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This anchor fellow who is this channel person, is trying to put continuously poison and convincing those psycho-analysts and psychiatrists to give a negative statements about me. He is saying “when you listen to his discourses, don’t you see he has a split personality?” And they also took my different pictures, me sitting with goggles and Kailash, me sitting here like a Yogi in saffron, some of my photographs with Shervani and they even ran a show on my dress.  Of course about that I will talk later-on.  And with all these evidences they are showing all different pictures of me and the you tube clips, some time like a child talking, some time like a god blessing, all that they mixed and showed everything and they are asking that psycho-analyst / psychiatrist – I think top people from that field.  They are asking “don’t you feel this guy has a split-personality?” and those two fellows, I don’t know whether they are very innocently made this statement or they felt really they are abusing me, condemning me, they said,  both of them are saying very seriously “No, before coming to this show to prepare ourselves, for last few weeks we are studying his youtube satsangs, his discourses in you-tube, we are seeing his photographs, we are continuously watching everything. We are very clear, we can’t say he is a split-personality.  Only thing we can make a statement about him is he doesn’t have personality!”  
This anchor fellow who is this channel person, is trying to put continuously poison and convincing those psycho-analysts and psychiatrists to give a negative statements about me. He is saying “when you listen to his discourses, don’t you see he has a split personality?” And they also took my different pictures, me sitting with goggles and Kailaasa, me sitting here like a Yogi in saffron, some of my photographs with Shervani and they even ran a show on my dress.  Of course about that I will talk later-on.  And with all these evidences they are showing all different pictures of me and the you tube clips, some time like a child talking, some time like a god blessing, all that they mixed and showed everything and they are asking that psycho-analyst / psychiatrist – I think top people from that field.  They are asking “don’t you feel this guy has a split-personality?” and those two fellows, I don’t know whether they are very innocently made this statement or they felt really they are abusing me, condemning me, they said,  both of them are saying very seriously “No, before coming to this show to prepare ourselves, for last few weeks we are studying his youtube satsangs, his discourses in you-tube, we are seeing his photographs, we are continuously watching everything. We are very clear, we can’t say he is a split-personality.  Only thing we can make a statement about him is he doesn’t have personality!”  

Latest revision as of 13:26, 13 April 2019

Link to Video:


Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide. In this morning’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 5, Verse 15, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) expounds on the nature of the essential Self. Our inner space neither disturbs those around it, nor is it disrupted by surrounding events. It experiences neither suffering nor joy. If we regard this statement from the perspective of our past encounters we are convinced it is false, for each of us believes that we remember incidents of pain or delight. The part of us that has these feelings of agony and pleasure, however, is not our true essence. It is only the reflection of our essence – our intelligence or manas, that perceives these sensations. When we understand that our inner space is pure, beyond any emotion, we can begin to live completely, in conscious clarity.


Bhagavad Gita, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, nature, essential, self, inner space, disturb, event, experience, suffering, joy, past, encounter, false, remember, pain, delight, feelings, agony, pleasure, true, intelligence, sensation understand, emotion, live, conscious, clarity.


You are beyond Joy and Suffering

Discourse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

                                                  Bhagavad Gita Chapter-5, Sanyasa Yoga, Verse-15

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Ajnaanena aavrutam jnaanam tena muhyanti jantavaha

The translation:

The inner space does not choose bad fortune or auspiciousness. Man is bewildered by the consciousness that is covered by ignorance.

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Ajnaanena aavrutam jnaanam tena muhyanti jantavaha

Bagavan is reminding all of us to get back to that witnessing consciousness, which is our origin, the place, the space in which we are established, the space in which we are going to dissolve.

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Ajnaanena aavrutam jnaanam tena muhyanti jantavaha

The inner space does not choose bad, it does not choose good. It neither feels bad, nor feels good. When you are covered by ignorance, that is the moment you feel something is bad, something is good. So Understand, first thing you need to know - Only for enlightenment, this human body has worth. Human life is worthy only for enlightenment! It is not worthy for anything else. And if you are working, thinking, functioning, keeping anything else as the priority, suffering is inevitable.

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

How I feel when I hear this line, you know, Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu.

If you attend this “Koun Banega Karorpati” shows, this kind of some shows and that person declares “you won one crore”, that word how you will feel, I can say the same ecstasy, I feel when I listen to these words - Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu. Because, the moment you hear you got one crore, now you know so many of your dreams are going to be fulfilled, your future is going to be bright or whatever way you want, you are going to live. There is a huge freedom in your life for you to fly. When I hear this word, I feel exactly the same. God! Then my whole future is free. I am this free being! Of course, even if I don’t hear that, I am going to feel, that is different, because of the experience. Even if you have 10 crore, if they give you 1 more crore, naturally it is going to be.

I tell you, even if you have enlightenment experience, when Bagavan says this words, it is so beautiful, reassuring, reconfirming, your experience.

