January 01 2009

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2009 Jayanthi Message - Live Enlightenment


On 1 Jan 2009, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyanananda Paramashivam, celebrated His 32nd Jayanti (birthday) amidst a huge crowd of an estimated 15,000 people with great joy at Adi KAILASA in Bidadi, Bengaluru. Many disciples, devotees from across the globe also participated in this grand and auspicious event via two-way video conferencing, tuning into the many celebratory activities, starting with a grand procession followed by several sevas, pujas, offerings (1008 Naivedyams), awards and launches.

In His Jayanti message, His Divine Holiness expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Live Enlightenment explaining its true meaning or essence. He shared that Living Enlightenment means living a conflict-free life and that the key ingredients to live Enlightenment are: Shakti (energy) , Buddhi(intelligence) and Yukthi (understanding). He urged everyone to develop these three in order to develop deep Bhakti (devotion) and feeling connectedness in one's hearts towards the Master who is Existence itself. His Divine Holiness clarified that when we live all these three dimensions experientially, we are a Jivan Muktha, Living Enlightenment.

On this day, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism also released books and CD's from Nithyananda Publications of which the highlight of this year was the book ‘Living Enlightenment' which is the essence of all of His teachings. An abridged version of this book as well as other other books : Nithya Yoga - The Understanding, Nithya Yoga - Surya Namaskar and the Hindi translation of Guaranteed Solutions were also launched.

Many of the Ananda sevaks, volunteers and devotees were honored by His Divine holiness on this auspicious day in the form of an Award Ceremony where several awards were given - Mission Productivity Award, the Best Healer Award and the Most Productive and Active Ashram Award. His Divine Holiness spent the day to the fullest with a 9 hour Darshan blessing everyone who visited the Ashram that day, followed by a private celebration where He received cards and gifts from His Ashramites and devotees. The memorable evening ended with a beautiful display of fireworks.

Video and Audio - 2009 Jayanthi Message - Live Enlightenment :

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and blessings. My message for all of you today is only one word, one phrase: ‘Live Enlightenment - the Jivanmukti. Understand. This year let us all dedicate it to live Enlightenment come whatever may. But only bliss will come! Nothing else will come. The moment you risk 'come whatever may' you opened your door for bliss. Because the moment you say whatever may you accepted the whole. You are ready for the whole; you are ready for 'whatever is'. ‘Whatever is’ is always bliss; whatever exists is always bliss. Let's dedicate this year for living Enlightenment - for Jivanmukti. Understand. Let Me describe Jivanmukti: conflict-free life in the inner-world and the outer-world; conflict-free living. Living without gap between the inner-world and the outer-world. Either raise your energy - shakti, to catch up with the outer-world or bring your buddhi to catch with the inner-world. Raise your shakti so that you can do whatever you want in the outer-world. And raise your buddhi so that you can accept whatever you have or whatever you are. Through any one process integrate yourself. Please understand. Living an integrated life is what I call living Enlightenment; continuously, continuously living conflict free life. Continuously living the beautiful, harmonious feeling; continuously living in a deep feeling connection with the whole existence, with 'whatever is', is what I call living Enlightenment.


You have to put it in four words: shakti - energy to change whatever you can. And buddhi – intelligence to accept whatever is not needed to be changed; whatever doesn’t need to be changed. And yukti – clarity, understanding however you change, the whole world is a constant continuous changing dream - what do you call as reality is a continuously changing dream; that yukti, that clarity. Above all a deep feeling connection bhakti towards the unchanging energy, what you call as Master or Existence. Shakti, buddhi, yukti, bhakti when you live all these four in the life experientially you are living Jivanmukti, you are living Enlightenment, you are radiating Jivanmukti.


