July 02 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on the Nirahara Samyama and highly recommends it for healing many disorders and diseases. When you remove solid food from your diet, the stomach does not need to do the work of digesting. This allows many of the restlessness patterns we carry to be released. In the initial stage of removing solid food, we feel the psychological effect: powerlessness. Powerlessness is nothing more than incompletions we carry. For some of us, all of our patterns seem like mountains! Paramahamsa Nithyananda adamantly assures us that it is possible to complete with them all!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nirahara Samyama, healing, disorders, diseases, digesting, restlessness, psychological, powerlessness, incompletions, patterns, complete.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV and Lotus News Channel and two-way video-conferencing all over the world. I welcome every one of you with my love and blessings.

Today, I will expand on Nirahara Samyama. And I have three things to talk today:

· One, the story of today’s leela, story of the deity;

· And the Nirahara Samyama; and

· Today’s subject for Nithya Satsang – “Stability”.

I will do one by one.

First, on Nirahara Samyama. Listen, all the Nirahara Samyama participants have to understand these few basic rules and regulations. You cannot use your will power to be Nirahari. You only can use your conscious power to be Nirahari.

What is the meaning of “will power” and “conscious power”? With will power, there will always be struggle. With conscious power there will never be any struggle.

Understand, if you use will power and fast, it will be just a fasting. You may lose weight. In the dream you may feel that you are feasting. In the dream, you will have dreams that you are feasting, eating all items. You can have tea, coffee, no problem. Anything liquids you can have. Only in the first level I want to remove solids from your patterns. If you remove solids, lot of items related to pride, taste will be removed. If you remove the solid food, that itself will help you to clear many of the patterns.

Please understand, so first this 48 hours, remove solids food from your life. That is enough. And one more important thing. When the stomach does not have the work of digesting, digestion, it will release so many restless patterns to you. That is why, first working on removing the solid food from your system. Yesterday, today, and till tomorrow morning, no solid food. You can have any amount of liquids like juice, coffee, tea, buttermilk. But not alcohol! You can’t justify that is also liquid. No! No! So, whole day, continuously do completion. Every irritation, agitation you feel, powerlessness you feel, do completion.

Every moment you feel powerless…… Please understand, when you start the Nirahara Samyama, you will not feel tiredness first. You will feel powerlessness first. Because it is more psychological. It is not physical. It is more psychological. You will only feel powerlessness. Food is always associated with power for you. So understand, complete, complete, complete with all that powerless feeling.

Go on completing, completing, completing. Even if there is mountains of incompletions in front of you, you can complete. I know, sometimes you feel there are mountains of incompletions in front of you. You are afraid to look at life. I tell you, it is possible. Completion is possible. Understand, the junior civilizations – Egyptians, Greek; latest civilizations – European civilizations; modern civilizations – the western civilizations; these civilizations are filled with food because still they have not found the depths of life. Please understand, when you live for quite a long time, you will discover a lot of great truths related to life. That is why Vedic tradition carries so much of depth. Arrey, we are sitting on the Planet Earth from a long time! We know how to eat, we know how to treat, we know how to wear, we know how to give birth in a best way, we know how to die in a best way, because we are sitting here since ages! We are not newcomers. We are the senior-most civilization. Anywhere you go to a new city or place, many things you need to learn from the people who are already settled there. So, we are the people who are settled here since ages. I am not talking, please understand, I am not talking out of any arrogance or pride, or I am not even talking because I am born in Vedic civilization. No! I am just stating some truths, simple facts. Our guys knew how to fly 170 years before the Wright Brothers flew in Mumbai, India. One Hindu Pundit made the aircraft as per the descriptions from Vedic tradition and flew for 4 kms, means, a little more than 2 miles! So, please understand! But, unfortunately, never, we are not propagandists. That is where the problem is. We go on doing research and development.

This Nirahara Samyama is an age-old method of bringing health to your body. During the Nirahara Samyama, drink water the moment you wake up and brush the teeth. Drink water before you go to bed. Continuously, once in one hour, half an hour, sit with a glass of water. You may feel, ‘Continuously I have to rush to rest-room!’ That is okay! That is okay! All your organs will be awakened, fresh, cleansed. In Hindu tradition, we call it “vratha”. Almost in all families, at least one person will be this vratha-obsessed person. Monday for Shiva, Tuesday for Muruga, Wednesday for ourselves! If you don’t find any god, come on, let us do for ourselves! And Thursday for Guru, Friday for Devi, Saturday for Shanigraha and again Sunday for Surya! But, I tell you, always in my experience I found these vratha-obsessed people are very healthy. Really! My grandmother! I have seen many people in my life who are this vratha-obsessed. It is from that I got the basis for the Nirahara Samyama. Then I developed it as a proper process through the help of Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and Patanjali Yoga Sutras and the Yogic literatures.

One of the powerful result of Nirahara Samyama is - it awakens your Kundalini Shakthi. I tell you, this Nirahara Samyama is one of the greatest gift, my contribution to the world! Clearly systematizing, see the process is available from time immemorial with Hindu tradition. But I organized it very clearly with the yogic process and right context. I sincerely request and recommend Nirahara Samyama for healing many disorders and diseases. You can join till tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow, we will be having a break. Day-after-tomorrow, means Thursday morning, we will start the second level. You can even join second level directly. First level is more like a preparing your body and mind without giving a strong shocks.

Understand, Nirahara Samyama will awaken many powers which you never even thought you have it. It will awaken your memory power. You may think how not giving food can awaken memory power? Because, it will release all the restlessness you carry, agitations you carry, anger you carry, resistance you carry. When you complete with all that, you will have so much of inner space, you will have memory power! So, so many extraordinary powers you carry inside you will be released with Nirahara Samyama. That is all for now on Nirahara Samyama!

Next I will describe the alankara (decoration) today. Shiva is gracing us with the posture of blessing one of his devotee with gold coins. The story is very beautiful and sweet story. That is why I don’t want to give up on this story. I really thought there are so many important things I have to discuss, Inner Awakening is going on. So, should I miss this story? No, I can’t miss this story. Such a beautiful story! Shiva coming down and initiating, giving enlightenment to a black sparrow is also not a big thing. See, the receiver may be a small guy, but the item given and the giver is great, big guy. Understand? See, I coming down and giving enlightenment to people is not a big thing. I come down and teach one brahmachari to wash his clothes, it is a real thing! I help a brahmachari to wear the dress properly is the real thing! He can come down to give big things to small people and small things to small people! He can even come down to give small things to small people!

An ordinary priest, a poor Adi Saiva priest, who is born from the community which was doing puja to Sundareshwara in Madurai, he is supposed to receive Acharya Abhisheka and get married, only then he can start doing puja to Sundareshwara. So he goes and begs Mahadeva, ‘Please give me some money to have Acharya Abhisheka and get married, so that I can start doing puja to you.’ At the same time, the king, the Pandya king had a doubt. His name is Shenbhaga Pandian. He had a doubt whether his queen’s hair is naturally fragrant or the fragrance is artificial. And he ordered the country anybody who clarifies his doubt will be given thousand gold coins. Of course, when he comes down he does lot of work not just helping a brahmachari to wear the clothes properly, or not just help him wash his clothes! When he teaches to wash their clothes, I teach them also how to wash their mind! So Mahadeva comes down. Whenever I describe his leelas, actually I describe his leelas just for my own enjoyment, not for anything else. Blessed are those who can flow by remembering his leelas! So Mahadeva comes down in the form of a poet and tells that priest, ‘Don’t worry! You are praying for money. I will give you a song which clarifies the doubt of the king whether his wife’s hair is naturally fragrant or artificial fragrance. You go and give this poem to king and take that thousand coins. You have money.’

And that priest was a little afraid. ‘Who will accept me as a poet if I take your verses, your poetries? Even now nobody respects me! How will anybody respect me if I take your poetry and show?’

Mahadeva says, ‘Don’t worry! You go, take it and give it to the king. You will get the money.’

The poetry means that women have natural fragrance. That is the meaning of the poetry. So the priest he goes and reads out the poem in the court, and the king is very happy that his doubt is cleared, because he has not announced his doubt to the world! Please understand, he has not announced his doubt! He only said, ‘I have a doubt. Anybody brings the poetry to clarify my doubt, I will give them the gift.’ So, the poet is supposed to have the intuition to find the doubt of the king! So, when the poet exactly addressed his doubt, the king was convinced that this poem is from a poet who has a intuition, and he decided he will give the gift - thousand gold coins.

