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==Link to Video: ==  
Discover Your Peak Performance.
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== Description: ==  
== Description: ==  
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals that the four spiritual principles of life inhabit our very DNA, nourishing the kernel of our potential. [[Integrity]] means understanding that what we speak is the truth: that if we say we are sick we become diseased; if we say we are bursting with energy we become lively. [[Authenticity]] means that we align with our inner space, that we calm our restlessness and are able to be at peace. [[Responsibility]] means building a bridge between our present reality and what we wish to happen. [[Enriching]] means establishing our existence in the act of sacred service which expands the lives of others.
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals that the four spiritual principles of life inhabit our very DNA, nourishing the kernel of our potential. [[Integrity]] means understanding that what we speak is the truth: that if we say we are sick we become diseased; if we say we are bursting with energy we become lively. [[Authenticity]] means that we align with our inner space, that we calm our restlessness and are able to be at peace. [[Responsibility]] means building a bridge between our present reality and what we wish to happen. [[Enriching]] means establishing our existence in the act of sacred service which expands the lives of others.
== Tags: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4_TdqC3R_k |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-04apr-27_discover-your-peak-performance"/>
Paramhamsa Nithyananda, reveal, spiritual, DNA, potential, truth, sick, energy, restless, peace, reality, wish, sacred. 
==Transcript: ==  
==Transcript: ==  
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects for this Nithya satsang. Today’s subject for the Nithya Satsang: “LIVING THESE PRINCIPLES AS A NATURAL FLOW OF LIFE.”
I welcome you all with my love and respects for this Nithya satsang. Today’s
subject for the Nithya Satsang: “LIVING THESE PRINCIPLES AS A NATURAL FLOW
Please understand, these four principles – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and
Enriching – these four principles exist in our very DNA. When these four principles
are lived, the seed becomes tree, man realizes his potential. As on now, man is
only a possibility. Only with these four principles, when it becomes reality, you
experience your actuality. The seed is inbuilt as everything needed for it to become
reality. Human being has everything needed in him to become the ultimate reality;
the divine reality. This four principles, the spiritual principles continuously inspire,
exert, make you experience your ultimate possibility. As I said yesterday, the DNA,
the very structure with which human consciousness is built, the natural law of
human life – in Sanskrit we use the word “dhamma” – is these four principles. 
Please understand, these four principles – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching – these four principles exist in our very DNA. When these four principles are lived, the seed becomes tree, man realizes his potential. As on now, man is only a possibility. Only with these four principles, when it becomes reality, you experience your actuality. The seed is inbuilt as everything needed for it to become reality. Human being has everything needed in him to become the ultimate reality; the divine reality. This four principles, the spiritual principles continuously inspire, exert, make you experience your ultimate possibility. As I said yesterday, the DNA, the very structure with which human consciousness is built, the natural law of human life – in Sanskrit we use the word “dhamma” – is these four principles.
With Integrity, the innate intelligence to expand is straightened; the space of Positivity is awakened.
With Integrity, the innate intelligence to expand is straightened; the space of
Positivity is awakened.
With Authenticity, continuously life oozing out in your system is ensured.
With Authenticity, continuously life oozing out in your system is ensured.
With Responsibility, standing up what you respond or what you represent, standing
up for what you represent happens. With Enriching, the ultimate result of you establishing
your existence into everything.
You establishing your existence into everything is what I call “serving”. In any form
of serving, Enriching, you expand and become part of it.
The perception’s possibility, the possibility of perception, possibility of cognition,
and the possibility of expansion; possibility of perception, possibility of cognition,
possibility of expansion.
With Responsibility, standing up what you respond or what you represent, standing up for what you represent happens.
With Enriching, the ultimate result of you establishing your existence into everything.
You establishing your existence into everything is what I call “serving”. In any form of serving, Enriching, you expand and become part of it.
The space of perception - Perception is the process happening with the facts and
your patterns. How you want to see the facts and the facts, both together,
perception is achieved. When you bring Integrity into you, when you bring Integrity
into your thinking, complete Integrity, the words you utter to you and to others,
has to be experienced as your very life. The word which comes out of your life
source does not leave, get disconnected from your life source. So, what happens to
that word affects the source of your life.
Please understand, it is not like you gave a word, then you and the word are
disconnected, whether the word is fulfilled or unfulfilled, it is no way related to your
life source. No! The word continues to be connected with you because it is delivered
from you. Even though your son is out of your body after you deliver, your child is
out of your body after you delivered, it is not that you are disconnected from your
child. His good or bad continues to affect you till you exist. Same way, the words
which comes out of you continues to have power over you, whether they are
fulfilled or unfulfilled, respected or not respected, listened or not listened. Even
though it leaves your body, the word you gave leaves you, it does not get
disconnected from you; just like your relationship with your children. It is not that
after the delivery, of course, after the delivery physically there is no connection, the
child is separate, but the relationship exists. With word, any word you utter, the
relationship continues to exist. Understanding the word you utter continues to have
power over you even after years it is uttered, makes you utter the words with
The perception’s possibility, the possibility of perception, possibility of cognition, and the possibility of expansion; possibility of perception, possibility of cognition, possibility of expansion.
The words you utter to you and to others, when you experience them as the
extension of your life they do directly affect you. When the words uttered by you
were never listened, please understand, your Integrity, the completion is disturbed.
I tell you if you are talking and few people in front of you are completely restless,
not listening, you will never be able to express the complete ideas which you are
about to express. You will not be able to have completion in your delivery. Even in
the house, when you are talking, the person to whom you are talking, if the person
is not listening, if the person is not in the space of listening, the ideas you are going
to express will never be delivered. It may lead to argument, but it may never lead
to the intelligence transfer. Information transfer is argument. Intelligence transfer
is listening. In arguments, informations can be transferred, but never intelligence.
Only in listening, intelligence can be transferred. 
So understand, I am not proposing this theory of Integrity as an ethics or morality.
No! Ethics or morality is very superficial, skin deep. I am proposing this Integrity as
the inner awakening process where your possibility is awakened; where your rights
are reclaimed. 
The space of perception - Perception is the process happening with the facts and your patterns. How you want to see the facts and the facts, both together, perception is achieved. When you bring Integrity into you, when you bring Integrity into your thinking, complete Integrity, the words you utter to you and to others, has to be experienced as your very life. The word which comes out of your life source does not leave, get disconnected from your life source. So, what happens to that word affects the source of your life.
Please understand, it is not like you gave a word, then you and the word are disconnected, whether the word is fulfilled or unfulfilled, it is no way related to your life source. No! The word continues to be connected with you because it is delivered from you. Even though your son is out of your body after you deliver, your child is out of your body after you delivered, it is not that you are disconnected from your child. His good or bad continues to affect you till you exist. Same way, the words which comes out of you continues to have power over you, whether they are fulfilled or unfulfilled, respected or not respected, listened or not listened. Even though it leaves your body, the word you gave leaves you, it does not get disconnected from you; just like your relationship with your children. It is not that after the delivery, of course, after the delivery physically there is no connection, the child is separate, but the relationship exists. With word, any word you utter, the relationship continues to exist. Understanding the word you utter continues to have power over you even after years it is uttered, makes you utter the words with responsibility.  
As I was telling in the earlier satsangs, it is not even your responsibility. Integrity is
not even your responsibility. It is your Right! Just like Padmanabha Swamy Temple
treasury! All of you might have heard that the underground of the temple garbha
mandir there was huge treasury discovered. With the discovery of that treasury, in
overnight that temple became world’s richest temple! Something like overnight!
Earlier, Venkateshwara was world’s richest temple; the second was Vatican; third
was Sabarimala. But now! Actually, the Thiruvananthapuram temple was 17th.
Now, overnight, he became first! The temple has become first!
Understand that scene! Same way, there is a treasury in a room. I am giving you
the key and forcing you, ‘Go and open and see! Go and open and see! Go and open
and see!’ You may think ‘What is this? This Swami is forcing me! He is making me
do something which is a responsibility for me, which is a work!’ Till you open and
see the treasury for yourself, whatever I am saying is a responsibility, work for you.
Once you open and reclaim it, only then you will understand it is your Right! When
you start living Integrity, the amazing powers expresses through you. Then you will
realize, Integrity is not your Responsibility, it is your Right! It is simply your
Understand, when you are clear, every word uttered by you is extension of you,
continues to be extension of you, till they are completed, either by fulfillment or by
completion. They continue to exist. They do not die. The words you utter do not die
down. Same way, words you utter to you, do not die down. They continue to exist
and disturb your perception, alter your perception.
The words you utter to you and to others, when you experience them as the extension of your life they do directly affect you. When the words uttered by you were never listened, please understand, your Integrity, the [[completion]] is disturbed. I tell you if you are talking and few people in front of you are completely restless, not [[listening]], you will never be able to express the complete ideas which you are about to express. You will not be able to have completion in your delivery. Even in the house, when you are talking, the person to whom you are talking, if the person is not listening, if the person is not in the space of listening, the ideas you are going to express will never be delivered. It may lead to argument, but it may never lead to the intelligence transfer. Information transfer is argument. Intelligence transfer is listening. In arguments, informations can be transferred, but never intelligence. Only in listening, intelligence can be transferred.  
I can give you one example. If you go on telling for next ten days, ‘I am healthy
and energetic! See how I have become young! Suddenly I have become alright!
Suddenly I am healthy! Suddenly I am feeling so energetic!’, first two-three days it
will look like a false, lie. Next two-three days it will look like hypocrisy. After a week
you will see that becomes your way of expressing you. And after ten days, your
perception about you will change.
Please understand, your perception about you will change, because the words
uttered are not dead! They don’t disappear in the air. They continue to exist and
influence you. The words uttered, continues to exist and influence you - The space
of perception. Same way if you try other way, the other way round. Just next ten
days go on telling everybody, ‘I am sick! I am sick! I am sick! I am sick! I have
become old! I don’t think I can move my leg! I don’t think I can move my hand! I
have joint pains! I have this! I have that!’ Go on be repeating for ten days. You will
literally not only feel sick; you will feel like you can’t move out of your bed. You can
either make yourself sick or healthy, just by the words you utter! Making you fall
sick by the words you utter is very easy. How many of you cognize what I am
saying? In your life you can see it very clearly.
So, understand, the words you utter are not disconnected from you. They are not
dead in the air. Same way, the words you utter to yourself are also not dead in
your inner space. Just go on repeating the word, ‘Wow! What a life! What an
excitement! So many new, new things happening every day! I am really excited! I
am going to live it! I am going to make it!’ Go on repeating these words. Even your
loans, debts, problems will look new, new, and exciting you. Even your sufferings
will look new every day and will look like a challenges, will be exciting you!
Other way round, repeat inside you, ‘It is boring! I don’t think I can make it! I think
suicide is the only way! Life is not going to happen!’ Try to repeat for ten days! You
will see everything will be boring! When you wake up early morning, you don’t even
want to open the eyes. You will say, ‘No, let me lie down for one more hour!’ When
you can’t lie down any more, you will be irritated about coffee not being hot or
sweet. The agitation will start. Boredom leads to intense agitation towards reality.
The constant irritation or agitation is a direct result of boredom and the wrong
words being repeated inside you by yourself to yourself.
So understand, I am not proposing this theory of Integrity as an ethics or morality. No! Ethics or morality is very superficial, skin deep. I am proposing this Integrity as the inner awakening process where your possibility is awakened; where your rights are reclaimed.
Understand, either you can be constantly excited…! The words you utter to you and
to others continue to influence your perception. Space of Perception where you
perceive things can be purified into the Space of Possibility, the ultimate Positivity,
by Integrity. When you live Integrity continuously, you became aware of the
thoughts and processes happening in the inner space. So, with this one concept,
Integrity purifies your perception and creates tremendous positivity. 
Sometime people ask me, ‘Can my cancer go away if I repeat again and again “I
am healthy! I am healthy! I am healthy!”? It looks too much!’ 
As I was telling in the earlier satsangs, it is not even your responsibility. Integrity is not even your responsibility. It is your Right! Just like Padmanabha Swamy [[Temple]] treasury! All of you might have heard that the underground of the temple garbha mandir there was huge treasury discovered. With the discovery of that treasury, in overnight that temple became world’s richest temple! Something like overnight! Earlier, Venkateshwara was world’s richest temple; the second was Vatican; third was Sabarimala. But now! Actually, the Thiruvananthapuram temple was 17th. Now, overnight, he became first! The temple has become first!
With this clarity and responsibility I am talking. By a constant repetition of
Integrity, with Integrity practiced, cancer can be cured! I have done it for
thousands of my disciples. Please understand, complete practice of Integrity within
you and outside you CAN cure even the diseases like Cancer! I am responsible for
what I am saying. Please understand, I am responsible for what I am saying.
Understand that scene! Same way, there is a treasury in a room. I am giving you the key and forcing you, ‘Go and open and see! Go and open and see! Go and open and see!’ You may think ‘What is this? This Swami is forcing me! He is making me do something which is a responsibility for me, which is a work!’ Till you open and see the treasury for yourself, whatever I am saying is a responsibility, work for you. Once you open and reclaim it, only then you will understand it is your Right! When you start living Integrity, the amazing powers expresses through you. Then you will realize, Integrity is not your Responsibility, it is your Right! It is simply your birthright!
Understand, when you are clear, every word uttered by you is extension of you, continues to be extension of you, till they are completed, either by fulfillment or by completion. They continue to exist. They do not die. The words you utter do not die down. Same way, words you utter to you, do not die down. They continue to exist and disturb your perception, alter your perception.
I can give you one example. If you go on telling for next ten days, ‘I am healthy and energetic! See how I have become young! Suddenly I have become alright! Suddenly I am healthy! Suddenly I am feeling so energetic!’, first two-three days it will look like a false, lie. Next two-three days it will look like hypocrisy. After a week you will see that becomes your way of expressing you. And after ten days, your perception about you will change.
Please understand, your perception about you will change, because the words uttered are not dead! They don’t disappear in the air. They continue to exist and influence you. The words uttered, continues to exist and influence you - The space of perception. Same way if you try other way, the other way round. Just next ten days go on telling everybody, ‘I am sick! I am sick! I am sick! I am sick! I have become old! I don’t think I can move my leg! I don’t think I can move my hand! I have joint pains! I have this! I have that!’ Go on be repeating for ten days. You will literally not only feel sick; you will feel like you can’t move out of your bed. You can either make yourself sick or healthy, just by the words you utter! Making you fall sick by the words you utter is very easy. How many of you cognize what I am saying? In your life you can see it very clearly.
So, understand, the words you utter are not disconnected from you. They are not dead in the air. Same way, the words you utter to yourself are also not dead in your inner space. Just go on repeating the word, ‘Wow! What a life! What an excitement! So many new, new things happening every day! I am really excited! I am going to live it! I am going to make it!’ Go on repeating these words. Even your loans, debts, problems will look new, new, and exciting you. Even your sufferings will look new every day and will look like a challenges, will be exciting you!
Other way round, repeat inside you, ‘It is boring! I don’t think I can make it! I think suicide is the only way! Life is not going to happen!’ Try to repeat for ten days! You will see everything will be boring! When you wake up early morning, you don’t even want to open the eyes. You will say, ‘No, let me lie down for one more hour!’ When you can’t lie down any more, you will be irritated about coffee not being hot or sweet. The agitation will start. Boredom leads to intense agitation towards reality. The constant irritation or agitation is a direct result of boredom and the wrong words being repeated inside you by yourself to yourself.
Understand, either you can be constantly excited…! The words you utter to you and to others continue to influence your perception. Space of Perception where you perceive things can be purified into the Space of Possibility, the ultimate Positivity, by Integrity. When you live Integrity continuously, you became aware of the thoughts and processes happening in the inner space. So, with this one concept, Integrity purifies your perception and creates tremendous positivity.
Sometime people ask me, ‘Can my cancer go away if I repeat again and again “I am healthy! I am healthy! I am healthy!”? It looks too much!’
With this clarity and responsibility I am talking. By a constant repetition of Integrity, with Integrity practiced, cancer can be cured! I have done it for thousands of my disciples. Please understand, complete practice of Integrity within you and outside you CAN cure even the diseases like Cancer! I am responsible for what I am saying. Please understand, I am responsible for what I am saying.
I will move to the next principle, how the Authenticity expands the possibility and leads you to the next level space of Possibility.
I will move to the next principle, how the Authenticity expands the possibility and
leads you to the next level space of Possibility. 
Before that I will give you the gist in Hindi.
Before that I will give you the gist in Hindi.
Understand, you have only two; I don’t even want to use the word “Vikalpa”, the
perceptions, the options. Your perception IS your option. I am not insensitive to
your suffering. Don’t think, I am not a guru, sitting in a forest, in a deep cave,
doesn’t have any problems around him, gets the beautiful Ganges water and fruits,
and rests his whole life, came suddenly to Delhi to teach; so he is telling, ‘Life is
beautiful, smooth, glorious! Don’t have suffering!’ No! I am a guru having enough
problem! Enough of people attacked me! Facing enough of persecutions! With this,
I am telling you, suffering is option! Your perception is option! Space of Perception
can be purified to the Space of Ultimate Positivity by Integrity. 
I will move to the next truth, how Authenticity can lead you to the Space of
Let me describe Authenticity once more: “Raising yourself constantly to your peak
possibility to yourself, your peak possibility to others. What you are for you, what
you are for others, raising yourself constantly to its peak.”
We don’t have a problem raising ourselves to the peak of what we are for us. Just
look in, what you are for you. Many a time, a nagging fighter with whom you can’t
have divorce! No, look in! Then you will understand what Krishna says, “Uddharedh
Atmanaatmaanam Aatmaanam avasaadhayeth|” “Raise yourself by yourself!” 
Sometimes people ask, ‘To tell this, why do we need an incarnation like Krishna?’ 
If you practice, you will understand so much need to be done in the field of raising
you to you!
Listen! If you cognize restlessness in you, inability to be in peace with you, be very
clear, you have nagging, constantly fighting self with you, which does not allow you
to be in tune with you. I will give you one example. I have seen many times people
telling me when they go to a temple stand in front of a deity, or when they go to a
guru and ask guru some request or prayer, when they talk to that deity or the guru
itself their inner space will come up with so many options, “Ask this! Ask this! Ask
this!” Finally, they will be so confused what to ask and come back silently. Or,
sometimes, even when you go to talk to your boss, ask for a leave, ask for
something, you are so messed up in your inner space, you will not be able to
handle the conversation, collapse and come back! Why boss? Sometime even with
your friends, you will not be able to handle the conversation, collapse and come
Understand, you have only two; I don’t even want to use the word “Vikalpa”, the perceptions, the options. Your perception IS your option. I am not insensitive to your suffering. Don’t think, I am not a guru, sitting in a forest, in a deep cave, doesn’t have any problems around him, gets the beautiful Ganges water and fruits, and rests his whole life, came suddenly to Delhi to teach; so he is telling, ‘Life is beautiful, smooth, glorious! Don’t have suffering!’ No! I am a guru having enough problem! Enough of people attacked me! Facing enough of persecutions! With this, I am telling you, suffering is option! Your perception is option! Space of Perception can be purified to the Space of Ultimate Positivity by Integrity.
I will move to the next truth, how Authenticity can lead you to the Space of Possibility!  
Understand, how many of you experienced this in your life that not able to handle
the conversation, collapsing and coming back? Raise your hand. All of you have a
deep restlessness within you! Not able to handle a conversation is the direct side
effect of unable to handle your perception about you. You may ask how these two
are connected. I will expand - Deep dissatisfaction about who you are, and your
expectation about who you should be is far away; why it is far away? Because, you
do not feel you are responsible to create who you want to be. You think, suddenly
overnight, one day morning you will wake up, by some boon or a blessing or
miracle, you will have whom you want to be as you. It is the gap between who you
are and who you want to be without responsibility is Greed! With responsibility, is
Possibility! Who you are is here. Who you want to be is there in that balcony. When
there is no responsibility-bridge, it is Greed. When there is a responsibility-bridge,
you are building the responsibility-bridge to achieve that who you want to be, then
that who you want to be becomes Possibility, no more a Greed!
Even Rama has to build a bridge to reach Sita! The bridge is the “Responsibility”.
When you add Responsibility towards your Greed, suddenly the gap reduces.
Drastically the gap reduces! Responsibility infused into thinking removes agitation
and disconnect with you. Please understand, the disconnection exists between you
and your possibility, is the reason for non-communication. How many of you feel
you have stage fear, you cannot communicate in the stage, you cannot speak in
front of a crowd? Raise your hand. I tell you, you cannot speak even with you!
Speaking with you and speaking with a crowd is one and the same.
If you think you can’t handle a conversation with you, sometime you can see, after
three or four arguments with yourself, you say, “Aah, why to think of all these
things? Leave it! Anyhow, this all will not get into my head! I can’t do all this!’ You
just drop conversation with you. Means, you are not able to handle your own
doubts! You say, ‘I’ll be successful in this! I’ll achieve this!’ Then part of your mind
creates doubts! ‘How can this be? This is your performance! This is your
qualification! This is the way you behaved earlier! How are you going to say you are
going to achieve it? How is it possible by you to do this? Then you don’t have
answer, you just dump it! ‘No, No! I will do it in some way! Don’t bother!’ You
escape from that conversation. How many of you cognize you have this kind of
conversations in you? So, you are not able to even handle you! There is a
communication gap between you and you. The communication is not happening
even between you and you! You are not able to convince even you! Then, how are
you going to get into the stage and convince the people in front of you? When you
don’t convince you, when you are not able to convince you, you develop a feeling
you are a fool! You are stupid! 
Let me describe Authenticity once more: “Raising yourself constantly to your peak possibility to yourself, your peak possibility to others. What you are for you, what you are for others, raising yourself constantly to its peak.”
We don’t have a problem raising ourselves to the peak of what we are for us. Just look in, what you are for you. Many a time, a nagging fighter with whom you can’t have divorce! No, look in! Then you will understand what [[Krishna]] says, “Uddharedh Atmanaatmaanam Aatmaanam avasaadhayeth|” “Raise yourself by yourself!
Please understand, incomplete conversations with you, how much ever you try to
Sometimes people ask, ‘To tell this, why do we need an incarnation like Krishna?’
push it under the carpet, does not die! It runs around like a Tom and Jerry! See, in
If you practice, you will understand so much need to be done in the field of raising you to you!
the Tom and Jerry cartoon, the Tom or Jerry who has gone under the carpet does
not keep quiet or sleep! He will be running around! You can see the carpet going up
and down! Same way, the incompletions pushed under your inner space, saying,
‘No, no, no, no, no! This all I can’t handle! I will win! Somehow I will win! Why are
you asking too many questions? Somehow I will win! Keep quiet!’ When you push
your own questions without the completion under the carpet, they are not going to
die! They are not going to keep quiet! Now or tomorrow, now or tomorrow, today or
tomorrow, you have to face those questions! You have to face those incompletions!
You have to face that part of you! When you can’t face that part of you, when you
can’t communicate with that part of you, the non-communication becomes your
I tell you, you not able to get into a stage and not able to speak, you not able to
communicate to a group of people, I will call that as sickness! I will not call that as
inability, I will call that as sickness! You should be given handicapped allowance!
Unfortunately you do not understand the root of the reason, the root of the
problem. Unable to communicate to a group of people is a serious illness! If you ask
from my experience, I will term that as unable to live the life, being handicapped!
Understand, a person who is not in communication with himself will not be able to
communicate to a group. And one more secret you need to know, you are not
individual, you are a group living in one body! When somebody, when I ask their
name, ‘I am Ramachandran’, I say, ‘No! You say “Ramachandran &amp; Co living in one
body”!’ Each one of us are a group living in one body! If you can handle your
questions and have communication with you, I tell you, you can communicate with
any number of people! You can speak in any stage, any group!
Ability to speak to a group of people, communicate to a group of people, is not
something extraordinary. It is your basic survival need. With that capacity only
your life starts. Because, any achievement, you need to share your ideas with
people, you need to enroll others into it. If you don’t have that capacity, till the end
you will be working all alone. If your vision has not become mission of many
people, it can never be realized as a reality! Only when your mission becomes the
mission of many people, it can become reality, in any field, in any field!
Listen! If you cognize restlessness in you, inability to be in peace with you, be very clear, you have nagging, constantly fighting self with you, which does not allow you to be in tune with you. I will give you one example. I have seen many times people telling me when they go to a temple stand in front of a deity, or when they go to a guru and ask guru some request or prayer, when they talk to that deity or the guru itself their inner space will come up with so many options, “Ask this! Ask this! Ask this!” Finally, they will be so confused what to ask and come back silently. Or, sometimes, even when you go to talk to your boss, ask for a leave, ask for something, you are so messed up in your inner space, you will not be able to handle the conversation, collapse and come back! Why boss? Sometime even with your friends, you will not be able to handle the conversation, collapse and come back!
So, the essence of today’s satsang: 
Practicing Integrity creates the space of Positivity in you. And practicing
Authenticity creates the space of Possibility in you. 
Decision, you will expand your possibility for you, that clear decision you will
expand your possibility for you, you will not be satisfied your possibility for you; see
you will not be satisfied with what you are now to you, you will decide to
continuously expand your possibility for you, is more than enough! You do not need
any other separate practice. That is the good news I have for you. You do not need
to do any sadhana, practice, blowing the nose, standing upside down! No! Nothing
is required! Conscious decision is enough!
Why do you think the Zen, Zen Buddhism has become so popular all over the world,
but not Advaitha Vedantha? Originally, Zen is from Advaitha vedantha. It has
evolved from the Advaitha philosophy. But Zen has become so popular, not
Advaitha. The reason is, Zen emphasizes on the truth of Declaration is enough.
Decision is enough. Cognitive shift is enough! Somehow, unfortunately, all of us we
Advaithis are stuck with some form of practice without making people understand
the importance of cognitive shift. Cognitive shift itself will make you live the
principles. It is unfortunate we do not understand the importance of Cognitive shift!
We think some form of practice is required. I do promote spiritual practices like
Kriyas, Yoga, Pranayam for the purpose of purifying your bio-memory, purifying
your body, to cure some diseases, but I tell you, the first priority in spiritual life.
That may be like a pickle, but that is not main meal! Main meal is cognitive shift!
Shift in your cognition, shift in your perception, shift in your decision! 
Understand, how many of you experienced this in your life that not able to handle the conversation, collapsing and coming back? Raise your hand. All of you have a deep restlessness within you! Not able to handle a conversation is the direct side effect of unable to handle your perception about you. You may ask how these two are connected. I will expand - Deep dissatisfaction about who you are, and your expectation about who you should be is far away; why it is far away? Because, you do not feel you are responsible to create who you want to be. You think, suddenly overnight, one day morning you will wake up, by some boon or a blessing or miracle, you will have whom you want to be as you. It is the gap between who you are and who you want to be without responsibility is Greed! With responsibility, is Possibility! Who you are is here. Who you want to be is there in that balcony. When there is no responsibility-bridge, it is Greed. When there is a responsibility-bridge, you are building the responsibility-bridge to achieve that who you want to be, then that who you want to be becomes Possibility, no more a Greed!
Even Rama has to build a bridge to reach Sita! The bridge is the “Responsibility”. When you add Responsibility towards your Greed, suddenly the gap reduces. Drastically the gap reduces! Responsibility infused into thinking removes agitation and disconnect with you. Please understand, the disconnection exists between you and your possibility, is the reason for non-communication. How many of you feel you have stage [[fear]], you cannot communicate in the stage, you cannot speak in front of a crowd? Raise your hand. I tell you, you cannot speak even with you! Speaking with you and speaking with a crowd is one and the same.
I will give you the gist of this part in Hindi, the second principle which I was talking
If you think you can’t handle a conversation with you, sometime you can see, after three or four arguments with yourself, you say, “Aah, why to think of all these things? Leave it! Anyhow, this all will not get into my head! I can’t do all this!’ You just drop conversation with you. Means, you are not able to handle your own doubts! You say, ‘I’ll be successful in this! I’ll achieve this!’ Then part of your mind creates doubts! ‘How can this be? This is your performance! This is your qualification! This is the way you behaved earlier! How are you going to say you are going to achieve it? How is it possible by you to do this? Then you don’t have answer, you just dump it! ‘No, No! I will do it in some way! Don’t bother!’ You escape from that conversation. How many of you cognize you have this kind of conversations in you? So, you are not able to even handle you! There is a communication gap between you and you. The communication is not happening even between you and you! You are not able to convince even you! Then, how are you going to get into the stage and convince the people in front of you? When you don’t convince you, when you are not able to convince you, you develop a feeling you are a fool! You are stupid!
Please understand, incomplete conversations with you, how much ever you try to push it under the carpet, does not die! It runs around like a Tom and Jerry! See, in the Tom and Jerry cartoon, the Tom or Jerry who has gone under the carpet does not keep quiet or sleep! He will be running around! You can see the carpet going up and down! Same way, the incompletions pushed under your inner space, saying, ‘No, no, no, no, no! This all I can’t handle! I will win! Somehow I will win! Why are you asking too many questions? Somehow I will win! Keep quiet!’ When you push your own questions without the completion under the carpet, they are not going to die! They are not going to keep quiet! Now or tomorrow, now or tomorrow, today or tomorrow, you have to face those questions! You have to face those incompletions! You have to face that part of you! When you can’t face that part of you, when you can’t communicate with that part of you, the non-communication becomes your lifestyle.
I will move to the next principle, third principle. Please understand, I will remind
you by giving the gist. With Integrity, the inner space is raised to Positivity. With
Authenticity, Authenticity means, what you are for you. There is so much of
