August 11 2020

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Krishna - The Greatest Gift and Blessing - Special Krishna Janmashtami Message!


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, expounded on the cosmic principle, ‘Krishna - The Greatest Gift and Blessing - Special Krishna Janmashtami Message!’ during the Nithyananda Satsang. The Darshan for today was Paramashiva Bhava Darshan.

Contributing to over 108 humanitarian causes of Shrikailasa Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 10, Day 1 of Paramashivoham with over 1200 delegates across 20 countries participating in the convention. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention is Pratyaksha Pada Puja along with Power Manifestation, today being the Power of needs power.

Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA conducted a series of seminars focusing on the attributes of Shaktinipada, Avatara Shastra, Kailasa, power of Deeksha and Mirror Neurons, as revealed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.

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KAILASA's Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam

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oṃ nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

वसुदॆव सुतं दॆवं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् । दॆवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दॆ जगद्गुरुम् ॥१॥

vasudeva sutaṁ devaṁ kaṁsa cāṇūramardanam | devakī paramānandaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vande jagadgurum ||

I welcome you all with my love and respect[s]. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kothari, Thanedar, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa eGurukul students, Kailasa NHU students, ... everyone sitting with us all over the world through Kailasa TV, Kailasa’s NTV, Kailasa’s HNTV, and other social media platforms. I welcome all of you with my love and respect[s].

Krishna, is the greatest blessing, gift, we can receive from Krishna. Understand, ... the kind of a charismatic personality He is. The kind of the extraordinary charisma He manifested. Knowing Krishna, loving Krishna, being Krishna, celebrating Krishna, is the greatest gift we can receive from Krishna. In one line if I have to say - Krishna Bhakti. Actually, when you are in romance with Krishna, everyone around you feels you are Krishna. Krishna Bhakti internally keeps you in Dvaita, but externally everyone feels you are in Advaita with Krishna. Shiva Bhakti internally keeps you in Oneness with Shiva. Everyone outside feels you are a great Shiva Bhakta. That is the beauty. Listen. Shiva Bhakti internally keeps you in Oneness with Shiva. All others around you perceive you are a great Shiva Bhakta. Krishna Bhakti internally keeps in romance with Krishna. Everyone around you feels you are Krishna!

Listen. If you want to read this Universe, life - Gītā is the dictionary. If you want to read Gītā - Krishna is the dictionary. If you want to know the meaning of what is life, what is goal, what is good, what is bad; if you want to know the meaning of all these words, life - read Bhagavad Gītā. That meaning given in Gītā is the real meaning of life. Vairāgya: you want to know what is vairāgya - read Bhagavad Gītā. The meaning given in Bhagavad Gītā for vairāgya, is the meaning of the vairāgya. Cosmos: if you want to know what is Cosmos - read Bhagavad Gītā. The meaning given in Gītā for the Cosmos is the Cosmos. Love, devotion, every ... everything you want to know about life - read Gītā. That's a meaning of life. Everything you want to know about Gītā - read Krishna. That’s a meaning.

Only when you understand the absolutely charismatic excellent personality called Krishna, only when you are in love with Him, only when you are in absolutely awed by Krishna - you will understand what He means by

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ

उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् uddhared ātmanātmānaṁ nātmānaṁ avasāyadet

अहं वैश्वानरो भूत्वा प्राणिनां देहमाश्रित: ahaṁ vaiśhvānaro bhūtvā prāṇināṁ deham āśhritaḥ

When He declares all these grand ... statements: ... “I taught this knowledge to ... Surya. From Surya, it came to Manu.” Come on. Millions of years before Krishna, Surya existed. But so beautifully, ... so boldly, ... He declares and shows His viśvarūpa to Arjuna. Understand, making your close friend, not just classmate - glassmate, partners in crime. There are multiple things, secret things both of them have done together which nobody else knows. Making your partner in the crime believe you are Parandhama, is not a joke. Of course, He is really Parandhama. That is why He was able to make the partner in the crime realize He is Parandhama.

Love, sacrifice, ferociousness, knowledge, ... power, all these are separate, separate words in lower middle class level. In the peak of ... pure consciousness, all these are ananta kalyāṇa guṇas of one being. That is why I insist understand about that Being: understand why Krishna is celibate, pure Brahmachārī, when He started His Rasa Leela ... before the age of ten? Why He is extreme pure absolute embodiment of compassion, when He is the mastermind of the world’s largest war ever happened? Understand, Mahābhārata War, the number people died is much more than World War I or World War II put together!