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Ajnaanena aavrutam jnaanam tena muhyanti jantavaha

Your inner space neither suffers nor enjoys. Only when the ignorance is covered, only when your consciousness is covered by ignorance, you get into that confusion. You are bewildered. You can’t understand what is right, what is wrong. You do not know what it is. Only then suffering starts.

Yesterday I was reported by some of our Ashramites. One Kannada channel has collected few top psychiatrists and psycho-analysts of the country and gave them lot of money and try to do a very abusive show on me. Do you know the funny thing? Finally, without even their knowledge, without even they knowing, they complimented me and went away. Let me tell you the whole show.

This anchor fellow who is this channel person, is trying to put continuously poison and convincing those psycho-analysts and psychiatrists to give a negative statements about me. He is saying “when you listen to his discourses, don’t you see he has a split personality?” And they also took my different pictures, me sitting with goggles and Kailaasa, me sitting here like a Yogi in saffron, some of my photographs with Shervani and they even ran a show on my dress. Of course about that I will talk later-on. And with all these evidences they are showing all different pictures of me and the you tube clips, some time like a child talking, some time like a god blessing, all that they mixed and showed everything and they are asking that psycho-analyst / psychiatrist – I think top people from that field. They are asking “don’t you feel this guy has a split-personality?” and those two fellows, I don’t know whether they are very innocently made this statement or they felt really they are abusing me, condemning me, they said, both of them are saying very seriously “No, before coming to this show to prepare ourselves, for last few weeks we are studying his youtube satsangs, his discourses in you-tube, we are seeing his photographs, we are continuously watching everything. We are very clear, we can’t say he is a split-personality. Only thing we can make a statement about him is he doesn’t have personality!”

Array, that is what I am telling for last 10 years! Do you need to spend money to find this truth? That is what I am telling for last 10 years!

And they are continuously giving so many arguments. You know, some of the arguments they presented, they really thought they are abusing me. But the arguments they presented they are saying “See when we listened to his words, his discourses, his statements and look at his eyes, we are very clear he is not lying. He can’t be lying. But we can’t believe!” They are doing analysis on my satsangs on esoteric experiences and mystical experiences. They are commenting on the story of Ganesha eating, my Arunagiri Yogeeshwara story, my darshan with Arunagiri Yogeeshwara or many other stories. Even about Kundalini awakening, they are only able to make fun, they are not able to say it is fake. How can so many thousands of people fake?

First when in one or two places materialization happened, they said “No, it is all his own agents”.

When they started seeing all over the world happening, they said “How can there be so many agents?”.

Now none of them of saying it is fake and all. They stopped using the word. They just make fun. If you ask, if you corner them, “Tell us whether this is true or false”, they avoid the question. And there are some more statements they made. They thought they are abusing me, but in the end whole world understands. And I request those psycho analysts and psychiatrists, all of them to spend little more time studying and I also offer free Inner Awakening program for you. If you really want to find out whether I am a split personality or what kind of personality I am, I invite you to come here physically, spend few days and try to analyze. And one more statement they made, now I remember. The anchor person is asking “Sir ordinary uneducated people, if they go, they will be mesmerized, hypnotized we understand. How come so many educated people are going? Highly qualified people are going, even people like us?” He is telling “People like us who are all highly educated, even on us will his mesmerizing effort will work?, that effect will happen?” They are saying “We don’t know. Why to take risk?”.

So I invite all you guys to come. Through Youtube discourses how can you find out what kind of a personality I am?

This is the invitation by the Ocean for the salt dolls. These salt dolls having a yard stick made out of salt, sitting and measuring, just seeing few of my waves “this fellow is a split personality “. Finally at the end of the show their conclusion is “We can’t come to any of the conclusion about him”.

Array what about you, even I am not able to come to any conclusion about me! That is the beauty of life!

I tell you, understand this one verse from Bhagavan –

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Your inner space neither enjoys nor suffers. Anything enjoys or suffers is not your inner space. It is something else. You are confused.

One guy, came home late night fully drunk. Wife was very angry with him, beaten him black and blue, dumped him on the bed. Late night that fellow due to pain could not sleep, goes to the bath room, looks at him in the mirror, sees all the wounds bleeding. Meticulously applies medicine, puts the bandage, goes and sleeps with the satisfaction. Next day morning he is out of the alcohol’s effect, but tremendous pain. He wakes up and asks the wife, I don’t know why, still I have so much of pain even after putting medicine. She says yes, I saw all the bandage and medicine on the mirror in the bath room.

Understand, if anything in you is suffering or enjoying, it is the mirror, not you. You are putting medicine and bandage on mirror and thinking you put it on yourself. After long time I am telling a story. Anything which suffers or enjoys, is not you. Because of your ignorance and delusion, you associate yourself with it. I wanted this truth to be taught to our kids as a syllabus in the first class in the gurukul. In the first grade itself, this truth should be taught to our kids, because kids can understand this truth very easily. They have not yet gathered the bundle of emotions.