miscommunication with you by you. Many time, you are not able to handle your
own doubts, your own questions. Do not suppress your own questions about you.
Face them with responsibility. Come to reality. Your own questions about you is
nothing but reminding you to be reality - Reminding you to be in, with, for reality;
reminding you to be in reality, with reality, for reality. The corner of your own mind
questioning you, if you dig deep, that will be the totality of your teacher, your
uncle, your critics, your mother-in-law, all of them put together, will be sitting as
part of you, inside you. Learn to handle that part. You will expand your possibility.
When part of you is not in communication with you, you will not be in
communication with others also. Anything which you have not convinced you, you
will not be able to convince others. 
I tell you, you not able to get into a stage and not able to speak, you not able to communicate to a group of people, I will call that as sickness! I will not call that as inability, I will call that as sickness! You should be given handicapped allowance! Unfortunately you do not understand the root of the reason, the root of the problem. Unable to communicate to a group of people is a serious illness! If you ask from my experience, I will term that as unable to live the life, being handicapped!
Please understand, anything which you have not convinced you, you will not be
able to convince others. So, answering the part of you which questions you
constantly without suppressing it. Now you are getting it - Answering the part of
you which is criticizing you without suppressing it or brushing it aside - taking that
part also into confidence with you in your flow of life. See, for example, you
declare, ‘I will make 100 crore money!’ One part of you immediately will start
questioning you. ‘You fool! You can’t work eight hours a day! And in that office itself
you try to cheat, escape, run away! And last time when you got your, your
promotion with the transfer, you did not want to miss this cinema theater, you
stayed back in Delhi without even accepting the transfer, without even accepting
the promotion because it came with a transfer. What kind of a fellow you are? What
do you think? You neither work nor encourage others to work, how are you going to
make 100 crore?’ Then one part of you says ‘Ehh don’t ask me too many questions.
I will have it!’ ‘How?’ ‘That and all you don’t ask! I will have it!’ So, naturally it is
what, it is only suppressing the questioning part of you. If you take responsibility
for that part, you can have breakthrough. ‘No! Last time I was too attached to that
cinema theatre. That’s why I did not accept my promotion which came with the
transfer. Now I am breaking from that pattern. Now I take responsibility for the 100
crore which I am keeping as my aim.’ When you start taking responsibility, you will
melt down that part which constantly criticizes you, and that part will become part
of you. 
Understand, a person who is not in communication with himself will not be able to communicate to a group. And one more secret you need to know, you are not individual, you are a group living in one body! When somebody, when I ask their name, ‘I am Ramachandran’, I say, ‘No! You say “Ramachandran & Co living in one body”!’ Each one of us are a group living in one body! If you can handle your questions and have communication with you, I tell you, you can communicate with any number of people! You can speak in any stage, any group!
Ability to speak to a group of people, communicate to a group of people, is not something extraordinary. It is your basic survival need. With that capacity only your life starts. Because, any achievement, you need to share your ideas with people, you need to enroll others into it. If you don’t have that capacity, till the end you will be working all alone. If your vision has not become mission of many people, it can never be realized as a reality! Only when your mission becomes the mission of many people, it can become reality, in any field, in any field!
Any part which is not part of the solution is problem! Even in your workplace, in
your team, in your Company, in your house, if you are not part of the solution, you
are the problem! Any part which is not part of the solution is the problem! When
you take responsibility, may be the 100 crore may change into 50 or 200; but you
will be in tune, aligned with your solution, with your life’s flow. That is what I call
Authenticity means, “You being in the peak for how you mean to you”. How many
of you are able to cognize what I am saying? “Raising you to be what you mean for
you” is Authenticity. Authenticity is not transparency, just transparency. No! That is
one dimension of Authenticity. When the Shraddha happens in you - the Sanskrit
word “Shraddha” is the all-encompassing translation of the word “Authenticity”. But
“Authenticity” is not all-encompassing translation of the word “Shraddha”. See, our
language, Sanskrit, is originated for the purpose of enlightenment. So the depth of
the ideas these words convey, you can’t translate in English. Because the English is
originated for the purpose of expressing love, the ordinary human emotions,
ordinary human emotions – sex, fear, love, jealousy, war – the ordinary life. So the
language also only has that much of depth. But Sanskrit is evolved, the language is
evolved to communicate (that) which is beyond communication! So naturally the
language has to be so subtle, so subtle! 
So, the essence of today’s satsang:  
Practicing Integrity creates the space of Positivity in you. And practicing Authenticity creates the space of Possibility in you.  
The word “Shraddha”, I translate as “Authenticity” with the definition of “what you
mean to you and what you mean to others, being in peak of it”. That’s all! What
you are supposed to mean to you? Completion, fulfillment of what do you want to
achieve! Am I right? That’s all, what do you need to be, what you are supposed to
be mean to you. The fulfillment of your goal, is the need for you having you in your
life. Am I right? The fulfillment of your goal is the need why you are having you in
your life. You have so many people in your life as part of you – your son, your
father, your mother, your daughter, your wife, your daughter-in-law, your mother-
in-law, your boss, your employee – so many people are involved in your life. So
many people are there as part of your life. Each one of them play a role, bring
something, add something to your life.
Why do you need to be part of your life? To fulfill what you mean, what you
understand as a goal of your life; being in the peak of what you mean for you,
always! If you remember the best moments of your life, sometime it will be the
some high pleasure moments; sometime it will be the highest sacrifice moments;
sometimes it will be the great achievement moments; sometimes it will be the
great moments when you had the right knowledge in your life, spiritual experience
in your life. So, the peak moments of your life, how you were for yourself, keeping
that peak continuously as a lifestyle is what I call Authenticity.
Sometime, you would have had that peak when you saw a big money happening in
your life, or a big social success happening in your life, or a big knowledge or a
spiritual experience happening in your life. It varies from person to person; or a
sense pleasure happening in your life! If you look back, what is the peak of your
moment, peak moment of your life!
Decision, you will expand your possibility for you, that clear decision you will expand your possibility for you, you will not be satisfied your possibility for you; see  you will not be satisfied with what you are now to you, you will decide to continuously expand your possibility for you, is more than enough! You do not need any other separate practice. That is the good news I have for you. You do not need to do any sadhana, practice, blowing the nose, standing upside down! No! Nothing is required! Conscious decision is enough!
If you think some big money happening in your life, ‘that moment was peak of my
life’, you are a Vaishya.
Why do you think the Zen, Zen Buddhism has become so popular all over the world, but not Advaitha Vedantha? Originally, Zen is from Advaitha vedantha. It has evolved from the Advaitha philosophy. But Zen has become so popular, not Advaitha. The reason is, Zen emphasizes on the truth of Declaration is enough. Decision is enough. Cognitive shift is enough! Somehow, unfortunately, all of us we Advaithis are stuck with some form of practice without making people understand the importance of cognitive shift. Cognitive shift itself will make you live the principles. It is unfortunate we do not understand the importance of Cognitive shift! We think some form of practice is required. I do promote spiritual practices like Kriyas, [[Yoga]], Pranayam for the purpose of purifying your bio-memory, purifying your body, to cure some diseases, but I tell you, the first priority in spiritual life. That may be like a pickle, but that is not main meal! Main meal is cognitive shift! Shift in your cognition, shift in your perception, shift in your decision!
If you think a big social success, some award, reward, victory, ‘that moment is the
peak moment of my life’, you are a Kshatriya.
If you think the sense pleasure ‘that was the peak moment of my life’, sorry to say,
you ARE Shudra, because that will not be repeated too many times. The peak
I will give you the gist of this part in Hindi, the second principle which I was talking today.  
moments, if they are dependent on your physical pleasure of your life which can’t
be repeated again and again, you will be Shudra, looking for those moments of
your life with a greed, but deep unfulfillment.
If you feel some knowledge happening, some click happening in your brain about
the life, some clarity, some enlightenment moment, that is the peak of your life,
you are a Brahmana.
Community is not by birth, but by quality of your Being. 
I will give you the gist now in Hindi. 
What do you mean for you, when you remember you, when you sit with you, do
you remember you as a peaceful, joyful friend or as a enemy who will imbalance
you at any time or the bunch of patterns which you are not able to control and
continue to lose things in your life because of your self-made mental set-up and
Sometime I have seen people not able to give up that one pattern of constant
agitation, irritation. They lose thousands of people in their life, but they will not
give up that one pattern! Just one pattern, they will not give up, but they will give
up thousands of people in their lives!
The ‘how’ question can never be answered in a few minutes. The problem is
everybody thinks the “how” question has to be answered in a few minutes. “How”
question needs a long answer. Actually, for all the ‘how’ question, I don’t give
directly any answer. I create the ambience and ideas such a way you discover the
answer. When you discover only you practice. Human mind is such, please, sorry to
say this, it is so unfortunate, human mind is so arrogant, never practices the
solution given by others. Only practices the solutions discovered by themself. So
whenever people ask me the question “how”, I put 200 things in front of them, they
make the combination of that 200, and come up with their own solution, only that
they practice! I have given 108 Kriyas in my website. How many of you have visited
my website? 108 Kriyas I have given. 
People ask me, ‘Swamiji, why did you give 108 Kriyas?’ 
I tell you, you learning one Kriya from a guru, one technique from a guru and
practicing, that period is over. It is now buyer’s market! Even spirituality is a
buyer’s market! No! People are not ready to pick up one solution given by the
Master. No! That time is over! If you are still in that time, you are in medieval
period. You are mediocre. Now people start; No, actually I tell you the truth. If you
are not searching for your own solution, even your seeking has no depth. If you
just take one answer from one person for your “how” question, when you ask
“how”, and somebody gives one answer, you pick up and start living, first thing you
will be failure; second thing, you don’t have depth. Person with depth will not be
able to pick up somebody’s answer. You need varieties of possibility answers, where
you pick up your answer with your involvement. You build your answer. I give only
the blocks. Only then you practice that answer. You live that answer. That is why, if
it comes to meditation, I have given 1,200 meditation techniques. It is available in
our website. When it comes to Kriya, I have given 108 Kriyas. When it comes to the
Pranayamas, I have given 70 Pranayamas. When it comes to Vinyasa Krama, I
have given 108 Vinyasa Kramas. When it comes to Pratyahara, I have given 400
Pratyaharas, varieties. 
I will move to the next principle, third principle. Please understand, I will remind you by giving the gist. With Integrity, the inner space is raised to Positivity. With Authenticity, Authenticity means, what you are for you. There is so much of miscommunication with you by you. Many time, you are not able to handle your own doubts, your own questions. Do not suppress your own questions about you. Face them with responsibility. Come to reality. Your own questions about you is nothing but reminding you to be reality - Reminding you to be in, with, for reality; reminding you to be in reality, with reality, for reality. The corner of your own mind questioning you, if you dig deep, that will be the totality of your teacher, your uncle, your critics, your mother-in-law, all of them put together, will be sitting as part of you, inside you. Learn to handle that part. You will expand your possibility. When part of you is not in communication with you, you will not be in communication with others also. Anything which you have not convinced you, you will not be able to convince others.
I think our website is the largest spiritual repository in the Internet! Largest
spiritual knowledge repository! Because, I believe in Knowledge is free. Please
Please understand, anything which you have not convinced you, you will not be able to convince others. So, answering the part of you which questions you constantly without suppressing it. Now you are getting it - Answering the part of you which is criticizing you without suppressing it or brushing it aside - taking that part also into confidence with you in your flow of life. See, for example, you declare, ‘I will make 100 crore money!’ One part of you immediately will start questioning you. ‘You fool! You can’t work eight hours a day! And in that office itself you try to cheat, escape, run away! And last time when you got your, your promotion with the transfer, you did not want to miss this cinema theater, you stayed back in Delhi without even accepting the transfer, without even accepting the promotion because it came with a transfer. What kind of a fellow you are? What do you think? You neither work nor encourage others to work, how are you going to make 100 crore?’ Then one part of you says ‘Ehh don’t ask me too many questions.  I will have it!’ ‘How?’ ‘That and all you don’t ask! I will have it!’ So, naturally it is what, it is only suppressing the questioning part of you. If you take responsibility for that part, you can have breakthrough. ‘No! Last time I was too attached to that cinema theatre. That’s why I did not accept my promotion which came with the transfer. Now I am breaking from that [[pattern]]. Now I take responsibility for the 100 crore which I am keeping as my aim.’ When you start taking responsibility, you will melt down that part which constantly criticizes you, and that part will become part of you.
understand, I repeat, I believe Knowledge is free. Of course, we ask you to pay
when you come for the program where the experience is offered, where the
experience is offered. With this money, the infrastructure is maintained. But, if you
just want the knowledge, it is freely available. And one more thing, I tell you, in
Any part which is not part of the solution is problem! Even in your workplace, in your team, in your Company, in your house, if you are not part of the solution, you are the problem! Any part which is not part of the solution is the problem! When you take responsibility, may be the 100 crore may change into 50 or 200; but you will be in tune, aligned with your solution, with your life’s flow. That is what I call Authenticity!
these two days, any word you are going to listen from me, is already available in
the YouTube. It is the experience. For that I ask the people to contribute something
Authenticity means, “You being in the peak for how you mean to you”. How many of you are able to cognize what I am saying? “Raising you to be what you mean for you” is Authenticity. Authenticity is not transparency, just transparency. No! That is one dimension of Authenticity. When the [[Shraddha]] happens in you - the Sanskrit word “Shraddha” is the all-encompassing translation of the word “Authenticity”. But “Authenticity” is not all-encompassing translation of the word “Shraddha”. See, our language, Sanskrit, is originated for the purpose of [[enlightenment]]. So the [[depth]] of the ideas these words convey, you can’t translate in English. Because the English is originated for the purpose of expressing love, the ordinary human emotions, ordinary human emotions – sex, fear, love, jealousy, war – the ordinary life. So the language also only has that much of depth. But Sanskrit is evolved, the language is evolved to communicate (that) which is beyond communication! So naturally the language has to be so subtle, so subtle!  
so that the Dhamma, the Wheel of the Dhamma can continuously roll. Otherwise,
Knowledge itself is free. In Vedic tradition we believe Knowledge is free. Now the IT
companies are making softwares as “free source”. See, making the software as free
source is the ultimate business strategy! Ten thousand years before, our Rishis
The word “Shraddha”, I translate as “Authenticity” with the definition of “what you mean to you and what you mean to others, being in peak of it”. That’s all! What you are supposed to mean to you? Completion, fulfillment of what do you want to achieve! Am I right? That’s all, what do you need to be, what you are supposed to be mean to you. The fulfillment of your goal, is the need for you having you in your life. Am I right? The fulfillment of your goal is the need why you are having you in your life. You have so many people in your life as part of you – your son, your father, your mother, your daughter, your wife, your daughter-in-law, your mother-in-law, your boss, your employee – so many people are involved in your life. So many people are there as part of your life. Each one of them play a role, bring something, add something to your life.
know: Make the Knowledge free; that is the way it is going to be kept alive!
So, the essence of today’s satsang-
Why do you need to be part of your life? To fulfill what you mean, what you understand as a goal of your life; being in the peak of what you mean for you, always! If you remember the best moments of your life, sometime it will be the some high pleasure moments; sometime it will be the highest sacrifice moments; sometimes it will be the great achievement moments; sometimes it will be the great moments when you had the right knowledge in your life, spiritual experience in your life. So, the peak moments of your life, how you were for yourself, keeping that peak continuously as a lifestyle is what I call Authenticity.
I repeat, Integrity brings the Space of Positivity, Authenticity brings the Space of
Possibility in you.  
Sometime, you would have had that peak when you saw a big money happening in your life, or a big social success happening in your life, or a big knowledge or a spiritual experience happening in your life. It varies from person to person; or a sense pleasure happening in your life! If you look back, what is the peak of your moment, peak moment of your life!
If you think some big money happening in your life, ‘that moment was peak of my life’, you are a Vaishya.
If you think a big social success, some award, reward, victory, ‘that moment is the peak moment of my life’, you are a Kshatriya.
If you think the sense pleasure ‘that was the peak moment of my life’, sorry to say, you ARE Shudra, because that will not be repeated too many times. The peak moments, if they are dependent on your physical pleasure of your life which can’t be repeated again and again, you will be Shudra, looking for those moments of your life with a greed, but deep unfulfillment.
If you feel some knowledge happening, some click happening in your brain about the life, some clarity, some enlightenment moment, that is the peak of your life, you are a Brahmana.
Community is not by birth, but by quality of your Being.
I will give you the gist now in Hindi.  
What do you mean for you, when you remember you, when you sit with you, do you remember you as a peaceful, joyful friend or as a enemy who will imbalance you at any time or the bunch of patterns which you are not able to control and continue to lose things in your life because of your self-made mental set-up and pattern.
Sometime I have seen people not able to give up that one pattern of constant agitation, irritation. They lose thousands of people in their life, but they will not give up that one pattern! Just one pattern, they will not give up, but they will give up thousands of people in their lives!
The ‘how’ question can never be answered in a few minutes. The problem is everybody thinks the “how” question has to be answered in a few minutes. “How” question needs a long answer. Actually, for all the ‘how’ question, I don’t give directly any answer. I create the ambiance and ideas such a way you discover the answer. When you discover only you practice. Human mind is such, please, sorry to say this, it is so unfortunate, human mind is so arrogant, never practices the solution given by others. Only practices the solutions discovered by themself. So whenever people ask me the question “how”, I put 200 things in front of them, they make the combination of that 200, and come up with their own solution, only that they practice! I have given 108 Kriyas in my website. How many of you have visited my website? 108 Kriyas I have given.
People ask me, ‘Swamiji, why did you give 108 Kriyas?’
I tell you, you learning one Kriya from a guru, one technique from a guru and practicing, that period is over. It is now buyer’s market! Even spirituality is a buyer’s market! No! People are not ready to pick up one solution given by the Master. No! That time is over! If you are still in that time, you are in medieval period. You are mediocre. Now people start; No, actually I tell you the truth. If you are not searching for your own solution, even your [[seeking]] has no depth. If you just take one answer from one person for your “how” question, when you ask “how”, and somebody gives one answer, you pick up and start living, first thing you will be failure; second thing, you don’t have depth. Person with depth will not be able to pick up somebody’s answer. You need varieties of possibility answers, where you pick up your answer with your involvement. You build your answer. I give only the blocks. Only then you practice that answer. You live that answer. That is why, if it comes to meditation, I have given 1,200 meditation techniques. It is available in our website. When it comes to Kriya, I have given 108 Kriyas. When it comes to the Pranayamas, I have given 70 Pranayamas. When it comes to Vinyasa Krama, I have given 108 Vinyasa Kramas. When it comes to Pratyahara, I have given 400 Pratyaharas, varieties.
I think our website is the largest spiritual repository in the Internet! Largest spiritual knowledge repository! Because, I believe in Knowledge is free. Please understand, I repeat, I believe Knowledge is free. Of course, we ask you to pay when you come for the program where the experience is offered, where the experience is offered. With this money, the infrastructure is maintained. But, if you just want the knowledge, it is freely available. And one more thing, I tell you, in these two days, any word you are going to listen from me, is already available in the YouTube. It is the experience. For that I ask the people to contribute something so that the Dhamma, the Wheel of the Dhamma can continuously roll. Otherwise, Knowledge itself is free. In Vedic tradition we believe Knowledge is free. Now the IT companies are making softwares as “free source”. See, making the software as free source is the ultimate business strategy! Ten thousand years before, our Rishis know: Make the Knowledge free; that is the way it is going to be kept alive!
So, the essence of today’s satsang-
I repeat, Integrity brings the Space of Positivity, Authenticity brings the Space of Possibility in you. (HINDI)
'''Photos from the NDY session conducted by Swamiji in Delhi'''
'''Photos from the Nithya Dhyan Yoga (NDY) session conducted by Swamiji in Delhi'''
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===Glimpses from Adikailash===
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== Tags: ==
Paramhamsa Nithyananda, reveal, spiritual, DNA, potential, truth, sick, energy, restless, peace, reality, wish, sacred. 
[[Category: 2013 | 20130427]], [[Category: Special Photo Collections]]
[[Category: 2013]], [[Category: Special Photo Collections]]