Go and do your homework you will understand. Not only the quantity of people, even the quality of people; no World War I, World War II ... killed so many statesmen! Mahābhārata War: not only the soldiers, so many statesmen were killed. Giants like Bhishma who can never be reproduced again are eliminated. Person who has masterminded this great destruction ... is still considered and worshipped, revered. Actually in reality itself, He’s an extreme compassion. Meditate on all this, try to understand all this. Understanding the personality of Krishna ... gives you absolute understanding about Gītā. Understanding Gītā gives you absolute understanding about everything - enlightenment, Universe, right, wrong, good, bad, sex, birth, death, pain, bliss, ... love, hatred, everything, binary logic, infinite logic.

Absolutely ... mind boggling revelations:

ऊर्ध्वमूलमधःशाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम् ūrdhvamūlamadhaḥśākhamaśvatthaṃ prāhuravyayam

How can there be the banyan tree whose roots are up? Understand. Internalize the deeper ... revelations, secrets ... shared by the great devotees who lived around Kirshna. Vyasa is the most authentic ... biographer of Krishna. Some of the people who lived around Krishna, how they held Him. Read all of that. Internalize all of that; I tell you, reading the reminiscences of the intimate disciples is the way to know the being of the Master. Uddhava, Arjuna, Draupadi, ... some of these people are the most intimate disciples; Vidura of Krishna. Read, study how they all held Krishna; how they all perceived Krishna; how they all experienced Krishna. The most authentic presentation is, Vyasa’s presentation.

Listen. When you know the charismatic existence called Krishna, when you know this manifestation of Paramashiva called Krishna - you will realize what He means by the word:

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ

If you are illegitimate sons of 3 M ... I want to actually upgrade that 3 M into 5 M. The two more Ms I wanted to add, are media mafia, marketing monsters. Marketing monsters who are ready to go to any extreme to make you just a consumer, nothing more than a consumer. Castrating you to be a just consumer. Strong word, but needed. See, when you ... forget you are a consciousness, you are castrated just to be a consumer. Like a how the ... bull is reduced to ox just to work. It has no its own existence. When that truth you are consciousness is removed from you, you are just a consumer. God!

If you are illegitimate sons of these 5 M, you can go on be abusing. I have seen these guys misinterpreting Krishna, “Oh! What do you mean by karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ? We should just work without expecting the results? It’s a way of exploiting.” Ayy! Ayy! Ayy! Krishna is not telling work without receiving the salary. No.

Listen, I tell you royal secret. Whenever you expect result, that kind of the anxiety, anxiousness, frustration ... Your mind is more faster than the light and sound. It can visualize, imagine, the goal of your life now itself before even you begin, and already feel frustrated, feel empty ... with your goal one side; the other side, feel tired and bored and terrorized about the effort you need to put to achieve that goal - it can create extremely dangerous multidimensional complexities, complications and life negative pattern!

I tell you, there are only two societies in the planet earth. Societies that believe ... work for excellence, not remembering success and the other societies - just depressed, that’s all. Some are wise: w-i-s-e. Others: otherwise, that’s all. There are only two societies on the planet earth. One: works for excellence, not for success. Knows the truth of karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ. I tell you, I can just speak on this one verse ten thousand hours.

How ... I think once I explained even in my own life ... when my Gurus wanted to give me the first ashram they built for me. I did this stupid reverse calculation, “Oh, to maintain that ashram I need fifty rupee, rupees a day. Fifty rupees a day, then how will I make, sorry fifty rupees a month. Fifty rupees a month, how will I make? And ah what all I have to do? It’s very difficult. How will I maintain? Better let me not take it. Let somebody else take it and run. Who will maintain?” I tell you, ... reverse calculation means, ... if you see the result you are supposed to achieve, and the effort you are supposed to put, without adding the growth you are going to be having ... through the prism of your SDHD - you will just collapse and never start the life.

