling powerless. Conscience is struggling. In all those fields, take responsibility. Suddenly you will see- your conscience becomes consciousness. You don’t struggle any more. Life becomes smooth flow.

47:26- Hindi

When you start enriching yourself and enriching others, your third eye flows like a wild river. Listen. Whenever you enrich others, the third eye energy flows like a wild river. Conscience is dos and don’ts, consciousness is flowing with life.

48:27- Hindi

Third eye is not just extraordinary power; it is extraordinary way of life. Don’t think it is like a power, (that) you can possess it and use it for your ulterior motives. No! It is extraordinary way of life through which you inspire everyone for the ultimate motive. Ulterior motive is different, ultimate motive is different. When you keep something for yourself, for selfishness, it is for ulterior motive; when you share with the world, it is ultimate motive.

50:00 - Hindi

Third eye is the bridge between physical world and psychic and cosmic space. All the extraordinary powers, psychic powers are achieved through third eye. All the extraordinary powers are lived when your third eye is completely awakened.

Work on third eye, you will see the extraordinary powers immediately. There is nothing much to talk about the third eye, other than giving you the direct technique to awaken it. Awaken it and see. You cannot talk about the power of seeing both the eyes to a born blind man. How much ever you talk, he won’t understand. Same way, I can’t talk about third eye till your third eye is opened.

57:03 - Hindi

I’ll give you the method, technique to awaken the kundalini shakti, third eye. Only then you will understand the power of third eye.

58:08 - Hindi

The third eye, is a direct bridge to god.

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss- Nithyananda!!!


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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, mystical New Year Day, Vedic, powerful, exercise, energy, transform, cosmos, God, video.