Story: Story of Kumbha Mela by Nithyananda - 9th Feb 2013 Satsang

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In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives a preview of the great ceremonial bath which will take place tomorrow. There will be no formal satsang for the sangha since the bath is performed in the early morning, but streaming video will be available throughout the day so that others can share in the exciting events. Each spiritual organization will immerse their members in the Ganga River, led by their masters. Nithyananda is the head of the very first group, and will lead the procession. He tells us that the water will grow tangibly warm from the abundance of spiritual energy as the masters spread their light through the waves; and He alerts us that the river's flow will actually reverse its flow, that eyewitnesses will be able to see it. Nithyananda also continues the story of the Churning of the Milky Ocean. At first the gods and demons argued and struggled over who was to gather the nectar of immortality. In their struggle the collection jug (kalasha) was lost in the ocean. The gods and demons complained first to Brahma, then to Vishnu and finally Vishnu Himself appealed to Shiva, to retrieve the jug and obtain the nectar. Shiva told them they must take the responsibility to work as a team and churn the nectar out of the ocean. Shiva knew that this enforced cooperation would stop the fighting. The gods and demons constructed a giant churn using Mount Meru as the handle, and the World Serpent Adi-Shesha as the rope to turn the handle. The story will continue at the next satsang.

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