Listen. If you have to have eighteen inch biceps and lift hundred kg, ... don’t try to think, Oh, now I can lift only five kg. I have to make it into six, I have to make it into seven, I have to make it into eight. By the time I make hundred, I may become hundred years old.” No. Once the five become six, the muscles you grow will become so strong, you will just jump to twenty. And then the muscles you grow will be so strong, you will just jump to sixty. It will not be the gradual growth. Understand, when Krishna says, “karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ,” He says, “Don’t put your middle class shitty mind, on the grand success you are going to celebrate.” The middle class shitty mind, has extremely uncountable numbers of blind spots. Infinite number of blind spots filled middle class mentality which is all the time looking for success with the tremendous agitation and anxiety.

Listen. One king, who did hundred Aśvamedha Yajñas, and achieved the Indra padavī was being carried to Indra’s palace by Saptarishis in palki, but he become so anxious! Arrey, just in next half an hour, you are going to be sitting in the Indra’s throne! But he become so anxious, that middle class mentality has not left him. The insecurity ... has not left him, ... screams at Agastya. Agastya was also one of the Rishi who was carrying the palki. It is tradition that Saptarishis themself carry the Indra and coronate Him. So Agastya was also one of the Rishi who was carrying the palki. This fellow was so anxious, because his middle class mentality has not left him. His anxiety, he started screaming at Agastya, “Walk fast! Take me quickly to coronate!” Agastya realized this fool has done hundred yajñas, but not matured to sit in the throne of yan ... Indra. He has not dropped this middle class mentality. The anxiety, insecurity is still so prevalent. And, Agastya curses him, this fellow falls as a huge python on the planet earth - anaconda.

Understand, ... anxiety, agitation, insecurity, not being sure about yourself is, the middle class, I should say lower middle [class] mentality. I tell you, ... I strategize and do everything right to make this Kailasa happen, but I am very clear, ... neither I’ll fail ... There is no such thing as failure. If I don’t do now, I’ll just assume another one body and do it! But, I am very clear, we don’t even need to go to that extreme. I’ll make it happen now. I made it. That’s a truth. Listen. If I had the anxiety of the middle class mentality, this larger vision, the brain will be incapable of holding it, digesting it, being excited about it. Understand, any vision, any idea, only if you are able to digest - you will be excited about it. That is why I tell you, a middle class mentality; see, when I say middle class, I don’t mean by middle power economic power. No. a middle class mentality fellow can never understand me.

If you are excited about me and Kailasa, be very clear, you are royal! You are simply royal! Only a royal being can even grasp what I am doing, and be excited about what I am doing. I tell you, listen! A middle class anxious, irritated, agitated, perturbed mind cannot even grasp the vision ... even if I verbalize, “I think Kailasa Nation, Hinduism ... Seri edho solraaru, innum konjam, satha, kaal neetti paduthupoma? Aprama idhellam yosikalam.

I tell you, if you are even inspired, excited about Kailasa, what I am revealing - this vision, you are no more lower middle class or middle class - you are royal. Only a royal brain can even grasp the larger vision. Because there is no anxiety, irritation, agitation of the middle class and lower middle class mentality.

Not only I could grasp the vision of Kailasa the Hindu Nation from Paramashiva’s blessings, I am excited about it. Understand, unless you grasp it fully, your being won’t be excite[d]. If you are excited about something, you’re, you’ve grasped it, and you are seeing it! A middle class mind, cheap rate Chandalas will only look for what is there for me. How my five pleasure tips can be just ... ooo, ooo ... kept, go on ... Actually, ... the middle class fellows are thinking that five pleasure tips of their body should be continuously triggered for more and more pleasure, that’s all their life’s goal. But they do not understand, without a larger vision infusing fuel and energy and excitement into the system, if you just go on triggering, triggering, triggering the five pleasure tips of your body, and enjoying the pleasure - it is like ... using a cheap fuel in your vehicle.

In India, sometimes when you don’t get diesel or petrol, these fellows put the kerosene oil in the bike and wroor, wroor, wroor ... That makes a sound like a rail train, and the smoke ... like olden charcoal train. Yes, the engine will run for few kilometres and collapse once for all. And whatever I am saying, whoever understands understand. It has a multiple meaning, it’s not double meaning statement; I don’t speak in double meaning. I am a Sanskrit person. I speak in multiple meaning. Double meaning is just English. Eh, cheap Chandalas; multiple meaning.