Latest revision as of 21:31, 5 December 2023


Discover Your Peak Performance.


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals that the four spiritual principles of life inhabit our very DNA, nourishing the kernel of our potential. Integrity means understanding that what we speak is the truth: that if we say we are sick we become diseased; if we say we are bursting with energy we become lively. Authenticity means that we align with our inner space, that we calm our restlessness and are able to be at peace. Responsibility means building a bridge between our present reality and what we wish to happen. Enriching means establishing our existence in the act of sacred service which expands the lives of others.

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam | Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects for this Nithya satsang. Today’s subject for the Nithya Satsang: “LIVING THESE PRINCIPLES AS A NATURAL FLOW OF LIFE.” Please understand, these four principles – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching – these four principles exist in our very DNA. When these four principles are lived, the seed becomes tree, man realizes his potential. As on now, man is only a possibility. Only with these four principles, when it becomes reality, you experience your actuality. The seed is inbuilt as everything needed for it to become reality. Human being has everything needed in him to become the ultimate reality; the divine reality. This four principles, the spiritual principles continuously inspire, exert, make you experience your ultimate possibility. As I said yesterday, the DNA, the very structure with which human consciousness is built, the natural law of human life – in Sanskrit we use the word “dhamma” – is these four principles. 


With Integrity, the innate intelligence to expand is straightened; the space of Positivity is awakened. With Authenticity, continuously life oozing out in your system is ensured. With Responsibility, standing up what you respond or what you represent, standing up for what you represent happens. With Enriching, the ultimate result of you establishing your existence into everything. You establishing your existence into everything is what I call “serving”. In any form of serving, Enriching, you expand and become part of it. The perception’s possibility, the possibility of perception, possibility of cognition, and the possibility of expansion; possibility of perception, possibility of cognition, possibility of expansion.


The space of perception - Perception is the process happening with the facts and your patterns. How you want to see the facts and the facts, both together, perception is achieved. When you bring Integrity into you, when you bring Integrity into your thinking, complete Integrity, the words you utter to you and to others, has to be experienced as your very life. The word which comes out of your life source does not leave, get disconnected from your life source. So, what happens to that word affects the source of your life. Please understand, it is not like you gave a word, then you and the word are disconnected, whether the word is fulfilled or unfulfilled, it is no way related to your life source. No! The word continues to be connected with you because it is delivered from you. Even though your son is out of your body after you deliver, your child is out of your body after you delivered, it is not that you are disconnected from your child. His good or bad continues to affect you till you exist. Same way, the words which comes out of you continues to have power over you, whether they are fulfilled or unfulfilled, respected or not respected, listened or not listened. Even though it leaves your body, the word you gave leaves you, it does not get disconnected from you; just like your relationship with your children. It is not that after the delivery, of course, after the delivery physically there is no connection, the child is separate, but the relationship exists. With word, any word you utter, the relationship continues to exist. Understanding the word you utter continues to have power over you even after years it is uttered, makes you utter the words with responsibility. 


The words you utter to you and to others, when you experience them as the extension of your life they do directly affect you. When the words uttered by you were never listened, please understand, your Integrity, the completion is disturbed. I tell you if you are talking and few people in front of you are completely restless, not listening, you will never be able to express the complete ideas which you are about to express. You will not be able to have completion in your delivery. Even in the house, when you are talking, the person to whom you are talking, if the person is not listening, if the person is not in the space of listening, the ideas you are going to express will never be delivered. It may lead to argument, but it may never lead to the intelligence transfer. Information transfer is argument. Intelligence transfer is listening. In arguments, informations can be transferred, but never intelligence. Only in listening, intelligence can be transferred.  So understand, I am not proposing this theory of Integrity as an ethics or morality. No! Ethics or morality is very superficial, skin deep. I am proposing this Integrity as the inner awakening process where your possibility is awakened; where your rights are reclaimed. 


As I was telling in the earlier satsangs, it is not even your responsibility. Integrity is not even your responsibility. It is your Right! Just like Padmanabha Swamy Temple treasury! All of you might have heard that the underground of the temple garbha mandir there was huge treasury discovered. With the discovery of that treasury, in overnight that temple became world’s richest temple! Something like overnight! Earlier, Venkateshwara was world’s richest temple; the second was Vatican; third was Sabarimala. But now! Actually, the Thiruvananthapuram temple was 17th. Now, overnight, he became first! The temple has become first! Understand that scene! Same way, there is a treasury in a room. I am giving you the key and forcing you, ‘Go and open and see! Go and open and see! Go and open and see!’ You may think ‘What is this? This Swami is forcing me! He is making me do something which is a responsibility for me, which is a work!’ Till you open and see the treasury for yourself, whatever I am saying is a responsibility, work for you. Once you open and reclaim it, only then you will understand it is your Right! When you start living Integrity, the amazing powers expresses through you. Then you will realize, Integrity is not your Responsibility, it is your Right! It is simply your birthright!  Understand, when you are clear, every word uttered by you is extension of you, continues to be extension of you, till they are completed, either by fulfillment or by completion. They continue to exist. They do not die. The words you utter do not die down. Same way, words you utter to you, do not die down. They continue to exist and disturb your perception, alter your perception.


I can give you one example. If you go on telling for next ten days, ‘I am healthy and energetic! See how I have become young! Suddenly I have become alright! Suddenly I am healthy! Suddenly I am feeling so energetic!’, first two-three days it will look like a false, lie. Next two-three days it will look like hypocrisy. After a week you will see that becomes your way of expressing you. And after ten days, your perception about you will change. Please understand, your perception about you will change, because the words uttered are not dead! They don’t disappear in the air. They continue to exist and influence you. The words uttered, continues to exist and influence you - The space of perception. Same way if you try other way, the other way round. Just next ten days go on telling everybody, ‘I am sick! I am sick! I am sick! I am sick! I have become old! I don’t think I can move my leg! I don’t think I can move my hand! I have joint pains! I have this! I have that!’ Go on be repeating for ten days. You will literally not only feel sick; you will feel like you can’t move out of your bed. You can either make yourself sick or healthy, just by the words you utter! Making you fall sick by the words you utter is very easy. How many of you cognize what I am saying? In your life you can see it very clearly. So, understand, the words you utter are not disconnected from you. They are not dead in the air. Same way, the words you utter to yourself are also not dead in your inner space. Just go on repeating the word, ‘Wow! What a life! What an excitement! So many new, new things happening every day! I am really excited! I am going to live it! I am going to make it!’ Go on repeating these words. Even your loans, debts, problems will look new, new, and exciting you. Even your sufferings will look new every day and will look like a challenges, will be exciting you! Other way round, repeat inside you, ‘It is boring! I don’t think I can make it! I think suicide is the only way! Life is not going to happen!’ Try to repeat for ten days! You will see everything will be boring! When you wake up early morning, you don’t even want to open the eyes. You will say, ‘No, let me lie down for one more hour!’ When you can’t lie down any more, you will be irritated about coffee not being hot or sweet. The agitation will start. Boredom leads to intense agitation towards reality. The constant irritation or agitation is a direct result of boredom and the wrong words being repeated inside you by yourself to yourself.


Understand, either you can be constantly excited…! The words you utter to you and to others continue to influence your perception. Space of Perception where you perceive things can be purified into the Space of Possibility, the ultimate Positivity, by Integrity. When you live Integrity continuously, you became aware of the thoughts and processes happening in the inner space. So, with this one concept, Integrity purifies your perception and creates tremendous positivity.  Sometime people ask me, ‘Can my cancer go away if I repeat again and again “I am healthy! I am healthy! I am healthy!”? It looks too much!’ 

With this clarity and responsibility I am talking. By a constant repetition of Integrity, with Integrity practiced, cancer can be cured! I have done it for thousands of my disciples. Please understand, complete practice of Integrity within you and outside you CAN cure even the diseases like Cancer! I am responsible for what I am saying. Please understand, I am responsible for what I am saying.


I will move to the next principle, how the Authenticity expands the possibility and leads you to the next level space of Possibility.  Before that I will give you the gist in Hindi.

(HINDI) (30:49)

Understand, you have only two; I don’t even want to use the word “Vikalpa”, the perceptions, the options. Your perception IS your option. I am not insensitive to your suffering. Don’t think, I am not a guru, sitting in a forest, in a deep cave, doesn’t have any problems around him, gets the beautiful Ganges water and fruits, and rests his whole life, came suddenly to Delhi to teach; so he is telling, ‘Life is beautiful, smooth, glorious! Don’t have suffering!’ No! I am a guru having enough problem! Enough of people attacked me! Facing enough of persecutions! With this, I am telling you, suffering is option! Your perception is option! Space of Perception can be purified to the Space of Ultimate Positivity by Integrity.  I will move to the next truth, how Authenticity can lead you to the Space of Possibility!  Let me describe Authenticity once more: “Raising yourself constantly to your peak possibility to yourself, your peak possibility to others. What you are for you, what you are for others, raising yourself constantly to its peak.” We don’t have a problem raising ourselves to the peak of what we are for us. Just look in, what you are for you. Many a time, a nagging fighter with whom you can’t have divorce! No, look in! Then you will understand what Krishna says, “Uddharedh Atmanaatmaanam Aatmaanam avasaadhayeth|” “Raise yourself by yourself!”  Sometimes people ask, ‘To tell this, why do we need an incarnation like Krishna?’  If you practice, you will understand so much need to be done in the field of raising you to you! Listen! If you cognize restlessness in you, inability to be in peace with you, be very clear, you have nagging, constantly fighting self with you, which does not allow you to be in tune with you. I will give you one example. I have seen many times people telling me when they go to a temple stand in front of a deity, or when they go to a guru and ask guru some request or prayer, when they talk to that deity or the guru itself their inner space will come up with so many options, “Ask this! Ask this! Ask this!” Finally, they will be so confused what to ask and come back silently. Or, sometimes, even when you go to talk to your boss, ask for a leave, ask for something, you are so messed up in your inner space, you will not be able to handle the conversation, collapse and come back! Why boss? Sometime even with your friends, you will not be able to handle the conversation, collapse and come back! 


Understand, how many of you experienced this in your life that not able to handle the conversation, collapsing and coming back? Raise your hand. All of you have a deep restlessness within you! Not able to handle a conversation is the direct side effect of unable to handle your perception about you. You may ask how these two are connected. I will expand - Deep dissatisfaction about who you are, and your expectation about who you should be is far away; why it is far away? Because, you do not feel you are responsible to create who you want to be. You think, suddenly overnight, one day morning you will wake up, by some boon or a blessing or miracle, you will have whom you want to be as you. It is the gap between who you are and who you want to be without responsibility is Greed! With responsibility, is Possibility! Who you are is here. Who you want to be is there in that balcony. When there is no responsibility-bridge, it is Greed. When there is a responsibility-bridge, you are building the responsibility-bridge to achieve that who you want to be, then that who you want to be becomes Possibility, no more a Greed! Even Rama has to build a bridge to reach Sita! The bridge is the “Responsibility”. When you add Responsibility towards your Greed, suddenly the gap reduces. Drastically the gap reduces! Responsibility infused into thinking removes agitation and disconnect with you. Please understand, the disconnection exists between you and your possibility, is the reason for non-communication. How many of you feel you have stage fear, you cannot communicate in the stage, you cannot speak in front of a crowd? Raise your hand. I tell you, you cannot speak even with you! Speaking with you and speaking with a crowd is one and the same. If you think you can’t handle a conversation with you, sometime you can see, after three or four arguments with yourself, you say, “Aah, why to think of all these things? Leave it! Anyhow, this all will not get into my head! I can’t do all this!’ You just drop conversation with you. Means, you are not able to handle your own doubts! You say, ‘I’ll be successful in this! I’ll achieve this!’ Then part of your mind creates doubts! ‘How can this be? This is your performance! This is your qualification! This is the way you behaved earlier! How are you going to say you are going to achieve it? How is it possible by you to do this? Then you don’t have answer, you just dump it! ‘No, No! I will do it in some way! Don’t bother!’ You escape from that conversation. How many of you cognize you have this kind of conversations in you? So, you are not able to even handle you! There is a communication gap between you and you. The communication is not happening even between you and you! You are not able to convince even you! Then, how are you going to get into the stage and convince the people in front of you? When you don’t convince you, when you are not able to convince you, you develop a feeling you are a fool! You are stupid! 


Please understand, incomplete conversations with you, how much ever you try to push it under the carpet, does not die! It runs around like a Tom and Jerry! See, in the Tom and Jerry cartoon, the Tom or Jerry who has gone under the carpet does not keep quiet or sleep! He will be running around! You can see the carpet going up and down! Same way, the incompletions pushed under your inner space, saying, ‘No, no, no, no, no! This all I can’t handle! I will win! Somehow I will win! Why are you asking too many questions? Somehow I will win! Keep quiet!’ When you push your own questions without the completion under the carpet, they are not going to die! They are not going to keep quiet! Now or tomorrow, now or tomorrow, today or tomorrow, you have to face those questions! You have to face those incompletions! You have to face that part of you! When you can’t face that part of you, when you can’t communicate with that part of you, the non-communication becomes your lifestyle. I tell you, you not able to get into a stage and not able to speak, you not able to communicate to a group of people, I will call that as sickness! I will not call that as inability, I will call that as sickness! You should be given handicapped allowance! Unfortunately you do not understand the root of the reason, the root of the problem. Unable to communicate to a group of people is a serious illness! If you ask from my experience, I will term that as unable to live the life, being handicapped! Understand, a person who is not in communication with himself will not be able to communicate to a group. And one more secret you need to know, you are not individual, you are a group living in one body! When somebody, when I ask their name, ‘I am Ramachandran’, I say, ‘No! You say “Ramachandran & Co living in one body”!’ Each one of us are a group living in one body! If you can handle your questions and have communication with you, I tell you, you can communicate with any number of people! You can speak in any stage, any group! Ability to speak to a group of people, communicate to a group of people, is not something extraordinary. It is your basic survival need. With that capacity only your life starts. Because, any achievement, you need to share your ideas with people, you need to enroll others into it. If you don’t have that capacity, till the end you will be working all alone. If your vision has not become mission of many people, it can never be realized as a reality! Only when your mission becomes the mission of many people, it can become reality, in any field, in any field!


So, the essence of today’s satsang:  Practicing Integrity creates the space of Positivity in you. And practicing Authenticity creates the space of Possibility in you.  Decision, you will expand your possibility for you, that clear decision you will expand your possibility for you, you will not be satisfied your possibility for you; see you will not be satisfied with what you are now to you, you will decide to continuously expand your possibility for you, is more than enough! You do not need any other separate practice. That is the good news I have for you. You do not need to do any sadhana, practice, blowing the nose, standing upside down! No! Nothing is required! Conscious decision is enough! Why do you think the Zen, Zen Buddhism has become so popular all over the world, but not Advaitha Vedantha? Originally, Zen is from Advaitha vedantha. It has evolved from the Advaitha philosophy. But Zen has become so popular, not Advaitha. The reason is, Zen emphasizes on the truth of Declaration is enough. Decision is enough. Cognitive shift is enough! Somehow, unfortunately, all of us we Advaithis are stuck with some form of practice without making people understand the importance of cognitive shift. Cognitive shift itself will make you live the principles. It is unfortunate we do not understand the importance of Cognitive shift! We think some form of practice is required. I do promote spiritual practices like Kriyas, Yoga, Pranayam for the purpose of purifying your bio-memory, purifying your body, to cure some diseases, but I tell you, the first priority in spiritual life. That may be like a pickle, but that is not main meal! Main meal is cognitive shift! Shift in your cognition, shift in your perception, shift in your decision! 


