May 12 2012

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Madurai Aadheenam - Source of Vedanta and Siddhantha


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) continues his explanation of the founding philosophy of Madurai Adheenam. The young saint who established the present design of the math (spiritual community), Jnanasambandhar, makes no mention in his original writings of any of the schools of Hindu thought that later became predominant. He speaks only of his love for Devi and of Her uplifting infusion of energy, and of his desire to support and perpetuate the Vedic tradition. Vedanta, the philosophy which later grew to be associated with Vedic culture, was developed by Adi Shankaracharya, who lived several hundred years after Jnanasambandhar. Shankaracharya himself refers to Jnanasambandhar as a source of inspiration. The school of Saiva Siddhanta likewise evolved a t a far later date than the founding of Madurai Adheenam. Vedic tradition is the wellspring for both Vedanta and Saiva Siddhanta. Paramahamsa also gives a radiant description of Meenakshi, the embodiment of Devi who ruled Madurai. She encompassed the fullness of both masculine and feminine consciousness, being an equally great administrator and master healer. Her five-story palace adjoined a great hospital where students and teachers from many cultures worked together, caring for thousands of people who flocked from all over the world. Meenakshi was the epitome of wisdom, beauty, courage, compassion and efficiency, completely radiating divinity on Earth.

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Madurai Aadheenam : Source of Vedanta and siddhanta

As I introduced yesterday, Madurai Aadheenam is older than Vedanta and Siddhanta. Madurai Aadheenam is the source of Vedanta and Siddhanta. Sankaracharya does not speak about any Master in any of his verses, other than Jnanasambhandar. Other than Thiru Jnana Sambhandar, he does not praise anybody; especially when he is praising ‘Mother’, when he is singing the glory of ‘Mother’ in Soundarya Lahari.

Soundarya Lahari is the stotra describing Devi, describing Divine Mother, the Cosmic Mother, ‘Padadikesha’ means from foot to head. He is describing Devi, praising Devi in Soundarya Lahari. At that time when he is describing the breasts of the ‘Mother’, he is saying, ‘the breasts which has created Jnana Sambhandar by giving the milk’. He is attributing Jnana Sambhandar as one of the glory to ‘Mother’ Herself. It means, he was inspired, impressed, influenced by Thiru Jnana Sambhandar.

Vedanta philosophy originated from Adi Sankaracharya and Adi Sankaracharya was highly inspired by Thiru Jnana Sambhandar. Whatever I am giving, everything is a historical fact. Please understand, everything is a historical fact. I am not talking the mystical facts. I am not talking some mystical subject, I am talking fact and of course, Saiva Siddhanta directly acknowledges Thiru Jnana Sambhandar as the first, foremost of the whole Saiva philosophy. So, all the philosophies whether it is Vedanta or Siddhanta, evolved from Thiru Jnana Sambhandar.

Two days before in the satsang, I was making one statement about Chokkanathar; Sundareshwara, the divine expressing in human biomemory, very down to earth. Today, I wanted to make remaining three more statements. That day I said I wanted to make four statements, one about Chokkanathar, one about Meenakshi, one about Thiru Jnana Sambhandar. I already made the statement about Chokkanathar, now I wanted to describe Meenakshi. All the grandeur of masculineness and the beauty of feminineness expressed in one body that is Meenakshi. Please understand, if I have to define, describe Meenakshi in one line, of course, it is impossible, but if it is forced, this is the description I will give: All the grandeur of the super consciousness, the masculine principle and the beauty of the feminine consciousness, the divine feminine principle expressing in one body is Menakshi. Meenakshi shines more than Chokkanathar. Meenakshi radiates more than Chokkanathar. I was thinking I should not tell these words, but truth can’t be hidden, somehow it comes out.