Shakti to change whatever you can; means energy to work on your life. Buddhi to accept whatever doesn’t need to change; means clarity, intelligence. We don’t have to change the whole thing. No need, then you will be too busy with changing instead of enjoying. You don’t need to change the whole thing. If you think only you will enjoy only when the whole world becomes yours or as you want, it can never happen. So no need to change the whole thing. Intelligence to accept whatever doesn’t need to change. Ultimately, yukti: clarity however you change, whatever you change - this existence the whole thing is a continuous changing dream. With that clarity you will have the ultimate inner healing or the ultimate rest or peace. When you have that clarity however you try, whatever you change, the whole Existence is a continuous dream which changes. Suddenly you will have deep feeling connection with one thing which does not change, which is eternal: Nithya Ananda. The feeling connection with that which does not change is what I call bhakti. When you live all these four experientially it is mukti.


Continuously try to internalize the Master’s words. Internalize these words, actually nothing else needs to be done except internalizing. Don’t have guilt you are not able to practice. Sometimes in the initial levels you may or may not be able to practice. Don’t bother just internalize. Do not judge yourself. The day you hear the teachings don’t take up the teachings to judge yourself. Take up those teachings only to inspire yourself. Use the teachings to inspire you not to judge you. Read, listen, contemplate and internalize the Master’s words.


You will see automatically in your life day-to-day life whenever needed those words will come up as a support. They will express themself in your life as an experience. You will be living Enlightenment. You will be living as Jivanmuktas. I can say, I wanted to say many more things but if I express too many words the main message may be lost in the too many words. You will carry, you may carry unwanted words and leave the main message. So I do not want to use more and more words. I want you to remember only this one message: have, express shakti, buddhi, yukti, bhakti - whatever level you can. That’s all I am saying. Whatever level you can radiate these four, you will see you are radiating mukti. You are living Enlightenment, you are radiating Jivanmukti.


Let us all dedicate this year for living Enlightenment. All of you decide from this moment, "I will live Enlightenment, I will radiate Enlightenment come whatever may. Whatever may happen in my life from this moment I will radiate Enlightenment." Take this strong sankalpa. I bless you all, I initiate all of you into living Enlightenment; Jivanmukti. Let you all radiate Jivanmukti. Let you all live Enlightenment. When one person starts living Enlightenment, just by his presence he initiates hundreds and thousands of people into living Enlightenment. Understand. When you go and start living Enlightenment in your area you don’t have to do anything else, just your very walking, your very breathing, your very presence, your very smell will raise hundreds and thousands of people’s Consciousness - will inspire hundreds and thousands of people. Spontaneously, they will all start raising you don’t even have to talk about Enlightenment. Nothing is required if you do it wonderful. But nothing will be required just as a spontaneous expression. Please understand. When one person’s radiate, one person radiates Enlightenment what happens to the people who are around him or people who come in contact with him you know. You know, now start radiating. Now it’s your time, now it is your time.


Start radiating. You will see just by your presence spontaneously you will transmit Enlightenment. Your very walking, your very touch, your very words, your very seeing or even those things are not required - your very breathing, your very presence will raise human Consciousness. It is time that we need to have a breakthrough in human Consciousness. It is time, I think too late - human Consciousness needs to enter into a new cycle, new field, the divine Consciousness. It has to enter into the divine Consciousness. It is time, let you all be the pioneers, let you all be the pioneers of that great conscious transition from human Consciousness to the divine Consciousness. To the human, from the human Consciousness to the Superconsciousness. Understand. Sitting with the group or sitting in a classes, sitting in programs, or sitting in satsangs, whatever I have expressed verbally and through My writing I have put the whole thing in essence and shared with you all. The essence is live as a Jivanmukta. Live as a liberated being. Essence is living Enlightenment.


That is the ultimate thing you can do to yourself, and you can do to the whole planet earth and you can do to the whole Cosmos. Cosmos wants you to be a Jivanmukta. Understand. You are conscious miracle of Cosmic energy. You are not an accident. You are a conscious miracle of Cosmic energy. Live Enlightenment, radiate Enlightenment, live as a Jivanmukta, radiate Jivanmukti. That is what is the message, that is the essence. Try to read, contemplate, listen and internalize the Master’s words. They will work miracles inside you.