I will give you the gist of this part in Hindi, the second principle which I was talking today. 

(HINDI) (52:32)

I will move to the next principle, third principle. Please understand, I will remind you by giving the gist. With Integrity, the inner space is raised to Positivity. With Authenticity, Authenticity means, what you are for you. There is so much of miscommunication with you by you. Many time, you are not able to handle your own doubts, your own questions. Do not suppress your own questions about you. Face them with responsibility. Come to reality. Your own questions about you is nothing but reminding you to be reality - Reminding you to be in, with, for reality; reminding you to be in reality, with reality, for reality. The corner of your own mind questioning you, if you dig deep, that will be the totality of your teacher, your uncle, your critics, your mother-in-law, all of them put together, will be sitting as part of you, inside you. Learn to handle that part. You will expand your possibility. When part of you is not in communication with you, you will not be in communication with others also. Anything which you have not convinced you, you will not be able to convince others. 

Please understand, anything which you have not convinced you, you will not be able to convince others. So, answering the part of you which questions you constantly without suppressing it. Now you are getting it - Answering the part of you which is criticizing you without suppressing it or brushing it aside - taking that part also into confidence with you in your flow of life. See, for example, you declare, ‘I will make 100 crore money!’ One part of you immediately will start questioning you. ‘You fool! You can’t work eight hours a day! And in that office itself you try to cheat, escape, run away! And last time when you got your, your promotion with the transfer, you did not want to miss this cinema theater, you stayed back in Delhi without even accepting the transfer, without even accepting the promotion because it came with a transfer. What kind of a fellow you are? What do you think? You neither work nor encourage others to work, how are you going to make 100 crore?’ Then one part of you says ‘Ehh don’t ask me too many questions. I will have it!’ ‘How?’ ‘That and all you don’t ask! I will have it!’ So, naturally it is what, it is only suppressing the questioning part of you. If you take responsibility for that part, you can have breakthrough. ‘No! Last time I was too attached to that cinema theatre. That’s why I did not accept my promotion which came with the transfer. Now I am breaking from that pattern. Now I take responsibility for the 100 crore which I am keeping as my aim.’ When you start taking responsibility, you will melt down that part which constantly criticizes you, and that part will become part of you. 


Any part which is not part of the solution is problem! Even in your workplace, in your team, in your Company, in your house, if you are not part of the solution, you are the problem! Any part which is not part of the solution is the problem! When you take responsibility, may be the 100 crore may change into 50 or 200; but you will be in tune, aligned with your solution, with your life’s flow. That is what I call Authenticity! 

Authenticity means, “You being in the peak for how you mean to you”. How many of you are able to cognize what I am saying? “Raising you to be what you mean for you” is Authenticity. Authenticity is not transparency, just transparency. No! That is one dimension of Authenticity. When the Shraddha happens in you - the Sanskrit word “Shraddha” is the all-encompassing translation of the word “Authenticity”. But “Authenticity” is not all-encompassing translation of the word “Shraddha”. See, our language, Sanskrit, is originated for the purpose of enlightenment. So the depth of the ideas these words convey, you can’t translate in English. Because the English is originated for the purpose of expressing love, the ordinary human emotions, ordinary human emotions – sex, fear, love, jealousy, war – the ordinary life. So the language also only has that much of depth. But Sanskrit is evolved, the language is evolved to communicate (that) which is beyond communication! So naturally the language has to be so subtle, so subtle! 


The word “Shraddha”, I translate as “Authenticity” with the definition of “what you mean to you and what you mean to others, being in peak of it”. That’s all! What you are supposed to mean to you? Completion, fulfillment of what do you want to achieve! Am I right? That’s all, what do you need to be, what you are supposed to be mean to you. The fulfillment of your goal, is the need for you having you in your life. Am I right? The fulfillment of your goal is the need why you are having you in your life. You have so many people in your life as part of you – your son, your father, your mother, your daughter, your wife, your daughter-in-law, your mother- in-law, your boss, your employee – so many people are involved in your life. So many people are there as part of your life. Each one of them play a role, bring something, add something to your life. Why do you need to be part of your life? To fulfill what you mean, what you understand as a goal of your life; being in the peak of what you mean for you, always! If you remember the best moments of your life, sometime it will be the some high pleasure moments; sometime it will be the highest sacrifice moments; sometimes it will be the great achievement moments; sometimes it will be the great moments when you had the right knowledge in your life, spiritual experience in your life. So, the peak moments of your life, how you were for yourself, keeping that peak continuously as a lifestyle is what I call Authenticity. Sometime, you would have had that peak when you saw a big money happening in your life, or a big social success happening in your life, or a big knowledge or a spiritual experience happening in your life. It varies from person to person; or a sense pleasure happening in your life! If you look back, what is the peak of your moment, peak moment of your life!

If you think some big money happening in your life, ‘that moment was peak of my life’, you are a Vaishya. If you think a big social success, some award, reward, victory, ‘that moment is the peak moment of my life’, you are a Kshatriya. If you think the sense pleasure ‘that was the peak moment of my life’, sorry to say, you ARE Shudra, because that will not be repeated too many times. The peak moments, if they are dependent on your physical pleasure of your life which can’t be repeated again and again, you will be Shudra, looking for those moments of your life with a greed, but deep unfulfillment. If you feel some knowledge happening, some click happening in your brain about the life, some clarity, some enlightenment moment, that is the peak of your life, you are a Brahmana. Community is not by birth, but by quality of your Being. 

(1:04:16) I will give you the gist now in Hindi.  (HINDI) What do you mean for you, when you remember you, when you sit with you, do you remember you as a peaceful, joyful friend or as a enemy who will imbalance you at any time or the bunch of patterns which you are not able to control and continue to lose things in your life because of your self-made mental set-up and pattern.  Sometime I have seen people not able to give up that one pattern of constant agitation, irritation. They lose thousands of people in their life, but they will not give up that one pattern! Just one pattern, they will not give up, but they will give up thousands of people in their lives! The ‘how’ question can never be answered in a few minutes. The problem is everybody thinks the “how” question has to be answered in a few minutes. “How” question needs a long answer. Actually, for all the ‘how’ question, I don’t give directly any answer. I create the ambience and ideas such a way you discover the answer. When you discover only you practice. Human mind is such, please, sorry to say this, it is so unfortunate, human mind is so arrogant, never practices the solution given by others. Only practices the solutions discovered by themself. So whenever people ask me the question “how”, I put 200 things in front of them, they make the combination of that 200, and come up with their own solution, only that they practice! I have given 108 Kriyas in my website. How many of you have visited my website? 108 Kriyas I have given.  People ask me, ‘Swamiji, why did you give 108 Kriyas?’  I tell you, you learning one Kriya from a guru, one technique from a guru and practicing, that period is over. It is now buyer’s market! Even spirituality is a buyer’s market! No! People are not ready to pick up one solution given by the Master. No! That time is over! If you are still in that time, you are in medieval period. You are mediocre. Now people start; No, actually I tell you the truth. If you are not searching for your own solution, even your seeking has no depth. If you just take one answer from one person for your “how” question, when you ask “how”, and somebody gives one answer, you pick up and start living, first thing you will be failure; second thing, you don’t have depth. Person with depth will not be able to pick up somebody’s answer. You need varieties of possibility answers, where you pick up your answer with your involvement. You build your answer. I give only the blocks. Only then you practice that answer. You live that answer. That is why, if it comes to meditation, I have given 1,200 meditation techniques. It is available in our website. When it comes to Kriya, I have given 108 Kriyas. When it comes to the Pranayamas, I have given 70 Pranayamas. When it comes to Vinyasa Krama, I have given 108 Vinyasa Kramas. When it comes to Pratyahara, I have given 400 Pratyaharas, varieties. 


I think our website is the largest spiritual repository in the Internet! Largest spiritual knowledge repository! Because, I believe in Knowledge is free. Please understand, I repeat, I believe Knowledge is free. Of course, we ask you to pay when you come for the program where the experience is offered, where the experience is offered. With this money, the infrastructure is maintained. But, if you just want the knowledge, it is freely available. And one more thing, I tell you, in these two days, any word you are going to listen from me, is already available in the YouTube. It is the experience. For that I ask the people to contribute something so that the Dhamma, the Wheel of the Dhamma can continuously roll. Otherwise, Knowledge itself is free. In Vedic tradition we believe Knowledge is free. Now the IT companies are making softwares as “free source”. See, making the software as free source is the ultimate business strategy! Ten thousand years before, our Rishis know: Make the Knowledge free; that is the way it is going to be kept alive! So, the essence of today’s satsang- I repeat, Integrity brings the Space of Positivity, Authenticity brings the Space of Possibility in you.



Photos from the Nithya Dhyan Yoga (NDY) session conducted by Swamiji in Delhi


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Glimpses from Adikailash


Paramhamsa Nithyananda, reveal, spiritual, DNA, potential, truth, sick, energy, restless, peace, reality, wish, sacred.,