But there was a Chief Poet in the court. That guy jumps in and says, ‘No, no, no! You can’t give money for this poem, because what is expressed in this poem is not truth. Women don’t have natural fragrance for their hair.’

Now it is a big problem! The Chief Poet says no, the fragrance is only artificial because of flower scent, scented oil, not natural. But the poem says it is natural fragrance. Come on, what to do now? Let us analyze really the problem once more whether the hair has natural fragrance or not. Because, Nakeeran, Nakeeran is the great chief poet!

Please understand, it is not an ordinary place in Madurai. Sundareshwara created three seats. One, the kingdom; and management of the language; and Sarvagjna Peetha, the spiritual seat. Please understand, for any civilization to be alive, three things are required. Philosophy of Lifestyle, the Lifestyle Philosophy, how the lifestyle should be the philosophy. Second, Art and Architecture. Third, Language. In Madurai, Sundareshwara created three seats for all the three. The Pandya Kingdom, the seat of the king, is for maintaining the architecture and art. The Tamil Sangham, the Sangha for the language, the seat for the language; he himself established. And very important, the Sarvagjna Peetha, to keep the knowledge of the lifestyle alive, Madurai Adheenam. He himself established all the three. So, please understand, whenever there was disturbance in any one of these, he himself comes down and maintains, realigns, and revives. So now, a great poet, and he is not just a poet, he is a poet of the highest order, highly integrated. A personality like Nakeeran…no, that is why I really can’t digest this. This Pseudo yellow journalist Gopal – Rama Gopalan using the title Nakeeran for his Yellow Journal – blackmailing Yellow Journal. Nakeeran Gopal has no right to use the word Nakeeran for his magazine. May be he can use the word Nakee. Anyhow, a poet like Nakeeran cannot tell lie, why should he object if the poetry is truth. Nakeeran says – No, women does not have natural fragrance for the hair. But who sent the poem? Mahadeva himself. So now, big conflict. I tell you unfortunately never this story was explained. It’s almost like end of the story – Mahadeva is powerful, so he bulldozed, he burnt Nakeeran. So the logical conclusion was never arrived - whether the women’s hair has natural fragrance or not. The truth is never explained. Now I will explain. . No, this truth was not finally revealed. End of the story also Mahadeva comes and uses his third eye power, bull dozers Nakeeran and burns. And Nakeeran comes apologizes, O’ Mahadeva!, but the solution has not arrived, whether the women’s hair has natural fragrance or not. So the priest comes and reads out the poem. Chief Poet opposes, No! Women’s has no natural fragrance.

Finally the priest goes to the temple and cries, see what is this? One poet came and gave me the poem and I went to the King and other than beating I got everything. Again Mahadeva appears and says what is this – you did not get the thousand gold coin. This guy says they would have beaten me and the chief poet said ‘your song is useless, there is a mistake in your song’. And Mahadeva himself comes to the court in the form of a poet directly to argue with Nakeeran – chief poet.

Mahadeva says women’s hair has natural fragrance. Nakeeran says, ‘No! Women’s hair has no natural fragrance!’ And then Mahadeva goes to the next level, the devathas and devis. Nakeeran makes a mistake there only. He says, ‘No! Even the devathas, devis and gandharvas, their hair has no natural fragrance!’. And Mahadeva goes to the next level, even for Meenakshi! Nakeeran makes a mistake and says, ‘Yes. Even for Meenakshi there is no natural fragrance.’ That is where Nakeeran lost his Integrity and he became inauthentic. Because when he assumed a stand, he has to maintain that stand. Please understand, then the story goes that Nakeeran was burnt by Mahadeva’s third eye, anger, and Mahadeva orders the king to give the gold coins to the priest, and all the thousand coins were given to the priest and the story ends.