The delusion and the illusion come by your so called referring attitude. Please understand the biggest culprit destroying your life is referring attitude. Now when I say, you neither suffer nor enjoy, immediately you refer back. “No half-an-hour before, I spoke to my husband, I suffered. Two days before I spoke to my mother, she tortured me. Two months before, I spoke to my relatives, they were torturing me. One year before, I spoke to my friend, it was such a joy!” You immediately refer with your deluded past.

Please understand, if you have a clean pure consciousness at least once,

Somebody came and told me yesterday about their spiritual experience, happened a month ago, last Pournami, I do not know which date, few days ago. When he described his experience in the energy darshan, I held his hand and touched his Anahata chakra to see the purity of that experience, I was shocked. He had a glimpse of enlightenment! It was a, first thing came out of my mouth is “It’s a true experience, not fantasy, not imagination!” The experience he had is a true experience! Because when I touched him, I could see that he had at least few moments of pure past!

For example, am giving this example for him. Whatever truth I say, if he verifies the truths now I am saying - Your inner space does not choose bad or good; it neither suffers nor enjoys, if he refers this truth with his experience, that pure past, he will say “Yes, what he is saying is right!”. He will start living.

But when you refer with your contaminated past - “Ah! My father fired at me, I had a suffering; my mother gave me candy, I had enjoyment. What do you mean by - We neither suffer nor enjoy“?

Referring with the contaminated past is the culprit. This 21 days, my only effort is to give you a pure past. See at least, few times, I put this pure consciousness inside your system. When you go back, you will always refer this pure past as a referring scale. Keeping this pure consciousness as a referring scale, you will make all decisions in your life. So my whole effort is to give you this pure consciousness with which you can refer and make decisions not continuously on the contaminated past. It is like your security himself is stealing. You put some security for your house. When you come here, he steals.

The source of reference, the reference source you use it self, is contaminated. That is where the whole suffering starts. I tell you, when I even read this word “Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu” I feel there is nothing, no suffering in the world.

There are few psycho-analysts in US and Canada, tried to analyze Sri Ramakrishna. But those fellows are completely biased. And after analyzing they are saying, they made some statements, very abusive statements. But the essence is “pathetic liar”. It’s very abusive. But one of the worst thing with this human beings, just because they don’t understand something, immediately they try to claim it is false. And these fellows who tried to analyze, they say that Ramakrishna has deluded himself, not only others. At least these TV channel fellows are saying that I am only deluding others. But about Sri Ramakrishna, they said he deluded himself. For me I think they have given little credibility. I only deluded others, for Ramakrishna they said he has deluded himself.

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Ajnaanena aavrutam jnaanam tena muhyanti jantavaha

When I read this verse, with ecstasy I feel the joy, I feel the authenticity. Even if these guys tell me that I have deluded myself, I am ready to be in this space for thousands of Janmas. Because I know for sure they are only deluded. I wanted these phycho-analysts and phychiatrists all of them to know you guys are playing with the mind. I played with the mind itself. You are trying to play using your mind. I did my game with the mind itself.

Finally one lady psychiatrist or psycho-analyst, I do not know, one lady, who is also expert in this field, she slowly started telling, I am not able to come to any conclusion like he is a liar or doing something wrong. She says may be he is in the spiritual field and he is in the zone of enlightenment. He may be doing all these with the purpose. Immediately they cut her off. They do not want her to talk further.

Psychology or Psychiatry needs to go for a long way to study us. Understand we are way ahead of our time.

Whenever a person lands on the Planet Earth way ahead of his time, he is called Incarnation. He is always opposed.

Please understand, people ask me, “Swamiji, how to find out whether somebody is a true incarnation or not?” I tell you, don’t go to a guru, who is not in controversy. No, really. If he is not in controversy, he is not contributing anything new. He is just repeating like a parrot. Same old, from the old books! When you repeat like a parrot, nobody will be angry at you. Everybody will praise you. They will put garlands, they will accept you, worship you, respect you, do whatever they want.

But when somebody expresses the truth, truth is never like parrot talking. It is lion roaring. When lion roars, you need to wake–up. Waking up is always a difficult job,“ during waking up”! Even though after waking up you enjoy the awaken consciousness, the “during waking-up”, that few minutes, “Can I miss satsang today and go to the Inner Awakening session directly”? Tell me today morning how many thought in the bed? Raise your hand. Be honest, I really thought, common, even though I don’t have thoughts, and no mind.

So it is usual when you are waking-up, the process of waking-up is always a work. Your inner space pulls you back. “No, no, common, little time, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, that snooze in the alarm”!

When a lion roars, when you need to wake-up, it is always a suffering. This truth is like a line roaring.

Naadatte Kasyacit Paapam na chaiva Sukrutam Vibhuhu

Ajnaanena aavrutam jnaanam tena muhyanti jantavaha

Contemplate. Contemplate on this one line. Without referring to your contaminated past, with the feeling, may be this is true, with a deep sympathy and love for this truth, you will experience it. You will experience this great truth.