The moment you internalize them you will start radiating Enlightenment.Just remember one thing: today you have been initiated as a Jivanmukta. Just remember this one thing: any conflict comes inside you, anything comes inside you just remember, "Master has initiated me as a Jivanmukta. An avatar has initiated me as a Jivanmukta. I am a Jivanmukta. How can these stand in front of me?" Just ask, "How can I be in this situation? How can any conflict come in me? How can I have any disturbance? How can there be something called disturbance at all in my life?" Just remember this one sutra, one key, one click, "I am a Jivanmukta. I am a Jivanmukta. That’s the top priority in my life. Living as a Jivanmukta is a first priority in my life. Everything else is secondary. If I have to forget I am a Jivanmukta for any reason I am NOT interested in that. I will remember I am a Jivanmukta with this remembrance whatever I can do let me do. Whether it’s business or family or relationship or work or education or study or anything it may be the first priority is remember I am a Jivanmukta."


Every moment remember, "I am a jivanmukta." Be a jivanmukta doctor, Jivanmukta lawyer, Jivanmukta engineer, Jivanmukta businessman nothing wrong. But Jivanmukta that’s the first title. That should be the first title. Remember any moment, "I have been initiated as a Jivanmukta. I am a Jivanmukta. Now in this situation, how a Jivanmukta will behave?" Behave in the same way. First thing Jivanmukta will not have confusion, so relax. He will not have conflict. Relax. Now act, act from the relaxation which has grown inside you by the clear remembrance that you are a Jivanmukta. When you remember you are a Jivanmukta there is a beautiful fullness happens in you - act out of that fullness, move out of that fullness, live out of that fullness. That’s what our upanishad rishis say: Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Puurnnam-Udacyate Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate.


When the whole moves out of wholeness the wholeness remains as wholeness. If you act out of that wholeness, fulfilled feeling, the fulfillment will remain as fulfillment. Normally when a desire comes you act it out, either it brings more and more desire or discontentment. But when you act out of fulfillment, "I am a Jivanmukta" - with that remembrance, "I am a Jivanmukta" suddenly you will see you are acting out of fulfillment. Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam: from the fulfillment, fulfilment comes out. From the whole the whole moves. When the whole, wholeness moves out of wholeness, wholeness remains as wholeness. When you whole you are holy! Understand. Act out of that wholeness.


Whenever you feel you are disconnected from that wholeness, come back, sit, relax, remember again. Remember again till you are feeling connected again with that wholeness, stop doing anything else. That is what I call tapas. That is what I call meditation. Meditation is not something which you will do in separate time. Whenever you feel disconnected shut yourself, disconnect yourself from everything else. Connect, hook. Hook yourself with the divine. Connect yourself with the divine. Then with that feeling connection act! Let all your actions be done with this base current that you are a Jivanmukta - you are living Enlightenment. So just remember this one blessing. Understand. I bless you all sincerely with My very being. Let you all become Jivanmuktas. Let you all radiate living Enlightenment. Let you all radiate eternal bliss, Nithyananda.

Thank you!



Excerpt - Live Enlightenment! || Part 1 || 32nd Jayanti Celebrations


Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and blessings.

(Tamil 01:12) Ungal anaivaraiyum vanagi varaverkiraen.

My message for all of you today is only one word - one phrase: 'Live Enlightenment' - the 'Jivanmukti'. Understand. This year let us all dedicate it to Live Enlightenment; come whatever may. But only bliss will come, nothing else will come. The moment you risk 'come whatever may' you opened your door for bliss. Because the moment you say 'come whatever may' you accepted the whole - you are ready for the whole. You are ready for whatever is - whatever is is always bliss. Whatever exists is always bliss.


Let's dedicate this year for Living Enlightenment - for Jivanmukti. Understand. Let me describe 'Jivanmukti': conflict free life - in the inner world and the outer world. Conflict free living - living without gap between the inner world and the outer world. Either raise your energy - Shakti - to catch up with the outer world or bring your bhudhi to catch up with the inner world. Raise your Shakthi so that you can do whatever you want in the outer world and raise your bhudhi so that you can accept whatever you have or whatever you are. Through any one process, integrate yourself. Please understand. Living an integrated life is what I call 'Living Enlightenment'. Continuously - continuously living the beautiful harmonious feeling, continuously living in a deep feeling connection with the whole existence with whatever is, is what I call 'Living Enlightenment'.


You have to put it in 4 words: shakti - energy to change whatever you can an bhudhi - intelligence to accept whatever is not needed to changed - whatever doesn't need to be changed and yukthi - clarity, understanding however you change, the whole world is a constant, continuous changing dream. What you call as reality is a continuously changing dream - that yukthi - that clarity. Above all a deep feeling connection - bhakthi towards the unchanging energy; what you call as Master or Existence. Shakti, bhudhi, yukthi, bhakthi - when you live all these four in the life - experientially, you are living Jivanmukti - you are Living Enlightenment. You are radiating Jivanmukti.


Shakti - to change whatever you can means energy to work on your life. Buddhi - to accept whatever doesn't need to change; means clarity, intelligence. We don't have to change the whole thing - no need. Then you will be too busy with changing instead of enjoying. You don't need to change the whole thing. If you think only you will enjoy only when the whole world becomes yours or as you want - it can never happen; so no need to change the whole thing. Intelligence - to accept whatever doesn't need to change. Ultimately yukthi - clarity, however you change, whatever you change - this Existence, the whole thing is a continuous, changing dream. With that clarity you will have the ultimate inner healing or the ultimate rest or peace.


When you have that clarity, whatever - however you try, whatever you change, the whole existence is a continuous dream which changes. Suddenly you will have deep feeling connection with one thing which does not change, which is eternal - Nithyananda. The feeling connection with that which does not change is what I call: bhakthi. When you live all these four experientially it is 'mukthi'. Continuously try to internalize the Master's words - internalise these words. Actually, nothing else needs to be done except internalising. Don't have guilt you are not able to practice. Some time in the initial level you may, may not be able to practice - don't bother, just internalize. Do not judge yourself. The day you hear the teachings don't take up the teachings to judge yourself. Take up those teachings only to inspire yourself. Use the teachings to inspire you not to judge you.


Read, listen, contemplate and internalise the Master's words. You will see automatically in your life, day-to-day life, whenever needed those words will come up as a support. They will express themselves in your life as an experience. You will be Living Enlightenment - you will be living as Jivanmuktas. I can say - I wanted to say many more things. But if I express too many words the main message may be lost in that too many words. You will carry - you may carry unwanted words and leave the main message. So, I do not want to use more and more words. I want you to remember only this one message: have - express shakti, bhuddhi, yukthi, bhakthi - whatever level you can; that's all I am saying - whatever level you can; radiate this four. You will see you are radiating mukthi - you are Living Enlightenment - you are radiating Jivanmukti.


Let us all dedicate this year for Living Enlightenment. All of you decide: "From this moment I will Live Enlightenment! I will radiate Enlightenment. Come whatever may, whatever may happen in my life, from this moment I will radiate Enlightenment." Take this strong sankalpa. I bless you all - I initiate all of you into Living Enlightenment - Jivanmukti. Let you all radiate Jivanmukti. Let you all Live Enlightenment. When one person starts Living Enlightenment - just by his presence, he initiates hundreds and thousands of people into Living Enlightenment. Understand. When you go and start Living Enlightenment in your area you don't have to do anything else. Just your very walking, your very breathing, your very presence, your very smell will raise hundreds and thousands of people's Consciousness - will inspire hundreds and thousands of people; spontaneously they will all start raising.


You don't even have to talk about Enlightenment - nothing is required. If you do it, wonderful - but nothing will be required. Just as a spontaneous expression. Please understand. When one person's radiate - one person radiates Enlightenment, what happens to the people who are around him or the people who come in contact with him,you know - you know. Now start radiating - now it's your time; now it is your time. Start radiating, you will see just by your presence spontaneously you will transmit Enlightenment. Your very walking, your very touch, your very words, your very seeing or even those things are not required - your very breathing, your very presence will raise human Consciousness.


It is time that we need to have a breakthrough in human Consciousness. It is time - I think too late; human Consciousness needs to enter into a new cycle, new field - the Divine Consciousness. It has to enter into the Divine Consciousness - it is time. Let you all be the pioneers - let you all be the pioneers of the great Conscious transition from human Consciousness to the Divine Consciousness. From the human Consciousness to the Superconsciousness. Understand. Live, experience, radiate Jivanmukti. Living Enlightenment.


I think this is the essence of whatever I want to say. I have said - whatever I said in all the books, in all My discourses; whether it is individual, personal interview or sitting with a group, or sitting in a classes, sitting in programs or sitting in satsangs - whatever I have expressed, verbally and through my writing, I have put the whole thing in essence and shared with you all. The essence is: 'Live as a Jivanmukta' - live as a liberated being - essence is Living Enlightenment. That is the ultimate thing you can do to yourself and you can do to the whole planet earth, you can do to the whole Cosmos. Cosmos wants you to be a Jivanmukta. Understand. You are Conscious miracle of Cosmic energy. You are not an accident - you are Conscious miracle of Cosmic Energy. Live Enlightenment - radiate Enlightenment - live as Jivanmukta - radiate Jivanmukti.


That is what is the message, that is the essence. Try to read, contemplate, listen and internalise the Master's words. They will work miracles inside you. The moment you internalize them you will start radiating Enlightenment.



Excerpt - You Are a Jeevan Mukta! || Part 2 || 32nd Jayanti Celebrations


Video Audio



Just remember one thing - today you have been initiated as a Jivanmukta - just remember this one thing. Any conflict comes inside you, anything comes inside - you just remember: "Master has initiated me as a Jivanmukta. An Avatar has initiated me as a Jivanmukta. I am a Jivanmukta. How can this stand in front of me?"Just ask, "How can I be in this situation? How can any conflict come in me? How can I have any disturbance? How can there be something called disturbance at all in my life? Just remember this one Sutra - one key - one click: "I am a Jivanmukta - I am a Jivanmukta. That is the top priority in my life. Living as a Jivanmukta is a first priority in my life. Everything else is secondary - if I have to forget I am a Jivanmukta for any reason - I am not interested in that."


I will remember I am a Jivanmukta with this remembrance whatever I can do let me do; whether it is business or family or relationship or work or education or study or anything it may be. The first priority is remember: "I am a Jivanmukta." Every moment remember: "I am a Jivanmukta." Be a Jivanmukta doctor, Jivanmukti lawyer, Jivanmukta engineer, Jivanmukta business man - nothing wrong. But Jivanmukta - that is first title - that should be the first title. Remember, any moment: "I have been initiated as a Jivanmukta - I am a Jivanmukta." Now, in this situation how a Jivanmukta will behave - behave in the same way. First thing, Jivanmukta will not have confusion so relax, he will not have conflict - relax; now act - act from the relaxation which has grown inside you by the clear remembrance that you are a Jivanmukta.


When you remember you are Jivanmukta there is beautiful fullness happens in you - act out of that fullness - move out of that fullness - live out of that fullness. That is what our Upanishad rishi say: poornamadah poornamidam poornaat poornamudachyate - poornasya poornamaadaaya poornamevaavashishṣyate. When the whole moves out of wholeness - the wholeness remains as wholeness. If you act out that wholeness - fulfilled feeling, the fulfillment will remain as fulfillment. Normally, when a desire comes you act it out, either it brings more and more desire or discontentment. But when you act out of fulfillment: "I am a Jivanmukta" - with that remembrance: "I am a Jivanmukta," suddenly you will see you are acting out of fulfillment. Pornamatha pornamitham - from the fulfillment, fulfillment comes out - from the whole, the whole moves. When the whole - wholeness moves out of wholeness, wholeness remains as wholeness. When your whole your are holy. Understand. Act out that wholeness. Whenever you feel your disconnected from that wholeness - come back, sit ,relax, remember again - remember again; till you are feeling connected again with that wholeness stop doing anything else - that is what I call 'tapas' - that is what I call meditation.


Meditation is not something you will do in separate time. Whenever you feel disconnected shut yourself - disconnect yourself from anything else. Connect, hook - hook yourself with the Divine - connect yourself with the Divine. Then with that feeling connection act. Let all your actions be done with this base current that you are a Jivanmukta - you are Living Enlightenment. So just remember this one blessing. Understand. I bless you all sincerely with My very being - let you all become Jivanmuktas. Let you all radiate Living Enlightenment. Let you all radiate eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.



We now request our beloved Swamiji to release newly published books which add to the ever growing list of books. First of all, the magnum opus - the English book: 'Living Enlightenment Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda'.


HDH: This book is the essence of whatever I have said, saying, and yet to say - means 'book of books'. Whatever I said now that read, internalize Master's words I mean this book - I mean this book. Read this one books and internalize. You will be Living Enlightenment. Please understand. I am guarantee for that. That is why boldly I have given the title: 'Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda'. So, I am happy to release this book today in this auspicious occasion. Thank you.



The next one: the abridged version of the same - 'Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda'. HDH: This is an abridged edition - abridged edition of the same book. See, people may want to carry in the hand - the essence of all those teaching. So, the two volumes - one: the full edition and the second one: abridged edition. That books is for your bedside, this book is for the road side - traveler's companion.

(08:42) (Announcement)

And the next one: 'Living Enlightenment' the same book translated in French. HDH: This book is getting published in more than ten languages within this month - work is happening. So, today itself we are releasing French also - 'Vivre Illumination: l'évangile de of Paramahamsa Nithyananda'.

(09:25) (Announcement)

And the next one from the stables of Nithya Yoga: 'Nithya Yoga - the understanding'. HDH: This is for body - to prepare the body to radiate Living Enlightenment.


The next one: 'Nithya yoga - Surya Namaskar'. HDH: Nithya Yoga - Surya Namaskar


And the next one: 'The Guaranteed Solution' translated into yet another language Hindi. (10:16)


Jeevan Mukti || Part 1 || 32nd Jayanthi Celebration || Tamil || 01 Jan 2009


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam delivers His message on 32nd Jayanthi celebration which happened at Adikailaasa, Bengaluru. The message for the day is to ‘Live #Enlightenment, the Jeevan Mukti’. Swamiji explains on four things associating to Living Enlightenment 1. Shakti - the energy to change whatever you can. 2. Buddhi - Intelligence to accept what doesn’t need to be changed. 3. Yukti - clarity, understanding that however you change, what you call as reality is a continuously changing dream. 4.Above all, the final one Bhakti, towards the unchanging energy, the master, Existence.

When you live all these four things in life experientially, you are living jeevan mukti, living enlightenment; you are radiating Jeevan mukti.

Video Audio


Jeevan Mukti || Part 2 || 32nd Jayanthi Celebration || Tamil || 01 Jan 2009


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continues on expanding the science of living #enlightenment. The essence of the message is to live as a jeevan mukta, radiate jeevan mukti and strengthen the planet earth by this enlightenment science.

Video Audio

Photos Of The Day:




























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