Listen. The pleasure tip[s] of your body, constantly rub or you trying to incite, excite them, thinking you will get pleasure, comfort, joy, luxury just through them, is like a ... Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch. Listen. Thinking just by rubbing the pleasure points in your body, you can keep your life excited, ... pleasant, joyful, is a cheap Chandala mentality. It’s equivalent to you thinking, you can just pour kerosene ... and run your Rolls-Royce; yes, it’ll run for ... maybe few metre.

[technical glitch - no audio] Rolls Royce mattum illa da, ulla ukandhu irukra ungalukum serthu 'pappara pa' nu therandhukumuda. Mootharatha vuttu motor ottna, 5 meter odum da, apram 'pakknu' therandhukum.

Listen. I’ll tell you what I told in Tamil. If you pour kerosene and run your Rolls-Royce, it may run for few minutes or few metres. And not only Rolls-Royce will collapse, who is sitting inside you also will collapse.

Larger vision for the life is the right fuel, for the machine you are carrying called ... Śārīra. Śārīra cannot be translated into body. Śārīra is organism. Body is mechanism. Understand in Sanskrit, the original word “Śārīra,” if you see the descriptions - it is organism, not mechanism, but body is mechanism.

You should know to excite your existence with the larger vision. Especially after this Corono, only if you know how to be excited about the vision, you have a future.

Meedhi ellam Corona thookitu poch. Enga da? Corona thookitu poch.

Only people who are excited about the larger vision have future. If you are excited about the larger vision of life and inspired to manifest it, you have a future. I tell you, all the anxiety-based ... people don’t have future.

When Krishna says, “karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ,” He means, He tells you to be grounded, excellence-based. Today five kg, tomorrow let me become excellent; forget about what is success. Hundred kg or two hundred kg lifting - five kg. Now, let me move to excellence. Excellence means it maybe six kg or suddenly I maybe able to do it sixty kg. Excellence is all I need to focus, not the success. Having success in the mind, you will cause multiple blind spots, all the diseases described in psychoanalysis and psychiatric. I think both are different way of robbing you, so ... all the disease they described, everything will come to you, if you look for success leaving the excellence.

People who look for excellence, go beyond what they imagine as success or others imagine as success. Eh, never even my own disciples who have absolute devotion to me even imagine I will make a nation, till I announce. And they said, “Oh God! Whether Swamiji makes it or not is different. Even he has a guts to digest this idea, and boldly challenge!

Suthi varum soozhchi pagaiyum, atru varumo en manam anarthum pagaiyum, utru uyirkulleye irundhu, uruthi valikkum uyir pagaiyum, venravarke varum, shakthi perum shakshiyam. Maatshimaiyin maanbum, Magesathanmaiyum.

I’ll translate, listen. There are three types of danger. People who are conspiring against you: the enemies known to you and the traitors. In both I am classifying into this same category: traitors and enemies. And, ... that’s a first layer. Second layer is, when you take up a larger projects and larger vision: the future enemies you may attract due to your large scale operation. That is a second layer. And, already the secret enemy who is sitting inside you in the form of fear, anxiety, nervous breakdown and not letting you trust you. These three layer enemies: only if you have a guts to play with them, you will cross the larger vision of life, excellence!

My absolute trust on Shiva Pūjā is whenever I do pūjā ... even if I get some larger visualization, I absolutely trust it is from Paramashiva. And immediately I’ll come and declare it and start working for it. That’s it. That is the way, I go on excelling, excelling, excelling! There cannot be any fear, negativity from Shiva because He is Shiva, Maṅgalatva, auspiciousness! So anything He reveals, I’ll just simply start working, that’s it.

I have a great announcement on Ganesh Chaturthi with the grace of Ganapati, we are going to be revealing all the absolute, complete details of Reserve Bank of Kailasa and the currencies. It’s all ready. I am just waiting for the auspicious day. I decided on Ganesh Chaturthi, it’ll be revealed. The whole, whole economy and economic policies - three hundred page document, ready with absolute designing, eh currency, everything. See, designing, currency, the economic strategy - how we are going to be doing, internal currency usage and external world currency exchange - everything legally; please understand, we signed the MOU with the nation hosting our Reserve Bank, and everything is legally, legitimately established; the Reserve Bank of Kailasa is legitimately already established with all the ... It’s like a, the structure is done based on Vatican bank.

