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Get Out of Corporate Compassion
== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives advice for parents and children. Children take birth with natural curiosity, infused with a deep interest in exploring their surroundings. When we as parents support this inclination, giving only basic necessary protection, children develop self-confidence and assume [[responsibility]] for their actions. As they mature, they may want to take some risks in their lives. Parents should allow them to do so. It strengthens their independence, supporting the expansion of their experience. This is true parenting: giving our children [[freedom]] to use their intelligence.
==Link to Video: ==
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOQYphzLA1o |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/08april2012-get-out-of-corporate-compassion?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2012-playlist"/>
Not Just Long Time Part 1
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI-C0H_Qaac |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/08april2012-not-just-long-time-part-1?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2012-playlist"/>
Swamiji reads the question: How do we build the consideration of social return into every conversation and every decision at every level in the organization?
Swamiji answers: Judie Smith, look inside. What is social return? It is nothing but looking at the life with a larger picture. Understand, see if you build your house you call it as a selfishness, if you build the road you call it as social return. But you don't understand, without the road, house is useless. So what is social return? Nothing but looking at the life beyond 120 degree. See 120 degree is the normal vision. If you look at the life 240 degree or 360 degree, that is social return, nothing else. So don't think social return is some great compassionate sacrificing, serving, great selfless attitude. No, relax. First thing understand, thinking with the ‘consideration of social return' is intelligent way of thinking. It is intelligence which makes you consider social return. It is not morality, it is not religious quality, it is not ethics, nothing; it is just intelligence.
Learn to look every contribution of your life with the whole picture. For example if you are a manager in a company, try to understand the whole responsibility of the company towards humanity. What this company is supposed to contribute to the humanity? Have the whole picture and fit yourself with it comfortably. Have this same attitude in every decision, then naturally, whole company will have this same attitude towards the society, that's it.
Understand, ‘consideration of social return’ is not some sacrifice, service or ethics. Why don't you understand, it is just intelligence. Many time you think ‘consideration of social return’ is something like a you do a big service, favor. No, maybe you can use that word to market yourself. I call it Corporate Compassion - new word I am creating. What is the Corporate Compassion you know? You shave his head, take his hair, sell that, and don't even give him little oil for the head, and you say I shave you because only then dandruff will go from you. It's a treatment for dandruff, and that poor fellow believes it. That is what I call Corporate Compassion.
Please understand, ‘consideration of social return’, the very word shows you are also from the pattern of Corporate Compassion. No. Compassion should be very raw, pure, innocent. I tell you, raw, pure, innocent compassion is intelligence. When your compassion expresses in its pure raw form, innocently, it is tremendous intelligence. What do you mean by saying the word ‘consideration of social return?’ No, the word seems to be like a big sacrifice. I tell you, looking at the larger picture and working, considering the social return, is a intelligence decision, it is not compassion decision. Judie Smith, the whole organization, your whole organization need to understand… please understand, decision of your intelligence, not the decision of your heart.
[05:43 - 08:26] Program promotion ads
Please understand, decision of your intelligence not the decision of your heart. Because you think it is decision related to heart, you still have oscillation, ‘No, no, should I do it or not do it, how much I should do it, how many rupee I should do it, how many lakh I should spend, no.’ Social consideration is the decision from intelligence, not decision from heart. The whole, how this whole… each company is a whole which is supposed to fit into the hole of the Whole. The Whole has many holes; in each hole each company as a whole should fit in. How as a Whole you are going to fit with the Whole, a boss is expected to feel ‘how he should be knowing the whole purpose of the organization and the responsibility of the organization, same way if the whole team understands the purpose of the organization and responsibility of the organization, that itself is enough.’ It is enough, nothing else is required.
Understand, the enthusiasm, energy and experience of larger vision, larger responsibility itself is enough to make you do the decisions based on consideration of social return. You don't need to infuse compassion, because intelligence itself will make you do every conversation, every decision at every level with the consideration of social return. You don't need to do anything separate.
Tech team reads the question: The next question is from Siddarth from Bangalore. He is asking ‘My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them? Is it even possible?
Swamiji reads the question: My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want, but also keep a happy relationship with them? Is it even possible?
Swamiji answers: Siddarth, If you want My honest answer, the parents need to understand, kids should take the risk in their life. Parents are expected to be a safety net when the kids take the risk, not the stopping nuts. A real father or mother should not be continuously a stopping nut ‘don't do, don't do, don't do, don't do’. This song of ‘don't do, don't do’, come on, if you are a parent if you feel your child is taking a risk, your son or daughter is doing something on their own in their career choice or anything related to their life's decisions, many time about job, marriage, love affair so many things, don't constantly sing this song of ‘don't do’. I tell you, when you are not letting your child to take some risks in their career, you are completely destroying the self confidence and understanding and responsibility of that child. Your son or daughter their way of expanding is always taking responsibility.
See when a child grows, it'll try to taste everything, anything it sees. I remember very clearly, in my… when I was growing up, it's a village house where I was born and brought up. They'll paint that village lime. I still remember, I'll apply that lime as a Vibooti in the morning, and put little in the mouth and taste, it'll be very tasty. Child tries to taste everything that is the way it starts growing. If you give a toy it'll put it in the mouth, that is the way it knows how to feel it. Same way when you grow up you try to experiment with things, when the parents start singing the ‘don't do’ song, the possibilities of the children is completely destroyed.
One thing I neither heard in My life nor ready to listen in My life is ‘don't do’. I neither heard from My parents nor ready to listen. This ‘don't do’ parents need to understand you need to give a space for your kids to experiment, to play with life. If you really have concern be a safety net. Take care even if they fall they are not damaged, you are there as a support, that is the responsibility of a parents. The problem is…
Not Just Long Time Part 2
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_-R2NA-B7A |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/08april2012-not-just-long-time-part-2?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2012-playlist"/>
They are not damaged, you are there as a support; that is the responsibility of a parents. The problem is, nowadays the parents have started behaving like a business, ‘Eh you do this way, then I am there with you, if not, forget about me  and my support'. It's more or less black-mailing. For that you don't need a father or a mother;  for black-mailing your boss is enough,  your boss will do that job! Why then the father or mother? Parents are expected to play the role of 'safety net' when the kids take the risks, when the kids try to do something extraordinary, something new, which you neither have a  guts, nor have a brain to try.
No it's true!  Many time… why you are a parent? because you are old enough;  means, your blood is cool, your creativity is gone! Practically you are interested in just maintaining whatever is there, and  retiring into the safety net or safe zone.  Why are you putting this same thing on your child, who is trying to experiment various components of life? I have created a beautiful bouquet of life, life philosophy for myself. I tell you,'O modern youth, if you want to stop the nervous breakdown happening to you, understand, very intensely the nervous breakdown is happening to modern youth. If you want to avoid the nervous breakdown, which causes three D -  Depression, Drug, Death, not only that, many other neurological disorders, even for a health reason, I tell you, give a big No to all these 'isms' =  Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and all religions.
All  religions, all economic  beliefs, all social systems, just say No to it! Travel for  one  year to different parts of your country. If you are in India, you don't need to go around different parts of the world, different parts of country is enough. India  is a miniature of the Cosmos. Every hundred kilometre  you will have a different thought trend, way of living, dressing style, eating style, different religion. You have such a rich country. If you are from other parts of the world, travel to different countries. If you are from India, travel all over the India. Try to say No to the concept of money, taught by, taught to you by society. Try to say every concept… try to drop every concept taught to you by society -  security, insecurity, love, compassion, whatever! Even the ideas about God, Guru, everything. Drop everything taught to you by society. Try to travel. I tell you, you will create a beautiful new life philosophy for yourself. That new life philosophy, which you create for yourself will  be so strong, so solid, you will discover life! See, if this light is discovered by somebody, you don't  need to re-work; it's a matter, dead matter. If somebody  else discovers, you can use it. But, in life you cannot use somebody else's discovery. You need to discover! Only your discoveries will help in your life.
This is such a strong teaching.  All these 'so- called' parents get shaken. They say, 'Ahhh, don't go to Nithyananda. Why? He will make you intelligent! Which is too much risk. World cannot handle too many intelligent people; because the more fools, you have more clerks, more I.T engineers,  all  that foolish things you do. I am not asking you to take  those risks, that is like trying to live on your adrenalin. No! Lifestyle risks, risks in your thought process, risks in creating the philosophy of your life, risks in re-discovering your life.
So  understand; youth should re-discover their life by taking various risks and new responsibilities and parents are expected to support, be a safe net, if not, at least don't be a hindrance,.
[06:06 - 09:46] Program promotion ads
Question: The next question is from Rachel from Australia who's asking, 'In my office there is a lot of gossip happening. I don't want to be a part of it, but if I don't participate, I feel like I won't be successful with my boss. What should I do ?'
Swamiji reads out the question: In my office there  is a lot of gossip happening, I don't want to be part of it, but if I don't participate I feel like I won't be successful with my boss. What should I do? 'Rachel, immediately change your job! Even if you are  successful with this boss, by becoming part of the gossip you will be a failure in  the life. Don't do this compromising. If you compromise and  become part of that gossip group  you may be successful with your boss, but you will be a failure in your job, in your life. In your life itself you will be a failure. Better change the job.
This gossip in the workplace… One day the boss was telling the same joke and the whole team was laughing as usual. Only one person did not laugh. Boss asked 'What happened, you did not laugh for my joke?' He said 'No, I found another job'. That is exact situation you are in. Understand? If you have to do gossiping or becoming part of a gossip to be successful with your boss, I think your boss is not worthy of you;  understand?
|alignment=center }}
Make a clear decision, just because he has some money to pay you, he should not be boss for you. You should have little charisma also to add to your life. He can add only money to your life, he should not be your boss; he should have little charisma also to add to your life along with money. Only then he has a right to be boss for you. All the fellows  who can pay salary to you, should not be a boss for you, then your life has nothing  other than money?! No. You have a taste, you have a culture, you have a possibilities, you have options, you have your yes’s and you have your No’s in your life. So I tell you, if you are with a boss who can add only money to you, nothing else, I tell you, your life will become cheap, too cheap! Be with a boss who can add charisma to you, who can add many other dimension to you, who has something other than money, something more than money to add to you. If you have to become a part of a gossip team to be successful with your boss, I cannot understand! There are some Gurus who just need two, three people to go on, sit and talk whole day. Nothing else is required. You just sit and go on telling some stories and people  have to sit and listen. If you  have to  become part of the gossip group to be successful with your boss, 😀 I think you are in wrong place.
I've a small clipping from Youtube, I'll show you how to stop the office gossip.
[small video clip is played] 😅
I tell you, it's a very powerful technique to stop the office gossip.  So I'll call this as a gossip kriya. 😂  Kriya for gossip problems. 🤣 We'll call it as Nithya Kriya for Stopping the Office Gossip.
== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives advice for parents and children. Children take birth with natural curiosity, infused with a deep interest in exploring their surroundings. When we as parents support this inclination, giving only basic necessary protection, children develop self-confidence and assume [[responsibility]] for their actions. As they mature, they may want to take some risks in their lives. Parents should allow them to do so. It strengthens their independence, supporting the expansion of their experience. This is true parenting: giving our children [[freedom]] to use their intelligence.
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, advice, parents, children, birth, natural, interest, explore, protection, self-confidence, responsibility, nature, risk, live, independence, expansion, experience, freedom, intelligence.
==Transcript: ==
==Transcript: ==
Line 143: Line 253:
I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 902 places through eNtv, in 28 places through 2 way Video conferencing, in 225 cities, countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!
I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 902 places through eNtv, in 28 places through 2 way Video conferencing, in 225 cities, countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!
Be SAFETY NET, not STOPPING NUT when Kids take risks! (8 Apr 2012 Nithyananda Peetam, Bengaluru)
Advice to Parents - Be the Safety Net when your Kids take risks, not the Stopping Nut
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHinz_T8PUw&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_be-safety-net-not-stopping-nut-when-kids-take-risks-nithyananda-peetam-bengaluru"/>
Q: My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them. Is it even possible?
Swamiji: If you want My honest answer, the parents need to understand kids should take the risks in their life. Parents are expected to be a safety net when the kids take the risk, not the stopping nuts. A real father or mother should not be continuously a stopping nut. Don't do, don't do, don't do, don’t do, this song of don't do, don't do. Come on, if you are a parent, if you feel your child is taking a risk, your son or daughter is doing something on their own in their career choice or anything related to a life decisions, many time about job, marriage, love affair, so many things, don't constantly sing this song of don't do. I tell you, when you are not letting your child to take some risks in their career, you are completely destroying the self confidence and understanding and responsibility of the child. Your son or daughter, their way of expanding is always taking responsibility.
See, when a child grows, it will try to taste everything, anything it sees. I remember very clearly, when I was growing up…. It is a village house where I was born and brought up, they will paint that village lime. I still remember I will apply that lime as vibhuti in the morning and put little in the mouth and taste. It will be very tasty. It used to be very tasty. Child tries to taste everything. That is the way it starts growing. If you give a toy, it will put it in the mouth. That is the way it knows how to feel it. Same way, when you grow up, you try to experiment with things. When the parents start singing the don't do song, the possibilities of the children is completely destroyed. One thing I neither heard in My life nor ready to listen in My life is don't do. I neither heard from My parents nor ready to listen. Parents need to understand, you need to give a space for your kids to experiment, to play with life. If you really have concern, be a safety net. Take care even if they fall they are not damaged. You are there as a support. That is the responsibility of parents.
The problem is, now-a-days the parents have started behaving like a business. “Hey, you do this way. Then I am there with you. If not, forget about me and my support.” It is more or less blackmailing. For that you don't need a father or mother. For blackmailing, your boss is enough. Your boss will do that job. Why then the father or mother? Parents are expected to play the role of safety net when the kids take the risks, when the kids try to do something extraordinary, something new which you neither have a guts nor have a brain to try. No, it is true many time. Why you are a parent? Because you are old enough. Your creativity is gone. Practically you are interested in just maintaining whatever is there and retiring into the safety net or safe zone. Why are you putting this same thing on your child who is trying to experiment various components of life, various experiments of life?
All the youngsters, youth, take up one year. Just go round, wander. Learn to say no to everything of society. The society's idea of money, society's idea of stability, society's idea of capitalism, communism, whatever society has taught, forced into your throat. Say no to everything. Just go round one year seeing different cultures, lifestyles, way of living, way of thinking, people, behaviors, patterns. In that one year you will pick up the best things from many traditions, many thinking patterns, many thought process.
Just have a beautiful flower bouquet of life philosophy prepared by yourself from thousands of gardens. I tell you, I prepared a beautiful garland for Myself from thousands of gardens. That is why I have so much of inner richness. Nothing which happens in the outer world can touch Me because I have two hundred channels inside. Any problem I will just put on each channel and watch. I have two hundred channels inside Me enriching and entertaining Me. So much of richness inside, I have created a beautiful bouquet of life, life philosophy for Myself.
I tell you, O modern youth, if you want to stop the nervous breakdown happening to you, understand, very intensely the nervous breakdown is happening to modern youth. If you want to avoid the nervous breakdown which causes 3D: depression, drug, death. Not only that, many other neurological disorders. Even for health reason, I tell you, give a big NO to all these isms: Capitalism, communism, socialism and all religions. All religions, all economic beliefs, all social systems, just say no to it. Travel for one year to different parts of your country. If you are in India, you don't need to go around different parts of the world, different parts of country is enough. India is a miniature of the Cosmos. Every hundred kilometer, you will have a different thought trend, way of living, dressing style, eating style, different religion…. You have such a rich country.
If you are from other parts of the world, travel to different countries. If you are from India, travel all over the India. Try to say no to the concept of money taught to you by society. Try to say every concept. Try to drop every concept taught to you by society. Security, insecurity, love, compassion, whatever. Even the ideas about God, Guru, everything. Drop everything taught to you by society. Try to travel. I tell you, you will create a beautiful new life philosophy for yourself. That new life philosophy which you create for yourself will be so strong, so solid, you will discover life. Religion is only for the people who discovered it by themself. Life is only for the people who discovered it for themselves.
Only with science you don't need to re-discover everything. See, if this light is discovered by somebody, you don't need to rework. It is a matter, dead matter. If somebody else discovers you can use it but in life, you cannot use somebody else's discovery. You need to discover. Only your discoveries will help in your life. This is such a strong teaching, all these so-called parents get shaken…. They say, “Ah! Don't go to Nithyananda.” Why? He will make you intelligent which is too much risk. World cannot handle too many intelligent people, because the more fools, you have more clerks, more IT engineers. Only then you can be a gate where all breeze is coming- Bill Gates.
I really wanted the next generation to take as many risks as possible especially when you design your career. You see, when you say risk I am not saying jump from the third floor. No. You do all that foolishness in the name of some bungee jumping, monkey jumping. All that foolish things you do. I am not asking you to take those risks. That is like trying to live on your adrenaline. No! Lifestyle risks. Risks in your thought process, risks in creating the philosophy of your life, risks in rediscovering your life. Youth should rediscover their life by taking various risks and new responsibilities and parents are expected to support, be a safe net. If not, at least don't be a hindrance.
Upanishad - Sitting with the Master (8 Apr 2012 Nithyananda Peetam, Bengaluru)
Upanishad - Sitting with the Master, where the Masters Words make you Silent, His Silence awakens you.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRgWuLELfyQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_upanishad-sitting-with-the-master-nithyananda-peetam-bengaluru"/>
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
Q: Swamiji, I have started the Ajapa japa of Gurumantra. Should I continue to do the Japa during the Satsang time also?
Swamiji: If you are not sleeping in the satsang time, you don't need to do Ajapa japa. Only if you are feeling sleepy, getting distracted, not able to absorb the silence I am radiating in the morning satsang. Please understand, My morning satsangs are not to give you some knowledge or ideas or thoughts. No. Everyday My morning Satsangs are Upanishads, sitting with the master. Listen to the gaps I give between the words more attentively than the words I utter. Through the words I utter, I make your inner space silent. Through the gaps I am giving, I make your inner space awakened. Through the words I make you silent: through My silence I will make you awakened.
Please understand, My silence awakens you, words silences you. My words are meant to create silence in your inner space. My presence is meant to awaken your inner space. So please understand, satsang time is the time you absorb the presence intensely, beautifully. So try just sitting, nothing else. Don't do Ajapa japa. Only if you are not able to sit, you are agitated for some reason, you are sleepy, feeling sleepy, tired, then use Ajapa japa as a technique to make you sit awake, that's all. Otherwise I will not recommend Ajapa japa during the satsang. During the satsang, sit imbibing this timeless space allowing the upanishad to happen, allowing these great spiritual experiences to go in.
Understand, remember this one truth for today. I speak to bring silence to you. I am silent between the words to awaken you. My silence awakens you; My words silences you. Remember this one truth: put more energy and more attention to catch the gaps between My words. Catching the silence between the words, let that be your first priority. Let that become your first priority. Then naturally words also will go inside. That is okay but let the catching the silence become your first priority.
So during the morning satsang no need for Ajapa japa. In the 108 unclutching definitions, I have given a clear definition. When your consciousness repeats itself continuously without interruption the Ajapa japa of your consciousness is unclutching…. In the morning satsang let that unclutching, the Upanishad happen. In the daytime, in the other time when you are in your regular activities, those moments use for Ajapa japa. Let you always be in Ajapa japa. So let the morning satsang time be just imbibing the eternal silence in you.
Considering Social Return Is Simple Intelligence - Not Morality, Not Religious Quality, Not Ethics
Satsang Delivered on 8 April 2012 in Adi Kailasa Bidadi Adheenam.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZmvSrLXNLo&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_considering-social-return-is-simple-intelligence-not-morality-not-ethics"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
How do we build the consideration of social return into every conversation and every decision at every level in the organization?
Look inside. What is social return? It is nothing but looking at the life with a larger picture. Understand, you see, if you build your house you call it as selfishness. If you build the road you call it as social return but you don't understand, without the road, house is useless. So what is social return? Nothing but looking at the life beyond 120 degree. You see,120 degree is the normal vision. If you look at the life 240 degree or 360 degree, that is social return, nothing else. So, don't think social return is some great compassionate, sacrificing, serving, great selfless attitude. No, relax.
First thing understand, thinking with the consideration of social return is intelligent way of thinking. It is intelligence which makes you consider social return. It is not morality. It is not religious quality. It is not ethics, nothing. It is just intelligence. Learn to look every contribution of your life with the whole picture. For example, if you are a manager in a company, try to understand the whole responsibility of the company towards humanity. What this company is supposed to contribute to the humanity. Have the whole picture and fit yourself with it comfortably. Have this same attitude in every decision. Then naturally, whole company will have this same attitude towards the society. That's it.
Understand, consideration of social return is not some sacrifice, service or ethics. Why don't you understand? It is just intelligence. Many time you think consideration of social return is something like a you do a big service, favor. No, maybe you can use that word to market yourself. I call it corporate compassion. New word I am creating. What is the corporate compassion, you know? You shave his head, take his hair, sell that and don't even give him little oil for the head and you say, “I shave you because only then dandruff will go from you. It is a treatment for dandruff.” And that poor fellow believes it. That is what I call corporate compassion.
Please understand, consideration of social return, the very word shows you are also from the pattern of corporate compassion. No. Compassion should be very raw, pure, innocent. Raw, pure, innocent…. I tell you, raw, pure, innocent compassion is intelligence. When your compassion expresses in its pure, raw form innocently, it is tremendous intelligence. What do you mean by saying the word consideration of social return? No. The word seems to be like a big sacrifice. I tell you, looking at the larger picture and working considering the social return is a intelligence decision. It is not compassion decision. The whole organization, your whole organization need to understand social consideration
is intelligence decision.
Please understand, decision of your intelligence, not the decision of your heart. Because you think it is decision related to heart, you still have oscillation. “No, no, should I do it or not do it? How much I should do it? How many rupee I should do it? How many lakh I should spend?” No…. Social consideration is the decision from intelligence, not decision from heart. The whole... how this whole… each company is a whole which is supposed to fit into the hole of the Whole. The Whole has many holes in each hole each company as a whole should fit in. How as a hole you are going to fit with the whole. A boss is expected to feel how he should be knowing the whole purpose of the organization and the responsibility of the organization. Same way, if the whole team understands the purpose of the organization and responsibility of the organization, that itself is enough. It is enough. Nothing else is required.
Understand, the enthusiasm, energy and experience of larger vision, larger responsibility itself is enough to make you do the decisions based on consideration of social return. You don't need to infuse compassion because especially when corporate company show the compassion, it is so ugly. I tell you, it is so ugly. It takes away even the basic respect for the people who receive the help. I have seen the corporate compassion many time. The basic dignity of the recipient is lost in their bulldozing compassion. Many time in the name of service and compassion, it is more marketing gimmicks. I tell you, understand your responsibility with a larger perspective. That's it. Intelligence itself will make you do every conversation, every decision at every level with the consideration of social return. You don't need to do anything separate.
The Internet Epidemic || Part 1 || Webinar || 08 April 2012
Name Of The Convention : Webinar <br>
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 1 <br>
Date : 08 April 2012 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speak about how transformation is something we must embrace. His Divine Holiness explains that the Earth cannot handle such negativity, which mainly comes from the lifestyles that we are living. Swamiji goes on to say that the youth of today require direction, to avoid degeneration of the youth. We are told that the possibility to transform is always available, but we must be willing to approach it with the desire to transform.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JorOhuva3J0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_the-internet-epidemic-part-1-webinar-08-april-2012"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, samajis, satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment 820 places through NTV, 36 places through Nayana Deeksha in two-way video conferencing. In 228 cities in 34 countries. Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing San Julian - France, Toronto - Kailasa, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Phoenix - Kanchipuram, Seattle - Chidambaram, Paris - Kalighat, New gen Aghoris in Malaysia - Parini, Ohio - Prayag, Dakota - Dunes, Milaga - Spain, am I right? And Mumbai, Mumbai, El Salvadore, Chennai, Chennai - Adyaayer and Madurai Adheenam, Bengaluru, Bengaluru - Malleshwaram, Dubai, London, Atlanta - Ujjaini, Charlotte - Sri Sailam, Singapur - Singapuram, New Jersey, Bengaluru - Marathahalli, Oklahoma - SOmanatham, Calgary - Amarnath, New Jersey - OmKareshwar, Tiruvannamalai - Arunachalam, Guadalupe - Rameshwaram, Singapur - Singapuram, Van Couver - Puri, Abu Halifa - quite, Clang - Malaysia, Chicago, Istanbul - Turkey, Singapore - Bhaktimaya, Oman - Siv Ganagai, and San Jose - Madurai. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.
Welcome to this New gen webinar and Aghori initiation…. New generation has to happen from next generation. Either by the spiritual transformation, next generation becomes new generation. Otherwise just by destroying ourselves, next generation is naturally going to be new generation. Understand, either you transform as a transformed individuals. Next gen should be new gen. If not, we are going to commit global suicide. So naturally next gen will be new gen. Understand, the collective negativity has reached it's peak. The Kali has riped. Now planet earth cannot stand anymore negativity. Negativity of the capitalism, negativity of the consumerism, Detroit lifestyle. When I say consumeristic society, I mean abusing the natural resources of the planet earth beyond limits, crossing the limits and abusing the natural resources of the planet earth, empowering individuals without giving them intelligence.
Planet earth is already filled with too much of negativity. Planet earth is overflowing with negativity. It is not possible for the planet earth to be alive any more with this same trend and the infrastructure to destroy the planet earth is created beyond limits. Just one mad fellow becoming president or prime minister or head of any one atomic power state is enough to finish off the future of the global, future of the globe, future of the humanity…. So next gen has to be new gen. No other way. If you are not going to transform spiritually and nullify the collective negativity, we are going to commit global suicide and next gen will be simply new gen.
Somebody asked Einstein, “How will be the fourth world war?” He said, “If there is a fourth world war, it will be with stones; because third world war will finish the planet earth. Only next human civilization fourth world war can happen. That will naturally start with stones.”
Today specially I am going to address the negativity youth are facing…. Today I am specially going to address and give even a kriya to get out of the worst and dangerous epidemic humanity is facing today: degeneration of the youth. Youth… most unused resource on the planet earth is youth energy. Never ever planet earth was in this crisis. First time planet earth is facing this crisis. Majority of its population is youth - wild, violent. Please understand, always planet earth was in a position where more than 50% of its population was elders- matured, whose blood has become cool, stable. First time planet earth is in a position where majority of its population is youth.
Please understand, India, youngest country in the world. You need to understand My word. Not as per the history. As per the history this is the oldest country. That is different. Youngest means the huge population youth between 18 to 40. China, second youngest country, U.S. All these three country, more than their 50% of population is youth. It means practically half of the planet earth, more than half of the planet earth is youngsters, youth. Never ever planet earth faced this crisis. So much of power, the decision making power is handed over to youth. It is now youth who are going to decide to make or break the planet. This is the time you don't need to lift human beings. You need to lift youth. That is why this Incarnation happened in young body.
243 million individuals are between 10 to 19 in India. Please understand, 24 crore is just between 10 to19 and India's adolescents are 20% of the world's adolescents. World has 1.2 billion adolescents…. Anyhow understand, today I am going to address one of the major problems youth are facing. I just wanted to ask few questions. I wanted you all to answer these questions for yourselves, yourself.
Are you spending several hours on the internet everyday either playing games, chatting with friends, browsing websites?
Are you on the internet? When you are on the internet do you lose track of time?
Do you find yourself forgetting about eating, drinking and other activities because you are so obsessed with the computer in front of you?
Please ask all these questions to yourself:
Do you find yourself staying up all night on the computer?
Do you get distracted from studies spending time with family and friends because you are constantly thinking and wanting to get on to the internet?
Can you do without the computer or internet for a day without exhibiting any symptoms of withdrawal such as restlessness, irritation, boredom, anxiety and feeling low?
If you answered yes to these questions inside you, then you are one among the millions of youth suffering today with online epidemic called online addictions.
Understand, I can repeat the questions once more. I wanted you to get the questions. I wanted you to understand the questions.
Are you spending several hours on the internet everyday either playing games or chatting with friends, browsing websites?
When you are on the internet do you lose track of time?
Do you find yourself forgetting about eating, drinking and other activities because you are so obsessed with the computer in front of you?
Do you find yourself staying up all night on the computer?
Do you get distracted from studies spending time with family and friends because you are constantly thinking and wanting to get on to the internet?
Can you do without computer or internet for a day without exhibiting any symptoms of withdrawal such as restlessness, irritation, boredom, anxiety and feeling low?
If you answer, if you answer yes to these questions, then you are one among the millions of youth suffering today with online epidemic called online addictions.
If Ramakrishna was alive today, he would have said… see, when he was alive, he always used to insist, “Kamini, Kanchana tyaga” means renouncing the lust and gold. Renouncing the lust and gold is the only way for God. He will always say, “Let the Kamini, Kanchana tyaga happen. Peace will be on you.” I know for sure, if he is within the body now he will say, “Kamini, Kanchana, Computer tyaga.” He will amend his words. “Kamini, Kanchana, computer tyaga.”
Understand, these online addictions are becoming one of the major problems of the youth. I can define this online addiction. Uncontrollable and damaging obsession and use of internet technology which can deprive your health, relationships and fulfillment in life. Please understand, this is a very important definition. I can define the online addiction in My own way. Please understand, addicted to anything which is not being experienced by your senses directly. Please understand, even in the online you are not addicted to seeing. If you are addicted to seeing, then it is directly the senses. No, you are addicted to the emotional chaos which happens in you, the emotional roller coaster which happens in you by the fantasy of seeing. Please understand, seeing things in the internet and computer is not like seeing- seeing. It is not even the pleasure of your senses. No. It is not even pleasure of your senses. It is the pleasure of fantasies, pleasure of emotional tsunami, emotional roller coaster. psychological tsunami happening in you. That is why I say, addicted to anything other than the straight five sensory pleasures is what I call online addiction
The Internet Epidemic || Part 2 || Webinar || 08 April 2012
Name Of The Convention : Webinar <br>
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 2 <br>
Date : 08 April 2012 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speak about the patterns of online addictions and computer usage amongst the youth. We learn that these patterns are deep-rooted engrams, and are common in many young people. Swamiji talks about ‘conscious transactions’ where every moment of joy, or every moment of suffering, has the ability to transform you entirely. However, when we only experience these moments on the internet, we become completely disconnected from reality.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1DqdA_PBug&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_the-internet-epidemic-part-2-webinar-08-april-2012"/>
Humanity has gone to the peaks of perversion. Now you don't even enjoy directly. See, even if you are with your senses, down to earth, physical, transforming you is always possible. The possibility is always available because our masters have created powerful methods, techniques, kriyas to transform you if you are addicted to something directly of five senses- eating, touch pleasure, seeing, listening, smelling. If you are directly addicted, at least you have a solution, possibility of transformation. I tell you, when you are directly using your senses to enjoy, when the senses retire, it gives you the maturity and you become ripe. You are now ready to relax into the restful awareness but when the perversion happens, human beings get into the space where curing, transformation, healing becomes almost impossible.
Cinema, visually presenting some concepts to you. Cinema brought one of the major problem to humanity: old age sexual perversion. Please understand, even when your senses are tired and retired, mind is not tired or retired. Mind is too active but body has lost the capacity. This is the main reason for the old age perversions. All the old age perversions happens just because of cinema and of course, cinema is soft pornography. From there, naturally hot pornography. Understand, if you stop with the natural growth, you take birth, you assume a human body, you get physically matured and you enjoy all the senses and pleasures and you grow, your body is tired and you retire. You will be out of the need for pleasure but humanity does not even know the meaning of the word natural growth anymore. It is almost like a matrix movie. The artificial intelligence which you created has taken over the humanity. The moment cinemas entered human life, visual presentation, the possibility of visual presentation has entered human life, the old age perversion became part of lifestyle.
I can tell you, now with the internet entering into human life, becoming part of the humanity, one of the worst perversion is happening. Not just old age perversion, youth perversion. I tell you, billions, please understand, I am not using the word millions, I am saying billions have become psychologically impotent. They are no more qualified, capable of living their life. They are no more capable of living their reality. They lost connection with the reality. Reality is no more part of their life.
Just today I was reading a joke:
One guy is sitting under a tree reading a book on how to play computer game about golf. See, playing golf, there is a computer game. I will show you the scene. Two guys are sitting under the tree and..... why don't you project that Ma?
One guy is asking, “What did you bring to read?”
The other guy is answering, “It is a book of tips for my new computer golf game.”
So you are reading… the other guy is asking, “So you are reading a book about computer’s stimulation of an activity that is almost a sport?”
That is about as close as you can get to being a non-organic life farm.
And that guy is saying, ”This chapter is about driving the little cart.”
First thing, golf itself is a game for the old people where you don't move anything and that golf is coming in computer. Inside your screen you are going to play the whole golf. That is the second funniest thing. Third, you are not even playing. You are reading a book about playing. Human beings have almost become vegetables. Please understand, this is one of the biggest danger happening to humanity, especially to youth. You are moving away from reality. You may think, “Eh! Online addiction is such a simple problem. Why is Swamiji talking about this online addiction so much?” Please understand, it is not such a simple problem. It is a pattern deeply rooted in a big disorder, very big disorder…. Online addiction is an  engram rooted in the deep disorder, disorder of not able to be alone.
Please understand, a recent study in Stanford University of School of Medicine says, one out of every eight persons means 12.5% is suffering from some form of internet addiction. 12.5% of the human population! I think even alcohol, people are not addicted to this many percentage. I don't think 12.5% of humanity is addicted to alcohol but 12.5% of humanity is addicted to internet. Degeneration of youth primarily is happening with various online addictions. Online addictions include obsession to watch pornography, obsession to spend several hours on the internet either playing games, socializing on the internet, includes indulging in sexual acts on the internet like chat sex. Psychologists are now claiming that online addictions have similar adverse effects as other more publicized addictions like drugs and alcohol.
Please understand, if you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, what all dangers you face in life, disturbances you face in life, you go through the same sufferings with online addiction also. The after effect of the online addictions is disastrous. Online addicts are left with no social life, no self confidence, lonely, shy, anxious, depressed. Their life is taken over by this addiction causing them to forego basic responsibilities. See, when somebody is addicted to online, even the basic responsibility like taking bath, eating, studying, playing, even these things disappear. One of the worst thing is that they get completely disconnected with other human beings, completely getting into a shell of their own leading to disastrous social, academic and behavioral problems. Unfortunately, internet becomes their one and only medium of socializing.
I can see how people, even both of them are sitting in the same room, they only send a message through chat or twitter, “I love you. I miss you.” Human beings forgot how to relate looking into the eyes. See, when you look into the eyes of somebody and say, “I love you,” you open up. You are inviting the person to enter you but with internet it is lot more easy. I tell you, every time when you look at somebody's eyes and say, “I love you,” it is a spiritual practice. For those few moments, whoever it may be, it may be your child, it may be your father, it may be your beloved, it may be your boyfriend, it may be your girlfriend. If you are looking into the eyes and saying, there is a conscious transaction. Every conscious transaction either by bringing joy or suffering transforms you.
Please understand, every conscious transaction either by bringing joy or suffering transforms you… But understand, when you are on the Twitter, “I love you, I miss you. You are the most handsome man in the planet earth. You are the beauty queen of the planet earth.” You can go on lying because you know for sure the other person cannot find out you are lying. I receive like this hundreds of tweets but I always ask them, “Thank you for the compliment but do you really mean what you say?” See, when you look into the others’ eyes and say, the other person will find out whether you are telling the truth or not but with internet you don't need to. Nobody will find.
Please understand, you completely get disconnected from the reality. That is the… one of the biggest problem. You don't know real love. You don't know real fear. You don't know real greed. You don't know real jealousy. I tell you, only the real fear can be transformed, real lust can be transformed, real jealousy can be transformed, real love can be transformed…. There is a beautiful incident from Ramana Maharshi's life. Ramana Maharshi was lying down on the couch. Somebody goes to Bhagwan and says, “Bhagwan, please give me little sacred ash.”
Bhagwan says, “It is there in the cup. Please take it. It is there in a small coconut shell.” He says, “Please take it.”
The devotee says, “No, no, no, no, Bhagwan has to give from his hand.”
Ramana Maharshi says, “Eh! That hand and this hand, both are Bhagwan's only. Please take it.”
Then the devotee is not ready to listen. He just gets that vibhuti, puts it at the feet of Bhagwan and takes it. Bhagwan laughs and says, “You are not touching the real Bhagwan by touching that feet. You are only touching the house of the Bhagwan.”
Understand, he says even while Bhagwan's feet was touched, he says, “Eh, you are not touching Bhagwan by this. You are only touching the house of the Bhagwan. Even touching the body he says is only a perverted understanding of touching you. If somebody touches your body and says they touched you, please understand, it is only perverted understanding. It is not straight touching. Now, one of the biggest addiction for the modern youth is kissing the homepage of your boyfriend or girlfriend. See the perversion from which limit going to which limit. Here is Bhagwan. Even if you touch his feet, he says you are touching only the house where I am living, not me…. but it is so unfortunate even our love has become so perverted. You lost the capacity of real love.
Internet became a place practically where you live and not only that, please understand, you build pseudo identities. That Facebook, internet farming, online farming. You buy eggs and that eggs hatch and that hens again lay eggs and that eggs hatch again. You go and feed them online. You practically live. I tell you, unless I go through this, I cannot find a solution for this. So I went through this whole thing. For last few days I was meditating on this and I downloaded many of the information. People who have online farming, within twenty days see their online farm in their dream. Please understand, I am giving you some of the important sacred secrets of online addiction. If you are having your own online farm or fishes, within twenty days, you see the effect of that in your dream. In your dream, you will wake up, “Oh! I have not fed my fishes online. I have not taken care of my hen online. I have not taken care of my online farm.” Within twenty days, you experience this.
The Internet Epidemic || Part 3 || Webinar || 08 April 2012
Name Of The Convention : Webinar <br>
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 3 <br>
Date : 08 April 2012 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborate on the internet addiction that is common amongst the youth of today. His Divine Holiness explains just how the internet affects our daily lives, and questions where modern science is leading us. We explore the concept of ‘FOMO’ or ‘fear of missing out’, a common struggle within the youth of today, and how this can be compared to the antithesis from the Upanishads: the concept of Kaivalya, or being ‘established in aloneness’. Swamiji also introduces here the ‘Aghori Tapas’ – the way of life which brings self-centredness into yourself.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuY0vAqK9Ng&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_the-internet-epidemic-part-3-webinar-08-april-2012"/>
Understand, anything enters your dream, enters your inner space, it is like if a snake bites you in the leg and poison does not get to your brain and the heart and lungs, you can be alive but the moment poison reaches your lungs or the heart and… or brain you are dead. Online addiction getting into your dreams level means poison is getting to your brain…. Really, literally you will live with dreaming inside the dream. See, this waking state itself is a one dream. In this waking state, you have one more dream called dream state. In the dream state, now you have one more dream called internet dream. Layers and layers and layers of perversion! Where is the solution? If there is one layer of perversion, you can come out of it but the perversion is going beyond layers and layers.
Please understand, layers and layers of perversion makes you old very quickly. The aging process happens very quickly. You become old very quickly. The amount of viewers spending their time and energy and money in pornography, unimaginable. It is not in millions, it is billions, billions. I don't want to give you the statistics. It is just sickening. I have the statistics. Because it is sickening I don't want to give because if I give the statistics, you will feel you are one in the billions and feel very comfortable about it. No. Only one very sickening thing is, average age of a person watching the porn online worldwide is eleven years. Please understand, average is eleven years. Then millions below eleven are watching. That is why average is eleven. How sickening it is! Where are we heading? 20% of men, 13% of women watch porn online while they are at work. Then what work is happening?
Above all this, one of the biggest concern I have is about FOMO addiction means fear of missing out. Modern youth is suffering with this biggest problem, fear of missing out. Fear of missing out the... “Oh, if I am not there, I will miss that. If I am not here I will miss this. If I am not there I will miss that, if I am not here I will miss this.” So try to be all over everywhere. Try to be in the internet, try to be in the twitter, try to be in the website, try to be in the social networking site, facebook. Don't miss anything. Fear of missing out. See, the fear of missing out is nothing but thickened version of attention need. Attention need going to it's peak is fear of missing out. This is one of the worst perversion, I tell you.
After the internet entered human life, I feel I had to review and revive, re-define all My meditation techniques. Now your Mooladhara is not just fantasy, I will have to add internet fantasies, one more layer. I have to develop a new Kriya. Your Swadhisthana, not just fears, internet related fears. I have to develop one more kriya. Your Manipuraka is not just ordinary worries. Your navel center is not related to just ordinary worries. Now it is suffering with internet related worries and your Vishuddhi is not just suffering with jealousy, internet related jealousy. I have thousand eggs and hen. Somebody else has two thousand eggs and hen. People feel empowered based on the online farming. You don't understand it is literally castle in the air. You have built castle in the air but you are so happy in living in it. Where modern science is leading you?
These guys have given you so many theories, philosophies saying there is no heaven, hell, kailash, vaikunth. Finally now they are giving you internet, facebook kailash. The facebook world. Kailash is much better than facebook world. See the human perversion! This fear of missing out is the worst fear, fear of aloneness. In upanishad, we have a very beautiful definition. Kaivalya means established in aloneness, completely happy in very aloneness. In your very aloneness, being joyful, no need for anything from outside world to excite you. You are there in joy, ecstasy. Missing that aloneness, the opposite extreme of kaivalya is fear of missing out, FOMO addiction. One extreme is kaivalya; another extreme is fear of missing out.
Addiction to the internet is bigger than TV. FOMO only, fear of missing out only leads you to buying something a bigger TV than your neighbor, vacation or anything. This facebook syndrome, facebook addiction disorder. When you look at all these modern day problems the youth is facing, the only solution is become Aghori…. Aghori tapas is the only way. You can conquer this modern day sufferings and addictions human beings go through. Aghori tapas means straight going against…. Continuously working on bringing self centredness in your system is Aghoratva. The definition of Aghoratva is bringing self centredness in you with strong, straight forward practices is Aghoratva.
I tell you, really humanity is suffering too much. Really humanity is suffering too much because of these modern day addictions, internet addictions especially youth, youngsters. I want the youth, youngsters to come out of these addictions. Please understand, these addictions directly affect your spiritual identity, your spiritual personality, your consciousness itself. It is not just affecting your social identity and your profession. It is affecting straight away your spiritual identity. Only awakening your spiritual identity can cure this addiction, get you out of these addictions. That is the reason I wanted the modern day youth to have the spiritual understanding and the spiritual transformation to get out of these modern day addictions.
Now I will answer your questions and throw more light and method to be out of these addictions.
The Internet Epidemic || Part 4 || Webinar || 08 April 2012
Name Of The Convention : Webinar <br>
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 4 <br>
Date : 08 April 2012 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answer a question from a delegate. In this question, many aspects of internet addiction and youth behaviour are brought to light, and Swamiji explains how best the issue is to be handled.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAxwyc3hbKY&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_the-internet-epidemic-part-4-webinar-08-april-2012"/>
Please read out the questions.
Q: My teenage son does not believe in god and believes money makes the world go round. Capitalism that believing in selfishness prospers. He is a school dropout. Please guide me on showing him the right path and bless him to follow a conscious, blissful life. Some of his classmates are threatening parents with suicide and bunking classes to go to the hookah bars and boozing bars. It is a very frightening situation where our youth are heading as they believe only what they see and proud of their logic and overconfident of the knowledge from TV and internet and false achieving from winning computer games.
Swamiji: Let Me read the question:
My teenage son does not believe in God and believes money makes the world go round. Capitalism that believing in selfishness prospers. Quoting U.S as an example school dropouts do well. Please guide me on showing him the right path and bless him to follow a conscious, blissful life.
Please understand. Rita, it is not just your son. Like your son, millions of kids are suffering only in India, billions in the world. It is a crime of society. Irresponsible way of the way.... irresponsible way the society leads its next generation…. I just can't even understand the gravity of the situation. Let Me read the further question. The question says, “Some of his classmates are threatening parents with suicide and bunking classes to go to hookah bars and boozing. It is very frightening situation where our youth are heading as they believe only what they see and proud of their logic, overconfident of the knowledge of TV and internet, false achievement from winning computer games.” Understand, in computer games, whether you win or lose, you lose. If you win, your false confidence destroys your life. If you lose, your depression destroys your life.
Something basic has to change in the planet Earth. A huge conscious Tsunami has to happen. That is the only way humanity, the youngsters, the youth can be saved. Something like a ten thousand youth should become Aghoris and teach this great truth of spiritual transformation and Enlightenment to the world. That is the only way we can even take the right understanding to the humanity. I invite all of you who are sitting with us around the world in this webinar. Let all of you decide you will become Aghoris. Let us take the spiritual knowledge to the world. That is the only way to transform. I am telling you. To tell you honestly, for Rita I don't have solution. I can give solution but I don't know how much it will be practical. I will give you a straight solution. One year let your son live without internet and TV. Nothing wrong will happen. He will not lose anything. He doesn't need to catch up with what is going on in the world. He doesn't need to know the news. Relax! I tell you, one year, nothing else, let him be just without TV and internet in his life. You will see how steady and centered.
See, I am from a society where I heard when I was at the age of three-four and all, I heard the stories of great saints. See, I heard the story of Thirugnanasambandar, a great saint from Tamilnadu. The story says, at the age of three, he had the Mother’s…the Uma Devi, Cosmic Mother’s milk and achieved Enlightenment from the age of three. He has started singing all the secret sentiments. All the sacred sentiments he started expressing from the age of three. When I heard all these great stories of Thirugnanasambandar in My life, I was inspired, “Oh! I should become like Thirugnanasambandar. I should live the life of the Thirugnanasamander. How he was living, how great he is and Thirugnanasambandar became My vision, My goal, My ideal, My hero. But in the modern day when these youth see all these zero heroes, the cinema heroes, the so called celebrity heroes, the TV knowledge, the false internet achievement and the concepts of spiderman..... no, when you get all these concepts of spiderman as your heroes, you lose very basis of life.
See, now when I tell, tell your son and not to watch, not to spend time on internet and TV for one year, it looks like a tapas but I tell you, only after I started the organization I have started even using the internet means from the young age, My whole personality was stabilized, established in the self centered awareness. See, the internet has become such a big addiction. Let Me define, addiction means living outside your self remembrance, that's all. Constantly living in something without remembering your higher self  or being reminded about the higher self. When we tell the youngsters Thirugnanasamander started singing about Shiva and that sacred sentiments at the age of three, they say, “Ah! These are all stories!” They may say but when you tell the stories of the Spiderman and Tom and Jerry, they feel as if it is true. I see really when I went to Universal Studio, I saw there the people dress up like those characters-Tom and jerry and Spiderman, Dracula, all these characters. Kids really believe they are those characters. They go near those characters and take photograph.
We moved too much away from the reality. We moved too much away from the truth. The modern day youngsters, modern day youth is really moving too much out of the reality. If you want to save your son, bring him to the one year course. Of course, we will give him yogic body, vedic mind, we will make him do yoga, we will make him meditate, we will do everything. Those things are secondary. We will get him out of addiction. That is the first thing. One young boy, I can't say young, maybe I can say neither a child nor youth, adolescent. One guy is insistent that he want to go to US. He is even going to decide whether I am his beloved Swami or unbeloved Swami based on My decision to send him to U.S or not. But I am very clear I am not going to send him. I will not recommend because if this guy goes there, his cousin brothers are there where he will learn all these video games and start looking at that lifestyle.
See, even looking at the Western lifestyle is a sin, forget about living, even looking can put unconscious seeds into you. But what to do? Now this modern day kids you can neither control nor give them the truth. It is just suffering, suffering, suffering. Let Me be very honest, if the newgen has to be evolved it is not going to happen with small tinkering, altering, repairing work. No, something from the very root has to change. That is why, I am going to the extreme of recommending the lifestyle of Aghoris means all the youngsters take up at least one year of wandering, living the Parivrajaka life, life of pilgrimage. Don't settle down anywhere, just travel, go to different places, different cultures, see different traditions, live with different people. Naturally when you don't settle down you will not have TV and internet. One year will really enrich you. If you are not able to do that, at least come here. Spend one year away from TV and internet.
Second, building the yogic body and vedic mind. Above all, serving others, contributing to others, making difference in others’ lives. I tell you, Aghori, the only antidote for internet addictions. Very boldly I invite the youth of modern day and I sincerely recommend living at least one year of Parivrajaka life. Parivrajaka life means pilgrimage life, wandering. If you are from India, wander all over India to experience different cultures, different way of life, thinking style, philosophies. You will be enriched. If you are from outside India, travel to different countries. At least one year of life of pilgrimage. If you can't take up that, at least come here. I have created a place where the same amount of enrichment will be done to you because you may be stable here sitting in one place. Thousands from different society and civilization come here. They will enrich you and go out.
Two option: Either you go to all those places, see, listen, talk, discuss and internalize and enrich yourself or just be here. They are all constantly coming here. Everything is happening here. This is the most happening spiritual city on planet Earth…. Nithyanandanagara. Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta is the most happening spiritual city on the planet Earth. Here you can see all types of people- tights, loosus, everything you can see. All types of people come here. All types of philosophies are brought here. All types of arguments happen here. All types of discussions happen here. All types of spiritual experiments are continuously happening here. So all of them will come. Actually all of them do parivrajaka to this place. So they all will enrich you…. Either you go to different places, see different culture, lifestyle, philosophies and enrich yourself or you come and be here. Different people, different culture, different philosophies, they all come here and enrich you.
I tell you, I have some of the best people and I have many mediocre, between both. I have some of the best seekers. Both will enrich you. Some will teach you what to do and some will teach you what not to do. I have all types of people. I have all types of brains. I have all types of seekers. Sometime I tell some people to be in silence for Enlightenment. Sometime I tell some people to be in silence because if they open the mouth, they will show, they will prove they are fools. If they don't open the mouth people may suspect he is a fool. If he opens, he will confirm he is a fool. So I put people into silence for various reasons. I have all types of people coming here. Some coming for Enlightenment, some coming for lightenment, some coming for tightenment…. They will all enrich you. They will all really enrich you.
Understand, either go for parivrajaka to enrich yourself or come here. Dhyanapeetam itself is a world. All types of minds and not only that, I constantly create so many ways, all types of roller coaster mood swings will happen in you. You will be up in the morning, down in the evening. All types of roller coaster experiences, emotional roller coaster experience happens in you…. Newgen, come to your breeding ground. Dhyanapeetam is your breeding ground. This is the place, place of new gen breeding ground, nursery of new gen, nursery of new consciousness. I welcome you all to experiment with the new consciousness at least for one year. Don't decide within one month. Don't decide within two months. It is too short time. Allow it to sync. At least give one year…. Give at least one year. Try it out. I tell you, it will never be a waste. This one year will be the best time of your life.
The Internet Epidemic || Part 5 || Webinar || 08 April 2012
Name Of The Convention : Webinar <br>
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 5 <br>
Date : 08 April 2012 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, we sees the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guide us through a few kriyas, or techniques that will clear confusion. We are guided through Nadi Shodhana, Trishula Kumbhaka and Trinetra Kumbhaka.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SSmLqI3ahI&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_the-internet-epidemic-part-5-webinar-08-april-2012"/>
It is time for Kriya. Understand, today you are going to have a kriya mainly to bring tremendous clarity into your system. I am going to nullify the hormonal effects in your body, remove the confusion and give clarity and emotional stability. Kriya to clear confusion, give clarity and emotional stability. Please spread all over the hall. Sit straight and sit either in padmasana or in vajrasana. Don't say I can't sit in padmasana or vajrasana. Then you are not in new gen. You are not young. Sit in padmasana or vajrasana. We will start the kriya, kriya for clearing the confusion, clarity and emotional stability.
Sit in padmasana.
First step: Use both the hands.
Inhale through left and exhale through right.
Then inhale through right and exhale through left. Do this.
It is called Nadi shodhana means cleaning the Nadis, basic nervous system and the energy circuit.
Please start. Use both the hands. Om.
Inhale through left and exhale through right.
Inhale through right and exhale through left and again
Inhale through right, exhale through left.
Let Me show you. (Swamiji demonstrates) Do this three minutes.
Use both the hands separately. Don't lock the hands.
Next step. Please understand, next step is trishula kumbhaka. Trishula kumbhaka means inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then exhale as slowly as you can. Let Me show you.
(Swamiji demonstrates)
Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as  long as you can.
Then slowly exhale as slowly as you can.
Continue this for 7 minutes.
Continue this at least for 7 minutes
(06:59) to (07:48)
Now the next step. Trinetra kumbhaka. Let Me show you.
(Swamiji demonstrates)
Inhale through left. Hold as you can.
Inhale through right. Hold as long as you can.
Inhale through both nostrils and hold as long as you can.
Then slowly exhale through the left.
Six act: Inhaling through left, holding, inhaling through right, holding, inhaling through both and holding. After six act only you can exhale.
Inhaling through right, one. Holding, two.
Inhaling through left, one. Holding, two.
Inhaling through both, one and holding, two.
Six acts.
Only then exhaling through left.
Please start. Start.
Inhale through left. Hold as long as you can.
Then inhale through right and hold as long as you can.
Inhale through both and hold as long as you can.
Then exhale slowly.
(09:28) to (10:45)
Do it for seven minutes continuously.
(10:49) to (11:25)
Don’t sit quietly. Do it.
(11:28) to (12:21)
The Internet Epidemic || Part 6 || Webinar || 08 April 2012
Name Of The Convention : Webinar <br>
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 6 <br>
Date : 08 April 2012 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam end the webinar by bestowing his grace and blessings on all attendees from all over the world! His Divine Holiness ends the webinar by reiterating part of His mission: to create a community for the new-gen to be able to flourish by learning to live at their highest potential!
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfrDAiK7HC8&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-04apr-08_the-internet-epidemic-part-6-webinar-08-april-2012"/>
(0:14) to (0:29)
Let Ohio experience the intense presence and the Kundalini Awakening.
(0:36) to (01:08)
Let the whole Paris experience intense Kundalini Awakening.
(01:13) to (02:09)
San Jose Madurai will experience Meenakshi’s presence intensely…. In San Jose Madurai, from My padukas, Meenakshi’s kumkum will materialize now. From Meenakshi’s padukas and My padukas, you will see Meenakshi’s kumkumam materializing…. Directly from Madurai, Meenakshi’s kumkum prasadam will materialize now in San Jose.
(02:56) to (03:23)
Let the New Jersey experience My presence intensely.
(03:28) to (03:51)
Let Guadalupe experience the presence intensely.
(03:56) to (05:10)
All the centers, our temples and Satsang centers, from My padukas the vibhuti from Chokkanatha will materialize. Vibhuti from the Sundareswara, from Sundareswara’s prasadam, vibhuti will materialize. Let you all be initiated as Aghoris… The bhasma prasada, sacred ash from the Chokkanatha will materialize from My all padukas from all over the world in all our centers.
(06:01) to (06:56)
I bless you all and initiate all of you as Aghoris.
See, with growing corporate culture, human beings are moving away from stable family, life based on the foundation of exchange of understanding and emotional fulfillment. In the absence of physical community which can emotionally provide fulfillment, youth are staying to online communities like Facebook and digging their own graves. That is why, I am creating a beautiful community which will revive modern youth and awaken the youth to the highest possibility of existing- living Enlightenment with the bliss and fulfillment. Newgen is My vision for new humanity.
Anand Yogam is the program I have designed to create a newgen community where every youth has opportunity to connect with the highest possibility of being human. The highest possibility of being human is Divine. So I invite each one of you to be part of Ananda Yogam, be Ananda Yogis, in other words be Aghoris…. I bless you all. In all our centers, from My padukas the sacred ash, the vibhuti prasadam from Chokkanatha, from Sundareswara will be materializing for next twenty four hours. In Singapore at least five shiva lingas will materialize, pancha lingas, five shiva lingas will materialize.
I bless you all who are sitting with us around the world at this moment in 1154 places through NTV, in 36 places two-way video conferencing, in 287 cities in 40 countries around the world.
Let you all experience, achieve, live, express, radiate, share and explode in Eternal Bliss- Nityananda
Thank you
Kriya-2012-04apr-08-NewGen Kriya
==Link to Video: ==
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It is time for kriya. Understand, today we are going to have a kriya mainly to bring tremendous clarity into your system. I’m going to nullify the hormonal effects in your body; remove the confusion and give clarity and emotional stability. Kriya to clear confusion, give clarity, and emotional stability.
Please spread all over the hall. Sit straight. And sit either in padmasana or in vajrasana. Don’t say I can’t sit in padmasana or vajrasana. Then you are not in New Gen. You are not young. Sit in padmasana or vajrasana. We’ll start the kriya; kriya for clearing the confusion, clarity, and emotional stability. Sit in padmasana.
First step: Use both the hands. Inhale through left and exhale through right. Then inhale through right and exhale through left. Do ths. Iit is called Nadi Shodhanah -  means cleaning the nadies, basic nervous system and the energy circuit. Please start. Use both hands. OM. Inhale through left and exhale through right. Inhale through right and exhale through left. And again. Inhale through right and exhale through left.
Let me show you. (Swamiji demonstrates Nadi Shodhana pranayama)
Do this three minutes.
Use both the hands separately. Don’t lock the hands.
Next step: Please understand, next step is Trishula Kumbhaka. Trishula Kumbhaka means inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then exhale as slowly as you can. Let me show you.
(Swamiji demonstrates Trishula Kumbhaka pranayama)
Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then slowly exhale as slowly as you can.
(Technique in progress)
Continue this for seven minutes.
(Technique in progress)
(Swamiji chanting OM during process)
Continue this at least for seven minutes.
(07:58 )
Now the next step:  Trineta Kumbhaka. Let me show you. Inhale through left. Hold as long as you can. Inhale through right. Hold as long as you can. Inhale through both nostrils and hold as long as you can. Then slowly exhale through the left. Six act - inhaling through left, holding. Inhaling through right, holding. Inhaling through both and holding. After six act, only you can exhale. Inhaling through right, one. Holding, two. Inhaling through left, one. Holding, two. Inhaling through both, one. And holding, two. Six acts. Only then exhaling through left. Please start. Start, inhale through left. Hold as long as you can. Then inhale through right and hold as long as you can. Inhale through both and hold as long as you can. Then exhale slowly.
(Technique in progress)
Do it for seven minutes continuously.
(Technique in progress)
Don’t sit quietly. Do it.
(Technique in progress)
Now, it is time. Just sit. Settle down. You will experience intense kundalini awakening by the presence of Meenakshi. Let the new generation be given birth by the grace of Meenakshi. Let all of you experience intense kundalini awakening. Let you all experience intense kundalini awakening. Let you all experience the highest peak of consciousness. Let the New Gen happen in you all. (blows into mic)
(Technique in progress)
Let you all have intense kundalini awakening.
(Technique in progress)
Let the San Jose Madurai experience intense presence. Let everyone in the San Jose Madurai experience intense presence.
Let the Seattle experience intense presence.
Let Ohio experience the intense presence and the kundalini awakening.
Let Toronto experience intense kundalini awakening. Let all the participants in the Toronto Kailasa experience the intense kundalini awakening.
Let Malaysia experience intense kundalini awakening.
Let Atlanta experience intense kundalini awakening.
Let the whole Paris experience intense kundalini awakening.
San Jose Madurai will experience the Meenakshi’s presence intensely. In San Jose Madurai from my padukas. Meenakshi’s kum kum will materialize now. From Meenakshi’s padukas and my padukas, you will see Meenakshi’s kum kum materializing.
Directly from Madurai, Meenakshi’s kum kum and prasadam will materialize now in San Jose.
Let the New Jersey experience my presence intensely.
Let Guadeloupe experience the presence intensely.
Let Ohio experience the presence intensely.
All the centers, our temples and satsang centers, from my padukas, the vibhooti from  Chokkanatha will materialize. Vibhooti from the Sudareswarar - from Sudareswarar’s prasadam, vibhooti will materialize. Let you all be initiated as Aghoris. The basma prasada, sacred ash, from the Chokkanatha will materialize from my all padukas. From all over the world in all our centers.
I bless you all and initiate all of you as Agorhis. See, with growing corporate culture human beings are moving away from stable family; life based on the foundation of exchange of understanding and emotional fulfillment. In the absence of physical community, which can emotionally provide fulfillment, youth are staying to online communities like Facebook and digging their own graves. That is why I am creating a beautiful community which will revive modern youth, and awaken the youth to the highest possibility of existing - living enlightenment with the bliss and fulfillment. New Gen is my vision for new humanity.
Ananda Yogam is the program I’ve designed to create a New Gen community where every youth has an opportunity to connect with the highest possibility of being human. The highest possibility of being human is divine. So I invite each one of you to be part of Ananda Yogam. Be Ananda Yogis. In other words, be Agoris.
(end of video) advertisement/ contact information slide   
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== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, advice, parents, children, birth, natural, interest, explore, protection, self-confidence, responsibility, nature, risk, live, independence, expansion, experience, freedom, intelligence.
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Latest revision as of 16:22, 5 June 2023


Get Out of Corporate Compassion


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives advice for parents and children. Children take birth with natural curiosity, infused with a deep interest in exploring their surroundings. When we as parents support this inclination, giving only basic necessary protection, children develop self-confidence and assume responsibility for their actions. As they mature, they may want to take some risks in their lives. Parents should allow them to do so. It strengthens their independence, supporting the expansion of their experience. This is true parenting: giving our children freedom to use their intelligence.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Not Just Long Time Part 1

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Video Audio



Swamiji reads the question: How do we build the consideration of social return into every conversation and every decision at every level in the organization? Swamiji answers: Judie Smith, look inside. What is social return? It is nothing but looking at the life with a larger picture. Understand, see if you build your house you call it as a selfishness, if you build the road you call it as social return. But you don't understand, without the road, house is useless. So what is social return? Nothing but looking at the life beyond 120 degree. See 120 degree is the normal vision. If you look at the life 240 degree or 360 degree, that is social return, nothing else. So don't think social return is some great compassionate sacrificing, serving, great selfless attitude. No, relax. First thing understand, thinking with the ‘consideration of social return' is intelligent way of thinking. It is intelligence which makes you consider social return. It is not morality, it is not religious quality, it is not ethics, nothing; it is just intelligence.


Learn to look every contribution of your life with the whole picture. For example if you are a manager in a company, try to understand the whole responsibility of the company towards humanity. What this company is supposed to contribute to the humanity? Have the whole picture and fit yourself with it comfortably. Have this same attitude in every decision, then naturally, whole company will have this same attitude towards the society, that's it. Understand, ‘consideration of social return’ is not some sacrifice, service or ethics. Why don't you understand, it is just intelligence. Many time you think ‘consideration of social return’ is something like a you do a big service, favor. No, maybe you can use that word to market yourself. I call it Corporate Compassion - new word I am creating. What is the Corporate Compassion you know? You shave his head, take his hair, sell that, and don't even give him little oil for the head, and you say I shave you because only then dandruff will go from you. It's a treatment for dandruff, and that poor fellow believes it. That is what I call Corporate Compassion.


Please understand, ‘consideration of social return’, the very word shows you are also from the pattern of Corporate Compassion. No. Compassion should be very raw, pure, innocent. I tell you, raw, pure, innocent compassion is intelligence. When your compassion expresses in its pure raw form, innocently, it is tremendous intelligence. What do you mean by saying the word ‘consideration of social return?’ No, the word seems to be like a big sacrifice. I tell you, looking at the larger picture and working, considering the social return, is a intelligence decision, it is not compassion decision. Judie Smith, the whole organization, your whole organization need to understand… please understand, decision of your intelligence, not the decision of your heart. [05:43 - 08:26] Program promotion ads Please understand, decision of your intelligence not the decision of your heart. Because you think it is decision related to heart, you still have oscillation, ‘No, no, should I do it or not do it, how much I should do it, how many rupee I should do it, how many lakh I should spend, no.’ Social consideration is the decision from intelligence, not decision from heart. The whole, how this whole… each company is a whole which is supposed to fit into the hole of the Whole. The Whole has many holes; in each hole each company as a whole should fit in. How as a Whole you are going to fit with the Whole, a boss is expected to feel ‘how he should be knowing the whole purpose of the organization and the responsibility of the organization, same way if the whole team understands the purpose of the organization and responsibility of the organization, that itself is enough.’ It is enough, nothing else is required. Understand, the enthusiasm, energy and experience of larger vision, larger responsibility itself is enough to make you do the decisions based on consideration of social return. You don't need to infuse compassion, because intelligence itself will make you do every conversation, every decision at every level with the consideration of social return. You don't need to do anything separate.


Tech team reads the question: The next question is from Siddarth from Bangalore. He is asking ‘My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them? Is it even possible? Swamiji reads the question: My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want, but also keep a happy relationship with them? Is it even possible? Swamiji answers: Siddarth, If you want My honest answer, the parents need to understand, kids should take the risk in their life. Parents are expected to be a safety net when the kids take the risk, not the stopping nuts. A real father or mother should not be continuously a stopping nut ‘don't do, don't do, don't do, don't do’. This song of ‘don't do, don't do’, come on, if you are a parent if you feel your child is taking a risk, your son or daughter is doing something on their own in their career choice or anything related to their life's decisions, many time about job, marriage, love affair so many things, don't constantly sing this song of ‘don't do’. I tell you, when you are not letting your child to take some risks in their career, you are completely destroying the self confidence and understanding and responsibility of that child. Your son or daughter their way of expanding is always taking responsibility.


See when a child grows, it'll try to taste everything, anything it sees. I remember very clearly, in my… when I was growing up, it's a village house where I was born and brought up. They'll paint that village lime. I still remember, I'll apply that lime as a Vibooti in the morning, and put little in the mouth and taste, it'll be very tasty. Child tries to taste everything that is the way it starts growing. If you give a toy it'll put it in the mouth, that is the way it knows how to feel it. Same way when you grow up you try to experiment with things, when the parents start singing the ‘don't do’ song, the possibilities of the children is completely destroyed. One thing I neither heard in My life nor ready to listen in My life is ‘don't do’. I neither heard from My parents nor ready to listen. This ‘don't do’ parents need to understand you need to give a space for your kids to experiment, to play with life. If you really have concern be a safety net. Take care even if they fall they are not damaged, you are there as a support, that is the responsibility of a parents. The problem is…



Not Just Long Time Part 2

Link to Video:

Video Audio


They are not damaged, you are there as a support; that is the responsibility of a parents. The problem is, nowadays the parents have started behaving like a business, ‘Eh you do this way, then I am there with you, if not, forget about me and my support'. It's more or less black-mailing. For that you don't need a father or a mother; for black-mailing your boss is enough, your boss will do that job! Why then the father or mother? Parents are expected to play the role of 'safety net' when the kids take the risks, when the kids try to do something extraordinary, something new, which you neither have a guts, nor have a brain to try.


No it's true! Many time… why you are a parent? because you are old enough; means, your blood is cool, your creativity is gone! Practically you are interested in just maintaining whatever is there, and retiring into the safety net or safe zone. Why are you putting this same thing on your child, who is trying to experiment various components of life? I have created a beautiful bouquet of life, life philosophy for myself. I tell you,'O modern youth, if you want to stop the nervous breakdown happening to you, understand, very intensely the nervous breakdown is happening to modern youth. If you want to avoid the nervous breakdown, which causes three D - Depression, Drug, Death, not only that, many other neurological disorders, even for a health reason, I tell you, give a big No to all these 'isms' = Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and all religions.


All religions, all economic beliefs, all social systems, just say No to it! Travel for one year to different parts of your country. If you are in India, you don't need to go around different parts of the world, different parts of country is enough. India is a miniature of the Cosmos. Every hundred kilometre you will have a different thought trend, way of living, dressing style, eating style, different religion. You have such a rich country. If you are from other parts of the world, travel to different countries. If you are from India, travel all over the India. Try to say No to the concept of money, taught by, taught to you by society. Try to say every concept… try to drop every concept taught to you by society - security, insecurity, love, compassion, whatever! Even the ideas about God, Guru, everything. Drop everything taught to you by society. Try to travel. I tell you, you will create a beautiful new life philosophy for yourself. That new life philosophy, which you create for yourself will be so strong, so solid, you will discover life! See, if this light is discovered by somebody, you don't need to re-work; it's a matter, dead matter. If somebody else discovers, you can use it. But, in life you cannot use somebody else's discovery. You need to discover! Only your discoveries will help in your life.


This is such a strong teaching. All these 'so- called' parents get shaken. They say, 'Ahhh, don't go to Nithyananda. Why? He will make you intelligent! Which is too much risk. World cannot handle too many intelligent people; because the more fools, you have more clerks, more I.T engineers, all that foolish things you do. I am not asking you to take those risks, that is like trying to live on your adrenalin. No! Lifestyle risks, risks in your thought process, risks in creating the philosophy of your life, risks in re-discovering your life.

So understand; youth should re-discover their life by taking various risks and new responsibilities and parents are expected to support, be a safe net, if not, at least don't be a hindrance,.

[06:06 - 09:46] Program promotion ads

Question: The next question is from Rachel from Australia who's asking, 'In my office there is a lot of gossip happening. I don't want to be a part of it, but if I don't participate, I feel like I won't be successful with my boss. What should I do ?'

Swamiji reads out the question: In my office there is a lot of gossip happening, I don't want to be part of it, but if I don't participate I feel like I won't be successful with my boss. What should I do? 'Rachel, immediately change your job! Even if you are successful with this boss, by becoming part of the gossip you will be a failure in the life. Don't do this compromising. If you compromise and become part of that gossip group you may be successful with your boss, but you will be a failure in your job, in your life. In your life itself you will be a failure. Better change the job.

This gossip in the workplace… One day the boss was telling the same joke and the whole team was laughing as usual. Only one person did not laugh. Boss asked 'What happened, you did not laugh for my joke?' He said 'No, I found another job'. That is exact situation you are in. Understand? If you have to do gossiping or becoming part of a gossip to be successful with your boss, I think your boss is not worthy of you; understand?


Make a clear decision, just because he has some money to pay you, he should not be boss for you. You should have little charisma also to add to your life. He can add only money to your life, he should not be your boss; he should have little charisma also to add to your life along with money. Only then he has a right to be boss for you. All the fellows who can pay salary to you, should not be a boss for you, then your life has nothing other than money?! No. You have a taste, you have a culture, you have a possibilities, you have options, you have your yes’s and you have your No’s in your life. So I tell you, if you are with a boss who can add only money to you, nothing else, I tell you, your life will become cheap, too cheap! Be with a boss who can add charisma to you, who can add many other dimension to you, who has something other than money, something more than money to add to you. If you have to become a part of a gossip team to be successful with your boss, I cannot understand! There are some Gurus who just need two, three people to go on, sit and talk whole day. Nothing else is required. You just sit and go on telling some stories and people have to sit and listen. If you have to become part of the gossip group to be successful with your boss, 😀 I think you are in wrong place.


I've a small clipping from Youtube, I'll show you how to stop the office gossip. [small video clip is played] 😅 I tell you, it's a very powerful technique to stop the office gossip. So I'll call this as a gossip kriya. 😂 Kriya for gossip problems. 🤣 We'll call it as Nithya Kriya for Stopping the Office Gossip.



Q: How do we build the consideration of social return into every conversation and every decision at every level in the organization? - Judie Smith, Paris

Swamiji: Judie Smith – look inside. What is social return? It is nothing but looking at the life with a larger picture. Understand, see if you build your house,you call it as selfishness. If you build the road, you call it as social return. But you don’t understand without the road, house is useless. So what is social return? Nothing but looking at life beyond 120 degrees. See 120 degree is the normal vision. If you look at the life 240 degree or 360 degree, that is social return. Nothing else. So don’t think social return is some great compassionate, sacrificing, serving, great selfless attitude. No. Relax. First thing, understand, thinking with the consideration of social return is intelligent way of thinking. It is intelligence - which makes you consider social return. It is not morality. It is not religious quality. It is not ethics. Nothing. It is just intelligence. Learn to look at every contribution of your life with the whole picture. For example, if you are a manager in a company, try to understand the whole responsibility of the company towards humanity. What this company is supposed to contribute to the humanity. Have the whole picture and fit yourself with it comfortably. Have this same attitude in every decision. Then, naturally whole company will have this same attitude towards the society, that’s it. Understand, consideration of social return is not some sacrifice, service or ethics. Why don’t you understand? It is just intelligence. Many times, you think consideration of social return is something like you do a big service, favour. No. Maybe you can use that word to market yourself. I call it corporate compassion. New word I am creating. What is the corporate compassion, you know? You shave his head, take his hair, sell that and don’t even give him little oil for the head and you say 'I shaved you, because only then dandruff will go from you! It's a treatment for dandruff.' And that poor fellow believes it. That is what I call corporate compassion. Please understand, consideration of social return – the very word shows you are also from the pattern of corporate compassion. No. Compassion should be very raw, pure, innocent. I tell you - raw, pure, innocent compassion is intelligence. When your compassion expresses in its pure, raw form innocently, it is tremendous intelligence.

What do you mean by saying the word, consideration of social return? No. The word seems to be like a big sacrifice. I tell you - looking at the larger picture and working, considering the social return is an intelligence decision, it is not compassion decision. Judie Smith, the whole organization needs to understand social consideration is intelligence decision. Please understand decision of your intelligence and not the decision of your heart. Because you think it is decision related to heart, you still have oscillation - No, no, should I do it? how much I should do it? How many rupees I should do it? how many lakhs I should spend? No. social consideration is the decision from intelligence, not decision from heart. The whole - how this whole. Each company is a whole which is supposed to fit into the hole of the whole. The whole has many holes. In each hole, each company as a whole should fit in. How as a whole you are going to fit with the whole. A boss is expected to feel how he should be knowing the whole purpose of the organization and the responsibility of the organization. Same way if the whole team understands the purpose of the organization and responsibility of the organization, that itself is enough. It is enough. Nothing else is required. Understand, the enthusiasm, energy and experience of larger vision, larger responsibility itself is enough to make you do the decisions based on consideration of social return. You don’t need to infuse compassion. Because, intelligence itself will make you do every conversation, every decision at every level with the consideration of social return. You don’t need to do anything separate.

Next question.

Q: Swamiji, I have started Ajapa Japa of Guru mantra. Should I continue to do the japa during satsang time also? – Indra, Portland

Swamiji: Indra, first thing - if you are not sleeping in the Satsang time, you can don’t need to do Ajapa japa. Only if you are feeling sleepy, getting distracted, not able to absorb the silence I am radiating in the morning Satsang. Everyday my morning satsangs are Upanishads – sitting with the master. Listen to the gaps I give between the words more attentively than the words I utter. Through the words I utter, I make your inner space silent; through the gaps I am giving, I make your inner space awakened. Through the words I make you silent, through my silence I make you awakened! Please understand- my silence awakens you, words silences you. My words are meant to create silence in your inner space. My presence is meant to awaken your inner space. So please understand- Satsang time is the time you absorb the presence intensely, beautifully. So try just sitting. Nothing else. Don’t do Ajapa Japa. Only if you are not able to sit, you are agitated for some reason, feeling sleepy, tired, then use ajapa japa as a technique to make you sit awake. I will not recommend ajapa japa during the satsang. During the satsang, sit imbibing this timeless space, allowing the Upanishad to happen, allowing these great spiritual experiences to go in.

Understand, remember this one truth for today. I speak to bring silence to you, I am silent between the words to awaken you! My silence awakens you. My words silences you. Remember this one truth. Put more energy and more attention to catch the gaps between my words. Catching the silence between the words - let that be your 1st priority. Let that become your 1st priority. Then, naturally words also will go inside. That is okay. But let the catching the silence become your 1st priority. So, during the morning satsang, no need for ajapa japa. In the 108 unclutching definitions, I have given a clear definition: when your consciousness repeats itself continuously without interruption, the ajapa japa of your consciousness is unclutching!

In the morning satsang, let that unclutching, the Upanishad happen. In the day time, in the other time, when you are in your regular activities, those moments, use for ajapa japa. Let you then always be in ajapa japa. Let the morning satsang time be just imbibing the eternal silence in you.

Q: My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them? Is it even possible? - Siddarth, Bangalore.

Swamiji: Siddharth, if you want my honest answer, the parents need to understand kids should take the risks in their life. Parents are expected to be a safety net when the kids take the risk, not the stopping nuts. A real father or mother should not be continuously a stopping nut - 'don’t do', 'don’t do', 'don’t do', 'don’t do'. This song of don’t do, don’t do. Come on, if you are a parent, if you feel you child is taking a risk, your son or daughter is doing something on their own in their career choice or anything related to their life’s decisions – many time about job, marriage, love affair, so many things. Don’t constantly sing this song of don’t do. I tell you, when you are not letting your child to take some risks in their career, you are completely destroying the self confidence and understanding and responsibility of that child. Your son or daughter, their way of responding is always taking responsibility. See when a child grows, it'll try to taste everything. Anything it sees.

I remember very clearly, when I was growing up. It is a village house where I was born and brought up. They will paint that village lime. I still remember, I'll apply that lime as vibhooti in the morning and put little in the mouth and taste. It will be very tasty. Child tries to taste everything. That is the way it starts growing. You give a toy- it will put in the mouth. That is the way it knows how to feel it. Same way when you grow up, you try to experiment with things. When the parents start singing the 'don’t do' song, the possibilities of the children is completely destroyed. One thing I neither heard in my life, nor ready to listen in my life is 'don’t do'. I neither heard from my parents, nor ready to listen. This 'don’t do' - parents need to understand, you need to give a space for your kids to experiment, to play with life. If you really have concern, be a safety net, take care even if they fall, they are not damaged, you are there as a support. That is the responsibility of parents. The problem is, nowadays the parents have started behaving like a business - If you do this way, then I am there with you, if not, forget about me and my support. It is more or less blackmailing. For that you don’t need a father or mother. For blackmailing, your boss is enough. Your boss will do that job. Why then the father or mother? Parents are expected to play the role of safety net when the kids take the risks, when the kids try to do something extraordinary, something new which you neither have the guts nor have a brain to try. No, it is true. Many times. Why you are a parent? Because you are old enough, means your blood is cool, your creativity is gone, practically you are interested in just maintaining whatever is there and retiring into the safety net or safe zone. Why are you putting this same thing on your child who is trying to experiment various components of life, various experiments of life? I have created a beautiful bouquet of life, life philosophy for myself.

I tell you - O modern youth, if you want to stop the nervous breakdown happening in you, understand, very intensely the nervous breakdown is happening to modern youth. If you want to avoid the nervous breakdown, which causes 3"D" – depression, drug, death, not only that, many other neurological disorders, even for health reasons, I tell you, give a big 'No' to all these “isms” - capitalism, communism, socialism and all religions, all economic beliefs, all social systems. Just say no to it. Travel for one year to different parts of your country. If you are in India, you don’t need to go around different parts of the world. Different parts of the country is enough. Indian is a miniature of the cosmos. Every 100 km you will have a different thought trend, way of living, dressing style, eating style, different religion. You have such a rich country. If you are from other parts of the world, travel to different countries. If you are from India, travel all over India. Try to say 'No' to the concept of money taught to you by society. Try to drop every concept taught to you by society - security, insecurity, love compassion, whatever, even the ideas about God, Guru, everything. Drop everything taught to you by society. Try to travel. I tell you, you will create a beautiful new life philosophy for yourself. That new life philosophy which you create for yourself will be so strong, so solid. You will discover life.

See, if this light is discovered by somebody, you don’t need to re-work. It is matter, dead matter. If somebody else discovers, you can use it. But, in life you cannot use somebody else’s discovery. You need to discover. Only your discoveries will help in your life. This is such a strong teaching. All these so called parents get shaken. They say 'don’t go to Nithyananda'. Why? - he will make you intelligent, which is too much risk. World cannot handle too many intelligent people. Because, the more fools, you have more clerks, more IT engineers.

All that foolish things you do. I am not asking you to take those risks, that is like trying to live on your adrenaline. No. Lifestyle risks – risks in your thought process, risks in creating the philosophy of your life, risks in rediscovering your life. So understand, youth should rediscover their life by taking various risks and new responsibilities, and parents are expected to support, be a safe net, if not, at least don’t be a hindrance.

Next question.

Q: In my office there is a lot of gossip happening. I don’t want to be a part of it. But, if I don’t participate I feel like I won’t be successful with my boss. What should I do? -Rachel, australia

Swamiji: Rachel, immediately change your job. Even if you are successful with this boss by becoming part of the gossip, you will be a failure in the life. Don’t do this compromising. If you compromise and become part of that gossip group, you may be successful with your boss, but you will be a failure in your life. In your life itself, you will be a failure. Better change the job. This gossip in the work place..

One day the boss was telling the same joke and the whole team was laughing as usual. Only one person did not laugh. Boss asked 'what happened? you did not laugh for my joke?' He said 'no, I found another job'.

That is the exact situation you are in. Understand, if you have to do gossiping or becoming part of a gossip to be successful with your boss, I think your boss is not worthy of you. Understand, make a clear decision. Just because he has some money to pay you, he should not be boss for you. He should have little charisma also to add to your life. He can add only money to your life, he should not be your boss. He should have little charisma also to add to your life along with money. Only then he has the right to be boss for you. All the fellows who can pay salary to you should not be boss for you. Then your life has nothing other than money? No. you have a taste, you have a culture, you have possibilities, you have options, you have your 'yes-es' and you have your 'no-s' in your life. So I tell you, if you are with a boss who can add only money to you, nothing else, I tell you, your life will become cheap, too cheap. Be with a boss who can add charisma to you. Who can add many other dimension to you. Who has something other than money, something more than money to add to you. If you have to become a part of a gossip team to be successful with your boss, I cannot understand. There are some Gurus who just need 2-3 people go on sit and talk whole day. Nothing else is required. They just sit and go on telling some stories. And people have to sit and listen. If you have to become part of the gossip group to be successful with your boss I think you are in wrong place. I have a small clipping from youtube, I will show you - 'how to stop the office gossip'.

<Short video clip is played on screen>

I tell you it is a very powerful technique to stop the office gossip, so I call this as 'gossip Kriya'. Nithya kriya for gossip problems. We will call it as Nithya Kriya for stopping the office gossip!

Spot Notes: Sunday, 8 April 2012

“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaracharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 638 places through eNtv, 28 places 2 way Nayana Deeksha, in 170 cities, 22 countries!

Today I formally inaugurate the Madhurai Aadinam new center! New center which is created in Madhurai. Let it grow into a huge Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam J

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Nayana Deeksha - San Jose Madhurai, Singapore Singapuram, Malaysia Palani, Phoenix Kanchipuram, Seattle Chidambaram, Los Angeles Arunachala, Toronto Kailasam, Ohio Prayag, Atlanta Ujjayini, Abu Halifa Kuwait, Rewa, Oman Siva Gangai, Austin, Klang Malaysia, Oklahoma Somanatham, Newzealand Adi Arunachalam - They have received our Nithyanandeshwara Nithyanandeshwari deities. Blessings to Newzealand. Now they will radiate their own energy and build a huge temple there. Arizona, Vancouver puri, Charlotte Srisailam, Houston, St Louis, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Paris Kalighat, Hyderabad City Center.

I will give Hyderabad a spiritual name. We will rename Hyderabad as Bhagyanagara. From now onwards Hyderabad will have a spiritual name – Hyderabad Bhagyanagara.

Today Newgen webinar at 7 pm Indian Standard time. As I announced earlier black T shirt and black jeans is uniform for newgen. All the youngsters who are going to be part of newgen get ready with black jeans, black t shirt and tiger skin belt.

Nobody can dress like Muktananda and Paramaatmika. Mukta dresses much better than me J

I also have another good news for all of you. 108 Nithya Kriyas for curing different disorder are already uploaded in the website free. Powerful, very powerful precise Kriyas for many disorders like like diabetes, obesity and many other disorders. All the 108 Kriyas are already uploaded in the website. I also blessed all these Kriyas. They will not only work as Yogic pranayama process, they will work as my personal agents and heal people! I infuse energy into this whole kriya, they will work as my personal agents. Thanks to Ma Arpana and her team Singapore which took up this project. See the 2012 Nithyananda project team have taken up this work and they have successfully completed. And I also wanted to tell you guys all the people who get healed by doing any of these Kriyas for any problem, all the punya, all the merit will go to this team. They will get all this punya. See for continuously I don’t know how many millions of people will get healed for ages thousands are going to get cured through this Kriya for ages because this is going to be on our website freely available forever. For ages thousands are going to get cured through this Kriyas. All the punya this is like a punya bank. It is going to continuously automatically come. You don’t need to do anything. You just do once and like regular punya income J blessings to the whole team. The whole team will receive the punya. All the punya will go to you guys. I am very happy. It is the first project the 2012 team has completed. I am so happy about this whole team and the project they have completed. Blessings to the whole team! Great! Whoever worked intensely they will have more punya. Based on whatever they contributed that much amount of punya will automatically go to them. So it is a automatic system. It will automatically go to them. My blessings to the whole team, whole group. I am very happy that all the 108 Kriyas are very beautifully uploaded. Only thing I wanted the page to be added with more photographs and more visuals. Otherwise anybody can now directly start using. It is already there. I wanted the page background to be a beautiful background. Now it is more black and white. Like Government schools …like how the village medicines will be packed. It is like that. There should be little better packaging, better designing. That’s all need to be done. Anyhow it is available for people to practice. That itself is a great thing. Blessings!

Blessings to Slovakia. Slovakia has completed 21 days peace meditation today in their head quarters in the town called Poprad. Let the whole Slovakia have peace and bliss. Blessings to the whole Slovakia! eNtv is now on twitter with a new name twitter.com/Nithyananda TV! J

On April 14th I am renaming eNtv as Nithyananda TV and we are also working in an expanded way and expanded scopes of Nithyananda TV. Blessings!

Now I am able to see Studio city California. I welcome Studio city California. Blessings! Ma Dhyanatma’s birthday today. Blessings ma! With all the auspicious things you will be with me, I will be with you. Blessings!

Let us start today’s Satsang. Start the questions.

1) How do we build the consideration of social return into every conversation and every decision at every level in the organization? - Judie Smith, Paris

{Corporate Concept}

Judie Smith – look inside. What is social return? It is nothing but looking at life with larger picture. See if you build your house it is called as selfishness if you build the road it is called as social return. But you don’t understand without road house is useless. So what is social return? Nothing but looking at life beyond 120 degrees. See 120 degree is the normal vision. If you look at the life 240 degree or 360 degree that is social return. Nothing else. So don’t think social return is some great compassionate sacrificing, serving, great selfless attitude. No relax. First understand, thinking with the consideration of social return is intelligent way of thinking. It is intelligence which makes you consider social return. It is not morality, it is not religious quality, it is not ethics. Nothing. It is just intelligence. Learn to look at every contribution of your life with the whole picture. For example, if you are a manager of your company, try to understand the whole responsibility of the company towards humanity. What this company has to contribute to the humanity. Have the whole picture and fit yourself into it comfortably. Have this attitude in every decision. Then naturally whole company will have this same attitude towards the society, that’s it. Understand consideration of social return is not some sacrifice, service or ethics. Why don’t you understand? It is just intelligence. Many times you think consideration of social return is you do something like a big servicer, favour. No. Maybe you can use that word to market yourself. I call it corporate compasison. New word I am creating. What is the corporate compassion you know? You shave his head, take his hair, sell that and don’t even give him little oil for his head and say I shave d you because only then the dandruff will go! The treatment for dandruff. And that poor fellow believes it. That is what I call as corporate compassion. Please understand, consideration of social return – the very word shows you are also from the pattern of corporate compassion. No. Compassion should be very raw, pure, innocent. I tell you raw pure innocent compassion is intelligence. When your compassion expresses in it pure raw form innocently it is tremendous intelligence. Consideration of social return the word seems to be like a big sacrifice. I tell you looking at the larger picture and working, considering the social return is a intelligence decision, it is not compassion decision. Judie Smith, your whole organization needs to understand social consideration is intelligence decision. Please understand decision of your intelligence and not of your heart. Because you think it is decision of your heart, you still have oscillation you think how much should I do, how many lakhs I should spend. No. social consideration is the decision from intelligence, not decision from heart. The whole - how this whole. Each company is a whole which is supposed to fit into the hole of the whole. The whole has many holes. In each hole, each company as a whole should fit in. How as a whole you are going to fit with the whole. A boss is expected to feel how he should be knowing the whole purpose of the organization and the responsibility of the organization. Same way if the whole team understands the purpose of the organization and responsibility of the organization that itself is enough. Nothing else is required. The enthusiasm, energy and experience of larger vision, larger responsibility itself is enough to make you do the decisions based on consideration of social return. You don’t need to infuse compassion. Because especially when corporate companies show compassion, I tell you it is so ugly. It takes away even the basic respect of people who receive the help. I have seen the corporate compassion many times the basic dignity of the recipient is lost in their bull dozing compassion. Many time in the name of service and compassion, it is more like a marketing gimmicks. I tell you understand your responsibility with larger perspective. That’s it. Intelligence itself will make you do every conversation, every decision at every level with the consideration of social return. You don’t need to do anything separate.

Next question.

2) Swamiji, I have started Ajapa Japa of Guru mantra. Should I continue to do the japa during satsang time also? – Indra, Portland

Indra first thing if you are not sleeping during Satsang time, you can don’t need to do Ajapa japa. Only if you are feeling sleepy, getting distracted, not able to absorb the silence I am radiating in the morning Satsang. Please understand, my morning satsangs are not to give you some knowledge or ideas or thoughts. No. Every day my morning satsangs are Upanishads – sitting with the master. Listen to the gaps I give between the words more attentively than the words I utter. Through the words I utter, I make your inner space silent, through the gaps I am giving, I make your inner space awakened. Through the words I make you silent, through my silence I make you awakened! Please understand my silence awakens you, words silences you. My words are meant to create silence in your inner space. My presence is meant to awaken your inner space. So please understand Satsang time is the time you absorb the presence beautifully, intensely. So try just sitting. Nothing else. Don’t do Ajapa Japa. Only if you are agitated, not able to sit, feeling sleepy, you are tired, then use ajapa japa as a technique to make you sit awake. That’s all. Otherwise I will not recommend ajapa japa during satsang. During satsang sit imbibing this timeless space, allowing the Upanishad to happen, allowing this great spiritual experiences to go in.

Understand, remember this one truth for today. I speak to bring silence to you, I am silent between the words to awaken you! My silence awakens you. My words silences you. Remember this one truth. Put more energy and more attention to catch the silence, gap between the words. Catching the silence between the words let that be your 1st priority. Let that become your 1st priority. Naturally words also will go inside. That is okay. But let catching the silence become your 1st priority. So during the morn satsang, no need for ajapa japa. In the 108 unclutching definitions I have given a clear definition when your consciousness repeats itself continuously without interruption the ajapa japa of your consciousness is unclutching! In the morning satsang, let that unclutching the Upanishad happen. In the day time, in the other time when you are in your regular activities, those moments use for ajapa japa. Let you then always be in ajapa japa. So let the morn sat time be just imbibing the eternal silence in you.

3) My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them? Is it even possible? - Siddarth, Bangalore.

Siddharth, if you want my honest answer the parents need to understand kids should take the risks in their life. Parents are expected to be a safety net when the kids take the risk not the stopping nuts. A real father or mother should not be continuously a stopping nut - don’t do, don’t do, don’t do. This song of don’t do, don’t do. Come on, if you are a parent, if you feel you child is taking a risk your son or daughter is doing something on their own in t heir career choice or anything related to their life’s decision – many time about job, marriage, love affair, so many things. Don’t constantly sing this song of don’t do. I tell you when you are not letting your child to take some risks in their career, you are completely destroying the self confidence and understanding and responsibility of that child. Your son or daughter their way of responding is always taking responsibility. See when a child grows, it will try to taste everything. Anything it sees.

{Biography concept}

I remember very clearly when I grew up. It is a village house where I was born and brought up. They will paint that village lime. I still remember I will apply that lime as vibhooti in the morning and put little in the mouth and taste it. It will be very tasty J It used to be very tasty! Child tries to taste everything. That is the way it starts growing. You give a toy it will put in the mouth. That is the way it knows how to feel it. Same way when you grow up you experiment with things. When parents do the don’t do song, the possibilities of the children is completely destroyed. One thing I neither heard nor ready to listen in my life is this one thing - don’t do from my parents . I neither heard nor ready to listen. This don’t do parents need to understand you need to give a space for your kids to experiment, to play with life. If you really have concern, be a safety net, take care even if they fall they are not damaged, you are there as a support. That is the responsibility of parents. The problem is now a days parents have started behaving like a business. If you do this way I will support you, if not forget about me and my support. It is more or less blackmailing. For that you don’t need a father or mother. For blackmailing boss is enough. Your boss will do that job. Why then father or mother? Parents are expected to play the role of safety net when the kids take the risk, when the kids try to do something extraordinary something new which you neither have the guts nor have the brain to try. No it is true. Many time. Why you are a parent? Because you are old enough because your blood is cool, your creativity is gone, practically you are interested in retaining whatever is there and retiring into the safety net or safe zone. Why are you putting this same thing on your child who is trying to experiment various components of life? Various experiments of life? Actually recently I stopped speaking about this Parivraajaka. Because the parents are not able to tolerate. Tonight in the webinar I am going to talk. All youth rebel against society. Just one year go around. Learn to say no to everything of society - the society’s idea of money, capitalism, communism whatever society taught, forced into your throat, just say no to everything. Go around for a year seeing various life styles, people, patterns, in this one year you will pick up the best things from many traditions, many thought process. Just have a beautiful flower bouquet of life philosophy prepared by yourself from thousands of gardens. I tell you I prepared a beautiful garland for myself from thousands of gardens. That is why nothing can touch me. I have 200 channels inside me enriching and entertaining me. So much of richness inside. I have created a beautiful bouquet of life philosophy of life.

I tell you oh modern youth, if you want to stop the nervous break down happening in you, if you want to avoid it, which causes 3D – depression, drug, death not only that many other neurological disorders, even for health reasons give a big no to all these “isms” - capitalism, socialism, communism and all religions, all economic beliefs, all social systems. Just say no to it. Travel for one year to different parts of your country. If you are in India you don’t need to go to different parts of the world. Different parts of the country is enough. Indian is a miniature of the cosmos. Every 100 km you will have a different thought trend, way of living, dressing style, eating style, different religion. You are such a rich country. If you are from other parts of the world, travel to different countires. If you are from India, travel to other parts of India. Try to say no to the concept of money taught by society. Try to drop every concept taught to you by society - security, insecurity, love compassion, whatever even the ideas of God, Guru, everything. Drop everything taught to you by society. Try to travel. I tell you you will create a beautiful new life philosophy for yourself. That new life philosophy which you create for yourself will be so strong, so solid. You will discover life. Religion is only for people who discovered it for themselves. Life also is for people who discovered it for themselves.

Only with science you don’t need to rediscover everything. See if this light is discovered by somebody you don’t need to re work. It is matter, just dead matter. If somebody else discovers you can use it. But in life you cannot use somebody else’s discovery. You need to discover. Only your discoveries will help you in your life. This is such a strong teaching. All these so called parents get shaken. They say don’t go to Nithyananda why he will make you intelligent. This is too much. World cannot handle intelligent people. Because the more fools, more clerks, more IT engineers, only then you will have gates where all bill is coming - Bill gates J

I really wanted the next generation to take as many risks as possible especially when you design your career. When you say risk I am not saying jump from 3rd floor. In name of bungee jumping, monkey jumping.t hat is like trying to live on your Adrenaline. No. I am speaking about life risks – risk of your thought process, risks of creating and rediscovering your life. So understand youth should rediscover their life by taking various risks and new responsibilities. Parents are expected to support, be a safe net if not at least don’t be a hindrance.

Next question.

4) In my office there is a lot of gossip happening I don’t want to be a part of it but if I don’t participate I feel like I won’t be successful with my boss. What should I do?

- Rachel, australia

Rachel, immediately change your job. Even if you are successful with this boss by becoming part of the gossip you will be a failure in the life. Don’t do this compromising. If you compromise and become part of that gossip group, you may be successful with your boss but you will be failure in your life. In your life itself you will be a failure. Better change the job. This gossip in the work place God! I tell you.

One day the boss was telling the same joke and the whole team was laughing as usual. Only one person did not laugh. Boss asked what happened you did not laugh for my joke? He said no, I found another job J

No that is what is, that is the exact situation you are in. Understand if you have to do gossiping or becoming part of a gossip to be successful with your boss, I think your boss is not worthy of you. Understand, make a clear decision. Just because he has some money to pay you, he should not be a boss for you. You should have little charisma also to add to your life. He can add only money to your life, he should not be your boss. He should have charisma also to add to your life along with money. Only then he has the right to be boss for you. All the fellows who can pay salary to you should not be boss for you. Then your life has nothing other than money. No. you have a taste, you have a culture, you have a possibilities, you have options, you have your yes-es and you have your no-s in your life. So I tell you if you have a boss who can add only money to your life, nothing else, I tell you your life will become cheap, too cheap. Be with a boss who can add charisma to you. Who can add many other dimension to you. Who has something other than money, something more than money to add to you. If you have to become a part of a gossip team to be successful with your boss, I cannot understand. There are some Gurus who just need 2-3 people to sit and go on talk whole day. Nothing else is required. They just sit and go on telling some stories. And people have to sit and listen. If you have to become part of the gossip group to be successful with your boss I think you are in wrong place. I have a small clipping from youtube, I will show you how to stop the office gossip. A very beautiful technique to stop the office gossip is there, please see the clip

<Short video clip is played on screen>

I tell you it is a very powerful technique to stop the gossip, it is called the gossip Kriya. Nithya kriya for gossip problems. Only requirement for this kriya is you need a strong person to practice this kriya J we will call it as Nithya Kriya for stopping the office gossip. You go to practice your kriya J

Today I will stop this and we will go to next segment Dial the Avatar and from the next Sunday I will start the Kriyas again. As I am little busy with the 2012 project, I am yet to develop further kriyas. But by next week Saturday, Sunday I will be giving you the Kriyas.

Next segment of the morning Satsang – Dial the Avatar.

Tell them to watch my discourses they will find solution for any problem they have. Every person ….and this 20 minutes Maha mantra that is the best thing to do. Blessings to the whole St.Louis sangha. Soon you will have sangha happening beautifully and growing.

Today we will have a long day with the 2012 Nithyananda project team please be here. We will continue to have long sessions today. In the evening I welcome all the devotees and disciples and everybody for the new gen webinar today 7 pm IST be here with black dress only if you are young between 18 to 42. I upgraded from 40 to 42 just for Mokshapiryan. He requested J

Alright I will keep the lid as Mokshapriyan’s age. So every year it will keep getting added. God Muktananda is sending a message then I will never be in. if you keep him as …expecting you guys to be here in black dress as Aghoris. Today I will give all of you guys the aghori initiation. I bless you all who are

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 902 places through eNtv, in 28 places through 2 way Video conferencing, in 225 cities, countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


Be SAFETY NET, not STOPPING NUT when Kids take risks! (8 Apr 2012 Nithyananda Peetam, Bengaluru)


Advice to Parents - Be the Safety Net when your Kids take risks, not the Stopping Nut

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Q: My parents disapprove of my career choice. How can I do what I want but also keep a happy relationship with them. Is it even possible? Swamiji: If you want My honest answer, the parents need to understand kids should take the risks in their life. Parents are expected to be a safety net when the kids take the risk, not the stopping nuts. A real father or mother should not be continuously a stopping nut. Don't do, don't do, don't do, don’t do, this song of don't do, don't do. Come on, if you are a parent, if you feel your child is taking a risk, your son or daughter is doing something on their own in their career choice or anything related to a life decisions, many time about job, marriage, love affair, so many things, don't constantly sing this song of don't do. I tell you, when you are not letting your child to take some risks in their career, you are completely destroying the self confidence and understanding and responsibility of the child. Your son or daughter, their way of expanding is always taking responsibility.


See, when a child grows, it will try to taste everything, anything it sees. I remember very clearly, when I was growing up…. It is a village house where I was born and brought up, they will paint that village lime. I still remember I will apply that lime as vibhuti in the morning and put little in the mouth and taste. It will be very tasty. It used to be very tasty. Child tries to taste everything. That is the way it starts growing. If you give a toy, it will put it in the mouth. That is the way it knows how to feel it. Same way, when you grow up, you try to experiment with things. When the parents start singing the don't do song, the possibilities of the children is completely destroyed. One thing I neither heard in My life nor ready to listen in My life is don't do. I neither heard from My parents nor ready to listen. Parents need to understand, you need to give a space for your kids to experiment, to play with life. If you really have concern, be a safety net. Take care even if they fall they are not damaged. You are there as a support. That is the responsibility of parents.


The problem is, now-a-days the parents have started behaving like a business. “Hey, you do this way. Then I am there with you. If not, forget about me and my support.” It is more or less blackmailing. For that you don't need a father or mother. For blackmailing, your boss is enough. Your boss will do that job. Why then the father or mother? Parents are expected to play the role of safety net when the kids take the risks, when the kids try to do something extraordinary, something new which you neither have a guts nor have a brain to try. No, it is true many time. Why you are a parent? Because you are old enough. Your creativity is gone. Practically you are interested in just maintaining whatever is there and retiring into the safety net or safe zone. Why are you putting this same thing on your child who is trying to experiment various components of life, various experiments of life?


All the youngsters, youth, take up one year. Just go round, wander. Learn to say no to everything of society. The society's idea of money, society's idea of stability, society's idea of capitalism, communism, whatever society has taught, forced into your throat. Say no to everything. Just go round one year seeing different cultures, lifestyles, way of living, way of thinking, people, behaviors, patterns. In that one year you will pick up the best things from many traditions, many thinking patterns, many thought process.


Just have a beautiful flower bouquet of life philosophy prepared by yourself from thousands of gardens. I tell you, I prepared a beautiful garland for Myself from thousands of gardens. That is why I have so much of inner richness. Nothing which happens in the outer world can touch Me because I have two hundred channels inside. Any problem I will just put on each channel and watch. I have two hundred channels inside Me enriching and entertaining Me. So much of richness inside, I have created a beautiful bouquet of life, life philosophy for Myself.


I tell you, O modern youth, if you want to stop the nervous breakdown happening to you, understand, very intensely the nervous breakdown is happening to modern youth. If you want to avoid the nervous breakdown which causes 3D: depression, drug, death. Not only that, many other neurological disorders. Even for health reason, I tell you, give a big NO to all these isms: Capitalism, communism, socialism and all religions. All religions, all economic beliefs, all social systems, just say no to it. Travel for one year to different parts of your country. If you are in India, you don't need to go around different parts of the world, different parts of country is enough. India is a miniature of the Cosmos. Every hundred kilometer, you will have a different thought trend, way of living, dressing style, eating style, different religion…. You have such a rich country.


If you are from other parts of the world, travel to different countries. If you are from India, travel all over the India. Try to say no to the concept of money taught to you by society. Try to say every concept. Try to drop every concept taught to you by society. Security, insecurity, love, compassion, whatever. Even the ideas about God, Guru, everything. Drop everything taught to you by society. Try to travel. I tell you, you will create a beautiful new life philosophy for yourself. That new life philosophy which you create for yourself will be so strong, so solid, you will discover life. Religion is only for the people who discovered it by themself. Life is only for the people who discovered it for themselves.


Only with science you don't need to re-discover everything. See, if this light is discovered by somebody, you don't need to rework. It is a matter, dead matter. If somebody else discovers you can use it but in life, you cannot use somebody else's discovery. You need to discover. Only your discoveries will help in your life. This is such a strong teaching, all these so-called parents get shaken…. They say, “Ah! Don't go to Nithyananda.” Why? He will make you intelligent which is too much risk. World cannot handle too many intelligent people, because the more fools, you have more clerks, more IT engineers. Only then you can be a gate where all breeze is coming- Bill Gates.


I really wanted the next generation to take as many risks as possible especially when you design your career. You see, when you say risk I am not saying jump from the third floor. No. You do all that foolishness in the name of some bungee jumping, monkey jumping. All that foolish things you do. I am not asking you to take those risks. That is like trying to live on your adrenaline. No! Lifestyle risks. Risks in your thought process, risks in creating the philosophy of your life, risks in rediscovering your life. Youth should rediscover their life by taking various risks and new responsibilities and parents are expected to support, be a safe net. If not, at least don't be a hindrance.



Upanishad - Sitting with the Master (8 Apr 2012 Nithyananda Peetam, Bengaluru)


Upanishad - Sitting with the Master, where the Masters Words make you Silent, His Silence awakens you.

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I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Q: Swamiji, I have started the Ajapa japa of Gurumantra. Should I continue to do the Japa during the Satsang time also? Swamiji: If you are not sleeping in the satsang time, you don't need to do Ajapa japa. Only if you are feeling sleepy, getting distracted, not able to absorb the silence I am radiating in the morning satsang. Please understand, My morning satsangs are not to give you some knowledge or ideas or thoughts. No. Everyday My morning Satsangs are Upanishads, sitting with the master. Listen to the gaps I give between the words more attentively than the words I utter. Through the words I utter, I make your inner space silent. Through the gaps I am giving, I make your inner space awakened. Through the words I make you silent: through My silence I will make you awakened.


Please understand, My silence awakens you, words silences you. My words are meant to create silence in your inner space. My presence is meant to awaken your inner space. So please understand, satsang time is the time you absorb the presence intensely, beautifully. So try just sitting, nothing else. Don't do Ajapa japa. Only if you are not able to sit, you are agitated for some reason, you are sleepy, feeling sleepy, tired, then use Ajapa japa as a technique to make you sit awake, that's all. Otherwise I will not recommend Ajapa japa during the satsang. During the satsang, sit imbibing this timeless space allowing the upanishad to happen, allowing these great spiritual experiences to go in.


Understand, remember this one truth for today. I speak to bring silence to you. I am silent between the words to awaken you. My silence awakens you; My words silences you. Remember this one truth: put more energy and more attention to catch the gaps between My words. Catching the silence between the words, let that be your first priority. Let that become your first priority. Then naturally words also will go inside. That is okay but let the catching the silence become your first priority.


So during the morning satsang no need for Ajapa japa. In the 108 unclutching definitions, I have given a clear definition. When your consciousness repeats itself continuously without interruption the Ajapa japa of your consciousness is unclutching…. In the morning satsang let that unclutching, the Upanishad happen. In the daytime, in the other time when you are in your regular activities, those moments use for Ajapa japa. Let you always be in Ajapa japa. So let the morning satsang time be just imbibing the eternal silence in you.



Considering Social Return Is Simple Intelligence - Not Morality, Not Religious Quality, Not Ethics


Satsang Delivered on 8 April 2012 in Adi Kailasa Bidadi Adheenam.

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(0:43) Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām

I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Question How do we build the consideration of social return into every conversation and every decision at every level in the organization? Look inside. What is social return? It is nothing but looking at the life with a larger picture. Understand, you see, if you build your house you call it as selfishness. If you build the road you call it as social return but you don't understand, without the road, house is useless. So what is social return? Nothing but looking at the life beyond 120 degree. You see,120 degree is the normal vision. If you look at the life 240 degree or 360 degree, that is social return, nothing else. So, don't think social return is some great compassionate, sacrificing, serving, great selfless attitude. No, relax.


First thing understand, thinking with the consideration of social return is intelligent way of thinking. It is intelligence which makes you consider social return. It is not morality. It is not religious quality. It is not ethics, nothing. It is just intelligence. Learn to look every contribution of your life with the whole picture. For example, if you are a manager in a company, try to understand the whole responsibility of the company towards humanity. What this company is supposed to contribute to the humanity. Have the whole picture and fit yourself with it comfortably. Have this same attitude in every decision. Then naturally, whole company will have this same attitude towards the society. That's it.


Understand, consideration of social return is not some sacrifice, service or ethics. Why don't you understand? It is just intelligence. Many time you think consideration of social return is something like a you do a big service, favor. No, maybe you can use that word to market yourself. I call it corporate compassion. New word I am creating. What is the corporate compassion, you know? You shave his head, take his hair, sell that and don't even give him little oil for the head and you say, “I shave you because only then dandruff will go from you. It is a treatment for dandruff.” And that poor fellow believes it. That is what I call corporate compassion.


Please understand, consideration of social return, the very word shows you are also from the pattern of corporate compassion. No. Compassion should be very raw, pure, innocent. Raw, pure, innocent…. I tell you, raw, pure, innocent compassion is intelligence. When your compassion expresses in its pure, raw form innocently, it is tremendous intelligence. What do you mean by saying the word consideration of social return? No. The word seems to be like a big sacrifice. I tell you, looking at the larger picture and working considering the social return is a intelligence decision. It is not compassion decision. The whole organization, your whole organization need to understand social consideration is intelligence decision.


Please understand, decision of your intelligence, not the decision of your heart. Because you think it is decision related to heart, you still have oscillation. “No, no, should I do it or not do it? How much I should do it? How many rupee I should do it? How many lakh I should spend?” No…. Social consideration is the decision from intelligence, not decision from heart. The whole... how this whole… each company is a whole which is supposed to fit into the hole of the Whole. The Whole has many holes in each hole each company as a whole should fit in. How as a hole you are going to fit with the whole. A boss is expected to feel how he should be knowing the whole purpose of the organization and the responsibility of the organization. Same way, if the whole team understands the purpose of the organization and responsibility of the organization, that itself is enough. It is enough. Nothing else is required.


Understand, the enthusiasm, energy and experience of larger vision, larger responsibility itself is enough to make you do the decisions based on consideration of social return. You don't need to infuse compassion because especially when corporate company show the compassion, it is so ugly. I tell you, it is so ugly. It takes away even the basic respect for the people who receive the help. I have seen the corporate compassion many time. The basic dignity of the recipient is lost in their bulldozing compassion. Many time in the name of service and compassion, it is more marketing gimmicks. I tell you, understand your responsibility with a larger perspective. That's it. Intelligence itself will make you do every conversation, every decision at every level with the consideration of social return. You don't need to do anything separate.



The Internet Epidemic || Part 1 || Webinar || 08 April 2012


Name Of The Convention : Webinar
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 1
Date : 08 April 2012
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speak about how transformation is something we must embrace. His Divine Holiness explains that the Earth cannot handle such negativity, which mainly comes from the lifestyles that we are living. Swamiji goes on to say that the youth of today require direction, to avoid degeneration of the youth. We are told that the possibility to transform is always available, but we must be willing to approach it with the desire to transform.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, samajis, satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment 820 places through NTV, 36 places through Nayana Deeksha in two-way video conferencing. In 228 cities in 34 countries. Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing San Julian - France, Toronto - Kailasa, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Phoenix - Kanchipuram, Seattle - Chidambaram, Paris - Kalighat, New gen Aghoris in Malaysia - Parini, Ohio - Prayag, Dakota - Dunes, Milaga - Spain, am I right? And Mumbai, Mumbai, El Salvadore, Chennai, Chennai - Adyaayer and Madurai Adheenam, Bengaluru, Bengaluru - Malleshwaram, Dubai, London, Atlanta - Ujjaini, Charlotte - Sri Sailam, Singapur - Singapuram, New Jersey, Bengaluru - Marathahalli, Oklahoma - SOmanatham, Calgary - Amarnath, New Jersey - OmKareshwar, Tiruvannamalai - Arunachalam, Guadalupe - Rameshwaram, Singapur - Singapuram, Van Couver - Puri, Abu Halifa - quite, Clang - Malaysia, Chicago, Istanbul - Turkey, Singapore - Bhaktimaya, Oman - Siv Ganagai, and San Jose - Madurai. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Welcome to this New gen webinar and Aghori initiation…. New generation has to happen from next generation. Either by the spiritual transformation, next generation becomes new generation. Otherwise just by destroying ourselves, next generation is naturally going to be new generation. Understand, either you transform as a transformed individuals. Next gen should be new gen. If not, we are going to commit global suicide. So naturally next gen will be new gen. Understand, the collective negativity has reached it's peak. The Kali has riped. Now planet earth cannot stand anymore negativity. Negativity of the capitalism, negativity of the consumerism, Detroit lifestyle. When I say consumeristic society, I mean abusing the natural resources of the planet earth beyond limits, crossing the limits and abusing the natural resources of the planet earth, empowering individuals without giving them intelligence.


Planet earth is already filled with too much of negativity. Planet earth is overflowing with negativity. It is not possible for the planet earth to be alive any more with this same trend and the infrastructure to destroy the planet earth is created beyond limits. Just one mad fellow becoming president or prime minister or head of any one atomic power state is enough to finish off the future of the global, future of the globe, future of the humanity…. So next gen has to be new gen. No other way. If you are not going to transform spiritually and nullify the collective negativity, we are going to commit global suicide and next gen will be simply new gen. Somebody asked Einstein, “How will be the fourth world war?” He said, “If there is a fourth world war, it will be with stones; because third world war will finish the planet earth. Only next human civilization fourth world war can happen. That will naturally start with stones.”


Today specially I am going to address the negativity youth are facing…. Today I am specially going to address and give even a kriya to get out of the worst and dangerous epidemic humanity is facing today: degeneration of the youth. Youth… most unused resource on the planet earth is youth energy. Never ever planet earth was in this crisis. First time planet earth is facing this crisis. Majority of its population is youth - wild, violent. Please understand, always planet earth was in a position where more than 50% of its population was elders- matured, whose blood has become cool, stable. First time planet earth is in a position where majority of its population is youth.


Please understand, India, youngest country in the world. You need to understand My word. Not as per the history. As per the history this is the oldest country. That is different. Youngest means the huge population youth between 18 to 40. China, second youngest country, U.S. All these three country, more than their 50% of population is youth. It means practically half of the planet earth, more than half of the planet earth is youngsters, youth. Never ever planet earth faced this crisis. So much of power, the decision making power is handed over to youth. It is now youth who are going to decide to make or break the planet. This is the time you don't need to lift human beings. You need to lift youth. That is why this Incarnation happened in young body.


243 million individuals are between 10 to 19 in India. Please understand, 24 crore is just between 10 to19 and India's adolescents are 20% of the world's adolescents. World has 1.2 billion adolescents…. Anyhow understand, today I am going to address one of the major problems youth are facing. I just wanted to ask few questions. I wanted you all to answer these questions for yourselves, yourself. Are you spending several hours on the internet everyday either playing games, chatting with friends, browsing websites? Are you on the internet? When you are on the internet do you lose track of time? Do you find yourself forgetting about eating, drinking and other activities because you are so obsessed with the computer in front of you?


Please ask all these questions to yourself: Do you find yourself staying up all night on the computer? Do you get distracted from studies spending time with family and friends because you are constantly thinking and wanting to get on to the internet? Can you do without the computer or internet for a day without exhibiting any symptoms of withdrawal such as restlessness, irritation, boredom, anxiety and feeling low? If you answered yes to these questions inside you, then you are one among the millions of youth suffering today with online epidemic called online addictions.


Understand, I can repeat the questions once more. I wanted you to get the questions. I wanted you to understand the questions. Are you spending several hours on the internet everyday either playing games or chatting with friends, browsing websites? When you are on the internet do you lose track of time? Do you find yourself forgetting about eating, drinking and other activities because you are so obsessed with the computer in front of you? Do you find yourself staying up all night on the computer? Do you get distracted from studies spending time with family and friends because you are constantly thinking and wanting to get on to the internet? Can you do without computer or internet for a day without exhibiting any symptoms of withdrawal such as restlessness, irritation, boredom, anxiety and feeling low? If you answer, if you answer yes to these questions, then you are one among the millions of youth suffering today with online epidemic called online addictions.


If Ramakrishna was alive today, he would have said… see, when he was alive, he always used to insist, “Kamini, Kanchana tyaga” means renouncing the lust and gold. Renouncing the lust and gold is the only way for God. He will always say, “Let the Kamini, Kanchana tyaga happen. Peace will be on you.” I know for sure, if he is within the body now he will say, “Kamini, Kanchana, Computer tyaga.” He will amend his words. “Kamini, Kanchana, computer tyaga.”


Understand, these online addictions are becoming one of the major problems of the youth. I can define this online addiction. Uncontrollable and damaging obsession and use of internet technology which can deprive your health, relationships and fulfillment in life. Please understand, this is a very important definition. I can define the online addiction in My own way. Please understand, addicted to anything which is not being experienced by your senses directly. Please understand, even in the online you are not addicted to seeing. If you are addicted to seeing, then it is directly the senses. No, you are addicted to the emotional chaos which happens in you, the emotional roller coaster which happens in you by the fantasy of seeing. Please understand, seeing things in the internet and computer is not like seeing- seeing. It is not even the pleasure of your senses. No. It is not even pleasure of your senses. It is the pleasure of fantasies, pleasure of emotional tsunami, emotional roller coaster. psychological tsunami happening in you. That is why I say, addicted to anything other than the straight five sensory pleasures is what I call online addiction



The Internet Epidemic || Part 2 || Webinar || 08 April 2012


Name Of The Convention : Webinar
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 2
Date : 08 April 2012
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speak about the patterns of online addictions and computer usage amongst the youth. We learn that these patterns are deep-rooted engrams, and are common in many young people. Swamiji talks about ‘conscious transactions’ where every moment of joy, or every moment of suffering, has the ability to transform you entirely. However, when we only experience these moments on the internet, we become completely disconnected from reality.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Humanity has gone to the peaks of perversion. Now you don't even enjoy directly. See, even if you are with your senses, down to earth, physical, transforming you is always possible. The possibility is always available because our masters have created powerful methods, techniques, kriyas to transform you if you are addicted to something directly of five senses- eating, touch pleasure, seeing, listening, smelling. If you are directly addicted, at least you have a solution, possibility of transformation. I tell you, when you are directly using your senses to enjoy, when the senses retire, it gives you the maturity and you become ripe. You are now ready to relax into the restful awareness but when the perversion happens, human beings get into the space where curing, transformation, healing becomes almost impossible.


Cinema, visually presenting some concepts to you. Cinema brought one of the major problem to humanity: old age sexual perversion. Please understand, even when your senses are tired and retired, mind is not tired or retired. Mind is too active but body has lost the capacity. This is the main reason for the old age perversions. All the old age perversions happens just because of cinema and of course, cinema is soft pornography. From there, naturally hot pornography. Understand, if you stop with the natural growth, you take birth, you assume a human body, you get physically matured and you enjoy all the senses and pleasures and you grow, your body is tired and you retire. You will be out of the need for pleasure but humanity does not even know the meaning of the word natural growth anymore. It is almost like a matrix movie. The artificial intelligence which you created has taken over the humanity. The moment cinemas entered human life, visual presentation, the possibility of visual presentation has entered human life, the old age perversion became part of lifestyle.


I can tell you, now with the internet entering into human life, becoming part of the humanity, one of the worst perversion is happening. Not just old age perversion, youth perversion. I tell you, billions, please understand, I am not using the word millions, I am saying billions have become psychologically impotent. They are no more qualified, capable of living their life. They are no more capable of living their reality. They lost connection with the reality. Reality is no more part of their life. Just today I was reading a joke: One guy is sitting under a tree reading a book on how to play computer game about golf. See, playing golf, there is a computer game. I will show you the scene. Two guys are sitting under the tree and..... why don't you project that Ma? One guy is asking, “What did you bring to read?” The other guy is answering, “It is a book of tips for my new computer golf game.” So you are reading… the other guy is asking, “So you are reading a book about computer’s stimulation of an activity that is almost a sport?” That is about as close as you can get to being a non-organic life farm. And that guy is saying, ”This chapter is about driving the little cart.”


First thing, golf itself is a game for the old people where you don't move anything and that golf is coming in computer. Inside your screen you are going to play the whole golf. That is the second funniest thing. Third, you are not even playing. You are reading a book about playing. Human beings have almost become vegetables. Please understand, this is one of the biggest danger happening to humanity, especially to youth. You are moving away from reality. You may think, “Eh! Online addiction is such a simple problem. Why is Swamiji talking about this online addiction so much?” Please understand, it is not such a simple problem. It is a pattern deeply rooted in a big disorder, very big disorder…. Online addiction is an engram rooted in the deep disorder, disorder of not able to be alone.


Please understand, a recent study in Stanford University of School of Medicine says, one out of every eight persons means 12.5% is suffering from some form of internet addiction. 12.5% of the human population! I think even alcohol, people are not addicted to this many percentage. I don't think 12.5% of humanity is addicted to alcohol but 12.5% of humanity is addicted to internet. Degeneration of youth primarily is happening with various online addictions. Online addictions include obsession to watch pornography, obsession to spend several hours on the internet either playing games, socializing on the internet, includes indulging in sexual acts on the internet like chat sex. Psychologists are now claiming that online addictions have similar adverse effects as other more publicized addictions like drugs and alcohol.


Please understand, if you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, what all dangers you face in life, disturbances you face in life, you go through the same sufferings with online addiction also. The after effect of the online addictions is disastrous. Online addicts are left with no social life, no self confidence, lonely, shy, anxious, depressed. Their life is taken over by this addiction causing them to forego basic responsibilities. See, when somebody is addicted to online, even the basic responsibility like taking bath, eating, studying, playing, even these things disappear. One of the worst thing is that they get completely disconnected with other human beings, completely getting into a shell of their own leading to disastrous social, academic and behavioral problems. Unfortunately, internet becomes their one and only medium of socializing.


I can see how people, even both of them are sitting in the same room, they only send a message through chat or twitter, “I love you. I miss you.” Human beings forgot how to relate looking into the eyes. See, when you look into the eyes of somebody and say, “I love you,” you open up. You are inviting the person to enter you but with internet it is lot more easy. I tell you, every time when you look at somebody's eyes and say, “I love you,” it is a spiritual practice. For those few moments, whoever it may be, it may be your child, it may be your father, it may be your beloved, it may be your boyfriend, it may be your girlfriend. If you are looking into the eyes and saying, there is a conscious transaction. Every conscious transaction either by bringing joy or suffering transforms you.


Please understand, every conscious transaction either by bringing joy or suffering transforms you… But understand, when you are on the Twitter, “I love you, I miss you. You are the most handsome man in the planet earth. You are the beauty queen of the planet earth.” You can go on lying because you know for sure the other person cannot find out you are lying. I receive like this hundreds of tweets but I always ask them, “Thank you for the compliment but do you really mean what you say?” See, when you look into the others’ eyes and say, the other person will find out whether you are telling the truth or not but with internet you don't need to. Nobody will find.


Please understand, you completely get disconnected from the reality. That is the… one of the biggest problem. You don't know real love. You don't know real fear. You don't know real greed. You don't know real jealousy. I tell you, only the real fear can be transformed, real lust can be transformed, real jealousy can be transformed, real love can be transformed…. There is a beautiful incident from Ramana Maharshi's life. Ramana Maharshi was lying down on the couch. Somebody goes to Bhagwan and says, “Bhagwan, please give me little sacred ash.” Bhagwan says, “It is there in the cup. Please take it. It is there in a small coconut shell.” He says, “Please take it.” The devotee says, “No, no, no, no, Bhagwan has to give from his hand.” Ramana Maharshi says, “Eh! That hand and this hand, both are Bhagwan's only. Please take it.” Then the devotee is not ready to listen. He just gets that vibhuti, puts it at the feet of Bhagwan and takes it. Bhagwan laughs and says, “You are not touching the real Bhagwan by touching that feet. You are only touching the house of the Bhagwan.”


Understand, he says even while Bhagwan's feet was touched, he says, “Eh, you are not touching Bhagwan by this. You are only touching the house of the Bhagwan. Even touching the body he says is only a perverted understanding of touching you. If somebody touches your body and says they touched you, please understand, it is only perverted understanding. It is not straight touching. Now, one of the biggest addiction for the modern youth is kissing the homepage of your boyfriend or girlfriend. See the perversion from which limit going to which limit. Here is Bhagwan. Even if you touch his feet, he says you are touching only the house where I am living, not me…. but it is so unfortunate even our love has become so perverted. You lost the capacity of real love.


Internet became a place practically where you live and not only that, please understand, you build pseudo identities. That Facebook, internet farming, online farming. You buy eggs and that eggs hatch and that hens again lay eggs and that eggs hatch again. You go and feed them online. You practically live. I tell you, unless I go through this, I cannot find a solution for this. So I went through this whole thing. For last few days I was meditating on this and I downloaded many of the information. People who have online farming, within twenty days see their online farm in their dream. Please understand, I am giving you some of the important sacred secrets of online addiction. If you are having your own online farm or fishes, within twenty days, you see the effect of that in your dream. In your dream, you will wake up, “Oh! I have not fed my fishes online. I have not taken care of my hen online. I have not taken care of my online farm.” Within twenty days, you experience this.



The Internet Epidemic || Part 3 || Webinar || 08 April 2012


Name Of The Convention : Webinar
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 3
Date : 08 April 2012
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborate on the internet addiction that is common amongst the youth of today. His Divine Holiness explains just how the internet affects our daily lives, and questions where modern science is leading us. We explore the concept of ‘FOMO’ or ‘fear of missing out’, a common struggle within the youth of today, and how this can be compared to the antithesis from the Upanishads: the concept of Kaivalya, or being ‘established in aloneness’. Swamiji also introduces here the ‘Aghori Tapas’ – the way of life which brings self-centredness into yourself.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



Understand, anything enters your dream, enters your inner space, it is like if a snake bites you in the leg and poison does not get to your brain and the heart and lungs, you can be alive but the moment poison reaches your lungs or the heart and… or brain you are dead. Online addiction getting into your dreams level means poison is getting to your brain…. Really, literally you will live with dreaming inside the dream. See, this waking state itself is a one dream. In this waking state, you have one more dream called dream state. In the dream state, now you have one more dream called internet dream. Layers and layers and layers of perversion! Where is the solution? If there is one layer of perversion, you can come out of it but the perversion is going beyond layers and layers.


Please understand, layers and layers of perversion makes you old very quickly. The aging process happens very quickly. You become old very quickly. The amount of viewers spending their time and energy and money in pornography, unimaginable. It is not in millions, it is billions, billions. I don't want to give you the statistics. It is just sickening. I have the statistics. Because it is sickening I don't want to give because if I give the statistics, you will feel you are one in the billions and feel very comfortable about it. No. Only one very sickening thing is, average age of a person watching the porn online worldwide is eleven years. Please understand, average is eleven years. Then millions below eleven are watching. That is why average is eleven. How sickening it is! Where are we heading? 20% of men, 13% of women watch porn online while they are at work. Then what work is happening?


Above all this, one of the biggest concern I have is about FOMO addiction means fear of missing out. Modern youth is suffering with this biggest problem, fear of missing out. Fear of missing out the... “Oh, if I am not there, I will miss that. If I am not here I will miss this. If I am not there I will miss that, if I am not here I will miss this.” So try to be all over everywhere. Try to be in the internet, try to be in the twitter, try to be in the website, try to be in the social networking site, facebook. Don't miss anything. Fear of missing out. See, the fear of missing out is nothing but thickened version of attention need. Attention need going to it's peak is fear of missing out. This is one of the worst perversion, I tell you.


After the internet entered human life, I feel I had to review and revive, re-define all My meditation techniques. Now your Mooladhara is not just fantasy, I will have to add internet fantasies, one more layer. I have to develop a new Kriya. Your Swadhisthana, not just fears, internet related fears. I have to develop one more kriya. Your Manipuraka is not just ordinary worries. Your navel center is not related to just ordinary worries. Now it is suffering with internet related worries and your Vishuddhi is not just suffering with jealousy, internet related jealousy. I have thousand eggs and hen. Somebody else has two thousand eggs and hen. People feel empowered based on the online farming. You don't understand it is literally castle in the air. You have built castle in the air but you are so happy in living in it. Where modern science is leading you?


These guys have given you so many theories, philosophies saying there is no heaven, hell, kailash, vaikunth. Finally now they are giving you internet, facebook kailash. The facebook world. Kailash is much better than facebook world. See the human perversion! This fear of missing out is the worst fear, fear of aloneness. In upanishad, we have a very beautiful definition. Kaivalya means established in aloneness, completely happy in very aloneness. In your very aloneness, being joyful, no need for anything from outside world to excite you. You are there in joy, ecstasy. Missing that aloneness, the opposite extreme of kaivalya is fear of missing out, FOMO addiction. One extreme is kaivalya; another extreme is fear of missing out.


Addiction to the internet is bigger than TV. FOMO only, fear of missing out only leads you to buying something a bigger TV than your neighbor, vacation or anything. This facebook syndrome, facebook addiction disorder. When you look at all these modern day problems the youth is facing, the only solution is become Aghori…. Aghori tapas is the only way. You can conquer this modern day sufferings and addictions human beings go through. Aghori tapas means straight going against…. Continuously working on bringing self centredness in your system is Aghoratva. The definition of Aghoratva is bringing self centredness in you with strong, straight forward practices is Aghoratva.


I tell you, really humanity is suffering too much. Really humanity is suffering too much because of these modern day addictions, internet addictions especially youth, youngsters. I want the youth, youngsters to come out of these addictions. Please understand, these addictions directly affect your spiritual identity, your spiritual personality, your consciousness itself. It is not just affecting your social identity and your profession. It is affecting straight away your spiritual identity. Only awakening your spiritual identity can cure this addiction, get you out of these addictions. That is the reason I wanted the modern day youth to have the spiritual understanding and the spiritual transformation to get out of these modern day addictions. Now I will answer your questions and throw more light and method to be out of these addictions.



The Internet Epidemic || Part 4 || Webinar || 08 April 2012


Name Of The Convention : Webinar
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 4
Date : 08 April 2012
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answer a question from a delegate. In this question, many aspects of internet addiction and youth behaviour are brought to light, and Swamiji explains how best the issue is to be handled.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



Please read out the questions. Q: My teenage son does not believe in god and believes money makes the world go round. Capitalism that believing in selfishness prospers. He is a school dropout. Please guide me on showing him the right path and bless him to follow a conscious, blissful life. Some of his classmates are threatening parents with suicide and bunking classes to go to the hookah bars and boozing bars. It is a very frightening situation where our youth are heading as they believe only what they see and proud of their logic and overconfident of the knowledge from TV and internet and false achieving from winning computer games.


Swamiji: Let Me read the question: My teenage son does not believe in God and believes money makes the world go round. Capitalism that believing in selfishness prospers. Quoting U.S as an example school dropouts do well. Please guide me on showing him the right path and bless him to follow a conscious, blissful life. Please understand. Rita, it is not just your son. Like your son, millions of kids are suffering only in India, billions in the world. It is a crime of society. Irresponsible way of the way.... irresponsible way the society leads its next generation…. I just can't even understand the gravity of the situation. Let Me read the further question. The question says, “Some of his classmates are threatening parents with suicide and bunking classes to go to hookah bars and boozing. It is very frightening situation where our youth are heading as they believe only what they see and proud of their logic, overconfident of the knowledge of TV and internet, false achievement from winning computer games.” Understand, in computer games, whether you win or lose, you lose. If you win, your false confidence destroys your life. If you lose, your depression destroys your life.


Something basic has to change in the planet Earth. A huge conscious Tsunami has to happen. That is the only way humanity, the youngsters, the youth can be saved. Something like a ten thousand youth should become Aghoris and teach this great truth of spiritual transformation and Enlightenment to the world. That is the only way we can even take the right understanding to the humanity. I invite all of you who are sitting with us around the world in this webinar. Let all of you decide you will become Aghoris. Let us take the spiritual knowledge to the world. That is the only way to transform. I am telling you. To tell you honestly, for Rita I don't have solution. I can give solution but I don't know how much it will be practical. I will give you a straight solution. One year let your son live without internet and TV. Nothing wrong will happen. He will not lose anything. He doesn't need to catch up with what is going on in the world. He doesn't need to know the news. Relax! I tell you, one year, nothing else, let him be just without TV and internet in his life. You will see how steady and centered.


See, I am from a society where I heard when I was at the age of three-four and all, I heard the stories of great saints. See, I heard the story of Thirugnanasambandar, a great saint from Tamilnadu. The story says, at the age of three, he had the Mother’s…the Uma Devi, Cosmic Mother’s milk and achieved Enlightenment from the age of three. He has started singing all the secret sentiments. All the sacred sentiments he started expressing from the age of three. When I heard all these great stories of Thirugnanasambandar in My life, I was inspired, “Oh! I should become like Thirugnanasambandar. I should live the life of the Thirugnanasamander. How he was living, how great he is and Thirugnanasambandar became My vision, My goal, My ideal, My hero. But in the modern day when these youth see all these zero heroes, the cinema heroes, the so called celebrity heroes, the TV knowledge, the false internet achievement and the concepts of spiderman..... no, when you get all these concepts of spiderman as your heroes, you lose very basis of life.


See, now when I tell, tell your son and not to watch, not to spend time on internet and TV for one year, it looks like a tapas but I tell you, only after I started the organization I have started even using the internet means from the young age, My whole personality was stabilized, established in the self centered awareness. See, the internet has become such a big addiction. Let Me define, addiction means living outside your self remembrance, that's all. Constantly living in something without remembering your higher self or being reminded about the higher self. When we tell the youngsters Thirugnanasamander started singing about Shiva and that sacred sentiments at the age of three, they say, “Ah! These are all stories!” They may say but when you tell the stories of the Spiderman and Tom and Jerry, they feel as if it is true. I see really when I went to Universal Studio, I saw there the people dress up like those characters-Tom and jerry and Spiderman, Dracula, all these characters. Kids really believe they are those characters. They go near those characters and take photograph.


We moved too much away from the reality. We moved too much away from the truth. The modern day youngsters, modern day youth is really moving too much out of the reality. If you want to save your son, bring him to the one year course. Of course, we will give him yogic body, vedic mind, we will make him do yoga, we will make him meditate, we will do everything. Those things are secondary. We will get him out of addiction. That is the first thing. One young boy, I can't say young, maybe I can say neither a child nor youth, adolescent. One guy is insistent that he want to go to US. He is even going to decide whether I am his beloved Swami or unbeloved Swami based on My decision to send him to U.S or not. But I am very clear I am not going to send him. I will not recommend because if this guy goes there, his cousin brothers are there where he will learn all these video games and start looking at that lifestyle.


See, even looking at the Western lifestyle is a sin, forget about living, even looking can put unconscious seeds into you. But what to do? Now this modern day kids you can neither control nor give them the truth. It is just suffering, suffering, suffering. Let Me be very honest, if the newgen has to be evolved it is not going to happen with small tinkering, altering, repairing work. No, something from the very root has to change. That is why, I am going to the extreme of recommending the lifestyle of Aghoris means all the youngsters take up at least one year of wandering, living the Parivrajaka life, life of pilgrimage. Don't settle down anywhere, just travel, go to different places, different cultures, see different traditions, live with different people. Naturally when you don't settle down you will not have TV and internet. One year will really enrich you. If you are not able to do that, at least come here. Spend one year away from TV and internet.


Second, building the yogic body and vedic mind. Above all, serving others, contributing to others, making difference in others’ lives. I tell you, Aghori, the only antidote for internet addictions. Very boldly I invite the youth of modern day and I sincerely recommend living at least one year of Parivrajaka life. Parivrajaka life means pilgrimage life, wandering. If you are from India, wander all over India to experience different cultures, different way of life, thinking style, philosophies. You will be enriched. If you are from outside India, travel to different countries. At least one year of life of pilgrimage. If you can't take up that, at least come here. I have created a place where the same amount of enrichment will be done to you because you may be stable here sitting in one place. Thousands from different society and civilization come here. They will enrich you and go out.


Two option: Either you go to all those places, see, listen, talk, discuss and internalize and enrich yourself or just be here. They are all constantly coming here. Everything is happening here. This is the most happening spiritual city on planet Earth…. Nithyanandanagara. Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta is the most happening spiritual city on the planet Earth. Here you can see all types of people- tights, loosus, everything you can see. All types of people come here. All types of philosophies are brought here. All types of arguments happen here. All types of discussions happen here. All types of spiritual experiments are continuously happening here. So all of them will come. Actually all of them do parivrajaka to this place. So they all will enrich you…. Either you go to different places, see different culture, lifestyle, philosophies and enrich yourself or you come and be here. Different people, different culture, different philosophies, they all come here and enrich you.


I tell you, I have some of the best people and I have many mediocre, between both. I have some of the best seekers. Both will enrich you. Some will teach you what to do and some will teach you what not to do. I have all types of people. I have all types of brains. I have all types of seekers. Sometime I tell some people to be in silence for Enlightenment. Sometime I tell some people to be in silence because if they open the mouth, they will show, they will prove they are fools. If they don't open the mouth people may suspect he is a fool. If he opens, he will confirm he is a fool. So I put people into silence for various reasons. I have all types of people coming here. Some coming for Enlightenment, some coming for lightenment, some coming for tightenment…. They will all enrich you. They will all really enrich you.


Understand, either go for parivrajaka to enrich yourself or come here. Dhyanapeetam itself is a world. All types of minds and not only that, I constantly create so many ways, all types of roller coaster mood swings will happen in you. You will be up in the morning, down in the evening. All types of roller coaster experiences, emotional roller coaster experience happens in you…. Newgen, come to your breeding ground. Dhyanapeetam is your breeding ground. This is the place, place of new gen breeding ground, nursery of new gen, nursery of new consciousness. I welcome you all to experiment with the new consciousness at least for one year. Don't decide within one month. Don't decide within two months. It is too short time. Allow it to sync. At least give one year…. Give at least one year. Try it out. I tell you, it will never be a waste. This one year will be the best time of your life.



The Internet Epidemic || Part 5 || Webinar || 08 April 2012


Name Of The Convention : Webinar
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 5
Date : 08 April 2012
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we sees the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guide us through a few kriyas, or techniques that will clear confusion. We are guided through Nadi Shodhana, Trishula Kumbhaka and Trinetra Kumbhaka.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



It is time for Kriya. Understand, today you are going to have a kriya mainly to bring tremendous clarity into your system. I am going to nullify the hormonal effects in your body, remove the confusion and give clarity and emotional stability. Kriya to clear confusion, give clarity and emotional stability. Please spread all over the hall. Sit straight and sit either in padmasana or in vajrasana. Don't say I can't sit in padmasana or vajrasana. Then you are not in new gen. You are not young. Sit in padmasana or vajrasana. We will start the kriya, kriya for clearing the confusion, clarity and emotional stability.


Sit in padmasana. First step: Use both the hands. Inhale through left and exhale through right. Then inhale through right and exhale through left. Do this. It is called Nadi shodhana means cleaning the Nadis, basic nervous system and the energy circuit.


Please start. Use both the hands. Om. Inhale through left and exhale through right. Inhale through right and exhale through left and again Inhale through right, exhale through left. Let Me show you. (Swamiji demonstrates) Do this three minutes. Use both the hands separately. Don't lock the hands.


Next step. Please understand, next step is trishula kumbhaka. Trishula kumbhaka means inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then exhale as slowly as you can. Let Me show you. (Swamiji demonstrates) Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then slowly exhale as slowly as you can. Continue this for 7 minutes.


Continue this at least for 7 minutes

(06:59) to (07:48)



Now the next step. Trinetra kumbhaka. Let Me show you. (Swamiji demonstrates) Inhale through left. Hold as you can. Inhale through right. Hold as long as you can. Inhale through both nostrils and hold as long as you can. Then slowly exhale through the left. Six act: Inhaling through left, holding, inhaling through right, holding, inhaling through both and holding. After six act only you can exhale. Inhaling through right, one. Holding, two. Inhaling through left, one. Holding, two. Inhaling through both, one and holding, two. Six acts. Only then exhaling through left. Please start. Start. Inhale through left. Hold as long as you can. Then inhale through right and hold as long as you can. Inhale through both and hold as long as you can. Then exhale slowly.

(09:28) to (10:45)



Do it for seven minutes continuously.

(10:49) to (11:25)



Don’t sit quietly. Do it.

(11:28) to (12:21)




The Internet Epidemic || Part 6 || Webinar || 08 April 2012


Name Of The Convention : Webinar
Session on: The Internet Epidemic Part 6
Date : 08 April 2012
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam end the webinar by bestowing his grace and blessings on all attendees from all over the world! His Divine Holiness ends the webinar by reiterating part of His mission: to create a community for the new-gen to be able to flourish by learning to live at their highest potential!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


(0:14) to (0:29)



Let Ohio experience the intense presence and the Kundalini Awakening.

(0:36) to (01:08)



Let the whole Paris experience intense Kundalini Awakening.

(01:13) to (02:09)



San Jose Madurai will experience Meenakshi’s presence intensely…. In San Jose Madurai, from My padukas, Meenakshi’s kumkum will materialize now. From Meenakshi’s padukas and My padukas, you will see Meenakshi’s kumkumam materializing…. Directly from Madurai, Meenakshi’s kumkum prasadam will materialize now in San Jose.

(02:56) to (03:23)



Let the New Jersey experience My presence intensely.

(03:28) to (03:51)



Let Guadalupe experience the presence intensely.

(03:56) to (05:10)



All the centers, our temples and Satsang centers, from My padukas the vibhuti from Chokkanatha will materialize. Vibhuti from the Sundareswara, from Sundareswara’s prasadam, vibhuti will materialize. Let you all be initiated as Aghoris… The bhasma prasada, sacred ash from the Chokkanatha will materialize from My all padukas from all over the world in all our centers.

(06:01) to (06:56)



I bless you all and initiate all of you as Aghoris. See, with growing corporate culture, human beings are moving away from stable family, life based on the foundation of exchange of understanding and emotional fulfillment. In the absence of physical community which can emotionally provide fulfillment, youth are staying to online communities like Facebook and digging their own graves. That is why, I am creating a beautiful community which will revive modern youth and awaken the youth to the highest possibility of existing- living Enlightenment with the bliss and fulfillment. Newgen is My vision for new humanity.


Anand Yogam is the program I have designed to create a newgen community where every youth has opportunity to connect with the highest possibility of being human. The highest possibility of being human is Divine. So I invite each one of you to be part of Ananda Yogam, be Ananda Yogis, in other words be Aghoris…. I bless you all. In all our centers, from My padukas the sacred ash, the vibhuti prasadam from Chokkanatha, from Sundareswara will be materializing for next twenty four hours. In Singapore at least five shiva lingas will materialize, pancha lingas, five shiva lingas will materialize. I bless you all who are sitting with us around the world at this moment in 1154 places through NTV, in 36 places two-way video conferencing, in 287 cities in 40 countries around the world. Let you all experience, achieve, live, express, radiate, share and explode in Eternal Bliss- Nityananda Thank you



Kriya-2012-04apr-08-NewGen Kriya

Link to Video:



It is time for kriya. Understand, today we are going to have a kriya mainly to bring tremendous clarity into your system. I’m going to nullify the hormonal effects in your body; remove the confusion and give clarity and emotional stability. Kriya to clear confusion, give clarity, and emotional stability.


Please spread all over the hall. Sit straight. And sit either in padmasana or in vajrasana. Don’t say I can’t sit in padmasana or vajrasana. Then you are not in New Gen. You are not young. Sit in padmasana or vajrasana. We’ll start the kriya; kriya for clearing the confusion, clarity, and emotional stability. Sit in padmasana.


First step: Use both the hands. Inhale through left and exhale through right. Then inhale through right and exhale through left. Do ths. Iit is called Nadi Shodhanah - means cleaning the nadies, basic nervous system and the energy circuit. Please start. Use both hands. OM. Inhale through left and exhale through right. Inhale through right and exhale through left. And again. Inhale through right and exhale through left.


Let me show you. (Swamiji demonstrates Nadi Shodhana pranayama)


Do this three minutes.


Use both the hands separately. Don’t lock the hands.


Next step: Please understand, next step is Trishula Kumbhaka. Trishula Kumbhaka means inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then exhale as slowly as you can. Let me show you.

(Swamiji demonstrates Trishula Kumbhaka pranayama)


Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously and hold as long as you can. Then slowly exhale as slowly as you can.


(Technique in progress)


Continue this for seven minutes.


(Technique in progress)


(Swamiji chanting OM during process)


Continue this at least for seven minutes.

(07:58 )

Now the next step: Trineta Kumbhaka. Let me show you. Inhale through left. Hold as long as you can. Inhale through right. Hold as long as you can. Inhale through both nostrils and hold as long as you can. Then slowly exhale through the left. Six act - inhaling through left, holding. Inhaling through right, holding. Inhaling through both and holding. After six act, only you can exhale. Inhaling through right, one. Holding, two. Inhaling through left, one. Holding, two. Inhaling through both, one. And holding, two. Six acts. Only then exhaling through left. Please start. Start, inhale through left. Hold as long as you can. Then inhale through right and hold as long as you can. Inhale through both and hold as long as you can. Then exhale slowly.


(Technique in progress)


Do it for seven minutes continuously. (Technique in progress)


Don’t sit quietly. Do it. (Technique in progress)


Now, it is time. Just sit. Settle down. You will experience intense kundalini awakening by the presence of Meenakshi. Let the new generation be given birth by the grace of Meenakshi. Let all of you experience intense kundalini awakening. Let you all experience intense kundalini awakening. Let you all experience the highest peak of consciousness. Let the New Gen happen in you all. (blows into mic)


(Technique in progress)


Let you all have intense kundalini awakening. (Technique in progress)


Let the San Jose Madurai experience intense presence. Let everyone in the San Jose Madurai experience intense presence.


Let the Seattle experience intense presence.


Let Ohio experience the intense presence and the kundalini awakening.


Let Toronto experience intense kundalini awakening. Let all the participants in the Toronto Kailasa experience the intense kundalini awakening.


Let Malaysia experience intense kundalini awakening.


Let Atlanta experience intense kundalini awakening.


Let the whole Paris experience intense kundalini awakening.


San Jose Madurai will experience the Meenakshi’s presence intensely. In San Jose Madurai from my padukas. Meenakshi’s kum kum will materialize now. From Meenakshi’s padukas and my padukas, you will see Meenakshi’s kum kum materializing.


Directly from Madurai, Meenakshi’s kum kum and prasadam will materialize now in San Jose.


Let the New Jersey experience my presence intensely.


Let Guadeloupe experience the presence intensely.


Let Ohio experience the presence intensely.


All the centers, our temples and satsang centers, from my padukas, the vibhooti from Chokkanatha will materialize. Vibhooti from the Sudareswarar - from Sudareswarar’s prasadam, vibhooti will materialize. Let you all be initiated as Aghoris. The basma prasada, sacred ash, from the Chokkanatha will materialize from my all padukas. From all over the world in all our centers.


I bless you all and initiate all of you as Agorhis. See, with growing corporate culture human beings are moving away from stable family; life based on the foundation of exchange of understanding and emotional fulfillment. In the absence of physical community, which can emotionally provide fulfillment, youth are staying to online communities like Facebook and digging their own graves. That is why I am creating a beautiful community which will revive modern youth, and awaken the youth to the highest possibility of existing - living enlightenment with the bliss and fulfillment. New Gen is my vision for new humanity.


Ananda Yogam is the program I’ve designed to create a New Gen community where every youth has an opportunity to connect with the highest possibility of being human. The highest possibility of being human is divine. So I invite each one of you to be part of Ananda Yogam. Be Ananda Yogis. In other words, be Agoris.


(end of video) advertisement/ contact information slide

Photos From The Day:

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/1_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/3_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/4_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/5_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/6_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/7_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/8_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/9_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/10_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/11_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/12_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/13_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/14_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/15_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/16_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/17_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/18_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/19_Nithyananda-8_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8757.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8784.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8802.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8789.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8830.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8835.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8831.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8880.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8862_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8965.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8991_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8976.JPG

Photos Of The Day:









Paramahamsa Nithyananda, advice, parents, children, birth, natural, interest, explore, protection, self-confidence, responsibility, nature, risk, live, independence, expansion, experience, freedom, intelligence.