Meenakshi, I started describing her history only, but it was so much!, Now, really I feel, I put myself in a big mess of trying to describe which can never be described. See, I can describe maybe one or two incidents from Meenakshi’s life, one or two incidents from Chokkanathar’s life, one or two incidents from Jnana Sambhandar’s life, but I cannot the describe the ‘whole’ as it is!! But I have decided and have given a topic, ‘The complete History and Philosophy of Madurai Aadhenam’, where I have to describe everything amidst so much that is happening around me. It is not that I am in a peaceful ambience and atmosphere like Bidadi, where I can go on sit and explain, explain, and explain. Here, all around there is fire, continuously I am fire fighting. So many, astras are being sent towards me: Nagasthra, Bramhastra, Varunastra, Vayusastra, Agniastra. Of course, I am just turning all that back and sending them back to them; same persons! One side, this fire fighting, the other side I have to explain the glory of three great beings, Sundareshwara, Meenakshi and Thiru Jnana Sambhandar. It is a beautiful principle, all the three ; Father, Mother and Son. The real holy trinity. Sundareshwara is the embodiment of super consciousness, expressing in human body, playing with all his glory. Meenakshi is the expression of the ultimate masculine and feminine consciousness.

Last few days, I am going through all these literatures, just brushing all these literatures to present to all of you. When I was going through only I realized, the Saiva Siddantha, all the literatures of Saiva Siddantha is written only in the 13th century, ‘one third’ please understand 13th century; but this mutt Madurai Aadhenam, is revived in the first century, by Thiru Jnana Sambhandar. All Saiva Siddantha literatures themselves accept that their literature; 14 books , it is called “Padinangu Satirangal”, the 14 books of Saiva Siddantha were written only in the 13th century. So, Guru JnanaSambhandar, Arunandi Shivacharyar who all are the heads of the Dharmapuram Aadhenam, and Thiruvavadoor Aadhenam, Thirupanandal Aadhenams. They all created their organizations in the 13th century only. Madurai Aadhenam was not even created, revived in first century! It means from time immemorial the Aadhenam exists. In first century only it was revived by Thiru Jnana Sambhandar. Adi Shankaracharya takes birth and creates Sankara movement, the Sankar mutts in 8th century. Saiva Siddhanta aadhenams are created in the 13th century. Tomorrow and day after tomorrow, we have dedicated specially for this 2 day satsang.

Spot Notes: Saturday, May 12, 2012

“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnana Sambandhaacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 758 places through Nithyananda TV, 27 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 218 cities, 21 countries!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are – Nithyananda Nagara, Los Angeles Arunachala, Seattle Chidambaram, San Jose Madhurai, Malaysia Palani, Toronto Kailasam, Ohio Prayag, Phoenix kancheepuram, Vancover Puri, Tiruvannamalai Arunachala, Houston, Charlotte Srisailam, Temple City California, East Los Angeles USA, Atlanta Ujjayini, Oklahoma Somanatham, Singapore Singapuram, St.Petersburg Florida, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Las Vegas, Kathmandu, Austin, UK Devon, Besancon France, Oman Siva Gangai, Brampton Canada. I welcome all of you with my love & blessings!

Panner Selvan Houston, Nishant San Jose I accepted your paada puja. I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar.

Los Angeles Arunachala blessings for Kailaasa fitness workshop. Blessings for the fitness trainer also. Blessings!

I will continue on my Satsang MA – History & philosophy.

As I introduced yesterday Madhurai Aadeenam is older than Vedanta and Siddhantha. Madhurai Aadeenam is the source of Vedanta and Siddhantha. Shankaraacharya does not speak about any master in any of his verses other than Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. Other than Tiru Jnaana Sambandar he does not praise anybody especially when he is praising mother, when he is singing the glory of mother in Soundarya Lahari. Soundarya Lahari is the stotra describing Devi, cosmic mother, divine mother - “paadaadi kaasha” means from foot to head. He is describing Devi, praising Devi in Soundarya Lahari. At that time when he is describing the breasts of the mother he is saying the breasts which has created Jnaana Sambandar by giving the milk. Please understand he is attributing Jnaana Sambandar as one of the glory to mother herself. Means he was inspired, impressed, influenced by Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. Vedanta philosophy originated from Adi Shankaraacharya and Adi Shankaraacharya was highly inspired by Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. Whatever I am giving everything is historical fact. Please understand everything is historical fact. I am not talking the mystical facts. Now I am able to see St. Louis Tirumala. I welcome St. Louis Tirumala centre and my blessings to them. After long time I am seeing St. Louis Tirumala centre.

I am not talking some mystical subjects. I am talking facts and of course Shaiva Siddhantha directly acknowledges Tiru Jnaana Sambandar is the first, foremost of the whole Shaiva philosophy. So all the philosophies whether it is Vedanta or Siddhantha evolved from Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. 2 days before in the Satsang I was making one statement on Chokkanaadhar - Sundareshwara the divine expressing in human bio memory very down to earth. Today I wanted to make remaining three more statements. That day I said I want to make 4 statements one about Chokkanaadhar one about Meenakshi, one about Tiru Jnaana Sambandar.

I already made the statement about Chokkanaadhar. Now I wanted to describe Meenakshi. All the grandeur of masculine consciousness and beauty of feminine consciousness expressed in one body that is Meenakshi. Please understand if I have to define describe Meenakshi in one line of course it is impossible. But if I am forced, this is the description I will give. All the grandeur of the super consciousness the masculine principle and beauty of the feminine consciousness the divine feminine principle expressing in one body is Meenakshi! Meenakshi shines more than Chokkanaadhar. Meenakshi radiates more than Chokkanaadhar. I was thinking I should not tell this words. But truth can’t be hidden. Somehow it comes out. Meenakshi I started describing her history only. But it was so much. Now really I feel I put myself in a big mess of trying to describe which can never be described. See I can describe maybe one or two incidents from Meenakshi’s life, one or two incidents from Chokkanaadhar’s life, one or two incidents from Jnaana Sambandar’s life, but I cannot describe the whole as it is. But I have decided, I have given a topic the complete history and philosophy of Madhurai Aadeenam where I have to describe everything. Amidst so much is happening around me. It is not that I am in a peaceful ambience and atmosphere like Bidadi where I can sit and go on sit and explain, explain. Here all around fire. Continuously I am in fire fighting. So many astraas are being sent on me – Brahma astra, Nagaastra, Varunaastra, Vayu astra. Of course i am turning them all back and sending them to the same person.

I have very good news. The 13 aadeenams who have signed statement against me, 8 have backed out! J Yesterday night 8 of them have saved themselves. Very …alright what to do? 8 of them have saved themselves. Today morning the statements are getting released. All 8 of them have said we did not want to sign, we all know Swamiji very well. We have closely moved with him. We are forced to sign, so we signed. We are withdrawing out statements. So 8 wickets out, now only five more wickets. 8 wicket out. Now today I am calling for a press meet by evening. The statement will be released by 8 of them withdrawing their opposition and giving their full support and I am going to make a statement – this 8 have to withdraw within the 10 days limit, the other 5 not only have to withdraw but have to apologize only then the cases will be stopped. They have to withdraw and apologize otherwise the cases won’t be stopped. Face the cases.

So in this kind of an atmosphere I am sitting where every day it is like a Maha Bharatha war. You don’t know who are all joining that side and who are all joining this side but Krishna is enjoying J you don’t know when we are going to call the press, who is going to give what statement. Yesterday Pranananda got a phone call from a person through whom we regularly keep in touch with Shankar mutt Sri Jayaram ….he calls Pranananda and says I am not calling on behalf of Shankaraacharya and says why don’t you ask Ranjitha to withdraw the case…chief priest of Kamaakshi temple is saying I am not calling on behalf of Shankaraacharya, Kamaakshi and Meenakshi are one and the same…

Our Prana said - See Kamaakshi does tapas she is Tapas Kamaakshi, Meenakshi goes for war J so Prana said no problem you just withdraw your statement, you don’t even need to apologize…you withdraw your statement, we will request Ranjitha to withdraw her case. She also has respect for all the saints and sages. …whole day you should see the fun we are having. I was never on the phone so much like last 15 days. Even during the scandal I did not give so many press meet. See through out that one year of scandal I gave only two press meet. Here per day two press meet I am giving. But I am thoroughly enjoying. One person who has withdrawn the statement he has already given advertisement for us in the newspaper….

