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Not having incompletions to know anything is what we call “Sarvajnana.” Having the clarity that anything is possible, and everything is possible, no blind spot is our inability, it is only our choice, is Sarvajnanatwa.

According to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, blind spots are not inabilities; they are choices. Thinking that blind spot is inability is Karma. Understanding it is a choice is freedom from Karma. Not even knowing about inability and possibility, and simply living, and making everything possible, is Vikarma.


Not having incompletions to know anything is what we call “Sarvajnana.”Having the clarity that anything is possible, and everything is possible, no blind spot is our inability, it is only our choice, is Sarvajnanatwa.


Anything in your life which you don’t understand, which you are not able to grasp, which your logic is not ready to penetrate, is a simple incompletion which you don’t want to look into. Your consciousness by its nature, its swabhaava, is Swayam Prakaasha, by its nature, self-effulgent, self-shining.

There is no such thing which you cannot understand in life. Whether it is which planet is moving where, which star moving in which direction, or how to use your remote control and operate the TV in front of you. Whether understanding a Law book, or understanding a musical instrument, or understanding some truths about Botany or Biology or Zoology, the truth is, your consciousness is self-effulgent, “Swayam Prakaasha”.

The basic principle is that if you are not able to understand something, it is your own incompletions, you don’t want to look in. Understand that. Know the right reasons for your powerlessness. You can complete and get out of it. Your ignorance is not inability; it is your decision not to look into that truth.

When you don’t have incompletions and want to look into something, you can just look into any one person’s brain, or look through any body. For Paramahamsa Nithyananda, if He wants to have knowledge about any subject, He will pick up that book, just concentrate on the knowledge of that author, the thought-trend of that author, download it and absorb, and throw the rest. Whether it is about Astrology, Astronomy, Gemmology, Zoology, Botany, Biology, Law, anything, in a few hours He will be able to give the essence, the thought-trend of the whole book! Because, in Vedic tradition, when you don’t have incompletions, you can look into anything, you can know anything.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that in his Gurukul, He will just concentrate on developing the idea in the kids, that ‘I can know this’, that is all. In the modern day, teachers go on teaching impossibility, that knowledge is difficult, making it so difficult to memorise few lines.

By completing with this incompletion - you can become Sarvajnana, and achieve Sarvajnanatwa.

Sarvajnanatwa - Living Examples

  • Paramahamsa Nithyananda
  • Balasanths of Nithyananda Gurukul
  • Nithyananda Ashram

The Balasanths of Nithyananda Gurukul

“None of our Bala Sants had training or coaching in any field. None of their teachers know more than what they know. That much I can guarantee. None of their teachers know more than what they know. But they go on excelling in so many things, and they will go on excelling in so many things. This will be the new brand of education in the world, Nithyananda brand of education where the basic principle is not you need to be told or educated, but you need to look in or concentrate your self-effulgence, your “Swayam Prakaasha”. If you are not able to understand something, it is your own incompletions, you don’t want to look in. Understand that at least. At least know the right reasons for your powerlessness. You can complete and get out of it.”

An Example from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s Life

“These village men and women who are my gurus, both my gurus – Yogananda Puri and Vibhootananda Puri – what an extraordinary intelligence they were having! From the beginning, they were so clear. See, by being around them, automatically I picked up this attitude of “Anything I want to know I can know, anything I wanted to do I can do”.

This was not taught systematically to me, please understand. Like how in our ashram if you live, you will simply get the confidence to do Completion and Nirahara Samyama because every other person will be doing Nirahara Samyama, every other person will be sitting and doing Completion. You will not have neck pain to wear this big mala, because every other person will be wearing! Just things are in the air!

See, there are some things which are not taught; you pick it up from the air.

With both my gurus, it was so amazing, just in their air I picked up, in their presence I picked up that if you want to know anything you can know simply, if you want to do something you can do simply! I never knew, whether it is swimming or climbing a hill or anything, human-beings need to be taught! I always thought, if you want just jump and do it! Not just this swimming and trekking, but everything.

I still remember one day I went to Mataji Vibhootananda Puri and told her, ‘In the temple such a beautiful deity is there! It is so nice! I want like that!’ She said, ‘You make it!’ I did not even ask how.

And, immediately, from my neighbour I got one mould of Lakshmi and made a clay mould out of it. I didn’t get any other metal other than a few aluminium plates from my mother. I asked her, ‘Give me some waste metal.’ She did not know what for I am asking. She had some four-five aluminium plates. She said, ‘This is useless. Take it.’ She thought I am going to give it to some sadhus for begging. So she said, ‘Take this.’

I immediately brought that and melted and poured the mould and made the deity. Still we have the deity that was done by me personally by my own hand. And then, after the mould, I cleared it and I myself carved it. I was hardly a twelve-year-old boy! I did not even have a second thought!

When I made it and took it to my guru, she said, ‘This is your Lakshmi!’ This ability to look into anything, and the space of Completion to look into anything, and no incompletion about anything, simply possibility! Everything is doable....and do it! Not only doable, do it!”

...Have this clarity: anything is possible Understand, you are nothing but a bunch of your patterns. You can work and remove those patterns. Your strong belief about yourself – ‘I cannot do anything’ – all that are just patterns. Mostly you do not even have the patterns of ‘I cannot do’, but ‘I do not want to do’, your violence towards yourself and life. Mostly, I can tell you, it is your violence that you do not want to do. Complete with that and get rid of it. Life will celebrate you. Life will shower on you.

Understand, the possibility you carry is your Lakshmi! The decision not to have incompletions, understand, anything and everything you carry is your Saraswathi. Making it happen is your Durga. That is all is life! ”


Let Possibility be your wealth: