May 12 2014

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In today’s morning Satsang form Varanasi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda spoke about Creating the New Reality for yourself and others. He advised that sincerity should not take your joy and make you serious and neither should joy take your sincerity and make you superficial. You will grow in depth and become mature and your powerlessness should shrink day by day. The moment you decide to cause others reality before your own the cosmos showers you with blessings.

Photos From The Day:

Padapuja in Progress Nithyanandeswara, nithyanandeswari and swamiji Visualize and plan for creating everyone’s reality and share that with that person. In your teamily if there are twenty-one people, all the other twenty persons’ reality. Do it very sincerely. Please understand, let your sincerity not make you serious and take away your joy. And the same way, let your joy not take away your sincerity and make you a “life joker”. Every day, every moment, your joy should be making you more and more powerful. Your sincerity should be making you more and more powerful. You coming to terms with the truth of your natural joy, your natural depth, is what I call “Living Advaitha”. Please understand, naturally, as a swabhaava (innate nature), you are a person filled with joy, you are a person filled with depth, grounded. Coming to terms with the reality, completing with all the other wrong beliefs inserted into your system. Listen! When you start causing others’ reality, means, when you start thinking how you can cause the reality of each member of your teamily, two things will happen in you: Your depth will increase, and your ability to be joyful will increase; the powerless moments of your life will start shrinking and disappearing. Please listen! The more and more you plan, you visualize, you decide to cause others’ reality, the more and more time, energy, intelligence you put to cause others reality, the more and more depth will happen to you, your joy will become more and more strong. Means, your ability to be joyful, excited, will become more and more strong, your love will move from Radha Krishna to Gita Krishna. Understand, both of them had love, no doubt. But the love of Gita Krisna has its own depth. Your joy, your excitement, your taste, should go through the process of getting matured. Your powerlessness, the quality and quantity of you feeling powerlessness should shrink day by day. I tell you, this whole thing happens by one method: When you start sincerely deciding to cause others’ reality! Many times people feel, ‘Before the spiritual life, I had a drive. But, now, with the spiritual understanding, my drive has suddenly disappeared.’Please understand, it is not disappearing. Your thinking has gone through a cognitive shift based on the larger context. Your desires, your life, your fears, your greed, your powerfulness, your powerlessness, your pain, your pleasure, everything is getting re-written based on the larger context. Based on the larger context, everything is getting rebuilt. Suddenly you will see, the idea of pain has no more power over you, the idea of joy can never make you powerless. I tell you, this cognitive shift, the cognitive shift is the most important thing.


Varanasi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Creating the New Reality, sincerity, joy, serious, superficial, depth, mature, powerlessness, cause others’ reality, cosmos, blessings.

Photos Of The Day:






Photos Of The Day:



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