One side this fire fighting. The other side I have to explain the glory of three great beings – Sundareshwara, Meenakshi and Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. It is a beautiful principle all the three. Father, mother and son. The real holy trinity! Sundareshwara is the embodiment of the super consciousness expressing in human body playing with all his glory. Meenakshi is the expression of the ultimate masculine and feminine consciousness. Last few days I am going through all these literatures just brushing all these literatures to present to all of you. When I was going through only I realized the Shaiva Siddhantha all the literatures of Shaiva Siddhantha is written only in 13th century. But this mutt Madhurai Aadeenam is revived in the 1st century by Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. All Shaiva Siddhantha literatures themselves accept that their literatures the 14 books of Shaiva Siddhantha were written only in 13th century. So Guru Jnaana Sambandar and…who are heads of Dharmapuri Aadeenam….they all created their aadenams only in 13th century. Madhurai Aadeenam was not even created, revived in 1st century. In 1st century it was revived by Tiru Jnaana Sambandar. Adi Shankaraacharya created the Shankar mutt in 8th century. Shaiva Siddhantha Aadeenam in 13th century. See they claim their glory as they are old. Now I wanted to tell them as the representative of Madhurai Aadeenam which is at least few hundred years old than Shankar mutts and other Aadeenams understand Madhurai Aadeenam is much much older than you. Madhurai Aadeenam is source of Vedanta and Siddhantha. Vedanta and Siddhantha both of you braches of Madhurai Aadeenam. I am talking from facts, history. I am not blurting something on my own. No. I am talking from facts and history.

Today Madhurai Aadeenam is not only oldest, most powerful and richest organization. But I wanted to tell all these Vedanta and Siddhantha mutts I am not here to compete and fight. I am here to revive and unite. Stop these fighting acts, withdraw your statements. Let us complement each other and revive Hinduism. Still I have not given one single statement reprimanding them or reacting to them. I am only defending myself and ….all four press meets I have said I have tremendous respect for Shankar mutts and other Aadeenams….

In my tongue not only Saraswathi is sitting, Shani is also sitting! I can really give a strong reply. One more thing they can only pass resolution which will not be executed by anybody. But if I utter anything Kaala Bhairava will execute them. They are saying I don’t know Shaivism I don’t know Shaiva tradition. Then you are all adults, then make me understand by your powers and enlightenment about Shaiva Tradition. Can a Aadeenam Dharmapuri Aadeenam filing in court saying that Madhurai Aadeenam is under drugs. Don’t they understand the same thing will come to them? Irresponsibility! I won in the court. You dragged me to the court, I won the game. Now I am challenging you. Come one, I am from the tradition of Jnaana Sambandar. What Jnaana Sambandar did he was healing the Paandya king. On other side was a Jain monk.

You do the same thing. Come on. You get a patient, cancer patient or paralytic patient, one side I will heal, other side you heal. Jnaana Sambandar put the palm leaves on which he wrote the great truths in fire and it did not burn. The Jain monks put theirs in fire and it burnt. All the books I have written is from Shaiva tradition, I will put all of them in fire. Let us do analvaadam and punalvaadam. Who is right? Who is inheritor of Shaiva Tradition? Let us prove by spiritual strength. You called me to court, now I am calling in cosmic court, the court of Shiva. And I wanted to tell all our devotees please understand I am going to do analvaadam punalvaadam in public! Whatever I am claiming an incarnation or enlightened whatever I will prove to all you guys publicly by doing analvaadam and punalvaadam. What are they thinking? How dare they pass a resolution that I don’t know Shaivism! I already gave 3 press meets calling them for analvaadam and punalvaadam. Come on let us prove each other’s powers. If you prove and express your spiritual powers and prove that you can help me spiritually grow, I will become your disciple. If I can prove, come on! No let there be a neutral judge, come out. Instead they are trying to burn my effigy ditty fellows. Why don’t you burn yourselves -good for society! Just putting some straw together as me and trying to burn me. Is this Shaivism? They can burn my effigy in only one place Thiruppanandal ….

I can burn your effigy in 153 places. …

Is this Shaivism, is this spirituality? I feel responsibility for spirituality, for law & order, for Hinduism. That is the reason I am not doing. What is the need for such a great peeta Shankara mutt hiding stealthily calling my secretary and telling can you tell Ranjitha to withdraw the case? Why cannot you keep your mouth shut? In this big fight and the Maha Bharatha war literally happening, I am sitting and giving everyday morn Satsang. That is the reason I am not able to spend much time to give you the spiritual material.

Tomorrow and day after we have dedicated specially for this 2 days satsang. I will not disappoint you tomorrow. I will give you elaborate Satsang …I will take live calls and answer few of your questions. Today I will take only 2, 3 calls and move to the next segment.