It has two purpose: one, the Mahakailasa’s economy and link it. And, all the ... wealth people are donating all over the world, working with that local governments. Because each donation in any country, belongs to that country’s NGO, follows that country’s laws; working with those countries. And organized way, ... using that wealth to do the intended work for which that wealth was intended. So this whole structure is absolutely ready on Ganesh Chaturthi - 22nd August 2020. The currencies: the name of the currency, shape, everything; all the details will be revealed to all of you. Understand, ... with the grace of Ganapati, beautifully the work is done.

Listen to this truth. Do not bother about success. Work for excellence is not controlling mechanism, it is a liberating mechanism. When you Guru teaches:

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchanaḥ

Work without bothering about the results.

He is not using this as a controlling mechanism; He is using this as a liberating mechanism - liberating you from your Chandala mentality. For ages, the illegitimate sons of 5 M used to tell, “Oh, Brahmins controlled Hindus, all other castes through this verse: work without expecting the result! That is the way the Brahmins controlled!” No! This verse is a liberating mechanism, not controlling mechanism.

What is controlling mechanism you know? Making man just as a consumer by brainwashing him - he is just the body, and the truth, reality that he is a consciousness is being taken away from him. I tell you, when the truth “you are consciousness” is taken away from you, bull is reduced to bullock. You are castrated to be consumer, just a consumer. Your education castrates you just to be a clerk. Marketing monsters castrate you just to be a consumer. The sex-based industries: pornography, ... all the ... Actually in the modern day, all the cinema industry and TV serial - everything is sex-based only. Sex-based entertainment industry castrates you just to be consumer of their ... entertainment. Actually, it is not even aim at educating you properly with the right principles of sex. No!

Like many of these theme parks all over the world, is not designed for kids. It is designed for adult kids. Adults who are still kids in the mentality. And, many of the entertainment theme park are not designed for kids. They are designed for the adults who are still mentally enjoying their childhood, or mentally kids. Listen. Same way, the sex-based entertainment industry is more focus on them being a mastrubation value for you, not any educating ... or any useful for your existence. Their focus, the whole focus is just to be a mastrubating value for you. That’s it. Nothing more.

Listen. O Hindus, wake up to all these conspiracies. These people who make ... the whole sex industries, sex-based entertainment industry - a masturbation value, nothing more than that. These guys go on abusing, accusing Kāmasūtra of the Hindu tradition, is sex perversion. Ayy! Kāmasūtra looks at sex with entertainment and enlightenment value; all three - entertainment, entrainment and enlightenment value. But the sex-based industries of the modern world: ... pornography, all the whole movie industry ... and the TV serial - all of them ... I, I can say one more clear word: they are not even interested in being entertainment or entrainment or enlightenment; they are trying just to be a masterbation value, enslavement value! How they can enslave you! That’s all is their goal. Slavement value! [Under]stand.

If you are illegitimate sons of these 5 M, save yourself. And, if you are getting brainwashed by the illegitimate sons of 5 M, save yourself. These 5 M: militant missionaries, missionary militants, ... marketing monsters, media mafia, ... mind breaking Maoist terrorist gang. Maoist using Macaulay's education system and breaking your mind. These 5 M. Listen. If you are illegitimate sons of these 5 Ms, save yourself. If you are getting brainwashed by the illegitimate sons of these 5 Ms, save yourself. That is the real message from Krishna on Krishna Janmashtami.

Krishna: understand His being ... in every level, you will understand ... His teachings. When you understand His teachings, you will understand the Universe, life itself. Krishna is the greatest gift we can receive from Krishna.

So with this ... today Paramashivoham Season 10 initiation. I bless and initiate all the Paramashivoham Season 10 participants. You will all experience Paramashivoham. And, we have Krishna Jan, Krishna Janmashtami programs now: Jhula Seva, many sevas. I bless you all on this auspicious occasion as a living representative of Krishna, Parabrahma Krishna, Parandhama Krishna. Let’s all have all the auspiciousness, and Krishna himself manifest in all of us.

I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness, and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Photos From The Day:


Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations
