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==Link to Video: ==  
===Sangha Runs on Responsibilism - Part 2 ===
== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes how the Four Tattvas infuse the leadership role. Whether we act as a spiritual head of a center, a devotee living life in the world, or a secular leader, when we act with [[integrity]], [[authenticity]], [[responsibility]] and [[enriching]] others, we inspire everyone around us to do the same. Nithyananda counsels us that others will try strategies to excuse why they are not following the tattvas, and they will also challenge us to prove that we ourselves are living them fully. So we must truly have them imprinted into our being.
videoUrl=  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C08qpX0XjCM |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="  https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-03-04-sangha-runs-on-responsibilism-part-1-of-2-by-nithyananda-delivered-on-04-march-2013  "/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment 491 places through Nithyananda TV, 40 places in two way video conferencing having nayana deeksha, in 189 cities in 20 countries around the world as per the statistics. Cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing San Jose-Madurai, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda nagar Tiruvannamalai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Ohio-Prayag, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Alwarpet Chennai, Nithyananda Nagar Hyderabad, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Epo Malaysia, Arunachalam Sharjah, Houston Sangha, Adyar Chennai, Vancouver-Puri, London-Kashi, Singapore-Singapuram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, New York-Varanasi, Bangalore Marathahalli, St. Louis-Tirumala, Charlotte-Srisailam, San Diego-Tirualavai, Chicago-Srirangam, Paris home temple, Washington DC-Sripuram, Bangalore north, Devon UK, California, Oman-Sivagangai, Hong Kong-Seergazhi, Bangalore electronic city, Kathmandu Nepal, Nithyananda Vidyalaya Bangalore, Tallahassee Florida, Lawspet Pondicherry, Gangamma circle Bangalore and Delta Canada. Right? That’s it, over!
Project, then I will read out the name. Integrity.
So I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.
I can see Coimbatore satsang center also now. Hyderabad Sree, I can see Hyderabad Sree. Dubai -Tirukoilur I can see.
Yes we will start the satsang. Today 9th batch Nirahara Samyama - 2nd level 1st day, day One. If you are participating in 2nd level Nirahara Samyama kindly register online at Nithyananda.org/events. Great! Blessings! Next. 4th batch THE Samyama. 16th day 15th Inner Awakening and 12th eN-Genius 16th day successfully. Today Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram is celebrating their 3rd anniversary. Blessings to Guadeloupe Rameshwaram. Soon you guys will have Ramanatha Swamy temple on the beach; just like Rameshwaram temple. On beach you will have Ramanatha Swamy temple. Nice. Blessings, all right.
Some more questions on Krama, Naishtika, Brahmacharya, Sannyas. Questions are pouring from all over the world. One good thing - this means people have started contemplating about it. Somebody today morning asked Me ‘I want to take up a job and after that I want to get married. I have a desire to get married. But can I take Krama Brahmacharya now?’
This is a nice way of cheating. You understand? Enjoy this status as long as you want and then jump to that. If you are very sure you are going to get married then forget about Krama Brahmacharya. Why do you need that?
Krama Brahmacharya is only if you are very sure you are going to take up Sannyas. As an accident you are allowed to fall; with prayaschitta, and get married.
In Naishtika Brahmacharya as an accident you are allowed to fall, but with prayaschitta you get back to Naishtika Brahmacharya. You don’t get married. Clear? The difference between Krama, Naishtika and Sannyas.
In Sannyas the possibility of accident itself cannot happen. Clear?
So many doubts. So many people. One good thing is at least the discussions have started in the whole circle of our Sangha. Everybody is questioning about residential Rishi. ‘My husband is not connected to you, can I be?’ No. Take the responsibility for the spouse. Why when I take responsibility for the whole world why can’t you take responsibility just for your spouse? Then you say ‘no, no, whole world is very easy than my spouse. 😄 My spouse is more difficult than the world.’ 😄 Hmhm.
So I have a question from Arundhati Karunakaran Toronto. ‘Can I become a Rishi even though I am married and my husband is not openly Swamiji’s devotee?’
Listen the space of Rishi happens only when you are able to inspire others to live the tattvas. You are not even able to inspire your spouse to live the tattvas means there is some hypocrisy in you. He is not trusting your transformation. You have not showed it in your life. Arundhati Karunakaran, create the space of a Rishi. You don’t need to wait till your daughter gets married. She is asking ‘Do I have to wait till my daughter gets married?’ No. Rishi can have a daughter and she can get married. Rishi means the space where all these four tattvas are seen.
Mantra drashta is Rishi, who sees all these four tattvas as a life, in experience, is Rishi.
About this residential Rishis I wanted to give some more time. By Guru Poornima I will clearly come up. Not a single fellow finds a single solution. But they try to find all possible method to break any understanding or rule we put. They spend a separate time dedicating. Jnanatma you are the first one. Anything I create you are the fool proof. If it works on you it will work on any mind. Because you will bring all possible ‘if’, ‘but’, ‘may’, ‘may not’ tun tun tun all problems!
Can Swamiji clarify about the get-togethers which Krama Brahmacharis can attend?
Oh, this is new another one problem. Listen, you are Krama Brahmachari to go round and enroll more and more youth to be Brahmacharis. Go only to the meetings where you are enrolling them to be Krama Brahmacharis. Only those get togethers you will attend. You will not go to a party or disco or anything else where you will not be enrolling Krama Brahmacharis. Understand, this Krama Brahmacharis should carry the grace of Sannyas in their body language and lifestyle. See, you can’t afford to go for movies and shopping in mall. Some of our devotees will see you there and touch your feet, what will you do?
Can I watch TV at home? This is the next question – watch movies and TV at home.
Find out with Integrity and Authenticity and Responsibility and Enriching is it directly fulfilling my life’s mission. Why don’t you guys create your own understanding? Why do you want Me to hand hold continuously? I feel too silly to give these kind of rules. Understand I am not going to give any of these rules. I only give these four tattvas. It is up to you how much ever you imbibe these four tattvas, imbibe and live.
Aakanskha is asking ‘Is residential Rishi also need to be declared and will be given by you?’
See I am only a facilitator. If you declare then I naturally give. I cannot stop.
So this Krama Brahmacharis have to take up their responsibility of aligning their mind, thought, actions, time everything to these four tattvas. Is watching TV going to help you in these four tattvas – integrity, authenticity, enriching and responsibility? No means don’t watch. If you are watching My satsangs which are going to enrich you and enrich others, then watch; that’s all. It’s a simple thing. Let you guys come up with a decision.
Priya is asking ‘can a few kids volunteer to form a counsel and create rules for the whole group?’
No. I don’t want any rigid rules. I want these four tattvas to be applied authentically. I don’t want to become like a Buddhist Sangha which has 8000 rules. Do you know that? A Buddhist Sannyasi has to follow 8000 rules. No. Read, take up the book - The Sannyas rules of Buddhist Sangha. I will stop just with this four. Apply this four and decide. I trust your heart and your authenticity. And I am ready to not to give up and work on you even if you are inauthentic. My power to take the responsibility for your inauthenticity liberates you from dead rules. And I give you just this four tattvas. You go on applying, applying, applying these four tattvas. Only thing when you know it is inauthentic you cannot say ‘it's ok’. That you have to be very clear. ‘I know it is inauthentic, it’s ok.’ No. No.
So each sampradaya evolves with their own understanding. I wanted you guys to know these four are the guiding light. Authentically drill yourself with these four and then come up with your own lifestyle. And I also wanted you to know, yesterday so many of the ashramites declared, but yesterday was the day I was feeling I just want to sit and chill out with these guys; means they have created such beautiful space of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. I could see with so much of Authenticity and Integrity everybody is coming up with their declaration. Now they just have to take the responsibility and enriching; that I will guide. But it is amazing even the space of that Integrity and Authenticity is happening to these guys, each one.
Yesterday I saw, so many people are declaring to be Peethadeeshwars. Not only you should be excited to live these tattvas, you should take the responsibility of making people live these four tattvas. So every possible problem you should be able to find solution through these four tattvas without saying ‘it's ok’. People will constantly try to say ‘it's ok, it is impractical’. You should say NO. This is the way it is and you should be able to make people excited to live that. How many of you cognize this? For example: unwavering commitment for sacrifice, unwavering commitment for dedication. With authenticity I will also be answerable to Sangha for whatever I am being given by Sangha; whether it is a food or clothes or shelter or the personal items, whether it is My traveling expense or lifestyle related things, everything. All of you are responsible for whatever is given by the society. So all of you have to decide. You will see I am really going to do it. This is the next level of authenticity.
Why, he can sit in backside seat one corner and see the hill; lower the glass and see the hill. Why just for that one more car? People have right to question and I have to answer. Only if I can answer I can have; otherwise no need. No, really. I am going to do. Anything I want to use also Sangha has to approve. No, you guys may think ‘No, no, no, it’s a drama. Who will oppose if sachala murthi seva team wants something.’ No, you have to be authentic to question. You can’t say tathastu for anything and everything happening. Then it is irresponsible tathastu. When you say tathastu you extend yourself to that to make it as reality. That is the way even Gurukul kids you see they question me. If I am inauthentic, if I am lack of integrity they question Me and they have a right.
Ehhh Gurukul kids now, you see, now I commit. All sachala murthi seva things, anything I use, Gurukul kids have to approve, only then I will accept. They will approve, they have to approve. Because I wanted them to learn Authenticity. If I am inauthentic they will not be authentic. So I have to prove My authenticity to their innocence who doesn’t know politics. I will stand and prove my Authenticity to their Authenticity for their innocence. That’s a most difficult and highest standard Authenticity. How many of you understand that? So I will stand up to Gurukul kid’s scrutiny in My authenticity. Gurukul kids will not have the fear to question. They will question after that only they will even think. 😃You guys out of political reasons you will not question. You will be politically polite. But Gurukul kids will be very straight. I am just training this seva team to stand by and answer. That is the next level of Authenticity.
Understand each one of you who want to be a Head, who want to be a Leader, should have one thing; unwavering commitment to Sacrifice, unwavering commitment to Authenticity, unwavering commitment to Dedication. Your whole life should be poured into the four tattvas. Anything may happen. How many of you are going to declare and already declared for Peethadeeshwars, raise your hand. All of you have to live these qualities, understand? How many of you already declared and going to declare as a Peethadeeshwar raise your hands, let Me see. All you guys understand, you have to pick up this quality, you have to pick up this level of authenticity. Relax. You have to pick up this level of Authenticity where whoever works with you feel your Authenticity. God, god!
Please listen again. Continuously bring unshakable and unwavering dedication to sacrifice in yourself to Authenticity. aap mein lagatar achal aur atoot samarpan bhav ko laayiye unwavering and unshakable commitment. I am going to do this in everything, everything. In everything let us ask this question ‘is this going to enrich four satyas?’ If we are starting a center ask – ‘is this going to enrich four satyas?’ Want to start an ashram, ask - ‘is this going to enrich four satyas?’ Want to do some social service projects, ask - ‘is this way we are going to enrich with these four tattvas, satyas?’ Every breath find out are you breathing AIRE?
I wanted somebody to start the university with the name of Nithyananda AIRE University. Any center want to take that name take it. It’s a very prime name. Before somebody else picks it up, send a message now and take it up. Any center wants to have that name send a message quickly; first message which reaches to Me that city. No, waving the hand will not work; sending message. 😃Because everybody is waving the hand. Which message reaches Me first now, that city gets the name Nithyananda AIRE University. Whenever you breathe, find out are you breathing AIRE?
Malaysia sent it first. Malaysia got the name. Wow! Great! Because this is going to be very prime name now. AIRE.
Please understand I am realigning; it will be Authenticity, Integrity, Responsibility and Enriching. While we teach we may start with Responsibility and go to Authenticity and go to Integrity or we may start with Integrity and go to Authenticity and Responsibility or we may start with Enriching and… anything is ok. But usually when we say in a condensed form we use this AIRE as a condensed form.
No, what Kaladevi says? She also wanted the name? No but already Malaysia took it. Only one place can have the Nithyananda Aire University na. You can have Nithyananda AIRE Academy, Nithyananda AIRE Foundation. Hmm. Nithyananda AIRE Center. All these names each one of you guys pick up. Nithyananda AIRE Sangha. University name goes to Malaysia. Now each one of you guys send the request and take your name.
Now each center head, if you are already heading or going to declare you are going to head, you have to know you should make people feel excited to live these principles. Clear? People will come to you with all possible problems. As I said, they will think specially dedicating their time and energy to break your tattvas, to prove to you that your tattvas are wrong. Just like how you guys have tried to do that to Me! Not only you should be able to make them understand tattvas are right, you should be able to excite them to live the solution. How many of you cognize this what I am saying? Understand? Ma Atma listen. That is what is Peethadeeshwari. You will not be able to turn every moment to Me.
You guys will face two major problems. One - people will try their best to prove to you the tattvas are wrong, that cannot solve all the problems. They will make you feel stuck. Not only you have to break and make them understand tattvas are right and you should be able to excite them to live the solutions through the tattvas. Second problem they will create to you is - they will say you are not living the tattvas authentically as Swamiji explains to us. Understand they will question you. You are not that authentic. Inauthentic. Then you have to have patience for them to understand your authenticity; not only you have to become more authentic and you have to have patience for all of them to understand your authenticity. You cannot have inauthenticity and you cannot give up on them. ‘Ehhh how dare you tell I am inauthentic? You get out of my group my Sangha.’ No!! I never told that to you guys. How can you tell that to others?
Jnanatma, you will have a group exactly like you. 😀 Why do you feel that as a curse? It is a blessing. 😀 How many of you feel if I give this boon to you it will be, you are afraid of this boon. 😀 You will have people exactly like you around you. 😀Mokshapriyan is frightened…no, no, not me, not me!! 😀 Ehh don’t give up on you, ok? Hmmm.
Dhyan se suniye, Jivan ki koi bhi samasya ka ka Samadhan Keval in char  tatvo se kijiye.
Solve any problem of this life only with these four tattvas. Clear?
Ambananda has a question.  இவனெல்லாம் ரூம் (Room) போட்டு யோசிப்பானுங்க, ரூமே இல்லனாலும் ரோட்லே (Road) ரூம் போட்டு யோசிப்பானுங்க.
Ambananda has a question. Swamiji told that only if you have completed all the root thought patterns you are eligible for viraja homa and poorna Sannyas. Is there any way we can know that we have completed all the root patterns.
You will know inside you are peaceful, relaxed; nothing is attacking you again and again, then you know.
‘Also apart from the root thought pattern, I think we need to be 100% complete in all aspects before we commit for viraja homa and poorna Sannyas. Am I correct?’ you are asking.
Ambananda, you are not correct. And then I have to give only antima Sannyas like what I did to My father. You will never receive poorna Sannyas. If that is the case I will have to give only antima Sannyas just like what I did to My father. He will not be able to touch My feet. So I have to put My feet on Myself.
Today I declare once more with Integrity and Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching whatever people have given Me, giving Me, yet to give, I will give everything to Sangha. I declare I do not own, I will not own, I will not possess anything. Everything belongs to Sangha to be used only for these four purposes, four tattvas. Are you all clear? This throne, this everything is for this job. If I sit in this, this tattvas will have a respect people will listen. It can be sending a statement - like a President is the pride of a country, I am the pride of the tattvas for which we stand, the organization. So for that these things are used as a tradition. That is the reason I want all the Peethadeeshwars to have peetha. We are going to design a beautiful peetha. All of you will have peetha.
So please understand, I declare with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, Kalabhairava as a saakshi, witness, whatever was given, is given, will be given, I give it away to Sangha. It belongs to Sangha and should be used only for strengthening this four satyas - Integrity Responsibility Authenticity and Enriching. Are you all cognizing it? How many of you cognized? Thank you for cognizing and listening. So I would like to share this with all the devotees from now onwards whatever you give goes to Sangha only. So whatever you give goes to Sangha.
Ma Shanta has a question. What if Sangha wants to give it back to Swamiji because it enriches us, gives us joy. Is not that reason enough?
No, that is not enough. It should be directly enriching four satyas. Clear? Shanta ok? It should be directly enriching four satyas; whether you are ok or not this is what is life. 😀 A leader should take the responsibility for everyone’s inauthenticity, help, inspire, excite them to get out of their inauthenticity just through these four tattvas and satyas. Understand?
First let us make what we see physically, this Sangha, Authentic, Integrated, Responsible and Enriching. Then, only when we make these physical things clear, people will have respect for metaphysical things.
==Title: ==
===Sangha Runs on Respomsabilism Part 1===
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videoUrl=  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRtTy8GTP4c |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="  https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-03-04-sangha-runs-on-responsibilism-part-2-of-2-by-nithyananda-delivered-on-04-march-2013  "/>
Let us...Gurukul kids also should stand by these four tattvas not by any other fantasy or political politeness. Okay...Listen; You’re Krama brahmacharya, Naishtika brahmacharya or Sanyasa is given to you by these four tattvas. As an embodiment of the four tattvas I give that cloth to you. If I am not embodying then I have no right to give you that. So whichever part not embodying the four tattva, you can reject. You have a right to reject.
A leader should take the responsibility for every one's inauthenticity. Help, inspire them to get out of their inauthenticity just through these four satyas. New York wants the name Nithyananda Air Academy. Granted, given! Hyderabad wants Nithyananda Air Vishwavidyalayam. Granted! Mill Valley wants Nithyananda Air Institute. Done. Have it! And Nithyananda Air University goes to Malaysia. Great.
Oh...God! See when you declare something, you should be very clear of the path and the goal. Both should be visible in front of your eyes. You cannot declare out of chaos and confusion. I will declare now. Later on I will see what to do, no. Ohio wanted a name Nithyananda Air Ashram. Great! Go ahead and have it. I wanted to give a name to San Jose Madurai. San Jose Madurai, My anyakara for you guys; I wanted you guys to create a monastery which will be called as Nithyananda Gnanasambandar Adheenam. Okay! Madurai will have a temple...San Jose Madurai will have a temple, beautiful temple of Meenakshi and Sundareswara, and they will have a monastery; with the, the monastery name will be Nithyananda Thirugnanasambandar Adheenam...alias San Jose Madurai Adheenam. Ok? Hmm...It is My anyakara. Will you guys fulfil it? Done, great!...And it should function exactly as per Madurai temple padhathi. See Kamika Agama...Kamika Agama is the Madurai Adheenam’s agama. Madurai temple and Madurai Adheenam both follows the same agama, Kamika Agama. So Kamika Agama will be the agama you guys will be following for all the rituals and everything. The whole Dhyanapeetam is going to follow only that and also the head of the monastery in San Jose will be called as San Jose Madurai Adheenam. San Jose Madurai Adheenam karthar. Peetadeeswari can be Snehamayi. But the monastery head will be San Jose Madurai Adheenam. Whoever becomes, whoever declares for that.
Understand. If there is a some debate and voting, there is some inauthenticity. All major decisions of our sangha, has to go only with unanimous decisions of Panch Parameshwar. Yes...mmm. Can there be two authentic solutions? No. Never. Which is the higher frequency authenticity should be the solution.
No...each one of you in the part of the sangha should feel the collective responsibility, and the leader is a guy who is able to feel the responsibility and dedicate, sacrifice more to make everyone feel that responsibility. I tell you guys, each one of My cells are feeling fulfilled when I see you guys yesterday declaring, especially without any inauthenticity. When two-three people declared and there was no time, timeline gap, even then there was no inauthenticity. You guys did not do but you just forgot or something. But there is no inauthenticity. Any commitment you guys made with a shape, sorry what is that time, distance, time, sha... form. There is no inauthenticity. Now I have to help you guys to take responsibility and enrich and make it as a reality. That is My responsibility. But you guys are doing amazingly. So every cell, My cell is so happy. Feeling fulfilled. Because even if these much I am able to do, I am sure we will never have a problem of Yogonashta Paranthapaha. What Krishna says, yoga is lost in course of time. I know it will not happen. I can tell Krishna, ‘Come on, I will tell you how to, how to take care that yoga doesn't get lost.’ I can authentically tell Krishna, ‘See these guys, they are never going to lose the yoga. Yogonashta Paranthapa will never happen.’
Declaring with distance, time and form alone keeps your declaration in existence, and holds you accountable. Declaring anything in distance, time, and form ensures you, you are integrated, authentic, responsible, enriching yourself and the declaration you made. How many of you cognise this? With integrity and responsibility and enriching and authenticity, I declare it very clearly; These four tattvas only will be the life and satya again and again and again in My life, and the sangha's life, and anybody who is associated with sangha.
I am not going to hand-hold the sangha any more. I am only going to eye-hold. Understand. I am not going to hand-hold. I am creating a new word: Eye-hold. Meenakshi; Why that name you know..the fish, by look it will make the egg into fish. Hatching is done by fish by look. The look of the fish is so powerful, it can hatch the egg by look. So Meenakshi, just by the look she can grace. So she was running her whole kingdom only by eye-holding, not by hand-holding.
Leaders are created, who are ready to live these four tattvas to the extreme, without reserving any other strategy, personal ideology, motivation, concept in their heart independently, independent of these tattvas. Bhakta, when you declared that you are going to make 1008 temples, you have to make 1008 Bhaktananda, who will think in these tattvas and share these tattvas and make people live these tattvas. You understand! One temple means at least hundred people living these tattvas. Only when you create the people who want to worship, temple will be created. How many of you understand? Achala, nidra amrit  le jaiye. She woke up and she forgot to raise the hand and she said...(nodding the head..laughter)
When you declare to be Peethadeeshwar, you should know that these four tattvas are the legs of the peethas on which you are sitting. Even if one is shaky, you won't be able to sit on the peetha, and the people who are living these four tattvas only are holding your peetha. Even if one person is shaky, your peetha will be shaky. How many of you are going to live and declare this Peethadeeshwars, raise your hand. Come on let Me see, tell, ask place, only place, tell, Bidadi. Ma Manisha..and you? International - the virtual sangha, you have to create a name for it. May be Jnanapeetha, create; Nithyananda Jnanapeeta. Hmm..come on, your place? Yet to be finalised. Hmm..Your place? Atmapriya? So you are going to be Peethadeeshwar for five places? You are Mahamandaleshwar.
Hmm..Mahamandaleshwar...what are the five places. Yet to be finalised. Sharadananda. What are the places? What is the place? Haridwar, Haridwar, she is declaring to be Peethadeeshwar. Then you? Salem. Jyothika is. And Turiya? Delhi...Wah! and you? Ok. Natesha? Yet to be finalised. Shuddha? Tiruvannamalai. But Tiruvannamalai means you have to declare and complete with Sanatana and all that you have to do. Neepa? Tanjore. Wah!. Hey all the gurukul kids I will listen later on. Yeh! each one of you guys...ahn...Where? Varanasi..now, you guys need to understand, in your language, you guys have to do exactly what I am doing. All of you understand! See when you say, if you say Haridwar, Sharadananda, you should be able to do it in Hindi. The same exact thing I am doing. Continuously resolving the conflicts of the people, helping them and inspiring them, exciting them to live these tattvas. You understand? Turiya, you understand? That is where it starts. It begins with people around you vibrating these tattvas in the space you carry. Varanasi means you should do it in Hindi, Bhairavika you understand? So you should be able to declare and make people vibrate these tattvas. You see, understand, first thing, if you are declaring as Peethadeeshwar, first thing you understand at least ten thousand people in your area vibrate these tattvas. Now it is up to you. You can take free class or paid classes. But finally, they should be attending Inner Awakening. At least ten thousand people; Only then your peeta will be alive, vibrating with these principles. See if they attend inner awakening and then come back to your place, you will be able to do all the conflict resolution and guiding them further to keep up the tattvas in their life. So each one of you have to take the responsibility of that first.
There was a great sadhu. Kaali Kamblivala. Have you heard about him? He went and asked - Kaali Kamblivala went and asked his guru. His guru, Hamsarajgiriji baba. “Gurudev tell me, give me a guruvaak. I will fulfil." Guru just said, “Hey! I went to Chardham once and suffered so much without food and stay. You build choultries and support people for Chardham yatra." He said, "Dhanyawad Guruji." He left the Guru's feet after taking the charansparsha, blessings. He was thinking what to do...In those days, from Haridwar to Chardham he has to build a choultry, all the four places.
So he has calculated. He himself went by walk and he found out in that, in that whole yatra, he has to stay in forty seven places. Chardham yatra, forty seven places he has to stay in those days. So all forty seven places, he marked and came back with some stone. He went only with one kambal. That is why it is called Kaali Kambliwala. Kambal means the blanket. He is a devotee of Kaali. He said, "I am a beggar sadhu not having one penny. But my guru has asked me to build. Now I have to build forty seven choultries. What can I do?" He straight went to Howrah railway station - Calcutta. In that railway station, one corner, he started standing in one leg. People asked him, why are you standing in one leg? I am standing in one leg and doing tapas towards Kaali to fulfil my guru's Hamsarajgiri baba's guruvak of building choultries and giving free food and stay for people who go for Chardham yatra. And in those days, if you look from now the buying power. All these forty seven choultries needs two hundred crore. He needs two hundred crore. He has nothing else other than his integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching, and his guru's vaak, guru's blessings. He doesn't have anything else. He stood on the one leg with responsibility and enriching. With integrity and authenticity, sent this strong waves of commitment and dedication. People will come and ask him, why are you standing? So to fulfil my guru's vaak I am standing.
People will give ten paise, twenty paise, day and night. Please understand. He stood fifty seven years and completed forty seventh choultry; After one month, left the body. Forty seven choultries he built, including Tapovan. I stayed in his choultry in Tapovan. Tapovan is the beyond Gomukh. How many of you have been to Gomukh? Then you know after Gomukh, Tapovan. Forty seventh monas...choultry inaugurated. The disciples came and told him. Means by that time the disciples started gathering, seeing his authenticity and integrity. British has a record...about his standing on one leg, and achieving the purpose. And when the disciples came and reported to him the forty seventh monastery, choultry is inaugurated. He said yes, now the purpose is done. He removed the leg. He stood with both the legs, blessed the earth and in a month left the body. That one month is preparing him to leave the body, left the body.
I read in a book still the place where he stood, there is a memorial, small memorial in the Howrah station. But I have not seen. I tried to search. The Howrah station is too big. So I am not able to find out. I will verify and then get back to you whether the memorial still exists or not. But I am hundred percent sure the story is true; because it is verified and validated by many sources.
Swami Ramakrishnananda, Ramakrishna's disciple built the Mahilapore whole Mutt, by carrying the Ramakrishna's photo on his head. He will carry and walk. There was another one devotee also. His name is Ramamurthy. He did that. So you may have to be ready to show this kind of extraordinary integrity, authenticity, dedication, responsibility and enriching. How many of you feel you are ready for this kind of extreme? Then you will do it. You guys will do it. Then you guys will do it. Then you guys will do it. If you are ready, you guys will do it. Not only standing in one leg in public, fortunately he was nirahari. So no one, two, three. No one, two, three. And food is also like a very little, in a teaspoon or in a Bael fruit. Little bit which he will put it in the body which will become air. Just be burnt away. And he became yogi because of his commitment. And one more thing you need to know, before he started standing in one leg, he was not nirahari. The power of his commitment was so powerful his body became nirahari and he does not need to lower his leg for one, two, three or anything.
I was seeing yesterday a documentary, beautiful documentary. I wanted...I sincerely recommend all of you to see the documentary done by National Geographic channel and Discovery channel..they released, they relayed on Kumbh Mela. Amazing! First time a western media is doing a positive documentary. Hundred percent positive documentary on Kumbh Mela. Amazing! And in that, they are interviewing a sadhu who is standing in one leg for years. Why are you standing? He said, I wanted body to go through such an extreme pain, it gets into an outer body experience. I wanted all of you to see the documentary. World's biggest festival Kumbh Mela 2013, National Geographic documentary. That is a title. It is already in the you tube. It is three parts. I sincerely request all of you to see. Beautifully they have shown and the guy is really in love with Hinduism.
See usually there will be one set of western media abusing, abusing, abusing, showing only the sadhus having bhang and that kind of abusal. And there will be some group showing like a excitement, but never there will be a spiritual component. This guy I am so happy and I bless him. He brings spiritual component of Kumbh Mela with lot of love, respect and passion. And I bless this guy. Let him be successful in the field of media, in journalism. Because he did this with so much of love and respect for Hindu tradition; and I wanted all you guys to see, amazing documentary and amazing commentary. Ma can you email the link to....can you show the link in the two-way, so all people can download and watch.
Youtube video title is, ‘World's biggest festival Kumbh Mela 2013 National Geographic documentary.’ Diego bunuel in India. Diego bunuel is his name. Beautiful. Such a respectful approach towards Hinduism. Very spiritually respectful approach  towards Hinduism. That is the beautiful: the words he is uttering, the way he is presenting, the way he is commenting, the way he is telling not even in one place he has disrespected any of our beliefs and faiths. He has been thrown out of Kumbha Ghat by police. He is not coming and out and blaming that. He says, yes, it is a place of spiritual action, sacred bath. So I have no right to stand there and videograph or do anything else other than taking bath. So they are right throwing me out of that place. So that honesty and authenticity he is talking. He was literally thrown out of the place by police, and he is showing that in that video, and he is telling they are right. as nobody has a right to; see if I am there taking bath, I can be allowed. If I am not doing that sacred act and being in that place, It’s wrong. So they are right that they threw me out. And he is also showing a sadhu who can pull one ton weight just through his genitals- Hatha Yogi, and who can lift seventy kg. No...power of Hatha Yoga ma. And who can bury themself nine days. He is showing the burial. Hmmm. So all you guys should see. Hmm. It is beautiful. I enjoyed it. All the three part I saw and I enjoyed it. I felt like almost recap...recap of the whole Kumbh mela...Hmm
Come on, let’s come back to the subject. Only when you are ready to go to these extreme tapas, ready to do anything to live this life, your commitments become reality. I tell you, whoever has raised their hands that they are ready to be like the Kaali Kambliwala Baba, Kaali Kambliwala. When you start your commitment it will become simply reality. You don't even need to do anything else. And do you know, standing in this same place, they built all the forty seven. Can you understand? And trained the sadhus and dedicated them. Still now all forty seven are alive, up and running. All the buildings are still, functioning and running; Accommodating visitors, pilgrims, sadhus. Whenever we go to Uttarkashi we always stay opposite to that Kaali Kambliwala's choultry.
The space of the AIRE A.I.R.E or I.A.R.E. In IA, see in IA you learn integrity and authenticity. Then when you go out you have to live with responsibility and enriching. IA we can have even one more interpretation, integrity and authenticity. In IA, IA is taught to you. When you go out you have to be responsible and enriching.
Today I also have the collective responsibility declaration from Toronto Kailasam. Eh! Tejo, you have to also send all the names who have signed in this collective responsibility declaration. Because I am going....whoever has signed, for them only I am going to send My support, My power. Hey! Malaysia also. Malaysia, Houston, Toronto. All of you guys have to send with the signature of the people to Me. And after I send the prasadam back you will have to again get them signed and then send it back. That’s a spiritual commitment. I have the Toronto Kailasam's collective responsibility declaration. They are saying, “Pranam Swamiji. With authenticity, responsibility, offering for swamiji's blessings. With integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourselves and the world, Toronto Kailasam community declares to assume collective responsibility for making all the below resolutions into reality. We commit to adding timelines to all enriching efforts and more details in the next meeting. Build an ashram in Kailasam, as Kailasam as close to Mount Kailash as cosmically and legally possible.” Wah! first itself they are jumping into the Mount Kailash. (clapping)
Great, great, My blessings to you guys. Support all yatris by offering free food, medicine and boarding all year around and a space for Swamiji to come and stay whenever He choses, with a view of Mount Kailasam just like the view He had about Mount Arunachala growing up.
Thanks for Toronto Kailasam guys for remembering Me and thinking for My view of Kailash which I really will enjoy and enjoy. Then the second, start Nithyananda TV in Tamil and broadcast worldwide. Start online TV by Shiva Ratri and over the air broadcast by Jayanti 2014. Oh god!...by 2014 January first, they want, they are going to start a satellite channel.
Am I right? Air broadcast means? Means...yeh air broadcast means satellite channel only na...oh God! What they mean by that? Ask them. This seems to be too much, oooh...hmmm....and build a community centred on a marble temple. Oh God! Hmmm, the next....Toronto Kailasam is.... God!..Then they are saying a community caters to life from beginning to end. Welcome centre to graceful exit centre, to cremation centre performing vedic rites. Aye, are you guys are established in integrity and authenticity when you declare all these. Wow! that is great. Temple will have the largest Subramanya deity in the world. Yeh then it means it has to be something like hundred feet. Largest Subramanya deity. Already I think seventy eighty feet somebody has done it. Offering healing to people who will visit from all over the world. Then it has to be Vaidya Subramanya. Three hundred thousand people living in community around the temple. What are they talking? Oh God, it is mind boggling even for Me, a person who has no mind. Multiple program hall teaching tattvas, meditation, kriyas, self sustaining Gurukul from kg to grade twelve, universities, hospitals and malls. Eco friendly vedic lifestyle, money is obsolete not in use. What it means ma..., I don't understand. Amma, money is obsolete. Not in use. not in use....Hmmm...Oh which is not money dependent. That is great. Blessings. I tell you guys. With all My heart and soul I bless you guys. Let this be successful. God! Banyan tree, seven lakes and hillock around the temple. Wah! Run the Bhakti wing of Nithyananda Vedic University. Enriching students as pujaris in the science of relating with deities as a seva, and alchemy of turning idols into deities; and by Gurupurnima 2013 University online offering pujari training and with online courses, video tutorials. God, Tathastu - means next three months.
Sri Lanka social services support all social service of Sri Lanka mission. Great. Adopt an ashram. Support all services of Tiruvannamalai ashram. They are adopting Tiruvannamalai ashram. And seventh...support and enrich other cities in Canada with temples in Vancouver, Calgary and centres in Montreal, Ottawa, Ottawa and continue to support new centres. Build a Hindu temple mall which will be wearhouse for distributing deities, temple materials for North..for all of North America supplying to new and existing temples. Mobile Nithyananda Library. Wah! All My energy and the energy of the cosmos will support you guys.
Sreescha, Lakshmeescha, Pushteencha, Keerthinjan. rinyatham
Brahmanyam Bahuputratam
Be experience for all you guys. Tathastu.
God! First thing you have to do is all the three hundred thousand people whom you want to live in the community around the temple, you have to make them attend Inner Awakening; Enrich them through Inner Awakening. Am I right? So that is a first thing. Before you build the temple mall, you have to go and stand in the outside the malls, distribute flyers. In Hinduism, world is sustained by maall and in western countries also world is sus..sustained by mall. Maall means Venkatesh-Vishnu.
First of all, now you have to look around and how many of the devotees who have not done IA; Make them all do IA and see that the new lives are happening around you guys. Enrich the new lives with IA. That’s a first step. And in the next meeting put the timeline. What is the timeline for the next meeting? At least tell Me that. They said that they will give a word by next meeting ma. Hmmm. They are declaring that Nithyanandam Bahuputratam. Wah! Accepted. The word is accepted, approved and history will tell that this word is coined by Rishi Tejo. By coining this word, Tejo becomes Rishi, now. He is the Rishi for this word. Nithyanandam bahuputratham.
Great and Ohio Prayag sangha, in sampoorthi and shraddha, in upayanam and apyayanam,  NYT Ohio Prayag held a collective responsibility meeting and they declare, Ohio Prayag sangha takes the responsibility for the Nithyananda Enlightenment University and ashram to en-reach and enrich 25,000 lives by 2017. Wow! This looks big. Really big. This temple, university, ashram is residential community at the ashram level; a small Bidadi where all learn and live by the four tattvas. Ashramites can work outside and come daily for seva and sadhanas. Devotees can come for program and training. Local public lives will be enriched by the programs and existence of the ashram.
Ashram is a vedic training centre based on the four tattvas of AIRE, providing training and programs in Nithyananda yogas and puja, life solution. An onsite wellness cleaning and a graceful exit program. Children's lives are enriched by a residential Nithyananda Vidyalaya Gurukul. Vedic cultural, arts training is provided. There is an onsite Goshala. Residential accommodations and Indian grocery is on the promises...premises. Nithyananda Annalaya is established. People will be enriched to attend IA from their experiences at the ashram. Wah! By 2013 Nithyananda Vidyalaya Sunday school and Nithyananda Annalaya is established. By 2014 a 200 hour non-residential Nithyananda yoga teacher training begins. Nithyananda Annalaya cook book is produced. 2015, an Indian grocery will be established. 2016, the ashram and the temple is self-sustaining and the adjacent property has been acquired. This property will be the site for the Goshala and on-site residents for ashramites and public. By 2017, we are enriching and en-reaching 25,000 lives.
The following gave the declarations of responsibility in support of each other and the Nithyananda Enlightenment university and ashram. Ma Nithya Shivananda and Ma Nithyananda Bodhana, Devendra dubey, Ma Nithya Prasaditha, Ma Nithya Gurupriya, Ma Nithya Prema Achala, Ma Nithya Ashageeta, Shri Anand Vishesh George Koloha, Koylao, Koylaho, Catherine Robinson.
As a spiritual head and the Incarnation from the spiritual authority, I bless you guys. Tathastu. So be it. Done. It will be done. Keep this vision statement and read this every day. Keep this vision statement alive in your inner space and make it happen in the outer space. Tathastu. Again your responsibility also living these tattva and solving all your conflicts and others conflicts, enriching people with these tattvas. I tell you, when people start living with these tattvas conflict itself drastically reduces.
==Photos Of The Day:==
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== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes how the Four Tattvas infuse the leadership role. Whether we act as a spiritual head of a center, a devotee living life in the world, or a secular leader, when we act with [[integrity]], [[authenticity]], [[responsibility]] and [[enriching]] others, we inspire everyone around us to do the same. Nithyananda counsels us that others will try strategies to excuse why they are not following the tattvas, and they will also challenge us to prove that we ourselves are living them fully. So we must truly have them imprinted into our being.
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== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, leadership, spiritual, life, world, leader, integrity, responsibility, inspire, counsel, strategies, challenge, being.
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[[Category: 2013]]
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Latest revision as of 15:39, 22 July 2022


Sangha Runs on Responsibilism - Part 2


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes how the Four Tattvas infuse the leadership role. Whether we act as a spiritual head of a center, a devotee living life in the world, or a secular leader, when we act with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching others, we inspire everyone around us to do the same. Nithyananda counsels us that others will try strategies to excuse why they are not following the tattvas, and they will also challenge us to prove that we ourselves are living them fully. So we must truly have them imprinted into our being.

Video Audio


[00:30] Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment 491 places through Nithyananda TV, 40 places in two way video conferencing having nayana deeksha, in 189 cities in 20 countries around the world as per the statistics. Cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing San Jose-Madurai, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda nagar Tiruvannamalai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Ohio-Prayag, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Alwarpet Chennai, Nithyananda Nagar Hyderabad, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Epo Malaysia, Arunachalam Sharjah, Houston Sangha, Adyar Chennai, Vancouver-Puri, London-Kashi, Singapore-Singapuram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, New York-Varanasi, Bangalore Marathahalli, St. Louis-Tirumala, Charlotte-Srisailam, San Diego-Tirualavai, Chicago-Srirangam, Paris home temple, Washington DC-Sripuram, Bangalore north, Devon UK, California, Oman-Sivagangai, Hong Kong-Seergazhi, Bangalore electronic city, Kathmandu Nepal, Nithyananda Vidyalaya Bangalore, Tallahassee Florida, Lawspet Pondicherry, Gangamma circle Bangalore and Delta Canada. Right? That’s it, over! Project, then I will read out the name. Integrity. So I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. I can see Coimbatore satsang center also now. Hyderabad Sree, I can see Hyderabad Sree. Dubai -Tirukoilur I can see.


Yes we will start the satsang. Today 9th batch Nirahara Samyama - 2nd level 1st day, day One. If you are participating in 2nd level Nirahara Samyama kindly register online at Nithyananda.org/events. Great! Blessings! Next. 4th batch THE Samyama. 16th day 15th Inner Awakening and 12th eN-Genius 16th day successfully. Today Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram is celebrating their 3rd anniversary. Blessings to Guadeloupe Rameshwaram. Soon you guys will have Ramanatha Swamy temple on the beach; just like Rameshwaram temple. On beach you will have Ramanatha Swamy temple. Nice. Blessings, all right.


Some more questions on Krama, Naishtika, Brahmacharya, Sannyas. Questions are pouring from all over the world. One good thing - this means people have started contemplating about it. Somebody today morning asked Me ‘I want to take up a job and after that I want to get married. I have a desire to get married. But can I take Krama Brahmacharya now?’ This is a nice way of cheating. You understand? Enjoy this status as long as you want and then jump to that. If you are very sure you are going to get married then forget about Krama Brahmacharya. Why do you need that?

Krama Brahmacharya is only if you are very sure you are going to take up Sannyas. As an accident you are allowed to fall; with prayaschitta, and get married. In Naishtika Brahmacharya as an accident you are allowed to fall, but with prayaschitta you get back to Naishtika Brahmacharya. You don’t get married. Clear? The difference between Krama, Naishtika and Sannyas. In Sannyas the possibility of accident itself cannot happen. Clear?

So many doubts. So many people. One good thing is at least the discussions have started in the whole circle of our Sangha. Everybody is questioning about residential Rishi. ‘My husband is not connected to you, can I be?’ No. Take the responsibility for the spouse. Why when I take responsibility for the whole world why can’t you take responsibility just for your spouse? Then you say ‘no, no, whole world is very easy than my spouse. 😄 My spouse is more difficult than the world.’ 😄 Hmhm.


So I have a question from Arundhati Karunakaran Toronto. ‘Can I become a Rishi even though I am married and my husband is not openly Swamiji’s devotee?’

Listen the space of Rishi happens only when you are able to inspire others to live the tattvas. You are not even able to inspire your spouse to live the tattvas means there is some hypocrisy in you. He is not trusting your transformation. You have not showed it in your life. Arundhati Karunakaran, create the space of a Rishi. You don’t need to wait till your daughter gets married. She is asking ‘Do I have to wait till my daughter gets married?’ No. Rishi can have a daughter and she can get married. Rishi means the space where all these four tattvas are seen.

Mantra drashta is Rishi, who sees all these four tattvas as a life, in experience, is Rishi. About this residential Rishis I wanted to give some more time. By Guru Poornima I will clearly come up. Not a single fellow finds a single solution. But they try to find all possible method to break any understanding or rule we put. They spend a separate time dedicating. Jnanatma you are the first one. Anything I create you are the fool proof. If it works on you it will work on any mind. Because you will bring all possible ‘if’, ‘but’, ‘may’, ‘may not’ tun tun tun all problems!


Can Swamiji clarify about the get-togethers which Krama Brahmacharis can attend?

Oh, this is new another one problem. Listen, you are Krama Brahmachari to go round and enroll more and more youth to be Brahmacharis. Go only to the meetings where you are enrolling them to be Krama Brahmacharis. Only those get togethers you will attend. You will not go to a party or disco or anything else where you will not be enrolling Krama Brahmacharis. Understand, this Krama Brahmacharis should carry the grace of Sannyas in their body language and lifestyle. See, you can’t afford to go for movies and shopping in mall. Some of our devotees will see you there and touch your feet, what will you do?

Can I watch TV at home? This is the next question – watch movies and TV at home.

Find out with Integrity and Authenticity and Responsibility and Enriching is it directly fulfilling my life’s mission. Why don’t you guys create your own understanding? Why do you want Me to hand hold continuously? I feel too silly to give these kind of rules. Understand I am not going to give any of these rules. I only give these four tattvas. It is up to you how much ever you imbibe these four tattvas, imbibe and live.


Aakanskha is asking ‘Is residential Rishi also need to be declared and will be given by you?’

See I am only a facilitator. If you declare then I naturally give. I cannot stop. So this Krama Brahmacharis have to take up their responsibility of aligning their mind, thought, actions, time everything to these four tattvas. Is watching TV going to help you in these four tattvas – integrity, authenticity, enriching and responsibility? No means don’t watch. If you are watching My satsangs which are going to enrich you and enrich others, then watch; that’s all. It’s a simple thing. Let you guys come up with a decision.

Priya is asking ‘can a few kids volunteer to form a counsel and create rules for the whole group?’

No. I don’t want any rigid rules. I want these four tattvas to be applied authentically. I don’t want to become like a Buddhist Sangha which has 8000 rules. Do you know that? A Buddhist Sannyasi has to follow 8000 rules. No. Read, take up the book - The Sannyas rules of Buddhist Sangha. I will stop just with this four. Apply this four and decide. I trust your heart and your authenticity. And I am ready to not to give up and work on you even if you are inauthentic. My power to take the responsibility for your inauthenticity liberates you from dead rules. And I give you just this four tattvas. You go on applying, applying, applying these four tattvas. Only thing when you know it is inauthentic you cannot say ‘it's ok’. That you have to be very clear. ‘I know it is inauthentic, it’s ok.’ No. No.


So each sampradaya evolves with their own understanding. I wanted you guys to know these four are the guiding light. Authentically drill yourself with these four and then come up with your own lifestyle. And I also wanted you to know, yesterday so many of the ashramites declared, but yesterday was the day I was feeling I just want to sit and chill out with these guys; means they have created such beautiful space of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. I could see with so much of Authenticity and Integrity everybody is coming up with their declaration. Now they just have to take the responsibility and enriching; that I will guide. But it is amazing even the space of that Integrity and Authenticity is happening to these guys, each one.

Yesterday I saw, so many people are declaring to be Peethadeeshwars. Not only you should be excited to live these tattvas, you should take the responsibility of making people live these four tattvas. So every possible problem you should be able to find solution through these four tattvas without saying ‘it's ok’. People will constantly try to say ‘it's ok, it is impractical’. You should say NO. This is the way it is and you should be able to make people excited to live that. How many of you cognize this? For example: unwavering commitment for sacrifice, unwavering commitment for dedication. With authenticity I will also be answerable to Sangha for whatever I am being given by Sangha; whether it is a food or clothes or shelter or the personal items, whether it is My traveling expense or lifestyle related things, everything. All of you are responsible for whatever is given by the society. So all of you have to decide. You will see I am really going to do it. This is the next level of authenticity.


Why, he can sit in backside seat one corner and see the hill; lower the glass and see the hill. Why just for that one more car? People have right to question and I have to answer. Only if I can answer I can have; otherwise no need. No, really. I am going to do. Anything I want to use also Sangha has to approve. No, you guys may think ‘No, no, no, it’s a drama. Who will oppose if sachala murthi seva team wants something.’ No, you have to be authentic to question. You can’t say tathastu for anything and everything happening. Then it is irresponsible tathastu. When you say tathastu you extend yourself to that to make it as reality. That is the way even Gurukul kids you see they question me. If I am inauthentic, if I am lack of integrity they question Me and they have a right.

Ehhh Gurukul kids now, you see, now I commit. All sachala murthi seva things, anything I use, Gurukul kids have to approve, only then I will accept. They will approve, they have to approve. Because I wanted them to learn Authenticity. If I am inauthentic they will not be authentic. So I have to prove My authenticity to their innocence who doesn’t know politics. I will stand and prove my Authenticity to their Authenticity for their innocence. That’s a most difficult and highest standard Authenticity. How many of you understand that? So I will stand up to Gurukul kid’s scrutiny in My authenticity. Gurukul kids will not have the fear to question. They will question after that only they will even think. 😃You guys out of political reasons you will not question. You will be politically polite. But Gurukul kids will be very straight. I am just training this seva team to stand by and answer. That is the next level of Authenticity.


Understand each one of you who want to be a Head, who want to be a Leader, should have one thing; unwavering commitment to Sacrifice, unwavering commitment to Authenticity, unwavering commitment to Dedication. Your whole life should be poured into the four tattvas. Anything may happen. How many of you are going to declare and already declared for Peethadeeshwars, raise your hand. All of you have to live these qualities, understand? How many of you already declared and going to declare as a Peethadeeshwar raise your hands, let Me see. All you guys understand, you have to pick up this quality, you have to pick up this level of authenticity. Relax. You have to pick up this level of Authenticity where whoever works with you feel your Authenticity. God, god!

Please listen again. Continuously bring unshakable and unwavering dedication to sacrifice in yourself to Authenticity. aap mein lagatar achal aur atoot samarpan bhav ko laayiye unwavering and unshakable commitment. I am going to do this in everything, everything. In everything let us ask this question ‘is this going to enrich four satyas?’ If we are starting a center ask – ‘is this going to enrich four satyas?’ Want to start an ashram, ask - ‘is this going to enrich four satyas?’ Want to do some social service projects, ask - ‘is this way we are going to enrich with these four tattvas, satyas?’ Every breath find out are you breathing AIRE?

I wanted somebody to start the university with the name of Nithyananda AIRE University. Any center want to take that name take it. It’s a very prime name. Before somebody else picks it up, send a message now and take it up. Any center wants to have that name send a message quickly; first message which reaches to Me that city. No, waving the hand will not work; sending message. 😃Because everybody is waving the hand. Which message reaches Me first now, that city gets the name Nithyananda AIRE University. Whenever you breathe, find out are you breathing AIRE?

Malaysia sent it first. Malaysia got the name. Wow! Great! Because this is going to be very prime name now. AIRE.


Please understand I am realigning; it will be Authenticity, Integrity, Responsibility and Enriching. While we teach we may start with Responsibility and go to Authenticity and go to Integrity or we may start with Integrity and go to Authenticity and Responsibility or we may start with Enriching and… anything is ok. But usually when we say in a condensed form we use this AIRE as a condensed form.

No, what Kaladevi says? She also wanted the name? No but already Malaysia took it. Only one place can have the Nithyananda Aire University na. You can have Nithyananda AIRE Academy, Nithyananda AIRE Foundation. Hmm. Nithyananda AIRE Center. All these names each one of you guys pick up. Nithyananda AIRE Sangha. University name goes to Malaysia. Now each one of you guys send the request and take your name.

Now each center head, if you are already heading or going to declare you are going to head, you have to know you should make people feel excited to live these principles. Clear? People will come to you with all possible problems. As I said, they will think specially dedicating their time and energy to break your tattvas, to prove to you that your tattvas are wrong. Just like how you guys have tried to do that to Me! Not only you should be able to make them understand tattvas are right, you should be able to excite them to live the solution. How many of you cognize this what I am saying? Understand? Ma Atma listen. That is what is Peethadeeshwari. You will not be able to turn every moment to Me.


You guys will face two major problems. One - people will try their best to prove to you the tattvas are wrong, that cannot solve all the problems. They will make you feel stuck. Not only you have to break and make them understand tattvas are right and you should be able to excite them to live the solutions through the tattvas. Second problem they will create to you is - they will say you are not living the tattvas authentically as Swamiji explains to us. Understand they will question you. You are not that authentic. Inauthentic. Then you have to have patience for them to understand your authenticity; not only you have to become more authentic and you have to have patience for all of them to understand your authenticity. You cannot have inauthenticity and you cannot give up on them. ‘Ehhh how dare you tell I am inauthentic? You get out of my group my Sangha.’ No!! I never told that to you guys. How can you tell that to others?

Jnanatma, you will have a group exactly like you. 😀 Why do you feel that as a curse? It is a blessing. 😀 How many of you feel if I give this boon to you it will be, you are afraid of this boon. 😀 You will have people exactly like you around you. 😀Mokshapriyan is frightened…no, no, not me, not me!! 😀 Ehh don’t give up on you, ok? Hmmm. Dhyan se suniye, Jivan ki koi bhi samasya ka ka Samadhan Keval in char tatvo se kijiye. Solve any problem of this life only with these four tattvas. Clear?


Ambananda has a question. இவனெல்லாம் ரூம் (Room) போட்டு யோசிப்பானுங்க, ரூமே இல்லனாலும் ரோட்லே (Road) ரூம் போட்டு யோசிப்பானுங்க.

Ambananda has a question. Swamiji told that only if you have completed all the root thought patterns you are eligible for viraja homa and poorna Sannyas. Is there any way we can know that we have completed all the root patterns.

You will know inside you are peaceful, relaxed; nothing is attacking you again and again, then you know.

‘Also apart from the root thought pattern, I think we need to be 100% complete in all aspects before we commit for viraja homa and poorna Sannyas. Am I correct?’ you are asking.

Ambananda, you are not correct. And then I have to give only antima Sannyas like what I did to My father. You will never receive poorna Sannyas. If that is the case I will have to give only antima Sannyas just like what I did to My father. He will not be able to touch My feet. So I have to put My feet on Myself.


Today I declare once more with Integrity and Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching whatever people have given Me, giving Me, yet to give, I will give everything to Sangha. I declare I do not own, I will not own, I will not possess anything. Everything belongs to Sangha to be used only for these four purposes, four tattvas. Are you all clear? This throne, this everything is for this job. If I sit in this, this tattvas will have a respect people will listen. It can be sending a statement - like a President is the pride of a country, I am the pride of the tattvas for which we stand, the organization. So for that these things are used as a tradition. That is the reason I want all the Peethadeeshwars to have peetha. We are going to design a beautiful peetha. All of you will have peetha.

So please understand, I declare with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, Kalabhairava as a saakshi, witness, whatever was given, is given, will be given, I give it away to Sangha. It belongs to Sangha and should be used only for strengthening this four satyas - Integrity Responsibility Authenticity and Enriching. Are you all cognizing it? How many of you cognized? Thank you for cognizing and listening. So I would like to share this with all the devotees from now onwards whatever you give goes to Sangha only. So whatever you give goes to Sangha.


Ma Shanta has a question. What if Sangha wants to give it back to Swamiji because it enriches us, gives us joy. Is not that reason enough?

No, that is not enough. It should be directly enriching four satyas. Clear? Shanta ok? It should be directly enriching four satyas; whether you are ok or not this is what is life. 😀 A leader should take the responsibility for everyone’s inauthenticity, help, inspire, excite them to get out of their inauthenticity just through these four tattvas and satyas. Understand?

First let us make what we see physically, this Sangha, Authentic, Integrated, Responsible and Enriching. Then, only when we make these physical things clear, people will have respect for metaphysical things.



Sangha Runs on Respomsabilism Part 1

Video Audio



Let us...Gurukul kids also should stand by these four tattvas not by any other fantasy or political politeness. Okay...Listen; You’re Krama brahmacharya, Naishtika brahmacharya or Sanyasa is given to you by these four tattvas. As an embodiment of the four tattvas I give that cloth to you. If I am not embodying then I have no right to give you that. So whichever part not embodying the four tattva, you can reject. You have a right to reject.


A leader should take the responsibility for every one's inauthenticity. Help, inspire them to get out of their inauthenticity just through these four satyas. New York wants the name Nithyananda Air Academy. Granted, given! Hyderabad wants Nithyananda Air Vishwavidyalayam. Granted! Mill Valley wants Nithyananda Air Institute. Done. Have it! And Nithyananda Air University goes to Malaysia. Great.


Oh...God! See when you declare something, you should be very clear of the path and the goal. Both should be visible in front of your eyes. You cannot declare out of chaos and confusion. I will declare now. Later on I will see what to do, no. Ohio wanted a name Nithyananda Air Ashram. Great! Go ahead and have it. I wanted to give a name to San Jose Madurai. San Jose Madurai, My anyakara for you guys; I wanted you guys to create a monastery which will be called as Nithyananda Gnanasambandar Adheenam. Okay! Madurai will have a temple...San Jose Madurai will have a temple, beautiful temple of Meenakshi and Sundareswara, and they will have a monastery; with the, the monastery name will be Nithyananda Thirugnanasambandar Adheenam...alias San Jose Madurai Adheenam. Ok? Hmm...It is My anyakara. Will you guys fulfil it? Done, great!...And it should function exactly as per Madurai temple padhathi. See Kamika Agama...Kamika Agama is the Madurai Adheenam’s agama. Madurai temple and Madurai Adheenam both follows the same agama, Kamika Agama. So Kamika Agama will be the agama you guys will be following for all the rituals and everything. The whole Dhyanapeetam is going to follow only that and also the head of the monastery in San Jose will be called as San Jose Madurai Adheenam. San Jose Madurai Adheenam karthar. Peetadeeswari can be Snehamayi. But the monastery head will be San Jose Madurai Adheenam. Whoever becomes, whoever declares for that.


Understand. If there is a some debate and voting, there is some inauthenticity. All major decisions of our sangha, has to go only with unanimous decisions of Panch Parameshwar. Yes...mmm. Can there be two authentic solutions? No. Never. Which is the higher frequency authenticity should be the solution. No...each one of you in the part of the sangha should feel the collective responsibility, and the leader is a guy who is able to feel the responsibility and dedicate, sacrifice more to make everyone feel that responsibility. I tell you guys, each one of My cells are feeling fulfilled when I see you guys yesterday declaring, especially without any inauthenticity. When two-three people declared and there was no time, timeline gap, even then there was no inauthenticity. You guys did not do but you just forgot or something. But there is no inauthenticity. Any commitment you guys made with a shape, sorry what is that time, distance, time, sha... form. There is no inauthenticity. Now I have to help you guys to take responsibility and enrich and make it as a reality. That is My responsibility. But you guys are doing amazingly. So every cell, My cell is so happy. Feeling fulfilled. Because even if these much I am able to do, I am sure we will never have a problem of Yogonashta Paranthapaha. What Krishna says, yoga is lost in course of time. I know it will not happen. I can tell Krishna, ‘Come on, I will tell you how to, how to take care that yoga doesn't get lost.’ I can authentically tell Krishna, ‘See these guys, they are never going to lose the yoga. Yogonashta Paranthapa will never happen.’


Declaring with distance, time and form alone keeps your declaration in existence, and holds you accountable. Declaring anything in distance, time, and form ensures you, you are integrated, authentic, responsible, enriching yourself and the declaration you made. How many of you cognise this? With integrity and responsibility and enriching and authenticity, I declare it very clearly; These four tattvas only will be the life and satya again and again and again in My life, and the sangha's life, and anybody who is associated with sangha.


I am not going to hand-hold the sangha any more. I am only going to eye-hold. Understand. I am not going to hand-hold. I am creating a new word: Eye-hold. Meenakshi; Why that name you know..the fish, by look it will make the egg into fish. Hatching is done by fish by look. The look of the fish is so powerful, it can hatch the egg by look. So Meenakshi, just by the look she can grace. So she was running her whole kingdom only by eye-holding, not by hand-holding.


Leaders are created, who are ready to live these four tattvas to the extreme, without reserving any other strategy, personal ideology, motivation, concept in their heart independently, independent of these tattvas. Bhakta, when you declared that you are going to make 1008 temples, you have to make 1008 Bhaktananda, who will think in these tattvas and share these tattvas and make people live these tattvas. You understand! One temple means at least hundred people living these tattvas. Only when you create the people who want to worship, temple will be created. How many of you understand? Achala, nidra amrit le jaiye. She woke up and she forgot to raise the hand and she said...(nodding the head..laughter)


When you declare to be Peethadeeshwar, you should know that these four tattvas are the legs of the peethas on which you are sitting. Even if one is shaky, you won't be able to sit on the peetha, and the people who are living these four tattvas only are holding your peetha. Even if one person is shaky, your peetha will be shaky. How many of you are going to live and declare this Peethadeeshwars, raise your hand. Come on let Me see, tell, ask place, only place, tell, Bidadi. Ma Manisha..and you? International - the virtual sangha, you have to create a name for it. May be Jnanapeetha, create; Nithyananda Jnanapeeta. Hmm..come on, your place? Yet to be finalised. Hmm..Your place? Atmapriya? So you are going to be Peethadeeshwar for five places? You are Mahamandaleshwar. Hmm..Mahamandaleshwar...what are the five places. Yet to be finalised. Sharadananda. What are the places? What is the place? Haridwar, Haridwar, she is declaring to be Peethadeeshwar. Then you? Salem. Jyothika is. And Turiya? Delhi...Wah! and you? Ok. Natesha? Yet to be finalised. Shuddha? Tiruvannamalai. But Tiruvannamalai means you have to declare and complete with Sanatana and all that you have to do. Neepa? Tanjore. Wah!. Hey all the gurukul kids I will listen later on. Yeh! each one of you guys...ahn...Where? Varanasi..now, you guys need to understand, in your language, you guys have to do exactly what I am doing. All of you understand! See when you say, if you say Haridwar, Sharadananda, you should be able to do it in Hindi. The same exact thing I am doing. Continuously resolving the conflicts of the people, helping them and inspiring them, exciting them to live these tattvas. You understand? Turiya, you understand? That is where it starts. It begins with people around you vibrating these tattvas in the space you carry. Varanasi means you should do it in Hindi, Bhairavika you understand? So you should be able to declare and make people vibrate these tattvas. You see, understand, first thing, if you are declaring as Peethadeeshwar, first thing you understand at least ten thousand people in your area vibrate these tattvas. Now it is up to you. You can take free class or paid classes. But finally, they should be attending Inner Awakening. At least ten thousand people; Only then your peeta will be alive, vibrating with these principles. See if they attend inner awakening and then come back to your place, you will be able to do all the conflict resolution and guiding them further to keep up the tattvas in their life. So each one of you have to take the responsibility of that first.


There was a great sadhu. Kaali Kamblivala. Have you heard about him? He went and asked - Kaali Kamblivala went and asked his guru. His guru, Hamsarajgiriji baba. “Gurudev tell me, give me a guruvaak. I will fulfil." Guru just said, “Hey! I went to Chardham once and suffered so much without food and stay. You build choultries and support people for Chardham yatra." He said, "Dhanyawad Guruji." He left the Guru's feet after taking the charansparsha, blessings. He was thinking what to do...In those days, from Haridwar to Chardham he has to build a choultry, all the four places. So he has calculated. He himself went by walk and he found out in that, in that whole yatra, he has to stay in forty seven places. Chardham yatra, forty seven places he has to stay in those days. So all forty seven places, he marked and came back with some stone. He went only with one kambal. That is why it is called Kaali Kambliwala. Kambal means the blanket. He is a devotee of Kaali. He said, "I am a beggar sadhu not having one penny. But my guru has asked me to build. Now I have to build forty seven choultries. What can I do?" He straight went to Howrah railway station - Calcutta. In that railway station, one corner, he started standing in one leg. People asked him, why are you standing in one leg? I am standing in one leg and doing tapas towards Kaali to fulfil my guru's Hamsarajgiri baba's guruvak of building choultries and giving free food and stay for people who go for Chardham yatra. And in those days, if you look from now the buying power. All these forty seven choultries needs two hundred crore. He needs two hundred crore. He has nothing else other than his integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching, and his guru's vaak, guru's blessings. He doesn't have anything else. He stood on the one leg with responsibility and enriching. With integrity and authenticity, sent this strong waves of commitment and dedication. People will come and ask him, why are you standing? So to fulfil my guru's vaak I am standing. People will give ten paise, twenty paise, day and night. Please understand. He stood fifty seven years and completed forty seventh choultry; After one month, left the body. Forty seven choultries he built, including Tapovan. I stayed in his choultry in Tapovan. Tapovan is the beyond Gomukh. How many of you have been to Gomukh? Then you know after Gomukh, Tapovan. Forty seventh monas...choultry inaugurated. The disciples came and told him. Means by that time the disciples started gathering, seeing his authenticity and integrity. British has a record...about his standing on one leg, and achieving the purpose. And when the disciples came and reported to him the forty seventh monastery, choultry is inaugurated. He said yes, now the purpose is done. He removed the leg. He stood with both the legs, blessed the earth and in a month left the body. That one month is preparing him to leave the body, left the body.


I read in a book still the place where he stood, there is a memorial, small memorial in the Howrah station. But I have not seen. I tried to search. The Howrah station is too big. So I am not able to find out. I will verify and then get back to you whether the memorial still exists or not. But I am hundred percent sure the story is true; because it is verified and validated by many sources.


Swami Ramakrishnananda, Ramakrishna's disciple built the Mahilapore whole Mutt, by carrying the Ramakrishna's photo on his head. He will carry and walk. There was another one devotee also. His name is Ramamurthy. He did that. So you may have to be ready to show this kind of extraordinary integrity, authenticity, dedication, responsibility and enriching. How many of you feel you are ready for this kind of extreme? Then you will do it. You guys will do it. Then you guys will do it. Then you guys will do it. If you are ready, you guys will do it. Not only standing in one leg in public, fortunately he was nirahari. So no one, two, three. No one, two, three. And food is also like a very little, in a teaspoon or in a Bael fruit. Little bit which he will put it in the body which will become air. Just be burnt away. And he became yogi because of his commitment. And one more thing you need to know, before he started standing in one leg, he was not nirahari. The power of his commitment was so powerful his body became nirahari and he does not need to lower his leg for one, two, three or anything.


I was seeing yesterday a documentary, beautiful documentary. I wanted...I sincerely recommend all of you to see the documentary done by National Geographic channel and Discovery channel..they released, they relayed on Kumbh Mela. Amazing! First time a western media is doing a positive documentary. Hundred percent positive documentary on Kumbh Mela. Amazing! And in that, they are interviewing a sadhu who is standing in one leg for years. Why are you standing? He said, I wanted body to go through such an extreme pain, it gets into an outer body experience. I wanted all of you to see the documentary. World's biggest festival Kumbh Mela 2013, National Geographic documentary. That is a title. It is already in the you tube. It is three parts. I sincerely request all of you to see. Beautifully they have shown and the guy is really in love with Hinduism. See usually there will be one set of western media abusing, abusing, abusing, showing only the sadhus having bhang and that kind of abusal. And there will be some group showing like a excitement, but never there will be a spiritual component. This guy I am so happy and I bless him. He brings spiritual component of Kumbh Mela with lot of love, respect and passion. And I bless this guy. Let him be successful in the field of media, in journalism. Because he did this with so much of love and respect for Hindu tradition; and I wanted all you guys to see, amazing documentary and amazing commentary. Ma can you email the link to....can you show the link in the two-way, so all people can download and watch.


Youtube video title is, ‘World's biggest festival Kumbh Mela 2013 National Geographic documentary.’ Diego bunuel in India. Diego bunuel is his name. Beautiful. Such a respectful approach towards Hinduism. Very spiritually respectful approach towards Hinduism. That is the beautiful: the words he is uttering, the way he is presenting, the way he is commenting, the way he is telling not even in one place he has disrespected any of our beliefs and faiths. He has been thrown out of Kumbha Ghat by police. He is not coming and out and blaming that. He says, yes, it is a place of spiritual action, sacred bath. So I have no right to stand there and videograph or do anything else other than taking bath. So they are right throwing me out of that place. So that honesty and authenticity he is talking. He was literally thrown out of the place by police, and he is showing that in that video, and he is telling they are right. as nobody has a right to; see if I am there taking bath, I can be allowed. If I am not doing that sacred act and being in that place, It’s wrong. So they are right that they threw me out. And he is also showing a sadhu who can pull one ton weight just through his genitals- Hatha Yogi, and who can lift seventy kg. No...power of Hatha Yoga ma. And who can bury themself nine days. He is showing the burial. Hmmm. So all you guys should see. Hmm. It is beautiful. I enjoyed it. All the three part I saw and I enjoyed it. I felt like almost recap...recap of the whole Kumbh mela...Hmm


Come on, let’s come back to the subject. Only when you are ready to go to these extreme tapas, ready to do anything to live this life, your commitments become reality. I tell you, whoever has raised their hands that they are ready to be like the Kaali Kambliwala Baba, Kaali Kambliwala. When you start your commitment it will become simply reality. You don't even need to do anything else. And do you know, standing in this same place, they built all the forty seven. Can you understand? And trained the sadhus and dedicated them. Still now all forty seven are alive, up and running. All the buildings are still, functioning and running; Accommodating visitors, pilgrims, sadhus. Whenever we go to Uttarkashi we always stay opposite to that Kaali Kambliwala's choultry. The space of the AIRE A.I.R.E or I.A.R.E. In IA, see in IA you learn integrity and authenticity. Then when you go out you have to live with responsibility and enriching. IA we can have even one more interpretation, integrity and authenticity. In IA, IA is taught to you. When you go out you have to be responsible and enriching.


Today I also have the collective responsibility declaration from Toronto Kailasam. Eh! Tejo, you have to also send all the names who have signed in this collective responsibility declaration. Because I am going....whoever has signed, for them only I am going to send My support, My power. Hey! Malaysia also. Malaysia, Houston, Toronto. All of you guys have to send with the signature of the people to Me. And after I send the prasadam back you will have to again get them signed and then send it back. That’s a spiritual commitment. I have the Toronto Kailasam's collective responsibility declaration. They are saying, “Pranam Swamiji. With authenticity, responsibility, offering for swamiji's blessings. With integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourselves and the world, Toronto Kailasam community declares to assume collective responsibility for making all the below resolutions into reality. We commit to adding timelines to all enriching efforts and more details in the next meeting. Build an ashram in Kailasam, as Kailasam as close to Mount Kailash as cosmically and legally possible.” Wah! first itself they are jumping into the Mount Kailash. (clapping) Great, great, My blessings to you guys. Support all yatris by offering free food, medicine and boarding all year around and a space for Swamiji to come and stay whenever He choses, with a view of Mount Kailasam just like the view He had about Mount Arunachala growing up. Thanks for Toronto Kailasam guys for remembering Me and thinking for My view of Kailash which I really will enjoy and enjoy. Then the second, start Nithyananda TV in Tamil and broadcast worldwide. Start online TV by Shiva Ratri and over the air broadcast by Jayanti 2014. Oh god!...by 2014 January first, they want, they are going to start a satellite channel. Am I right? Air broadcast means? Means...yeh air broadcast means satellite channel only na...oh God! What they mean by that? Ask them. This seems to be too much, oooh...hmmm....and build a community centred on a marble temple. Oh God! Hmmm, the next....Toronto Kailasam is.... God!..Then they are saying a community caters to life from beginning to end. Welcome centre to graceful exit centre, to cremation centre performing vedic rites. Aye, are you guys are established in integrity and authenticity when you declare all these. Wow! that is great. Temple will have the largest Subramanya deity in the world. Yeh then it means it has to be something like hundred feet. Largest Subramanya deity. Already I think seventy eighty feet somebody has done it. Offering healing to people who will visit from all over the world. Then it has to be Vaidya Subramanya. Three hundred thousand people living in community around the temple. What are they talking? Oh God, it is mind boggling even for Me, a person who has no mind. Multiple program hall teaching tattvas, meditation, kriyas, self sustaining Gurukul from kg to grade twelve, universities, hospitals and malls. Eco friendly vedic lifestyle, money is obsolete not in use. What it means ma..., I don't understand. Amma, money is obsolete. Not in use. not in use....Hmmm...Oh which is not money dependent. That is great. Blessings. I tell you guys. With all My heart and soul I bless you guys. Let this be successful. God! Banyan tree, seven lakes and hillock around the temple. Wah! Run the Bhakti wing of Nithyananda Vedic University. Enriching students as pujaris in the science of relating with deities as a seva, and alchemy of turning idols into deities; and by Gurupurnima 2013 University online offering pujari training and with online courses, video tutorials. God, Tathastu - means next three months.


Sri Lanka social services support all social service of Sri Lanka mission. Great. Adopt an ashram. Support all services of Tiruvannamalai ashram. They are adopting Tiruvannamalai ashram. And seventh...support and enrich other cities in Canada with temples in Vancouver, Calgary and centres in Montreal, Ottawa, Ottawa and continue to support new centres. Build a Hindu temple mall which will be wearhouse for distributing deities, temple materials for North..for all of North America supplying to new and existing temples. Mobile Nithyananda Library. Wah! All My energy and the energy of the cosmos will support you guys. Sreescha, Lakshmeescha, Pushteencha, Keerthinjan. rinyatham Brahmanyam Bahuputratam Be experience for all you guys. Tathastu. God! First thing you have to do is all the three hundred thousand people whom you want to live in the community around the temple, you have to make them attend Inner Awakening; Enrich them through Inner Awakening. Am I right? So that is a first thing. Before you build the temple mall, you have to go and stand in the outside the malls, distribute flyers. In Hinduism, world is sustained by maall and in western countries also world is sus..sustained by mall. Maall means Venkatesh-Vishnu.


First of all, now you have to look around and how many of the devotees who have not done IA; Make them all do IA and see that the new lives are happening around you guys. Enrich the new lives with IA. That’s a first step. And in the next meeting put the timeline. What is the timeline for the next meeting? At least tell Me that. They said that they will give a word by next meeting ma. Hmmm. They are declaring that Nithyanandam Bahuputratam. Wah! Accepted. The word is accepted, approved and history will tell that this word is coined by Rishi Tejo. By coining this word, Tejo becomes Rishi, now. He is the Rishi for this word. Nithyanandam bahuputratham.


Great and Ohio Prayag sangha, in sampoorthi and shraddha, in upayanam and apyayanam, NYT Ohio Prayag held a collective responsibility meeting and they declare, Ohio Prayag sangha takes the responsibility for the Nithyananda Enlightenment University and ashram to en-reach and enrich 25,000 lives by 2017. Wow! This looks big. Really big. This temple, university, ashram is residential community at the ashram level; a small Bidadi where all learn and live by the four tattvas. Ashramites can work outside and come daily for seva and sadhanas. Devotees can come for program and training. Local public lives will be enriched by the programs and existence of the ashram. Ashram is a vedic training centre based on the four tattvas of AIRE, providing training and programs in Nithyananda yogas and puja, life solution. An onsite wellness cleaning and a graceful exit program. Children's lives are enriched by a residential Nithyananda Vidyalaya Gurukul. Vedic cultural, arts training is provided. There is an onsite Goshala. Residential accommodations and Indian grocery is on the promises...premises. Nithyananda Annalaya is established. People will be enriched to attend IA from their experiences at the ashram. Wah! By 2013 Nithyananda Vidyalaya Sunday school and Nithyananda Annalaya is established. By 2014 a 200 hour non-residential Nithyananda yoga teacher training begins. Nithyananda Annalaya cook book is produced. 2015, an Indian grocery will be established. 2016, the ashram and the temple is self-sustaining and the adjacent property has been acquired. This property will be the site for the Goshala and on-site residents for ashramites and public. By 2017, we are enriching and en-reaching 25,000 lives. The following gave the declarations of responsibility in support of each other and the Nithyananda Enlightenment university and ashram. Ma Nithya Shivananda and Ma Nithyananda Bodhana, Devendra dubey, Ma Nithya Prasaditha, Ma Nithya Gurupriya, Ma Nithya Prema Achala, Ma Nithya Ashageeta, Shri Anand Vishesh George Koloha, Koylao, Koylaho, Catherine Robinson. As a spiritual head and the Incarnation from the spiritual authority, I bless you guys. Tathastu. So be it. Done. It will be done. Keep this vision statement and read this every day. Keep this vision statement alive in your inner space and make it happen in the outer space. Tathastu. Again your responsibility also living these tattva and solving all your conflicts and others conflicts, enriching people with these tattvas. I tell you, when people start living with these tattvas conflict itself drastically reduces.


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Photos Of The Day:







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