I don’t think you need to come down to give thousand gold coins for a priest! So, what is the final logical conclusion? That was never revealed! Please understand, women have natural fragrance for their hair. That is the truth! Listen, when you become highly intellectual, your ability to smell is lost. So, as Nakeeran is a high level intellectual, he lost the ability to sense very subtle smells. The natural fragrance of the hair is a very subtle smell. The king is not that intellectual. So his sense of smell is still alive. Of course, Mahadeva - sharpest sense of smell! And one more thing you need to know, when a woman becomes intellectual, her hair loses the natural fragrance. So, what Nakeeran expressed from his experience is true. One, he is a high level intellectual. He himself cannot smell such a subtle smells, because when you become very high intellectual, the first thing you lose is sense of smell. Whether somebody is intellectual or enlightened intellectual, this one test is enough. If he still retains his high sense of smell, he is an enlightened intellectual; or he is just an intellectual. I have also seen, all enlightened beings have high sense of smell. Osho, he can smell a perfume from two-hundred feet! There are some perfumes he was allergic to. Those perfumes they will not even allow inside the hall. Because for two-hundred feet he can smell! J. Krishnamurthy, he can smell may be more than two, three hundred metres! Actually if you go to Adayar his center, there is a tree near the entrance and his quarters atleast 200 meters. He can sit in his quarters and smell the flower in the tree in the entrance. He will say that tree is flowered today. Ramakrishna…! Nakeeran is only an intellectual, of course highly integrated intellectual, but not enlightened. That is why he lost the ability to smell that sensitive smells. That is first. Next, the women whom he has seen in his life that close are all intellectual poet women’s who lost their natural hair smell. Highly intellectual women lose the natural hair smell, natural hair fragrance. And the third important problem is, the biggest problem intellectuals has is if they know one handful of clay and its qualities thoroughly one handful of clay, they think they know all the clay available in the world! Intellectuals do not believe in exemptions. They think everything is a straight forward square. They just do cookie cutting. So, Nakeeran has not seen all the women of the world. He might have seen only few women that close where he can smell their hair. So, unfortunately, he has come closer only to the intellectual women, the pundits, the poetesses, intellectual women, and intellectual poets - I should use the right word. Because of that, naturally he never experienced, because neither his nose is capable nor he came near somebody who has a natural fragrance. Finally, above all, when the argument came, he should have stopped with human-beings, human female. He should not have stepped beyond. See, that is the biggest problem with the intellectuals. If they establish one idea, after that they just to hold on to that one idea; they are ready to lose even their Integrity and Authenticity. If Nakeera would have stopped, No. I have seen from my experience - ‘All the women I have seen in my experience don’t have natural fragrance.’ If he had stopped with that, the problem would not have arisen. He would not have been burnt by Mahadeva. But intellectuals usually get stuck with the “I am right” root-pattern. With that root patter, and then they completely compromise with Integrity and Authenticity. They are ready to lose everything just to be right. That is what Nakeeran did. This is the most unfortunate pattern. And that is the way they lose everything, and their very life. Finally, Nakeeran realized that Mahadeva himself has come down. Even then he argues, No! ‘You may be Shiva himself, but I am right! I am right! No woman has natural fragrance in the hair.’ Then, finally, Mahadeva asked, because Nakeeran had lost Integrity and Authenticity, Mahadeva takes the responsibility of removing him. He burns him alive through the third eye! Then Nakeeran’s soul realized his mistake and apologizes. He (Mahadeva) gives his life back and brings him back.

Beautiful story! How if you are stuck with the pattern “I am right”, your whole life will be taken away. This is the example of that story. Anyhow, finally, the unsolved question, whether women’s hair has natural fragrance or not, is solved today! This is what exactly happened. The women who came closer to Mahadeva, all of them had natural fragrance, and all the women who came near Nakeeran did not have natural fragrance, and he did not have the capacity to smell also. This king had both type of women around him, and in some he saw the natural fragrance, and in some he did not see the natural fragrance. That is why he had the doubt. So, finally, Mahadeva has to come back to remove the doubt. Today Mahadeva is in that decoration, having the gold coins in the right hand, and having the poem he wrote in the left hand, with third eye. So, understand, this pattern “I am right” is one of the worst patterns which will completely destroy even your life! Even your life can be destroyed!

With this, I will move to the next segment of the morning satsang – Nirahara Samyama.

Please sit straight. Close your eyes. Visualize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha. Talk on “Stability” I will do, may be, tomorrow. Visualize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha. Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha, and inhale through both the nostrils and mouth. Hold as long as you can by closing the nostrils and the mouth. And exhale as slowly as you can through the nostrils, not through the mouth. Please do this Nirahara Samyama Kriya first level for twenty-one minutes. Sit straight and start the Nirahara Samyama Kriya. Namah Shivaya!


Relax! I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!