See the biggest problem is it is like Foreign Direct investment. When FDI came to India all the small mom shop, pop shops were shivering. Nithyananda coming to Madhurai is like FDI coming and all mom shop pop shops are shivering. I will set a trend of how an Aadeenam should run. I already got the first property donation to Madhurai Aadeenam yesterday. Our Guru Maha sannidhanam was telling me after maybe 80 years one property is being donated to Madhurai Aadeenam first time yesterday. Of course it was supposed to be given to Nithyananda Dhyana Peetam, I said give it to Madhurai Aadeenam. Not only Madhurai Aadeenam, first time in the known history any Aadeenam is getting property, acquiring property. All Aadeenams only sell properties, first time any Aadeenam is receiving property….

In ….. next to his samadhi 10 acre has been given from his family people. We are going to start a school and a ten bed hospital to serve that local area. 292nd Guru maha sannidhanam is taking me every day showing me all the properties. When we went to some properties the fellows who are illegally occupied has run away. We went to 2,3 properties all the property fellows are not there. One fellow called and told Nithyananda Swami is coming, so we are vacating. So he vacated and ran away J

Yesterday we went to Tiru Vedakam – where the palm leaves of Tiru Jnaana Samabandar came out. We will build a beautiful temple to teach Shaiva Siddhantha there. Whatever Tiru Jnaana Sambandar wrote on the palm leaves and the leaves came against the current. We are going to print one lakh copies of all the verses with modern day Tamil commentary and the publication department and teaching centre will be established in that very property where leaves have come out of the water. This whole area will become the largest Shaiva community in the world. This whole thing will become a 5 storey building exactly how the Meenakshi palace existed. I also saw how Meenakshi’s palace was. This area was where she stayed for 100 years…60 years she was travelling. The present Garbha Mandir was her court. She was staying here. Chokkanaadhar would usually stay on the banks of Vaigai river. He never ruled. He never interfered with the administrative work. He would go around and bless people, heal people sometimes disturb the administration. Meenakshi was in administration she used to be in the palace. He will stay with all the bhootas ganas. Meenakshi stayed here with 50 siddhas. She had a huge hospital and it was internationally popular. Those days people from all over would come to get healing from her.

Her daily routine – morning she will accepts paada puja, bless people, noon she will go around and heal people, even she would teach. She was a great teacher. 40 siddhas lived with her and around 4000 students studied under her. I was downloading more and more details in Aakashik Readings. I will share in further satsangs. We will revive in Meenakshi’s tradition. We will also build a huge hospital. We will build here and in Tiruvannamalai also.

Dial The Avatar – e-pada puja - Nishant from San Jose –

I have spoken on all of them at various times spread over 9 years. I don’t know who all did the research. So beautifully you have synched and done ma. The whole team. I blessed the whole team. All of you guys realized all those ideas I spoke in those videos. You will experience all those concepts….

Whatever I have spoken various times you guys have went through, research, analyzed..i am such a perfectionist. I will find only mistakes but even I am not able to find any mistakes. I have never given the title perfect. But to San Jose team headed by Snehamayi I give you the name Perfect team J Prajna, Snehamayi and Viroopa Florida blessings to all three of your teams. You guys have done an amazing job. One new gen website, video editing, the 1008 clips Guaranteed Solutions, sacred art store largest spiritual web store. It was just amazing. Blessings to all you guys.

My blessings to all you guys for amazing job! When I went through the 11 videos…add some more commercials like ads of our Sacred art store, ad on IA, add those things. When they flip from one to the other, add an ad so that people do not get …

Take up Brahma sutras also. God! What an amazing work you all have done. My blessings to all of you!

2012 team, the moment you complete the 2012 project you should take up the Madhurai Aadeenam website. We should have the largest website in English and Tamil.

Today’s minutes to be entered in minutes4peace website - 90 minutes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1066 places through Nithyananda TV, in 27 places through 2 way Video conferencing having ND, in 257 cities, 27 countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!



Paramahamsa Nithyananda, continue, philosophy, young, spiritual, community, original, Hindu, thought, love, uplifting, infusion, energy, desire, support, perpetuate, tradition, culture, source, inspiration, radiant, masculine, feminine, consciousness, administrator, master healer, palace, hospital, student, teacher, people, world, wisdom, beauty, courage,, compassion, efficiency, radiating, divinity.